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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: PUBLIC GOVERNANCE
New Public Governance as a new wave of the public policy: theoretical approach and conceptualization of the trend
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Koncepcja metropolitalnego slow-przedmieścia jako narzędzie poprawy jakości życia w międzymieście
PublikacjaPowstałe wskutek suburbanizacji struktury uznawane są za nową formę krajobrazu zurbanizowanego. Poprawa ich jakości wymaga stworzenia nowych narzędzi planowania międzymiasta (niem. die Zwischenstadt). Należą do nich innowacyjne wizje przestrzenne, kreujące alternatywę dla globalnych trendów homogenizujących kulturę życia społecznego w strefi e podmiejskiej. Inspirowana modelem agri-hood autorska koncepcja slow-przedmieścia wykorzystuje doświadczenie...
Ekonomiczna analiza motywacji polskiego sędziego i czynniki wpływające na jego decyzje związane z wyborem zawodu i efektywnością
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono motywy, którymi kieruje się polski sędzia przy wyborze zawodu, a także jakie czynniki w ramach wykonywanego przez niego zawodu jest skłonny brać pod uwagę aby zwiększyć swoją efektywność. W pracy posłużono się badaniem ilościowym oraz jakościowym.
Działania rewitalizacyjne w miasteczkach Polskiej Krajowej Sieci Miast Cittaslow
PublikacjaMożliwości dofinansowania inwestycji miejskich jakie pojawiły się w Polsce po akcesji do UE, nie są wystarczająco wykorzystywane, w szczególności - w małych miastach (np. o liczbie ludności do 20.000 mieszkańców). Mimo wielu trudności próbuje się przełamać impas. Przykładem mogą być miasteczka Województwa Warmińsko-Mazurskiego, gdzie pomysłem na odnowę - oprócz dofinansowania w ramach Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego (RPO) -...
Osoby w wieku powyżej 55 lat jako potencjał rozwojowy regionu oraz możliwości jego wykorzystania
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Miasta wiedzy w kreowaniu konkurencyjności i spójności terytorialnej
PublikacjaPrzedmiotem rozważań w tym artykule są nowe interpretacje przekształceń struktur miejskich: od przestrzeni funkcjonalnej do przestrzeni kreatywnej.
Platform governance for sustainable development: Reshaping citizen-administration relationships in the digital age
PublikacjaChanging governance paradigms has been shaping and reshaping the landscape of citizen-administration relationships, from impartial application of rules and regulations by administration to exercise its authority over citizens (bureaucratic paradigm), through provision of public services by administration to fulfil the needs of citizens (consumerist paradigm), to responsibility-sharing between administration and citizens for policy...
Is Digital Government Advancing Sustainable Governance? A Study of OECD/EU Countries
PublikacjaInternational bodies and numerous authors advocate a key role for Digital Government (DG) in improving public governance and achieving other policy outcomes. Today, a particularly relevant outcome is advancing Sustainable Governance (SG), i.e., the capacity to steer and coordinate public action towards sustainable development. This article performs an empirical study of the relationship between DG and SG using data about 41 OECD/EU...
Principles and Practices of Corporate Governance in the Global Economy
PublikacjaThe book places ownership at the centre of all relevant choices that the company makes. In particular, it addresses the issue of governance from the perspective of ownership, and in a broader and more articulated sense than most Anglo-Saxon studies do. The authors analyse the relationship between ownership, governance, and corporate strategy, with a dual objective. On the one hand, the aim is to identify the consistency relationships...
Appunti di corporate governance
PublikacjaIl libro pone la proprietà al centro di tutte le scelte rilevanti che l’impresa compie: in particolare affronta il «problema» del governo il tema della corporate governance dalla prospettiva della proprietà e in un’accezione più ampia e articolata rispetto agli studi di matrice anglosassone. In questo contesto, si analizza il tema delle relazioni tra proprietà, governo corporate governance e strategia corporate delle imprese, con...
Is Digitalization Improving Governance Quality? Correlating Analog and Digital Benchmarks
PublikacjaThe digitalization of public governance and the resulting concept of electronic governance is a characteristic feature of contemporary information society. Both can be defined as the process and outcome of digital transformation: transformation of the “analog” version of governance into “digital” governance. Measuring both versions of governance against typical performance measures of efficiency, effectiveness, equity, openness...
