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Search results for: library circulation services
The role and importance of the intellectual capital of the academic library – Gdańsk Tech Library Circulation Services case study / Rola kapitału intelektualnego biblioteki akademickiej na przykładzie doświadczeń Sekcji Obsługi Czytelnika Biblioteki Politechniki Gdańskiej
PublicationSkuteczne zarządzanie zasobami kapitału intelektualnego danej sekcji biblioteki akademickiej może być jednym z czynników wpływających na wysokie oceny usług bibliotecznych jej użytkowników. Może ono wpływać na wzrost kapitału intelektualnego biblioteki akademickiej, w strukturach której się znajduje. W sposób pośredni może oddziaływać również na poziom kapitału intelektualnego uczelni. Głównym celem autorek było przedstawienie...
Medical Digital Library Services as an Improvement of the Teleconsultation System in the Regional Health Network
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Center for Scientific and Technical Information - Library Services for Business and Science at Wroclaw University of Technology
PublicationWroclaw University of Technology is situated in Lower Silesia – the dynamically developing region of Poland. Focusing on adopting its own offer to the market needs had been selected as a strategy. Due to that, a synergy effect has been achieved with the development of segments strategic for the region. The University is strongly oriented to cooperation with the economy and industry. One of the key initiatives was establishment...
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Journal of Library and Information Services in Distance Learning
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Urszula Szybowska mgr
PeopleCurrently involved in academic library services and training of Polish and international users of the Gdańsk Tech Library, and Erasmus+ mobility projects. International cooperation coordinator at the Gdańsk Tech Library (2017-2020) ; since 2020 Erasmus+ program coordinator at Gdańsk Tech Library ; social media librarian: Facebook (2018-2023, September), Twitter (@LibraryPG - 2017, October - 2023, September ; @BridgeofData - 2019,...
Magdalena Szuflita-Żurawska
PeopleHead of the Scientific and Technical Information Services at the Gdansk University of Technology Library and the Leader of the Open Science Competence Center. She is also a Plenipotentiary of the Rector of the Gdańsk University of Technology for open science. She is a PhD Candidate. Her main areas of research and interests include research productivity, motivation, management of HEs, Open Access, Open Research Data, information...
Anna Wałek dr
PeopleDr Anna Wałek, President of IATUL – International Association of University Libraries, director of the Gdańsk University of Technology Library. An experienced library manager, an expert in the field of Open Science, and organization and management of a scientific library. She conducts scientific research in data management in various scientific disciplines, metadata for research data, and data management support services - incl....
Kamila Kokot-Kanikuła mgr
PeopleKamila Kokot-Kanikuła is a digital media senior librarian at Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT) Library. She works in Digital Archive and Multimedia Creation Department and her main areas of interests include early printed books, digital libraries, Open Access and Open Science. In the Pomeranian Digital Library (PDL) Project she is responsible for creating annual digital plans, transferring files on digital platform, and promoting...
KOALA Graph Theory Internet Service
PublicationKOALA has been created with the idea of C++ library templates, implementing a broad set of procedures in the fields of algorithmic graph theory and network problems in discreate optimization. During the C2NIWA project, a library has been greatly ectended, the code refactored and enclosed with the internet service available in the public repository of thr project. Today it contains interconnected educational materials in the form...
Ontologies vs. Rules — Comparison of Methods of Knowledge Representation Based on the Example of IT Services Management
PublicationThis text provides a brief overview of selected structures aimed at knowledge representation in the form of ontologies based on description logic and aims at comparing them with their counterparts based on the rule-based approach. Due to the limitations on the length of the article, only elements associated with the representation of concepts could be shown, without including roles. The formalisms of the OWL language were used...
Polish Academic Libraries in the Face of the Covid-19 Pandemic: Crisis Management and Communication within the Organisation
PublicationThe developing SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic, which was announced in March 2020, has had a significant impact on the activities of universities and their academic libraries. The article aims to present the activities of academic libraries at the time of introducing restrictions on their activities and closing for several months to users and reformulating the services they provide, on the example of the Library of the Gdańsk University...
Agnieszka Szymik mgr
PeopleAgnieszka Szymik is a senior librarian at Gdańsk University of Technology Library in Scientific Information Services. Agnieszka graduated from Jagiellonian University in Cracow with a major in Information and Library Science, specializing in Digital Resources and Electronic Publishing. Currently, she manages the Open Access Repository MOST Wiedzy (Bridge of Knowledge) and provides data for the database of copyright and Open Access...
