Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: DIFFERENTIATION
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Progress in Fractional Differentiation and Applications
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Differentiation Between Spirits According to Their Botanical Origin
PublikacjaAgricultural distillates are used for the production of spirit beverages. As more and more products with a specific botanical composition specified on the label are produced (e.g. rye vodkas, wheat vodkas and Polish Vodka, which cannot be produced with the addition of maize distillate), it is necessary to look for quicker and more accurate methods allowing the determination of botanical origin of alcoholic beverages and materials...
Differentiation of the european insurance market (Polish example)
PublikacjaRynek usług ubezpieczeniowych jako część systemu finansowego każdej gospodarki odgrywa istotną rolę w stymulowaniu wzrostu gospodarczego. Jego sprawne funkcjonowanie w krajach Unii umożliwi realizację idei Jednolitego Rynku Ubezpieczeniowego. Dotychczasowy stan rzeczy wskazuje jednak na istotne zróżnicowanie poziomu rozwoju rynku ubezpieczeniowego w różnych krajach członkowskich Unii.
Differentiation of Keratinocytes Modulates Skin HPA Analog
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IRAP tax differentiation in Italian Regions
Dane BadawczeThe following table presents the widespread differentiation in the standard IRAP rates applied in the particular regions of Italy. The tax rates in the table have been updated to 2019 (Only Regions marked with "*" updated their tax rates to the 2020 tax period as of March 16, 2020).
Social Differentiation of the Perception and Human Tissues Donation for Research Purposes.
PublikacjaThe willingness to donate human biological material for research purposes is shaped by socio-cultural factors; however, there is a lack of studies analysing the social perception of different human tissues, which may affect such willingness. This study aimed to distinguish different sociocultural categories of human tissues and types of potential donors based on their willingness to donate material. Quantitative research was...
Ewaluation of a PCR Melting Profile technique for bacterial strain differentiation
PublikacjaBadano przydatność techniki PCR MP w efektywnym typowaniu szczepów w badaniach epidemiologicznych zakażeń szpitalnych. Technika oparta jest na użyciu niskiej temperatury denaturacji podczas LM PCR. Badaniu zostały poddane izolaty Escherichia coli pochodzące od pacjentów Szpitala Klinicznego w Gdańsku. Wykazano, że technika jest szybka, o wysokim potencjale różnicującym i bardzo dobrej powtarzalności i może być zastosowana w badaniach...
Shotgun Lipidomic Analysis for Differentiation of Niche Cold Pressed Oils
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Social differentiation of the perception and human tissues donation for research purposes
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Cellular Nuclei Differentiation Evaluated by Automated Analysis of CLSM Images
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A new assay for the simultaneous identification and differentiation of Klebsiella oxytoca strains.
PublikacjaKlebsiella oxytoca is the second most frequently identified species of Klebsiella isolated from hospitalized patients. Klebsiella spp. is difficult to identify using conventional methods and is often misclassified in clinical microbiology laboratories. K. oxytoca is responsible for an increasing number of multi-resistant infections in hospitals because of insufficient detection and identification. In this study, we propose a new...
A new assay for simultaneous identification and differentiation of Klebsiella oxytoca strains
PublikacjaBacterial strain typing, or identifying bacteria at the strain level, is particularly important for diagnosis, treatment, and epidemiological surveillance of bacterial infections. This is especially the case for bacteria exhibiting high levels of antibiotic resistance or virulence, and those involved in nosocomial or pandemic infections. Strain typing also has applications in studying bacterial population dynamics.
Spatial differentiation of road safety in Europe based on NUTS-2 regions
PublikacjaRoad safety varies significantly across the regions in Europe. To understand the factors behind this differentiation and the effects they have, data covering 263 NUTS-2 (Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics) regions across Europe (European Union and Norway) have been analysed. The assessment was made using Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR). As a dependent variable the Road Fatality Rate (RFR – number of fatalities...
Disease Differentiation and Monitoring of Anti-TNF Treatment in Rheumatoid Arthritis and Spondyloarthropathies
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The role of genetic factors and monocyte-to-osteoclast differentiation in the pathogenesis of Charcot neuroarthropathy
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The differentiation and transdifferentiation of epithelial cells in vitro – is it a new strategy in regenerative biomedicine?
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Defending against Fake VIP in Scant-Transparency Information Systems with QoS Differentiation
PublikacjaIn client-server information systems with quality of service (QoS) differentiation, Client may deplete Server’s resources by demanding unduly high QoS level. Such QoS abuse has eluded systematic treatment; known defenses using Client authorization, payments, or service request inspection prior to QoS assignment, are heuristic and environment-specific. We offer a game-theoretic approach on the premise that a service request is occasionally...
