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Search results for: evacuation from the ussr
AutoCAD: Examination of Factors Influencing User Adoption
PublicationThe primary purpose of the research is to examine and validate determinants of user intention to use AutoCAD software, utilising the constructs from prior studies in a more integrated model. The paper proposes a revised Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) for measuring the adoption of AutoCAD. In the study, a latent construct PPA (perceived physical accessibility) was added to the proposed research model as a new determinant of AutoCAD...
Ultrasonic Evaluation of Cement-Based Building Materials Modified Using Marble Powder Sourced from Industrial Wastes
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Evaluation of surfactant and biosurfactant mixture usefulness in oil removal from soil, based on physicochemical studies and flushing experiments
PublicationZbadano aktywność powierzchniową i właściwości zwilżające surfaktantu niejonowego - Rokanolu NL6, biosurfaktantu - JBR 425 i ich mieszanin. Na podstawie tych badań określono zdolność tych surfaktantów do usuwania oleju syntetycznego (PAO 6) z piasku. Roztwory surfaktantów zostały użyte do przemywania złoża piaskowego w kolumnie oraz odmywania piasku metodą dynamiczną. Testy kolumnowe z roztworami Rokanolu NL6 i JBR 425 dały niskie...
Evaluation of the Structural Modification of Ibuprofen on the Penetration Release of Ibuprofen from a Drug-in-Adhesive Matrix Type Transdermal Patch
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Evaluation of Langmuir and Freundlich Isotherms for Removal of Cephalexin and Tetracycline Antibiotics By Sistan Sand from Water and Wastewater Samples
PublicationIn this research, Sistan sand was used as a natural and inexpensive sorbent for removal of cephalexin and tetracycline antibiotics from water and wastewater samples. For a concentration 60.0 mg L-1 of cephalexin, optimum removal conditions were: pH of the sample 3.0, adsorbent amount 1.0 g, contact time 20.0 min, added amount of sodium chloride to adjust the ionic strength of the solution 7.0 g L-1. Langmuir isotherm was the best...
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data
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Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences
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Journal of Biologically Active Products from Nature
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Greenery and Urban Form vs. Health of Residents: Evaluation of Modernist Housing in Lodz and Gdansk
PublicationUrban forms can have numerous direct and indirect effects on the health of residents. This article focuses on the rela‐ tionship between health and urban form, in particular the role of green open spaces. The goal is to identify criteria for evaluating the impact of physical forms such as streets and open spaces, green infrastructure, and built structures on urban health. These criteria are then used to identify paths for the redevelopment...
Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education
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Zeitschrift für Evaluation (ZfEv)
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Journal of Personnel Evaluation in Education
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Educational Assessment Evaluation and Accountability
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Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation
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Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation
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International Journal of Assessment and Evaluation
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Counseling Outcome Research and Evaluation
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Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development
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The evaluation methodology of corrosion protection of tanks from hull structural steels with Acoustic Emission use and first results of investigations
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono metodykę badań mającą na celu ocenę stopnia ochrony przed korozją konstrukcji zbiorników ładunkowych i balastowych wykonanych ze stali kadłubowych z wykorzystaniem Emisji Akustycznej (EA). W metodyce wykorzystano wymagania obowiązujących norm, standardów oraz doświadczenia zdobyte w dotychczasowych badaniach poświęconych zastosowaniu metody EA do wykrywania i lokalizacji źródeł korozji na statkach. Do...
Metabolic Evaluation of Urine from Patients Diagnosed with High Grade (HG) Bladder Cancer by SPME-LC-MS Method
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Evaluation of solid phase extraction for downstream separation of propane-1,3-diol and butan-1-ol from fermentation broth
PublicationGlycerol is mainly a by-product of fat splitting and biodiesel production. This study examined the use of chemically modified silica gels for downstream separation of propane-1,3-diol and butan-1-ol from fermentation broths obtained through the glycerol fermentation process. The developed method was found to be simple and efficient for the isolation and purification of butan-1-ol from the other components in the fermentation mixture....
