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Search results for: flood routing
Seamless roaming between UMTS and IEEE 802.11 networks.
PublicationW artykule opisano metody przełączania pomiędzy systemami UMTS i sieciami standardu IEEE 802.11 - wykorzystującymi protokół MIP. Zaproponowano parametry i ........związane z przełączeniami połączeń, pozwalające na zwiększenie efektywności pracy systemów końcowych, uzyskujących dostęp do Intrnetu za pomocą wspomnianych wyżej systemów. Propozycje zostały zweryfikowane metodami symulacyjnymi, z wykorzystaniem symulatora NS-2.
Analiza algorytmów rutingu wspierających QoS w DiffServ.
PublicationW artykule podjęto tematykę związaną z opisem oraz analizą dostępnych algorytmów rutingu wspierających QoS dla specyficznej architektury sieci IP - DiffServ. Główną przyczyną jaka skłania do badania procedur rutingu QoS o wielu ograniczeniach (multi constrained routing) jest brak jak dotąd jednoznacznie sprecyzowanych, dokładnych metod pozwalających wyznaczyć drogi połączeniowe dla usług, dla których ma być gwarantowana jakość...
Analiza algorytmów rutingu wspierających QoS w DiffServ
PublicationW pracy podjęto tematykę związaną z opisem oraz analizą dostępnych algorytmów rutingu wspierających QoS dla specyficznej architektury sieci IP - DiffServ. Główną przyczyną jaka skłania do badania procedur rutingu QoS o wielu ograniczeniach (multi constrained routing) jest brak jak dotąd jednoznacznie sprecyzowanych, dokładnych metod pozwalających wyznaczyć drogi połączeniowe dla usług, dla których ma być gwarantowana jakość (QoS...
At what temperature should the tire rolling resistance be measured?
PublicationThe climate crisis is already an indisputable fact and therefore, it is necessary to reduce energy consumption, and especially energy wasting. One of the ways to reduce energy consumption of motor vehicles is to decrease vehicle movement resistance, including rolling resistance. In order for the optimization of tire rolling resistance to be efficient, it is necessary to apply appropriate optimization criteria that are closely related...
Modernization of the Trailer for Tyre/Road Rolling Resistance Measurements
PublicationIn the article the ways of defining tyre rolling resistance are presented. The advantages of the laboratory tests of tyre/road rolling resistance and the advantages and disadvantages of on the road tyre/road rolling resistance tests are described. The description of the special trailer used for tyre/road rolling resistance measurements designed and constructed in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Gdansk University of Technology,...
Manufacturing of resistant joints by rolling for light tubular structures
PublicationKoncepcja łączenia aluminiowych elementów rurowych z zastosowaniem nagniatania plastycznego jest alternatywą do istniejących metod łączenia przez spawanie i skręcanie. W artykule prezentowane są oryginalne wyniki badań wpływu parametrów nagniatania wewnętrznego i zewnętrznego oraz różnych postaci powierzchni łączonych na wytrzymałość złącza (aluminium-aluminium) pod wpływem rozciągających sił osiowych.Badania przeprowadzono na...
Grouping macromodels by using multilevel model order reduction
Publicationartykuł pprezentuje nowatorską technikę grupowania makromodeli dla metody fdtd. nowa technika bazuje na schemacie wielopoziomowej redukcji rzędu modeli. grupowanie makromodeli pozwala na zwiększenie szybkości symulacji w porównaniu do niezgrupowanych makromodeli, zapewniając przy tym porównywalną dokładność.
Azimuth estimator for a rotating array radar with wide beam
PublicationThe problem of estimating azimuth in rotating array radar with a beam, wide in the azimuth plane, is considered. Under such setup the echo signal usually has a very low signal to noise ratio, but the number of observations is large, because of long dwell times. The proposed solution is based on the maximum likelihood approach, but it employs simplifications which facilitate its implementation in real time systems. Results, obtained...
Human subarachnoid space width oscillations in the resting state
PublicationAbnormal cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pulsatility has been implicated in patients suffering from various diseases, including multiple sclerosis and hypertension. CSF pulsatility results in subarachnoid space (SAS) width changes, which can be measured with near-infrared transillumination backscattering sounding (NIR-T/BSS). The aim of this study was to combine NIR-T/BSS and wavelet analysis methods to characterise the dynamics of the...
