


  • Mobile virtual presence in civil engineering education and training


    - Year 2018

    Education technologies are on the cusp, emerging technologies connected with each other might reveal new added value in this field. In this paper, the author showed a framework for conducting civil engineering classes with a virtual presence on the construction site. The presented idea might be realized by use of the unnamed aerial vehicle equipped with 360 video camera. On-site activities are transmitted at a distance by GSM and...

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    ISSN: 1359-4338 , eISSN: 1434-9957

  • State-of-the-art ideas for engineering laboratory classes – virtual reality framework


    - Year 2018

    Nowadays challenges in science and technology are a driving force in the development of contemporary solutions in education. Virtual reality brings to an edge human imagination. In this paper, authors propose a framework for civil engineering laboratory classes which brings a new quality in this area. The framework shows how to provide learners with an environment where they can realize the health and safety hazards of construction...

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  • A Prototype of Educational Agent in Distance Learning Environment - Virtual Student Assistant

    W zdalnym nauczaniu pojawia się wiele systemów wspierających, z których niezwykle ciekawym przykładem są agenty edukacyjne. Wśród wielu rodzajów agentów edukacyjnych wyróżnia się osobistych asystentów, których rolą jest organizacyjna pomoc osobie zdobywającej wiedzę. Artykuł jest poświęcony zaimplementowanemu na Wydziale ETI Politechniki Gdańskiej prototypowi agenta edukacyjnego o nazwie WAS (Wirtualny Asystent Studenta). Pokazana...

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    ISSN: 1054-7460 , eISSN: 1531-3263

  • Virtual Reality and Intelligent Hardware


    ISSN: 2096-5796 , eISSN: 2666-1209

  • Integrating Experience-Based Knowledge Representation and Machine Learning for Efficient Virtual Engineering Object Performance


    - Procedia Computer Science - Year 2021

    Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence have grown significant attention from industry and academia during the past decade. The key reason behind interest is such technologies capabilities to revolutionize human life since they seamlessly integrate classical networks, networked objects and people to create more efficient environments. In this paper, the Knowledge Representation technique of Set of Experience...

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  • International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments


    ISSN: 1947-8518

  • Virtual reality tools in teaching the conservation and history of Polish architecture

    Virtual reality and its impact on teaching conservation and architectural history is the subject of this article. During the COVID-19 crisis in 2020, the education of students of architecture was transferred by Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT), Gdańsk, Poland, to distance learning. This method has provided academics an opportunity to examine the impact of virtual reality and remote education on architectural history and conservation....

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  • Analysis of luminance distribution uniformity in CAVE-type virtual reality systems


    In recent years, many scientific and industrial centers in the world developed a virtual reality systems or laboratories. The effect of user “immersion” into virtual reality in such systems is largely dependent of optical properties of the system. In this paper, problems of luminance distribution uniformity in CAVE-type virtual reality systems are analyzed. For better characterization of CAVE luminance nonuniformity corner and...

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  • Investigation of optical properties of Infitec and Active Stereo stereoscopic techniques for CAVE-type virtual reality systems

    In recent years, many scientific and industrial centres in the world developed virtual reality systems or laboratories. At present, among the most advanced virtual reality systems are CAVE-type (Cave Automatic Virtual Environment) installations. Such systems usually consist of four, five, or six projection screens arranged in the form of a closed or hemi-closed space. The basic task of such systems is to ensure the effect of user...

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  • Patryk Ziółkowski dr inż.

    Patryk Ziolkowski is a graduate of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Gdansk University of Technology, specializing in Building and Engineering Structures. He works as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Engineering Structures. He participated in international projects, including projects for the Ministry of Transportation of the State of Alabama (2015), he is also the winner of a grant from the Kosciuszko...

