Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: DISPLACEMENTS
On Non-holonomic Boundary Conditions within the Nonlinear Cosserat Continuum
PublikacjaWithin the framework of the nonlinear micropolar elastic continuum we discuss non-holonomic kinematic boundary conditions. By non-holonomic boundary conditions we mean linear relations between virtual displacements and virtual rotations given on the boundary. Such boundary conditions can be used for modelling of complex material interactions in the vicinity of the boundaries and interfaces.
On the effective properties of foams in the framework of the couple stress theory
PublikacjaIn the framework of the couple stress theory, we discuss the effective elastic properties of a metal open-cell foam. In this theory, we have the couple stress tensor, but the microrotations are fully described by displacements. To this end, we performed calculations for a representative volume element which give the matrices of elastic moduli relating stress and stress tensors with strain and microcurvature tensors.
Membrane model of human abdominal wall. Simulations vs. in vivo measurements
PublikacjaThe study presents a methodology of defining a numerical model of human abdominal wall based on the experimentally registered data of the abdomen geometry due to variations of the intraabdominal pressure. The abdominal wall is modelled here as a simple homogeneous membrane structure made of linear orthotropic material The displacements registered during the increase of pressure are compared with the re-sults of the model static...
Modeling of Composite Shells in 6-Parameter Nonlinear Theory with Drilling Degree of Freedom
PublikacjaWithin the framework of a 6-parameter nonlinear shell theory, with strain measures of Cosserat type, constitutive relations are proposed for thin elastic composite shells. The material law is expressed in terms of five engineering constants of classical anisotropic continuum plus an additional parameter accounting for drilling stiffness. The theory allows for unlimited displacements and rotations. A number of examples are presented...
The Method of Finding the Optimal Spindle Speed When Milling Flexible Details
PublikacjaThe paper presents a new method of vibration reduction during milling of flexible details. The method consists in selecting the optimal spindle speed, based on the natural frequency of the workpiece. For this purpose, an original method was created, which is based on minimizing the work of cutting forces in the direction of the depth of cutting. The effectiveness of the method has been proved by comparing the RMS values of vibration...
Behaviour of Colliding Multi-Storey Buildings under Earthquake Excitation Considering Soil-Structure Interaction
PublikacjaThis paper investigates the coupled effect of the supporting soil flexibility and pounding between neighbouring, insufficiently separated buildings under earthquake excitation. Two adjacent three-storey structures, modelled as inelastic lumped mass systems with different structural characteristics, have been considered in the study. The models have been excited using the time history of the Kobe earthquake of 1995. A nonlinear...
Non-Linear Analysis of Structures Utilizing Load-Discretization of Stiffness Matrix Method with Coordinate Update
PublikacjaThis paper proposes a stiffness method based structural analysis algorithm for geometrically non-linear structures. In this study, the applied load on the joints has been discretized to a sequence of a few loadings applied. Each loading step produces incremental external nodal displacements, which are added to the corresponding coordinates to get a new geometrical shape of the structure. This process is iteratively repeated until...
Stan graniczny użytkowalności konstrukcji oporowych z gruntu zbrojonego geosyntetykami – analiza wytycznych projektowych
PublikacjaSprawdzenie stanu granicznego użytkowalności konstrukcji oporowej z gruntu zbrojonego. Możliwości wyznaczenia przemieszczeń konstrukcji. Porównanie podejść projektowych według zaleceń Eurokodu 7, instrukcji ITB 429/2007, BS 8006, EBGEO i FHWA.
On exact two-dimensional kinematics for the branching shells
PublikacjaWe construct the two-dimensional (2D) kinematics which is work-conjugate to the exact 2D local equilibrium conditions of the non-linear theory of branching shells. It is shown that the compatible shell displacements consist of the translation vector and rotation tensor fields defined on the regular parts of the shell base surface as well as independently on the singular surface curve modelling the shell branching. Several characteristic...
Stability of steel plate girder with alternative web geometry
Dane BadawczeThe main aim of this study is to determine the influence of an alternative geometry of plate girder cross-section on web stability. The proposed modification of geometry consists in application of a variable web thicknesses along its height in order to reduce the number of transverse and longitudinal stiffeners along the length of the plate girder....
