Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: PROFILE OF MICRO FIRMS - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: PROFILE OF MICRO FIRMS

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: PROFILE OF MICRO FIRMS

  • Training Services in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises: Evidence from Poland

    In the knowledge-based economy knowledge and skills are becoming more and more significant for the success of companies. This applies also to firms from small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) sector. As large companies in many cases posses special divisions devoted to trainings, they normally have no problems with updating the knowledge and skills of their employees. The situation is different with regard to SMEs, which often...

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  • Employment structure in individual enterprises in Poland in 2010-2014

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    It is worth mentioning the role of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in the labor market. The above-mentioned entities employ in total nearly 70% of all employees who work in the corporate sector. Micro enterprises play a decisive role in this respect, accounting for nearly 40% of all employees.Comparing the data contained in the table below...

  • Znaczenie kobiet w firmach rodzinnych: wczoraj, dziś i jutro


    Abstract: This paper provides a review of the literature on women in family businesses. Based on a structured literature review (SLR) method, 81 articles and other research works published since 1997 were analysed. The aim was to contribute to the literature and present what is new in the recent debate and how the evolutionary trend looks like. Over the last twenty years only a few investigations have studied women in family firms....

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  • The effect of environmental turbulence on cyber security risk management and organizational resilience


    - COMPUTERS & SECURITY - Rok 2024

    Even though there is a plethora of research on the role of environmental turbulence in organizational performance in general, little attention has been paid to the effect of environmental turbulence on cyber security risk management and further - organizational resilience. Drawing on the resource-based view and contingency theory, this study investigates how technological and market turbulence influence organizational cyber security...

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  • Firm-Level Internationalisation from the Theoretical Perspective: Knowledge-based Approach


    - Rok 2014

    The objective of the paper is to present the role of knowledge in internationalisation process of the firm as well as the selected theoretical proposals which assume that the role of knowledge in international expansion of firms is crucial. The article first presents the selected but best known, the oldest internationalisation paradigms. Then it shows the direction of development of theoretical perspectives.

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  • Instytucjonalny kontekst intencji rozwojowych przedsiębiorstw na Pomorzu


    Literatura dotycząca wzrostu małych firm podkreśla wagę kontekstu instytucjonalnego w tworzeniu warunków ich wzrostu. Mówiąc o instytucjach należy odróżniać zarówno aspekt obiektywny jak i subiektywny. Artykuł porusza oba aspekty: jakość instytucji jak i ich postrzeganie przez przedsiębiorców. Ten drugi aspekt został opisany w oparciu o wyniki badań Pomorskiego Obserwatorium Gospodarczego. W konkluzji zawarto wniosek iż postrzeganie...

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  • Factors of successful client co-production in knowledge-intensive business services


    Purpose This paper aims to explore the topic of client co-production in knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS). The paper first sketches a theoretical background and reviews previous studies on factors affecting successful client co-production in such companies and then examines these factors via case study research among a small KIBS company and its five customers. Design/methodology/approach The paper is based on an in-depth...

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  • Client co-production in knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS): Case study analysis


    Purpose: This paper aims to explore the topic of client co-production in knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS). The paper first sketches a theoretical background and reviews previous studies on factors affecting successful client co-production in such companies and then examines these factors via case study research among a small KIBS company and its five customers. Methodology: The paper is based on an in-depth analysis...

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  • Badania nośności na zginanie innowacyjnego kształtownika giętego na zimno typu GEB

    Lekkie konstrukcje metalowe wytwarzane z kształtowników giętych na zimno to jedna z najszybciej rozwijających się dyscyplin w zakresie budownictwa. Do niedawna profile gięte na zimno stosowano wyłącznie jako elementy drugorzędne, czyli płatwie oraz rygle. Nowo opatentowany przekrój typu GEB ma być wykorzystywany jako element nośny konstrukcji ramowych. Jednak jego zaistnienie na rynku budowlanych konstrukcji metalowych jest uwarunkowane...

  • UE ETS: an in-depth descriptive analysis.


    - Rok 2024

    The European Emission Trading System (EU ETS) plays a pivotal role in the EU’s strategy to address climate change, serving as a fundamental instrument for cost-effective reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Notably, it inaugurated the word’s first major carbon market and it continues to the largest one. Chapter 1 provides an in-depth examination of the EU ETS, spanning from its inception in 2005 to 2020. After providing a descriptive...

