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Application possibilities of the low-temperature repairs on creep-resistance turbine components from material GX23CrMoV12-1
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FE-modeling of shear resistance degradation in granular materials during cyclic shearing under CNS condition
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki numerycznej analizy degradacji wytrzymałości na ścinanie w materiałach granulowanych podczas cyklicznego ścinania z warunkiem stałej sztywności normalnej. Obliczenia wykonano przy zastosowaniu metody elementów skończonych i mikropolarnego modelu hipoplastycznego.
Analytical methods for exhaustive characterization of Brassica plants and dietary products based on them
PublicationGlucosinolates (GLs), and particularly two classes of their degradation products - isothiocyanates (ITC) and indoles - released upon myrosinase catalyzed hydrolysis, belong to the most promising chemopreventive dietary components. Despite their wide use in plant research, studies on chemopreventive mechanisms and industrial utilization in the production of e.g. dietary supplements, the methods of reliable characterization of myrosinase-GLs...
Analysis of Methods for Determining Shallow Waterbody Depths Based on Images Taken by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
PublicationHydrographic surveys enable the acquisition and processing of bathymetric data, which after being plotted onto nautical charts, can help to ensure safety of navigation, monitor changes in the coastal zone, and assess hydro-engineering structure conditions. This study involves the measurement of waterbody depth, identification of the seabed shape and geomorphology, the coastline course, and the location of underwater obstacles....
Genetic Background and Antibiotic Resistance Profiles of K. pneumoniae NDM-1 Strains Isolated from UTI, ABU, and the GI Tract, from One Hospital in Poland, in Relation to Strains Nationally and Worldwide
PublicationIn recent years, there has been an observed increase in infections caused by carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumonia (Kp) strains. The aim of this study was the phenotypic and genotypic analysis of eight K. pneumoniae NDM (Kp NDM) isolates, recovered in Poland during the years 2016 and 2018 from seven patients with urinary tract infections (UTIs), asymptomatic bacteriuria (ABU), or colonization of the gut. PCR melting profile...
Analysis of Transformation Methods of Hydroacoustic and Optoelectronic Data Based on the Tombolo Measurement Campaign in Sopot
PublicationMeasurements in the coastal zone are carried out using various methods, including Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), hydroacoustic and optoelectronic methods. Therefore, it is necessary to develop coordinate transformation models that will enable the conversion of data from the land and marine parts to one coordinate system. The article presents selected issues related to the integration of geodetic and hydrographic data....
A Set of Low-power Microcontroller-based Modules Used for Testing of Small Energy Measurement Methods
PublicationEstimation of energy consumption of low-power devices is not widely discussed in the scientific literature, but this topic is getting more and more popular. Evaluation process of newly developed methods and instrumentation requires carefull treatment. In order to fulfill this niche, the set of micro-power microcontroller based devices was proposed. The devices represent typical energy consuption profiles and allow experimental verification...
Analysis of Image Preprocessing and Binarization Methods for OCR-Based Detection and Classification of Electronic Integrated Circuit Labeling
PublicationAutomatic recognition and classification of electronic integrated circuits based on optical character recognition combined with the analysis of the shape of their housings are essential to machine vision methods supporting the production of electronic parts, especially small-volume ones in the through-hole technology, characteristic of printed circuit boards. Since such methods utilize binary images, applying appropriate image...
Evaluation of the Role of the Pharmacological Inhibition of Staphylococcus aureus Multidrug Resistance Pumps and the Variable Levels of the Uptake of the Sensitizer in the Strain-Dependent Response of Staphylococcus aureus to PPArg2-Based Photodynamic Ina
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Ensemble Online Classifier Based on the One-Class Base Classifiers for Mining Data Streams
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Vanadium complexes with salicylaldehyde-based Schiff base ligands—structure, properties and biological activity
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Wojciech Wojnowski dr inż.
PeopleUkończył V Liceum Ogólnokształcące w Gdańsku w klasie o profilu matematyczno-fizycznym z wykładowym językiem angielskim. W 2009 roku rozpoczął studia na Wydziale Chemicznym PG na kierunku technologia chemiczna, uzyskując w 2012 roku tytuł inżyniera, a w 2013 tytuł magistra. W latach 2013–2015 studiował sinologię na Uniwersytecie w Nankinie dzięki uzyskaniu Stypendium Rządu ChRL. Po powrocie do Polski w 2015 roku rozpoczął studia...
Blowing Kinetics, Pressure Resistance, Thermal Stability, and Relaxation of the Amorphous Phase of the PET Container in the SBM Process with Hot and Cold Mold. Part I: Research Methodology and Results
PublicationThe technology of filling drinks without preservatives (such as fresh juices, iced tea drinks, vitaminized drinks) is carried out using hot filling. Mainly due to the production costs and lower carbon footprint, polyethylene terephthalate bottles, commonly called PET, are increasingly used in this technology. In this paper, the main aim is to describe the statistical analysis methodology of the influence of the temperature of the...
