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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: stability

  • Stability Investigation of the PCM Nanocomposites

    Ensuring the stability is a key issue to be solved for the technical application of nanocomposites. In this work, fatty acid P1801 served as base phase change material (PCM)P1801, and its main ingredients are palmitic acid (58%) and stearic acid (38%). Titania (TiO2) and alumina (Al2O3) with mass concentrations of 1% and 5% were selected as nanoparticles, while polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) or oleic acid (OA) with mass concentrations...

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  • Stability investigation of the PCM nanocomposites


    In present study was showed the results of research the stability of nanoPCMs in terms of types and concentrations of surfactant used. For stearic acid has been added PVP or oleic acid in concentrations of 0%, 5% and 10%. Nanoparticles TiO2 and Al-2O3 in concentration of 1% were chosen to be researched in this test. The mixing of nanocomposites has been done in an ultrasonic scrubber in which the samples were placed for 45 mins....

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  • Structural Stability of Nonautonomous Systems

    • S. Kryzhevich
    • V. Pliss


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  • Stability of selenium diet supplement


    - Polish Journal of Chemical Technology - Rok 2018

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  • Subdivision and damage stability of ships.


    - Rok 2004

    Pierwszy kompleksowy podręcznik na świecie na poziomie akademickim dotyczący niezatapialności statku w ujęciu probabilistycznym, w którym za miarę bezpieczeństwa statku przyjmuje się prawdopodobieństwo przetrwania kolizji przez statek, zwane wskaźnikiem niezatapialności, względnie wskaźnikiem podziału grodziowego statku. Obejmuje zarówno zagadnienia teoretyczne jak i praktyczne, dając projektantom wykładnię stosowania obowiązujących...

  • Stabilizing agents and protein stability

    Białka są kluczowymi elementami żywych organizmów, jak również efektywnymi katalizatorami w biotechnologii i medycynie. Szybki rozwój wielu gałęzi biotechnologii wiąże się z coraz większym zapotrzebowaniem na produkty białkowe charakteryzujące się wysoką stabilnością. Jednym ze sposobów osiągnięcia większej stabilności białek jest wykorzystanie małych związków organicznych, tzw. osmolitów. Do tej grupy związków należą aminokwasy,...



    The article is an overview of the literature output in the field of banking sector stability. In the literature a plethora of definitions of the term may be encountered. There is no universal definition of the term. Therefore, the article proposes a unique division of the existing explanations into the following groups: stability determined by the quality of the banking sector, stability in terms of its influence on the macroeconomic...

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  • Interdependence of Ratios in Banking Stability Pentagon

    The banking sector is one of the key sectors in every economy, therefore, the issue of stability is one of the main interests not only of researchers but also policy-makers. The stability of the banking sector is especially important during a process of transformation. The aim of this article is to present a new tool for estimating the stability of the banking sector as a whole. Although the tool can be used to estimate the level...

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  • Structural Dynamics and Stability of Composite Structures


    - Advances in Materials Science and Engineering - Rok 2016

    This an editorial for a special Issue devoted to the application of dynamic and stability analysis of composite structures. In structural applications, past few decades have seen outstanding advances in the use of composite materials including Functionally Graded Materials (FGM). Most structures, whether they are used in civil, marine, or aerospace engineering, are subjected to dynamic loads during their operation.Therefore, dynamic...

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  • Chemical and biological stability of polyene macrolides

    The polyene macrolide antibiotics have been used in an-tifungal therapy since first o f them were discovered in 1950's. Up to now, four polyene macrolides are being used in medical practice, namely amphotericin B, nystatin, candi-cidin and pimaricin.The antifungal activity and mode of ac-tion of polyene macrolides is determined by their structure, chemical and physical properties.The main fragment of polyene...

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  • Stability of an imperfect truss loaded by wind

    The present paper is devoted to the numerical research of stability of a truss loaded by wind and stiffened by elastic supports located at the top chord. The lateral braces or lateral and torsional braces were taken into account. In this paper, the linear buckling analysis re- sults for the beam and shell model were presented. Two different shapes of initial geometric imperfections were considered in the non-linear static analysis...