Nośność konstrukcji gruntowo-łukowej prefabrykowanego wiaduktu w świetle obliczeń numerycznych i badań „in situ”
PublikacjaWartykule przedstawiono analizy przeprowadzone dla wiaduktu WK-15 Pomorskiej Kolei Metropolitalnej wykonanego w technologii łuków prefabrykowanych przykrytych gruntem (system TechSpan). W celu weryfikacji obliczeń numerycznych wykonano próbne obciążenie konstrukcji. Przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów naprężeń i prezmieszczeń konstrukcji. Odniesiono się krytycznie do zastosowanego modelu obliczeniowego.
Investigation of abdomen surface deformation due to life excitation: implications for implant selection and orientation in laparoscopic ventral hernia repair
PublikacjaVentral hernia is a common medical problem. Statistically there are around 10% recurrences of the sickness. The authors' former investigation proved edges of the hernia orifice displacements to be one of the factors causing recurrence. Thus, experimental investigation of the abdomen surface deformation due to some normal activities of people is studied.The extreme strains, their localization and directions are identified. The acquired...
Comparison of anti-plane surface waves in strain-gradient materials and materials with surface stresses
PublikacjaHere we discuss the similarities and differences in anti-plane surface wave propagation in an elastic half-space within the framework of the theories of Gurtin–Murdoch surface elasticity and Toupin–Mindlin strain-gradient elasticity. The qualitative behaviour of the dispersion curves and the decay of the obtained solutions are quite similar. On the other hand, we show that the solutions relating to the surface elasticity model...
Inverse Analysis as a Key Element of Safety Assessment under the Snow Load For The Large Suspension Roofs Structure
PublikacjaThe paper presents a concept and realization of monitoring system for the Silesian Stadium in Chorzow. The idea of the system lies in fusion of structure monitoring with a calibrated numerical FEM model [1]. The inverse problem is solved. On the base of measured selected displacements, the numerical FEM model of the structure combined with iterative method, develops the current snow load distribution. Knowing the load, we can calculate...
FEA analysis of the multicell piezoelectric motor
PublikacjaThe presented paper concerns a design, modeling and chosen tests of the prototype multicell piezoelectric motor (MPM). The principle of operation based on three independent traveling wave actuators is presented. The main materials and technologies used in the fabrication process are described. The structure of the motor is modeled using static and modal FEM analysis. The process of traveling wave generation in the MPM structure...
On stress singularity near the tip of a crack with surface stresses
PublikacjaIn the framework of the simplified linear Gurtin–Murdoch surface elasticity we discuss a singularity of stresses and displacements in the vicinity of a mode III crack. We show that inhomogeneity in surface elastic properties may significantly affect the solution and to change the order of singularity. We also demonstrate that implicitly or explicitly assumed symmetry of the problem may also lead to changes in solutions. Considering...
Mixed 4-node shell element with assumed strain and stress in 6-parameter theory
PublikacjaWe propose a mixed hybrid 4-node shell elements based on Hu-Washizu principle. Apart from displacements both strains and stress fields are treated as independent fields. The element is derived in the framework of a general nonlinear 6-field shell theory with drilling rotation which is dedicated to the analysis of multifold irregular shells with intersections. The novelty of the presented results stems from the fact that the measures...
Mixed 4-node shell element with assumed strain and stress in 6-parameter theory
PublikacjaWe propose a mixed hybrid 4-node shell elements based on Hu-Washizu principle. Apart from displacements both strains and stress fields are treated as independent fields. The element is derived in the framework of a general nonlinear 6-field shell theory with drilling rotation which is dedicated to the analysis of multifold irregular shells with intersections. The novelty of the presented results stems from the fact that the measures...
Extending transition curve in analytical design method
PublikacjaThe paper presents the problem of extending the transitional curves, using for this purpose an analytical design method. The basis for the analysis of numerical calculations were carried out for a wide set of parameters characterizing the standard geometric system. We considered an importance of the size of radius of the circular arc and return angle of route on the obtained results after the formulation of appropriate theoretical...
PublikacjaThe aim of this paper is to show time-dependent baseline variation between GPS stations situated in South-East Poland. This study was based on daily data analysis of selected GPS stations: WROC, GOPE, MOPI, KRAW and KATO. The start date of the analysis is linked at every station with the beginning of its operation and the closing date of the operation is in 2006. The multiresolution signal decomposition method has been used to...
