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Search results for: BRAND LOYALTY
Antecedents and Consequences of Brand Loyalty
PublicationThe objective of this paper is to review, systematize, and summarize empirical research on the antecedents and consequences of brand loyalty. The literature review has identified five categories of antecedents to brand loyalty associated with consumer, brand, social, corporate and relational factors. The type of loyalty formed varies according to the combination of various antecedents, with premium loyalty being considered the...
Company versus consumer performance: does brand community identification foster brand loyalty and the consumer’s personal brand?
PublicationThis study investigates the effect of community identification in building brand loyalty (attitudinal and behavioural) and a personal brand via social networks. The proposed model explained the main community identification antecedents and how identification can lead to enhanced company and consumer performance. This study adopts the theoretical lens of uses and gratifications theory and identifies three motivational drivers of...
Personal Branding and Brand Loyalty, Social Network Users Brand Identification: Polish-French Model
PublicationSocial network brand sites are increasingly attracting the attention of scientists and managers intrigued by their potential application for brand value creation. The aim of this research, based on a multinational sample, is to fill the gap in understanding how users choose among social networking sites as an act of brand identification. The authors of the paper point to the fact that creating a personal brand is becoming more...
Brand loyalty creation in the social network. Does the product category matter?
PublicationThe final goal of all marketers’ effort is to achieve a high level of loyalty toward their brands. Social network brand sites are increasingly attracting the attention of scientists and managers intrigued by their potential application for brand loyalty creation. The aim of this research, based on European sample, is to fill the gap in understanding the product category loyalty and brand loyalty relation as an output of brand identification...
The power of personal brand authenticity and identification: top celebrity players’ contribution to loyalty toward football
PublicationPurpose: In the current era of fake news, illusions, manipulations, and other artificial attributes of virtuality and reality, authenticity is a virtue that people highly appreciate. This study examines the influence of the personal brand authenticity of top football players on loyalty to the football discipline in general, via the mediation of personal brand identification. Design: Based on data collected from a convenience sample...
Exploring the role of brand experience in driving consumer emotions and engagement with sports brands in Australia
PublicationPurpose: This paper aims to fill the theoretical gap in understanding and practical implementation by examining how sports brands in Australia use brand experience to link emotional response and brand engagement. Design/methodology/approach: The study fits into the positivist paradigm. The starting point is the stimulus-organism-response theory. A quantitative method, which is an online survey, was used to collect data. Responses...
Implementing the consumer-based brand equity scale for beer brands – a Tyskie and Żywiec case study
PublicationThe concept and management of brand equity is of great importance to scholars and managers. In this article, brand equity is approached from the consumers’ point of view i.e., consumer-based brand equity (CBBE) in the context of two beer brands offered in Poland – Tyskie and Żywiec. The objective of this article is to demonstrate how managers can implement the CBBE scale as an audit and monitoring instrument to their brands. A...
Journal of Brand Strategy
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Can Grand Design Doctrines Go Well with Locally Reinvented Urbanisms? Notes from Polish Cities in Transition
PublicationThe text explores how New Urbanism ideas, a comprehensive global design doctrine, transgress into the context of Polish planning practice. New Urbanism is considered through the perspective of the decentralization of a discussion on a planning policy and a modernization of a State, resulting form its post-Socialist urban change. In the text, New Urbanism is understood as a neotraditionalist movement i.e. drawing from the pre-modernist...
The impact of brand communication on brand equity through Facebook
PublicationPurpose The purpose of this study is to fill the gap in the discussion of the ways in which firm-created and user-generated social media brand communication impacts consumer-based brand equity metrics through Facebook. Design/methodology/approach We evaluated 302 data sets that were generated through a standardized online-survey to investigate the impact of firm-created and user-generated social media brand communication on brand...
The effects of perceived risk, brand value, and brand trust on eWOM
PublicationUnrestricted access to the Internet, mobile devices, social applications and offering shopping comment options via online stores and platforms, encourages customers to generate online reviews about brands. That is why it became important to learn about the factors that motivate customers to create electronic word of mouth (eWOM). The survey aimed to check if there are links between perceived brand value, perceived risk, brand trust...
