Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: LOCAL ENERGY PLANNING - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: LOCAL ENERGY PLANNING

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: LOCAL ENERGY PLANNING

  • Spatial and Regional Planning Studies - Pancewicz-Smolnicki

    Kursy Online
    • Ł. Pancewicz
    • P. M. Smolnicki

    Spatial and Regional Planning Studies dedicated for master students of the English group are conducted by: dr inż. arch. Łukasz Pancewicz dr inż. arch. Piotr Marek Smolnicki   Due to the late time classes are planned without breaks.

  • Markets of Energy (Dezhou University)

    Kursy Online
    • W. Stahl

    Markets of Energy course for Dezhou University - materials and online lessons

  • Integrity level verification for safety-related functions

    This article describes methods for safety integrity level (SIL) verification of safety-related functions with regard to probabilistic criteria given international standards IEC 61508 and IEC 61511. These functions are to be realized using the electrical, electronic and programmable electronic (E/E/PE) systems or safety instrumented systems (SIS). Some methods are proposed for quantitative probabilistic modelling taking into account...

  • Using argument structures to create a measurement plan

    While planning an experiment the same question always arises: What are the goals of the experiment and which measurements are needed to demonstrate that the goals have been achieved? Deciding about the extent of raw data to be collected, the metrics to be constructed on those data and the interpretation of the metrics with respect to the assumed goals is by no means a trivial task. In this paper we show how a well known Gal-Question-Metrics...

  • Fashion and Tourism: Parallel Stories of Two "Dream Marvels".


    - Rok 2023

    Fashion and tourism are two social, cultural, and economic phenomena that have both numerous connections and surprising similarities. These are not new: they have been built and developed since the beginnings of tourism as a modern social phenomenon, emerged in Europe in the context of the industrial revolution. They consolidated in the first decades of the 21st century, in a context where both phenomena have completed their “mass”...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • A decision-making system supporting selection of commanded outputs for a ship's propulsion system with a controllable pitch propeller


    - OCEAN ENGINEERING - Rok 2016

    The ship's operators have to make decisions regarding the values of commanded outputs (commanded engine speed and pitch ratio) which ensure maximum vessel speed and minimum fuel consumption. Obviously, the presented decision problems are opposed. Therefore, there is a need for a compromise solution that enables more flexible vessel voyage planning. This paper deals with development of a computer-aided system supporting selection...

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  • Comparative Study of Machining Technology Selection to Manufacture Large-Size Components of Offshore Constructions

    The focus of this paper is on process planning for large parts manufacture in systems of definite process capabilities, involving the use of multi-axis machining centres. The analysis of machining heavy mechanical components used in off-shore constructions has been carried out. Setup concepts applied and operation sequences determined in related process plans underwent studies. The paper presents in particular a reasoning approach...

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  • Advanced Ship Control Methods


    The chapter presents two main streams of research in vessel control at sea: dynamic positioning (DP) of the vessel and decision support in case of collision at sea. The control structure and basic requirements for the DP system are defined. Selected issues of automatic control of a dynamically positioned vessel are discussed. A review of advanced methods of controlling a DP ship is carried out, taking into account the tasks of...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • The principles of arturbain.fr for teaching sustainable urban design

    The article is an attempt to show how important it is in the contemporary education of architecture students to use an ordered repertoire of principles and concepts of a universal nature, at the same time, pointing to the new directions of solutions and answers to the problems of the 21st century. This task is implemented by the French Association L'Arturbain dans les Territoires. It is accompanied by an idea consisting in observing...

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  • Ageing of Society — Local Disparities. Classification of the Pomorskie Voivodship Communes According to the Pace and Progress of Local Communities’ Ageing

    The article deals with the issues of local disparities in the field of advancement and pace of demographic ageing. The subjects of the research were communes of the Pomorskie Voivodship. The purpose of the article — i.e., diagnosing and assessing the progress and pace of ageing of local communities in all 123 communes of the Pomorskie Voivodship, was achieved using a combination of traditional measures of ageing: age factor,...

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  • Participatory Planning ENG

    Kursy Online
    • Ł. Pancewicz

    The objective of the course is to teach the basic principles of the public participation. This includes basic principles, the techniques and practical aspects of its application.  

  • The relative cup-length in local Morse cohomology


    - Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis - Rok 2024

    Local Morse cohomology associates cohomology groups to isolating neighborhoods of gradient flows of Morse functions on (generally non-compact) Riemannian manifolds M. We show that local Morse cohomology is a module over the cohomology of the isolating neighborhood, which allows us to define a cup-length relative to the cohomology of the isolating neighborhood that gives a lower bound on the number of critical points of functions...