  • Investigation of tracking systems properties in CAVE-type virtual reality systems


    In recent years, many scientific and industrial centers in the world developed a virtual reality systems or laboratories. One of the most advanced solutions are Immersive 3D Visualization Lab (I3DVL), a CAVE-type (Cave Automatic Virtual Environment) laboratory. It contains two CAVE-type installations: six-screen installation arranged in a form of a cube, and four-screen installation, a simplified version of the previous one. The...

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  • To Survive in a CBRN Hostile Environment: Application of CAVE Automatic Virtual Environments in First Responder Training

    • P. Maciejewski
    • M. Gawlik-Kobylińska
    • J. Lebiedź
    • W. Ostant
    • D. Aydın

    - Year 2020

    This paper is of a conceptual nature and focuses on the use of a specific virtual reality environment in civil-military training. We analyzed the didactic potential of so-called CAVE automatic virtual environments for First Responder training, a type of training that fills the gap between First Aid training and the training received by emergency medical technicians. Since real training involves live drills based on unexpected situations,...

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  • Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of Military Training in Virtual Reality Environment

    • M. Gawlik-Kobylińska
    • P. Maciejewski
    • J. Lebiedź
    • A. Wysokińska-Senkus

    - Year 2020

    In this paper, we explored the factors influencing the effectiveness of military trainings performed in a virtual reality environment. The rationale for taking up the topic is the fact that such trainings are often conducted under specific operational procedures. These procedures may create rigorous frameworks for all elements of the learning environment, including the teacher’s performance. Therefore, to ensure the most conducive...

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  • Jacek Rumiński prof. dr hab. inż.

    Wykształcenie i kariera zawodowa 2022 2016   2002   1995   1991-1995 Tytuł profesora Habilitacja   Doktor nauk technicznych   Magister inżynier     Prezydent RP, dziedzina nauk inżynieryjno-technicznych, dyscyplina: inzyniera biomedyczna Politechnika Gdańska, Biocybernetyka i inżyniera biomedyczna, tematyka: „Metody wyodrębniania sygnałów i parametrów z różnomodalnych sekwencji obrazów dla potrzeb diagnostyki i wspomagania...

  • Application of Intelligent Conversational Agents in E-learing Environments


    - Year 2010

    The paper concerns intelligent tutoring systems and concentrates on apliaction of virtual mentors in distance learning environments. Different educational agent types are described. The prototype of an agent developed at Gdansk University of Technology is also presented, as well as its internal representation and construction. Benefits of virtual mentors applied in distance learning are also pointed out.

  • Człowiek zanurzony w rzeczywistości wirtualnej na przykładzie Laboratorium Zanurzonej Wizualizacji Przestrzennej


    - Year 2015

    Artykuł opisuje Laboratorium Zanurzonej Wizualizacji Przestrzennej (LZWP), które umożliwia swobodną podróż w czasie i przestrzeni. Jego podstawowym wyposażeniem jest jaskinia rzeczywistości wirtualnej, czyli pomieszczenie o ścianach, suficie i podłodze stanowiących ekrany projekcyjne, wyświetlające generowane komputerowo obrazy 3D, tworzące spójny widok jednej sceny. Człowiek znajdujący się w takiej jaskini jest zatem zanurzony...

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  • Szymon Kowalski mgr inż. arch.

    Research assistant in architectural studies of medieval and modern architecture in the Baltic Sea region. Scientifically, studies the possibilities of implementing virtual reality technology in the context of the conservation of architectural monuments and its impact on the theory of conservation, as well as the solutions for increasing the learning capabilities of architecture students.

  • Good practices in requirements, project and risk managment in educational IT projects


    - Year 2012

    One can find many learning aids and simulations of physical phenomena on the market - provided as a standalone application or as part of an educational package. However, only a few of them allow for the building of interactive experiments: experiments similar to those that should be conducted in physics laboratories at schools. Gdańsk University of Technology decided to fill this market niche by designing and constructing a set...

