wszystkich: 597
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: MEGA SPORTS EVENTS
Application of virtual gate for counting people participating in large public events
PublikacjaThe concept and practical application of the developed algorithm forpeople counting in crowded scene is presented. The aim of the work is to estimatethe number of people passing towards entrances of a large sport hall. Thedetails of implemented the Virtual Gate algorithm are presented. The video signalfrom the camera installed in the building constituted the input for the algorithm.The most challenging problem was the unpredicted...
Automated detection of sleep apnea and hypopnea events based on robust airflow envelope tracking
PublikacjaThe paper presents a new approach to detection of apnea/hypopnea events, in the presence of artifacts and breathing irregularities, from a single-channel airflow record. The proposed algorithm identifies segments of signal affected by a high amplitude modulation corresponding to apnea/hypopnea events. It is shown that a robust airflow envelope—free of breathing artifacts—improves effectiveness of the diagnostic process and allows...
Detection, classification and localization of acoustic events in the presence of background noise for acoustic surveillance of hazardous situations
PublikacjaEvaluation of sound event detection, classification and localization of hazardous acoustic events in the presence of background noise of different types and changing intensities is presented. The methods for discerning between the events being in focus and the acoustic background are introduced. The classifier, based on a Support Vector Machine algorithm, is described. The set of features and samples used for the training of the...
Leveraging Activation Maps for Improved Acoustic Events Detection and Classification
PublikacjaThis paper presents a novel approach to enhance the accuracy of deep learning models for acoustic event detection and classification in real-world environments. We introduce a method that leverages activation maps to identify and address model overfitting, combined with an expert-knowledge-based event detection algorithm for data pre-processing. Our approach significantly improved classification performance, increasing the F1 score...
Dynamic analysis of the impact of the wind spectrum according to the theory of Davenport for lightweight structures of the roof in sports hall Czyzyna in Cracow.
PublikacjaThe main aim of this analysis is to characterize numerical simulations connected with modeling dynamic influence of wind on the lightweight structures of the roof in sports hall – “Czyżyna”. This hall is built in Cracow. The article also involves the proposals of the solutions connected with dynamic influence of the wind – Davenport’s method has been used. These proposals have not been taken into consideration at the detailed engineering...
High-Resolution Discharge Forecasting for Snowmelt and Rainfall Mixed Events
PublikacjaDischarge events induced by mixture of snowmelt and rainfall are strongly nonlinear due to consequences of rain-on-snow phenomena and snowmelt dependence on energy balance. However, they received relatively little attention, especially in high-resolution discharge forecasting. In this study, we use Random Forests models for 24 h discharge forecasting in 1 h resolution in a 105.9 km 2 urbanized catchment in NE Poland: Biala River....
The Effect Of Cardiopulmonary Physiotherapy And Sports Physiotherapy On Asthma Control: Case Study
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Paremetrization of sounds for recognizing hazarodus events
PublikacjaNowoczesne systemy monitoringu działają na zasadzie automatycznego wykrywania niebezpiecznych zdarzeń na podstawie analizy obrazu z kamer i dźwięku z mikrofonów. W niniejszej publikacji skupiono się na pierwszym etapie rozpoznawania zdarzeń dźwiękowych, jakim jest parametryzacja dźwięku. Podstawą do skutecznego działania systemu jest znalezienie parametrów, których zmienność najlepiej odzwierciedla cechy charakterystyczne dźwięku...
Workflow application for detection of unwanted events
PublikacjaZaprezentowano rozproszoną aplikację do wykrywania potencjalnie niebezpiecznych zdarzeń z wejściowych strumieni wideo. Rozpoznanie niepożądanych zdarzeń wywołuje alarmy i wysyła powiadomienia do odpowiednich służb, jak również powoduje zarejestrowanie filmu. Model aplikacji składa się z węzłów z kamerami, pobierajacych strumienie danych, przetwarzajacych dane, wysyłajacych powiadomienia i zapisujacych dane. Zaimplementowana aplikacja...
Forecasted climate changes and their influence on cities and regions in 2050 in terms of extreme hydrological events
PublikacjaGlobal climate change is a problem which arises numerous theories and uncertainties, especially in terms of speculated human impact. Independent from the fact, what is the main driver for the changes, some of the climate shifts are visible already nowadays. Both contemporary and future cities will have to face such problems. Although climate change may cause numerous effects on different fields, a special stress in this article...
Application of a stochastic compartmental model to approach the spread of environmental events with climatic bias
PublikacjaWildfires have significant impacts on both environment and economy, so understanding their behaviour is crucial for the planning and allocation of firefighting resources. Since forest fire management is of great concern, there has been an increasing demand for computationally efficient and accurate prediction models. In order to address this challenge, this work proposes applying a parameterised stochastic model to study the propagation...