Evaluation of Nanoporous Carbon Synthesized from Direct Carbonization of a Metal–Organic Complex as a Highly Effective Dye Adsorbent and Supercapacitor
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Evaluation of the in vitro permeation parameters of topical ketoprofen and lidocaine hydrochloride from transdermal Pentravan® products through human skin
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Evaluation of Health Hazard Due to Emission of Volatile Organic Compounds from Various Processing Units of Wastewater Treatment Plant
PublicationThe paper describes an attempt at health risk assessment and odour concentration determination in the most important units of a wastewater treatment plant. The cancer risk (CR) and hazard index (HI) parameters in selected measurement locations were calculated based on the results of chromatographic analyses (GCxGC-TOF-MS) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) guidelines. No exceedance of the CR and HI acceptable...
Development, characterization and evaluation of composite adsorbent for the adsorption of crystal violet from aqueous solution: Isotherm, kinetics, and thermodynamic studies
PublicationThe purpose of this work focuses on the production and investigations of a new composite material as alternative low-cost adsorbent for the removal of crystal violet (CV) dye from waste solution. The production method was performed by in-situ thermal activation technology via extrusion process of polymer wastes containing tire rubber (50 wt%) and polyurethane foam (50 wt%) using single-screw extruder under processing temperature...
Evaluation of the yield, chemical composition and biological properties of essential oil from bioreactor-grown cultures of Salvia apiana microshoots
PublicationMicroshoot cultures of the North American endemic Salvia apiana were established for the first time and evaluated for essential oil production. Stationary cultures, grown on Schenk-Hildebrandt (SH) medium, supplemented with 0.22 mg/L thidiazuron (TDZ), 2.0 mg/L 6-benzylaminopurine and 3.0% (w/v) sucrose, accumulated 1.27% (v/m dry weight) essential oil, consisting mostly of 1,8-cineole, β-pinene, α-pinene, β-myrcene and camphor....
Towards Methodology for User Experience Measurement in On-line Services
PublicationArtykuł prezentuje wyniki badań, których celem była identyfikacja czynników kształcących jakość postrzeganą wybranych usług on-line udostępnianych przez Internet oraz ocena wpływu czynników kształtujących lojalność ich użytkowników. Badania wykazały, że czynnikami najbardziej istotnymi są: ''atrakcyjna cena'', następnie ''poczucie bezpieczeństwa'' oraz ''wyczerpująca informacja'', a w dalszej kolejności ''wygoda'' korzystania z...
The impact of end-user participation in IT projects on product usability
PublicationMany companies implementing new IT projects encounter numerous problems with ensuring good final product usability. The strong market competition they experience often results in necessity of undertaking difficult decisions with regard to cost minimization. This may force cuts in usability expertise and consulting, most often by limiting end-user participation in the project. However, it may also result in serious consequences...
Flexibility and user‐friendliness of Grid portals: the PROGRESS approach
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User Trust Levels and Their Impact on System Security and Usability
PublicationA multilateral trust between a user and a system is considered. First of all we concentrate on user trust levels associated with the context-oriented CoRBAC model. Consequently, there were computed user profiles on the basis of its implementation in the information processing system “My GUT”. Furthermore, analysis of these profiles and the impact of user trust levels on system security and usability have been discussed.
Wideband Off-Body Channel Characteristics with Dynamic User
PublicationThis paper presents the preliminary results of a dynamic off-body channel characterisation study, based on wideband measurements at 5.8 GHz in an indoor environment. The Channel Impulse Response (CIR) was measured for a scenario with the user approaching and departing from the off-body antenna. A CIR deconvolution procedure was performed jointly in two polarisations, and the received signal power, Cross-Polarisation Discrimination...
A Special Section on Intelligent User Interfaces in Healthcare (IUIH)
PublicationA concept of interface has evolved from the first appearance in the form of a command line interface to the established use of direct manipulation or WIMP (windows, icons, menus and pointing) interfaces in nearly all applications. Intelligent user interfaces (IUI) form a subfield of Human-Computer Interaction research. Optimal human-computer interactions are defined as ones where users are able to perform complex tasks more quickly...