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  • E-experiments in physics. Proper business process management, collaborative development process and project management guidance – remedy for avoiding the main IT project’s failure

    Only a few of learning aids and simulations of physical phenomena allow for building interactive experiments; experiments similar to those that should be conducted in physics laboratories at schools. Group of staff from Gdansk University of Technology decided to fill this market niche by designing and constructing a set of virtual experiments – so called e-experiments. To avoid common problems that a lot of IT products brought...

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  • Virtual reality technology in architectural education

    Contemporary virtual reality (VR) technology allows the recreation of non-existent architectural objects of which there may be no trace remaining. Virtual reality applications allow access to digital models, which visualise the lost architecture. The popularity of VR has resulted in it being applied not only to computer games, but also in visualising the past. Maps allow movement through historical trails and 3D models of architecture...

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  • Teaching architectural history through virtual reality

    The impact of implementing 3D models and virtual reality in teaching the theory of architecture and architectural history is the theme of this article. Virtual reality and easy-to-use 3D tools allow a whole historic object to be visualised. As a result, there is social and economic pressure to modernise present educational methods using this technology. Therefore, the authors have focused their research on an issue of significance...

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  • Virtual Engineering Object / Virtual Engineering Process: A specialized form of Cyber Physical System for Industrie 4.0


    - Procedia Computer Science - Year 2015

    This paper reviews the theories, parallels and variances between Virtual Engineering Object (VEO) / Virtual Engineering Process (VEP) and Cyber Physical System (CPS). VEO and VEP is an experience based knowledge representation of engineering objects and processes respectively. Cyber–physical systems (CPSs) are the next generation of engineered systems in which computing, communication, and control technologies are tightly integrated....

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  • Overcoming Phobias: Harnessing the Power of Immersive Virtual Reality Therapy


    - Year 2024

    The goal of the chapter was to review the different therapeutic techniques used in the treatment of various forms of phobias, with particular emphasis on virtual reality treatment. We define different types of phobias, including social ones. We also describe treatment techniques – adopted from behavioral therapy – which have been developed to aid the treatment of phobias. Particular emphasis has been placed on the flooding, implosive...

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  • Projekt Leonardo da Vinci EMDEL (European Model for Distance Education and Learning) - otwarte szkolenia online.


    - Year 2005

    W referacie zaprezentowano główne zadania oraz ofertę szkoleniową Centrum Edukacji Niestacjonarnej Politechniki Gdańskiej (CEN PG) w kontekście realizowanych projektów Unii Europejskiej. Przedstawiono projekt Leonardo da Vinci EMDEL - European Model for Distance Education and learning - realizowany przez CEN PG w latach 2001-2005 oraz opisano doświadczenia w zakresie adaptacji i lokalizacji opracowanych przez partnerów projektu...

  • Is This Distance Teaching Planning That Bad?


    - disP - Year 2021

    In spring 2020, university courses were moved into the virtual space due to the Covid-19 lockdown. In this paper, we use experience from courses at Gdańsk University of Technology and ETH Zurich to identify core problems in distance teaching planning and to discuss what to do and what not to do in teaching planning after the pandemic. We conclude that we will not return to the state of (teaching) affairs that we had previously....

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  • Movement perception with the use of a motorized delta armrest and virtual reality


    - Year 2013

    In this paper we present a combination of neuroscience experiments with the use of a parallel armrest robot to study the effects of temporal delays and spatial biases on the movement perception. A dedicated armrest to guide and manipulate the arm has been developed for these experiments. It is a three-degree-of-freedom Delta structure. In combination with a virtual reality application, the movement perception has been evaluated....

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  • Modeling of luminance distribution in CAVE-type virtual reality systems


    At present, one of the most advanced virtual reality systems are CAVE-type (Cave Automatic Virtual Environment) installations. Such systems are usually consisted of four, five or six projection screens and in case of six screens arranged in form of a cube. Providing the user with a high level of immersion feeling in such systems is largely dependent of optical properties of the system. The modeling of physical phenomena plays nowadays...

