wszystkich: 528
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: acoustic activity
Integrated multiscale 3d imaging geographic information system using acoustic data
PublikacjaW artykule zaprezentowano prototyp zintegrowanego systemu informacji geograficznej do trójwymiarowej wizualizacji danych uzyskanych metodami akustycznymi. System wykorzystuje dane pochodzące z systemów wielowiązkowych, sonarów bocznych oraz echosond jednowiązkowych. Otrzymane wyniki zostały zaprezentowane w postaci trójwymiarowych interaktywnych scen obszaru Zatoki Gdańskiej.
Vortex cavitation as a source of high level acoustic pressure generated by ship propellers
PublikacjaPraca przedstawia wyniki badań teoretycznych i eksperymentalnych nad mechanizmami fizycznymi generowania wysokiego ciśnienia akustycznego przez kawitujące wiry wierzchołkowe powstające na śrubach okrętowych
Acoustic lifecycle study of the double-layer porous asphalt on E4 in Huskvarna, Sweden
PublikacjaIn 2010 a double-layer porous asphalt concrete (DPAC) pavement was constructed on the E4 motorway through the Swedish city Huskvarna. Earlier experience in Sweden indicated that it was feasible to obtain a high initial noise reduction but due to the widespread use of studded tires in winter, clogging and ravelling created losses of around 2 dB per year, with an expected acoustical lifetime of only 3 years. However, the improved...
Driving force of acoustic streaming caused by aperiodic sound beamin unbounded volumes
PublikacjaRównanie dynamiczne kierujące lokalnej w czasie siłą radiacyjną ruchu wirowego wyprowadzono. Stwierdzono, iż zawiera ona trzy części: jedna stanowi wzór klasyczny, druga daje zero po uśrednieniu względem okresu fali akustycznej, lecz różni się od zera dla nieokresowego dźwięku. Trzecia składowa związana jest z małymi dyfrakcyjnymi efektami, zachodzącymi podczas propagacji wiązki. Przejście do wzoru klasycznego w przypadku źródła...
Acoustic Emission Monitoring of Structural Elements of a Ship for Detection of Fatigue and Corrosion Damages
PublikacjaUszkodzenia korozyjne i pęknięcia zmęczeniowe są głównymi przyczynami defektów strukturalnych we wszystkich środkach transportu takich jak statki, cysterny drogowe i kolejowe. Oba typy degradacji tzn. degradacja materiału i konstrukcji są przedmiotem badań przeprowadzanych w projekcie badawczym VII Programu Ramowego Unii Europejskiej o nazwie ''Monitorowanie efektywnych kosztów korozji i zmęczenia w środkach transportu'' (akronim...
The influence of time of hearing aid use on auditory perception in various acoustic situations
PublikacjaThe assessment of sound perception in hearing aids, especially in the context of benefits that a prosthesis can bring, is a complex issue. The objective parameters of the hearing aids can easily be determined. These parameters, however, do not always have a direct and decisive influence on the subjective assessment of quality of the patient’s hearing while using a hearing aid. The paper presents the development of a method for...
Adaptive Identification of Underwater Acoustic Channel with a Mix of Static and Time-Varying Parameters
PublikacjaWe consider the problem of identification of communication channels with a mix of static and time-varying parameters. Such scenarios are typical, among others, in underwater acoustics. In this paper, we further develop adaptive algorithms built on the local basis function (LBF) principle resulting in excellent performance when identifying time-varying systems. The main drawback of an LBF algorithm is its high complexity. The subsequently...
Experimental study of corrosion in reinforced concrete by acoustic emission and electrochemical noise techniques
PublikacjaTechnika emisji akustycznej jest znaną metodą badań korozji zbrojenia żelbetu. Źródłem aktywności akustycznej są zawsze zjawiska o naturze mechanicznej. Przedstawiono wynik badań akustycznych zbrojonego betonu w warunkach polaryzacji anodowej, przyspieszającej procesy korozyjne. Symultanicznie prowadzona była rejestracja szumu elektrochemicznego. Dla umożliwienia korelacji wyników, uzyskanych obiema technikami, wykonana została...
Combining visual and acoustic modalities to ease speech recognition by hearing impaired people
PublikacjaArtykuł prezentuje system, którego celem działania jest ułatwienie procesu treningu poprawnej wymowy dla osób z poważnymi wadami słuchu. W analizie mowy wykorzystane zostały parametry akutyczne i wizualne. Do wyznaczenia parametrów wizualnych na podstawie kształtu i ruchu ust zostały wykorzystane modele Active Shape Models. Parametry akustyczne bazują na współczynnikach melcepstralnych. Do klasyfikacji wypowiadanych głosek została...
