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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: ULTRA-FAST START-UP
Deep learning for ultra-fast and high precision screening of energy materials
PublikacjaSemiconductor materials for energy storage are the core and foundation of modern information society and play important roles in photovoltaic system, integrated circuit, spacecraft technology, lighting applications, and other fields. Unfortunately, due to the long experiment period and high calculation cost, the high-precision band gap (the basic characteristic parameter) of semiconductor is difficult to obtain, which hinders the...
Performance comparison of SiC Schottky diodes and silicon ultra fast recovery diodes
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Current commutation process in a ultra-fast fuse-IGBT hybrid circuit breaker.
PublikacjaUkład hybrydowy bezpiecznika topikowego i tranzystora IGBT umożliwia bardzo szybkie włączenie do obwodu zwarciowego impedancji ograniczającej wartość prądu. Po eksplozji krótkiego topika bezpiecznika wywołanej narastającym prądem zwarciowym wywołuje w czasie poniżej 2 ms wzrost napięcia na topiku do wartości ok.20 - 25V, po czym prąd jest komutowany do gałęzi z przyrządem półprzewodnikowym typu GTO lub IGBT. Ostateczne wyłączenie...
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wyniki badań klasyfikacji próbek powietrza atmosferycznego pobranych wokół miejskiego składowiska odpadów komunalnych w okresie zimowym i letnim pod kątem uciążliwości zapachowej. Badania przeprowadzono przy pomocy komercyjnego elektronicznego nosa typu Fast/Flash GC - HERACLES II. Klasyfikację próbek powietrza atmosferycznego pobranych z różnych kierunków względem wysypiska śmieci przeprowadzano przy użyciu dyskryminacyjnej...
Ultra-rare ultra-care: The unique burden of ultra rare disease caregiving
PublikacjaBackground: We sought to assesses the impact of caring for children with ultra rare diseases (URDs) on familycarers and to analyse the way these experiences differ among the caregivers of children diagnosed throughprenatal or newborn screening, and those with symptom-based diagnosis.Methods: A total of 200 caregivers of 219 URDs children completed an on-line survey regarding the challengesand experiences...
Lokalizacja osób w środowisku promu pasażerskiego z wykorzystaniem ultra szerokopasmowego interfejsu radiowego
PublikacjaW niniejszym artykule przedstawiono badania efektywności lokalizowania poruszających się osób w środowisku promu pasażerskiego stosując pomiar czasu propagacji ultraszerokopasmowego sygnału radiowego UWB (Ultra-Wide Band) pomiędzy węzłami odniesienia i terminalem ruchomym. Opisano zbudowane stanowisko badawcze oraz uzyskane wyniki pomiarów przeprowadzonych w warunkach rzeczywistych.
AI Tech start 2021
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AI Tech start 2022
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Analysis of start energy of Stirling engine type alpha
PublikacjaThe Stirling engine type alpha is composed of two cylinders (expansion space E and compression space C), regenerator that forms the space between the cylinders and the buffer space (under the pistons). Before the start-up and as a result of long-term operation, the average pressure in the working space (above the pistons) and in the buffer space is the same. However, in the initial phase of operation, the average pressure in the...
PublikacjaStan środowiska a zwłaszcza powietrza ma wpływ na wiele aspektów życia, m in. na jakość produktów spożywczych. Z tego względu niezwykle ważne jest monitorowanie stanu środowiska, które odbywa się za pomocą wielu technik analitycznych. Jedną z nich jest elektroniczny nos. Pierwotnie elektroniczny nos był wykorzystywany tylko do badania uciążliwości zapachowej powietrza. Obecnie technika ta wykorzystywana jest również do monitorowania...
Carbon dioxide potential reduction using Start-Stop system in a car
PublikacjaOperating fuel consumption increases significantly when the vehicle stops frequently while driving or when the engine is idling during braking. In such cases, the internal combustion engine consumes the fuel but the mechanical energy is not used by the drive system. The amount of fuel that is consumed in this time by the engine can potentially be saved if the car is equipped with a Stop-Start system. Start-Stop system automatically...