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  • Vibrational properties and stability of FePt nanoalloys


    - PHYSICAL REVIEW B - Rok 2017

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  • Structural Dynamics and Stability of Composite Structures


    - Advances in Materials Science and Engineering - Rok 2016

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  • Stability of Superhalogen Anions in the Aqueous Phase



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  • Effect of Silicone on the Collagen Fibrillogenesis and Stability



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  • Investigation of stability of ester-urethane prepolymers


    - Polimery - Rok 2010

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  • Model studies on then-alkane emulsions stability

    • E. Chibowski
    • A. So?tys
    • M. ?azarz

    - Progress in Colloid & Polymer Science - Rok 1997

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  • On the characteristic and stability of iron diet supplements


    - Polish Journal of Chemical Technology - Rok 2019

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  • Stability of the FDTD scheme containing macromodels.


    - Rok 2004

    Zaprezentowano analizę stabilnościową algorytmu różnic skończonych w dziedzinie czasu zawierającego makromodele. Pokazano, że dla uzyskania stabilnych makromodeli stabilność schematu FDTD połączonego z makromodelami zależy od sposobu przeprowadzenia interpolacji pól granicznych. Maksymalny dozwolony krok czasowy jest dużo większy niż dla subgriddingu.

  • Selected problems of stability of steel structures.


    W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczących stateczności wybranych konstrukcji stalowych. Prezentowane rozważania są oparte na klasycznych założeniach teorii prętów cienkościennych o nieodkształcalnym przekroju poprzecznym. Wyznaczono pierwszą wariację sił krytycznych pręta cienkościennego o bisymetrycznym otwartym przekroju poprzecznym uwzględniając następujące zmienne projektowe: ⎯wymiary przekroju poprzecznego, ⎯ charakterystyki...

  • Towards an Understanding of the Stability Assessment of Floating Buildings


    - Rok 2022

    One of the most important aspects of the design of floating facilities such as ships, floating offshore structures or floating houses is stability. Its impact on both general safety and operational aspects renders it a fundamental consideration already in preliminary design stages. Usually, the concept of sufficient stability of floating buildings is associated with the ability to keep an allowed heel angle and residual freeboard,...

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    The paper presents the effect of phase shifters as FACTS devices on the possibility of improving the angle stability. Presented results obtained by the dynamic simulation performed on the mathematical model of the three machine system cooperating with the 400 kV network. The generative blocks models include turbine models with their controllers and models of synchronous generators with their excitation systems and voltage regulation....

  • A history of the physical and chemical stability of pharmaceuticals : a review

    : There is a great need for a broad range review of stability tests of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) in comparison with current requirements contained in the pharmacopoeia. This review focuses on a pharmaceutical history of physical and chemical stability determination. Traditional knowledge must be considered in the context of physical stability, while new knowledge must be applied and acquired in terms of identification...

  • Numerical Test for Stability Evaluation of Analog Circuits


    - Rok 2024

    In this contribution, a new numerical test for the stability evaluation of analog circuits is presented. Usually, if an analog circuit is unstable then the roots of its characteristic equation are localized on the right half-plane of the Laplace s- plane. Because this region is unbounded, we employ the bilinear transformation to map it into the unit disc on the complex plane. Hence, the existence of any root inside the unit disc...

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  • Recent breakthroughs in the stability testing of pharmaceutical compounds


    Pharmaceutical development is mostly focused on the research leading to approval of a new and viable active substance. However, there is a number of old generation compounds that are still being used in contemporary medicinal practice. So that new analytical developments should cover not only the safety of newly developed drug substances, which is obvious, but should also be directed into the search of individual stability issues...

  • Stability analysis of a dike constructed of anthropogenic materials


    - Rok 2017

    Numerical analyses of stability are presented for a hypothetical dikes constructed of dredged materials and bottom ash, in varying proportions. The paper is related to the international research project DredgDikes, which focused on the use of anthropogenic materials in dikes construction and flood protection. The aim of this project was to investigate the possibility of using anthropogenic materials from rivers and sea dredging...

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    - Rok 2014

    Steel trusses have a much greater strength and stiffness in their plane than out of their plane, and therefore should be braced against lateral deflection and twisting. Such elements like purlins apart from bearing vertical load are part of bracing that stabilize roof trusses against distortional buckling. The stability of trusses with elastic bracing was investigated in an experimental research. Braces situated at some angle measured...

