Search results for: AUTODESK FUSION 360
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e-Learning Courses© 2017 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
Fusion 360 - Podstawy
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Wprowadzenie do Fusion 360
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AutoCAD/Fusion 360 - certyfikat uczestnika
e-Learning CoursesTen kurs jest dla osób ubiegających się o certyfikat udziału w szkoleniu AutoCAD lub Fusion 360. Uczestnik znajdzie tutaj informacje dotyczące rejestracji, opłat oraz wydawania certyfikatów.
Paweł Burdziakowski dr inż.
PeoplePaweł Burdziakowski, PhD, is a professional in low-altitude aerial photogrammetry and remote sensing, marine and aerial navigation. He is also a licensed flight instructor and software developer. His main areas of interest are digital photogrammetry, navigation of unmanned platforms and unmanned systems, including aerial, surface, underwater. He conducts research in algorithms and methods to improve the quality of spatial measurements...
PublicationProjekt ERASMUS+ Partnerstwo Strategiczne na Rzecz Kreatywności i Przedsiębiorczości (ang. Strategic Partnership for Creativity and Entrepreneurship - SP4CE) dotyczył wdrażania i upowszechniania innowacyjnych rozwiązań wzmacniających współpracę europejską w dziedzinie kształcenia i szkolenia zawodowego. Działania projektowe były związane z promowaniem innowacyjnych praktyk w edukacji oraz szkoleniach poprzez wspieranie spersonalizowanych...
Elementy grafiki inżynierskiej i CAD
e-Learning CoursesKurs ma celu nauczyć studentów rysunku technicznego i maszynowego oraz projektowania 3D w programie Fusion 360.
Multibeam Echosounder and LiDAR in Process of 360-Degree Numerical Map Production for Restricted Waters with HydroDron
PublicationIn order to increase the safety of inland navigation and facilitate the monitoring of the coastal zone of restricted waters, a model of multi-sensory fusion of data from hydroacoustic and optoelectronic systems mounted on the autonomous survey vessel HydroDron will be developed. In the research will be used the LiDAR laser scanner and multibeam echosounder. To increase the visual quality and map accuracy, additionally side scan...
Wykorzystanie e-narzędzi w nauczaniu, egzaminacji i certyfikacji Autodesk
PublicationAutoryzowane Centrum Szkolenia Autodesk Politechniki Gdańskiej zostało założone w 1995 roku. Stanowiło odpowiedź na rosnące zainteresowanie zdobywaniem umiejętności obsługi oprogramowania typu CAD wśród studentów i młodych inżynierów. Rosnące zainteresowanie zaowocowało stopniowym wdrażaniem kolejnych narzędzi e-learningowych. Wraz ze zdobyciem statusu Autoryzowanego Akademickiego Partnera Autodesk w 2016 roku pojawiły się nowe...
Impact response of novel layered two stage fibrous composite slabs with different support type
PublicationThe performance of novel Layered Two Stage Fibrous Composite slabs (LTSFC) was pioneered under falling mass collisions using a combined experimental and numerical study. Such LTSFC slabs consist of three layers with and without the insertion of glass fibre mesh between the layers. LTSFC techniques were used to fabricate the composite slabs with three layers including 3%, 1.5%, and 3% of fibre content for the top, middle, and...
Certyfikacja Autodesk - Certiport
e-Learning CoursesCertyfikacja Autodesk - Certiport jest wspólnym działaniem ACSA PG i WZiE. Certiport to dostawca uznawanych na całym świecie certyfikacji w zakresie IT (Information Technology). Współpracuje z partnerami z ponad 50 krajów na wszystkich kontynentach i jest obecny w ponad 12 tys. Ośrodków Szkoleniowych i Testowych na całym świecie. Ponad 10 mln osób posiada jakikolwiek certyfikat Certiport, będący doskonałym impulsem dla rozwoju...