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  • Hardware accelerated thin client for virtual reality applications

    Thin client applications often make minimal use of hardware available at the client side. This article focuses on the problem of creating portable thin client application for virtual reality applications, which allows use of client graphics hardware to aid rendering process. Some already available potential solutions are presented and entirely new protocol for client-server communication is presented to allow fast and reliable...

  • A note on the applications of artificial intelligence in the hospitality industry: preliminary results of a survey


    - Year 2021

    Intelligent technologies are widely implemented in different areas of modern society but specific approaches should be applied in services. Basic relationships refer to supporting customers and people responsible for services offering for these customers. The aim of the paper is to analyze and evaluate the state-of-the art of artificial intelligence (AI) applications in the hospitality industry. Our findings show that the major...

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  • Luminance Distribution Measurements in CAVE-Type Virtual Reality Systems

    In this article, the immerse 3D visualization lab just opened at the Gdańsk University of Technology is presented. The effect of user “immersion,” it such virtual reality systems, is largely dependent on the optical properties of projected images. Luminance distribution of screens was measured and the luminance uniformity was determined and discussed.

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  • Personalized avatar animation for virtual reality


    - Year 2008

    The paper presents a method for creating a personalized animation of avatar for virtual reality application such as multiplayer on-line games. Animation is stored in a simplified version, containing only keyframes for important avatar poses. This version defines key movements, i.e. roughly describes the avatar's action. Animation is enriched by the user with new motion phases utilizing fuzzy descriptors.Various degrees of motion...

  • Virtual Engineering Factory: Creating Experience Base for Industry 4.0



    ABSTRACT In recent times, traditional manufacturing is upgrading and adopting Industry 4.0, which supports computerization of manufacturing by round-the-clock connection and communica- tion of engineering objects. Consequently, Decisional DNA- based knowledge representation of manufacturing objects, processes, and system is achieved by virtual engineering objects (VEO), virtual engineering processes (VEP), and virtual engineering...

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  • Virtual work and virtual team management

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Zięba

  • Electric Machines Virtual Laboratory

    e-Learning Courses
    • F. Kutt
    • M. Michna
    • G. A. Kostro
    • R. Ryndzionek
    • Ł. Sienkiewicz

    This is an educational aid for students. It shows the environment of industrial application of electric machines and allows for a look inside them. Users can see the main components of the power system in its natural environment. This course is to allow access to the VR app – Electric Machines Virtual Laboratory.

  • Manufacturing collective intelligence by the means of Decisional DNA and virtual engineering objects, process and factory



    Engineering collective intelligence is paramount in current industrial times. This research proposes and presents case studies for collective knowledge structures required in the industry field. Knowledge structures such as Set of Experience and Decisional DNA are extended into more advanced knowledge structures for manufacturing processes. These structures are called Virtual Engineering Object, Virtual Engineering Process and...

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  • Multiuser Stereoscopic Projection Techniques for CAVE-Type Virtual Reality Systems

    Despite the development of increasingly popular head mounted displays, CAVE-type systems may still be considered one of the most immersive virtual reality systems with many advantages. However, a serious limitation of most CAVE-type systems is the generation of a three-dimensional (3-D) image from the perspective of only one person. This problem is significant because in some applications, the participants must cooperate with each...

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  • Intercultural Challenges in Virtual Teams

    : Virtual teams are usually geographically dispersed and consist of members from different countries and cultures. They influences internal communication processes and can cause personal conflicts, misunderstandings or lack of trust. Intercultural diversity is also significant for goal setting and team effectiveness. The aim of this article is to check if virtual team members appreciate the cultural diversity or rather suffer from lack...

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  • Virtual reality as a tool for development and simulation. Research projects and experience of the Gdańsk University of Technology


    - Year 2023

    By supporting the human imagination, virtual reality technology can be applied in almost every human activity. This is evidenced by the cooperation of the Immersive 3D Visualization Lab with specialists representing such different professions from architects and artists, astronomers and chemists, through historians and museologists, criminologists and military educators, mechanical and ship engineers, up to physicians and psychologists....

