Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: 2D MATERIALS
Evaluation and behaviour of slowly biodegradable substrate on mathematical modelling of oxygen uptake rate in activated sludge systems
PublikacjaThe effect of the readily biodegradable (Ss) fraction in activated sludge systems has been extensively investigated, but only minor information can be found about the effect of Xs on OUR in activated sludge systems. The aim of this study was to determine the evaluation and behaviour of Xs on mathematical modelling of OUR using ASM2d and its modification. The essential study was divided into two major parts: experimental investigation...
Modeling the Effect of External Carbon Source Addition under Different Electron Acceptor Conditions in Biological Nutrient Removal Activated Sludge Systems
Publikacjahe aim of this study was to expand the International Water Association Activated Sludge Model No. 2d (ASM2d) to predict the aerobic/anoxic behavior of polyphosphate accumulating organisms (PAOs) and “ordinary” heterotrophs in the presence of different external carbon sources and electron acceptors. The following new aspects were considered: (1) a new type of the readily biodegradable substrate, not available for the anaerobic activity...
Separability Assessment of Selected Types of Vehicle-Associated Noise
PublikacjaMusic Information Retrieval (MIR) area as well as development of speech and environmental information recognition techniques brought various tools in-tended for recognizing low-level features of acoustic signals based on a set of calculated parameters. In this study, the MIRtoolbox MATLAB tool, designed for music parameter extraction, is used to obtain a vector of parameters to check whether they are suitable for separation of...
Superconductivity in CaBi2
PublikacjaSuperconductivity is observed with critical temperature Tc = 2.0 K in self-flux-grown single crystals of CaBi2. This material adopts the ZrSi2 structure type with lattice parameters a = 4.696(1) Å, b = 17.081(2) Å and c = 4.611(1) Å. The crystals of CaBi2 were studied by means of magnetic susceptibility, specific heat and electrical resistivity measurements. The heat capacity jump at Tc is DC/gTc = 1.41, confirming bulk superconductivity;...
Musical Instrument Tagging Using Data Augmentation and Effective Noisy Data Processing
PublikacjaDeveloping signal processing methods to extract information automatically has potential in several applications, for example searching for multimedia based on its audio content, making context-aware mobile applications (e.g., tuning apps), or pre-processing for an automatic mixing system. However, the last-mentioned application needs a significant amount of research to reliably recognize real musical instruments in recordings....
Production of six-degrees-of-freedom (6DoF) navigable audio using 30 Ambisonic microphones
PublikacjaThis paper describes a method for planning, recording, and post-production of six-degrees-of-freedom audio recorded with multiple 3rd order Ambisonic microphone arrays. The description is based on the example of recordings conducted in August 2020 with the Poznan Philharmonic Orchestra using 30 units of Zylia ZM-1S. A convenient way to prepare and organize such a big project is proposed – this involves details of stage planning,...
Stochastic optimisation algorithm for optimisation of controller parameters for control of dissolved oxygen in wastewater treatment plant
PublikacjaWastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are very important facilities for mankind. They enable the removal and neutralisation of man-made pollutants. Therefore, it is important for wastewater treatment plants to operate as efficiently as possible so that the level of pollutants in the treated wastewater meets specific requirements. This paper concerns the design of a hierarchical nonlinear adaptive control system for dissolved oxygen...
Modelowanie i analiza nierówności powierzchni elementów wykonywanych metodą stereolitografii
PublikacjaStereolitografia jest jedną z metod szybkiego prototypowania, w której przedmiot (model) uzyskujemy poprzez utwardzanie ciekłego polimeru za pomocą promieniowania laserowego. Metoda tą uzyskuje się dość dokładne przedmioty (modele) biorąc pod uwagę wymiar i kształt. Ten sposób wykonywania przedmiotów powoduje powstawanie specyficznej struktury powierzchni zwanej efektem schodkowym (stair-step effect, staircase). Struktura ta powoduje...
Application 2D Descriptors and Artificial Neural Networks for Beta-Glucosidase Inhibitors Screening
PublikacjaBeta-glucosidase inhibitors play important medical and biological roles. In this study, simple two-variable artificial neural network (ANN) classification models were developed for beta-glucosidase inhibitors screening. All bioassay data were obtained from the ChEMBL database. The classifiers were generated using 2D molecular descriptors and the data miner tool available in the STATISTICA package (STATISTICA Automated Neural...