Sensors and Sensor’s Fusion in Autonomous Vehicles
PublicationAutonomous vehicle navigation has been at the center of several major developments, both in civilian and defense applications. New technologies such as multisensory data fusion, big data processing, and deep learning are changing the quality of areas of applications, improving the sensors and systems used. New ideas such as 3D radar, 3D sonar, LiDAR, and others are based on autonomous vehicle revolutionary development. The Special...
Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis = Wymiarowanie Konstrukcji Stalowych i Żelbetowych : Przyklady Obliczeń
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono przykłady wymiarowania konstrukcji stalowych i żelbetowych z wykorzystaniem programu Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional.
Radar data fusion in the STRADAR system
PublicationThe main task of the Polish Border Guard is protection of the country’s border which requires utilization of multimedia surveillance systems automatically gathering, processing and sharing various data. The paper presents such a system developed for the Maritime Division of the Polish Border Guard within the STRADAR project and the problem of fusion of radar data in this system. The system, apart from providing communication means,...
Implementing SP4CE Learning Rooms concept and AUTODESK online certification in the preparation of a new generation of engineers.
PublicationIn academia, educators do not always cope with rapidly changing technologies. Yet keeping up with new trends is essential to graduates’ success in a competitive job market. In the article, the author will answer the question of how Autodesk University Open Educational Resources and Certiport exams including GMetrix can enhance students’ academic progress and prepare them for future career. The concept of co-operation between Authorized...
Modal analysis of railway current collectors using Autodesk Inventor
PublicationThe paper presents the results of modal analysis of railway current collector type 160EC. In the first place, the analysis was carried out analytically for a simplified two lumped mass pantograph model. Then numerical analysis was conducted in the Autodesk Inventor (AI) on the prepared multibody model using the AI modal analysis algorithm, which is based on the finite element method (FEM). Model elements which are most relevant...
Evaluation of Decision Fusion Methods for Multimodal Biometrics in the Banking Application
PublicationAn evaluation of decision fusion methods based on Dempster-Shafer Theory (DST) and its modifications is presented in the article, studied over real biometric data from the engineered multimodal banking client verification system. First, the approaches for multimodal biometric data fusion for verification are explained. Then the proposed implementation of comparison scores fusion is presented, including details on the application...
Analysis of data fusion algorithms for the vessel with the dynamic positioning system
PublicationThe dynamic positioning (DP) system on the vessel is operated to control the position and heading of the vessel with the use of propellers and thrusters installed on the board. On DP vessels redundant measurement systems of position, heading and the magnitude and direction of environmental forces are required for safety at sea. In this case, a fusion of data is needed from individual measurement devices. The article proposes a...
Ambisoniczna mapa wybranych miejsc w Trójmieście z obrazem 360°
PublicationW projekcie, który zostanie opisany w niniejszym rozdziale, założonym celem było stworzenie ambisonicznej mapy Trójmiasta w formie aplikacji internetowej. Materiały wideo w technologii 360° z dźwiękiem w postaci sygnału ambisonicznego zostały zarejestrowane w wybranych lokalizacjach uznanych za charakterystyczne dla tej aglomeracji. Celem badawczym projektu było porównanie dostępnych algorytmów miksowania sygnałów ambisonicznych...
Badania dynamiki ruchu odbieraków prądu z wykorzystaniem programu Autodesk Inventor
PublicationRozwój kolei dużych prędkości stawia coraz wyższe wymagania w zakresie konstrukcji i utrzymania sieci trakcyjnych oraz odbieraków prądu. Głównym problemem technicznym jest konieczność zapewnienia ciągłości styku pomiędzy przewodem jezdnym a nakładkami stykowymi ślizgacza. Współpraca pomiędzy elementami zestyku ślizgowego zależy w istotnym stopniu od zastosowanej konstrukcji odbieraka i wartości parametrów, zwłaszcza tych, które...