PublikacjaThe article presents numerical simulations of the dynamic wind loads on the structure of a building designed on a cliff in Gdynia. The results obtained from the two methods: Davenport’s and Karman’s are compared. The results allowed a comparison of the two methods, and they provided an answer to the question how a construction, designed in such an unusual condition of a cliff behaves under the influence of the gusting wind. The...
On Anti-Plane Surface Waves Considering Highly Anisotropic Surface Elasticity Constitutive Relations
PublikacjaWithin the framework of highly anisotropic surface elasticity model we discuss the propagation of new type of surface waves that are anti-plane surface waves. By the highly anisotropic surface elasticity model we mean the model with a surface strain energy density which depends on incomplete set of second derivatives of displacements. From the physical point of view this model corresponds to a coating made of a family of parallel...
Equivalent 4-node enhanced assumed strain and hybrid stress shell elements in 6-parameter theory
PublikacjaWe discuss the equivalence of semi-enhanced assumed strain (EAS) and semi-hybrid stress (SEM) shell finite elements. We use the general nonlinear 6-field shell theory with kinematics composed of generalized displacements composed of the translation field and the rotation field. Due to the presence of rotation tensor the elements have naturally six nodal engineering degrees of freedom. We propose interpolation for a strain field...
The influence of brace to chord rotational connection stiffness on stability of the truss
PublikacjaThe paper is devoted to the numerical analysis of the roof truss subjected to upward wind loading and braced at the tensioned top chord. The linear buckling analysis were performed for the beam and shell model of the structure. As the result the influence of rotational connection stiffness between the brace and the top chord on the truss stability was appointed. The biaxial strength testing machine was used to conduct the experimental...
A Nonlinear Model of a Mesh Shell
PublikacjaFor a certain class of elastic lattice shells experiencing finite deformations, a continual model using the equations of the so-called six-parameter shell theory has been proposed. Within this model, the kinematics of the shell is described using six kinematically independent scalar degrees of freedom — the field of displacements and turns, as in the case of the Cosserat continuum, which gives reason to call the model under consideration...
Continuum models for pantographic blocks with second gradient energies which are incomplete
PublikacjaWe postulate a deformation energy for describing the mechanical behavior of so called pantographic blocks, that is bodies constituted by stacking of layers of pantographic sheets. We remark that the pantographic effect is limited in the plane of pantographic sheets and therefore only the second derivatives of transverse displacements along the pantographic fibers appear in the chosen deformation energy. We use this novel energy...
Badania charakterystyki obciążeń oddziałujących na modułowe urządzenie dylatacyjne w pasie ruchu ciężkiego autostrady A8
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono badania urządzenia dylatacyjnego typu nożycowego. Dokonano statycznych i dynamicznych pomiarów odkształceń oraz przemieszczeń konstrukcji nożyc na najbardziej obciążonym pasie autostrady A8. Określono wpływ oddziaływania dynamicznego oraz sporządzono histogramy obciążeń i współczynników przewyższenia dynamicznego na podstawie pomiarów ciągłych w okresie nasilonego ruchu. Wskazano przyczyny degradacji urządzenia. Odniesiono...
On the Equations of the Surface Elasticity Model Based on the Theory of Polymeric Brushes
PublikacjaMotivating by theory of polymers, in particular, by the models of polymeric brushes we present here the homogenized (continual) two-dimensional (2D) model of surface elasticity. A polymeric brush consists of an system of almost aligned rigid polymeric chains. The interaction between chain links are described through Stockmayer potential, which take into account also dipole-dipole interactions. The presented 2D model can be treated...
Extended duration running and impulse loading characteristics of an acoustic bearing with enhanced geometry
PublikacjaThis paper presents performance during prolonged running of the acoustic bearing when PZTs are switched off and when they are switched on. The effect of active PZT on shaft’s displacements in X and Y directions is clearly demonstrated. Performance of the acoustic bearing was also assessed when an impulse force was applied to the running shaft at speed. Once again the benefits of having PZTs active are beyond doubt. The instability...
Mechanical compatibility of implants used in hernia repair with abdominal wall
PublikacjaThe paper deals with a membrane model of a synthetic surgical mesh for treatment of abdominal hernia. The authors analyse the compatibility of two implant types with the human wall: Dualmesh Gore and Proceed. The finite element method is applied to simulate tjhe behavior of the proposed model. Due fact that recurrences are usually caused by connection failure, this study is focused on reaction forces in supports representing the...