  • Stability of an Innovative Cold-Formed GEB Section

    This paper is focused on the numerical analysis and experimental test of stability of the cold-formed profile with an innovative GEB cross-section. For the shell model of the axially compressed member, the linear buckling analysis and the nonlinear static analysis were carried out. In the numerical research, the buckling load and the limit load for variable section heights were obtained. Some of the results were compared with the...

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  • A New Approach to Stability Evaluation of Digital Filters


    - Rok 2018

    In this paper, a new numerical method of evaluating digital filter stability is presented. This approach is based on novel root-finding algorithms at the complex plane using the Delaunay triangulation and Cauchy's Argument Principle. The presented algorithm locates unstable zeros of the characteristic equation with their multiplicities. The proposed method is generic and can be applied to a vast range of systems. Verification of...

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  • Stability of roof trusses stiffened by corrugated sheets


    - Rok 2010

    The present parametric study is devoted to the stability analysis of a set of trusses stiffened by decking of corrugated steel sheets. For different parameters of corrugated sheets the critical loading of the roof is calculated. In the parametrical analysis the threshold bracing condition of the roof is obtained. Then the geometrically non-linear analysis of trusses braced by corrugated sheets was conducted. As a results of non-linear...


    The paper is devoted to the numerical and experimental research of stability of a truss with side elastic supports at the top chord. The structure is a model of a real roof truss scaled by factor ¼. The linear buckling analysis and non-linear static analysis were carried out. The buckling length factor for the compressed top chord was calculated and the limit load for the imperfect truss shell model with respect to brace stiffness...

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  • Stability of a truss under upward wind loading


    - Rok 2016

    The present paper is devoted to the numerical investigations of stability of a truss under upward wind load. The truss is braced at its the upper cord. A structural variant including lateral braces, or lateral and torsional braces is considered. The research presents the problems of linear buckling and non-linear static analysis of the truss shell and beam model with geometric and material non-linearity are presented. The initial...

  • Dynamics and stability of icosahedral Fe–Pt nanoparticles



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  • Thermodynamic properties and phase stability of wadsleyite II

    • K. Tokár
    • P. Jochym
    • P. Piekarz
    • J. Łażewski
    • M. Sternik
    • K. Parlinski


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  • The Stability of 4‐Chloromethcathinone in Blood and Vitreous Humor



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  • Stability of trusses with linear elastic side-supports


    The present research is devoted to study of a lateral buckling of truss with linear elastic side supports. The elastic support reaction in relation to force in compressed chord and coefficient of buckling length related to side support distance are also calculated. The effect of slope of side support on limit force is also considered. The nonlinear analysis of two roof trusses are carried out. The results are compared to design...

  • The measurement of conformational stability of proteins adsorbed on siloxanes



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  • Thermal stability of expanded perlite modified by mullite



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  • Investigations of transverse stability of semi-displacement ships

    Przedstawiono wyniki eksperymentalnych badań modelowych poprzecznej stateczności jednostek półślizgowych, których celem było określenie wpływu prędkości oraz parametrów kształtu kadłuba na stateczność poprzeczną. Na podstawie wyników badań opracowano algorytmy, uwzględniające zmiany ramienia prostującego w funkcji prędkości, kąta przechyłu i parametrów geometrycznych kadłuba które mogą być wykorzystane do oceny stateczności poprzecznej...

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  • Thermal stability of the cobalt base clad layers


    - Rok 2005

    Badano wpływ długotrwałego oddziaływania temperatury na mikrostrukturę i własności mechaniczne warstw napawanych laserowo wykonanych ze stopów na bazie kobaltu zawierających chrom i wolfram. Stopy te są przewidywane do zastosoania na przylgnie zaworów wydechowych silników diesla.

  • Stability of free floating ship. Part II


    - Rok 2005

    Jest to część II artykułu, którego I część ukazała się w PMR 2/2005. Ramiona prostujące są niejednoznaczne dla statku swobodnego, bowiem zależą od sposobu działania momentu przechylającego. Omówiono dwa przypadki, gdy moment przechylający jest równoległy do płaszczyzny symetrii statku oraz gdy wykonuje najmniejszą pracę, czyli gdy jest równoległy do głównej osi bezwładności wodnicy pływania. Pokazano, że przemieszczenia kątowe...