Stabilization of N-, N,N-, N,N'-Methylated and Unsubstituted Simple Amidine Salts by Multifurcated Hydrogen Bonds
PublikacjaIn the light of the usefulness of amidines in medicinal chem., this paper considers the effects on biol. properties and chem. reactivities of org. mols. affected by intramol. interactions. The study of chem. shifts has been an important source of information on the electronic structure of amidine salts and their ability to form non-covalent bonds with nucleic acids. The NMR and IR results demonstrate that hydrogen bonds are...
Application of Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARSplines) for Predicting Hansen Solubility Parameters Based on 1D and 2D Molecular Descriptors Computed from SMILES String
PublikacjaA new method of Hansen solubility parameters (HSPs) prediction was developed by combining the multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARSplines) methodology with a simple multivariable regression involving 1D and 2D PaDEL molecular descriptors. In order to adopt the MARSplines approach to QSPR/QSAR problems, several optimization procedures were proposed and tested. The effectiveness of the obtained models was checked via standard...
Size effect at aggregate level in microCT scans and DEM simulation – Splitting tensile test of concrete
PublikacjaThe paper describes an experimental and numerical study of size effect on concrete cylindrical specimens in splitting tensile test. Own experimental campaign was performed on specimens with 5 various diameters from D = 74, 105, 150, 192 and 250 mm with hardboard loading strips (distributed load according to standard methods) scaled proportionally to the specimen diameter. The crack opening-control system was applied to obtain the...
The impact of precipitation and external carbon source addition on biological nutrient removal in activated sludge systems - experimentalinvestigation and mathematical modeling
PublikacjaThe aim of this study was to determine the effects of chemical precipitation and addition of external carbonsources on the denitrification capability and enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) interactions atthe 'Wschod' WWTP (600,000 PE) in Gdansk (northern Poland). For this purpose, different kinds of batch experimentswere carried out with the settled wastewater (without pretreatment and after coagulation-flocculation)and...
Unsaturated, biobased polyesters and their cross-linking via radical copolymerization
PublikacjaBiobased, unsaturated polyesters derived from isosorbide, maleic anhydride and succinic acid were synthesized and characterized. The presence of maleic anhydride units in the structure of the polyesters allowed converting them into cured coatings by radical copolymerization with cross-linking agents such as 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate, N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidinone, acrylic acid or methacrylamide. The investigated polyesters were obtained...
The impact of precipitation and external carbon source addition on biological nutrient removal in activated sludge systems – experimental investigation and mathematical modeling
PublikacjaThe aim of this study was to determine the effects of chemical precipitation and addition of external carbonsources on the denitrification capability and enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) interactions atthe ‘Wschod’ WWTP (600,000 PE) in Gdansk (northern Poland). For this purpose, different kinds of batch experimentswere carried out with the settled wastewater (without pretreatment and after coagulation-flocculation)and...
A Comprehensive Analysis of Deep Neural-Based Cerebral Microbleeds Detection System
PublikacjaMachine learning-based systems are gaining interest in the field of medicine, mostly in medical imaging and diagnosis. In this paper, we address the problem of automatic cerebral microbleeds (CMB) detection in magnetic resonance images. It is challenging due to difficulty in distinguishing a true CMB from its mimics, however, if successfully solved it would streamline the radiologists work. To deal with this complex three-dimensional...
Applying response surface method to optimize the performance of a divergent-chimney solar power plant
PublikacjaOne of the effective tools to generate electricity from solar energy is Divergent-chimney solar power plant (DSPP). Divergent and cylindrical chimneys of solar power plants have different performances considering turbine pressure drop ratio (ft). For the first time, the divergent angle (DA) and solar radiation (SR) interaction effects on 〖ft〗_opt are discussed through applying the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Response...
Applying the Lombard Effect to Speech-in-Noise Communication
PublikacjaThis study explored how the Lombard effect, a natural or artificial increase in speech loudness in noisy environments, can improve speech-in-noise communication. This study consisted of several experiments that measured the impact of different types of noise on synthesizing the Lombard effect. The main steps were as follows: first, a dataset of speech samples with and without the Lombard effect was collected in a controlled setting;...
