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Non-Coaxially Rotating Motion in Casson Martial along with Temperature and Concentration Gradients via First-Order Chemical Reaction
PublicationThe effect of non-coaxial rotation on the transport of mass subjected to first-order chemical reaction is studied analytically. The effects of thermal radiation, buoyancy, constructive and destructive chemical reactions along with Casson fluid in rotating frame are discussed. Time evolution of primary and secondary velocities, energy and solute particles are analyzed. The behavior of flow under the variation of intensity of magnetic...
Zastosowanie techniki dozymetrii pasywnej w monitorowaniu poziomu stężeń analitów z grupy BTEX w powietrzu atmosferycznym na terenie Aglomeracji Trójmiejskiej i Tczewa
PublicationW celu określenia poziomu stężeń związków z grupy BTEX (benzen, toluen, etylobenzen, o-,m-,p-ksyleny) w powietrzu atmosferycznym na terenie Aglomeracji Trójmiejskiej i Tczewa, przeprowadzono 12 kampanii pomiarowych z wykorzystaniem techniki dozymetrii pasywnej na etapie pobierania próbek. Wybrano dwa typy dozymetrów pasywnych: próbniki typu dyfuzyjnego - Orsa 5 ( National Dräger) i Radiello (FS Maugeri); próbnik typu permeacyjnego...
Latest Insights on Novel Deep Eutectic Solvents (DES) for Sustainable Extraction of Phenolic Compounds from Natural Sources
PublicationPhenolic compounds have long been of great importance in the pharmaceutical, food, and cosmetic industries. Unfortunately, conventional extraction procedures have a high cost and are time consuming, and the solvents used can represent a safety risk for operators, consumers, and the environment. Deep eutectic solvents (DESs) are green alternatives for extraction processes, given their low or non-toxicity, biodegradability, and reusability....
Efect of ageing on microstructure and impact properties of 9Cr-1Mo steel
PublicationBadano wpływ długotrwałego starzenia na mikrostrukturę i właściwości udarnościowe trzech przemysłowych wytopów stali typu 9Cr-1Mo. Wczesniejsze badania wykazały, że w stali 9Cr-1Mo starzonej w 550C przez 10 000 godzin występuje kruchość odpuszczania, a przy dłuższych czasach ekspozycji tworzy się krucha faza Lavesa (FeCr)2Mo na granicach ziaren. Powoduje to wzrost teperatury przejściowej kruchości oraz spadek energii łamania powyżej...
Cognitive decline in Huntington's disease expansion gene carriers
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PublicationThe objective of this study is to test empirically the relationship between structural changes (changes in gross value added and employment) and economic growth. We used a panel Granger-causality analysis based on annual data for eight transition countries, covering the period 1995–2011. The main finding is that the causality relations analysed are heterogeneous processes and are identified more often...
Is Digital Government Advancing Sustainable Governance? A Study of OECD/EU Countries
PublicationInternational bodies and numerous authors advocate a key role for Digital Government (DG) in improving public governance and achieving other policy outcomes. Today, a particularly relevant outcome is advancing Sustainable Governance (SG), i.e., the capacity to steer and coordinate public action towards sustainable development. This article performs an empirical study of the relationship between DG and SG using data about 41 OECD/EU...
Nauczanie matematyki w uczelniach technicznych w kontekście standardów kształcenia
PublicationW dniach 22−24 września 2008 r. we Wrocławiu odbyła się XIII Ogólnopolska Konferencja Nauczania Matematyki w Uczelniach Technicznych, zorganizowana przez Instytut Matematyki i Informatyki Politechniki Wrocławskiej oraz Polskie Towarzystwo Matematyczne. Politechnikę Gdańską na tej konferencji reprezentowali nauczyciele akademiccy – dr Barbara Wikieł, dr Anita Dąbrowicz−Tlałka i mgr Mariusz Kaszubowski. W swoim referacie dr Barbara...