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  • The structure of the enterprise sector by size in Poland and the EU-28 in 2017

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    The majority (99.8%) of companies in the EU countries are micro, small and medium-sized enterprises - see chart. The situation is similar in Poland, but the structure of the SME sector is slightly different from that observed in the EU. In Poland, the share of micro-enterprises in the total number of enterprises is higher than in the EU countries (95.5%...

  • Detailed results of shaping personnel risk factors in enterprise D

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    The data presents the shape of all the researched personnel risk factors in the D enterprise (which was tested by the author). Further considerations should be started with the presentation of the synthesis of the obtained results, which is presented in this research data.

  • Accuracy of Trajectory Tracking Based on Nonlinear Guidance Logic for Hydrographic Unmanned Surface Vessels


    - SENSORS - Rok 2020

    A new trend in recent years for hydrographic measurement in water bodies is the use of unmanned surface vehicles (USVs). In the process of navigation by USVs, it is particularly important to control position precisely on the measuring profile. Precise navigation with respect to the measuring profile avoids registration of redundant data and thus saves time and survey costs. This article addresses the issue of precise navigation...

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  • Konkurs Innowacji dydaktycznych Statystyczny micro-learning


    Kierownik projektu: dr inż. Karol Flisikowski

    Projekt realizowany w Politechnika Gdańska zgodnie z porozumieniem KID 2023 z dnia 2023-10-01

  • Konkurs Innowacji Dydaktycznych Statystyczny micro-learning


    Kierownik projektu: dr inż. Karol Flisikowski

    Projekt realizowany w Politechnika Gdańska zgodnie z porozumieniem KID 2023 z dnia 2023-10-01

  • The structure of the enterprise sector by size in Poland and the EU-28 in 2017

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    Enterprises from the SME sector constitute the majority of companies in Poland and in the European Union countries. However, the structure of domestic enterprises in terms of size and industry differs from the EU average. Taking into account the nature of the business in Poland, more companies operate in trade, and lower in services. However, it should...

  • Krzysztof Jan Kaliński prof. dr hab. inż.

    Ukończył studia magisterskie na Wydziale Mechanicznym Technologicznym (MT) PG (1980, dyplom z wyróżnieniem). Stopień doktora otrzymał na Wydziale Budowy Maszyn PG (1988, praca wyróżniona), stopień doktora habilitowanego na Wydziale Mechanicznym (WM) PG (2002, praca wyróżniona), a tytuł profesora nauk technicznych – w 2013 r. Od 2015 r. jest profesorem zwyczajnym, a od 2019 r. - profesorem. Obszar jego badań naukowych obejmuje:...

  • The influence of soluble microbial products on microbial community composition: hypothesis of microbial community succession


    - Polish Journal of Microbiology - Rok 2008

    Rozpuszczalne produkty mikrobiologiczne (SMP) są związkami organicznymi wytwarzanymi podczas rozkładu substratów przez mikroorganizmy osadu czynnego. Zbadano mikroskopowo zmiany składu zespołów mikrobiologicznych (organizmów jedno- i wielokomórkowych) pod wpływem obniżonego lub zwiększonego poziomu SMP. Wysoka zawartość SMP w znacznym stopniu zmieniła skład zespołów mikrobiologicznych, od orzęsków osiadłych (12-175 µm), do...

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  • Marcin Sikorski prof. dr hab. inż.

    Marcin Sikorski jest profesorem w Katedrze Informatyki w Zarządzaniu na Wydziale Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej. Wcześniej odbył liczne pobyty w instytucjach naukowych, m.in. w Niemczech (Uniwersytety w Bonn i w Heidelbergu), Szwajcarii (ETH Zurich), Holandii (TU Eindhoven) i USA (Harvard University). Prof. Sikorski jest przedstawicielem Polski w komitecie TC13 Human-Computer-Interaction w międzynarodowej organizacji...

  • Le reti della terza Italia.Imprese, calcio, sponsirzzazioni e territorio in Serie B 81982-2006)


    - Rok 2022

    Il capitolo si occupa dei rapporti tra imprese e sponsirzzazioni dei club calcistici italiani della serie B tra il 1982 e il 2006

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  • Smart Specializations as Innovative Ecosystems


    - Rok 2018

    In the article it is showed that regional smart specializations that are currently the most important tool of the European innovation policy may be perceived, and if effective should constitute, innovative ecosystems. The article presents the concepts of smart specializations and innovative ecosystems. The concept of innovative ecosystem is, in the article, presented from the perspective of its foundation and relations to other...