System identification theory-based estimation of underwater acoustic channel for broadband communications.
PublikacjaPłytki kanał podwodny jest niestacjonarny z powodu wielokrotnych odbić fal dźwiękowych od powierzchni wody oraz ruchu nadajnika i odbiornika systemu komunikacyjnego. Dla zapewnienia szybkiej transmisji danych niezbędna jest estymacja kanału oparta na equalizacji adaptacyjnej. W systemach komunikacji podwodnej stosowane są zazwyczaj equalizery DFE z zaimplementowanymi algorytmami najmniejszych kwadratów: LMS oraz RLS.W artykule...
Analysis of Roughness, the Material Removal Rate, and the Acoustic Emission Signal Obtained in Flat Grinding Processes
PublikacjaIn this work, the analysis of the acoustic emission (AE) signal in grinding processes is addressed. The proposed analysis method decomposes the acoustic signal into three frequency ranges. The total energy of each range is determined, as well as the highest frequency. Different grinding experiments were carried out, according to a full factorial design of experiments (DOE), in which feed speed, depth of cut, and transversal step...
A method for testing the wide-sense stationary uncorrelated scattering assumption fulfillment for an underwater acoustic channel
PublikacjaWide-sense stationary and uncorrelated scattering (WSSUS) assumptions are often applied for the statistical description of wireless communication channels. However, in the case of underwater acoustic channels the WSSUS model is of limited value. The degree of similarity of in-phase and quadrature components of the channel impulse response, measured with the use of bandpass modulated signals, can be used as an indicator of WSSUS...
Enhanced voice user interface employing spatial filtration of signals from acoustic vector sensor
PublikacjaSpatial filtration of sound is introduced to enhance speech recognition accuracy in noisy conditions. An acoustic vector sensor (AVS) is employed. The signals from the AVS probe are processed in order to attenuate the surrounding noise. As a result the signal to noise ratio is increased. An experiment is featured in which speech signals are disturbed by babble noise. The signals before and after spatial filtration are processed...
Evaluation of sound event detection, classification and localization in the presence of background noise for acoustic surveillance of hazardous situations
PublikacjaAn evaluation of the sound event detection, classification and localization of hazardous acoustic events in the presence of background noise of different types and changing intensities is presented. The methods for separating foreground events from the acoustic background are introduced. The classifier, based on a Support Vector Machine algorithm, is described. The set of features and samples used for the training of the classifier...
Measurements and Visualization of Sound Intensity Around the Human Head in Free Field Using Acoustic Vector Sensor
PublikacjaThis paper presents measurements and visualization of sound intensity around the human head simulator in a free field. A Cartesian robot, applied for precise positioning of the acoustic vector sensor, was used to measure sound intensity. Measurements were performed in a free field using a head and torso simulator and the setup consisting of four different loudspeaker configurations. The acoustic vector sensor was positioned around...
A study on microcrack monitoring in concrete: discrete element method simulations of acoustic emission for non-destructive diagnostics
PublikacjaThe research is focused on the monitoring of fracture evolution in concrete beams under three-point bending using the acoustic emission technique and the discrete element method. The main objective of the study was to numerically and experimentally investigate the mechanism behind the generation of elastic waves during acoustic emission events and their interaction with micro- and macro-cracking in concrete beams under monotonic...
Simulation of Direct-Sequence Spread Spectrum Data Transmission System for Reliable Underwater Acoustic Communications
PublikacjaUnderwater acoustic communication (UAC) system designers tend to transmit as much information as possible, per unit of time, at as low as possible error rate. It is a particularly difficult task in a shallow underwater channel in which the signal suffers from strong time dispersion due to multipath propagation and refraction phenomena. The direct-sequence spread spectrum technique (DSSS) applied successfully in the latest standards...
Study of probe signal bandwidth influence on estimation of coherence bandwidth for underwater acoustic communication channel
PublikacjaA signal transmitted in a shallow Underwater Acoustic Communication (UAC) channel suffers from time dispersion due to the multipath propagation and the refraction phenomena. This causes intersymbol interference of the received signal and frequency-selective fading observed in its spectrum. Coherence bandwidth is one of the key transmission parameters used for designing the physical layer of a data transmission system to minimise...