Beyond Finance: Enhancing Support for New Technology Start-up Founders
PublikacjaThe article addresses a gap in the literature by examining the stressors and challenges specific to new technology start-up founders, an under-researched group of entrepreneurs operating at the intersection of innovation and business. The study’s novelty lies in applying the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) model to the venture capitalist-founder relationship, highlighting the importance of balancing high job demands with adequate...
Ultra-rare ultra-care: Assessing the impact of caring for children with ultra rare diseases
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Simulation of large thrust-bearing performance at transient states, warm and cold start-up
PublikacjaThe start-up of a large hydrodynamic thrust bearing of a vertical hydrogenerator is one of the most critical situations during the lifetime of a bearing. Hydrodynamic load capacity is low due to low speed and higher thermal deformations of the pad. A new approach to the simulation of a hydrodynamic bearing is shown in this article. A combination of finite elements method and computational fluid dynamics is used to perform the transient...
Three-fast-searchable graphs
PublikacjaIn the edge searching problem, searchers move from vertex to vertex in a graph to capture an invisible, fast intruder that may occupy either vertices or edges. Fast searching is a monotonic internal model in which, at every move, a new edge of the graph G must be guaranteed to be free of the intruder. That is, once all searchers are placed the graph G is cleared in exactly |E(G)| moves. Such a restriction obviously necessitates...
Stanowisko do badania łożysk foliowych w cyklu start-stop
PublikacjaStreszczenie: W artykule przedstawiono stanowisko do badań typu Start-Stop, które zostało zaprojektowane do testów przydatności materiałów i rozwiązań konstrukcyjnych aerodynamicznych łożysk foliowych. Jest to jeden z modułów stanowiska badawczego wykorzystywanego w badaniach łożysk maszyn szybkoobrotowych opracowywanych w ramach projektu POIG.01.03.01-00-027/08 pt. "Wykorzystanie materiałów i konstrukcji inteligentnych do opracowania...
Stanowisko do badania łożysk foliowych w cyklu start-stop
Publikacjastreszczenie: w artykule przedstawiono stanowisko do badań typu start-stop, które zostało zaprojektowane do testów przydatności materiałów i rozwiązań konstrukcyjnych aerodynamicznych łożysk foliowych. jest to jeden z modułów stanowiska badawczego wykorzystywanego w badaniach łożysk maszyn szybkoobrotowych opracowywanych w ramach projektu poig.01.03.01-00-027/08 pt. "wykorzystanie materiałów i konstrukcji inteligentnych do opracowania...
Person Tracking in a Ferry Environment Using Ultra-Wide Band Radio Interface
PublikacjaThis article presents research and analysis of effectiveness of tracking moving people in an environment of passenger ferry, using measurements of propagation time of ultra-wide band radio signal (UWB - Ultra-Wide Band). Constructed measurement stand and results of measurements carried out in a real propagation conditions were shortly discussed.
Diagnostic tolerances' evaluation method of the start-up exhaust temperature of a naval gas turbine
PublikacjaThe conducted investigations aimed to elaborate the method of marking diagnostic tolerances of the exhaust temperature of a gas turbine observed during engine's start-up process. The diagnostic tolerances were determined by means of statistical inference by creating the hypothesis about a normal distribution of the start-up exhaust temperature's dispersion in the initial operation moment, which was subsequently verified applying...
Start-up of a power unit of a thermal power plant auxiliary systems with supply from a hydropower plant
PublikacjaThis article discusses the issues related to a power unit of a thermal power plant start-up with the use of a hydropower plant. Hydropower plant can supply and will enable start-up of auxiliary equipment in a power unit of a thermal power plant. Due to high capacity of auxiliary drives, start-up of auxiliaries in a thermal power plant after blackout (and boiler shutdown) is not possible from emergency energy sources in the power...
A Perspective on Fast-SPICE Simulation Technology
PublikacjaThis chapter presents an introduction to the area of accelerated transistor-level (‘fast-SPICE’) simulation for automated verification and characterization of integrated circuits (ICs) from technologist’s perspective. It starts with outlining goals, expectations and typical usage models for fast-SPICE simulators, stressing how they differ from regular SPICE tools. It continues with presenting and classifying core technologies typically...