  • CSR in Family Business- Ethnocentric Meaning Socially Responsible?

    The aim of this paper is to provide framework and key issues relevant for research on social responsibility of family business. From providing two theoretical approaches towards social responsibility such as social capital concept commenting on the familiness as a family firm resource and capability; and the stakeholder theory we move to the state of the art of family business. Then, we discuss heterogeneity among family firms...

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  • Anna Lisowska-Oleksiak prof. dr hab.

    Anna Lisowska-Oleksiak, born in 1952,  has been working at GUT since 1977. Currently is employed at the Faculty of Chemistry as a full professor. She was employed as a research assistant at the University of St Andrews in the group of C. A. Vincent and P.G. Bruce  (1991-1994). She completed a two-month research internship in CEA Grenoble (2011). Anna Lisowska-Oleksiak obtained her MSc in chemistry at Nicolaus Copernicus University...

  • System oceny efektywności użytkowania aparatów słuchowych


    - Rok 2024

    Celem rozprawy jest opracowanie metody oceny efektywności protezowania słuchu przy użyciu aparatów słuchowych, która pozwoli w łatwy sposób poddawać ocenie korzyść z użytkowania protez słuchowych w najbardziej typowych sytuacjach akustycznych. Przedstawiono genezę podjętych badań i na tej podstawie zaproponowano cele i tezy rozprawy doktorskiej. W pracy w pierwszej kolejności zawarto przegląd dotyczący rodzajów ubytku słuchu i...

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    The paper describes two-dimensional meso-scale results of fracture in notched concrete beams under bending. Concrete was modelled as a random heterogeneous 4-phase material composed of aggregate particles, cement matrix, interfacial transitional zones and air voids. Within continuum mechanics, the simulations were carried out with the finite element method based on a isotropic damage constitutive model enhanced by a characteristic...

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  • A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of corporate bankruptcy prediction models based on financial ratios: Evidence from Colombia, 2008 to 2015

    Logit and discriminant analyses have been used for corporate bankruptcy prediction in several studies since the last century. In recent years there have been dozens of studies comparing the several models available, including the ones mentioned above and also probit, artificial neural networks, support vector machines, among others. For the first time for Colombia, this paper presents a comparative analysis of the effectiveness...

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    This paper investigates how the process of going bankrupt can be recognized much earlier by enterprises than by traditional forecasting models. The presented studies focus on the assessment of credit risk classes and on determination of the differences in risk class migrations between non-bankrupt enterprises and future insolvent firms. For this purpose, the author has developed a model of a Kohonen artificial neural network to...

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  • Leszek Pawłowski dr

    Dr Leszek Pawłowski, PhD, lawyer, assistant professor at the Department of Palliative Medicine, Medical University of Gdańsk (Poland), member of Polish Working Group on End-of-Life Ethics and Editorial Board member of the journal Palliative Medicine in Practice. His research is focused on legal issues in palliative care, hospice and palliative care volunteering, Advance Care Planning and medical law. He is involved in healthcare...

  • Direct shear stress vs strain relation for fiber reinforced composites


    The majority of fiber reinforced composites exhibit strong non-linear behavior in in-plane shear state. The effect is attributed to the micro-cracks appearing in the matrix and can be modeled on the micro and macro level. In this work the author proposes constitutive laws describing the non-linear in-plane shear response, which can be alternative for the relations commonly considered in the literature. The proposed equations are...

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  • A commercial gas boiler fitted with the ORC module as perspective solution for households

    In this paper the applicability of the commercial gas boiler (De Dietrich DTG X23N) coupled with the laboratory prototype micro ORC setup was experimentally studied. The main objective was to determine the working fluid capability to obtain required temperatures of vapour prior to the turbine, attainable heat rates and efficiencies of the whole system. The boiler thermal power was 25 kW. Tests were carried out with a single stage...

  • Femtosecond laser ablated trench array for improving performance of commercial solid oxide cell



    The performance of electrode-supported solid oxide cells (SOCs) is limited adversely by gas diffusion impedance in thick and porous support. This work focuses on the improvement of gas transport properties of commercial Ni-YSZ anode-supported SOFC by femtosecond laser-based micromachining where micro-holes of identical depth but different hole separations pitches with minimal heated affected zones were imposed. The polarization...