Security of Web Services
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia zagadnienia związane tematycznie z Web Services. W szczególności dotyczy problemów związanych z zapewniwniem poufności i integralności danych. Zdefiniowano model bezpieczeństwa Web Services integrujący trzy główne technologie: SOAP, UDDI, WSDL.
Joanna Błasiok mgr
PeopleJoanna Błasiok is a senior librarian at the Gdańsk University of Technology Library in the Scientific and Technical Information Services. She graduated from the Library and Information Science at the University of Wroclaw - specialty: digital libraries. At the Gdansk University of Technology Library she is responsible for copyright in full text publications in the Repository Open Access, which is part of the MOST Wiedzy (Bridge...
Udział Biblioteki Politechniki Gdańskiej w procesie umiędzynarodowiania uczelni
PublicationUmiędzynarodowienie szkolnictwa wyższego definiowane jest zasadniczo jako podejmowanie studiów na zagranicznych uczelniach oraz udział w międzynarodowych projektach badawczych i szkoleniowych. Umiędzynarodowienie szkół wyższych jest jednym z elementarnych wskaźników, które określają dziś rozwój nauki i szkolnictwa wyższego. Biblioteka PG na różnych polach wspiera uczelnię w procesie internacjonalizacji. Strategia rozwoju usług...
Three-dimensional Web Geographic Information System using web-based technologies
PublicationWeb-based Geographic Information Systems offer a way of delivering geographic information to devices with small computational power, such as smartphones. In recent years, the rapid development of the Web Graphics Library (WebGL) made it possible to create rich interactive applications running inside a web browser and displaying three-dimensional objects using hardware acceleration. This paper presents a three-dimensional Web-GIS...
Wartość dodana akademickiej biblioteki „mobilnej” w kontekście programu Erasmus+ na przykładzie Biblioteki Politechniki Gdańskiej
PublicationMobilność wynikająca z założeń programu Erasmus+ w uczelniach i bibliotekach akademickich to wszelkie działania polegające na realizowaniu zagranicznych wyjazdów szkoleniowych w tzw. stażowych miejscach docelowych w krajach-sygnatariuszach programu. Erasmus+ w bibliotekach akademickich umożliwia szeroko pojęte doskonalenie zawodowe, rezultatem którego może być uzyskana wartość dodana uwidoczniona w nabywaniu nowych doświadczeń...
Wroclaw University of Technology Knowledge Repository - project objectives
PublicationKnowledge Repository is a project created in the Library and Scientific Information Centre of Wroclaw University of Technology (WrUT). Its main task will be collecting, sharing, and promoting scientific publications of researchers, postgraduates and students of WrUT. It will be also used for bibliometric analysis and reporting research output of WrUT scientific community.Knowledge Repository will closely cooperate with other databases...
Anna Sobala mgr
PeopleAnna Sobala is working as a librarian in User Services Division in Library of Gdańsk University of Technology. She graduated classical philology in Gdańsk University. From 2018 she is involved in project ‘Bridge of Data. Multidisciplinary Open Knowledge Transfer System - stage II: Open Research Data’.
Strony WWW bibliotek jako element promocji i narzędzie komunikacji z użytkownikiem
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono zasady tworzenia stron WWW bibliotek, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem bibliotek kościelnych. Zwrócono uwagę na elementy interfejsu i narzędzia służące informacji o zbiorach i usługach, a także promocji działalności biblioteki. Omówiono narzędzia z obszaru Web 2.0, służące komunikacji z użytkownikami w przestrzeni wirtualnej w czasie rzeczywistym (takie jak komunikatory, czaty, formularze zapytań) na przykładzie...
Wykorzystanie mediów społecznościowych do promocji otwartości w badaniach naukowych na przykładzie Biblioteki Politechniki Gdańskiej
PublicationMedia społecznościowe są jednym ze sposobów na skuteczną promocję zasobów oraz usług bibliotecznych w obecnym świecie cyfrowym. Stanowią również niedocenianą możliwość komunikacji pomiędzy naukowcami, bibliotekarzami a czytelnikami. Biblioteka akademicka może aktywnie angażować się w proces upowszechniania dorobku naukowego uczelni, podejmując w tym celu różnorakie działania marketingowe, wykorzystując takie serwisy jak: Facebook,...
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Motivating academic library non-users to [re]discover the academic library’s usefulness for their studying practices - the Gdańsk University of Technology Library perspective.
PublicationThe main purpose of this article is to present academic library’s methods of motivating library non-users to rediscover the academic library’s values and usefulness for their studying practices from the Gdańsk University of Technology Library perspective. The author focused on discussing the issue of Polish full-time students as one of the groups of non-users of the academic library. -- Głównym celem artykułu jest...
