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Search results for: LOCAL CAVITY METHOD
Metallographic investigations of joints obtained by local cavity method
PublicationPrzeprowadzono mikro- i makroskopowe badania metalograficzne złączy wykonanych pod wodą metodą lokalnej komory suchej. Wyniki badań wskazują, że w SWC mogą tworzyć się kruche struktury hartownicze. Również wyniki badań twardości potwierdzają niekorzystny wpływ środowiska wodnego na spawalność stali.
Effect of underwater local cavity welding method conditions on diffusible hydrogen content in deposited metal
PublicationOne of the methods with great potential for applications in underwater repairs is local cavity welding. In local cavity method, cooling conditions and diffusible hydrogen amount in weld metal are nearly the same as those existed during welding in the air. This paper presents the results of literature survey and preliminary tests of the effect of local cavity welding conditions on diffusible hydrogen amount in a deposited metal....
Underwater Local Cavity Welding of S460N Steel
PublicationIn this paper, a comparison of the mechanical properties of high-strength low-alloy S460Nsteel welded joints is presented. The welded joints were made by the gas metal arc welding (GMAW)process in the air environment and water, by the local cavity welding method. Welded joints were testedfollowing the EN ISO 15614-1:2017 standard. After welding, the non-destructive—visual, penetrant,radiographic, and ultrasonic (phased array) tests...
Local basis function method for identification of nonstationary systems
PublicationThis thesis is focused on the basis function method for the identification of nonstationary processes. The first chapter describes a group of models that can be identified using the basis function method. The next chapter describes the basic version of the basis function method, including its algebraic and statistical properties. The following section introduces the local basis function (LBF) method: its properties are described...
Local mesh morphing technique for parametrized macromodels in the finite element method
PublicationThis paper presents a novel approach for enhancing the efficiency of the design process of microwave devices by means of the finite element method. It combines mesh morphing with local model order reduction (MOR) and yields parametrized macromodels that can be used to significantly reduce the number of variables in the FEM system of equations and acceleration of computer simulation. A projection basis for local reduction is generated...
Method and system for disciplining a local reference oscillator by GPS 1PPS signal
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Novel Method of Local Corrosion Events Characterization by Electrochemical Noise Analysis
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Local Mesh Deformation for accelerated parametric studies based on the Finite Element Method
PublicationThis paper presents an approach for enhancing the efficiency of two-dimensional Finite Element Method analysis in parametric studies or optimisation process of microwave components. The new approach involves local mesh deformation applied near the elements that are modified during computations. Since in the proposed approach the topology of the mesh remains unchanged, a new mesh does not have to be generated from scratch when the...
Three-dimensional modeling and automatic analysis of the human nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses using the computational fluid dynamics method
PublicationPurpose The goal of this study was to develop a complete workflow allowing for conducting computational fluid dynam- ics (CFD) simulation of airflow through the upper airways based on computed tomography (CT) and cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) studies of individual adult patients. Methods This study is based on CT images of 16 patients. Image processing and model generation of the human nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses...
Development of Local IDF-formula Using Controlled Random Search Method for Global Optimization
PublicationThe aim of the study is to present the effective and relatively simple empirical approach to rainfall Intensity-Duration-Frequency-formulas development, based on Controlled Random Search (CRS) for global optimization. The approach is mainly dedicated to the cases in which the commonly used IDF-relationships do not provide satisfactory fit between simulations and observations, and more complex formulas with higher number of parameters...
A novel method of local chirp-rate estimation of LFM chirp signals in the time-frequency domain
PublicationIn the paper, novel dynamic representations of a complex signal in the time-frequency domain are introduced. The proposed approach is based on using the gradient of the short-time Fourier transform complex phase. A channelized instantaneous complex frequency (CICF) and a complex local group delay (CLGD) are included in the presented signal representations. An application of the newly-introduced distributions is demonstrated by...