Impact of Usability Website Attributes on Users’ Trust, Satisfaction and Loyalty
PublicationThis paper presents the results of an experimental study aimed at identifying possible relationships among website usability characteristics, consumer satisfaction, trust and loyalty. These factors regard not only customer satisfaction in a transactional sense, but in the long term they may affect e-customer behavior, opinions, recommendations and attitudes toward using on-line services in general. The study was performed with...
Effects of social media communication on brand equity and brand purchase intention
PublicationThe author studied the effect of two different social media communication on brand equity and brand purchase intention. A total of 504 data sets were generated through a standardized online-survey and analysed with structural equation modeling. The results of the empirical study showed that both firm-created and user-generated social media communication influenced brand equity, consequently impacting brand purchase intention. This...
Measuring Consumers' Engagement With Brand-Related Social-Media Content. Development and Validation of a Scale that Identifies Levels of Social-Media Engagement with Brands
PublicationThe purpose of the current study was to develop a scale to measure the consumer's engagement with brand-related social-media content, based on three dimensions established in the framework of an earlier theoretical construct, “Consumer's Online Brand-Related Activities” (Muntinga, Moorman, and Smit, 2011). Qualitative techniques were used to generate an initial pool of items that captured different levels of consumer engagement...
Framing the Temporal Dimensions of a Brand
PublicationDrawing on existing research dealing with time in brand and brand management, this paper aims at providing a comprehensive and coherent framework of some time-related concepts, with a special emphasis on what happens when a brand reaches the senescence stage. In addition, it strives to consider what happens when a brand becomes long-lived enough, looking at the brand’s customer base. While undoubtedly time affects customers’ age...
Journal of Product & Brand Management
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City brand equity, a marketing perspective
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Locality in a sustainable urban housing development
PublicationEwolucja koncepcji zrównoważonego rozwoju miasta charakteryzuje się odejściem od uniwersalnego modelu na rzecz wielu modeli rownoważenia ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem ich społecznych aspektów. W modelach tych kluczowego znaczenia nabiera skala lokalna. Idea miasta zwartego oznacza w skali lokalnej dążenie do intensyfikacji zabudowy i wielofunkcyjności środowiska mieszkaniowego oraz do realizacji wspólnotowego modelu życia.
Lokalny Program Rewitalizacji Miasta Wejherowa
PublicationPraca dotyczy planowania rewitalizacji miasta Wejherowa w oparciu o wytyczne Ministerstwa Infrastruktury i Rozwoju. Na jej strukturę składają sie zarówno delimitacja obszarów zdegradowanych i rewitalziajci jak i zapisy samego Programu Rewitalizacji
Customer Assessment of Brand Valuation and Social Media
PublicationThe research problem engaged in this article is to determine whether contemporary consumers are able to assess brand equity in the overabundance of brands and products with similar features and qualities. The author argues that in the existing circumstances when differences between brands become insignificant the consumer is not capable of assessing their equity adequately. In order to verify the thesis the author has accepted...
From user satisfaction to customer loyalty: addressing economic values in user-centered design of on-line services
Publicationartykuł omawia czynniki ekonomiczne wpływające na satysfakcję użytkownika w usługach on-line, a zwłaszcza te, które wpłacają w dłuższej perspektywie na kształtowanie lojalności klienta w stosunku do dostawcy określonych usług on-line. Przeprowadzono oceny eksperckie oraz badania z udziałem użytkowników, które pozwoliły na wskazanie preferencji użytkowników odnośnie czynników ekonomicznych. wykazano, że czynnikiem krytycznych dla...
Consumer social network brand identification and personal branding. How do social network users choose among brand sites?
PublicationBrands’ social networking sites (fan pages) are increasingly attracting the attention of scientists and managers intrigued by their potential application for brand value creation. The aim of this research is to understand better how users choose among social networking sites as an act of brand identification. The study presents a new model whose structure of identification drivers for social networking brand sites varies for customer...