Application of the Electronic Nose Technique to Differentiation between Model Mixtures with COPD Markers
PublikacjaABSTRACT The paper presents the potential of an electronic nose technique in the field of fast diagnostics of patients suspected of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). The investigations were performed using a simple electronic nose prototype equipped with a set of six semiconductor sensors manufactured by FIGARO Co. They were aimed at verification of a possibility of differentiation between model reference mixtures with...
Caffeine Inhibits Differentiation Of Lung Cancer Stem Cells By Modulating Their Respiratory Metabolism
PublikacjaIt is ell established that many tumor types contain a fraction of cells, with stem cell-like properties, called cancer stem cells (CSCs), that are resistant to apoptosis induced by therapeutic agents. The presence of CSCs may explain why a standard anticancer treatment, that eliminates only differentiated cancer cells, does not lead to cancer cure.We previously showed the existence of caffeine-sensitive mechanism that controls...
Spatial Differentiation of the Maximum River Runoff Synchronicity in the Warta River Catchment, Poland
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Differentiation of Nutritional Risk among Polish Seniors Based on Selected Lifestyle Characteristics
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Nucleotides metabolizing ectoenzymes as possible markers of mesenchymal stem cell osteogenic differentiation
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A novel concept for tissue-metal detection and differentiation using an inductive proximity sensor
PublikacjaIn this paper a novel application of inductive proximity sensors for detection of living tissue by means of measurements of the coil impedance changes at different frequencies is described. The mathematical analyses utilizing Bessel function estimation include detected object size and its distance from a sensor. The main aim of this study is to prove the possibility of distinguishing between metal objects and living tissues. The...
Complementary use of GCxGC–TOF–MS and statistics for differentiation of variety in biosolid samples
PublikacjaFormation of biosolid cakes, which are one of the main wastes generated in wastewater treatment plants, is connected with emission of many hazardous chemical compounds, including odoriferous ones. To optimize particular processes of biosolid cake processing, it is necessary to assess chemical composition of the gas mixtures containing the compounds released from the cakes. The paper proposes application of two-dimensional gas chromatography...
Genetic variability and differentiation of wild and cultured tench populations inferred from microsatellite loci
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PCR melting profile (PCR MP) - a new tool for differentiation of Candida albicans strains
PublikacjaPo raz pierwszy przedstawiliśmy użyteczność techniki PCR MP opartej na metodzie ligacji adaptorów (LM PCR) i obniżonej temperaturze denaturacji w cyklach PCR do wewnątrzgatunkowego różnicowania szczepów Candida albicans. Przebadaliśmy 123 szczepy Candida albicans z zastosowaniem trzech metod genotypowania: PCR MP, REA-PFGE i RAPD i uzyskaliśmy odpowiednio 27, 26 i 25 unikalnych genotypów. Zaprezentowane dane pokazały, że technika...
Trade differentiation and the characteristics of new imported and exported products - international panel data analysis
PublikacjaDrawing on o large panel of international economies we have shown how the set of imported and exported products evolves in economic growth process. Strong activity at the extensive margin, manifested through the rise in the number of active export and import lines, is typical for early stages of development. Trade diversification tendency, typical for a predominant mass of observations in our panel, is associated with changes in...
Significance of Dermoscopy in Association with Clinical Features in Differentiation of Basal Cell Carcinoma and Benign Trichoblastic Tumours
PublikacjaBackground: Although basal cell carcinoma (BCC) can, in the majority of cases, be diagnosed based on clinical and dermoscopic assessment, a potential overlap with benign adnexal skin tumours seems to exist, including trichoblastic tumours (TT). Methods: Retrospective analysis of clinical and dermoscopic features of benign TT and BCC cases was performed to develop a diagnostic algorithm with a potential utility in clinical practice....
Evaluation of a PCR Melting Profile method for intra-species differentiation of Trichophyton rubrum and Trichophyton interdigitale
PublikacjaW celu identyfikacji źródła infekcji spowodowanych przez dermatofity, jak i drogi ich transmisji, istnieje potrzeba szukania nowych metod, które pozwolą na głębokie zróżnicowanie genetyczne szczepów w obrębie rodzaju. W pracy po raz pierwszy pokazano zastosowanie techniki PCR MP opartej o adaptory oligonukleotydowe i różnice w temperaturze topnienia fragmentów restrykcyjnych DNA w reakcji PCR do wewnątrzgatunkowego typowania dermatofitów....
20-Hydroxyvitamin D3, a Product of Vitamin D3 Hydroxylation by Cytochrome P450scc, Stimulates Keratinocyte Differentiation
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Novel markers of human ovarian granulosa cell differentiation toward osteoblast lineage: A microarray approach
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The Effect of Marginal Zn2+ Excess Released from Titanium Coating on Differentiation of Human Osteoblastic Cells
PublikacjaComposite coatings based on chitosan and zinc nanoparticles (ZnNPs) were successfully produced on Ti13Zr13Nb substrates by cathodic electrophoretic deposition (EPD). The unfavorable phenomenon of water electrolysis-induced nonuniformity was reduced by applying a low voltage (20 V) and a short deposition time (1 min). Surface analysis (roughness and hydrophilicity) reveals the potential of these coatings for enhancing cell attachment...