<title>Cavity digital control testing system by Simulink step operation method for TESLA linear accelerator and free electron laser</title>
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Single and Dual-GPU Generalized Sparse Eigenvalue Solvers for Finding a Few Low-Order Resonances of a Microwave Cavity Using the Finite-Element Method
PublicationThis paper presents two fast generalized eigenvalue solvers for sparse symmetric matrices that arise when electromagnetic cavity resonances are investigated using the higher-order finite element method (FEM). To find a few loworder resonances, the locally optimal block preconditioned conjugate gradient (LOBPCG) algorithm with null-space deflation is applied. The computations are expedited by using one or two graphical processing...
Local heaviside weighted mlpg meshless method approach to extended flamant problem using radial basis functions
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono rozwiązanie uogólnionego zagadnienia Flamanta za pomocą bezsiatkowej metody MLPG z wykorzystaniem funkcji o bazie radialnej. Sprawdzono wydajność metody dla dwóch klas funkcji kształtu: klasycznych funkcji radialnych i lokalnych funkcji radialnych. Porównano wyniki obliczeń oraz przedstawiono wnioski.
Modelling of shear localization during granular flow within non-local hypoplasticity using material point method
PublicationArtykuł omawia wyniki numeryczne dotyczące powstawania lokalizacji odkształceń stycznych w materiałach granulowanych Obliczenia wykonano dla ściskania dwuosiowego i przypływu silosowego stosując hipoplastyczny model konstytutywny rozszerzony o długość charakterystyczną w ramach nielokalnej teorii. Zastosowano podejście punktów materialnych w celu uniknięcia nadmiernej deformacji elementów skończonych.
A coupled constitutive model for fracture in plain concrete based on continuum theory with non-local softening and eXtended Finite Element Method
PublicationThe paper presents a constitutive model for concrete which combines a continuous and discontinuous fracture description. In a continuum regime, two different constitutive laws were used. First, a plasticity model with a Rankine failure criterion and an associated fl ow rule was used. Second, a constitutive law based on isotropic damage mechanics was formulated. In order to capture the width of a localized zone and to obtain mesh-independent...
Optimized AVHRR land surface temperature downscaling method for local scale observations: case study for the coastal area of the Gulf of Gdańsk
PublicationSatellite imaging systems have known limitations regarding their spatial and temporal resolution. The approaches based on subpixel mapping of the Earth’s environment, which rely on combining the data retrieved from sensors of higher temporal and lower spatial resolution with the data characterized by lower temporal but higher spatial resolution, are of considerable interest. The paper presents the downscaling process of the land...
A constitutive model for concrete based on continuum theory with non-local softening coupled with eXtended Finite Element Method. Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures,
PublicationArtykuł omawia model połączony ciągły-nieciągły do modelowania stref lokalizacji i rys w betonie niezbrojonym. Obliczenia wykonano stosując rozszerzoną metodę elementów skończonych. Wyniki numeryczne porównano z doświadczeniami.
A general method for the derivation of the functional forms of the effective energy terms in coarse-grained energy functions of polymers. III. Determination of scale-consistent backbone-local and correlation potentials in the UNRES force field and force-field calibration and validation
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Determination of t8/5 cooling times for underwater local dry welding of steel
PublicationKnowledge of thermal history is the basic condition for studying the structure - properties of welded joints. The determinant of thermal history is the thermal cycle, whose in-situ measurements are still a big challenge. Water as the welding environment complicates this issue even more. The article presents a method to determine an equation for calculating t8/5 cooling times for underwater gas metal arc welding of unalloyed steels...
Underwater Welding of Duplex Stainless Steel
PublicationThe present work was conducted to assess the weldability of duplex stainless steel at underwater conditions. Interest of underwater welding of this steel grade is connected with necessity of preparing welding repair technologies for subsea pipelines widely used in offshore oil and gas industry. The GMA local cavity welding method was used in the investigations. Welded beads were performed underwater at 0.5 m depth and in the air....
Właściwości stali S460M napawanej pod wodą metodą lokalnej komory suchej
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań próbek ze stali S460M wykonanych pod wodą metodą lokalnej komory suchej. Pomiary twardości oraz analiza strukturalna wykazały, że dla określonych ilości wprowadzonego ciepła możliwe jest wykonanie złączy bez niezgodności spawalniczych. Stwierdzono formowanie się w pewnych warunkach pęknięć zimnych w SWC wywołanych procesami odprowadzania ciepła z materiału, które są charakterystyczne dla spawania...