Tyre rolling resistance and its influence on fuel consumption
PublicationRolling resistance of tyres is one of the major resistive forces acting on any wheeled vehicle. Unfortunately, it is also one of the forces very difficult to measure. It is estimated that in certain traffic conditions (like for example constant speed driving with slow or moderate speed) so called Rolling Resistance Impact Factor may be as high as 0.3. This means that reduction of rolling resistance by 50% would lead to 15% of energy...
PublicationThe aim of this research was to study the properties of nanohydroxyapatite (nanoHAp) and nanohydroxyapatite, doped with nanosilver (nanoHAp/nanoAg), coatings obtained by an electrophoretic deposition process. The suspensions was prepared by dispersing 0.1 g of HAp nanopowder for nanoHAp coatings and 0.1 g of nanoHAp and 0.025 g nanoAg for nanoHAp/nanoAg coatings. The deposition was carried out for 1 min at 50 V voltage followed...
Analysis of Rolling Resistance of Tires With Run Flat Insert
PublicationRun flat properties are required for tires intended for special applications like military or rescue vehicles. Run-Flat inserts make possible to drive a car or truck, with certain restrictions, also when inflation pressure is very low or non-existing (after tire damage). Rolling resistance of tires rolling the inserts increases considerably in relation to the rolling resistance of properly inflated tires. This paper presents results...
A method for counting people attending large public events
PublicationThe algorithm for people counting in crowded scenes, based on the idea of virtual gate which uses optical flow method is presented. The concept and practical application of the developed algorithm under real conditions is depicted. The aim of the work is to estimate the number of people passing through entrances of a large sport hall. The most challenging problem was the unpredicted behavior of people while entering the building....
Bio-based semi-aromatic polyesters for coating applications
PublicationLinear and branched bio-based semi-aromatic (co)polyesters were evaluated as resins for solvent-basedand powder coatings. Dimethyl-2,5-furandicarboxylate (DMF), 2,3-butanediol and various multifunc-tional comonomers were used to synthesize amorphous hydroxyl-end-capped (co)polyesters. The resinswere cross-linked using the -caprolactam blocked trimer of isophorone diisocyanate. Both the solvent-based and powder coatings proved to...
PublicationA rotating disk can be considered a basic configuration for the investigati ons of the impact of various conditions on the flow through the clearance between the s hrouded turbine blade and the casing. Numerical calculations using Fine/Turbo Numeca were conducted to examine the influence of the rotational velocity and the pressure differ ence across the disk on the flow conditions, especially the mass flow through the clearance....
The influence of road surface unevenness on tyre rolling resistance
PublicationThe geometric characteristics of road surface substantially affect the interaction between tyre and road. Depending on pavement texture wavelength, the texture chiefly affects tyre/road friction, rolling resistance, interior and exterior noise, tyre wear, and ride comfort. The article presents results of investigations on the influence of road surface unevenness on the rolling resistance of passenger car and truck tyres. The tests...
PublicationTyre load and inflation pressure are important factors controlling rolling resistance of road vehicles. The article presents results obtained in the Technical University of Gdańsk during laboratory and road measurements of different car tyres rolling on different pavements. The knowledge of rolling resistance characteristics is important for modelling car dynamics as well as fuel consumption. It is also necessary to establish proper...
System of monitoring of the Forest Opera in Sopot structure and roofing
PublicationThe authors present a solution realized in Forest Opera (name in Polish: Opera Leśna) in Sopot (Poland) in connection with the modernization and construction of a new roof. The complicated structure of the roof of the facility and the used covering in form of membrane made of technical fabric required (for security reasons) to install the unit of devices allowing for the continuous geodetic monitoring of the facility. Monitoring...
Influence of Road Wetness on Tire-Pavement Rolling Resistance
PublicationRolling resistance of tires is one of the most important factors influencing energy consumption of road vehicles, especially on rural roads. For practical reasons, most of rolling resistance measurements are usually performed for dry road conditions. Based on the fact that roads are wet during a considerable time over the year and as part of the projects MIRIAM, ROLRES and ROSANNE, the TUG (Technical University of Gdańsk) in Poland...
