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Safety PL - a support tool for Road Safety Impact Assessment
PublikacjaPublished on 19 November 2008, the European Union's Directive 2008/96/EC is one of the most important EU documents setting out a road safety orientation, in particular, road infrastructure safety management. It identifies four main areas of activity: road safety impact assessment, road safety audit, ranking of high accident concentration sections and network safety ranking and road infrastructure safety inspection. The Directive...
Modeling of traffic safety indictors on Polish national road network
PublikacjaAlthough decreased from 2001 to 2013, Poland’s road deaths improved at a slower rate than the rest of the EU, leaving Poland as one of the worst road safety performing countries in the EU. The national road network in Poland, despite the dynamic transformation and development, still does not conform to the EU safety standards. Similar situation exists in other EU countries, particularly those in Central and Eastern Europe. Safety...
Support Vector Machine Applied to Road Traffic Event Classification
PublikacjaThe aim of this paper is to present results of road traffic event signal recognition. First, several types of systems for road traffic monitoring, including Intelligent Transport System (ITS) are shortly described. Then, assumptions of creating a database of vehicle signals recorded in different weather and road conditions are outlined. Registered signals were edited as single vehicle pass by. Using the Matlab-based application...
Combining Road Network Data from OpenStreetMap with an Authoritative Database
PublikacjaComputer modeling of road networks requires detailed and up-to-date dataset. This paper proposes a method of combining authoritative databases with OpenStreetMap (OSM) system. The complete route is established by finding paths in the graph constructed from partial data obtained from OSM. In order to correlate data from both sources, a method of coordinate conversion is proposed. The algorithm queries road data from OSM and provides...
Pedestrian safety in road traffic – studies, recommendations and proposed improvements
PublikacjaPedestrians are involved and most frequently the victims of every third road accident in Poland. Pedestrian accidents most frequently occur in complex circumstances, as a result of many factors related to the behaviour of drivers and pedestrians. The basic parameters that determine road safety include the perception of traffic and visibility on the road. The paper will present the results of research conducted within the project...
Automatic road traffic safety management system in urban areas
PublikacjaTraffic incidents and accidents contribute to decreasing levels of transport system reliability and safety. Traffic management and emergency systems on the road, using, among others, automatic detection, video surveillance, communication technologies and institutional solutions improve the organization of the work of various departments involved in traffic and safety management. Automation of incident management helps to reduce...
Technical and Economic Analysis of the Implementation of Selected Variants of Road Investment
PublikacjaThe aim of the article is to analyze three variants of modernization and reconstruction of a road intersection, which in practice is the cause of numerous collisions and accidents. Detailed design solutions are presented for them. The aim of the analyses is to indicate an effective solution that, taking into account technical modifications of the road system elements, will ensure the functionality of the road system to the highest...
The role of numerical tests in assessing road restraint system functionality
PublikacjaKey to understanding the needs and building road infrastructure management tools to prevent and mitigate run-off-road accidents is to identify hazards and their sources which are a result of wrong design, construction, and installation of road restraint systems. Building such tools requires advanced studies with field tests, simulations and models to demonstrate the effects of selected parameters on road user safety. The research...
Application of the LifeRoSE method in funcionality evaluation of road safety equipment
PublikacjaThe article presents a mathematical model of the life cycle estimation method of road safety equipment. Then the model was adjusted to estimate the life cycle costs of the chosen horizontal road marking. Using the LCC method, the functionality of the horizontal marking was evaluated in terms of efficiency, durability and economic effectiveness. The article also presents the impact of selected factors on the life cycle costs of...
The rigid and flexible road pavements in terms of life cycle costs
PublikacjaThe cost of road pavement construction, its durability and reliability depends on many factors, including: the scope and detail of the technical design, quality of work but also the scope of works related to its maintenance, conservation and operation. Determining the amount of rational expenses, in terms of the life cycle cost of the pavement, requires determination and consideration of the above issues, already at the planning...
Estimation of Average Speed of Road Vehicles by Sound Intensity Analysis
PublikacjaConstant monitoring of road traffic is important part of modern smart city systems. The proposed method estimates average speed of road vehicles in the observation period, using a passive acoustic vector sensor. Speed estimation based on sound intensity analysis is a novel approach to the described problem. Sound intensity in two orthogonal axes is measured with a sensor placed alongside the road. Position of the apparent sound...