Jerzy Konorski dr hab. inż.
PeopleJerzy Konorski received his M. Sc. degree in telecommunications from Gdansk University of Technology, Poland, and his Ph. D. degree in computer science from the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland. In 2007, he defended his D. Sc. thesis at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, Gdansk University of Technology. He has authored over 150 papers, led scientific projects funded by the European Union,...
Prognozowanie właściwości złączy spawanych pod wodą metodą lokalnej komory suchej
PublicationNiniejsza praca jest poświęcona spawaniu pod wodą metodą lokalnej komory suchej (MLKS) i przedstawia metodologię oraz narzędzia umożliwiające prognozowanie właściwości złączy spawanych wykonanych przy zastosowaniu tej odmiany spawania. Monografia zawiera opis rozwoju spawania pod wodą oraz charakterystykę metod wykorzystywanych do realizacji prac spawalniczych. Zaproponowano nowy podział metod spawania pod wodą, uwzględniający...
Rectangular Waveguide Filters Based on Deformed Dual-Mode Cavity Resonators
PublicationIn this paper, a novel design for rectangular waveguide filters with deformed dual-mode (DM) cavity resonators is demonstrated. The new resonant cavity shape is a result of applying shape deformation to the basic rectangular cavity to enable its dual-mode operation. Internal coupling between the two orthogonal cavity modes is realized by geometry deformation, eliminating the need for additional coupling elements. The designs are...
The Design of Cavity Resonators and Microwave Filters Applying Shape Deformation Techniques
PublicationThis article introduces shape deformation as a new approach to the computer-aided design (CAD) of high-frequency components. We show that geometry deformation opens up new design possibilities and offers additional degrees of freedom in the 3-D modeling of microwave structures. Such design flexibility is highly desirable if the full potential of additive manufacturing (AM) is to be exploited in the fabrication of RF and microwave...
Numerical analysis by FEM and analytical study of the dynamic thermal behavior of hollow bricks with different cavity concentration
PublicationThis paper presents the investigation results on the influence of the cavity concentration in hollow bricks on static and dynamic thermal parameters: a time lag, a decrement factor, an equivalent thermal diffusivity (ETD) and an equivalent thermal conductivity (ETC). The dynamic thermal behavior of hollow bricks is studied with an optimized cavity shape to reduce the intensity of radiation and convective heat exchange. The thermal...
Numerical analysis by FEM and analytical study of the dynamic thermal behavior of hollow bricks with different cavity concentration
PublicationThis paper presents the investigation results on the influence of the cavity concentration in hollow bricks on static and dynamic thermal parameters: a time lag, a decrement factor, an equivalent thermal diffusivity (ETD) and an equivalent thermal conductivity (ETC). The dynamic thermal behavior of hollow bricks is studied with an optimized cavity shape to reduce the intensity of radiation and convective heat exchange. The thermal...
Thermal visualization of Ostwald-de Waele liquid in wavy trapezoidal cavity: Effect of undulation and amplitude
PublicationThe present study is concerned with the numerical simulations of Ostwald-de Waele fluid flow in a wavy trapezoidal cavity in the presence of a heated cylinder situated at the center of the cavity. The work consists in characterizing the mixed convection as a function of the intensity of heat flow. The flow behaviour and temperature distribution in a cavity are the main focus of this study. The lower wall of the cavity is fixed...
Modeling of multi-cavity Fabry-Perot optical fiber sensors
PublicationReflectance characteristics of a two-cavity extrinsic Fabry-Perot optical fiber sensor were investigated using computer modeling. Calculations were performed using a plane wave-based approach, selected for clarity of results. Based on the modeling results, it can be concluded that the two-cavity Fabry-Perot interferometer can be used to measure two different quantities, such as refractive index and temperature, independently. It...
Tuning transfer function of fiber-optic Fabry-Pérot interferometer via introduction of birefringence in the cavity
PublicationThe study investigates the impact of birefringence exhibited by the cavity material of a fiber-optic Fabry-Pérot interferometer on its transfer function. The theoretical approach to analyze the effect of birefringence in the cavity of a plane Fabry-Pérot interferometer is described. The case of high- and low-finesse interferometer is investigated. It is shown that introduction of a birefringent medium of optimized parameters can...