The use of innovative application in creating new marketing space for cultural and entertainment events in the local market
PublikacjaThe following article describes the problems concerning marketing of mass events in the local market and potential solutions. In the first part the barriers that occur in communication between the organizers and the articipants are defined. In the process of identifying problems the results of research conducted for the needs article were used. In following sections the solution with use of Smartphone app is shown. The features that...
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Sleep Knowledge, Beliefs and Practices in Youth Sports Coaches and Science Support Staff
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NADPH Oxidase Gene Polymorphism is Associated with Mortality and Cardiovascular Events in 7-Year Follow-Up
PublikacjaThe CYBA gene encodes the regulatory subunit of NADPH oxidase, which maintains the redox state within cells and in the blood vessels. That led us to investigate the course of coronary artery disease (CAD) with regards to CYBA polymorphisms. Thus, we recruited 1197 subjects with coronary atherosclerosis and observed them during 7-year follow-up. Three CYBA polymorphisms: c.214C>T (rs4673), c.-932G>A (rs9932581), and c.*24G>A (1049255)...
The central server of the Border Guard's distributed multimedia system for monitoring and visualisation of ongoing and archival events
PublikacjaThe paper presents the architecture and functionalities of the central server (CENTER) of the distributed system for the Polish Border Guard (BG) for monitoring maritime areas. The overall system has been extended to incorporate, apart from map data, also different multimedia elements such as video from cameras or audio from telephone connections operated by BG units. This requires new system elements: Archive Servers for storing...
Multimodal Audio-Visual Recognition of Traffic Events
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono demonstrator systemu wykrywania niebezpiecznych zdarzeń w ruchu drogowym oparty na jednoczesnej analizie danych wizyjnych i akustycznych. System jest częścią systemu automatycznego nadzoru bezpieczeństwa. Wykorzystuje on kamery i mikrofony jako źródła danych. Przedstawiono wykorzystane algorytmy - algorytmy rozpoznawania zdarzeń dźwiękowych oraz analizy obrazu. Zaprezentowano wyniki działania algorytmów na przykładzie...
Camera Orientation-Independent Parking Events Detection
PublikacjaThe paper describes the method for detecting precise position and time of vehicles parking in a parking lot. This task is trivial in case of favorable camera orientation but gets much more complex when an angle between the camera viewing axis and the ground is small. The method utilizes background subtraction and object tracking algorithms for detecting moving objects in a video stream. Objects are classified into vehicles and...
Science and/or Miracle? The System Approach to Miracle Events
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Extreme waves and wave events in the Baltic Sea
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów szeregów czasowych falowania uzyskanych z boi pomiarowych, umieszczonych w kilku miejscach linii brzegowej Morza Bałtyckiego. Rozważano wpływ czasu trwania sztormu i kierunku wiatru na powstawanie pojedynczych oraz grup fal ekstremalnych. Przeprowadzono statystyczną analizę takich fal, zwracając szczególną uwagę na rozkłady ich wysokości. Dla wybranych realizacji przeprowadzono analizę spektralną...
Testing GNSS receiver accuracy in Samsung Galaxy series mobile phones at a sports stadium
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Sports Engineering
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Politiceskaja pressa o rosijsko-ukrainskich otnoszenijach i sobytiach w Krymu = Polish press covering russian- ukrainian relations and events in Crimea
PublikacjaThe paper made a review of opinions expressed by the most widely read Polish newpapers on the issue of Ukraine-Russian relations and events in Crimea in the period from early December 2013 till late March 2014. The author has brought to light attitudes to the events in Ukraine perceived while having in mind preserving security of Poland in political, economic and societal aspects. The EC policy towards the Russian Federation and...
Performance of CMS muon reconstruction in cosmic-ray events
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Observation and analysis of transient luminous events in the Earth's atmosphere
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Set of experience : a knowledge structure for formal decision events
PublikacjaOmówiono strukturę wiedzy w obszarze formalnych zadań decyzyjnych. Zaproponowano zbiór doświadczeń jako podstawę tej struktury.
The caloric cost of combat sports and martial arts training in relation to health recommendations – initial research
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Selected Aspects of Testing the Positioning Accuracy of GNSS Receivers Used in Sports and Recreation by Dynamic Measurements
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The Attitude of Polish Entrepreneurs to the Fact of Staging the Mega Sport Event - the Case of Pomeranian SMEs Towards Euro 2012
PublikacjaIn the course of preparations to the 2012 European Football Championship (Euro 2012) many doubts have arisen as to the actual cost-benefit balance affecting the hosting country. The event is accompanied by intense promotion of the agglomeration and the region, especially abroad. In effect, one can anticipate the competitive position of both the region and the businesses operating there to improve. The investigation whether the...
