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Search results for: PALE VIBRO
A Step Forward in Understanding the Expression of Classical Aquaporins in the Male Reproductive Tract: Study Findings in Cattle (Bos taurus)
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Ageing of Society — Local Disparities. Classification of the Pomorskie Voivodship Communes According to the Pace and Progress of Local Communities’ Ageing
PublicationThe article deals with the issues of local disparities in the field of advancement and pace of demographic ageing. The subjects of the research were communes of the Pomorskie Voivodship. The purpose of the article — i.e., diagnosing and assessing the progress and pace of ageing of local communities in all 123 communes of the Pomorskie Voivodship, was achieved using a combination of traditional measures of ageing: age factor,...
Some Aspects of Shear Behavior of Soft Soil–Concrete Interfaces and Its Consequences in Pile Shaft Friction Modeling
PublicationThis paper examines the stiffness degradation and interface failure load on soft soil–concrete interface. The friction behavior and its variability is investigated. The direct shear tests under constant normal load were used to establish parameters to hyperbolic interface model which provided a good approximation of the data from instrumented piles. Four instrumented piles were used to obtain reference soil–concrete interface behavior....
The effect of paleo-environment on hydrocarbon generation potential: Example from Vaca Muerta Formation, Neuquén Basin, Argentina
PublicationA 137-m continuous core from the Jurassic-Early Cretaceous marine derived oil shale with the maturity Ro about 0.7 %, representing the oil window in the Vaca Muerta Formation, Neuquén Basin, Argentina, was examined using geological, mineralogical, petrographic, and geochemistry techniques. Three distinct intervals were identified within the core: the upper carbonate-rich section with intense bioturbation, indicating dysoxic to...
Prediction of Pile Shaft Capacity in Tension Based on Some Direct CPT Methods—Vistula Marshland Test Site
PublicationThis paper presents different CPT methodologies for the prediction of the pile shaft resistance in tension on the example of three reference screw piles of the Jazowa test site in Poland. The shaft capacity was estimated based on the cone resistance, sleeve friction and CPT excess pore water pressure. Three piles with diameter 0.4 m and the length varied from 8 m to 14.6 m were subjected to static load tests in tension. Their...
An MOR Algorithm Based on the Immittance Zero and Pole Eigenvectors for Fast FEM Simulations of Two-Port Microwave Structures
PublicationThe aim of this article is to present a novel model-order reduction (MOR) algorithm for fast finite-element frequency-domain simulations of microwave two-port structures. The projection basis used to construct the reduced-order model (ROM) comprises two sets: singular vectors and regular vectors. The first set is composed of the eigenvectors associated with the poles of the finite-element method (FEM) state-space system, while...
A subdomain model for armature reaction field and open‐circuit field prediction in consequent pole permanent magnet machines
PublicationIn this paper, the machine quantity, such as electromagnetic torque, self and mutual inductances, and electromotive force, is analytically calculated for non-overlapping winding consequent pole slotted machine for open-circuit field and armature reaction. The sub-domain approach of (2-D) analytical model is developed using Maxwell's equations and divide the problem into slots, slot-openings, airgap and magnets region, the magnet...
Optimized photodegradation of palm oil agroindustry waste effluent using multivalent manganese–modified black titanium dioxide
PublicationThis article presents a methodological approach to use manganese (Mn3+Mn7+)-modified black titanium dioxide (Mn/BTiO2) as a photocatalyst to optimize and improve visible-light-driven photodegradation of treated agro-industrial effluent (TPOME). A modified wet chemical process was used to prepare BTiO2. The BTiO2 was then wet impregnated with Mn and calcined at 300 °C for 1 h to produce Mn/BTiO2. The activity of Mn/BTiO2 was investigated...
Frequency-Variant Double-Zero Single-Pole Reactive Coupling Networks for Coupled-Resonator Microwave Bandpass Filters
PublicationIn this work, a family of frequency-variant reactive coupling (FVRC) networks is introduced and discussed as new building blocks for the synthesis of coupled-resonator bandpass filters with real or complex transmission zeros (TZs). The FVRC is a type of nonideal frequency-dependent inverter that has nonzero elements on the diagonal of the impedance matrix, along with a nonlinear frequency-variation profile of its transimpedance...
Wpływ kształtu otwartego obiektu ferromagnetycznego na pole magnetyczne.Influence of shape of open ferromagnetic object on magnetic field.
PublicationObiekt o właściwościach ferromagnetycznych znajdujący się w ziemskim polu magnetycznym zaburza równomierność tego pola. Przestrzenny rozkład zaburzenia pola zależy od wielu czynników, w tym między innymi od rozmiarów i kształtu obiektu, od jego właściwości ferro-magnetycznych i od położenia względem wektora ziemskiego pola magnetycznego. Na podstawie pomiaru rozkładu pola magnetycznego wokół obiektu można dokonać lokalizacji i...