Journal of Organizational and End User Computing
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Evaluation of TiO2/UV; O3/UV, and PDS/Vis for improving chlorfenvinphos removal from real municipal treated wastewater effluent
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Optimization and evaluation of the process variable’s effect on color and turbidity removal from coffee processing wastewater: Using a photoelectrochemical oxidation process
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Agnieszka Landowska dr hab. inż.
PeopleAgnieszka Landowska works for Gdansk University of Technology, FETI, Department of Software Engineering. Her research concentrates on usability, accessibility and technology adoption, as well as affective computing methods. She initiated Emotions in HCI Research Group and conducts resarch on User eXperiene evaluation of applications and other technologies.
Contrastes. Revista Internacional de Filosofia (from 2004)
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Harvard health letter / from Harvard Medical School
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Harvard heart letter : from Harvard Medical School
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Usability and relational factors in user-perceived quality of online services
PublicationThe purpose of this paper is to identify the key determinants of con-sumer-perceived usability of online service websites and their impact on e-loyalty potential, expressed by customer’s willingness to return and to recommend the website to others. In this experimental usability study fifteen video-recorded users performed specific tasks in financial, travel and health online service websites. After completing the tasks users filled...
A tool for integrating Web Site services over User Interface
PublicationCompanies and organizations are building information systems by integrating previously independent applications, together with new developments. This integration process has to deal with existing applications, which can only be used through their specific interfaces, and often cannot be modified. Integration of web applications running remotely and controlled by separate organizations becomes even more complicated, as their user...
Integrating web site services into application through user interface
PublicationThe issue of integrating applications which are only accessible through visual user interface is not thoroughly researched. Integration of web applications running remotely and controlled by separate organizations becomes even more complicated, as their user interface can display differently in different browsers or change without prior notification as a result of application maintenance. While possible, it is generally not common...
On Explaining Intuitiveness of Software Engineering Techniques with User eXperience Concepts
PublicationW referacie zawarto próbę wyjaśnienia intuicyjności technik inżynierii oprogramowania za pomocą pojęć zaczerpniętych z obszaru doświadczenia użytkownika. Analizy dotyczą zarówno intuicyjności przy pierwszym zetknięciu się użytkownika z daną techniką, jak i dynamiki transformacji epizodycznych doświadczeń na doświadczenie skumulowane i powiązane z nim postrzeganie intuicyjności. Przedyskutowano potencjalne zastosowania modelu i...
Extending the Shibboleth identity management model with a networked user profile
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Usefulness of Keystroke Dynamics Features in User Authentication and Emotion Recognition
PublicationThe study presented in the article focuses on keystroke dynamics analysis applied to recognize emotional states and to authenticate users. An overview of some studies and applications in these areas is presented. Then, an experiment is described, i.e. the way of collecting data, extracting features, training classifiers and finding out the most appropriate feature subsets. The results show that it is difficult to indicate a universal...
Context-aware User Modelling and Generation of Recommendations in Recommender Systems
PublicationRecommender systems are software tools and techniques which aim at suggesting new items that may be of interest to a user. This dissertation is focused on four problems in recommender systems domain. The first one is context-awareness, i.e. how to obtain relevant contextual information, how to model user preferences in a context and use them to make predictions. The second one is multi-domain recommendation, which aim at suggesting...
Ensuring the QoE-Related Fairness to Reduce the User Abandonment Ratio
PublicationThese days, it is quite a challenge for app owners to keep users engaged with an app. Currently, the level of user abandonment is one of the key parameters that application owners are interested in. To meet these challenges, we are conducting an extended study of a previously proposed solution that significantly reduces the abandonment rate of a given application. The investigated solution is based on the methods of fairness using...
PublicationThe article describes the methodology related to determining the multi-criteria routes for sailing ships. Details of sea area discretisation and discretisation of the description of the sailing vessel properties and manoeuvring principles are shown. User requirements were specified (for five different categories of users) and on this basis the criteria for selecting the most suitable shipping route were formulated. The presented...