Side Effects of National Immunization Program: E-Governance Support Toward Elders' Digital Inclusion
PublikacjaIn response to the coronavirus pandemic, the European Union (EU) governments develop policies to regulate exclusive health protection actions that consider societal needs with the emphasis on elders. Given that the EU vaccination strategy uses a centralized ICT-based approach, there is little guidance on how seniors are included in national immunization programs (NIP). In this paper, we addressed a knowledge gap of the side effects...
Application of Artificial Intelligence by Poland’s Public Administration
PublikacjaThis chapter presents an overview and analysis of artificial intelligence-driven solutions created and implemented by or with the support of Poland’s central public administration (PA). After discussing governance of AI-related issues, we analyze a set of examples of AI innovation to map the actors and their relations within the ecosystem, describe the field where innovation in AI for PA occurs, and highlight the potentialities...
Towards a Smart Sustainable City Roadmap
PublikacjaThis workshop of the CAP4CITY (Erasmus+ Strengthening Governance Capacity for Smart Sustainable Cities) project is to promote and stimulate the discussion and networking in the area of Digital Government. Smart Sustainable Cities and related concepts of Digital, Intelligent and Smart Cities represent a progression of how cities around the world apply digital technology to serve their populations, pursue sustainable socio-economic...
Tworzenie wartości dla akcjonariuszy w świetle nadzoru korporacyjnego
PublikacjaDuży odsetek spółek publicznych w Polsce nie tworzy wartości dla akcjonariuszy. Zaprezento-wano wyniki badań dotyczących wpływu struktur własności na efektywność działania spółek pu-blicznych. Badania te nie były w stanie wyjaśnić w wystarczającym stopniu zjawiska destrukcji warto-ści. Starano się wykazać, że jedną z przyczyn tego zjawiska jest transfer wartości. Zalicza się go do głównych problemów nadzoru korporacyjnego. Szczególna...
Mapping negative unintended consequences of disruptive technologies use in smart cities
PublikacjaSmart cities governance (SCG) consists of both to foster technology-enabled innovation, and to utilize disruptive technologies (DT) outcomes and impacts to increase public value of urban services. Despite widespread discussion of DT benefits, scientific literature identifies multiple determinants of unintended negative consequences (UC) of DT deployment in smart city initiatives. By considering UC as the negative aspects resulting...
Digital Government and Administrative Burden Reduction
PublikacjaAdministrative burden represents the costs to businesses, citizens and the administration itself of complying with government regulations and procedures. The burden tends to increase with new forms of public governance that rely less on direct decisions and actions undertaken by traditional government bureaucracies, and more on government creating and regulating the environment for other, non-state actors to jointly address public...
Data and knowledge supporting decision-making for the urban Food-Water-Energy nexus
PublikacjaCities are hubs of innovation and wealth creation, and magnets for an increasing urban population. Cities also face unprecedented challenges in terms of food, water and energy scarcity, and governance and management. Urban environmental issues are no longer problems for experts to address but have become issues of public debate, in which knowledge from multiple sectors is needed to support inclusive governance approaches. Consequently,...
Creating private and public value in data-related management projects: a cross-border case study from Switzerland and Italy
PublikacjaThe literature in the field of smart cities shows a continuous emphasis and interest in the topic of big data due to the extensive use of Information and Communication Technologies by public and private institutions within each city. There is undoubtedly value in big data: in data lie insights on the city, its stakeholders, citizens, products, and services. Challenges, though, lie in data’s variety, volume, and velocity, but also...
When digital government matters for tourism: a stakeholder analysis
PublikacjaDespite the importance of governance processes for destination management and the impact of digital technology on such processes, surprisingly little academic research has explored the use of digital technology to transform public governance in the tourism sector. This conceptual paper fills this gap by conducting a digital government stakeholder analysis for the tourism sector using the digital government evolution model as its...