Influence of the low ambient temperature on the start-up process of hydraulic pumps
PublikacjaStarting hydraulic pumps in low ambient temperatures may cause: decreased hydraulic-mechanical efficiency, larger vibration of hydraulic installation, faster wear and more frequent damage to the elements of pumps, change of material properties of elements, increase of pressure drop. As a result of pressure drop in the suction pipe, large underpressure may be experienced, causing incomplete filling of pump working chambers with...
Study of the Operation of Synchronous Generator Voltage Regulator During the Creation of Post Blackout Start-up Path
PublikacjaThis paper presents the influence of automatic voltage regulator (AVR) of synchronous generator on the process of creation of post black-out start-up path. Two elements of AVR have a significant impact on this process: underexcitation limiter (UEL) and load compensation (LC). The authors present a theoretical investigation and simulation results that illustrate how the mentioned elements of AVR affect voltage levels in a power...
Smooth start for strategry game development supported by XNA framework
PublikacjaTo attract young and casual game developers, Microsoft created a set of libraries oriented towards easier game development and end-product management. The aim of XNA Framework is to provide a unified software development environment for creating games for both PC's and dedicated platforms like XBOX consoles or mobile phones capable of 3D acceleration. The use of modern, object oriented languages available for the .NET platform...
An overview of the strategies for the deammonification process start-up and recovery after accidental operational failures
PublikacjaThe deammonification process has been universally acknowledged as an energy-efficient technology for sewage disposal. In contrast with traditional biological nitrogen removal technology, the deammonification process is able to remove ammonia from wastewater with the simplest nitrogen removal process because of its advantages of lower operating expenses, no organic carbon consumption, lower biomass production, lower carbon dioxide...
Dedicated power supply subsystem for ultra-low noise preamplifiers
PublikacjaIn field of electronics there is need for low-noise amplifiers. Noise have the most important influence on analog circuits. Therefore exist necessity to develop new ultra-low noise power supplies, which can cooperate with specified amplifiers and preamplifiers. It is very common that professional power supplies are very expensive and still have disadvantages. This paper proposes simple and inexpensive solution, which fulfill specific...
Size reduction of ultra-wideband antennas with efficiency and matching constraints
PublikacjaAntenna design is a multifaceted task that involves handling of various performance figures concerning both electrical performance of the structure as well as its geometry. Simultaneous control of several objectives through rigorous optimization is very challenging and virtually impossible through conventional approaches such as parameter sweeping. In this work, we investigate size reduction of ultra‐wideband antenna structures...
Integrated controller for ultra high frequency technique laboratory
PublikacjaDepartment of Microwave and Antenna Engineering decided to modernize the laboratory of Ultra High Frequency Techniques. The main change was to replace measurement of the field distribution inside rectangular waveguides by analysing the fields around striplines. This involved the need to overcome several technical and conceptual problems. Precise positioning of the probe and reading the field distribution near the stripline is important...
Teaching management skills to software develop- ment teams through the lean start-up methodology
PublikacjaIn order for development teams to understand the impact of software development on value delivery it is important that all team members, including software engineers, possess adequate management skills which not always have been acquired during university education. The lean start-up methodology techniques enable new ventures to test hypothesis, gather customer feed- back and create a minimum viable product. The obtained information...
PublikacjaStarting hydraulic pumps in low ambient temperatures may cause: decreased hydraulic-mechanical efficiency, larger vibration of hydraulic installation, faster wear and more frequent damage to the elements of pumps, change of material properties of elements, increase of pressure drop. As a result of increase of resistance of cold oil flow in the suction pipe, large underpressure may be experienced, causing incomplete filling of pump...
Energy quality improvement by ultra rapid L. V. fault current limiting andinterrupting.
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono możliwość ograniczania rozprzestrzeniania się zapadów napięcia w sieciach elektroenergetycznych przy zwarciach przez zastosowanie łączników hybrydowych do ultra szybkiego ograniczania i wyłączania prądów zwarciowych. Referat ma na celu przedstawienie dotychczasowych osiągnięć prac badawczych w dziedzinie łączników ultra szybkich, a także poznanie opinii elektroenergetyki i odbiorców na temat celowości wprowadzenia...