Selective monitoring of noise emitted by vehicles involved in road traffic
PublikacjaAn acoustic intensity probe was developed measures the sound intensity in three orthogonal directions, making possible to calculate the azimuth and elevation angles, describing the sound source position. The acoustic sensor is made in the form of a cube with a side of 10 mm, on the inner surfaces of which the digital MEMS microphones are mounted. The algorithm works in two stages. The first stage is based on the analysis of sound...
Machine learning applied to acoustic-based road traffic monitoring
PublikacjaThe motivation behind this study lies in adapting acoustic noise monitoring systems for road traffic monitoring for driver’s safety. Such a system should recognize a vehicle type and weather-related pavement conditions based on the audio level measurement. The study presents the effectiveness of the selected machine learning algorithms in acoustic-based road traffic monitoring. Bases of the operation of the acoustic road traffic...
Machine learning applied to acoustic-based road traffic monitoring
PublikacjaThe motivation behind this study lies in adapting acoustic noise monitoring systems for road traffic monitoring for driver’s safety. Such a system should recognize a vehicle type and weather-related pavement conditions based on the audio level measurement. The study presents the effectiveness of the selected machine learning algorithms in acoustic-based road traffic monitoring. Bases of the operation of the acoustic road traffic...
The contribution of tire/road noise to the overal noise of cars and motocycles
PublikacjaOmówiono wływ hałasu opon i hałasu jednostki napędowej na całkowity hałas generowany przez pojazd. Zaprezentowano opracowany w Katedrze pojazdów i Maszyn Roboczych PG program VENOM do symulacji halasu pojazdów w ruchu drogowym. Przy pomocy tego programu określono wpływ zmiennych warunków ruchu drogowego na hałas generowany przez pojazd. Uwzględnioino przyspieszanie na poszczególnych biegach, hamowanie z różnymi prędkościami oraz...
The Non-Lantibiotic Bacteriocin Garvicin Q Targets Man-PTS in a Broad Spectrum of Sensitive Bacterial Genera
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Times Series Analysis Of Road Safety Trends At The Regional Level In Poland
PublikacjaThe paper presents possibility of applying a structural times series modeling with explanatory and intervention variables as a tool capable for explaining the changes in the monthly number of fatalities and seriously injured in traffic accidents. The analysis covers regional level and takes into consideration traffic accidents data of two regions: Pomorskie and Warmia-Mazury. In addition short-term forecasts for the two regions...
Rolling resistance and tyre/road noise on rubberised asphalt pavement in Poland
PublikacjaThe paper presents results of tyre/road noise and rolling resistance measurements performed on stone mastics asphalt (SMA) that contains rubberised asphalt, developed and produced by a refinery in Poland. Bituminous binder was modified with polymer and addition of crumb rubber. The first observations of asphalt mixture with the new kind of modified bitumen used on the field section are presented. Rolling resistance of passenger...
Risks related to car fire on innovative Poroelastic Road Surfaces-PERS
PublikacjaTo reduce tyre/road noise, the concept of poroelastic road surfaces (PERS) was invented. PERS is a road surface material that is porous, and at the same time, it is flexible because of the substantial amount of rubber granulate content (from 20% to 85%). The rubber and stone particles are bound by polyurethane resin instead of bitumen. It was feared that in case of fire, because of the high content of rubber and polyurethane, there...
Foreign visitors from Visegrad countries with regard to road safety in Poland
PublikacjaIn the paper the authors present road safety situation in the Polish regions mostly visited by Czech, Slovakian and Hungarian tourists. These regions include Mazowieckie, Dolnoslaskie, Slaskie and Malopolskie voivodeships. After description of the regions and main touristic destinations for foreigners from Visegrad countries, a detailed road safety analysis performed for the period 2007-2012 is given. The paper ends with conclusions in...
Road Safety Observatories within the Structure of Integrated Transport Safety Systems
PublikacjaAccurate knowledge about the causes, circumstances and place of transport accidents is the prerequisite to take the correct action to improve transport safety. Developing appropriate organizational structures, forms and methods of management and implementation of safety measures in the sectoral approach condition the success. Therefore the Safety Information System is one of the integral areas of the Integrated Transport Safety...
Laboratory Investigations of Frost Susceptibility of Aggregates Applied to Road Base Courses
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Influence of the mobility package on the functioning of the Polish road transport of goods sector
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Site environment type – The main factor of urban road dust toxicity?
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The Impact of COVID-19 on Road Freight Transport Evidence from Poland
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Tire/road noise measuring principles according to the Close Proximity Method
PublikacjaW pracy podano metody badania hałasu opon samochodowych. Omówiono przyczepy pomiarowe zbudowane w Politechnice Gdańskiej oraz systemy pomiarowe stosowane do pomiaru hałasu opon zgodnie z metodą CPX.