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  • Planning emergency manoeuvres


    W artykule poruszono problem planowania manewrów ostatniej szansy i zmian planowanej trajektorii statku w przypadku nieoczekiwanych zachowań obiektów obcych. Wprowadzono dwie metody. Pierwsza z nich jest odpowiedzialna za monitorowanie parametrów obiektów obcych, szacowanie prawdopodobieństwa nieprzepisowego zachowania i aktualizację trajektorii statku własnego. Druga to narzędzie wizualizacyjne umożliwiające nawigatorowi szybki...

  • Planning system in Poland


    - Rok 2021

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  • Spatial planning for education


    - Rok 2011

    W artykule opisano przemiany współczesnego systemu planowania przestrzennego w kontekście równoważenia rozwoju. Szczególną uwagę poświęcono obszarowi Morza Bałtyckiego. Na tym tle zarysowano sytuacje w Polsce i opisno relacje pomiędzy planowaniem a rownowazeniem rozwoju.

  • Sustainable energy consumption – Empirical evidence of a household in Poland


    - Energy Strategy Reviews - Rok 2024

    There is an expected increase in the demand for electricity from households in European countries. The outcome of the growing proportion of renewable energy sources in the energy supply mix should result in improved customer awareness regarding their electricity usage. Additionally, they must assume a more proactive role in overseeing their electricity usage. Innovation and pollution management have become crucial catalysts for...

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  • The Hopf theorem for gradient local vector fields on manifolds


    - New York Journal of Mathematics - Rok 2015

    We prove the Hopf theorem for gradient local vector fields on manifolds, i.e., we show that there is a natural bijection between the set of gradient otopy classes of gradient local vector fields and the integers if the manifold is connected Riemannian without boundary.

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  • Healthy financial system of local government on the example of Poland


    healthy local government financial system lays the foundation for the ability of local government units (LGUs) to carry out public tasks at the current qualitative and quantitative level and to meet their obligations in the short and long term. A healthy financial system of local government is a system that is adequate, stable, unified, consistent, transparent, diversified, counter-cyclical, guarantees the financial independence...

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  • Typology, current state and non-destructive testing of timber roof trusses of historic churches in the West Vistula Delta, Poland

    This paper presents the current state of conservation of historic roof churches located in the Żuławy of Gdańsk (Poland). It also describes the architecture of these temples, the region itself and old carpentry techniques for constructing roof trusses. Interdisciplinary tests were carried out in six churches. The geometry of the load bearing structures, the moisture content and the carpentry technique were specified. The field...

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  • Places of worship, spiritual healing and urban regeneration


    Many researchers demonstrated that it is possible to help people achieve mental and physical regeneration with proper architecture, urban and landscape planning. The term therapeutic landscapes could also be applied to places of worship, where people gather for spiritual healing and renewal. Public space that they offer is inclusively open to all. Addition- ally, they serve to reinvigorate the places where they are located. Shrines...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Modeling and analysis of the effectiveness of the guard systemswith dynamic graphs


    - Rok 2011

    In the following paper it will be presented a new model for analysis (in polynomial time) of the effectiveness of the guard systems. Therewill be presented its practical applications in problems such as searching for the weakest points of the system, planning guards' paths or cameras deployment, switching image from multiple cameras on several monitors, or interception of the intruder. This model is based on describing the guarded...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Selected manufacturing difficulties encountered during setup of machining on cnc multi-axis linear automatic lathe and on cnc multi-spindle turning centers


    - Rok 2021

    The article presents the observed manufacturing technology implementation difficulties in workshop practice, resulting from the construction and principles of operation on the DMG’s SPRINT 32/5 CNC linear automatic lathe and on the Mazak’s HQR 150 MSY and QTN 200 MS CNC turn - mill centers, and discusses possible rules for solving the production problems encountered. The article also discusses the principles of dividing the machining...

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  • The analysis of the accuracy of spatial models using photogrammetric software: Agisoft Photoscan and Pix4D


    This article was created as a result of research conducted within the master thesis. The purpose of the measurements was to analyze the accuracy of the positioning of points by computer programs. Selected software was a specialized computer software dedicated to photogrammetric work. For comparative purposes it was decided to use tools with similar functionality. As the basic parameters that affect the results selected the resolution...

  • Computer-Aided Automated Greenery Design—Towards a Green BIM

    Contemporary climate challenges are changing the architect’s awareness, which results in a broader spectrum of interest. The available software enables the design of vegetation, but it is often very limited and requires specialist knowledge. The available software allows the creation of individual solutions based on visual algorithms or writing scripts; however, they are still not common methods used in architecture and urban planning....

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  • A Hopf type theorem for equivariant local maps

    We study otopy classes of equivariant local maps and prove a Hopf type theorem for such maps in the case of a real finite-dimensional orthogonal representation of a compact Lie group.