Business angels jako alternatywne źródło finansowania start-upów
PublikacjaPodmioty gospodarcze jako element każdego modelu gospodarki są bardzo istotne z punktu widzenia funkcjonowania każdego systemu ekonomicznego na świecie. Stan gospodarki jest bowiem silnie zależny od dynamicznego rozwoju sektora przedsiębiorczości. Zależność ta zachodzi na wszystkich etapach rozwoju gospodarczego, może ona jednak przybierać różne nasilenie i charakter. W Polsce, podobnie jak na całym świecie, powstaje wiele nowych...
BIP 2025_SPEEDY faSt Photogrammetry and lasEr tEchniques for Digital urban surveying
Kursy OnlineWe invite for course: BIP 2025_“SPEEDY faSt Photogrammetry and lasEr tEchniques for Digital urban surveying” - workshop Elective design III - Seminars & assignments: 30 h Teachers: dr inż. arch. Justyna Borucka ( & other members DABLab GdankTech) in collaboration with DADaLab Pavia University, Italy (prof. F.Picchio, PhD F.Galasso, PhD S. La Placa)
Ocena rozwoju cech przedsiębiorczych uczestników projektu "Biznes na Start 8"
PublikacjaArtykuł prezentuje wyniki projektu realizowanego przez Gdańską Fundację Przedsiębiorczości, którego celem było przygotowanie beneficjentów do prowadzenia własnej działalności gospodarczej. Na trzech etapach projektu: preinkubacji, inkubacji i na zakończenie projektu. Badanie opierało sie na testach osobowości dotyczących między innymi takich cech jak: poczucie kontroli wewnętrznej, ekstrawersja, otwartość na doświadczenie, asertywność,...
Ultra-Compact SIRC-Based Self-Triplexing Antenna with High Isolation
PublikacjaAn ultra-compact self-triplexing antenna realized on a substrate-integrated rectangular cavity (SIRC) is discussed in this study. The proposed structure employs two L-shaped slots and an in-verted U-shaped slot to radiate at three independent operating frequency bands. Three 50-ohm microstrip feed lines are used to excite the radiation in these slots. The operating frequency is individually tuned using the slot size. The slot placement...
Underwater wet welding of S1300 ultra-high strength steel
PublikacjaMarine Structures Volume 81, January 2022, 103120 Underwater wet welding of S1300 ultra-high strength steel Author links open overlay panelJacekTomkówGrzegorzRogalski Get rights and content Under a Creative Commons licenseopen access Highlights • Technological method of S1300 steel underwater weldability improving was proposed. • Number of cracks and hardness of welded joints was...
Analysis of the Heating Process of Hydraulic Motors during Start-Up in Thermal Shock Conditions
PublikacjaConditions that prevail during harsh winters and hot summers pose a serious challenge for machine designers building devices suitable for operation in extreme weather. It is essential for the designers and the users to define the principles and conditions for the safe operation of machines and devices with hydraulic drive in low ambient temperatures. Bearing in mind the above, the author tested the hydraulic motors in thermal shock...
Application of Fast Cameras to String Vibrations Recording
PublikacjaA hardware and software solution for guitar string vibration measurement by fast cameras is described. Orthogonal setup for 3D image acquisition is proposed capable to capture several thousand image frames per second. Dedicated image processing algorithm was developed and described in the paper, aimed at tracking the movement of some selected points along the string. Fast and accurate tracking results provided a detailed information...
Volumetric and torque efficiency of pumps during start-up in low ambient temperatures
PublikacjaThe volumetric, torque and total efficiency of hydraulic pumps change during start-up in low ambient temperatures, as well as in thermal shock conditions, un-til they reach the set conditions. The time to reach steady-state conditions de-pends on many parameters: ambient temperature, flow rate, fluid temperature, design of hydraulic units. The author carried out tests of hydraulic pumps in the Hydraulics Laboratory of the Faculty...
Fast Approximate String Search for Wikification
PublikacjaThe paper presents a novel method for fast approximate string search based on neural distance metrics embeddings. Our research is focused primarily on applying the proposed method for entity retrieval in the Wikification process, which is similar to edit distance-based similarity search on the typical dictionary. The proposed method has been compared with symmetric delete spelling correction algorithm and proven to be more efficient...
