Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: METROPOLITAN AREA
Looking for the Optimal Location of an Eco-District within a Metropolitan Area: The Case of Tricity Metropolitan Area
PublikacjaCompact housing structures located in city centers are considered to be the most energy and environmentally eective, mainly due to the access to services, transport networks and municipal infrastructures. There is the question of why so many of the acknowledged ecological housing complexes are located on the outskirts of cities or suburbs. Numerous cities decide to introduce strategies either to densify city centers, hoping to...
Two technologies selected for metropolitan area
PublikacjaZastosowanie dwóch efektywnych technologii budowlanych, tj. jet grouting i pipe roofing, przedstawiono na przykładzie realizacji budowlanych w obszarze aglomeracji miejskiej. Technika jet grouting znalazła bardzo interesujące zastosowanie przy wykonywaniu szczelnych przesłon przeciwfiltracyjnych, które znacząco ograniczają napływ wody gruntowej do wykopu i umożliwiają przez to swobodne prowadzenie prac fundamentowych. Przedstawiona...
Developing a Metropolitan Transport System—Exemplified by the Gdansk–Gdynia–Sopot Metropolitan Area
PublikacjaAs regional centres with metropolitan functions, metropolises grow and develop depending on how well they can meet the area’s transport needs internally and externally, a result of their socio-economic relations. The transport system of a metropolitan area must ensure that people and goods can move efficiently, effectively and environmentally friendly. Over the last ten years, the transport system of the Gdańsk–Gdynia–Sopot Metropolitan...
The Delimitation of Bipolar Metropolitan Area Within the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Region
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Developing Polycentricity to Shape Resilient Metropolitan Structures: The Case of the Gdansk–Gdynia–Sopot Metropolitan Area
PublikacjaMaking the metropolitan area resilient, in many cases, calls for amending its spatial structures. This may take various forms, including both reshaping the metropolitan core and redeveloping the entire regional network of cities and centres, making them part of a coherent structure. The latter strategy is associated with reinforcing secondary urban centres as well as shaping new connections between them. In this case, the term...
A hybrid-mesh solution for coverage issues in WiMAX metropolitan area networks.
PublikacjaThe new WiMAX technology offers several advantages over the currently available (GSM or UMTS-based) solutions. It is a cost effective, evolving, and robust technology providing quality of service guarantees, high reliability, wide coverage and non-line-of-sight (NLOS) transmission capabilities. All these features make it particularly suitable for densely populated urban environments. In this paper we discuss the design and implementation...
Study of data scheduling methods in the WiMAX Mobile metropolitan area networks
PublikacjaThe paper discusses basic assumptions of the WiMAX Mobile system. It also presents and analyses the results of simulation tests run for selected data scheduling methods and subcarrier allocation. Based on the test results, the authors have prepared a comparative analysis of two popular data scheduling methods, i.e. WRR and PF, and their own method CDFQ which uses information about the current channel situation for the queuing processes...
Determinants of SME location in a suburban area: Evidence from the Gdańsk–Gdynia–Sopot metropolitan area.
PublikacjaGiven the importance of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the European economy, it is essential to have adequate information about the various factors that determine their choice of location. However, the size of a company is often an aspect not covered in theoretical studies and empirical research on industrial locations and urban planning. This article examines the place of residence...
The Spatial Structure of Suburban Zones in Selected Entrepreneurship Nets of the Tricity Metropolitan Area
PublikacjaThe chapter describes spatial structures and forms of Polish suburban zones shown on the example of two selected towns in the Trojmiasto Metropolitan Area (TMA). The description of the spatial characteristics in the urban sprawl, with focus on the entrepreneurships nests is illustrated by the choice of typological features, such as: form, land use, density. Suburbanisation is described to be global, however one can observe individual...
The Role of an Integrated Transport System in the Comprehensive, Polycentric Development of Gdańsk Bay Metropolitan Area
PublikacjaIn this paper the role of an integrated transport system and mobility in the development of Gdańsk Bay Metropolitan Area is discussed, with special emphasis on how it influences the development of comprehensive, polycentric urban structures. The paper consists of an analysis of how the changes, which occurred after the socio-economic transformation shaped the transport system, and as a consequence the spatial structure, of Gdańsk...