IBRO Neuroscience Reports
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Kazimierz Gwizdała prof. dr hab. inż.
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The influence of changes of soil parameters due to consolidation on the interaction of piles and soft soil layer
PublicationZaprezentowano problem wyznaczania bocznego parcia gruntu o małej wytrzymałości na pale. Opisano przypadki występowania bocznego obciążenia pali. Scharakteryzowano właściwości i zachowanie gruntów słabych stanowiących warstwę podłoża o małej wytrzymałości. Zaprezentowano propozycje obliczania bocznego parcia według różnych autorów. Przedstawiono wpływ konsolidacji na zmianę wytrzymałości gruntów słabych w czasie oraz na obliczanie...
Guided waves in steel rails - experimental works and wavelet signal processing
PublicationW artykule zaprezentowano analizę falkową pomierzonych eksperymentalnie fal sprężystych wzbudzanych w szynach kolejowych.
Preparation and in vitro characterisation of bioactive mesoporous silica microparticles for drug delivery applications
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Synthesis and in vitro characterization of freeze-dried doxorubicin-loaded silica/PEG composite
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Polyphenol-Enriched Composite Bone Regeneration Materials: A Systematic Review of In Vitro Studies
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Cinnamon powder: an in vitro and in vivo evaluation of antifungal and plant growth promoting activity
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Influence of S. aureus exosecretions on cytokine profile in bovine leukocyte cultures in vitro
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Anticancer properties of low molecular weight oat beta-glucan – An in vitro study
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Cloning and characterization of the dnaK heat shock operon of the marine bacterium Vibrio harveyi
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Edible Flowers Extracts as a Source of Bioactive Compounds with Antioxidant Properties—In Vitro Studies
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Parallel in vitro and in silico investigations into anti-inflammatory effects of non-prenylated stilbenoids
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In vivo and in vitro study of a novel nanohydroxyapatite sonocoated scaffolds for enhanced bone regeneration
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The effect of electromagnetic field on reactive oxygen species production in human neutrophilsin vitro
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In vitro enzyme inhibitory properties, antioxidant activities, and phytochemical profile of Potentilla thuringiaca
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In vitro anticariogenic effects of aerial parts of Drymocallis rupestris and its phytochemical profile
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In vitro anticariogenic effects of aerial parts of Potentilla recta and its phytochemical profile
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In Vitro Efficiency of Antimicrobial Peptides against Staphylococcal Pathogens Associated with Canine Pyoderma
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Actisil application affects growth, flowering, and biochemical parameters in petunia in vitro and greenhouse
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Transcriptional activity of epigenetic remodeling genes declines in keratinocytes after in vitro expansion
PublicationPURPOSE: In vitro expansion is an invaluable method to obtain keratinocytes in amounts necessary for effective transplantation therapies. In vitro cell culturing provokes questions concerning potential epigenetic alterations occurring in expanded cells in the context of usefulness for transplantation and safety. The purpose of this study was to investigate as to whether keratinocyte expansion is associated with changes in the activity...
PTD4 Peptide Increases Neural Viability in an In Vitro Model of Acute Ischemic Stroke
PublicationIschemic stroke is a disturbance in cerebral blood flow caused by brain tissue ischemia and hypoxia. We optimized a multifactorial in vitro model of acute ischemic stroke using rat primary neural cultures. This model was exploited to investigate the pro-viable activity of cell-penetrating peptides: arginine-rich Tat(49–57)-NH2 (R49KKRRQRRR57-amide) and its less basic analogue, PTD4 (Y47ARAAARQARA57-amide). Our model included glucose...
Specificity of Infant Digestive Conditions: Some Clues for Developing Relevant In Vitro Models
PublicationDigestion of nutrients is an essential function of the newborn infant gut to allow growth and development and understanding infant digestive function is essential to optimize nutrition and oral drug delivery. Ethical considerations prohibit invasive in vivo trials and as a consequence in vitro assays are often conducted. However, the choice of in vitro model parameters are not supported by an exhaustive analysis of the literature...
Butyrylcholinesterase signal sequence self-aggregates and enhances amyloid fibril formation in vitro
PublicationAlzheimer’s disease (AD) pathogenesis has been attributed to extracellular aggregates of amyloid β (Aβ) plaques and neurofibrillary tangles in the human brain. It has been reported that butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) also accumulates in the brain Aβ plaques in AD. We have previously found that the BChE substitution in 5′UTR caused an in-frame N-terminal extension of 41 amino acids of the BChE signal peptide. The resultant variant...