LQT – czy technologie poprawiające jakość życia mogą stać się szansą rozwojową dla pomorskich przedsiębiorstw MSP
Barriers to inter-company cooperation in clusters
PublicationClusters have proved to be an important source of competitiveness for the economic development of regions within the European Union. One of the main goals of cluster development is to stimulate cooperation between companies in one or a few related sectors. The stakeholders of a cluster, as well as the local economy, can derive many benefits from such cooperation. However, there are numerous barriers, which make it difficult for...
Challenges of branding and marketing of clusters
PublicationClusters have proved to be powerful engine s of economic development in the European Union. Clusters and their stakehol ders can derive many benefits fr om a strong cluster brand. However, they face numerous branding and marketing challenges. Specifics of clusters, such as multiple stakeholders, make it difficult to forge a strong brand identity. This paper addresses the need to develop a cluster specific approach to branding and...
Supporting the development of clusters in Poland - dillemas faced by public policy
PublicationClusters have proved to be an important source of competitiveness for the economic development of regions within the European Union. In recent years many countries in the EU and throughout the world have launched policies aimed at supporting the development of clusters. There are many examples of good practices in the field of cluster policy, but there is no single model that can be applied in all countries and regions. This paper...
Greening the Innovation Landscape: Leveraging Open Innovation Channels for Sustainable Technology Adoption
PublicationOpen innovation offers a great potential for accelerating sustainable technology adoption. This study presents the diverse interaction channels of open innovation and their role in facilitating the development and integration of sustainable solutions. Through an analysis of collaboration mechanisms associated with various open innovation channels in sustainable technology adoption projects, this paper offers a comprehensive framework...
Rola innowacji otwartych w klastrach
PublicationInnowacje otwarte to podejście, w którym korzysta się z partnerstwa i łączenia zasobów wewnętrznych i zewnętrznych wobec firmy w celu kreowania nowych pomysłów i technologii. Klastry natomiast są uznawane za przestrzeń sprzyjającą międzyorganizacyjnej współpracy innowacyjnej. Głównym celem podejmowanym w rozprawie było zbadanie roli innowacji otwartych w klastrach poprzez dokonanie diagnozy stanu i sposobu ich podejmowania oraz...
Trouble in Paradise? Barriers to Open Innovation in Regional Clusters in the Era of the 4th Industrial Revolution
PublicationThe purpose of this paper is to provide an insight into the barriers faced by clusters as open innovation intermediaries. Literature review and an empirical study were performed, involving a nation-wide survey, case studies, and in-depth interviews with cluster actors involved in open innovation activities. This article conceptually links open innovation and clusters in the context of the fourth industrial revolution, empirically...
Innovation by proxy – clusters as ecosystems facilitating open innovation
PublicationOpen innovation is a concept, whose attributes can be perceived as naturally complementing the proximity-based offer of clusters. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the potential role of clusters as intermediaries of open innovation for cluster members. A literature review and an exploratory study were performed, involving in-depth interviews with experts in the field of innovation and clusters in Poland. This article...
Problems with modelling the strength properties of sailing vessels rigging ropes
PublicationThis article presents the basic parameters of soft ropes: natural fibre ropes, soft wire ropes and synthetic fibre ropes used for running rigging. There are only several materials still used for the production of natural fibre ropes, including cotton, jute, hemp, sisal and manila hemp. The most commonly used soft wire ropes are twisted pair ropes; for smaller diameters there is a 6x19M - FC rope and for larger diameters – 6x37M...
Assessing the eradication potential of fungal biofilms using acacia gum/PVA nanofibers functionalized with geraniol-β cyclodextrin inclusion complex
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Symbiosis of Art and Technology – From Renaissance to Interactive Art,
PublicationThe article presents the mutual relations between art and technology from the Renaissance to the interactive art of today. It indicates important factors influencing the possibilities of imaging and interpreting reality by artists, ranging from the development of oil painting techniques, linear perspective, the invention of printing and photography, to achievements related to the development of information technologies (computers,...