Ontologie vs. reguły — porównanie metod reprezentacji wiedzy na przykładzie dziedziny zarządzania usługami informatycznymi
PublicationTekst stanowi krótki przegląd wybranych konstrukcji służących reprezentacji wiedzy w postaci ontologii opartych na logice opisowej i porównanie ich z odpowiednikami opartymi na zapisie regułowym. Z powodu ograniczonej liczby stron pokazano tylko elementy związane z reprezentacją konceptów, bez uwzględniania ról. Do zapisu ontologii wykorzystano formalizmy języka OWL, zaś reguły wyrażono w Prologu. Dla lepszego zilustrowania tych...
Międzynarodowa konferencja IATUL Seminar 2019 „Organizacyjne i prawne aspekty Otwartej Nauki” / International IATUL Seminar 2019 "Organizing the Open Science Framework – Strategies and Legal Aspects”
PublicationIATUL Seminar 2019 was held in Gdańsk/Sopot, Poland (December 10-11th, 2019). The theme of the Seminar was „Organizing the Open Science Framework – Strategies and Legal Aspects”. The event was co-organized by Gdańsk University of Technology Library and International Association of University Libraries (IATUL). IATUL Seminar 2019 event attracted delegates, including directors and senior managers of university and research libraries...
Is data management a new “digitisation”? A change of the role of librarians in the context of changing academic libraries’ tasks
PublicationAcademic libraries’ tasks have been evolving over the years. The changes have been stimulated by appearing of electronic resources, automated library systems, digital libraries and Open Access (OA) repositories. Librarians’ tasks and responsibilities in the academic environment have been evolving in accordance with new tasks they were expected to assume. A few years ago there was a discussion during which an attempt was made to...
IATUL Seminar 2019 – ważne wydarzenie wpisujące się w rozwój działań Biblioteki Politechniki Gdańskiej na polu współpracy międzynarodowej.
PublicationCelem IATUL Seminar 2019 (Organizing the Open Science Framework – Strategies and Legal Aspects) było podsumowanie aktualnego stanu otwartości w nauce w Polsce i na świecie. Problematyka podejmowana na konferencji skupiała się na przeglądzie polityki repozytoriów instytucjonalnych i usług związanych z zarządzaniem danymi badawczymi. Poruszano także zagadnienia dotyczące aspektów prawnych związanych ze zbieraniem, przechowywaniem...
Knowledge and intellectual capital in a library
PublicationThe article constitutes an attempt to focus on the issues connected with knowledge management and intellelectual capital in a library, that is meant as a knowledge-based organisation, supporting the process of creating knowledge. it was characterised as the process of knowledge management in the library environment and diferent approaches to intelelectual capital management that depends on accepted philosophical conception....
Library Information Skills - Level 1
e-Learning CoursesThe Gdańsk Tech Library offers Library Information Skills e-course to the students enrolled in English-language degree programmes at Gdańsk University of Technology (Gdańsk Tech). It is an obligatory course. There is a test at the end of the e-course. Information skills, or in other words information literacy, means knowing what kind of information a student is looking for, where to find it, how to evaluate, communicate and use...
A new library for construction of automata
PublicationWe present a new library of functions that construct minimal, acyclic, deterministic, finite-state automata in the same format as the author's fsa package, and also accepted by the author's fadd library of functions that use finite-state automata as dictionaries in natural language processing.
Intelligent Knowledge-Base Model for IT Support Organization Evolution
PublicationThe goal of the paper is building the knowledge-based model for predicting the state of the IT support organization. These organizations, critical for development of various business sectors, are facing the problem of their transformation. It is the result of the fundamental change in the role of the IT organizations in the current economy. The complexity of the processes, the difficulty adjusting the operations and limited ability...
Knowledge Societies Policy Library
PublicationThe Knowledge Societies Policy Library is a collection of relevant research literature, policies, indicators, case studies and other resources relevant to the development of public policies for Knowledge Societies, and to support the use of the accompanying Knowledge Societies Policy Handbook.
Data librarian and data steward – new tasks and responsibilities of academic libraries in the context of Open Research Data implementation in Poland
PublicationThesis/Objective – The policy of Open Access (OA) for researching resources in Europe has been implemented for more than 10 years. The first recommendations concerning providing OA to scientific materials were defined during the implementation of the 7th Framework Programme. Introducing another set of recommendations concerning OA to research data was the next stage. The recommendations were transformed into obligations under the...
