wszystkich: 516
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: SURFACE SOIL
Zastosowanie mieszania wgłębnego i iniekcji strumieniowej do wzmocnienia podłoża pod budynkiem basenu.
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono jeden z pierwszych przykładów zastosowania w Europie nowoczesnej technologii wgłębnego mieszania gruntu na mokro (ang. wet Deep Soil Mixing) w celu posadowienia budynku basenu na uwarstwionym podłożu zawierającym grunt organiczny. Technologia DSM, wprowadzona w Polsce przez firmę Keller, polega na mechanicznym mieszaniu in situ gruntu z zaczynem cementowym i pozwala na formowanie w gruncie kolumn z cementogruntu w...
The Use of Vegetables in the Biomonitoring of Cadmium and Lead Pollution in the Environment
PublikacjaLead and cadmium emitted from various anthropogenic sources have the ability to accumulate in tissues of living organisms. The phenomenon of accumulation of metals in the body is harmful and undesirable. On the other hand, the ability of plants to accumulate heavy metals from the individual elements of the environment has been used in biomonitoring of pollution. Leaf and root of vegetables have particular predisposition for accumulating...
Report of Eurocode 7 application for pile foundation design in Poland
PublikacjaThe EC7 rules of geotechnical design are in use in Poland for several years, even though there is no National annex. With regard to pile foundations, there are valid EC7 recommendations concerning design approaches, load partial coefficients, correlation coefficients and capacity partial coefficients. Polish designers can be quite flexible when it comes to choose a method for static, bearing capacity and settlement calculations....
Pylon foundation of a cable stayed bridge at the motorway ring road of Wrocław
PublikacjaThe largest bridge of the motorway ring road of Wroclaw is a cable stayed bridge over the Odra river near Rędzin. Due to hydrogeological conditions of the ground it was not convenient to use standard bored piles of high length. Instead shorter piles were applied with additional improvement by cement injections at the pile toes. This decision was possible by extending ground investigation program and application of numerical modeling...
PublikacjaA theoretical base of SPH method, including the governing equations, discussion of importance of the smoothing function length, contact formulation, boundary treatment and finally utilization in hydrocode simulations are presented. An application of SPH to a real case of large penetrations (crater creating) into the soil caused by falling mass in Dynamic Replacement Method is discussed. An influence of particles spacing on method...
The importance and availability of marine certified reference materials
PublikacjaTraceability and reliable results are the two pillars of analytical methods; certified reference materials (CRMs) meet this requirement. ISO 17034:2016 credentials provide brief information on general requirements for the competence of Reference Material Producers (RMPs). The different types of CRMs have been produced in recent years for chemical analysis in food, water, soil, and sediment matrices in recent years. This review...
A new cold-active β-galactosidase from Arthrobacter sp. S3* - gene cloning, overexpression, purification and properties
PublikacjaA psychrotrophic bacterium producing a cold-active β-galactosidase was isolated from Spitsbergen soil and classified as Arthrobacter sp. S3*. The gene encoding β-galactosidase was isolated from the genomic DNA library, sequenced, cloned, expressed in Escherichia coli, purified by ion exchange chromatography and characterized. The Arthrobaster sp. S3* β-galactosidase is a homotrimeric enzyme composed of 74,4 kDa subunits. It is...
Preliminary estimation of groundwater recharge on Brda river outwash plain
PublikacjaEstimation of groundwater recharge is one of the most challenging subjects in hydrogeology. It is a critical factor influencing the pollution migration, assessment of aquifer vulnerability to contamination, small-scale groundwater budget calculation, modeling of nutrient cycling and detailed flow path calculations. In Poland an infiltration rate method is widely used, which depends on a system of rate coefficients referring to...
Elastic wave propapagation in diagnostics of self-drilling system of grouted anchors
PublikacjaThe paper presents an experimental investigation of elastic wave propagation in a self-drilling hollow bar system, which is commonly used in geotechnical industry as the element of grouted ground anchors and soil nails. The single self-drilling hollow bar and self-drilling system of two bars connected by a coupler were considered. Longitudinal waves were excited at one end of the bar and registered at both ends, by means of PZT...