Cavity-expansion approximation for projectile impact and penetration into sand
PublicationA one-dimensional problem of a spherical cavity expanding at a constant velocity from zero initial radius in an infinite granular medium, which has the first-kind self-similar solution, is considered. We are solving this dynamic spherical cavity-expansion problem to model rigid spheres penetrating into a granular media. Elastic–plastic deformation of the granular media is described in a barotropic approximation, using the high-pressure...
Marek Czachor prof. dr hab.
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Spectral reflectance and transmission modeling of multi-cavity Fabry-Pérot interferometer with ZnO thin films
PublicationIn this paper spectral reflectance and transmission of a low-coherence fiber-optic Fabry-Pérot interferometer with thin ZnO layers is analyzed using a multi-cavity approach. In the investigated setup two standard single-mode optical fibers (SMF-28) with thin ZnO films deposited on their end-faces form an extrinsic Fabry-Pérot interferometer with air cavity. Calculations of the spectral response of the interferometer were performed...
An Enhanced Reduced Basis Method for Wideband Finite Element Method Simulations
PublicationIn this paper, we present a novel strategy for selecting expansion points in the reduced basis method. A single computation of the error estimator is used to select a few expansion points in the multi-parameter space simultaneously. The number of selected points is determined adaptively, based on the accuracy of the current reduced model. The reliability and efficiency of this proposed approach are illustrated by numerical tests...
Estimation of Broadband Complex Permeability Using SIW Cavity-Based Multimodal Approach
PublicationIn this article, an attractive multimodal substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) based methodology is presented for the characterization of magnetic materials in the broadband microwave frequency. The proposed approach employs a modified feed under-coupled SIW cavity instead of conventional feed over-coupled multiple SIW cavities; it uses the modified closedform expression, developed from the first principle to consider the effect...
Low-Loss 3D-Printed Waveguide Filters Based on Deformed Dual-Mode Cavity Resonators
PublicationThis paper introduces a new type of waveguide filter with smooth profile, based on specially designed dual-mode (DM) cavity resonators. The DM cavity design is achieved by applying a shape deformation scheme. The coupling between the two orthogonal cavity modes is implemented by breaking the symmetry of the structure, thus eliminating the need for additional coupling elements. The modes operating in the cavity are carefully analyzed...
Discussion on “Coupled effective stress analysis of insertion problems in geotechnics with the Particle Finite Element Method” by L. Monforte, M. Arroyo, J.M. Carbonell, and A. Gens
PublicationAddressed here is the Particle Finite Element Method (PFEM) modelling of undrained CPTu penetration with regard to a reference analytical solution based on the Spherical Cavity Expansion Method (SCEM). Also discussed is the choice of the soil model and its parameters. The effect of cone interface friction on CPTu simulation is analyzed in a series of penetration tests using Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) and Updated Lagrangian...
PublicationDistributed measurement often relies on sensor networks. In this paper, we present the construction of low coherent fiber-optic Fabry-Pérot sensors connected into a quasi-distributed network. We discuss the mechanism of spectrum modulation in this type of sensor and the constraints of assembly of such sensors in the network. Particular attention was paid to separate the signals from individual sensors, which can be achieved by...
Microwave Alignment and Displacement Sensors in Groove Gap Waveguide Technology
PublicationThis paper is aimed at presenting highly sensitive microwave displacement and alignment sensors. With this goal, the method of realizing mechanically tunable cavity resonators in groove gap waveguides technology is presented. The resonance frequency of the cavity is then used for displacement sensing. It is also demonstrated that the symmetry properties of a pair of groove gap waveguide cavities can be used to improve the robustness...
Highly Conserved Homotrimer Cavity Formed by the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Glycoprotein: A Novel Binding Site
PublicationAn important stage in severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) life cycle is the binding of the spike (S) protein to the angiotensin converting enzyme-2 (ACE2) host cell receptor. Therefore, to explore conserved features in spike protein dynamics and to identify potentially novel regions for drugging, we measured spike protein variability derived from 791 viral genomes and studied its properties by molecular...