Experiencing the Ocean the Paths for Urban Development of Sao Pedro do Estoril in Lisbon Metropolitan Area
PublikacjaThe areas of Cascais Municipality, one of the richest Municipalities in Portugal, located west to Lisbon, at the estuary of Tagus and the Atlantic Ocean coast is popular tourist destination. With its unique landscape it became the most attractive venue for spending vacations, for sport activities and leisure. It arose around the coastal town of Cascais, the former fishing village famous as a refuge for notables and claiming to...
Pollution characteristics and human health risks of potentially (eco)toxic elements (PTEs) in road dust from metropolitan area of Hefei, China
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PublikacjaNowadays, a rapid development of metropolises is connected with the pressure on urbanizing, which leads to a sharp increase in developed areas as well as urbanized areas. As this trend becomes more dynamic, cities sprawl beyond their administrative boundaries, causing spatial disintegration and hindering sustainable development of a given area. Increased dispersion of residential area results in extensive and chaotic spatial development,...
The Multidimensional Aspect of Water Resources Management in Metropolitan Areas (a Case Study of the Poznań Metropolis)
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WHAT KIND OF CITY ARE WE BUILDING? WHAT KIND OF CITY DO WE WANT TO BUILD? Re-viewing three different urban developments in metropolitan areas
Transforming the Gdansk Bay Area
PublikacjaThe political transformation of Poland in the early nineties from a centrally steered economy to a free market economy entailed changes of the spatial planning system. The impact of these changes on the spatial transformations and current shape of urban structures in the Gdansk Bay Metropolitan Area is apparent and significant. The paper concentrates on the present spatial phenomena of Gdansk Agglomeration resulting from the main...
Analysing Ways to Achieve a New Urban Agenda-Based Sustainable Metropolitan Transport
PublikacjaThe New Urban Agenda (NUA) sets a new vision of sustainable urban development to help cities deal with the challenges of changing demography. While numerous articles have addressed how the NUA can be implemented at different levels and in different areas, this article points out the potential limitations in incorporating the NUA into metropolitan transport policies. The relevance of the limitations can be seen in three main fields:...
Krzysztof Gierłowski dr inż.
OsobyKrzysztof Gierłowski uzyskał tytuł doktora inżyniera telekomunikacji na Wydziale Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki w 2018 roku. Jest autorem lub współautorem ponad 80 publikacji naukowych oraz recenzentem wielu czasopism i konferencji. Brał udział w szeregu projektów badawczych dotyczących tematyki IT, wliczając w to: finansowany ze źródeł UE projekt Inżynieria Internetu Przyszłości, projekt infrastrukturalny PL-LAB2020,...
Permanent traffic count stations - expressway S6 Poland 2016
Dane BadawczeThe data includes traffic data from permanent traffic count stations located on the expressway S6 in the Tri-City Agglomeration area in Poland. The data covers the 12 months of 2016.
Video traffic data - Interchange Karczemki (S6-501)
Dane BadawczeThe data includes video traffic data registered with 5 video cameras at weaving area (weaving section type A) of the Karczemki interchange within S6 expressway in Poland (interchange of expressway S6 and regional road 501), located in the Tri-City Agglomeration . The data covers the one day: 10.10.2017 (expressway S6).
Revitalisation Living Lab as a Format to Accelerate an Energy Transition in Polish Rural Areas: The Case Studies of Metropolitan Outskirts Gdańsk-Orunia and Lubań
PublikacjaThe paper deals with the issue of energy transition in the revitalization process dedicated to the rural and semi-rural areas of the Pomerania Region (PR). Two distinct areas, located in sub- and ex-urban zones of the Gdańsk-Gdynia-Sopot Metropolitan Area (OMGGS), in which bottom-up community initiatives have been playing a key role in the transformation, have been focused on. The village of Lubań (Municipality of Nowa Karczma)...
Video traffic data - Interchange Gdansk Poludnie (S6-S7), Poland
Dane BadawczeThe data includes video traffic data registered with 8 video cameras at exit and entry lanes of the Gdansk Poludnie interchange within S6 expressway in Poland (interchange of expressway S6 and S7), located in the Tri-City Agglomeration . The data covers the two days: 4.08.2020 and 6.08.2017 (expressway S6).