Zastosowanie modułu symulacji dynamicznej programu Autodesk Inventor do badań właściwości dynamicznych odbieraków prądu
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wybrane zagadnienia komputerowego modelowania 3D podzespołów kolejowego odbieraka prądu typu 160 EC oraz jego złożenie jako integralnej konstrukcji w programie Autodesk Inventor. Omówiono sposób implementacji modelu 3D odbieraka w Module Symulacji Dynamicznej (MSD). W symulacji komputerowej badano proces unoszenia się odbieraka pod wpływem zadanego momentu obrotowego. Pokazano wybrane wyniki symulacji dynamicznej...
Crohns & Colitis 360
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Fusion-based Representation Learning Model for Multimode User-generated Social Network Content
PublicationAs mobile networks and APPs are developed, user-generated content (UGC), which includes multi-source heterogeneous data like user reviews, tags, scores, images, and videos, has become an essential basis for improving the quality of personalized services. Due to the multi-source heterogeneous nature of the data, big data fusion offers both promise and drawbacks. With the rise of mobile networks and applications, UGC, which includes...
Spatial Visualization Based on Geodata Fusion Using an Autonomous Unmanned Vessel
PublicationThe visualization of riverbeds and surface facilities on the banks is crucial for systems that analyze conditions, safety, and changes in this environment. Hence, in this paper, we propose collecting, and processing data from a variety of sensors—sonar, LiDAR, multibeam echosounder (MBES), and camera—to create a visualization for further analysis. For this purpose, we took measurements from sensors installed on an autonomous, unmanned...
A commonly-accessible toolchain for live streaming music events with higher-order ambisonic audio and 4k 360 vision
PublicationAn immersive live stream is especially interesting in the ongoing development of telepresence tools, especially in the virtual reality (VR) or mixed reality (MR) domain. This paper explores the remote and immersive way of enabling telepresence for the audience to high-fidelity music performance using freely-available and easily-accessible tools. A functional VR live-streaming toolchain, comprising 360 vision and higher-order ambisonic...
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Data fusion of GPS sensors using Particle Kalman Filter for ship dynamic positioning system
PublicationDepending on standards and class, dynamically positioned ships make use of different numbers of redundant sensors to determine current ship position. The paper presents a multi-sensor data fusion algorithm for the dynamic positioning system which allows it to record the proper signal from a number of sensors (GPS receivers). In the research, the Particle Kalman Filter with data fusion was used to estimate the position of the vessel....
The Positioning Accuracy of BAUV Using Fusion of Data from USBL System and Movement Parameters Measurements
PublicationThe article presents a study of the accuracy of estimating the position coordinates of BAUV (Biomimetic Autonomous Underwater Vehicle) by the extended Kalman filter (EKF) method. The fusion of movement parameters measurements and position coordinates fixes was applied. The movement parameters measurements are carried out by on-board navigation devices, while the position coordinates fixes are done by the USBL (Ultra Short Base...
Fusion of DNA-binding domain of Pyrococcus furiosus ligase with TaqStoffel DNA polymerase as a useful tool in PCR with difficult targets
PublicationThe DNA coding sequence of TaqStoffel polymer- ase was fused with the DNA-binding domain of Pyrococcus furiosus ligase. The resulting novel recombinant gene was cloned and expressed in E. coli. The recombinant enzyme was purified and its enzymatic features were studied. The fusion protein (PfuDBDlig-TaqS) was found to have enhanced processivity as a result of the conversion of the Taq DNA polymerase from a relatively low processive...
Data fusion of sparse, heterogeneous, and mobile sensor devices using adaptive distance attention
PublicationIn environmental science, where information from sensor devices are sparse, data fusion for mapping purposes is often based on geostatistical approaches. We propose a methodology called adaptive distance attention that enables us to fuse sparse, heterogeneous, and mobile sensor devices and predict values at locations with no previous measurement. The approach allows for automatically weighting the measurements according to a priori...