Application of the Boundary Element Method for the Simulation of Two-dimensional Viscous Incompressible Flow
PublicationThe paper presents the application of an indirect variant of the boundary element method (BEM) to solve the two-dimensional steady flow of a Stokes liquid. In the BEM, a system of differential equations is transformed into integral equations. Thi smakes it possible to limit discretization to the border of the solution. Numerical discretization of the computational domain was performed with linear boundary elements, for which a...
Microfluidically Frequency-Reconfigurable Self-Quadruplexing Antenna Based on Substrate Integrated Square-Cavity
PublicationIn this article, a novel concept of self-quadruplexing tunable antenna (SQTA) enabled by microfluidic channels is investigated. The operating channels are either filled with air or dielectric liquids to enable frequency tunability. The proposed SQTA is implemented on the substrate-integrated square-cavity (SISC). A swastika-shaped slot is milled on the top-surface of the SISC to create four quarter-mode resonators. The resonators...
Determination of heavy metals in eyeshadows from China
PublicationPersonal care products and cosmetics are used daily by many people, causing local exposure to certain chemical substances through the application directly inside the oral cavity, on the skin, lips, eyes, and mucosa. Eyeshadows are among the most commonly used types of cosmetics. According to scientifc reports, they may contain heavy metals, especially in non-original products. The exposure to said heavy metals may cause local skin...
Inline Waveguide Sharp-Rejection Bandpass Filters With Transmission Zeros Using Resonant Coupling Slots
PublicationThis work presents a design methodology for synthesizing a category of compact inline sharp-rejection waveguide cavity bandpass filters based on novel frequency-variant coupling (FVC) structures. These FVCs consist of a rectangular slot placed in the top broadwall of the WR-90 rectangular waveguide and loaded with an additional top cavity above the slot coupled through the slot. Both the slot and the top cavity resonate in the...
Compact, Order Extensible and Wide-Stopband Bandpass Filter Based on SIW Cavity with Rectangular Ring Slot
PublicationThis article introduces novel architectures of bandpass filters (BPFs) using a substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) cavity with a rectangular ring slot (RRS) for compact size, extensible order, and broad stopband responses. Two bandpass filters, which demonstrate a second-and a fourth-order Chebyshev response, respectively, are realized by employing identical cavities with RRS, without increasing the physical size of the circuit....
Response of a fiber-optic Fabry-Pérot interferometer to refractive index and absorption changes – modelling and experiments
PublicationThis paper describes how the refractive index and the absorption of investigated substances change the spectrum of the optical radiation at the output of the fiber-optic Fabry-Pérot interferometer. The modeling of the operation of the interferometer takes into account not only the spectra of the refractive index and the absorption of the medium that is inside the cavity, but also spectra of the refractive indices of the core and...
Theory versus experiment for vacuum Rabi oscillations in lossy cavities
PublicationThe 1996 experiment by Brune et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 1800 (1996)] on vacuum Rabi oscillation is analyzed by means of alternative models of atom-reservoir interaction. Agreement with experimental Rabi oscillation data can be obtained if one defines jump operators in the dressed-state basis and takes into account thermal fluctuations between dressed states belonging to the same manifold. Such low-frequency transitions could...
How to enhance perception of reassembled but incomplete works of ancient art? Eye-tracking study of virtual anastylosis.
Publicationn 1964 the Venice Charter described anastylosis as the only acceptable method of reassembly of architectural remains. Although the scientific community has agreed with the Charter’s decision, many questions pertaining to the technical and aesthetic aspects of anastylosis remain unanswered. Virtual anastylosis seems one of the most promising digital solutions to finding at least some answers, as it permits testing various solutions...
Resonance Frequency Calculation of Spherical Microstrip Structure Using Hybrid Technique
PublicationIn this paper the spherical microstrip structure is considered. The structure is composed of a metallic patch with an arbitrary shape placed on a dielectric coated metallic sphere. In the analysis the hybrid technique is utilized. In this approach the finite-difference technique is applied in a cavity model to determine the current basis functions on the patch. Next, using method of moments, the resonance frequency of the structure...