Impact of an unsecured excavation on an underground pipeline
PublikacjaThe paper presents a numerical analysis of the impact of an unsecured excavation on an underground pipeline in selected soil conditions. The research was inspired by a real-life failure of a water pipeline which was caused by a nearby unsecured excavation (Sikora et al. 2015). The failure was triggered by displacement of soil mass in the vicinity of the pipeline. The study conducted in the framework of Finite Element...
Sposoby przykładania obciążenia zmiennego na konstrukcję płytowo-słupową
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono analizę porównawczą wybranych metod zadawania obciążenia zmiennego na konstrukcje płytowo-słupową. Przeanalizowano pięć sposobów rozkładu obciążenia na płytę stropową. Wyniki momentów zginających i przemieszczeń w wybranych punktach dla analizowanych przypadków porównywano z wartościami ekstremalnymi obliczonymi na podstawie powierzchni wpływu (Wariant 1). Wykonane obliczenia pozwoliły na wskazanie zalecanej...
Investigation of behaviour of metal structures with polymer dampers under dynamic loads
PublikacjaA large number of accidents concerning structures subjected to dynamic loads have been recently observed. One of the examples of such a structure is a temporary steel grandstand erected using scaffolding system. Dynamic load that is generated by crowd movement has a significant influence on the behaviour of the structure and may lead to excessive structural vibrations. The aim of the study is to consider the idea of using polymer...
Marek Zienkiewicz dr inż.
OsobyDoktor inżynier Marek Hubert dwojga imion Zienkiewicz jest absolwentem Wydziału Geodezji, Inżynierii Przestrzennej i Budownictwa Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie. Zainteresowania naukowe w okresie studiów inżynierskich, magisterskich i doktoranckich rozwijał pod opieką przedstawicieli olsztyńskiej szkoły geodezyjnego rachunku wyrównawczego. W roku 2011 uzyskał tytuł zawodowy magistra inżyniera w zakresie geodezji...
PublikacjaIn the article structural issues that connected with the reinforced concrete supporting construction of the stadium roofing for EURO 2012 in Gdańsk were described. In the first part of the article the concept of stadium foundation were described. In the second the static - strength analysis for two variants fastening together individual foundation elements were made. The two assumed geometrically different concept of foundation...
Structural Health Monitoring of Composite Shell Footbridge for Its Design Validation
PublikacjaThe paper presents the structural health monitoring system of the composite bridge for pedestrians and cyclists. The footbridge was designed and manufactured within the FOBRIDGE project. It is the first bridge in the world, which is classified as a consistent single element structural girder, made of sandwich shells, entirely produced in a single cycle. The developed structural health monitoring system, supported design process,...
On the peculiarities of anti-plane surface waves propagation for media with microstructured coating
PublikacjaWe discuss new type of surface waves which exist in elastic media with surface energy. Here we present the model of a coating made of polymeric brush. From the physical point of view the considered model of surface elasticity describes a highly anisotropic surface coating. Here the surface energy model could be treated as 2D reduced strain gradient continuum as surface strain energy depends on few second spatial derivatives of...
The analysis of the accuracy of spatial models using photogrammetric software: Agisoft Photoscan and Pix4D
PublikacjaThis article was created as a result of research conducted within the master thesis. The purpose of the measurements was to analyze the accuracy of the positioning of points by computer programs. Selected software was a specialized computer software dedicated to photogrammetric work. For comparative purposes it was decided to use tools with similar functionality. As the basic parameters that affect the results selected the resolution...
Experimental ultimate strength assessment of stiffened plates subjected to marine immersed corrosion
PublikacjaThis study experimentally analyses the impact of marine immersed corrosion degradation on the compressive strength of the stiffened plates where the lower degradation levels were considered. The corrosion degradation test was accelerated by controlling the natural corrosion environmental factors, avoiding applying an electric current. Different groups of corrosion degradation levels and initial plate thicknesses were investigated....
Ellipticity in couple-stress elasticity
PublikacjaWe discuss ellipticity property within the linear couple-stress elasticity. In this theory, there exists a deformation energy density introduced as a function of strains and gradient of macrorotations, where the latter are expressed through displacements. So the couple-stress theory could be treated as a particular class of strain gradient elasticity. Within the micropolar elasticity, the model is called Cosserat pseudocontinuum...