Methods of quality characterization of foil-based capacitors
PublicationJakość kondensatorów wykonanych z folii aluminiowej jest zależna od wielu parametrów podczas ich produkcji. Istniejące metody oceny ich jakości nie są doskonałe. Stąd istnieje potrzeba propozycji nowych metod. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań zawartości trzeciej harmonicznej oraz emisji akustycznej występującej pod wpływem naprężenia mechanicznego zwijek foliowych z jakością wytworzenia tych zwijek.
Quality testing methods of foil-based capacitors
PublicationKondensatory foliowe są powszechnie stosowanymi elementami pasywnymi w ukłądach zasilania. Dotychczasowe metody oceny ich jakości są długotrwałe oraz zużywają energię. W pracy przedstawiono propozycje szeregu nowych, bardziej efektywnych metod, które mogą być z sukcesem stosowane podczas ich produkcji.
DNA structure and integrity checkpoints in the cell cycle and their role in drug targeting and resistance of tumor cells to anticancer treatment
PublicationW artykule dokonaliśmy przeglądu literatury dotyczącej różnych typów uszkodzeń DNA indukowanych przez różne czynniki terapeutyczne w komórkach nowotworowych. Omówiliśmy także w jaki sposób aktywują różne typy punktów kontrolnych w cyklu komórkowym i w jaki sposób punkty te są regulowane przez inne szlaki sygnalizacji wewnątrzkomórkowej takie jak szlaki naprawy uszkodzeń DNA, stresu komórkowego i śmierci-przeżycia. W szczególności...
Can Post-Activation Performance Enhancement (PAPE) Improve Resistance Training Volume during the Bench Press Exercise?
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Identification and characterization of tetracycline resistance in Lactococcus lactis isolated from Polish raw milk and fermented artisanal products
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Identification of Selected Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Two Different Wastewater Treatment Plant Systems in Poland: A Preliminary Study
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Analysis of the Resistance Change of Chemosensitive Layers to the Presence of Ammonia Vapors under Variable Conditions of Air Temperature and Humidity
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The influence of plasma-sprayed coatings on surface properties and corrosion resistance of 316L stainless steel for possible implant application
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Corrosion Resistance and Mechanical Properties of TIG and A-TIG Welded Joints of Lean Duplex Stainless Steel S82441 / 1.4662
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Modelling relation between oxidation resistance and tribological properties of non-toxic lubricants with the use of artificial neural networks
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Inhibition of ALDH1A1 activity decreases expression of drug transporters and reduces chemotherapy resistance in ovarian cancer cell lines
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Expression profiles of vault components MVP, TEP1 and vPARP and their correlation to other multidrug resistance proteins in ovarian cancer
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Search for ABCB1 Modulators Among 2-Amine-5-Arylideneimidazolones as a New Perspective to Overcome Cancer Multidrug Resistance
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N-Substituted piperazine derivatives as potential multitarget agents acting on histamine H3 receptor and cancer resistance proteins
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Occurrence of antibiotic resistance among Enterobacterales isolated from raw and ready-to-eat food – phenotypic and genotypic characteristics
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The Effect of C45 Carbon Black-Phosphomolybdic Acid Nanocomposite on Hydrogenation and Corrosion Resistance of La2Ni9Co Hydrogen Storage Alloy
PublicationIn this paper, we analysed the influence of corrosion processes and the addition of a carbon black-heteropoly phosphomolybdic acid (C45-MPA) nanocomposite on the operating parameters of a hydride electrode obtained on the basis of the intermetallic compound La2Ni9Co. The electrochemical properties of negative electrodes for NiMH batteries were studied using galvanostatic charge/discharge curves, the potentiostatic method, and electrochemical...
On the Possibility of Improving the Oxidation Resistance of High-Chromium Ferritic Stainless Steel Using Reactive Element Oxide Nanoparticles
PublicationHigh-chromium ferritic steels are current the only viable candidates for cheap interconnect materials for application in high-temperature solid oxide fuel and electrolyzer cells (HT-SOFCs/SOECs). The durability and operating characteristics of interconnects manufactured using these materials may be improved significantly by applying a protective-conducting MoCo2O4 coating and depositing an intermediate layer consisting of nanoparticles...
Determination of the role of map kinase and PI3K/AKT signaling pathways in the regulation of multidrug resistance proteins in thyroid cancer
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Polyethersulfone ultrafiltration membranes modified with hybrid Ag/titanate nanotubes: physicochemical characteristics, antimicrobial properties and fouling resistance
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Assessment of antibiotic resistance and biofilm formation of Enterococcus species isolated from different pig farm environments in Poland
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Displacement piles - classification and methods for the calculation of bearing capacity.
PublicationDisplacement piles belong to a group of technologies whose main idea is to install or make a pile without extracting ground material. According to definition, contained in PN-EN:1997-1:2008, displacement piles should be considered as driven, pressed in using vibrators and made with the use of spread augers. The classification of piles used so far with regard to the technology of execution is modified. An additional element is the...
Medical Image Segmentation Using Deep Semantic-based Methods: A Review of Techniques, Applications and Emerging Trends
PublicationSemantic-based segmentation (Semseg) methods play an essential part in medical imaging analysis to improve the diagnostic process. In Semseg technique, every pixel of an image is classified into an instance, where each class is corresponded by an instance. In particular, the semantic segmentation can be used by many medical experts in the domain of radiology, ophthalmologists, dermatologist, and image-guided radiotherapy. The authors...