Generalized Einstein relation in disordered organic semiconductors: Influence of the acoustic phonons–charge carriers scattering
PublikacjaIn this work, we analyze the generalized Einstein relation for disordered organic semiconductors with a non-equilibrium Druyvesteyn-type distribution function. The Druyvesteyn behavior of hot electrons in a solid state is associated with the acoustic phonons–charge carriers scattering. Such a case has been experimentally demonstrated in electroluminescent inorganic rare–earth–doped zinc chalcogenides. Therefore, we can assume that,...
Microcracking monitoring and damage detection of graphene nanoplatelets-cement composites based on acoustic emission technology
PublikacjaThis study aims to identify the micro-cracking pattern and structural applications of cement composites replaced with 0 wt%, 0.04 wt%, and 0.08 wt% contents of graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs) over cement weight through acoustic emission (AE) monitoring under mechanical degradation. The ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy (UV–vis) results showed that at 60 min sonication period, GNP-4 showed maximum absorbance rate of 16.15% compared...
Desulfurization of raw naphtha cuts using hybrid systems based on acoustic cavitation and advanced oxidation processes (AOPs)
PublikacjaA combination of dual-frequency acoustic cavitation (acoustic cavitation) and UV assisted advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) reaction system was developed for desulfurization of raw naphtha used to produce aviation fuels. Various types of oxidants in hybrid systems including hydrogen peroxide, acetic acid, acetone, air and ozone were compared. At optimum oxidant to sulfur compounds molar ratio (rox) of 5.0, the hybrid process...
Synthetic Jet Actuators with the Same Cross-Sectional Area Orifices-Flow and Acoustic Aspects
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Bimodal classification of English allophones employing acoustic speech signal and facial motion capture
PublikacjaA method for automatic transcription of English speech into International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) system is developed and studied. The principal objective of the study is to evaluate to what extent the visual data related to lip reading can enhance recognition accuracy of the transcription of English consonantal and vocalic allophones. To this end, motion capture markers were placed on the faces of seven speakers to obtain lip...
Computational investigations of acoustic radiation from end shields of small-power electric motor
PublikacjaW artykule omówiono rozwój metod modelowania własności akustycznych maszyn elektrycznych. Wskazano na pomijalny dotąd, znaczący udział drgań tarcz łożyskowych w emitowaniu hałasu przez silniki małej mocy. Na podstawie równania falowego potencjału prędkości wyprowadzono analityczne formuły do obliczeń akustycznych w polu bliskim tarczy łożyskowej. Zamieszczono uzyskane z serii obliczeń dla pracującego silnika, rozkłady ciśnienia...
Stationary underwater channel experiment: Acoustic measurements and characteristics in the Bornholm area for model validations
PublikacjaThe underwater acoustical channel is time-variant, and even on small time scales there is often existing no ‘acoustical frozen ocean’. Popular is the use of WSSUS-channel transmission modeling (Wide-Sense Stationary Uncorrelated Scattering) for the stochastic description of bandpass signals in GSM mobile phones with moving participants; since this results in a halved number of model parameters. For underwater sound applications...
Acoustic journal bearing – Performance under various load and speed conditions speed conditions
PublikacjaThe paper presents results of experimental testing aiming at finding out what effect system of piezo-electric actuators (PZTs)attached to an aerodynamic journal bearing has on the magnitude of shaft's motion within the bearing operating at specified speed and load. The results clearly demonstrate effectiveness of PZTs in mitigating the shaft's motion thus contributing to the increased stability of the bearing. This stabilizing...
1D convolutional context-aware architectures for acoustic sensing and recognition of passing vehicle type
PublikacjaA network architecture that may be employed to sensing and recognition of a type of vehicle on the basis of audio recordings made in the proximity of a road is proposed in the paper. The analyzed road traffic consists of both passenger cars and heavier vehicles. Excerpts from recordings that do not contain vehicles passing sounds are also taken into account and marked as ones containing silence....
Comparison of backscattered sea bottom echo modelling in the acoustic pressure domain and in the intensity domain
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono dwie metody modelowania rozpraszania wstecznego na dnie morskim: modelowania ciśnienia akustycznego opartego na aproksymacji Kirchhoffa oraz modelowania natężenia echa przy założeniu dominacji rozpraszania niekoherentnego. Porównano i przedyskutowano wyniki w odniesieniu do problemu poszukiwania jak najwłaściwszego opisu zjawiska rozpraszania sygnału akustycznego na dnie.
