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Search results for: ON-LOAD TAP CHANGER
An ANN-Based Method for On-Load Tap Changer Control in LV Networks with a Large Share of Photovoltaics—Comparative Analysis
PublicationThe paper proposes a new local method of controlling the on-load tap changer (OLTC) of a transformer to mitigate negative voltage phenomena in low-voltage (LV) networks with a high penetration of photovoltaic (PV) installations. The essence of the method is the use of the load compensation (LC) function with settings determined via artificial neural network (ANN) algorithms. The proposed method was compared with other selected...
Adaptive Algorithm of a Tap-Changer Controller of the Power Transformer Supplying the Radial Network Reducing the Risk of Voltage Collapse
Publicationhe development of renewable energy, including wind farms, photovoltaic farms as well as prosumer installations, and the development of electromobility pose new challenges for network operators. The results of these changes are, among others, the change of network load profiles and load flows determining greater volatility of voltages. Most of the proposed solutions do not assume a change of the transformer regulator algorithm....
Laboratory Load Model Based on 150 kVA Power Frequency Converter and Simulink Real-Time – Concept, mplementation, Experiments
PublicationFirst section of the paper provides technical specification of laboratory load model basing on 150 kVA power frequency converter and Simulink Real-Time platform. Assumptions, as well as control algorithm structure is presented. Theoretical considerations based on criteria which load types may be simulated using discussed laboratory setup, are described. As described model contains transformer with thyristor-controlled tap changer,...
Distribution Transformer with Multi-Zone Voltage Regulation for Smart Grid System Application
PublicationThe article presents four concepts of the multi-zone voltage regulation (MZVR) system. It is a combination of a distribution transformer with an on-load tap-changer, for step voltage regulation, and a power electronic converter, dimensioned for a fraction of MZVR power, realizing continuous voltage regulation, supplemented by a special switch, the so-called bypass. This allows voltage regulation at high resolution, wide range and...
Badania laboratoryjne wybranych sposobów koordynacji regulatora transformatora blokowego oraz regulatora generatora
PublicationWprowadzenie wymogu stosowania transformatorów blokowych z przekładnią regulowaną pod obciążeniem spowodowało konieczność określenia właściwego sposobu podziału kryteriów sterowania pomiędzy regulator generatora a regulator transformatora blokowego. W referacie zwrócono uwagę na aspekt miejsca pomiaru napięć. Ma to istotny wpływ zarówno na algorytm jak i jakość regulacji. Rozważania teoretyczne zilustrowane zostały wynikami prób...
Activity coordination of capacitor banks and power transformer controllers in order to reduce power losses in the MV grid
PublicationOne of the main issues related to the optimization of the MV (middle voltage) network is to reduce losses of active and reactive power. Lower losses of active and reactive power give not only economic advantage, but also improvement of energy quality. The object of regulation that can be used for these purposes are transformer with On-Load Tap Changer and capacitor's banks. This paper presents results of analysis of the possibility...
Measurements of no-load and short-circuit parameters of power transformers with taps
Open Research Data1) The Laboratory LINTE^2 is a large research infrastructure operated by the Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering at Gdańsk University of Technology, to be found in Gdańsk, Poland (54.3690 N, 18.6130 E).
Analiza i badania transformatora hybrydowego z przekształtnikiem AC/DC/AC współdziałającym z przełącznikiem zaczepów
PublicationRozprawa dotyczy badań nad układem transformatora hybrydowego, który oprócz możliwości regulacji ciągłej napięcia za pomocą przekształtnika energoelektronicznego, posiada układ regulacji skokowej w postaci przełącznika zaczepów. Badane urządzenie przeznaczone jest do stabilizacji napięcia w dystrybucyjnej sieci niskiego napięcia. Dzięki skoordynowanej pracy układów (ciągłego i skokowego) uzyskana zostaje tzw. Wielostrefowa Regulacja...
AI-Driven Humanoidoid Personnel Acquisition: Is A Game Changer
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Inorganic membrane: a game changer for gas separation and purification
PublicationThis review explores the advancements and remaining challenges in inorganic membrane science, particularly focusing on their potential for industrial applications. It delves into the fundamental principles of inorganic membrane design, fabrication, and characterization techniques. The review also critically analyzes key challenges faced by inorganic membranes, such as physical aging, plasticization, defective formation, and fouling....
The effect of using jug-type water filters on selected metals concentration in tap water – a case study
PublicationIn this study, the effect of the filtration process on Na, K, Mg, Ca, Fe and Zn concentration in water, using filters from one of the leading European manufacturers, was investigated. The increase in Na (up to 300%) and K concentration (up to 320%) at the beginning of jug filter usage was reported. A decrease in Ca, Fe and Zn concentration was observed. Standard filters remove 80–90% of Mg from tap water at the beginning of the...