Numerical analysis of lumbar spine injury during road safety barrier collision
PublikacjaPurpose: Enhancing road safety is a critical goal worldwide, necessitating the development of clear standards for road safety systems. This study focuses on lumbar spine (L-spine) compression injuries during collisions with concrete road safety barriers (RSBs). It aims to analyze internal forces during impact to understand L-spine injury biomechanics in such accidents. Methods: The research included a literature review, analyzing...
Effect of lag screw on stability of first metatarsophalangeal joint arthrodesis with medial plate
PublikacjaBackground: First metatarsophalangeal joint (MTP-1) arthrodesis is a commonly performed procedure in the treatment of disorders of the great toe. Since the incidence of revision after MTP-1 joint arthrodesis is not insignificant, a medial approach with a medially positioned locking plate has been proposed as a new technique. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of the application of a lag screw on the stability and...
Analysis of pounding between adjacent buildings founded on different soil types
PublikacjaEarthquake-induced pounding was experienced in many previous earthquakes and it was found to be a critical issue. This study investigates the effect of pounding between buildings founded on the same and different soil types. Three 3-D buildings with 4, 6 and 8 storeys were considered in this study. Three pounding scenarios were taken into account, i.e. pounding between 4-storey and 6-storey buildings, between 4-storey and 8-storey...
Numerical investigation of the core eccentricity effect on wave propagation in embedded waveguide
PublikacjaThe paper presents results of theoretical and numerical investigation of guided wave propagation in two-layer bars with geometric imperfections in the form of eccentric location of steel core. Steel rod of diameter equal to 1 cm embedded in composite mortar-type cover with external diameter equal to 5 cm has been taken into consideration. Several different rods with variable size of eccentricity are analysed. Results for rods with...
Timber Frame Houses with Different Insulation Materials - Seismic Analysis
PublikacjaThe aim of this article is to present results of a dynamic numerical analysis focused on the response of two timber frame building structures exposed to seismic excitations. The first structure was insulated with mineral wool, while the second one with polyurethane foam. Specifications and technology involved in the models' construction are based on the previously conducted experimental study, upon which numerical structural models...
PublikacjaThe article presents a comparative numerical analysis of various ways to strengthen historical brick arches. Five ways of strengthening brick arches with steel tie-rods have been proposed. Two of these involve the use of braces wrapped around pillars supporting the arch connected with a tie-rod; another two ways involve the use of the tie-rods with welded metal sheets of different sizes; the last way involves the use of the tie-rod...
Earthquake-induced pounding between superstructure segments of isolated bridge
PublikacjaThe use of seismic isolation in bridges is considered as one of the most promising advanced technologies to enhance the structural safety during earthquakes. However, the method results in larger displacements of superstructure segments increasing the probability of pounding between them. Reports after severe ground motions show that the earthquake-induced structural pounding may lead to significant damage in isolated bridges....
Comparison of elastic and viscoelastic analysis of asphalt pavement at high temperature
PublikacjaThere are many various rheological models which are used for modeling of asphalt layers in flexible pavement structures. It can be expected that the use of various models may affect different results of mechanical pavement calculations and analysis. The paper presents comparison of the use of Burgers’ and Huet-Sayegh’s viscoelastic models and Hooke’s elastic model to calculate pavement deflections and strains at the bottom of asphalt...
Laplace domain BEM for anisotropic transient elastodynamics
PublikacjaIn this paper, we describe Laplace domain boundary element method (BEM) for transient dynamic problems of three-dimensional finite homogeneous anisotropic linearly elastic solids. The employed boundary integral equations for displacements are regularized using the static traction fundamental solution. Modified integral expressions for the dynamic parts of anisotropic fundamental solutions and their first derivatives are obtained....
Optimization of the spindle speed during milling of large-sized structures with the use of technique of Experiment-Aided Virtual Prototyping
PublikacjaIn the paper are presented considerations concerning vibration suppression problems during milling of large-sized workpieces with the use of innovative method of matching the spindle speed of cutting tool. It depends on repeatable change of the spindle speed value as soon as the optimal vibration state of the workpiece approaches. The values of dominant “peaks” in the frequency spectra and the Root Mean Square (RMS) values of time...