On extremal sizes of locally k-tree graphs
PublicationA graph G is a locally k-tree graph if for any vertex v the subgraph induced by the neighbours of v is a k-tree, k>=0, where 0-tree is an edgeless graph, 1-tree is a tree. We characterize the minimum-size locally k-trees with n vertices. The minimum-size connected locally k-trees are simply (k + 1)-trees. For k >= 1, we construct locally k-trees which are maximal with respect to the spanning subgraph relation. Consequently, the...
The Impact of Social Media on the Brand Capital of Famous People
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The Impact of Social Media on the Brand Capital of Famous People
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The study of polish consumer's online brand-related activities
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Online brand communities’ contribution to digital business models
PublicationAbstract Purpose – There is limited research examining social drivers and mediators of online brand community identification in the context of business models development. This study aims to identify them behind the social mechanisms and present essential factors which should be applied in business models to foster value co-creation. Design/methodology/approach – Data were collected from a convenience sample of 712 cases gathered among...
Image as a key factor of brand value at social media
PublicationThe paper aims to investigate the relationship between social media presence and activities and brand value for the most valuable Global Brands 2012 (Interbrandt 2013). Social media communication is an innovative way of communication. Brand value is a key performance indicator of brand strategy for managers. Brand and category image realized to be the key factor of investigated relation.
The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies
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Building a brand as a success factor for the employee and the enterprise - case study
PublicationThe article presents the factors that determines the profile of the manager ina corporation especially in the means of building an image and identity of a manager. The article provides a description of comprehensive characteristics that can be used by managers in corporation in management practice. The publication begins with an indication of image and identity aspects that are the part of public...
Analysis of Attitudes of Internet Users Towards the Brand in Social Media
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Shaping the brand awareness of science and technology parks in Eastern Poland
PublicationThe main aim of the paper is the analysis of the effects of actions undertaken so far that have aimed at shaping brand awareness of the parks in Eastern Poland, supported under the OP DEP. The authors focused on the demand-side perspectiveand scrutinized two vectors of conscious branding: the surrounding environment and communication with customers. The group of potential customers underwent qualitative research (ITI interviews)....
Determination of authenticity of brand perfume using electronic nose prototypes
PublicationThe paper presents practical application of an electronic nose technique for fast and efficient discrimination between authentic and fake perfume samples. Two self-built electronic nose prototypes equipped with a set of semiconductor sensors were employed for that purpose. Additionally 10 volunteers took part in sensory analysis. The following perfumes and their fake counterparts were analysed: Dior – Fahrenheit, Eisenberg – J’ose,...
Steering is an essential feature of non-locality in quantum theory
PublicationA physical theory is called non-local when observers can produce instantaneous effects over distant systems. Non-local theories rely on two fundamental effects: local uncertainty relations and steering of physical states at a distance. In quantum mechanics, the former one dominates the other in a well-known class of non-local games known as XOR games. In particular, optimal quantum strategies for XOR games are completely determined...
Fees for Advertisements in Public Space Incurred by a Given Bank Brand in Poland
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PublicationThe development of social media has a substantial impact on the surge of social engagement of Internet users. It is particularly prominent in the domain of content creation and content sharing. Such communication may contain various references to different products brands and companies. Internet users may refer to them explicitly or brands may be present in the background only. Therefore, it is pivotal for managers and researchers...
Personal Brand Value and Social Media, the Top Football Players’ Case
PublicationPersonal branding valuation and social media usage are new and empirically unexplored areas of research. The aim of the presented study is to determine how social media performance and sentiment are related to the value of a personal brand. Based on an example of 100 most valuable football players, in reference to and the (sentiment analysis), the author points out the strongest...
Text Mining Algorithms for Extracting Brand Knowledge; The fashion Industry Case
PublicationBrand knowledge is determined by customer knowledge. The opportunity to develop brands based on customer knowledge management has never been greater. Social media as a set of leading communication platforms enable peer to peer interplays between customers and brands. A large stream of such interactions is a great source of information which, when thoroughly analyzed, can become a source of innovation and lead to competitive advantage....