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  • Potential of Explainable Artificial Intelligence in Advancing Renewable Energy: Challenges and Prospects

    • V. N. N. Nhanh Van
    • W. Tarełko
    • S. Prabhakar
    • A. S. El-Shafay
    • W. Chen
    • P. Q. P. Nguyen
    • N. X. Phuong
    • T. A. Nguyen

    - ENERGY & FUELS - Rok 2024

    Modern machine learning (ML) techniques are making inroads in every aspect of renewable energy for optimizationand model prediction. The effective utilization of ML techniques for the development and scaling up of renewable energy systemsneeds a high degree of accountability. However, most of the ML approaches currently in use are termed black box since their work isdifficult to comprehend. Explainable artificial intelligence (XAI)...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Electron energy-loss spectra of isoxazole

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    The data set contains numeric values ​​of electron energy-loss spectra measured in isoxazole in the excitation energy range 3.5−10 eV. The data have been published in graphical form (figure 3 and figure 4) in the following paper:Ireneusz Linert, Mariusz Zubek "Excited states of isoxazole molecules studied by electron energy-loss spectroscopy"Journal...

  • Electron energy-loss spectra of pyridazine

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    The data set contains numeric values ​​of electron energy-loss spectra measured in pyridazine in the excitation energy range 2.5−10 eV. The data have been published in graphical form (figures 3 - 6) in the following paper:

  • Condition monitoring of energy installations IDESII

    Kursy Online
    • J. Głuch

    Measurement errors and uncertainties. Industrial measurements in the energy industry. Measuring devices. The basics of control in industry. Measurement characteristics in complex energy systems. Distributed Control System (DCS) (KSR).

  • System of specific grants for local government units in Poland


    - Rok 2009

    The article analyses the system of specific grants in local governments in Poland. First, main revenue sources of local self-governments are presented. Their presentation is based upon the consideration of one of the basic important principles in democratic states today, i.e. decentralization. The text then, in more details, describes specific grants with respect to the European Charter of Local Self-Government. Subsequently, the...

  • Economic vitality of Polish suburbs


    - GSTF Journal of Engineering Technology - Rok 2016

    Since 1989, Poland has been undergoing major political, social and economic transformations. The effects of these changes are visible on several levels, including the field of urban planning, where they manifested themselves as the birth of the suburbanization process. In the field of economics, it could be noticed that since 1989, the SME sector has been awakening very dynamically. Correlation of the parallel development of these...

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  • Towards Hybrid Urban Mobility: Kick Scooter as a Means of Individual Transport in the City


    The characteristic feature of a contemporary city is its inconvenience and oppressiveness caused by the hitherto dominant paradigm of urban planning based on car mobility. As a result, the inhabitants have to cope with air pollution, noise, spatial barriers, sedentary lifestyle and other factors which worsen their health and quality of life. Ecological and physically activating urban mobility thus plays an increasingly important...

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  • Assessment of Citizens’ Actions against Light Pollution with Guidelines for Future Initiatives


    Due to the wide reach of media reports about scientific research and technological tools such as the world wide web (WWW), the Internet, and web browsers, citizens today have access to factual information about the negative impact of artificial light at night (ALAN) on their dark skies, and their health and well-being. This means they can now make educated decisions and take the necessary steps to help protect themselves and their...

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  • Design and Evaluation of the Compact and Autonomous Energy Subsystem of a Wave Energy Converter


    This paper presents the results of the design process focused on the development of the energy subsystem (ES) of a wave energy converter (WEC). The ES is an important electrical part that significantly affects the energy reliability and energy efficiency of the entire WEC device. The designed ES was intended for compact WECs powering IoT network devices working in the distributed grid. The developed ES is an electronic circuit...

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  • Local hidden–variable models for entangled quantum states


    While entanglement and violation of Bell inequalities were initially thought to be equivalent quantum phenomena, we now have different examples of entangled states whose correlations can be described by local hidden-variable models and, therefore, do not violate any of the Bell inequalities. We provide an up-to-date overview of the existing literature regarding local hidden-variable models for entangled quantum states, in both...

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  • Energy Use Rationalization [22/23]

    Kursy Online
    • M. Jaskólski

    Energetyka, studia I stopnia, stacjonarne, specjalność: Energy Technologies

  • Energy Use Rationalization [23/24]

    Kursy Online
    • M. Jaskólski

    Energetyka, studia I stopnia, stacjonarne, specjalność: Energy Technologies

  • Local buckling of thin-walled channel member flange made of aluminum alloy


    The paper deals with local stability of the thin-walled compressed flange of channel columns and beams made of aluminum alloy. The aim of paper is to find critical stress of local buckling of the flange member taking into account the web-flange interaction in linear and nonlinear elastic range of the member material. The governing differential equation of the problem is derived with aid of the principle of stationary total potential...