Vibrational spectroscopy of semiheavy water (HDO) as a probe of solute hydration
PublicationSpektroskopia oscylacyjna jest idealną metodą w badaniach zjawisk hydratacyjnych. Przy zastosowaniu techniki rozcieńczenia izotopowego, gdy mała ilość D2O zostaje wprowadzona do H2O lub vice versa i powstaje woda półciężka (HDO), ominąć można wiele problemów technicznych i interpretacyjnych związanych z pomiarem widm w podczerwieni wody ciekłej. Zwłaszcza izotopowe rozprzężenie drgań rozciągających ułatwia interpretację widm. Systematycznie...
Bioactive and biodegradable cotton fabrics produced via synergic effect of plant extracts and essential oils in chitosan coating system
PublicationFunctional antibacterial textile materials are in great demand in the medical sector. In this paper, we propose a facile, eco-friendly approach to the design of antibacterial biodegradable cotton fabrics. Cotton fiber fabrics were enhanced with a chitosan coating loaded with plant extracts and essential oils. We employed Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), UV–Vis spectrophotometry, optical...
Extremal thermal loading of a bifurcation pipe
PublicationThe subject of considerations is a spherical bifurcation pipe of a live steam made of steel P91, which is an element of a block of coal-fired power plant working with a 18K370 turbine. As experience shows, it is a very sensitive element of the boiler pipelines. An extreme work scenario for such a block has been adopted, in which the turbine is shutting down to a warm state three times in 24 hours. This is an action dictated by...
Coupling between Blood Pressure and Subarachnoid Space Width Oscillations during Slow Breathing
PublicationThe precise mechanisms connecting the cardiovascular system and the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) are not well understood in detail. This paper investigates the couplings between the cardiac and respiratory components, as extracted from blood pressure (BP) signals and oscillations of the subarachnoid space width (SAS), collected during slow ventilation and ventilation against inspiration resistance. The experiment was performed on...
Polyether-block-amide PEBA membranes for gas separation and pervaporation; current design and applications
PublicationPolyether-block-amide (PEBA) membranes have attracted considerable attention for their exceptional efficacy in gas separation and pervaporation processes. This comprehensive review delves into the precise definition, distinguishing characteristics, and diverse applications of PEBA membranes over the past five years. A primary research objective focuses on enhancing gas separation efficiency, primarily through augmenting membrane...
Anti-Aging Massage: Role Of Clinical Massage In Aging Processes
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Insights into the Effects of Cancer Associated Mutations at the UPF2 and ATP-Binding Sites of NMD Master Regulator: UPF1
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Properties of an innovative multi-functional finish for the improvement of indoor air quality
PublicationDue to lifestyle changes, people spend most of their time indoors at present; thus, Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is a matter of utmost importance. Multi-functional and innovative finishes can help to passively improve the IAQ, benefitting the health and comfort of occupants. For this study, reference and pre-mixed commercial mortars are compared to a new multi-functional hydraulic lime mortar for indoor finishes, in which conventional...
Otrzymywanie i charakterystyka funkcjonalnych biomateriałów ksero- i hydrożelowych na bazie chitozanu oraz ocena ich możliwości aplikacyjnych.
PublicationMateriały polimerowe powszechnie wykorzystuje się praktycznie we wszystkich dziedzinach życia. Aspekt ekologiczny związany z utylizacją produktów wytwarzanych na bazie polimerów syntetycznych wywołał bardzo duże zainteresowanie możliwościami zastąpienia ich analogami pochodzenia naturalnego, które uważane są za niemal niewyczerpywalne źródło trwałych materiałów na świecie. Źródłem chitozanu, jednego z czołowych biopolimerów będących...