  • Stability of free floating ship. Part I


    - Rok 2005

    Sformułowano problem obliczeń ramion prostujących statku swobodnie pływającego, tj. wzdłużnie zrównoważonego przy każdym kącie przechyłu. Ramiona prostujące są niejednoznaczne w takim wypadku, zależą bowiem od sposobu działania momentu przechylającego. Omówiono dwa przypadki, gdy moment przechylający jest równoległy do płaszczyzny symetrii statku, oraz gdy wykonuje najmniejszą pracę, czyli gdy jest równoległy do głównej osi bezwładności...

  • Wind farms influence on power system stability


    W artykule przedstawiono analizę wpływu elektrowni i farm wiatrowych na stabilność systemu elektroenergetycznego. Pokazano wyniki pomiarów modów kołysań elektromechanicznych wykonanych w rzeczywistym systemie elektroenergetycznym.

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  • Comparison of oxidative stability of different edible oils

    Celem prezentowanych badań było porównanie stabilności oksydacyjnej olejów roślinnych z Polski, Finlandii i Hiszpanii. Na etapie przyspieszania utleniania zastosowano promieniowanie ultrafioletowe (UV). Po naświetlaniu olejów powstałe związki lotne ekstrahowano z fazy nadpowierzchniowej za pomocą techniki mikroekstrakcji do fazy stacjonarnej (HS-SPME) i analizowano z zastosowaniem chromatografu gazowego z detektorem płomieniowo-jonizacyjnym...

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  • Investigation on stability of mountainous EUPOS sites’ coordinates


    - Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia - Rok 2010

    The paper concerns analysis of solutions obtained during common processing of data from GNSS permanent stations situated on mountainous terrain: the Western Carpathians, the Sudetes Mountains and adjacent areas. As the outcome daily and weekly solutions (ellipsoidal coordinates) of forty Polish, Czech, Slovak, Ukrainian and German sites were obtained. Weekly solutions were used to determine velocity field and vertical movements,...

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  • Stability and phase transition investigation of olanzapine polymorphs

    • J. Tang
    • Y. Han
    • I. Ali
    • H. Luo
    • A. Nowak
    • J. Li


    We use electrical embedded-fragment QM method with both DFT/ωB97XD/6-31G* and MP2/6-31G* to investigate the phase transformations of olanzapine. Gibbs free energy calculations predict that form I is always the most stable structure and form II is the least stable one, while form IV is more stable than form III below about 200 K but less stable above this temperature, implying a polymorphic phase transformation. This may account...

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  • Weak Stability of Centred Quadratic Stochastic Operators


    We consider the weak convergence of iterates of so-called centred quadratic stochastic operators. These iterations allow us to study the discrete time evolution of probability distributions of vector-valued traits in populations of inbreeding or hermaphroditic species, whenever the offspring’s trait is equal to an additively perturbed arithmetic mean of the parents’ traits. It is shown that for the existence of a weak limit, it...

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  • Selected Stability Problems of Thin-Walled Columns and Beams


    The article reviews a number of papers in the light of buckling analy- sis of thin-walled columns and beams. Stability of thin-walled columns and beams are considered a vital engineering science issue in both historical and present-day approaches. The paper refers to the recent authors’ works of the 2012–2019 period, published in leading journals. Similar review of stability problems of thin-walled structures developed at Gdansk...

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  • Power System Dynamics. Stability and Control. 3rd edition


    - Rok 2020

    Comprehensive, state-of-the-art review of information on the electric power system dynamics and stability. It places the emphasis first on understanding the underlying physical principles before proceeding to more complex models and algorithms. The book explores the influence of classical sources of energy, wind farms and virtual power plants, power plants inertia and control strategy on power system stability. The book cover...

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  • Stability by linear approximation for time scale dynamical systems

    We study systems on time scales that are generalizations of classical differential or difference equations and appear in numerical methods. In this paper we consider linear systems and their small nonlinear perturbations. In terms of time scales and of eigenvalues of matrices we formulate conditions, sufficient for stability by linear approximation. For non-periodic time scales we use techniques of central upper Lyapunov exponents...

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