Video traffic data - Interchange Lotnisko (S6-472) - Exit +entry lanes, Poland
Dane BadawczeThe data includes video traffic data registered with 6 video cameras at entry or exit lanes of the Lotnisko interchange within S6 expressway in Poland (interchange of expressway S6 and regional road 472), located in the Tri-City Agglomeration. The data covers the two days: 10.04.20187 and 12.04.2017(expressway S6).
Video traffic data - Interchange Lotnisko (S6-472) - weaving, Poland
Dane BadawczeThe data includes video traffic data registered with 9 video cameras at weaving area (weaving section type A) of the Lotnisko interchange within S6 expressway in Poland (interchange of expressway S6 and regional road 472), located in the Tri-City Agglomeration . The data covers the two days: 04.10.2017 (expressway S6) and 05.10.2017 (road 472).
Vehicle Detection and Speed Estimation Using Millimetre Wave Radar
PublikacjaThe dataset titled Data from 76- to 81-GHz mmWave Sensor located at S7 road contains data recorded employing an IWR1642 mmWave sensor from Texas Instruments. The data comes from two sessions lasting 24h each. The dataset provides the possibility to perform analyses related to car traffic intensity on one of the carriageways of the motorway heading to the Gdańsk metropolitan area. Based on the gathered data, it is possible to calculate...
PublikacjaSmart City Concept in the Context of Enterpreneurship Development in Suburban Areas. Supporting innovation and knowledge within economic development, these are the goals of public managers, enthusiasts of the Smart City concept. It is questioned whether this concept is the best solution for regional development and efficient support to local entrepreneurship based on SMEs (small and medium enterprises). Moreover, the results of...
Assessment and Optimization of Air Monitoring Network for Smart Cities with Multicriteria Decision Analysis
PublikacjaEnvironmental monitoring networks need to be designed in efficient way, to minimize costs and maximize the information granted by their operation. Gathering data from monitoring stations is also the essence of Smart Cities. Agency of Regional Air Quality Monitoring in the Gdańsk Metropolitan Area (pol. ARMAAG) was assessed in terms of its efficiency to obtain variety of information. The results on one-month average concentrations...
Measurement of benzene concentration in urban air using passive sampling
PublikacjaAbstract The concentration of benzene in urban air in theTri-City area of Poland (Gdańsk-Sopot-Gdynia, andTczew) was assessed using diffusive passive samplers (Rad-iello). Samples were collected during a four-year monitoringcampaign (2007-2010) at selected monitoring stations man-aged by the Agency of Regional Air Quality Monitoring inthe Gdańsk Metropolitan Area (ARMAAG) Foundation.The performance of the passive samplers was investigatedin...
Problemy planowania rozwoju systemu transportowego w obszarach metropolitalnych – przykład Obszaru Metropolitalnego G-G-S
PublikacjaProblemy rozwoju systemów transportowych w metropoliach wynikają ze specyfiki tych obszarów, ich skali i struktury przestrzennej. Obszary te charakteryzują się dużą wewnętrzną integracją funkcjonalną oraz dobrze rozwiniętą siecią transportową. Dynamicznie rozwijające się obszary metropolitalne mają odrębne systemy zarządzania finansami, rozwią- zania prawne oraz administrację, a także własne organy planowania i zarządzania, które...
Permanent traffic counting stations - Expressway S6 in Gdansk (dataset containing 5-min aggregated traffic data and weather information)
Dane BadawczeThe data includes traffic data from permanent traffic count station located on the expressway S6 in the Tri-City Agglomeration area in Poland. The data covers the three year period between 2014 and 2017 and one direction of traffic (southbound).
Gdańsk Urban Initiative Laboratory
PublikacjaGdansk is Poland's principal seaport, situated on the southern edge of the Gdansk Bay on the Baltic Sea. The city is the capital and largest city of the Pomeranian Voivodeship. Gdansk, in a conurbation with the city of Gdynia and the resort town of Sopot, and suburban communities, jointly forms Poland's fourth largest metropolitan area, with a population approaching 1.4 million. The pathways towards the Micro ULL FWE Nexus Square...