Modelling tunnelling-induced deformation in stiff soils with a hyperelastic–plastic anisotropic model
PublikacjaIn this paper, the tunnelling-induced deformation in anisotropic stiff soils is analysed using FE modelling. The influence of material description is investigated rather than an advanced simulation of the tunnelling method. A new hyperelastic– plastic model is proposed to describe the anisotropic mechanical behaviour of stiff highly overconsolidated soil. This model can reproduce the superposition of variable stress-induced anisotropy...
Analysis of the Surface Stereometry of Alloyed Austenitic Steel after Fibre Laser Cutting using Confocal Microscopy
PublikacjaThe paper extends the concept of cut edge quality and examines the fibre laser cutting process. A Prima Power Platino Fiber Evo device with a reference speed (RS) of 3500 mm/min was used for laser cutting. In order to analyse the influence of the laser cutting speed on the cut edge quality of X5CrNi18-10 stainless steel sheets, macroscopic studies were conducted on a stereoscopic microscope and surface stereometry on a confocal...
A coupled constitutive model for fracture in plain concrete based on continuum theory with non-local softening and eXtended Finite Element Method
PublikacjaThe paper presents a constitutive model for concrete which combines a continuous and discontinuous fracture description. In a continuum regime, two different constitutive laws were used. First, a plasticity model with a Rankine failure criterion and an associated fl ow rule was used. Second, a constitutive law based on isotropic damage mechanics was formulated. In order to capture the width of a localized zone and to obtain mesh-independent...
Selection of effective cocrystals former for dissolution rate improvement of active pharmaceutical ingredients based on lipoaffinity index
PublikacjaNew theoretical screening procedure was proposed for appropriate selection of potential cocrystal formers possessing the ability of enhancing dissolution rates of drugs. The procedure relies on the training set comprising 102 positive and 17 negative cases of cocrystals found in the literature. Despite the fact that the only available data were of qualitative character, performed statistical analysis using binary classification...
Distinguishing of cocrystals from simple eutectic mixtures: phenolic acids as potential pharmaceutical coformers
PublikacjaThe multiparameter model comprising 1D and 2D QSPR/QSAR descriptors was proposed and validated for phenolic acid binary systems. This approach is based on the optimization of regression coefficients for maximization of the percentage of true positives in the pool of systems comprising either simple binary eutectics or cocrystals. The training set consisted of 58 eutectics and 168 cocrystals. The solid dispersions collection used...
Structure and Molecular Dynamics in Renewable Polyamides from Dideoxy-Diamino Isohexide
PublikacjaThe chemical structure, the conformation, andthe flexibility of the polymer chain fragments present in thepolyamides synthesized from 2,5-diamino-2,5-dideoxy-1,4;3,6-dianhydrosorbitol, 1,4-diaminobutane, and either sebacic orbrassylic acid have been studied by liquid-state 2D NMRspectroscopy viz. correlation spectra (COSY) and heteronuclearmultiple-bond correlation spectra (gHMBC), by 13Ccross-polarization/magic-angle spinning...
Enhancement of lift and drag performances of a NACA0012 airfoil by multi-DBD plasma actuator with additional floating interelectrodes
PublikacjaIt is clear that the improvement of aircraft aerodynamic performances is currently and will continue to be a significant area of research for the aeronautical industry. The current study is focused on theenhancement of aerodynamic airfoil performances by using a multi-DBD plasma actuator mounted around the model leading-edge. Experiments have been conducted at the University of Orleans, in the 2 m x 2 m test section of a large...
Synthesis, spectroscopy and computational studies of some biologically important hydroxyhaloquinolines and their novel derivatives
PublikacjaA series crystalline compounds of methyl and phosphinyl derivatives of 2-methylquinolin-8-ol (1a) and related 5,7-dichloro-2-methylquinolin-8-ol (1b) were quantitatively prepared and characterized by microanalysis, IR, UV-vis and multinuclear NMR spectroscopy. Five of them have been characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction method. The known compounds, 8-methoxy-2-methylquinoline (2a) and 8-methoxyquinoline (2d), were synthesised...