Large deformation finite element analysis of undrained pile installation
PublikacjaIn this paper, a numerical undrained analysis of pile jacking into the subsoil using Abaqus software suit has been presented. Two different approaches, including traditional Finite Element Method (FEM) and Arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian (ALE) formulation, were tested. In the first method, the soil was modelled as a two-phase medium and effective stress analysis was performed. In the second one (ALE), a single-phase medium was assumed...
Calculation of Maximum Permissible Load of Underground Power Cables–Numerical Approach for Systems with Stabilized Backfill
PublikacjaThe maximum permissible load of underground power cables (known in U.S. engineering as “ampacity”) is a function of many parameters, in particular, the thermal resistivity of the native soil. If this resistivity is relatively high, thermal/stabilized backfill is applied, i.e., another material is placed around the cables, providing favourable conditions for heat transfer to the environment. It has a positive impact on the reliability...
Isolation and Characterization of Phenol-Degrading Psychrotolerant Yeasts
PublikacjaIn this study, the potential of selected psychrotolerant yeast strains for phenol biodegradation was studied. From 39 strains isolated from soil and water samples from Rucianka peat bog, three psychrotolerant yeast strains: A011, B021 and L012 showed the ability to phenol degradation. The result shows that all three yeast strains could degrade phenol at 500 mg l-1 and 750 mg l-1 concentration, whereas strains A011 and L012 could...
Structural design and sensitivity analysis of semi-rigid pavement of a motorway
PublikacjaThis paper presents application of mechanistic-empirical methods in design of semi-rigid pavement for a section of a motorway in Poland. The stage construction was assumed. Three fatigue criteria were applied in the design. For asphalt fatigue cracking and subgrade soil the criteria from the Asphalt Institute (USA) were applied. For fatigue cracking of cement stabilized bases the Dempsey (USA) and De Beer (South Africa) criteria...
Removal of organic matter and nitrogen in an horizontalsubsurface flow (HSSF) constructed wetland undertransient loads
PublikacjaA monitoring campaign in a horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland under the influence of transient loads of flow-rate, organic matter, nitrogen and suspended solids showed an irregular removal of COD and TSS and lower both removal efficiencies and mass removal rates than the ones observed in other studies for similar operating conditions. This circumstance is associated to the presence of large amount of particulate organic...
Interaction of Novel Ionic Liquids with Soils
PublikacjaWith the constant development of new ionic liquids, the understanding of the chemical fate of these compounds also needs to be updated. To this effect, in this contribution, the interaction of a number of novel ionic liquids with soils was determined. Therefore, three novel headgroups (ammonium, phosphonium or pyrrolidinium) with single or quaternary substitution were tested on a variety of soils with high to low organic matter...
A review on fungal-based biopesticides and biofertilizers production
PublikacjaThe escalating use of inorganic fertilizers and pesticides to boost crop production has led to the depletion of natural resources, contamination of water sources, and environmental crises. In response, the scientific community is exploring eco-friendly alternatives, such as fungal-based biofertilizers and biopesticides, which have proven effectiveness in enhancing plant health and growth while sustainably managing plant diseases...
Green Aspects of Miniaturized Sample Preparation Techniques
PublikacjaCorrect monitoring and control of the state of the environment and scientific research on the subject of environmental protection often require that determinations of compounds present at very low concentrations be made in samples characterized by a matrix of complex composition (e.g., biological samples, water and soil samples). Moreover, due to the limited number of analytical techniques which are sufficiently sensitive to conduct...
Contaminants in airport runoff water
PublikacjaDespite the many positives ensuing from the rapid expansion of the air transport sector, airport operations as a whole are a substantial source of environmental pollution.Increases in aviation developments have serious consequences on the surrounding air, soil and water bodies like lakes, rivers and ground water. The present work deals with the determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls...
Environmental fate of BTEX compounds in ambient air
PublikacjaAs a result of the industrialization and urbanization in the world, human pressure on the environment is intensifying, leading to detrimental changes in both biotic and abiotic compartments. One of the many consequences of this state of affairs is the increasing rate of emission into the atmosphere of volatile organic compounds, including the so-called BTEX (benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, xylenes) compounds. The article reviews...