Diagnostics of the drive shaft bearing based on vibrations in the high-frequency range as a part of the vehicle's self-diagnostic system
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Fundamenty palowe, obliczenia z zastosowaniem zasad Eurokodu 7 i doświadczeń krajowych
PublicationPrzedstawiono zagadnienia obliczania fundamentów palowych w nawiązaniu do zaleceń Eurokodu 7. Zwrócono uwagę, że zgodnie z założeniami Eurokodu 7, projektant i inżynier ma swobodę w wyborze metod obliczeniowych.Przytoczono i zarekomendowano metody i propozycje miedzy innymi obliczania statycznego układów palowych, określania nośności pali, prognozowania osiadań fundamentów palowych oraz charakterystyk obciążenie-osiadanie pali...
Blowing Kinetics, Pressure Resistance, Thermal Stability, and Relaxation of the Amorphous Phase of the PET Container in the SBM Process with Hot and Cold Mold. Part II: Statistical Analysis and Interpretation of Tests
PublicationThe technology of filling drinks without preservatives (such as fresh juices, iced tea drinks, and vitaminized drinks) is carried out using hot filling. Mainly due to the production costs and lower carbon footprint, polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles are increasingly used in this technology. In this paper, the main aim is to describe and interpret the results of statistical analysis of the influence of the temperature of...
Michał Sobaszek dr hab. inż.
PeopleMichał Sobaszek was born in Gdansk in 1984. In the summer of 2009, he received a Master degree in Materials Engineering at Gdansk University of Technology. Currently, he is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Electronics at the Gdańsk University of Technology. In 2018 he was honoured with the scholarship for the outstanding young researches by the Minister of Science and Higher Education of Poland. For more than 7 years, he...
Empirical Versus Targeted Treatment of Helicobacter pylori Infections in Southern Poland According to the Results of Local Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring
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Inter-laboratory proficiency tests in measuring thermal insulation and evaporative resistance of clothing using the Newton-type thermal manikin
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Sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: is SMN-Gemins protein complex of importance for the relative resistance of oculomotor nucleus motoneurons to degeneration?
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Expression of Osteoblast-Specific Factor 2 (OSF-2, Periostin) Is Associated with Drug Resistance in Ovarian Cancer Cell Lines
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Abrasion Resistance of S235, S355, C45, AISI 304 and Hardox 500 Steels with Usage of Garnet, Corundum and Carborundum Abrasives
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Effect of high pressure processing on changes in antibiotic resistance genes expression among strains from commercial starter cultures
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Core loss resistance impact on sensorless speed control of an induction motor using hybrid adaptive sliding mode observer
PublicationInduction motors (IMs) experience power losses when a portion of the input power is converted to heat instead of driving the load. The combined effect of copper losses, core losses, and mechanical losses results in IM power losses. Unfortunately, the core losses in the motor, which have a considerable impact on its energy efficiency, are not taken into account by the generally employed dynamic model in the majority of the studies. Due...
Development and Assessment of Regeneration Methods for Peptide-Based QCM Biosensors in VOCs Analysis Applications
PublicationCleaning a quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) plays a crucial role in the regeneration of its biosensors for reuse. Imprecise removal of a receptor layer from a transducer’s surface can lead to unsteady operation during measurements. This article compares three approaches to regeneration of the piezoelectric transducers using the electrochemical, oxygen plasma and Piranha solution methods. Optimization of the cleaning method allowed...
PublicationIn this paper, we examined whether entropy-based methods are able to differentiate healthy individuals from patients with congestive heart failure. To this aim, we applied two methods: Permutation Entropy and Block Entropy. Long-term ECG recordings (75 000 RR intervals) were analyzed. The results proved that both methods can distinguish those groups on condition that the parameters are appropriately chosen.
C421 allele-specific ABCG2 gene amplification confers resistance to the antitumor triazoloacridone C-1305 in human lung cancer cells
PublicationGen ABCG2 charakteryzuje polimorficzność pozycji C341, która jest związana ze znacznym obniżeniem ekspresji tego genu i zdolności do transportu przez błonę komórkową. W pracy wykazaliśmy, że komórki raka płuc, które nabyły oporności na związek C-1305, zmieniły fenotyp z heterozygotycznego w odniesieniu do genu ABCG2 i wykazują amplifikację jedynie allelu C341 genu oraz zwiększoną zawartość mRNA i zmutowanego białka pompy ABCG2...
Do not die, become senescent: a new type of cellular resistance induced by topoisomerase II inhibitors in tumor cells with functional p53
PublicationJednym z efektów wywoływanych przez związki przeciwnowotworowe w komórkach nowotworowych jest trwałe zahamowanie wzrostu, związane z pojawieniem się markerów procesu starzenia komórkowego. Proponuje się, że może to być nowy sposób na zahamowanie postępu choroby nowotworowej. W naszych badaniach wykazujemy, że zahamowanie wzrostu indukowane przez związki z grupy inhibitorów topoizomerazy II w komórkach raka płuc A549 jest związane...