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  • Mohammad Hossein Ghaemi dr inż.

    Mohammad Hossein Ghaemi (ur. 1967), adiunkt Wydziału Oceanotechniki i Okrętownictwa (WOiO) PG w Katedrze Automatyki i Energetyki. Jest absolwentem Uniwersytetu Teherańskiego z zakresu mechaniki ciała stałego, a także PG na kierunku Oceanotechnika. Uzyskał stopień doktora nauk technicznych na PG w 2004 roku. Od 1995 roku pracuje na WIMiO PG (do 2020 r. WOiO PG) i prowadzi zajęcia dydaktyczne i badania naukowe w zakresie automatyki...

  • Application of optical microsphere in fiber optic sensors for measurement of electrochemical processes

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    investigation of the electrochemical processes using micro-sphere fiber-optic sensor with a zinc oxide (ZnO) coating applied by Atomic Layer Deposition method (ALD). The measurements were performed in 1M KNO3 during a decomposition of Bisphenol-A

  • Inverse heat transfer problem solution of sounding rocket using moving window optimization


    An Inverse Heat Transfer Problem is solved for a sounding rocket module given its geometry and measured temperature profile. The solution is obtained via moving window optimization, a technique for solving inverse dynamics. An analysis is performed to modify the method to avoid oscillatory behavior of the resulting heat flux profile. The method parameters are tuned in relation to characteristic phases of the flight. Results are...

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  • Static and dynamic concrete calculations: Breakable aggregates in DEM model


    The paper deals with the calculations of a 3-point bending beam under static and dynamic loads. The real microstructure was obtained from laboratory tests using micro-tomography images. The quasi-static results were compared directly with experimental data at both macro and micro levels. Subsequently, higher strain rates were applied to investigate dynamic effects. The study focused on the influence of dynamic loading on the macroscopic...

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  • Open Innovation Competence for a Future-Proof Workforce: A Comparative Study from Four European Universities

    Digital transformation is a key driving force of open innovation to capture and transfer knowledge inside and outside of a company’s bounds. New challenges in organizing multiple knowledge flows imply the need for increased competences related to this paradigm of future employees. In this article, we organize and aggregate the competencies required for open innovation collaboration and develop a competence profile that organizes...

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  • Practical Eco-Driving Strategy for Suburban Electric Multiple Unit


    In this paper, a practical approach to velocity profile optimization for electric multiple unit was presented. The study focuses on a case of fast urban railway, which is a popular mean of transport across Tricity, Poland. Based on observations and measurements, a potential for improvement of energy efficiency by modifying the speed profile was recognized. In order to conduct necessary calculations, simulation model of railway...

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  • Insight into the microstructural and durability characteristics of 3D printed concrete: Cast versus printed specimens


    - Case Studies in Construction Materials - Rok 2022

    This study presents the comparison of microstructural and durability characteristics of 3D printed concrete (3DPC) depending on its production method (printing or casting). Printed samples with different numbers of layers, as well as a cast specimen with an identical mix composition, were produced and compared, with their microstructural pore and solid characteristics quantitatively and qualitatively investigated. For this purpose,...

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  • Application of Barkhausen method to determine internal stresses in cold-rolled and hot-rolled sheets


    The paper presents investigations on internal stress distribution in plane hot—or cold-rolled sheets dedicated for the cold-formed profiles. The motivation of the research is a new profile design whose bending technology, incorporating a longitudinal welded joint and hot-dip galvanization after bending and welding introduces additional internal stresses. In order to identify the entirety of stresses in the process of sheet production...

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  • Impact Assessment of Electric Vehicles Integration and Optimal Charging Schemes Under Uncertainty: A Case Study of Qatar

    • S. Deshmukh
    • H. Tariq
    • M. Amir
    • A. Iqbal
    • M. Marzband
    • A. M. A. B. Al-Wahedi

    - IEEE Access - Rok 2024

    The integration of electric vehicles (EVs) is rapidly growing compared to conventional vehicles in Qatar. To assess how these electric vehicles will impact Qatar’s distribution network, it is necessary to accurately model EV loads. However, EV loads exhibit uncertainties due to driving behaviour in charging time, state of charge (SOC), number of trips, and distance travelled. This necessitates the development of a probabilistic...