Novel, Fully Biobased Semicrystalline Polyamides
PublikacjaNovel, semicrystalline polyamides and co(polyamides) were synthesized from biobased sebacic acid (SA), 2,5-diamino-2,5-dideoxy-1,4;3,6-dianhydroiditol (diaminoisoidide, DAII) as well as from 1,4-diaminobutane (DAB), also known as putrescine in nature. Low molecular weight polyamides were obtained by melt polycondensation of the salts based on these monomers or by interfacial polycondensation. In order to increase their molecular...
Kontrola parametrów obwodu wymuszającego w quasi-statycznych magnetycznych badaniach nieniszczących stali, cz. I: Model analityczny i 2D
PublikacjaW artykule zaprezentowane zostało dwuwymiarowe modelowanie Metodą Elementów Skończonych (MES) układu do badań nieniszczących (ang. non-destructive testing, w skrócie NDT), składającego się z elektromagnesu jarzmowego i płyty ferromagnetycznej magnesowanej w sposób quasi-statyczny. Wykazane zostały ograniczenia stosowalności opartych na równaniach Maxwella obliczeń analitycznych 1D, które przynoszą zadowalające wyniki jedynie w...
Electrochemical, theoretical and surface physicochemical studies of the alkaline copper corrosion inhibition by newly synthesized molecular complexes of benzenediamine and tetraamine with π acceptor
PublikacjaTwo charge transfer complexes, namely [(BDAH)+(PA−)] CT1 [(BTAH)2+(PA−)2] and CT2 (BDAH = 1,2-benzenediamine, BTAH = 1,2,4,5-benzenetetramine, and PA− = 2,4,6-trinitrophenolate), were synthesized and fully characterized using various spectroscopic techniques. CT1 and CT2 were tested as inhibitors to effectively control the uniform and anodic corrosion processes of copper in an alkaline electrolyte (1.0 M KOH) using various electrochemical...
Skuteczność klasyfikacji gatunków muzycznych za pomocą sieci neuronowej w zależności od typu danych wejściowych
PublikacjaRozpoznawanie gatunku muzycznego jest jednym z podstawowych elementów inteligentnych systemów tworzenia automatycznych list muzyki. Platformy strumieniowe oferujące taką usługę wymagają rozwiązań, które umożliwią jak najdokładniej określić przynależność utworu do gatunku muzycznego. Zgodnie z aktualnym stanem wiedzy – najskuteczniejszym klasyfikatorem są sztuczne sieci neuronowe (w tym w wersji uczenia głębokiego), dla których...
Cooperativity of Halogen- and Chalcogen-Bonding Interactions in the Self-Assembly of 4‑Iodoethynyl- and 4,7-Bis(iodoethynyl)benzo-2,1,3-chalcogenadiazoles: Crystal Structures, Hirshfeld Surface Analyses, and Crystal Lattice Energy Calculations
PublikacjaSeveral new 4-iodoethynyl- and 4,7-bis- (iodoethynyl)benzo-2,1,3-chalcogenadiazoles were prepared, and a comprehensive analysis of the most prominent secondary bonding interactions responsible for the crystal self-assembly was performed using X-ray diffraction. The presence of both the iodoethynyl and chalcogenadiazole moieties allows an evaluation of the preference of these molecules to aggregate through either chalcogen- or halogen-bonding...
Heat exchange enhancement of jet impingement cooling with the novel humped-cone heat sink
PublikacjaJet impingement cooling technology is applicable to control temperature of devices, where very high heat flux is generated within a small area. This paper is about the improvement of the jet impingement cooling efficiency by the heat sink geometry modification. Two reference cases were sourced from the literature – flat heat sink and modified one with cone in the jet stagnation region. Such a change improves cooling capability...
Lead(II) coordination polymers with imidazole-4- and pyrazole-3-carboxylate isomeric linkers: Structural diversity and luminescence properties
PublikacjaUsing 1H-imidazole-4-carboxylic acid (4imCOOH) and 1H-pyrazole-3-carboxylic acid (3pyrCOOH) coordination polymers [Pb(4imCOO)2(H2O)]n (1) and [Pb2(3pyrCOO)4]n (2) were constructed. Obtained polymers were characterized via FT-IR, X-ray, PL and TG methods. The coordination polyhedron around Pb(II) in 1 is described as distorted pentagonal pyramid with hemidirected coordination sphere (based on DFT calculations). Compound 2 consists...