Fusion 2050 – European and Polish Perspective
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Plasma models, contribution matrix for detector setup and generated projections for plasma emissivity reconstruction in fusion devices
Open Research DataThe original plasma models for fusion devices, together with the complementary detector setup in the form of a contribution matrix and generated projections. Samples are packed inside a Plasma Tomography Format (PTF) files which is a part of the Plasma Tomography in Fusion Devices Python package, and inside the general JSON format. The constructed dataset...
Quantitative Landscape Assessment Using LiDAR and Rendered 360° Panoramic Images
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Fatigue of titanium alloy Ti6Al4V with diamond structure obtained by Laser Power Bed Fusion method
PublicationThis paper presents the results of fatigue tests conducted on Ti6Al4V titanium alloy with diamond structure obtained by the Laser Power Bed Fusion method. Samples used in tests were printed with porosities: 81%, 73%, 50%, 34% and near-zero porosity. Samples were subjected to cyclic tests with a constant stress amplitude. The number of cycles until sample failure was registered. Obtained fatigue test results made it possible to...
A Wideband Rotary-Joint-Free H-Plane Horn Antenna With 360° Steerable Radiation Pattern Using Gap Waveguide Technology
PublicationConsidering the limitations of electronically steerable antennas such as limited steering span, gain degradation for large steering angles, complexity, and cost, this article is focused on the design of a simple mechanically steerable H-plane horn antenna. It is shown that since there is no need for an electrical connection between the top and bottom sections of a gap waveguide (GWG), if a sectoral horn is properly designed and realized...
Sensor data fusion techniques for environment modelling
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Fractional Derivatives Application to Image Fusion Problems
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Autodesk AUTOCAD file with the dome's geometry outline
Open Research DataThis dataset consists of an Autodesk AUTOCAD file with the dome's geometry outline.The studies carried out in the "Miniatura 7" scientific grant were devoted to both experimental and theoretical (numerical) measurements executed on a tensegrity dome model (with a Fuller-type grid) to identify the changes in the state of displacements, induced by the...
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Plasma and Fusion Research
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In situ observations of fullerene fusion and ejection in carbon nanotubes
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The construction of bifunctional fusion proteins consisting of MutS and GFP
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Point-pixel fusion for object detection and depth estimation
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The construction of bifunctional fusion proteins consisting of MutS and GFP
PublicationSkonstruowano białka chimeryczne zawierające białko MutS z Thermus thermophilus i białko zielonej fluoresceiny GFP z Aequorea victoria, posiadające dla łatwiejszego oczyszczania domeny oligo-histydynowe na N- lub C-końcu. Fuzyjne białka rozpoznawały niekomplementarności w DNA podobnie do MutS T. thermophilus. Fluorescencyjne białka rozpoznające niekomplementarne DNA mogą być użyteczne w wykrywaniu jednonukleotydowych polimorfizmów...
Fusion of data from AIS and tracking radar for the needs of ECDIS
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Remote measurement of building usable floor area - Algorithms fusion
PublicationRapid changes that are taking place in the urban environment have significant impact on urban growth. Most cities and urban regions all over the world compete to increase resident and visitor satisfaction. The growing requirements and rapidity of introducing new technologies to all aspects of residents' lives force cities and urban regions to implement "smart cities" concepts in their activities. Real estate is one of the principal...
Fatigue Damage Evolution in SS316L Produced by Powder Bed Fusion in Different Orientations with Reused Powder Feedstock
PublicationBackground Metal Laser Powder Bed Fusion Melting (LPBF-M) is considered economically viable and environmentally sustainable because of the possibility of reusing the residual powder feedstock leftover in the build chamber after a part build is completed. There is however limited information on the fatigue damage development of LPBF-M samples made from reused feedstock. Objective In this paper, the stainless steel 316 L (SS316L)...
Numerical weather prediction - data fusion to GIS systems and potential applications
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Multisensor Tracking of Marine Targets - Decentralized Fusion of Kalman and Neural Filters