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  • Electric Machines [Energy Technologies][2022/23]

    Kursy Online
    • F. Kutt
    • A. Wilk
    • M. Michna
    • G. A. Kostro
    • R. Ryndzionek
    • Ł. Sienkiewicz

    Fundamentals of elektromechanical energy conversion. Bachelor/Engineer in Energy Technologies, 4th semester, undergraduate, full-time.

  • Electric Machines [Energy Technologies][2023/24]

    Kursy Online
    • F. Kutt
    • A. Wilk
    • M. Michna
    • R. Ryndzionek
    • Ł. Sienkiewicz

    Fundamentals of elektromechanical energy conversion. Bachelor/Engineer in Energy Technologies, 4th semester, undergraduate, full-time.

  • Trends in Locally Balanced Energy Systems without the Use of Fossil Fuels: A Review


    - ENERGIES - Rok 2023

    In recent years, the idea of the operation of energy systems (power systems, heating systems) has changed significantly. This paper is an overview of locally balanced energy systems without the use of fossil fuels. The paper justifies the concept of local energy balancing in a new energy system that does not use fossil fuels (coal, natural gas, and crude oil), based on European Union guidelines and formal documents as well as the...

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  • The energy concept of money

    Purpose: This paper aims to provide the literature review seeking an answer whether energy can be used as a universal equivalent instead of money. Methodology: The author conducted a review of available literature and data sources related to the money theory and energy concept of money. Findings: It was found that the definition of energy as a general equivalent has a contextual and dynamic nature, and this field’s consolidation...

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  • Renewable Energy Sources on the Polish Electrical Energy Market


    - Acta Energetica - Rok 2014

    Production of electricity from renewable energu sources in Poland is presented in the paper.The machanism of energy origin certifikates market and the proposal of mechanism modification are discused.

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  • Potrzeby osób z niepełnosprawnością a budżet obywatelski. Wyniki ankiety opinii wśród społeczności warszawskiego Muranowa


    - Rok 2021

    The participatory budget in Warsaw is a form of citizen involvement in city planning. The projects submitted in the budget concern, among other things, the physical transformation of space, organizing events integrating the community, and educational programs. Each of the above categories may determine the inclusion of people with disabilities in society. Social inclusion in the perspective of city change is an interesting and...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Breast MRI segmentation by deep learning: key gaps and challenges


    Breast MRI segmentation plays a vital role in early diagnosis and treatment planning of breast anomalies. Convolutional neural networks with deep learning have indicated promise in automating this process, but significant gaps and challenges remain to address. This PubMed-based review provides a comprehensive literature overview of the latest deep learning models used for breast segmentation. The article categorizes the literature...

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    The article presents a comparative numerical analysis of various ways to strengthen historical brick arches. Five ways of strengthening brick arches with steel tie-rods have been proposed. Two of these involve the use of braces wrapped around pillars supporting the arch connected with a tie-rod; another two ways involve the use of the tie-rods with welded metal sheets of different sizes; the last way involves the use of the tie-rod...

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  • Adaptive Management Approach to an Infrastructure Project

    The paper presents an adaptive approach to project management, illustrated by the description of a case study, i.e., of a project whose aim was to develop the means and prepare the documentation for the revitalization of a railway line. The project itself was a major challenge for the implementers due to a novel and innovative subject thereof, including the construction of a railway line which takes place in a difficult terrain...

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  • Good practices in requirements, project and risk managment in educational IT projects


    - Rok 2012

    One can find many learning aids and simulations of physical phenomena on the market - provided as a standalone application or as part of an educational package. However, only a few of them allow for the building of interactive experiments: experiments similar to those that should be conducted in physics laboratories at schools. Gdańsk University of Technology decided to fill this market niche by designing and constructing a set...

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  • Global sensitivity analysis of membrane model of abdominal wall with surgical mesh


    - Rok 2018

    The paper addresses the issue of ventral hernia repair. Finite Element simulations can be helpful in the optimization of hernia parameters. A membrane abdominal wall model is proposed in two variants: a healthy one and including hernia defect repaired by implant. The models include many uncertainties, e.g. due to variability of abdominal wall, intraabdominal pressure value etc. Measuring mechanical properties with high accuracy...

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  • Market Regeneration in Line with Sustainable Urban Development

    This article presents the study of the optimal design solutions for regeneration of marketplaces. It examines the design variants for the revitalisation of the marketplace, in particular, investment in their modernisation in order to find the most optimal model for transforming these public spaces to have a significant impact on the city’s development. The research is a comparative analysis of the implementation of regeneration...

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