Geospatial Coverage and Signal Quality Measurements of Terrestrial DAB+ Network in Northern Poland
PublikacjaModern signal coverage maps are prepared based on industry-standard radio propagation models, which take into account a number of parameters, including: type of antenna, distance from the transmitter, type of terrain, etc. However, such simulations are prone to location-specific inaccuracies, and should be verified with in-situ measurements. This paper presents results of a field test of a terrestrial DAB+ (Digital Audio Broadcasting...
Measures of region failure survivability for wireless mesh networks
PublikacjaWireless mesh networks (WMNs) are considered as a promising alternative to wired local, or metropolitan area networks. However, owing to their exposure to various disruptive events, including natural disasters, or human threats, many WMN network elements located close to the failure epicentre are frequently in danger of a simultaneous failure, referred to as a region failure. Therefore, network survivability, being the ability...
Przewodnik Architektoniczny=Architectural Guide=Architekturführer. Gdynia
PublikacjaGdynia is a unique city that is particularly interesting for architects due to its homogeneous architecture. The city, based on the structure of an earlier fishing village, was entirely designed and built from scratch in the interwar period, as was the case later for cities such as Brasilia and Chandigarh. Today, Gdynia is a modern port town that forms the Tri-City metropolitan area together with Gdańsk, the city of amber, and...
Port Cities within Port Regions: Shaping Complex Urban Environments in Gdańsk Bay, Poland
PublikacjaPort cities located within various metropolitan or functional regions face very different development scenarios. This applies not only to entire municipalities but also to particular areas that play important roles in urban development—including ports as well as their specialized parts. This refers also to the various types of maritime industries, including the processing of goods, logistics operations, shipbuilding, or ship repairing,...
Problemy planowania strategii i zagospodarowania przestrzennego w zarządzaniu rozwojem obszarów metropolitalnych
PublikacjaCelem pracy jest rozpoznanie i usystematyzowanie problemów związanych z planowaniem kompleksowej strategii zarządzania rozwojem obszarów metropolitalnych i sporządzaniem planu zagospodarowania przestrzennego tych obszarów. Problemy planowania rozumiane są jako trudności, dylematy i wątpliwości związane z różnymi aspektami procesu planistycznego. Autor nawiązuje do cech obszarów metropolitalnych oraz typowych problemów rozwiązywanych...
The potential of urban agriculture in the revitalisation of a metropolis
PublikacjaIn Poland, the topic addressing urban areas of agricultural production and gardening activity is still viewed in two main blocks: 1) a shift of the urbanized zone’s boundaries, causing dispersion of suburban buildings as well as creates conflict zone between the residential area and the production and post-production zones; 2) a socially contentious issue of restructuring the inner-city complexes of former employee allotments....
Connected & Automated Urban Mobility, Zombie Cars and Kitchen Knives: Will Autonomous Automobiles, Self-Driving Car-Sharing and Ride-Hailing, and Driverless Shuttles Harm Cities?
PublikacjaThere is a deficiency of supportive evidence to verify thesis that cities are prepared for mobility revolution which already begun and will advance exponentially. Furthermore, present revisions mostly emphasize how emerging mobility solutions will alter transport efficiency or affect mass transit usage, rather than on urban morphology, metropolitan society, nor local communities. Author is thoroughly concerned that municipalities...
Economic Vitality of Polish Suburbs
PublikacjaFor over 25 years, Poland has been undergoing major political, social and economic transformations. The country's system changed from a planned economy to a free-market, neo-liberal one. The effects of these changes are visible on several levels, including the field of urban planning, where they manifested themselves as the birth of the suburbanization process. In the field of economics, it could be noticed that since 1989, the...
Entrepreneurship nests in a polish edge city
PublikacjaThe last two decades in Poland have been a period of both a dynamic development of the small and medium-sized enterprise sector and a transformation of the city surrounding territories. This development began during the economy transformation after 1989. Population migration and movement of economic entities away from central cities resulted in development of territorial structures within some Polish suburban areas, defined as...