GAMBIT's position within the European Union's III Road Safety Plan
PublikacjaOtwarcie Seminarium GAMBIT 2006, poświęcone wnioskom z dotychczasowych działań oraz planom na przyszłość, zawartym w najnowszym Krajowym Programie GAMBIT 2005. Prace nad nim rozpoczęto w sierpniu 2004, czyli tuż po wejściu Polski do Unii Europejskiej. W kwietniu 2005 Rada Ministrów przyjęła GAMBIT 2005 jako program dla Polski na lata 2005-2013, skonstruowany zgodnie z metodyką opracowaną dla tych krajów UE-25, których poziom zagrożenia...
The Comparison of the Emissions from Light Duty Vehicle in On-road and NEDC Tests
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Investigation of the road noise source employing an automatic noise monitoring station
PublikacjaThe paper presents a pilot investigation of noise source models in two selected localizations in the context of future dynamic noise map creation. The experiments were carried out using the automatic noise monitoring station engineered at the Multimedia Systems Departmentof the Gda´nsk University of Technology. The results of the noise measurements employing monitoring stations and its comparison to the reference values are depicted....
Certification of vehicles used for tire/road noise evaluation by CPX method
PublikacjaJednym ze sposobów oceny hałasu opon i nawierzchni drogowych jest metda CPX polegająca na pomiarze hałasu w polu bliskim miejsca współpracy opony z nawierzchnią. Aby uzyskać wysoką dokładność pomiarów niezbędne jest ustanowienie procedur ustanowienie procedur certyfikacyjnych sprzętu pomiarowego a więc głównie pojazdu badawczego. Praca dotyczy procedur certyfikacyjnych wypracowanych przez Grupę Roboczą WG33 ISO/TC43/SC1 oraz w...
Influence of 8-Hour Road Transportation on Selected Physiological Parameters in Horses
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The impact of road network structure and mobility on the national traffic fatality rate
PublikacjaW pracy określono wpływ wybranych miar struktury sieci drogowej i mobilności mieszkańców na wskaźnik śmiertelności w wypadkach drogowych na bazie dostępnych danych z wielu krajów świata. Opracowano wieloczynnikowe modele nieliniowe pozwalające na określenie wpływu wielu istotnych czynników: ekonomicznych, systemowych, motoryzacyjnych i infrastrukturalnych na bezpieczeństwo ruchu drogowego mierzonego wskaźnikiem śmiertelności RFR.
Road safety analysis in Poland using time-series modelling techniques
PublikacjaA number of international studies argue that there is a correlation between the number of traffic fatalities and the degree of public activity. The studies use the unemployment rate to support that argument. As unemployment grows miles travelled fall, a factor known to affect road safety. This relationship seems to be true for Poland, as well. The model presented in the paper is intended to prove it. It is a structural time-series local...
Mn Road Facility Badania nawierzchni drogowych w amerykańskim stylu
PublikacjaPomimo znacznego rozwoju technik modelowania matematycznego oraz badań laboratoryjnych nie jest obecnie możliwe wyeliminowanie badań nawierzchni drogowych i ich monitorowania w warunkach drogowych. W pracy przedstawiono drogowe badania oporu toczenia opon samochodowych na torach doświadczalnych Francji i Stanów Zjednoczonych wykonane za pomocą przryczepy dynamometrycznej zbudowanej w Politechnice Gdańskiej. Podano przykładowe wyniki...
The New Silk Road: Seeking Opportunities for Polish Exports in the Chinese Market
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The Sustainable Development and Economic Impact of China’s Belt and Road Initiative in Ethiopia
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The Impact of Road Network Structure and Mobility on the National Traffic Fatality Rate
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PublikacjaTyre/road noise is one of the most important environmental problems related to road traffic. Nowadays a few standard procedures of tyre/road noise measurements are in use. Unfortunately, measurement conditions specified within relevant standards are very different. For example, procedure described in ISO 11819-2 used for pavement investigations requires tyre load of 3200 N and capped inflation pressure of 200 kPa. At the same time...
Low-Temperature Requirements for Bitumen in Central East European Road Construction
PublikacjaThe paper presents the proposition of special assessment of lowtemperature requirements for bitumens in the region of Central and Eastern Europe where there is a moderate transitional area from sea to the continental type of climate. The results of the research program conducted on the road neat bitumens, Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene polymer and polymer-rubber modified bitumen, and multigrade bitumen types were presented and discussed....