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  • Decisional DNA based framework for representing Virtual Engineering Objects


    - Year 2014

    In this paper, we propose a frame-work to represent the Virtual Engineering Objects (VEO) utilizing Set of Knowledge Experience Structure (SOEKS) and Decisional DNA. A VEO will enable the discovery of new knowledge in a manufacturing unit and the generation of new rules that drive reasoning. The proposed VEO framework will not only be knowledge based representation but it will also have its associated experience embedded within...

  • Virtual Engineering Objects (VEO): Designing, Developing and Testing Models


    - Year 2014

    In this article, the development and implementation of the concept of Virtual Engineering Object (VEO) is described. A VEO is a computerized real world representation of an engineering object. VEO will act as a living representation of the object capable of adding, storing, improving and sharing knowledge through experience, in a way similar to an expert of that object. In this paper, it is shown through test models how the concept...

  • Virtual immersive environments


    - Year 2022

    Yet a higher level of active systems may be achieved when users are fully immersed in an interface which is a 3D computer generated virtual world and can interact with surrounding objects of that world as they were in a real one. This is the issue covered by Chapter 7. Interaction in such a world is both multidimensional and multimodal, with the possibility of free movement of the user in any direction and the simultaneous stimulation...

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  • Sławomir Ostrowski dr inż.

    Sławomir Ostrowski is a research and didactic employee employed as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Informatics in Management at the Faculty of Management and Economics of the Gdańsk University of Technology. In 2018, he obtained a PhD in economic sciences in the discipline of management science. A graduate of uniform Master's-engineering studies in Management (specialization: IT Technology Management) at the Faculty...

  • Virtual Engineering Objects: Effective Way of Knowledge Representation and Decision Making


    - Year 2015

    This paper presents a knowledge representation case study by constructing Decisional DNA of engineering objects. Decisional DNA, as a knowledge representation structure not only offers great possibilities on gathering explicit knowledge of formal decision events but also it is a powerful tool for decision-making process. The concept of Virtual engineering Object (VEO), which is a knowledge and experience representation of engineering...

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    The paper presents two kinds of cooperating teams: traditional and virtual, and proposes a new measure of the team virtuality level. Some representative teamwork characteristics, such as team member competencies, team diversity, leadership, and team decision-making are analyzed and compared depending on the degree of virtuality. Moreover, the team climate as one of the team performance measures is also analyzed and compared in...

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  • Virtual inertia in Electric Power System

    The article presents the idea of introducing virtual inertia system to the electric power systems. The virtual inertia aim is to reduce or eliminate the effect of reducing the inertia of the power system as a result of replacing classic electricity generating units with renewable renergy sources (RES). The considerations are ilustrated by a computational example.

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  • Platforma edX - nowe podejście do kursów online

    Współczesne metody nauczania na odległość zmieniają się dynamicznie. Powstają światowe konsorcja podejmujące starania zapewnienia dostępu do edukacji na najwyższym poziomie z wykorzystaniem Internetu. Jedną z takich prób jest platforma edX. Jej rozwój zapoczątkowały niemal 2 lata temu MIT i Harvard. Obecnie zespół liczy już 30 uczelni z całego świata. Renoma ośrodków naukowych biorących udział w projekcie przyciągnęła już ponad...

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  • Managing Virtual Teams: The Three Dimensions Scope


    Due to globalisation and economic reasons the number of people working as a team in a virtual environment is increasing. Although virtual team can outperform teams working in a traditional environment still many managers face difficulties in achieving this goal. This article describes the idea of a system that would support knowledge management in virtual teams focusing on three dimensions of virtual work: location, organisation,...

  • Evaluation the effectiveness of virtual machine integrated with CPU


    - Year 2013

    In the paper effectiveness of example CPU with integrated virtual machine is presented. The idea and implementation of virtual machine is shown. In next sections reference CPU and sample virtual machine is described. Finally optimality of the translation process is analysed.