Badanie zmian składu fitokompleksu i właściwości przeciwutleniających owoców aronii czarnoowocowej (Aronia melanocarpa (Michx.) Elliott) i wiciokrzewu sinego (Lonicera caerulea L.) pod wpływem przetwarzania
PublicationW ostatnich latach coraz większą uwagę przywiązuje się do poszukiwania naturalnych składników diety, których regularne spożywanie może mieć znaczenie dla ochrony organizmu ludzkiego przed różnymi chorobami. Wysokimi właściwościami prozdrowotnymi charakteryzują się owoce bogate w antocyjany, do których należą aronia czarnoowocowa (Aronia melanocarpa (Michx.) Elliott) i wiciokrzew siny (Lonicera caerulea L.), zwany także jagodą...
A solution of non-linear differential problem with application to selected geotechnical problems
PublicationA certain non-linear differential equation containing a power of unknown function being the solution is considered with application to selected geotechnical problems. The equation can be derived to a linear differential equation by a proper substitution and properties of the operations G and S.
Microcapsules and their applications in pharmaceutical and food industry.
PublicationMicroencapsulation is a process in which tiny particles or droplets are surrounded by a coating or embedded in a homogeneous or heterogeneous matrix, to generate small capsules in size range from a few to few thousand micrometers. The material inside the microcapsule is referred to as the core, internal phase, or fill, whereas the wall is sometimes called shell, coating, wall material, or membrane. It has found application in...
Numerical determination of heat exchanger response
PublicationPrzedstawiono metodę przybliżonego obliczania temperatury płynu w ustalonym punkcie wymiennika ciepła i w ustalonej chwili. Wykorzystując nieklasyczny rachunek operatorów można wyznaczyć wzór na odpowiedź wymiennika ciepła, w którym występuje całka funkcji jednej zmiennej. Do obliczenia wartości całki dla ustalonych parametrów zastosowano wzory Newtona - Cotesa. Podano również oszacowanie błędu przybliżonego obliczania wartości...
Nieklasyczne metody operatorowe w układach dynamicznych.**2002, 139 s. 24 rys. 2 tab. 1 tabl. bibliogr. 79 poz. maszyn. Rozprawa doktorska (26.06.2002) Promotor: dr hab. inż. Eligiusz Mieloszyk, prof. nadzw. PG
Ocena stopnia denaturacji oraz zawartości hydroksyproliny w kosmetycznej bazie kolagenowej.
PublicationW ramach zadania wykonano pomiary oraz opracowano wyniki dotyczące określenia temperatury denaturacji oraz zawartości hydroksyproliny w bazie kolagenowej.
Deep analysis of Loop L1 HVRs1-4 region of the hexon gene of adenovirus field strains isolated in Poland
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Phylogenetic and geographic analysis of fowl adenovirus field strains isolated from poultry in Poland
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Molecular characterisation of fowl adenovirus type 7 isolated from poultry associated with inclusion body hepatitis in Poland
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The spatial distribution of urban community gardens and their associated socio-economic status in Tehran, Iran
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An analysis on the revising the design of the urban spaces (Streets) in Tabriz metropolis in time of the pandemics spreading using the SWOT and QSPM matrix methods
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How IT Professionals Perceive Artificial Intelligence Myths
PublicationArtificial Intelligence (AI) has been recently attracting a lot of attention despite its long history. A good part of its presence in media and non-technical conversations is linked to existing myths and fears about its effects on humans and society. Literature has already analyzed how this type of information influences the general public and non-technical professionals but not how IT professionals react to AI myths. This article...
Identyfikacja regionalna i branżowa oraz poziom zaangażowania jako determinanty sukcesu inicjatywy klastrowej Interizon
PublicationCelem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza trzech wybranych składowych tożsamości grupowej w inicjatywie klastrowej Interizon: identyfikacji regionalnej, identyfikacji branżowej oraz zaangażowania w sprawy inicjatywy oraz ocena ich wpływu na dotychczasowe sukcesy inicjatywy. Autorki opierały się na wynikach badań zrealizowanych w 2014 roku wśród członków inicjatywy Interizon. Badania przeprowadzone były dwufazowo, w oparciu o obserwacje...