DDLMS PCR double digestion Ligation Mediated Suppression PCR - a new technique for bacterial specific differentiation
PublikacjaA new diagnostic kit for K. oxytoca specific differentiation based on ddLMS PCR (ang. double digest ligation Mediated PCR) technique is shown. As a species-specific DNA fragment pehX gene, encoding the enzyme polygalactouronase, was chosen. The genome sequence of K. oxytoca is digested with two endonucleases: AclI and BclI which cut DNA before and after pehX gene. The polymorphic DNA fragments are ligated with AclI-end-specific...
A novel method of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex strain differentiation using polymorphic GC-rich gene sequences.
PublikacjaTuberculosis is one of the leading infectious diseases. In this work, a new genotyping method of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) complex strain is presented. 27 Mtb genomes were analyzed for the presence of length polymorphism within polymorphic GC-rich gene sequences. Four genes, Rv3345c, Rv3507, Rv0747 and Rv3511, showing variation in length depending on the Mtb strain were selected for designing primer sequences flanking variable...
Modulo N Backoff Scheme for effective QoS differentiation and increased bandwidth utilization in IEEE 802.11 networks
PublikacjaThe paper presents a new "modulo N" channel access scheme for wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs). The novel solution derives from the Distributed Coordination Function (DCF) of the IEEE 802.11 standard, further elaborated as Enhanced Distribution Channel Access (EDCA) by the 802.11e draft specification. The main innovation concerns improvement of the binary exponential backoff scheme used for collision avoidance in 802.11 networks....
Differentiation of the Nutritional Risk of Polish Elderly People According to Selected Demographic Characteristics and Declared Socioeconomic Status
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Effects of Heat and Momentum Gain Differentiation during Gas Detonation Spraying of FeAl Powder Particles into the Water
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Expression pattern of new genes regulating female sex differentiation and in vitro maturational status of oocytes in pigs
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Relevance of the Sea Sand Disruption Method (SSDM) for the Biometrical Differentiation of the Essential-Oil Composition from Conifers
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Multipath routing for quality of service differentiation and network capacity optimization in broadband low-earth orbit systems
PublikacjaThis paper shows the importance of employing multiple different paths for routing in Inter-Satellite Link (ISL) networks in broadband Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite systems. A theoretical analysis is presented and a routing concept is proposed to demonstrate three facts that make multipath routing especially important in broadband LEO networks: (1) differences in the propagation delays have a much greater impact on end-to-end...
Corrosion Inhibition Mechanism and Efficiency Differentiation of Dihydroxybenzene Isomers Towards Aluminum Alloy 5754 in Alkaline Media
PublikacjaThe selection of efficient corrosion inhibitors requires detailed knowledge regarding the interaction mechanism, which depends on the type and amount of functional groups within the inhibitor molecule. The position of functional groups between different isomers is often overlooked, but is no less important, since factors like steric hinderance may significantly affect the adsorption mechanism. In this study, we have presented how...
The impact of the overhead line's power supply system spatial differentiation on the energy consumption of trolleybus transport: planning and economic aspects
PublikacjaNowadays the issue of electric energy saving in public transport is becoming a key area of interest, which is connected both with a growth in environmental awareness of the society and an increase in the prices of fuel and electricity. It can be achieved by reducing of the transmission losses in supply system or by the improving of the usage of the regenerative breaking. The spatial differentiation of the energy supply system of...
Human Adipose-Derived and Amniotic Fluid-Derived Stem Cells: A Preliminary In Vitro Study Comparing Myogenic Differentiation Capability
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Burst loss probability for the combination of extended offset time based service differentiation scheme and PPS in optical burst switching network
PublikacjaIn the paper analytical model for calculating burst loss probabilities for the combination of two service differentiation schemes for OBS network namely: extended offset time based scheme and PPS (Preemption Priority Schemes) is revised. Moreover authors introduce analytical model for calculating burst loss probabilities for an optical path when OBS network employs both service differentiation schemes and JET signaling. The comparison...
Goblet Cell Ratio in Combination with Differentiation and Stem Cell Markers in Barrett Esophagus Allow Distinction of Patients with and without Esophageal Adenocarcinoma
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Differentiation of the concentration of heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants in lake sediments depending on the catchment management (Lake Gopło case study)
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Muscle Cell Morphogenesis, Structure, Development and Differentiation Processes Are Significantly Regulated during Human Ovarian Granulosa Cells In Vitro Cultivation