Ocena nośności pali wierconych fi 880 mm wykonanych pod posadowienie podpór wiaduktu na podstawie próbnych obciążeń statycznych pali. Budowa wiaduktu nad torami PKP relacji Gdańsk - Tczew (E-65) w km 310+773.
PublicationWykonano ocenę nośności fundamentów palowych posadowionych na palach wierconych o średnicy 880 mm na podstawie badań statycznych tych pali.
The bioactivity of processed garlic (Allium sativum L.) as shown in vitro and in vivo studies on rats
PublicationCzosnek w trakcie procesu obróbki traci znaczną część swojej bioaktywności. Właściwości przeciwutleniające zmierzone metodą FRAP i DPPH stwierdzono na najwyższym poziomie w przypadku czosnku surowego oraz po krótkim okresie gotowania. Badania na szczurach poddanych diecie z dodatkiem krótkogotowanego czosnku potwierdziły, że proces ten nie zaburza właściwości przeciwutleniających surowego czosnku. U zwierząt stwierdzono poprawę...
Na jakich palach posadawiać podpory obiektów mostowych.
PublicationAnaliza zasadności stosowania pali wierconych wielkośrednicowych i pali wbijanych w posadowieniach mostów. Przykład obliczeniowy posadowienia mostu w dwóch wariantach: na palach wielkośrednicowych i na palach wbijanych Vibro. Analiza porównawcza obu wariantów wykazała przewagę wariantu na palach wbijanych Vibro, zarówno pod względem technicznym jak i ekonomicznym.
Cellular Distribution of Aquaporin 3, 7 and 9 in the Male Reproductive System: A Lesson from Bovine Study (Bos taurus)
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High-Dose Testosterone Propionate Treatment Reverses the Effects of Endurance Training on Myocardial Antioxidant Defenses in Adolescent Male Rats
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Effects of acute and long-term slow breathing exercise on muscle sympathetic nerve activity in untreated male patients with hypertension
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Maternal immune activation leads to age-related behavioral and immunological changes in male rat offspring - the effect of antipsychotic drugs
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Prenatal stress leads to changes in IGF-1 binding proteins network in the hippocampus and frontal cortex of adult male rat
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Effect of culinary treatment on chnages in the contents of selected nutrients and non-nutrients in curly kale (Brassica oleracea var. acephala)
PublicationKale has a great nutritive value, very high antioxidant activity and pro-healthypotential. The level of phytochemicals and related bioactive compounds arestrongly dependent on pre and postharvest stages of production chain (domestic orindustrial). The study investigated changes in the levels of vitamin C, b-carotene,total polyphenols, antioxidant activity, degradation products of glucosinolates aswell as nitrates and nitrites in...
Influence of Installation Effects on Pile Bearing Capacity in Cohesive Soils – Large Deformation Analysis Via Finite Element Method
PublicationIn this paper, the whole process of pile construction and performance during loading is modelled via large deformation finite element methods such as Coupled Eulerian Lagrangian (CEL) and Updated Lagrangian (UL). Numerical study consists of installation process, consolidation phase and following pile static load test (SLT). The Poznań site is chosen as the reference location for the numerical analysis, where series of pile SLTs...
Multiple reference frame theory in the synchronous generator model considering harmonic distortions caused by nonuniform pole shoe saturation
PublicationThe paper describes a synchronous generator model developed based on the multiple reference frame theory. The main physical phenomena included in the model are the machine armature non-sinusoidal voltage waveform and the influence of armature current in load conditions on the armature voltage waveform higher harmonic components. The modified multiple reference frame theory model is proposed. In this modified theory model the field...
Screw displacement pile shaft deformations measured by vibrating wire and fiber optic systems during a static load test
PublicationThis paper describes a full scale static load test performed on a 400 mm diameter screw displacement pile equipped with four different strain measuring systems. Three types of vibrating wire strain gauges (VWSG) were used: global - retrievable, local attached to steel pipe and local concrete embedded. The fourth system was distributed fiber optic sensors based on Rayleigh back scattering (DFOS) - three in the pile cross section....
Lobularia libyca: Phytochemical Profiling, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activity Using In Vitro and In Silico Studies
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An In Vitro Antimicrobial, Anticancer and Antioxidant Activity of N–[(2–Arylmethylthio)phenylsulfonyl]cinnamamide Derivatives
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Bioactive silica-based drug delivery systems containing doxorubicin hydrochloride: In vitro studies
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Expression of INHβA and INHβB proteins in porcine oocytes cultured in vitro is dependent on the follicle size