Application of membrane distillation process for tap water purification
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Load function walking pedestrian on the footbridge.
PublicationModern foot bridges are more and more sensitive to variable load created by moving pedestrians. These are several reasons for that. Quickly growing up road infrastructure forces us to build foot bridges just to reconnect one piece of land, separated now by the new road or railway. These bridges are lightweight because the only live load acting on them comes from pedestrians.The paper focuses on the definition of human induces dynamic...
The flux compression generator load parameters selection
PublicationComputer simulation results of the flux compression generator (FCG) loaded with an inductor has been presented in this paper. Simulation research has been performed in order to select the parameters of FCG load coil properly. The influence of the load inductance and resistance on the current gain factor and the magnetic field energy accumulated in a load coil has been investigated.
System load impact on VRRP advertisements delay
PublicationThe aim of the paper is to show how system load can affect network tasks (especially VRRP advertising depending on factors such as kernel schedu-ler [3] version, kernel settings and load priority. Two versions of the Linux kernel will be used: 2.6.22 (with "O(1) scheduler) and 2.6.23 (with "CFS" scheduler). "vrrpd" version 0.4 is used as an VRRP protocol implementation.
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The Impact of the Quality of Tap Water and the Properties of Installation Materials on the Formation of Biofilms
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A method of nonlinearities of transformer no-load characteristic modelling
PublicationA way in which changes of the no-load characteristic are taken into account in the mathematical model of the transformer is presented. Changes of saturation within core of transformer are presented as a combined non-linear flux curve. Analysis of magnetization of the transformer core and simulation of no-load state for distribution transformer of 30 kVA power rating and 15.75/0.4 kV/kV (especially supplying VLV) transformation...
Load-settlement characteristics of piles working in a group
PublicationLoad-settlement characteristic (Q-s) of an axially loaded pile can be empirically determined from a static pile load test or on the basis of calculations using, e.g. transfer functions or numerical methods (FEM). The transfer functions method usually rely on empirical data, i.e. the function parameters are determined on the basis of numerous pile test results. Thus this method takes into account pile installation technology and...
Korzyści z zastosowania układów Load Sensing
PublicationW artykule porównano układy Load Sensing I i II rodzaju z układem z dwudrogowym regulatorem przepływu. Dokonano oceny mocy traconych oraz korzyści stosowania układów LS w stosunku do tradycyjnych rozwiązań
Mechanism of Biofilm Formation on Installation Materials and Its Impact on the Quality of Tap Water
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Underfrequency Load Shedding: An Innovative Algorithm Based on Fuzzy Logic
PublicationIn contemporary power systems, the load shedding schemes are typically based on disconnecting a pre-specified amount of load after the frequency drops below a predetermined value. The actual conditions at the time of disturbance may largely dier from the assumptions, which can lead to non-optimal or ineective operation of the load shedding scheme. For many years, increasing the eectiveness of the underfrequency load shedding (UFLS)...
Analysis of the Impact of Charging Electric Cars on the Power System Load
PublicationThe paper presents ways of integrating electric cars with the power system. In connection with this, daily load curves in the average working day have been developed in the G2V (Grid-to-Vehicle) and V2G (Vehicle-to-Grid) variants. The G2V solution consists in unidirectional energy flow from the power system to a vehicle’s battery. The V2G solution consists in bi-directional energy exchange between the power system and electric...
Correlation between natural frequencies and buckling load in a stiffened shell
PublicationThe paper deals with correlation between natural frequencies and buckling load of a stiffened shell composed of corrugated sheets and vertical stiffeners (columns). The simplified shell segment represents the buckling behaviour of a whole silo with sparsely distributed columns. The paper covers variants of linear buckling anal-yses, dynamic eigenvalue analyses and geometrically non-linear analyses of a segment modelled with shell...
Displacement measurements during load testing of railway arch bridge
PublicationThe paper discusses issues concerning load tests carried out on a twin-track, arch railway bridge over the Martwa Wisla river in Gdansk. Currently, it is the bridge with the longest span in its class in Poland. The load-bearing structure consists of three no-hinge arches and an orthotropic deck suspended from them. The studies of the structure assumed the performing of static and dynamic tests. The paper presents the method for...
Load Testing of GFRP Composite U-Shape Footbridge
PublicationThe paper presents the scope of load tests carried out on an innovative shell composite footbridge. The tested footbridge was manufactured in one production cycle and has no components made from materials other than GFRP laminates and PET foam. The load tests, performed on a 14-m long structure, were the final stage of a research program in the Fobridge project carried out in cooperation with: Gdańsk University of Technology (leader),...