A stochastic approach for the solution of single and multi – objective optimisation problems of biological processes in sequencing batch reactor
PublikacjaThis paper investigates the impact of implementing single and multi-optimisation solutions on the biological treatment process in a sequencing batch reactor (SBR). The research is based on a case study of the water resource recovery facility (WRRF) in Swarzewo, Northern Poland. The paper introduces the adaptive extremum seeking control (ESC) method for dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration control and places it in a layered control structure....
Non-uniqueness of fracture parameter choice in simulations of concrete cracking at mesoscale level
PublikacjaIn the paper a non-uniqueness of fracture parameter choice in simulations of cracking process in plain concrete specimens at mesoscale level under monotonic static loading is analysed. The Finite Element Method is used, where cracks are defined in a discrete way using interface cohesive elements with nonlinear material law including softening. The concrete mesostructure (such as: cement matrix, air voids, aggregates, and Interfacial...
Badania symulacyjne drgań szczotki z wykorzystaniem matematycznego modelu 2D komutatorowego zestyku ślizgowego maszyny elektrycznej
PublikacjaW referacie przedstawiono model matematyczny komutatorowego zestyku ślizgowego i jego zastosowanie do badań symulacyjnych drgań szczotki. Jest to mechaniczny model obwodowy z uwzględnieniem rozkładu elementów skupionych szczotki w przestrzeni 2D. W szczotce wyróżniono liniowe elementy zachowawcze oraz elementy dyssypatywne. Przestrzeń międzystykowa jest zamodelowana układem nieliniowych elementów sprężystych i dyssypatywnych. Pomiędzy...
Simulation of unsteady flow over floodplain using the diffusive wave equation and the modified finite element method
PublikacjaWe consider solution of 2D nonlinear diffusive wave equation in a domain temporarily covered by a layer of water. A modified finite element method with triangular elements and linear shape functions is used for spatial discretization. The proposed modification refers to the procedure of spatial integration and leads to a more general algorithm involving a weighting parameter. The standard finite element method and the finite difference...
An unusual four-nuclear Pb(II)-pyrrole-2-carboxylato polymer: The effect of the lone pair and non-covalent interactions on the supramolecular assembly and fluorescence properties
PublikacjaThe reaction of Pb(NO3)2 with 1H-pyrrole-2-carboxylic acid (2prCOOH) leads to the formation of a new four-nuclear Pb(II) polymer, [Pb4(2prCOO)8(H2O)]n, which has been characterized by CHN, FT-IR, TG, PL and single-crystal X-ray diffraction methods. In view of the primary Pb–O bonds, Pb1 and Pb3 show hemidirected pentagonal pyramidal geometries, while Pb2 and Pb4 display hemidirected octahedral geometries. The topology of the strongest...
Modeling nitrous oxide production by a denitrifying-enhancedbiologically phosphorus removing (EBPR) activated sludge in thepresence of different carbon sources and electron acceptors
PublikacjaIn this study, the IWA Activated Sludge Model No. 2d (ASM2d) was expanded to identify the most important mechanisms leading to the anoxic nitrous oxide (N2O) production in the combined nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) removal activated sludge systems. The new model adopted a three-stage denitrification concept and was evaluated against the measured data from one/two-phase batch experiments carried out with activated sludge withdrawn...
Performance evaluation of unified memory and dynamic parallelism for selected parallel CUDA applications
PublikacjaThe aim of this paper is to evaluate performance of new CUDA mechanisms—unified memory and dynamic parallelism for real parallel applications compared to standard CUDA API versions. In order to gain insight into performance of these mechanisms, we decided to implement three applications with control and data flow typical of SPMD, geometric SPMD and divide-and-conquer schemes, which were then used for tests and experiments. Specifically,...
Structural analysis and physico-chemical characterization of mononuclear manganese(II) and polynuclear copper(II) complexes with pyridine-based alcohol
PublikacjaTwo novel manganese(II) and copper(II) complexes, mononuclear [Mn(H2O)2(2-(CH2)2OHpy)2](NO3)2 (1) and polynuclear [Cu(SO4)(2-(CH2)2OHpy)2]n (2), based on 2-(hydroxyethyl)pyridine (2-(CH2)2OHpy) were synthesised and fully characterised using X-ray structure analysis as well as spectroscopic, magnetic and thermal methods. Both central metal ions Mn(1) and Cu(1) are coordinated by two N,O-donor 2-(CH2)2OHpy ligands and possess an...