Sources and Fate of PAHs and PCBs in the Marine Environment
PublikacjaThe assessment of a hazard resulting from the pollution of the environment by chemical compounds is in principle limited to the determination of their concentrations in its various compartments. But for solving many problems in this context, knowledge of the emission sources, transport pathways, and sites of deposition is of great benefit. By far the largest amounts of pollutants, regardless of where they were discharged, end up...
Overheating of underground power cable line due to its partial exposition to solar radiation
PublikacjaCurrent-carrying capacity of underground power cable lines depends, among others, on thermal resistivity of the soil and cables layout: trefoil formation, flat formation with or without spacing. If conditions for heat transfer in the ground are favorable, the current-carrying capacity is relatively high. Therefore, it generates risk of the power cables overheating, if part of the cable line is located vertically in the air, to...
Effect of solar radiation on current-carrying capacity of PVC-insulated power cables – the numerical point of view
PublikacjaPower cables are usually buried in the soil, which results in their relatively high current-carrying capacity. However, there are cases in which the starting/final section of a cable line runs along a pole of an overhead power line. Power cables can be directly exposed to solar radiation then, and this negatively influences their current-carrying capacity as well as estimated life of the cables’ insulation. An analysis of thermal...
Detection, identification and determination of resveratrol in wine. Problems and challenges
PublikacjaResveratrol is a compound synthesized by plants in response to unfavorable conditions of growth like mechanical injury, siege of bacteria or fungi and UV exposure. It is concentrated mostly in grapes skin and further more in the products made from grapes especially red wines. Each wine is characterized by different amount of given stilbene since its occurrence is affected by many factors like: types of grapes, environment (climate,...
The Current State-of-the-Art in the Determination of Pharmaceutical Residues in Environmental Matrices Using Hyphenated Techniques
PublikacjaSeveral thousand tons of pharmaceuticals and their transformation products (metabolites and degradation products) are introduced into the environment each year. They affect both human health and the environment, therefore, analytical procedures enabling the determination of a wide range of pharmaceuticals at trace levelswithminimal effort, time, and energy are required. Nowadays, hyphenated techniques are commonly applied in pharmaceutical...
The Fate of BTEX Compounds in Ambient Air
PublikacjaAs a result of the industrialization and urbanization in the world, human pressure on the environment is intensifying, leading to detrimental changes in both biotic and abiotic compartments. One of the many consequences of this state of affairs is the increasing rate of emission into the atmosphere of volatile organic compounds, including the so-called BTEX (benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, xylenes) compounds. The authors review...
Air quality policy in the U.S. and the EU – a review
PublikacjaThe high level of atmospheric pollution is a global problem that has taken on particular significance in recent years and will continue to grow in the near future. Air pollution directly affects the health, living organisms, vegetation, water, soil and buildings. Additionally, it moves easily even over long distances. Certain air pollutants influence the climate, cause negative processes in the protective ozone layer and contribute...
A hyperelastic model for soils with stress-induced and inherent anisotropy
PublikacjaIn this paper, modelling of the superposition of stress-induced and inherent anisotropy of soil small strain stiffness is8presented in the framework of hyperelasticity. A simple hyperelastic model, capable of reproducing variable stress-induced9anisotropy of stiffness, is extended by replacement of the stress invariant with mixed stress–microstructure invariant to10introduce constant inherent cross-anisotropic component. A convenient...
PublikacjaSome problems of the foundations of offshore wind turbines are considered in this paper. A short review is presented on the two basic types of foundations, i.e. monopiles and gravity foundations, including their basic features and applications as well as general design considerations. Also, some issues regarding analysis are discussed, including geotechnical problems and modelling techniques. A numerical model of offshores turbine...
Measurement of the tram rail profile during a year of operation - supplementary data
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the work was to analyze the wear of rails during operation and to analyze the supplementation of heavy metals in the soil around the tram route, originating from wearing out rails and tram wheels.The dataset contains measurements of rail head coordinates in 9 research sections made in 8 measurement series. The wear of the rails in selected...
Effective Friction Angle Of Deltaic Soils In The Vistula Marshlands
PublikacjaThis article presents the results of laboratory tests on soft, normally consolidated soils from the Vistula Marshlands. Samples of high-plasticity organic soils (muds) taken from 3.2–4.0 m and 9.5–10.0 m depth, as well as peat deposit at 14.0 m, are analysed. Presented case study confirms the applicability of the Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTH) method based on Cone Penetration Tests (CPTU) and allows for a conservative...