Potencjał kognitywno-kulturowy dzielnicy a innowacyjne strategie rehabilitacji w kontekście społecznej indywidualizacji. Studium przypadku: Mouraria, Lizbona = Innovative Public Space Rehabilitation Models to Create Cognitive-Cultural Urban Economy in the Age of Mass Individualisation. Case of Mouraria, Lisbon
PublikacjaInnovative Public Space Rehabilitation Models to Create Cognitive- -Cultural Urban Economy in the Age of Mass Individualisation. Case of Mouraria, Lisbon. This paper deals with the issue of sustainable urban rehabilitation interventions in city cores focused on value creation through culture-led development as a tool for building a cognitive city. The objective is to analyze cases of rehabilitation of public space by culture-led...
The role of urban movements in the process of local spatial planning and the development of participation mechanism
PublikacjaIn civil societies, urban movements are one of the tools in the process of spatial governance. In Poland, urban activism is beginning to develop together with a budding participation in public life. Therefore, there is a need to assess the scope and effects of the urban movements’ actions. The aim of the study was to determine and evaluate their impact on the spatial development in three Polish cities - Poznań, Gdańsk and Gdynia, especially...
Implementing Sustainable Development Goals with Digital Government – Aspiration-capacity gap
PublikacjaSustainable Development Goals (SDGs) represent a commitment by all United Nations Member States to pursue development efforts, including ending poverty and hunger, promoting well-being and education, reducing inequalities, fostering peace, and protecting the planet. Member States and their governments are supposed to take ownership of the SDGs, strengthen the implementation means, and improve public governance as both the means...
The Origins of the Concept of Ideology
PublikacjaThe concept of "ideology" as, firstly, a term that points at non-epistemological conditioning of cognitive processes, and, secondly, as a term which aimed at disclosing the ancillary role of given ideas in regard to specific political interests of certain groups, has long history. Since Francis Bacon's theory of idols modern philosophy endavoured to create a comprehensive classification of systematic cognitive errors which divert...
Smart sustainable cities : Reconnaissance Study
PublikacjaThe global urban population is expected to grow by 63 percent between 2014 and 2050 – compared to an overall global population growth of 32 percent during the same period. Megacities with over 20-million inhabitants will see the fastest increase in population – and at least 13 new megacities are expected by 2030, in addition to the 28 existing today. The fastest growing urban centres contain around one-million inhabitants, and...
Technology and democracy: the who and how in decision-making. The cases of Estonia and Catalonia
PublikacjaThis paper focuses on the use of technology to improve democracy, comparing the cases of Estonia and Catalonia. Both examples are closely related in their use of technology to further democratize the decision-making processes but have opposite starting points. Estonia’s internet voting system is an offshoot of the comprehensive e-governance system developed by the Estonian government. It is meant to make it more convenient for...
S09-4 The development of the Physical Activity Environment Policy Index (PA-EPI): a tool for monitoring and benchmarking government policies and actions to improve physical activity
PublikacjaBackground Insufficient physical activity (PA) is a global issue for health. A multifaceted response, including government action, is essential to improve population levels of PA. The purpose of this study was to develop the ‘Physical Activity Environment Policy Index’ (PA-EPI) monitoring framework to assess government policies and actions for creating a healthy PA environment. Methods An iterative process was undertaken. This...
The Physical Activity Environment Policy Index for monitoring government policies and actions to improve physical activity
PublikacjaBackground A multifaceted response, including government action, is essential to improve population levels of physical activity (PA). This article describes the development process of the ‘Physical Activity Environment Policy Index’ (PA-EPI) monitoring framework, a tool to assess government policies and actions for creating a healthy PA environment. Methods An iterative process was undertaken. This involved a review of policy...
A Comprehensive Framework for Measuring Governments’ Digital Initiatives Including Open Data
PublikacjaDigital innovation and digital initiatives are generally recognized and considered to be the driving forces behind firm survival and success in the market. This is not the case in the public sector, where digital initiatives have suffered not only from a lack of research trying to explain them but also from a major lack of recognition of their importance. The government’s eagerness to introduce more digital initiatives for better...
Greencoin as an AI-Based Solution Shaping Climate Awareness.
PublikacjaOur research aim was to define possible AI-based solutions to be embedded in the Green- coin project, designed as a supportive tool for smart cities to achieve climate neutrality. We used Kamrowska-Załuska’s approach for evaluating AI-based solutions’ potential in urban planning. We narrowed down the research to the educational and economic aspects of smart cities. Furthermore, we used a systematic literature review. We propose...