A Survey of Fast-Recovery Mechanisms in Packet-Switched Networks
PublikacjaIn order to meet their stringent dependability requirements, most modern packet-switched communication networks support fast-recovery mechanisms in the data plane. While reactions to failures in the data plane can be significantly faster compared to control plane mechanisms, implementing fast recovery in the data plane is challenging, and has recently received much attention in the literature. This survey presents a systematic,...
Design of a Patch Power Divider with Simple Structure and Ultra-Broadband Harmonics Suppression
PublikacjaThis paper introduces a simple H-shaped patch Wilkinson power divider (WPD), which provides ultra wide harmonics suppression band. The presented WPD designed at 1.8 GHz, and exhibits good performance at the operating bandwidth. In the proposed divider structure, two simple patch low-pass filters (LPFs) are employed at each branch, and three open ended stubs are added at each port. The proposed divider, implemented using the aforementioned...
Monitoring the gas turbine start-up phase on the platform using a hierarchical model based on Multi-Layer Perceptron networks
PublikacjaVery often, the operation of diagnostic systems is related to the evaluation of process functionality, where the diagnostics is carried out using reference models prepared on the basis of the process description in the nominal state. The main goal of the work is to develop a hierarchical gas turbine reference model for the estimation of start-up parameters based on multi-layer perceptron neural networks. A functional decomposition...
Advanced ultra super critical power plants: role of buttering layer
PublikacjaDissimilar metal welded (DMW) joint plays a crucial role in constructing and maintaining ultra-supercritical (USC) nuclear power plants while presenting noteworthy environmental implications. This research examines different welding techniques utilized in DMWJ, specifically emphasizing materials such as P91. The study investigates the mechanical properties of these materials, the impact of alloying elements, the notable difficulties...
Ultra-broadband photonic internet
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Ultra-thin film of aluminum oxide influence on the plasmon resonance in gold nanostructures
Dane BadawczeUltra-thin film of aluminum oxide influence on the plasmon resonance in gold nanostructures was measured by UV-VIS spectroscopy. Ultra thin film of Al2O3 was deposited on a gold nanostructures. Thickness of film was 2nm - 8nm. Shift of plasmon resonance was observed, as a result of various dielectric constant of layer.
Cops, a fast robber and defensive domination on interval graphs
PublikacjaThe game of Cops and ∞-fast Robber is played by two players, one controlling c cops, the other one robber. The players alternate in turns: all the cops move at once to distance at most one each, the robber moves along any cop-free path. Cops win by sharing a vertex with the robber, the robber by avoiding capture indefinitely. The game was proposed with bounded robber speed by Fomin et al. in “Pursuing a fast robber on a graph”,...
Simulation-driven design of compact ultra-wideband antenna structures
PublikacjaPurpose–The purpose of this paper is to investigate strategies and algorithms for expedited designoptimization and explicit size reduction of compact ultra-wideband (UWB) antennas.Design/methodology/approach–Formulation of the compact antenna design problem aiming atexplicit size reduction while maintaining acceptable electrical performance is presented. Algorithmicframeworks are described suitable for handling various design situations...
Structural investigations of the Al2O3 ultra thin films
Dane BadawczeUltra-thin layers of Al2O3 were deposited by atomic layer deposition (ALD) (Beneq TFS 200 ALD system). This method provides precise thickness control down to a single atomic layer. The precursors used were trimethylaluminum (Sigma-Aldrich) and purified water. The deposition of the atomic layer was carried out at 200 °C. Samples with a thickness of 2...
Coplanar Waveguide Fed Ultra-Wideband Antenna Over the Planar and Cylindrical Surfaces
PublikacjaThe investigation of coplanar waveguide fed ultra-wideband antenna and the influence of the proximity of different materials on the reflection coefficients and radiation character-istics is presented. The antenna is composed of two circular coplanar strips which enclose slot aperture of similar shape and is designed on a thin and flexible substrate. From the modeling and experimental tests the antenna shows good performance in...