Implementing second-order CFA model for the factorial validity of brand equity
PublicationThe purpose of this study was to test the implementation of a second-order CFA model for the factorial validity of Aaker’s consumer-based brand equity framework. To test the proposed theoretical model 186 data sets generated through a standardized onlinesurvey were evaluated. The data wasanalyzedusing structural equation modeling with AMOS 21.0 software. The results demonstrated that the higher order CFA model for consumer-based...
On Adaptive Spectrum Estimation of Multivariate Autoregressive Locally Stationary Processes
PublicationAutoregressive modeling is a widespread parametricspectrum estimation method. It is well known that, in the caseof stationary processes with unknown order, its accuracy canbe improved by averaging models of different complexity usingsuitably chosen weights. The paper proposes an extension of thistechnique to the case of multivariate locally stationary processes.The proposed solution is based on local autoregressive...
On adaptive covariance and spectrum estimation of locally stationary multivariate processes
PublicationWhen estimating the correlation/spectral structure of a locally stationary process, one has to make two important decisions. First, one should choose the so-called estimation bandwidth, inversely proportional to the effective width of the local analysis window, in the way that complies with the degree of signal nonstationarity. Too small bandwidth may result in an excessive estimation bias, while too large bandwidth may cause excessive...
Zrównoważony rozwój lokalny. Podstawy teoretyczne i działania praktyczne
PublicationRozwój zrównoważony to jedna z koncepcji rozwoju lokalnego. Celem monografii jest prezentacja podstaw tego rozwoju na poziomie lokalnym oraz ukazanie jego przejawów i działań praktycznych w sferach gospodarczej, społecznej i ekologicznej, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem dwóch wewnętrznych czynników rozwojowych – turystyki i oświaty. W pierwszym rozdziale przedstawiono teoretyczne podstawy rozwoju lokalnego. Omówiono najpowszechniej...
Depozyty i lokaty w monetarnych instytucjach finansowych
PublicationNiezależnie od horyzontu czasowego podstawowym instrumentem lokowania nadwyżek finansowych gospodarstw domowych są depozyty i lokaty. Wraz z gotówką stanowią one najbardziej płynne aktywo, zatem w tej formie podmioty te utrzymują środki pieniężne niezależnie od motywów, dla których są one gromadzone. W niniejszym rozdziale monografii Autorka omówiła rozwój monetarnych instytucji finansowych na rynku finansowym w Polsce, przedstawiła...
Grand Challenges on the Theory of Modeling and Simulation
PublicationModeling & Simulation (M&S) is used in many different fields and has made many significant contributions. As a field in its own right, there have been many advances in methodologies and technologies. In 2002 a workshop was held in Dagstuhl, Germany, to reflect on the grand challenges facing M&S. Ten years on, a series of M& S Grand Challenge activities are marking a decade of progress and are providing an opportunity to reflect...
Personal Brand Authenticity and Social Media: The Top 5 Football Players’ Case
Publicationhe authenticity is a key factor which attracts the interest of young consumers in the more and more dominant virtual world full of “fake news”,“fake images”, and “fake impressions”. The celebrity authenticity is also important when it comes to gain the positive attitude of the audience and the success in the long term. The unique talent is crucial for all stars. According to football stars, the authenticity of their personal brands...
Locally-adaptive Kalman smoothing approach to identification of nonstationary stochastic systems
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Polityka podatkowa gminy i jej wpływ na rozwój lokalny
Publicationpodatki odgrywają kluczową rolę w dochodach gmin. umiejętnie prowadzona samorządowa polityka podatkowa może przyczynić się do zwiększenia rozwoju lokalnego.
PublicationIt has been recently shown, that some of the tripartite boxes admittin g bilocal decom- position, lead to non-locality under wiring operation applied to t wo of the subsystems [R. Gallego et al. Physical Review Letters 109 , 070401 (2012)]. In the following, we study this phenomenon quantitatively. Basing on the known classes of bo xes closed un- der wirings, we introduce multipartite monotones which are count erparts of bipartite ones...