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  • Partial Admission Stages of High Efficiency for a Microturbine

    The paper presents the results of a design analysis of a micro-turbine for a co-generation micro-power plant working in accordance with organic Rankine cycle. The heat power of the plant is assumed equal to 20kW and the corresponding available electric output is estimated to be about 3kW. After the design analysis, the axial turbine with partial admission in all stages was built and tested experimentally. Special attention was...

  • Tadeusz Widerski dr inż.

    W 1998 roku zdał maturę oraz ukończył Technikum Mechaniczne o profilu budowa maszyn w Dobrym Mieście.  W latach 1998 -2003 odbył studia na Wydziale Geodezji i Gospodarki Przestrzennej Uniwersytetu Warmiństko Mazurskiego gdzie zdobył tytuł magistra inżyniera Geodezji i Kartografii. Od 2005 do 2009 roku był słuchaczem Studium Doktorskiego o specjalności geotechnika i inżynieria środowiska na Wydziale Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska...

  • Wykorzystanie ciepła niskotemperaturowego do procesu suszenia peletu ze słomy z wykorzystaniem mikrostrugowego wymiennika ciepła


    W artykule przedstawiono wpływ temperatury medium suszącego na zmiany względnej oraz bezwzględnej zawartości wilgoci podczas suszenia peletu ze słomy. Proces suszenia przeprowadzono przy stałym ciśnieniu atmosferycznym i różnych wartościach temperatury powietrza, jako czynnika suszącego, wynoszących odpowiednio: 40℃, 60℃, 80℃, 100℃ oraz 120℃. Badania eksperymentalne wykonywano na innowacyjnym stanowisku wyposażonym w mikrostrugowy...

  • Approximate solution for Euler equations of stratified water via numerical solution of coupled KdV system


    We consider Euler equations with stratified background state that is valid for internal water waves. The solution of the initial-boundary problem for Boussinesq approximation in the waveguide mode is presented in terms of the stream function. The orthogonal eigenfunctions describe a vertical shape of the internal wave modes and satisfy a Sturm-Liouville problem. The horizontal profile is defined by a coupled KdV system which is...

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  • Surface irregularities as a complex signal of tool representation together with uneven displacement in respect to the workpiece

    In a dynamic machining process, distortion in surface irregularity is a very complex phenomenon. Surface irregularities form a periodic representation of the tool profile with various kinds of disturbance in a broad range of changes in the height and length of the profile. To discern these irregularity disturbances, interactions of the tool in the form of changes perpendicular and parallel relative to the workpiece were analyzed...

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  • The number of active enterprises in Poland in 1997-2014

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    After Poland joined the group of countries associated in the European Union and through participation in numerous economic and political organizations (including the World Trade Organization, OECD), as well as the commencement of trade exchange with virtually all countries of the world, Polish entrepreneurs and managers struggle with completely problems...

  • Share of gross value added generated by enterprises in GDP

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    After Poland joined the group of countries associated in the European Union and through participation in numerous economic and political organizations (including the World Trade Organization, OECD), as well as the commencement of trade exchange with virtually all countries of the world, Polish entrepreneurs and managers struggle with completely problems...

  • Corporate social responsibility and forward default risk mediated by financial performance and goodwill


    In today’s business environment, corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become an increasingly significant factor for firms. This study is driven by the motivation to add to the current literature by investigating the mediating elements that explain the relationship between CSR and forward default risk. In this paper, we attempt to identify the important mediators and give a more comprehensive explanation of this connection...

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  • Contribution of dynamic vehicle loads to pavement failure


    - Rok 2022

    Pavement surfaces are not ideally even, which causes dynamic loads of vehicle axles. Distribution of dynamic loads of a given axle is similar to normal distribution and can be described by static load and dynamic load coefficient. The dynamic load coefficient depends on road profile, vehicle speed, properties of suspensions and static load of axle. While for a given road section road profile remains constant, vehicle speed and...

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  • Wojciech Litwin dr hab. inż.

    1992÷1996 – Studia na Wydziale Mechanicznym Politechniki Gdańskiej1996 – Zatrudniony na Wydziale Oceanotechniki i Okrętownictwa PG2004 – Obrona pracy doktorskiej2014 – obrona rozprawy habilitacyjnej2012 – obejmuje funkcję prodziekan ds. Nauki na Wydziale Oceanotechniki i OkrętownictwaUczestniczył w wielu projektach badawczych oraz pracach zleconych przez przemysł związanych z łożyskowaniem ślizgowym wałów głównych oraz niekonwencjonalnymi...