Shaping the SPL Spectra of the Acoustic Noise Emitted by Inverter-Fed Indu- ction Motors
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono nowe podejście do zmniejszania wpływu właściwości mechanicznych maszyny na emitowany przez nią hałas akustyczny. Dokonano identyfikacji mechanicznych rezonansów maszyny wykorzystując modulację RPWM z losowym wyborem częstotliwości nośnej oraz modulację sigma delta, dla której otrzymano relatywnie płaskie widmo prądu. Skonstruowano na tej podstawie funkcję gęstości prawdopodobieństwa wyboru częstotliwości...
Optimizing acoustic field intesity algorithms using the sound ray surface density method.
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia optymalizacji algorytmów komputerowych obliczeń rozkładów natężeń pola akustycznego w akwenie w zależności od za- mierzonych warunków hydrologicznych pod kątem skrócenia czasu obliczń.
Passive layer cracking studies performed on A95056 Aluminum Alloy by DEIS and acoustic emission
PublikacjaZbadano proces pękania warstwy pasywnej na stopie aluminium A95056 w warunkach zmiennych naprężeń rozciągających i polaryzacji anodowej z wykorzystaniem techniki DEIS oraz emisji akustycznej (AE), jako metody porównawczej. Określono elektrochemiczne i mechaniczne przyczyny badanego procesu. Wyznaczono progową (krytyczną) wartość naprężeń, przy których zarejestrowano proces pękania warstwy pasywnej na badanym stopie aluminium. Badanemu...
Complementary study with magnetic and acoustic techniques of A336 steel damage state due to creep
PublikacjaBadano możliwość detekcji w sposób nieniszczący zmian w mikrostrukturze stali A336 poddanej próbie pełzania. Testowano dwie magnetyczne techniki (klasyczny efekt Barkhausena i emisję magnetoakustyczną) oraz dwie nowe techniki ultradźwiękowe (pomiar współczynnika elasto-akustycznego oraz dwójłomność akustyczną). Wykazano, iż wyniki badań akustycznych są komplementarne do wyników badań magnetycznych.
Effect of temperature and ionic strength on volumetric and acoustic properties of solutions of urea alkil derivatives in aqueous NaCl
PublikacjaThe present work was undertaken to study volumetric and acoustic properties for diluted solutions of tetramethylurea in pure water and for urea, n-propylurea, n-butylurea and tetramethylurea in 0.5 or 1 moldm3 aqueous solutions of sodium chloride. This paper presents measured values of densities and sound velocities at T = (288.15, 298.15 and 308.15) K. From these data the apparent molar volumes, , adiabatic compressibilities,...
Changes in conditions of acoustic wave propagation in the Gdansk deep as an effect of climate changes in the Baltic Sea region
PublikacjaThe article presents the results from a research project investigating acoustic climate changes in the Gdansk Deep based on data extending from 1902 to 2019. This part of the southern Gotland Basin, is rarely discussed in the scientific literature. The speed of sound in the seawater is a function of temperature, salinity, and depth. In such shallow sea as Baltic Sea, the impact of depth is not substantial. The other two factors...
Changes in conditions of acoustic wave propagation in the Gdansk deep as an effect of climate changes in the Baltic Sea region
PublikacjaThe article presents the results from a research project investigating acoustic climate changes in the Gdansk Deepbased on data extending from 1902 to 2019. This part of the southern Gotland Basin, is rarely discussed in thescientific literature.The speed of sound in the seawater is a function of temperature, salinity, and depth. In such shallow sea asBaltic Sea, the impact of depth is not substantial....
PublikacjaThis paper presents the results of empirical studies where the acoustic emission (AE) method was applied to identify the technical condition of sliding surfaces of main and crank bearings for main diesel engines. The test results indicate that the measurements of the AE parameters allow the technical condition identification for bearings of this type. The results refer to the measurements of the parameters for AE generated in the...
Reliable OFDM Data Transmission with Pilot Tones and Error-Correction Coding in Shallow Underwater Acoustic Channel
PublikacjaThe performance of Underwater Acoustic Communication (UAC) systems are strongly related to the specific propagation conditions of the underwater channel. Horizontal, shallow-water channels are characterised by extremely disadvantageous transmission properties, due to strong multipath propagation and refraction phenomena. The paper presents the results of communication tests performed during a shallow, inland-water experiment with...
