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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: PATHS STRATEGIES

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: PATHS STRATEGIES

  • Informatization strategies (l/lab)_STACJ._winter 2022/23

    Kursy Online
    • B. Woliński


    Kursy Online
    • J. Szulc

  • Małgorzata Dymnicka dr hab.


  • Solubility advantage of sulfanilamide and sulfacetamide in natural deep eutectic systems: experimental and theoretical investigations



    Objective: The aim of this study was to explore the possibility of using natural deep eutectic solvents (NADES) as solvation media for enhancement of solubility of sulfonamides, as well as gaining some thermodynamic characteristics of the analyzed systems. Significance: Low solubility of many active pharmaceutical ingredients is a well-recognized difficulty in pharmaceutical industry, hence the need for different strategies addressing...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Przydział narzędzi obróbkowych a efektywność szeregowania zadań produkcyjnych

    The paper addresses issues concerning the analysis of tool flow within a multi-machine machining cell, designated to small batch manufacturing a definite spectrum of prismatic parts. The approach utilises a method for job and tool allocation to work centres with limited number of machines and capacity of tool resources, based on the analysis of formalised relations: job - tool sets required. Selected allocation strategies are considered...

  • Development of polyurethanes for bone repair

    The purpose of this paper is to review recent developments on polyurethanes aimed at the design, synthesis, modifications, and biological properties in the field of bone tissue engineering. Different polyurethane systems are presented and discussed in terms of biodegradation, biocompatibility and bioactivity. A comprehensive discussion is provided of the influence of hard to soft segments ratio, catalysts, stiffness and hydrophilicity...

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  • Małgorzata Gawrycka dr hab.

    Małgorzata Gawrycka, absolwentka Wydziału Zarządzania Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, doktor habilitowana nauk ekonomicznych. W latach 2012-2020 prodziekan ds. dydaktyki Wydziału Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej. Obecnie dziekan Wydziału. Zainteresowania naukowe koncentrują się na zagadnieniach związanych z polityka makroekonomiczną państwa. W szczególności problematyka sytuacji na runku pracy, zmian demograficznych, kwalifikacji...

  • Marketing miedzynarodowy


    - Rok 2005

    4.2. Cena - w podrozdziale przedstawiono podstawowe definicje, strategie cenowe, proces ustalania ceny i metody jej wyznaczania, określono ponadto taktyczną rolę ceny4.3. Dystrybucja - podrozdział obejmuje podstawowe pojęcia w zakresie dystrybucji, kryteria klasyfikacji oraz typy kanałów dystrybucji. W tej części pracy scharakteryzowano ponadto sprzedaż hurtową oraz detaliczną, rodzaje pośredników, formy i strategie dystrybucji,...

  • Ad Hoc WLAN with Selfish, Secretive, and Short-Sighted Stations


    - Rok 2009

    Przy pomocy aparatu matematycznego tzw. gier na wyniszczenie przeanalizowano równowagowe strategie żądań transferu sesji danych w sieciach lokalnych z dostępem do medium metodą aukcji. Zwrócono uwagę na zjawisko dołączania do sesji ruchu pojawiającego się już po procedurze aukcji i pokazano, w jaki sposób wpływa to na strategie stacji.

  • Analysis of electromagnetic disturbances in DC network of grid connected building-integrated photovoltaic system


    - Rok 2015

    This paper focuses on conducted electromagnetic interference (EMI) emissions and propagation in the DC network of grid connected building integrated photovoltaic (PV) system. The investigated PV system, consists of ten solar panels, cabling and the grid-connected one phase inverter. The EMI simulation model of the real PV system has been developed with the aid of impedance analyzer measurements of solar panels and the DC network...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Optymalizacja podatkowa jako element zarządzania finansami przedsiębiorstwa

    Cel – Celem niniejszego artykułu jest ukazanie, iż optymalizacja podatkowa powinna być elementem strategii każdego przedsiębiorstwa. W opracowaniu omówiono pojęcie i istotę optymalizacji podatkowej oraz wskazano przesłanki jej stosowania w przedsiębiorstwie. Następnie wskazano miejsce optymalizacji podatkowej w procesie zarządzania przedsiębiorstwem i omówiono strategię podatkową. Następnie przeanalizowano ryzyko podatkowe i w...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • Radio Channel Measurements in 868 MHz Off-Body Communications in a Ferry Environment


    - Rok 2017

    In this paper, a characterization of the 868 MHz off-body radio channel in BANs is presented. Measurements were carried out in a ferry environment using a specific set-up. A method for path loss using radio distance measurements (RDMs) was developed. It allows to automate the measurements process and make it independent from the variable speed of a moving person. Based on the observed path loss as a function of distance, the obtained...