High load capacity spur gears with conchoidal path of contact
PublicationThe present study is devoted to investigation of spur gears with a conchoidal path of contact and a convex-convex contact between teeth. The load capacity and energy efficiency were evaluated using both theoretical and experimental approaches. The theoretical analysis showed that the conchoidal gear pairs are 5–21% stronger in terms of contact stress and have similar energy efficiency as compared to the involute gear pairs of the...
Heuristic scheduling algorithms for uniform load of computer system
PublicationW pracy zaprezentowano opracowany heurystyczny algorytm szeregowania zadań UNILO (ang. UNIform LOad - jednakowe obciążenie), umożliwiający redukcję całkowitego zapotrzebowania na moc obliczeniową systemu komputerowego bez pogarszania jego wydajności. Algorytm ten realizuje takie przydzielenie zadań obliczeniowych do poszczególnych jednostek (procesorów), aby zapewnić ich jednakowe obciążenie. Opracowany algorytm został zweryfikowany...
PublicationTyre load and inflation pressure are important factors controlling rolling resistance of road vehicles. The article presents results obtained in the Technical University of Gdańsk during laboratory and road measurements of different car tyres rolling on different pavements. The knowledge of rolling resistance characteristics is important for modelling car dynamics as well as fuel consumption. It is also necessary to establish proper...
The Influence of External Load on the Performance of Microbial Fuel Cells
PublicationIn this work, the effect of the external load on the current and power generation, as well as on the pollutant removal by microbial fuel cells (MFCs), has been studied by step-wise modifying the external load. The load changes included a direct scan, in which the external resistance was increased from 120 Ω to 3300 Ω, and a subsequent reverse scan, in which the external resistance was decreased back to 120 Ω. The reduction in the...
Biocompatibility and Bioactivity of Load-Bearing Metallic Implants
PublicationThe main objective of here presented research is to develop the titanium (Ti) alloy base composite materials possessing better biocompatibility, longer lifetime and bioactivity behaviour for load-bearing implants, e.g. hip joint and knee joint endoprosthesis. The development of such materials is performed through: modeling the material behaviour in biological environment in long time and developing of new procedures for such evaluation;...
Determination of equivalent axle load factors with the use of strain energy of distortion
PublicationThe paper proposes a new method for calculation of equivalent axle load factors based on the analysis of strain energy of distortion induced in road pavements by traffic loads. The main advantage of the method is the more accurate calculation of the effects of multiple axles and super single versus dual tyres. The methodconsiders the location of critical points, at which strain energy of distortion reaches extreme values. When...
Load testing of a suspended footbridge in Radom (Poland)
PublicationThe footbridge in Radom is a suspended bridge of an interesting architectural form. The structure was de-signed for 4 kN/m2 of crowd loading. Dynamic calculations were not included in the design. The structure’s acceptance tests took place on the 14th of October 2016. The behaviour of the footbridge in static testing met the expectations. Unfortunately, as a result of dynamic tests, dangerous behaviour of the footbridge was revealed....
Static load test on concrete pile – instrumentation and results interpretation
PublicationFor some time (since 8-10 years in Poland) a special static load tests on instrumented piles are carried out. Such studies are usually of a scientific nature and provide detailed quantitative data on the load transfer into the ground and characteristics of particular soil layers interaction with a pile shaft and pile base. Deep knowledge about the pile-subsoil interaction can be applied for a various design purposes, e.g. numerical...
Experimental Study of Dapped-End Beams Subjected to Inclined Load
PublicationThis paper presents the results of an experimental investigation of the reinforced concrete (RC) dapped-end beams loaded with inclined forces, compared to identical ones loaded with vertical forces only. Such a load may occur in, for example, Gerber's joints or in dapped-end beams supported on corbels, where the vertical gravitation force is additionally completed with horizontal forces caused by temperature differences, shrinking,...
Temperature Effects on Weigh-in-Motion Accuracy Using Steering Axle Load Spectrum
PublicationWeigh-in-motion systems (WIM) serve as valuable sources of traffic load data. The determination of axle load spectra using WIM data is pivotal for calculating load equivalency factors and predicting pavement distresses through M-EPDG. Among various factors affecting WIM accuracy, temperature changes stand out as particularly influential. This paper examines the influence of temperature on WIM-collected data, utilizing the steering...
Consideration of dynamic loads in the determination of axle load spectra for pavement design
PublicationAxle load spectra constitute a crucial part of the data for pavement design and pavement distress analysis. Typically, axle load spectra represent static load from vehicles and do not include dynamic loads generated by vehicles in motion. While dynamic loads can significantly contribute to faster pavement distress, this fact is mostly omitted in pavement design methods. The paper presents a methodology for consideration of dynamic...