The Creation of an Antimicrobial Coating on Contact Lenses by The Use of Nanocopper
PublicationThe aim of the research was to creation an antimicrobial coating on contact lens and examine the ability of copper nanoparticles to decrease microbial adhesion and prevent the growth of bacteria. The creation was based on the immersion method in solution with dispersed nanoparticles of copper at concentration 200 pm. There were evaluated follows factors: time of immersion and base to dispersed nanoparticles. Three solutions: ethyl...
PublicationCrystal structure and phase composition of stainless steel substrates (AISI 304 type) was studied and it was found that they adopted the cubic symmetry. The calculated elementary cell parameter for the mayor Fe-Ni phase (weight fraction 99%) was a = 3.593 Å, whereas the mean grain size was = 2932 Å. Morphology of the stainless steel substrate surface was studied with profilometry. Mechanical properties of the stainless steel...
Random field model of foundations at the example of continuous footing
PublicationThe purpose of the paper is to indicate an efficient method of foundation settlement analysis taking into account the variability of soil properties. The impact of the random variable distribution (Gauss or Lognormal) describing soil stiffness on foundation deposits was assessed. The Monte Carlo simulation method was applied in the computations. The settlements of the strip foundation with the subsoil described by a single random...
Temperature Fiber-Optic Sensor with ZnO ALD Coating
PublicationThis study presents a microsphere-based fiber-optic sensor with a ZnO Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) coating thickness of 100 nm for temperature measurements. Metrological properties of the sensor were investigated over the temperature range of 100 °C to 300 °C, with a 10 °C step. An interferometric signal is used to control whether the microstructure is whole. Spectrum shift of a reflected signal is used to ascertain changes in...
PublicationGlobal warming makes it necessary to reduce energy consumption, which in the case of motor vehicles, is connected, among other things, with reduction of resistive forces acting on a vehicle during its motion. One of the most important components of those forces is rolling resistance, which is very difficult to measure, especially in road conditions. The article deals with issues related to the influence of the thermal state of...
Decreasing CO2 Emissions By Reducing Tire Rolling Resistance
PublicationThe first motor vehicle was built by Nicolas Cugnot almost 250 years ago and since then there has been a continuous process of motor vehicles’ improvements, as well as development of new road pavements. The fuel crisis of the 70s of the 20th century made it clear to vehicle builders that measures should be taken to reduce vehicle fuel consumption and it contributed to an increased interest in electric vehicles. Although significant...
Counting and tracking vehicles using acoustic vector sensors
PublicationA method is presented for counting vehicles and for determining their movement direction by means of acoustic vector sensor application. The assumptions of the method employing spatial distribution of sound intensity determined with the help of an integrated 3D intensity probe are discussed. The intensity probe developed by the authors was used for the experiments. The mode of operation of the algorithm is presented in conjunction...
Modeling of Cardiac Component of Subarachnoid Space Changes in Apnoea Resulting as a Function of Blood Pressure and Blood Flow Parameters - Two Mechanizm of Regulation
PublicationExperiments were performed in a group of 19 healthy, non-smoking volunteers. The experiment consisted of three apnoeas, sequentially: 30 s apnoea, 60 s apnoea and maximal, that could be done, apnoea. The breath-hold was separated for 5 minutes rest. The following parameters were measured and obtained for further analysis: blood parameters, artery diameter of the internal carotid artery, end-tidal CO2 in expired air, the cardiac...