The influence of global climate change on the environmental fate of anthropogenic pollution released from the permafrost
PublikacjaThis article presents a review of information related to the influence of potential permafrost degradation on the environmental fate of chemical species which are relased and stored, classified as potential influence in future Antarctic environment. Considering all data regarding climate change prediction, this topic may prove important issue for the future state of the Antarctic environment. A detailed survey on soil and permafrost...
Brief Literature Review and Classification System of Reliability Methods for Evaluating the Stability of Earth Slopes
PublikacjaThe issue of slope stability is one of the most important and yet most difficult geotechnical problems. Assessing slope stability is particularly difficult because of the many uncertainties involved in the process. To take these uncertainties into account, probabilistic methods are used, and the reliability approach is adopted. There are many methods for reliability assessment of earth slope stability. However, there is no system...
Buried Object Characterization Using Ground Penetrating Radar Assisted by Data-Driven Surrogate-Models
PublikacjaThis work addresses artificial-intelligence-based buried object characterization using 3-D full-wave electromagnetic simulations of a ground penetrating radar (GPR). The task is to characterize cylindrical shape, perfectly electric conductor (PEC) object buried in various dispersive soil media, and in different positions. The main contributions of this work are (i) development of a fast and accurate data driven surrogate modeling...
Potentials of Water Usage in urban Neighbourhood Structures
PublikacjaThis paper will treat about water influence and possibility of its usage in the urban neighborhood structures (e.g. districts, real estate properties, town parts) in the context of actual regional environmental problems and according to directories determined by European targets. It is not rare yet in the basic stage of urban design that water is treated as a threat, not a chance. In result planned structures are often built,...
PublikacjaThe results of CPTU tests are used to determine the strength parameters of a dike subsoil. Stress state and stress history of the subsoil under the flood embankment was evaluated with CPTU and DMT tests. Normally consolidated soil was found under the central part of the dike, while the subsoil near the dike toe is found to be overconsolidated. Due to consolidation the undrained shear strength of the subsoil under the central part...
Shear band evolution phenomena in direct shear test modelled with DEM.
PublikacjaA direct shear test is widely used in the geotechnical engineering field. It is an easy and quick test to measure the shear properties of soil. This test often replaces more expensive and difficult tri-axial shear test. Despite that the direct shear test is known and used for a long time, it is still not well investigated at the grain scale. This paper deals with the micro behaviour of the cohesionless sand inside the direct shear...
Active Learning on Ensemble Machine-Learning Model to Retrofit Buildings Under Seismic Mainshock-Aftershock Sequence
PublikacjaThis research presents an efficient computational method for retrofitting of buildings by employing an active learning-based ensemble machine learning (AL-Ensemble ML) approach developed in OpenSees, Python and MATLAB. The results of the study shows that the AL-Ensemble ML model provides the most accurate estimations of interstory drift (ID) and residual interstory drift (RID) for steel structures using a dataset of 2-, to 9-story...
Using River Formation Dynamics Algorithm in Mobile Robot Navigation
PublikacjaRiver Formation Dynamics is a heuristic optimization algorithm based on the manner, in which drops of water form the river bed. The idea is to imitate the movement of drops on the edges between given nodes thus performing a search based on their height, which is modified through the mechanism of soil erosion and sediment deposition. In this way decreasing gradients are constructed, and these are followed by subsequent drops to...
Static Load Test on Instrumented Pile – Field Data and Numerical Simulations
PublikacjaFor some time (since 8-10 years in Poland) a special static load tests on instrumented piles are carried out. Such studies are usually of a scientific nature and provide detailed quantitative data on the load transfer into the ground and characteristics of particular soil layers interaction with a pile shaft and pile base. Deep knowledge about the pile-subsoil interaction can be applied for a various design purposes, e.g. numerical...
Green Sample Collection
PublikacjaThe term of “green sample collection” is directly associated with both passive and dynamic analytical tools which allow for simultaneous management of the stage of collection and isolation and/or enrichment of a broad spectrum of chemical compounds from environmental samples. The use of passive sampling techniques at the stage of sample collection makes it possible to obtain in a simple yet inexpensive manner an analytical information...