Discussion - Experimental study of dapped–end beams subjected to inclined load
PublicationDiscussion - Experimental study of dapped–end beams subjected to inclined load
Stability and load bearing capacity of a truss with elastic braces
PublicationThe present paper is devoted to the numerical and experimental investigations of stability of a truss stiffened by elastic braces. The model of a real roof truss scaled by factor ¼ was investigated. In the research the linear buckling and non-linear static analysis of the truss shell and beam model with geometric and material non-linearity is presented. The initial imperfections were assumed in the form of the first buckling mode....
The use of GFRP tubes as load-bearing jackets in concrete-composite columns
PublicationThe paper presents the fields of applications of polymer composites in building structures. The use of composite glass fibre tubes is discussed in more detail. The laboratory methods used to test the mechanical properties of these pipes are presented. An original research program is presented, including six concrete-filled glass fibre tubes. The cylinders and columns made in this way were tested for their axial load capacity. Conclusions...
Investigation of stability and limit load of a truss overhead opened bridge
PublicationThe paper presents selected methods of determining stability and limit load of a truss top chord in opened bridges. These methods include linear buckling and non-linear static analysis based on the finite element method and algorithms based on design code procedures. The described methods were tested on an example of a steel footbridge situated in Straszyn. The results of stability analysis are compared. The results of geometrical...
Ice Load Characteristics on Floating Photovoltaic Platform
PublicationNowadays, based upon human needs and preferring perpetual types of energy, photovoltaic system (PV) is a suitable alternative and more frequently used in northern countries, which are recently more attracted by solar power. The new floating type of the structure is installed in the water bodies instead of land. One of the main elements in floating photovoltaic structures is the forces imposed on the panels. In the northern regions,...
Analysis of sloping brace stiffness influence on stability and load bearing capacity of a truss
PublicationThe paper is focused on the numerical study of stability and load bearing capacity of a truss with side elastic braces. The structure is made in reality. The rotational and sliding brace stiffnesses were taken into account. Linear buckling analysis and non-linear static analysis with geometric and material nonlinearity were performed for the beam and shell model of the truss with respect to the angle of sloping braces. As a result...
Investigation of Weigh-in-Motion Measurement Accuracy on the Basis of Steering Axle Load Spectra
PublicationWeigh-in-motion systems are installed in pavements or on bridges to identify and reduce the number of overloaded vehicles and minimise their adverse eect on road infrastructure. Moreover, the collected trac data are used to obtain axle load characteristics, which are very useful in road infrastructure design. Practical application of data from weigh-in-motion has become more common recently, which calls for adequate attention to...
Static Load Test on Instrumented Pile – Field Data and Numerical Simulations
PublicationFor some time (since 8-10 years in Poland) a special static load tests on instrumented piles are carried out. Such studies are usually of a scientific nature and provide detailed quantitative data on the load transfer into the ground and characteristics of particular soil layers interaction with a pile shaft and pile base. Deep knowledge about the pile-subsoil interaction can be applied for a various design purposes, e.g. numerical...
Study on the accuracy of axle load spectra used for pavement design
PublicationWeigh-in-Motion (WIM) systems are used in order to reduce the number of overloaded vehicles. Data collected from WIM provide characteristics of vehicle axle loads that are crucial for pavement design as well as for the development of pavement distress prediction models. The inaccuracy of WIM data lead to erroneous estimation of traffic loads and in consequence inaccurate prediction of pavement distress process. The objective of...
Application of probabilistic tools to extend load test design of bridges prior to opening
PublicationLoad tests of bridges are widely performed in a large number of countries. Deterministic comparison of measurement results to the theoretical, FEM (finite element method)-based outcomes with possible further calibration is mostly applied. Sometimes, the data collected in the tests are also used to calibrate the reliability factors of bridge structures or their components. This work proposes to complement the stage of the load test...
Experimental study on steel columns subjected to impact load under earthquake conditions
PublicationEarthquakes affecting urbanized regions cause exceptional loads to load bearing structural elements such as columns. Such a boost in the load conditions can lead to severe damages which, in a worst case scenario, can lead to a total collapse of a building. This boost is caused by the horizontal ground movement generating a rise in the internal forces due to considerable large displacement between the top and bottom support of columns....
Biostability of Tap Water—A Qualitative Analysis of Health Risk in the Example of Groundwater Treatment (Semi-Technical Scale)
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Physicochemical Properties and Application of Silica-Doped Biochar Composites as Efficient Sorbents of Copper from Tap Water
PublicationThis article concerns research on new sorption materials based on silica-doped activated carbon. A two-stage synthesis involved pyrolysis of plant material impregnated in a water glass solution , followed by hydrothermal activation of the pyrolysate in KOH solution. The resulting composite can be used as a sorbent in drinking water filters. The proposed method of synthesis enables the design of materials with a surface area...