Czynniki sukcesu w zarządzaniu inicjatywą klastrową na przykładzie inicjatywy Interizon
PublicationGłównym celem artykułu jest identyfikacja potencjalnych czynników sukcesu w inicjatywie klastrowej Interizon z uwzględnieniem czterech obszarów funkcjonowania inicjatywy: formalizacji i wewnętrznej organizacji, działań podejmowanych w ramach inicjatywy, strategii rozwoju oraz komunikacji i promocji. Przeanalizowane zostały również najważniejsze efekty wynikające z członkostwa w powyższej inicjatywie. Autorki przeprowadziły badania...
Open Innovation Competence for a Future-Proof Workforce: A Comparative Study from Four European Universities
PublicationDigital transformation is a key driving force of open innovation to capture and transfer knowledge inside and outside of a company’s bounds. New challenges in organizing multiple knowledge flows imply the need for increased competences related to this paradigm of future employees. In this article, we organize and aggregate the competencies required for open innovation collaboration and develop a competence profile that organizes...
PublicationThe seminal Navier-Stokes equations have been stated yet before creation of principles of thermodynamics and the first and second laws. In the literature there is the common opinion that the Navier-Stokes equations cannot be taken as a thermodynamically correct model of “working fluid” which is able to describe transformation of “ heat” into “work” and vice versa. Therefore, in the paper, a new exposition of thermodynamically...
Modeling of pharmaceuticals mixtures toxicity with deviation ratio and best-fit functions models
PublicationThe present study deals with assessment of ecotoxicological parameters of 9 drugs (diclofenac (sodium salt), oxytetracycline hydrochloride, fluoxetine hydrochloride, chloramphenicol, ketoprofen, progesterone, estrone, androstenedione and gemfibrozil), present in the environmental compartments at specific concentration levels, and theirmutual combinations by couples against Microtox® and XenoScreen YES/YAS® bioassays. As the quantitative...
Design of a Coplanar Waveguide-Fed Wideband Compact-Size Circularly Polarized Antenna and polarization-sense alteration
PublicationThis paper presents the design and validation of a geometrically simple circularly polarized(CP) structure featuring flat gain in the sub-6 GHz 5th generation spectrum. The proposed structure is based on coplanar-waveguide-fed, modified wide slot etched in the ground plane. For generating CP waves, the coplanar ground planes are designed with slight asymmetry in both the horizontal and vertical directions. Furthermore, the ground...
Sugar matters: sugar moieties as reactivity-tuning factors in quercetin O-glycosides
PublicationQuercetin, one of the most abundant flavonoids in plant-based foods, commonly occurs in nature in various glycosylated forms. There is still a less explored aspect regarding the cause of its glycosides diversity, depending on the sugars moiety attached. This work focuses on four widespread quercetin glycosides—hyperoside, isoquercitrin, quercitrin and rutin—by testing property-tuning capacity of different sugar moieties and thus...
Advancing Urban Flood Resilience: A Systematic Review of Urban Flood Risk Mitigation Model, Research Trends, and Future Directions
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Spatial allocation of nature-based solutions in the form of public green infrastructure in relation to the socio-economic district profile–a GIS-based comparative study of Gdańsk and Rome
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Spatial allocation of nature-based solutions in the form of public green infrastructure in relation to the socio-economic district profile–a GIS-based comparative study of Gdańsk and Rome
PublicationWith increasing environmental and climate change threats to urban areas, Nature-based Solutions (NbS), including public greenery, are becoming integral components of green infrastructure (GI) networks. These solutions provide multiple benefits in different aspects, including stormwater management, enhanced air quality and improved societal well-being, offering cost-effective and adaptable alternatives to resource-intensive and...