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in bottom sediments: Identification of sources
PublikacjaPolychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) can enter the environment from various sources. They are synthetic chemicals and as such are present in the environment mainly as mixtures containing various amounts of PCB congeners. It is therefore difficult to pinpoint the source of PCB emissions into the environment and the pathways along which they migrate there. The situation is different where locating the emission sources of polycyclic aromatic...
PublikacjaThe concentration of carbon dioxide dissolved in water (CO2(aq)) was measured in consecutive phases of the hydrological cycle. Its potentially possible degassing from groundwaters to the atmosphere was also assessed. The research was conducted in the area of occurrence of carbonate rocks of the Lublin Upland and Roztocze (SE Poland). The results of the measurements of CO2(aq) concentration varied as follows (min-max/mean): precipitation...
Static load test on concrete pile – instrumentation and results interpretation
PublikacjaFor some time (since 8-10 years in Poland) a special static load tests on instrumented piles are carried out. Such studies are usually of a scientific nature and provide detailed quantitative data on the load transfer into the ground and characteristics of particular soil layers interaction with a pile shaft and pile base. Deep knowledge about the pile-subsoil interaction can be applied for a various design purposes, e.g. numerical...
Vibro piles performance prediction using result of CPT
PublikacjaVibro piles belong to the group of full displacement piles with an expanded base, characterised by a very high load capacity, especially in non-cohesive soils. The problem is to adopt a reliable method for the determination of full load–settlement (Q–s) curve. A frequent difficulty is the determination of the load capacity limit based on the static load test because the course of the load–settlement curve is of a linear nature....
Numerical Solution of the Two-Dimensional Richards Equation Using Alternate Splitting Methods for Dimensional Decomposition
PublikacjaResearch on seepage flow in the vadose zone has largely been driven by engineering and environmental problems affecting many fields of geotechnics, hydrology, and agricultural science. Mathematical modeling of the subsurface flow under unsaturated conditions is an essential part of water resource management and planning. In order to determine such subsurface flow, the two-dimensional (2D) Richards equation can be used. However,...
Bioactive and biodegradable cotton fabrics produced via synergic effect of plant extracts and essential oils in chitosan coating system
PublikacjaFunctional antibacterial textile materials are in great demand in the medical sector. In this paper, we propose a facile, eco-friendly approach to the design of antibacterial biodegradable cotton fabrics. Cotton fiber fabrics were enhanced with a chitosan coating loaded with plant extracts and essential oils. We employed Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), UV–Vis spectrophotometry, optical...
Impact of thermal backfill parameters on current-carrying capacity of power cables installed in the ground
PublikacjaProper design of power installations with the participation of power cables buried in homogeneous and thermally well-conductive ground does not constitute a major problem. The situation changes when the ground is non-homogeneous and thermally low-conductive. In such a situation, a thermal backfill near the cables is commonly used. The optimization of thermal backfill parameters to achieve the highest possible current-carrying capacity...
AI-Driven Sustainability in Agriculture and Farming
PublikacjaIn this chapter, we discuss the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in promoting sustainable agriculture and farming. Three main themes run through the chapter. First, we review the state of the art of smart farming and explore the transformative impact of AI on modern agricultural practices, focusing on its contribution to sustainability. With this in mind, our analysis focuses on topics such as data collection and storage, AI...
Structural Design and Sensitivity Analysis of Semi-Rigid Pavement of a Motorway
PublikacjaThis paper presents application of mechanistic-empirical methods in design of semi-rigid pavement for a section of a motorway in Poland. The stage construction was assumed. Three fatigue criteria were applied in the design. For asphalt fatigue cracking and subgrade soil the criteria from the Asphalt Institute (1981) were applied. For fatigue cracking of cement stabilized bases the Dempsey (1984) and De Beer (1992) criteria were...
The concept of sewage-sludge management system for an individual household
PublikacjaThe individual farms at the rural areas often face problems with domestic sewage collection and treatment. In many cases building of sewerage systems and central wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) brings too high costs, due to high distances from one farm to another and terrain configuration. Treatment wetlands for individual farms can solve this problem. In the article, an overview of individual treatment wetlands in Europe and...