GeoSPAR Project. Validation and selection methods of geoinformation analysis using GIS for ranking and forecasting of terrorist threats and criminal events
PublikacjaThe paper presents the description of work activities which have already been done within the first two stages – WorkPackage 1 and WorkPackage 2 - of the GeoSPAR Project. In such a context the general conceptual design of the GIS system and associate web service was presented and analysed. In addition, the operational and technical requirements for the GeoSPAR system have been specified and discussed; with special emphasis on system...
Resolving conflicts in object tracking for automatic detection of events in video
PublikacjaAn algorithm for resolving conflicts in tracking of moving objects is presented. The proposed approach utilizes predicted states calculated by Kalman filters for estimation of trackers position, then it uses color and texture descriptors in order to match moving objects with trackers. Problematic situations, such as splitting objects, are addressed. Test results are presented and discussed. The algorithm may be used in the system...
Resolving conflicts in object tracking for automatic detection of events in video
PublikacjaW referacie przedstawiono algorytm rozwiązywania konfliktów w śledzeniu obiektów ruchomych. Proponowana metoda wykorzystuje predykcję stanu obiektu obliczaną przez filtry Kalmana oraz dopasowuje wykryte obiekty do struktur śledzących ich ruch na podstawie deskryptorów koloru i tekstury. Omówiono specyficzne sytuacje powodujące konflikty, takie jak rozdzielanie obiektów. Przedstawiono wyniki testów. Algorytm może być zastosowany...
Multimedia distributed system for visualization of ongoing and archival events for BG
PublikacjaThe paper presents concept of the distributed system designed to gather and provide the information about vehicles, vessels and airplanes present within the area of operations of the Border Guard supplemented with related multimedia. The part of the system related to the map data gathering, distribution and visualization has been already implemented in the preceding project. The presented system is the expansion of the previous...
Discrete analysis of micro-structural events in granular shear zones
PublikacjaW artykule pokazano rozwój różnych zjawisk mikrostrukturalnych na poziomie ziarna podczas parcia pasywnego piasku na sztywną ściankę przemieszczającą się poziomo. Obliczenia wykonano stosując metodę DEM. Wyniki na poziomie globalnym porównano z wynikami MES. Szczególna uwagę zwrócono na rozwój łańcuchów sił miedzy ziarnami.
Recognition of hazardous acoustic events employing parallel processing on a supercomputing cluster . Rozpoznawanie niebezpiecznych zdarzeń dźwiękowych z wykorzystaniem równoległego przetwarzania na klastrze superkomputerowym
PublikacjaA method for automatic recognition of hazardous acoustic events operating on a super computing cluster is introduced. The methods employed for detecting and classifying the acoustic events are outlined. The evaluation of the recognition engine is provided: both on the training set and using real-life signals. The algorithms yield sufficient performance in practical conditions to be employed in security surveillance systems. The...
Automated Detection of Sleep Apnea and Hypopnea Events Based on Robust Airflow Envelope Tracking in the Presence of Breathing Artifacts. - [IEEE JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL AND HEALTH INFORMATICS]
PublikacjaThe paper presents a new approach to detection of apnea/hypopnea events, in the presence of artifacts and breathing irregularities, from a single channel airflow record. The proposed algorithm, based on a robust envelope detector , identifies segments of signal affected by a high amplitude mo d- ulation corresponding to apnea/hypopnea events. It is show n that a robust airflow envelope - free of breathing artifacts - improves effectiveness...
Acute effects of combined isometric and plyometric conditioning activities on sports performance and tendon stiffness in female volleyball players
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Wind wave climate of west Spitsbergen: seasonal variability and extreme events
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Circulation types classification for hourly precipitation events in Lublin (East Poland)
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Analysis of the effect of mass events on car traffic in the city in the daily interval
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Oral adverse events following COVID-19 and influenza vaccination in Australia
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Novel Method of Local Corrosion Events Characterization by Electrochemical Noise Analysis
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Commercial systems for automatic detection of events. Features, limitations and potential solutions
PublikacjaVideo Content Analysis (VCA). Motion detection. Example of complex VCA system. Commercial VCA systems and their applications. Limitations and problems. Possible solutions.
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International Sports Studies
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Sports Coaching Review
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Recreational Sports Journal
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Sports Orthopaedics and Traumatology
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Journal of Sports Analytics