Minimizing Distribution and Data Loading Overheads in Parallel Training of DNN Acoustic Models with Frequent Parameter Averaging
PublikacjaIn the paper we investigate the performance of parallel deep neural network training with parameter averaging for acoustic modeling in Kaldi, a popular automatic speech recognition toolkit. We describe experiments based on training a recurrent neural network with 4 layers of 800 LSTM hidden states on a 100-hour corpora of annotated Polish speech data. We propose a MPI-based modification of the training program which minimizes the...
A New Direct-Sequence Spread Spectrum Signal Detection Method for Underwater Acoustic Communications in Shallow-Water Channel
PublikacjaDirect-Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) is one of the modulation and coding techniques used in Underwater Acoustic Communication (UAC) systems for reliable data transmision even at low signal levels. However, in a shallow water channel, there is a strong multipath propagation which causes a phase fluctuation of the received signal, affecting the performance of the spread-spectrum system. The article presents a differential method...
The use of Acoustic Emission to identification damages bearings the main and crank engines about the automatic ignition
PublikacjaThe article describes the laboratory tests, which make the first stage of the study concerning the use of the AE method to determine the technical state of the slide bearings in engines with self-ignition. The aim of the present tests was to compare the recorded signals in relation to the technical state of the material of the bearing bush and to check the possibility of using the AE method in determining the transition moment...
Akustyczny obraz słowa na tle mowy etnicznej [The acoustic image of ethnic speech words]
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Anomalous pressure dependence of acoustic phonons of AgGaSe2 investigated by inelastic neutron scattering to 4.3 GPa
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Sharp and Rounded Cutouts in a Chevron Orifice and Them Impact on the Acoustic and Flow Parameters of Synthetic Jet
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Thermal, flow and acoustic characteristics of the heat sink integrated inside the synthetic jet actuator cavity
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The Spoofing Detection of Dynamic Underwater Positioning Systems (DUPS) Based on Vehicles Retrofitted with Acoustic Speakers
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Acoustic imaging of selected areas of Gdansk Bay with the aid of parametric echosounder and side-scan sonar
PublikacjaThe article presents and analyses the data recorded during sounding of the Gdansk Bay seabed with the aid of a parametric echosounder and a side-scan sonar. The accuracy of seabed structure examination, as a condition for obtaining valuable results, requires correct configuration of echolocation devices and proper calibration of peripheral devices, such as the survey unit geographical position sensor – GPS, the navigation unit,...
New generation composite panels for military and civil applications: mechanical, thermal, fire, and acoustic properties
PublikacjaThe article presents selected results from a research programme on innovative composite panels featuring an insulating core and magnesium cement facings, optionally reinforced with additional steel facings. The scope of the research programme includes the assessment of the panels themselves, as well as the partitions constructed from them and entire buildings, including portable structures built in accordance with the requirements...
Impact of Tensile and Compressive Stress on Classical and Acoustic Barkhausen Effects in Grain-Oriented Electrical Steel
PublikacjaIn this paper, we present the results of the investigation of impact of tensile and compressive stress on the classical Barkhausen effect, magnetoacoustic emission (MAE) signal properties, and B(H) hysteresis loops for grain-oriented (GO) electrical steel. Samples have been glued to a nonmagnetic steel bar and stressed within elastic range (±800 μdef) by means of four-point bending method. The samples were cut out in two directions...
Robust identification of glass breaks acoustic signals based on Wavelet transformation and Rock Solid Attributes.
PublikacjaStosowane w systemach alarmowych współczesne metody detekcji zbicia szyby, wykorzystują zwykle analizę sygnałów akustycznych towarzyszących temu procesowi. Podstawową metodą identyfikacji jest detekcja kilku charakterystycznych częstotliwości, niestety takie podejście wprowadza możliwość zafałszowania wyniku detekcji przez sygnały fałszywe, które mają zbliżaną charakterystykę widmową. Znacznie lepsze rezultaty osiągnąć można stosując...
Application of inserts for suppression of coupled dynamic-acoustic effects during confined granular flow in silos
PublikacjaArtykuł omawia sposoby redukcji efektów dynamiczno-akustycznych w silosach. Do redukcji zastosowano różne wkładki. Zbadano wpływ kształtu i liczby wkładek w doświadczeniach. Na podstawie wyników doświadczalnych opracowano metodę redukcji efektów dynamiczno-akustycznych w dużych stalowych silosach.