Surface Texture after Turning for Various Workpiece Rigidities
PublikacjaIn the paper, we present an analysis of the surface texture of turned parts with L/D (length/diameter) ratios of 6 and 12 and various rigidity values. The studies were carried out on samples made of S355JR steel and AISI 304 stainless steel. A detailed analysis of 2D surface profiles was carried out by using a large number of parameters that allowed us to distinguish significant differences in the surface microgeometry, which confirmed...
Enhancing Seismic Performance of Semi-rigid Connection Using Shape Memory Alloy Bolts Considering Nonlinear Soil–Structure Interaction
PublikacjaSteel Moment-Resisting Frames (SMRFs) have their lateral resistance for their rigid connections, while real conditions have shown that the rigidity of a connection depends on the bolts and the end-plate thickness, which may not provide the assumed rigidity in design process. In this research, the main goal is to enhance the semi-rigid connections using shape memory alloy (SMA) bolts and explore their effects on the seismic limit-state...
Limits of enhanced of macro- and meso-scale continuum models for studying size effect in concrete under tension
PublikacjaThe paper investigates a mechanical quasi-static size effect in concrete during splitting tension at the macro- and meso-level. In experiments, five different diameters of cylindrical concrete specimens were tested. Twodimensional plane strain finite element (FE) simulations were carried out to reproduce the experimental size effect. The size effect in experiments by Carmona et al. was also simulated. Two enhanced continuum concrete...
The use of fast molecular descriptors and artificial neural networks approach in organochlorine compounds electron ionization mass spectra classification
PublikacjaDeveloping of theoretical tools can be very helpful for supporting new pollutant detection. Nowadays, a combination of mass spectrometry and chromatographic techniques are the most basic environmental monitoring methods. In this paper, two organochlorine compound mass spectra classification systems were proposed. The classification models were developed within the framework of artificial neural networks (ANNs) and fast 1D and...
Insights into the flow characteristics during hydraulic fracturing
PublikacjaThis paper presents a numerical model to study fracture propagation during water-based hydraulic fracturing. To address the computational challenges associated with the numerical model, the proposed approach employs a set of overlapping spheres arranged in a monolayer to construct a porous specimen containing pre-existing cracks. The fluid-filled cracks represent various stages of initiation and propagation of fluid-driven fracture....
On a fully three-dimensional bending analysis of very thick smart composite cube-like bulk structures
PublikacjaHere we discuss the behaviour of very thick composite plates considering electro-magneto-elastic coupling of various types using fully three-dimensional (3D) kinematics. Published research highlights a lack of studies on the 3D mechanics of smart composite plates that integrate both higher-order (flexoelectric/flexomagnetic) and lower-order (piezoelectric/piezomagnetic) multiple physical fields (electro-magneto-elastic). The common...
Reconstruction of 3D image of corona discharge streamer
PublikacjaIn this paper, the method of reconstruction of the 3D structure of streamers in DC positive corona discharge in nozzle-to-plate electrode configuration is presented. For reconstructing of 3D image of corona discharge streamer we propose a stereographical method, where streamers are observed from several directions simultaneously. The multi-directional observation enabled to obtain fine positional coordinates of streamers for a...
The possibility of estimating the height of the ionospheric inhomogeneities based on TEC variations maps obtained from dense GPS network
PublikacjaA state of the ionosphere can be effectively studied using electromagnetic signals received from global navigation satellite systems (GNSS). Utilization of the dual frequency observations allows estimating values of the total electron content (TEC). They can be used for a number of scientific studies such as detection and monitoring of traveling ionospheric disturbances or plasma bubbles. Moreover, maps of TEC variations allow...
The effect of imidazolium ionic liquid on the morphology of Pt nanoparticles deposited on the surface of SrTiO3 and photoactivity of Pt–SrTiO3 composite in the H2 generation reaction
PublikacjaPhotocatalytic water splitting has great potential in solar-hydrogen production as a low-cost and environmentally friendly method. Different unique techniques used to obtain photocatalysts with various modifications to improve H2 generation have been introduced. In the present work, SrTiO3 was successfully synthesized via the solvothermal method in the presence of ionic liquid (IL) - 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide ([BMIM][Br])...