The effects of selected factors on regional road fatalities – analysis of the Łódź region
PublikacjaAnalysis of regional accident records shows that a country’s national road safety programme does not have the same effect in each of its regions. What may be a serious problem in one region may be of marginal significance in another. Polish and international experience shows that main risk groups and types of accidents related to the level of development and quality of the road network differ from region to region. The conclusion...
From hobbies, straightforward analysis to serious research – the road to phd degree
PublikacjaThe illustration of the main articles goal is an example of author's academic career course, the aim of which is to obtain a doctoral degree in the field of geodesy and cartography. Today, the most important thing for the young scientist is the devotion to research in certain field of science, which is interested for the large community of scientists. From a psychological point of view, a unity of interest and experiments must...
Analysis of soundscape recordings in close proximity to the road in changeable wather conditions
PublikacjaThe acoustic vehicle sensing is the least invasive type of traffic detection. Also, acoustic-based vehicle detection technology is insensitive to precipitation and can operate in low light level. Therefore, this kind of method may be used for automatic detection of the vehicle passage events. It can also be employed for measurements of a vehicle speed and the vehicle assignment to the particular category. In this paper the results...
ROSANNE Project: New Procedure for Noise Characterisation of Road Surfaces in Europe
PublikacjaROSANNE is a collaborative project in the 7th EU Framework Programme which aims at harmonising measurement methods for skid resistance, noise emission and rolling resistance of road pavements as a preparation for standardization. The project started in November 2013 and is developing and improving standards in the field of working group CEN/TC 227/WG 5. Regarding the influence of the pavement on the road traffic noise emission,...
Reduction of road traffic noise by source measures — present and future strategies
PublikacjaThe current trend worldwide is less focused on reducing road traffic noise. This is in strong contrast to the severe impact of traffic noise to the general health and quality of life. A more holistic and combined strategy is needed. Current international rules and regulations regarding vehicles and tyres are not sufficient to reduce traffic noise levels in an effective way. Calculations show that these regulations will only yield...
Development of tools for road infrastructure safety management for the provinces (voivodeships) in Poland
PublikacjaThe development of modern tools for road infrastructure safety management will help to reduce the number of fatalities and serious injuries as one of the main objectives adopted in 2013 in the National Road Safety Programme 2014-2020 and the new Road Safety Programme 2011-2020 in the EU. Risk Management in Highway Engineering can be applied in developing tools essential in the process of safety management. Risk Management in Highway...
Rolling Resistance And Tire/Road Noise on Rubberized Asphalt Pavement In Poland
PublikacjaThe paper presents results of tire/road noise and rolling resistance measurements performed on stone-matrix asphalt (SMA) that contains rubberized asphalt developed and produced by the company in Poland. Bituminous binder was modified with polymer and additive of crumb rubber. First observations of asphalt mixture with the new kind of modified bitumen used on the field section are presented. Rolling resistance of passenger car...
Stability analysis of a road scarp in the Carpathian Mountains and methods of its protection
PublikacjaThe purpose of the study was to analyse the stability of a road scarp endangered by a landslide and to consider some measures for its stabilization. The potential landslide could unfavourably alter the shape of the slope, thus a religious sanctuary situated above the slope. The present research has resulted in suggestions of possible protection methods, namely, drainage, soil nailing, installation of piles, supporting the scarp...
Novel proposal for V2X systems and WBAN cooperation to improve road safety
PublikacjaIn this paper, a novel proposal of the automotive Vehicle-to-Everything system solution is presented. In this proposal, there are included the Machine to Machine type communication system and the sensor system based on a short-range the Wireless Body Area Network communication. The aim of this paper is the analysis of the model for communication, especially its architecture and signals structure for the proposed solution. The use...
Pedestrian and bicycle bridges as examples of safe collision-free road crossings
PublikacjaPedestrians are most at risk when they are crossing the road. This represents a significant proportion of all fatalities among pedestrians, amounting respectively to 50% in non-built-up areas and 75% in built-up areas. The most frequent reason for this accident is failure to give way. What is most terrible is that 30% of pedestrian accidents occurred at marked pedestrian crossings. Therefore, an important part of pedestrian safety...
Pylon foundation of a cable stayed bridge at the motorway ring road of Wrocław
PublikacjaThe largest bridge of the motorway ring road of Wroclaw is a cable stayed bridge over the Odra river near Rędzin. Due to hydrogeological conditions of the ground it was not convenient to use standard bored piles of high length. Instead shorter piles were applied with additional improvement by cement injections at the pile toes. This decision was possible by extending ground investigation program and application of numerical modeling...