Potencjał strategii slow city dla rozwoju miast kształtujących się metropolii polskich. Na przykładzie Pucka i Kartuz miast Obszaru Metropolitalnego Gdańsk-Sopot-Gdynia
PublikacjaW artykule wskazano możliwości wykorzystania filozofii ruchu Slow, do wykształcenia nowego modelu Metropolitalnych Slow City (MSC). Odniesiono się do założeń ruchu Cittaslow, pokazując potencjały dla alternatywnego kierunku strategii rozwojowej w duchu „miast dobrego życia” dla ośrodków w granicach obszarów metropolitalnych. W podsumowaniu założenia teoretyczne zilustrowano przykładem innowacyjnego modelu projektu rewitalizacji...
Monitoring strategy for industrially contaminated rivers - A study of all year round behaviour of Klodnica river catchment, upper Silesia, Poland
PublikacjaThe study was undertaken to thoroughly characterise the contamination of water in industrially influenced river Klodnica, in order to explore monitoring strategies in case of limited analytical capacity. Statistical analysis undertaken after a short study was found to be helpful in reducing monitoring efforts in the future.Klodnica river is located within area of dominating coal mining, metallurgy, and additionally being influenced...
Uwarunkowania i dylematy polityki regionalnej na obszarze peryferyjnym województwa pomorskiego
PublikacjaIstnieją duże różnice w poziomie rozwoju między obszarami metropolitalnymi a obszarami poza nimi, czyli peryferyjnymi. Różnice te dotyczą również czynników i szans rozwoju. Autor ocenia czynniki rozwojowe w powiatach na obszarze peryferyjnym województwa pomor-skiego. Analizuje też uwarunkowania przestrzenne rozwoju obszaru. Za ważne uwarunkowa-nie uznaje dystans 30 km jako akceptowalny dla dojazdów do pracy. Wynika z niego, że...
Metropolitan dimension of Tri-City: Development of the new harbor structures
PublikacjaThis article deals with the phenomenon of urban waterfront transformation. The special focus is on the Tri-City area in Poland. Both the transformation of port structures and redevelopment of the post-harbor areas are presented.
A new approach to design of weather disruption-tolerant wireless mesh networks
PublikacjaWireless Mesh Networks, offering transmission rates of 1–10 Gb/s per a millimeter-wave link (utilizing the 71–86 GHz band) seem to be a promising alternative to fiber optic backbone metropolitan area networks because of significantly lower costs of deployment and maintenance. However, despite providing high transmission rates in good weather conditions, high-frequency wireless links are very susceptible to weather disruptions....
Data fusion of sparse, heterogeneous, and mobile sensor devices using adaptive distance attention
PublikacjaIn environmental science, where information from sensor devices are sparse, data fusion for mapping purposes is often based on geostatistical approaches. We propose a methodology called adaptive distance attention that enables us to fuse sparse, heterogeneous, and mobile sensor devices and predict values at locations with no previous measurement. The approach allows for automatically weighting the measurements according to a priori...
The Housing Pattern and Entrepreneurship in Polish Suburban Landscape
PublikacjaAbstract. Housing stimulates the development of SMEs (small and medium enterprises) in the suburbs. The multidisciplinary research in fields of urban planning and economics, carried out by the Authors, confirms this trend. The purpose of this paper is to present the multidisciplinary results of the research on the determinants of SME localization in the suburban areas of Gdansk, Gdynia and Sopot (the Metropolitan Area Gdansk–Gdynia-Sopot...
Hanna Obracht-Prondzyńska dr inż. arch.
OsobyDr inż. arch. Hanna Obracht-Prondzyńska Adiunktka na Uniwersytecie Gdańskim w Zakładzie Gospodarki Przestrzennej, nauczycielka akademicka ucząca projektowania urbanistycznego i analizy danych. Architektka i urbanistka zajmującą się projektowaniem w oparciu o dane. Tytuł doktora nauk inżynieryjno-technicznych w dyscyplinie architektura i urbanistyka obroniła z wyróżnieniem w 2020 r. na Wydziale Architektury Politechniki Gdańskiej,...
Economic vitality of Polish suburbs
PublikacjaSince 1989, Poland has been undergoing major political, social and economic transformations. The effects of these changes are visible on several levels, including the field of urban planning, where they manifested themselves as the birth of the suburbanization process. In the field of economics, it could be noticed that since 1989, the SME sector has been awakening very dynamically. Correlation of the parallel development of these...