Journal of Flood Risk Management
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Effect of CPAP on Blood Pressure in Patients With OSA/Hypopnea
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The Global Burden of Disease Study 2015 and Blood Pressure
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General practitioners ignore high normal blood pressure
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Asymmetric features of short-term blood pressure variability
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Catalase activity in blood fractions of patients with sporadic ALS
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mRNA profiling for vaginal fluid and menstrual blood identification
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The analysis of selected microelements in neonatal umbilical cord blood
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The Effect of Craniosacral Therapy on Blood Levels of Stress Hormones
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Autologous Blood Injections in Temporomandibular Hypermobility: A Systematic Review
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Experimental investigations of concrete dowels in composite floor system
PublicationOpisano nowy system stropow zespolonych umozliwiajacych montaz instalacji klimatyzacyjnych, wentylacyjnych i grzewczych w przestrzeni pomiedzy dwoma plytami betonowymi konstrukcji stropu: gorna i dolna. Obie plyty polaczone sa wzajemnie srodnikami stalowymi z wycieciami u gory i na dole w ksztalcie 'puzzle', ktore we wspolpracy z plyta betonowa tworza tzw. dyble betonowe. Wykonano badania laboratoryjne typu 'Push-out' tych polaczen...
PublicationIn this paper the authors propose a decision support system for automatic blood smear analysis based on microscopic images. The images are pre-processed in order to remove irrelevant elements and to enhance the most important ones - the healthy blood cells (erythrocytes) and the pathologic (echinocytes). The separated blood cells are analyzed in terms of their most important features by the eigenfaces method. The features are the...
Discrete-continuous optimisation of an axial flow blood pump
PublicationThis paper presents results of discrete-continuous optimisation of an axial flow blood pump. Evolution Strategies (ES) are used as a global optimisation method in order to localise the optimal solution in relatively short time. The whole optimisation process is fully automated. This also applies to geometry modelling. Numerical simulations of the flow inside the pump is performed by means of the Reynolds-Average Navier-Stokes...
Analysis of correlation between heart rate and blood pressure
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono analizę korelacji pomiędzy częstością akcji serca (HR) i ciśnieniem krwi (BP). Wykorzystano rzeczywiste pomiary ciśnienia skurczowego i rozkurczowego krwi zmierzonego metodą inwazyjną w tętnicy promieniowej. Ze względu na możliwe zaszumienie sygnału przeanalizowano także dane po filtracji filttrem uśredniającycm oraz wykonano analizę trendów sygnałów. Wyniki analizy zarówno danych pomiarowych jak i filtrowanych...
PublicationThis paper introduces a new rheological model of blood as a certain generalisation of the standard Herschel-Bulkley model. This model is a rheological constitutive equation and belongs to the group of the so-called generalised Newtonian fluids. Experimental data is compared with results, obtained from the new model, to demonstrate that it allows for the best agreement together with Luo-Kuang model. The new model may be easily implemented...
Educational Dataset of Handheld Doppler Blood Flow Recordings
PublicationVital signals registration plays a significant role in biomedical engineering and education process. Well acquired data allow future engineers to observe certain physical phenomena as well learn how to correctly process and interpret the data. This dataset was designed for students to learn about Doppler phenomena and to demonstrate correctly and incorrectly acquired signals as well as the basic methods of signal processing. This...
Simple and low-cost wireless voting system
PublicationThis paper presents the concept of a simple and low-cost wireless voting system working on the 868 MHz frequency band. Described system is dedicated to general shareholders assemblies but it can be easily adapted for other applications. The main advantage is its simplicity and mobility as it consists solely of three components - voting modules, base station and a PC application from which the whole system is managed. This architecture...
Simple and low-cost wireless voting system
PublicationThis paper presents the concept of a simple and low-cost wireless voting system working in the 868 MHz frequency band. The described system is dedicated to general shareholders assemblies but it can be easily adapted for other applications. The main advantage is its simplicity and mobility as it consists solely of three components - voting modules, a base station and a PC application from which the whole system is mamaged. This...
Comparative analysis of zinc status, food products' frequency intake and food habits of 11-year-old healthy children
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High-Pressure Processing—Impacts on the Virulence and Antibiotic Resistance of Listeria monocytogenes Isolated from Food and Food Processing Environments
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International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis
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European Journal of Housing Policy
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Jerzy Konorski dr hab. inż.
PeopleJerzy Konorski received his M. Sc. degree in telecommunications from Gdansk University of Technology, Poland, and his Ph. D. degree in computer science from the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland. In 2007, he defended his D. Sc. thesis at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, Gdansk University of Technology. He has authored over 150 papers, led scientific projects funded by the European Union,...