Quality control procedures in Pomeranian Digital Library
PublicationThis paper concerns a quality control in digital libraries projects. At first, general goals of such projects are presented together with some restrictions concerning non-commercial projects. Then some quality factors for digital objects are presented. Finally, a quality control model for Pomeranian Digital Library (PDL) is proposed. The model assumes three levels of quality control and takes into account specific features of PDL....
The influence of atmospheric circulation on the occurrence of dry and wet periods in Central Poland in 1954–2018
PublicationThis work presents the influence of atmospheric circulation on the occurrence of dry and wet periods in the central Polish region of Kujawy. The material on which the authors relied encompassed monthly totals of precipitation obtained from 10 weather stations in the period 1954–2018. Both dry and wet periods have been identified on the basis of monthly values of the Standardised Precipitation Index (SPI). Additionally, the calendar...
Prototype of an opto-capacitive probe for non-invasive sensing cerebrospinal fluid circulation
PublicationIn brain studies, the function of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) awakes growing interest, particularly related to studies of the glymphatic system in the brain, which is connected with the complex system of lymphatic vessels responsible for cleaning the tissues. The CSF is a clear, colourless liquid including water (H2O) approximately with a concentration of 99 %. In addition, it contains electrolytes, amino acids, glucose, and...
Investigations On Water Circulation in Animal Sea-Water Basins – On the Example of Seals′ Breeding Pools
PublicationThis paper presents general comments concerning investigations on water circulation in animal breeding pools containing sea water. As an example are given results of computer simulation of water circulation in seals’ breeding pools situated in Marine Station at Hel, belonging to Oceanographic Institute, Gdansk University. A mathematical model of three main pools was prepared with taking into account their inflow and outflow water...
Numerical Simulations and Tracer Studies as a Tool to Support Water Circulation Modeling in Breeding Reservoirs
PublicationThe article presents a proposal of a method for computer-aided design and analysis of breeding reservoirs in zoos and aquariums. The method applied involves the use of computer simulations of water circulation in breeding pools. A mathematical model of a pool was developed, and a tracer study was carried out. A simplified model of two-dimensional flow in the form of a biharmonic equation for the stream function (converted into...
Services Marketing_2022
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Library Information Skills | Primo catalogue
e-Learning Coursese-Course for students enrolled in English-language degree programmes at Gdańsk University of Technology. Training for the 2024/2025 academic year.
From the Concept to Results: A Case Study on the Collection Development for the ODC–Opening Day Collection at Qatar National Library
Publication"A library collection should fit the mission for which it is created. The number of books it holds does not determine its worth." (E. J. Loveland, 2000) If so, how do we create a national library, and how do we build its collection from scratch without making many mistakes? Since 2012, when the plans for the new national library were announced, Qatar National Library (QNL) envisioned as carrying out its mission to "spread knowledge,...
Koala graph coloring library: an open graph coloring library for real-world applications
PublicationPomimo intensywnej pracy naukowej na polu kolorowania grafów, nie jest znana kompletna i dedykowana biblioteka programistyczna. Celem artykułu jest zaproponowanie architektury takiej biblioteki. Celem jest spełnienie oczekiwań wypływających z rzeczywistych zastosowań, w szczególności spełnienie potrzeb wydajnościowych. Zaimplementowano szereg algorytmów cheurystycznego kolorowania grafów. Przyjętym językiem programowania jest C++....
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Integration of Services into Workflow Applications
PublicationDescribing state-of-the-art solutions in distributed system architectures, Integration of Services into Workflow Applications presents a concise approach to the integration of loosely coupled services into workflow applications. It discusses key challenges related to the integration of distributed systems and proposes solutions, both in terms of theoretical aspects such as models and workflow scheduling algorithms, and technical...
Systematics of intelligent transport systems services
PublicationRecent years have seen a more intensified deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in Polish cities. Work is also underway on the implementation of ITS on the national roads within the National Traffic Management System (KSZR). The research project RID-4D (part of Road Innovations), is designed to fill the gap, which is the lack of systematics of ITS services in Poland. The paper presents a proposal of ITS services systematics,...
A decentralised model of the regulating ancillary services market
PublicationThe article presents a model of regulating ancillary services provision in a dencetralised manner. A concept of the operation of local markets for ancillary services is presented.
An integrated e-learning services management system providing HD videoconferencing and CAA services
PublicationIn this paper we present a novel e-learning services management system, designed to provide highly modifiable platform for various e-learning tools, able to fulfill its function in any network connectivity conditions (including no connectivity scenario). The system can scale from very simple setup (adequate for servicing a single exercise) to a large, distributed solution fit to support an enterprise. Strictly modular architecture...