  • Innowacje w strategiach rozwoju województw a poziom innowacyjności


    Wzrost poziomu innowacyjności jako czynnika wzrostu konkurencyjności jest celem (lub jednym z celów) strategicznym zarówno strategii rozwoju kraju, jak i strategii regionalnych. Analiza wojewódzkich dokumentów strategicznych oraz poziomu innowacyjności poszczególnych województw pozwala na ocenę stopnia wdrożenia strategii.

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • Katania, 2023, Road SS114 – csv data from sensors on bicycle

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    Data collected with bicycle-mounted sensors on 06.07.2023 while cycling on the cycle path along the SS114 road in Catania. The data includes parameters such as:  gps coordinates- txt files, brain waves and heart rate- csv file.


    Kursy Online
    • M. Kasprzyk
    • M. Gajewska

    The course is dedicated to students at 3 semester of Environmental Engineering. The subject is related to two issues. First is monitoring of the environment- different component of the environment like water, air, soil. Conditions necessary for reliable monitoring and analysis of the results of this monitoring are also discussed. Second is management and covers: Historical development of environmental strategies for protection...


    Kursy Online
    • M. Kasprzyk
    • M. Gajewska

    The course is dedicated to students at 3 semester of Environmental Engineering. The subject is related to two issues. First is monitoring of the environment- different component of the environment like water, air, soil. Conditions necessary for reliable monitoring and analysis of the results of this monitoring are also discussed. Second is management and covers: Historical development of environmental strategies for protection...


    Kursy Online
    • M. Kasprzyk
    • M. Gajewska

    The course is dedicated to students at 3 semester of Environmental Engineering. The subject is related to two issues. First is monitoring of the environment- different component of the environment like water, air, soil. Conditions necessary for reliable monitoring and analysis of the results of this monitoring are also discussed. Second is management and covers: Historical development of environmental strategies for protection...

  • Management and Environmental Monitoring 2023/2024 - winter

    Kursy Online
    • M. Kasprzyk
    • M. Gajewska

    The course is dedicated to students at 3 semester of Environmental Engineering. The subject is related to two issues. First is monitoring of the environment- different component of the environment like water, air, soil. Conditions necessary for reliable monitoring and analysis of the results of this monitoring are also discussed. Second is management and covers: Historical development of environmental strategies for protection...

  • Management and Environmental Monitoring 2024/2025 - winter

    Kursy Online

    The course is dedicated to students at 3 semester of Environmental Engineering. The subject is related to two issues. First is monitoring of the environment- different component of the environment like water, air, soil. Conditions necessary for reliable monitoring and analysis of the results of this monitoring are also discussed. Second is management and covers: Historical development of environmental strategies for protection...

  • Adaptive Hyperparameter Tuning within Neural Network-based Efficient Global Optimization


    - Rok 2024

    In this paper, adaptive hyperparameter optimization (HPO) strategies within the efficient global optimization (EGO) with neural network (NN)-based prediction and uncertainty (EGONN) algorithm are proposed. These strategies utilize Bayesian optimization and multiarmed bandit optimization to tune HPs during the sequential sampling process either every iteration (HPO-1itr) or every five iterations (HPO-5itr). Through experiments using...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Basics of Data Warehouses Path

    Kursy Online
    • A. Nabożny
    • G. Gołaszewski
    • T. Zawadzka
    • K. Goczyła

    Within this path the basic aspects of data warehouses (architecture, star schema, etc.) are discussed. The course is intended for students of the 1st degree of Informatics Field (semester 5) -  Kurs planowany dla studentów I stopnia kierunku informatyka (semestr 5) - przedmiot Hurtownie danych oraz dla studentów II stopnia kierunku informatyka, specjalność ZAD.

  • Ranking ecosystem services delivered by trees in urban and rural areas


    - AMBIO - Rok 2022

    Policies and strategies for tree management and protection on a national, regional, and local level have not sufficiently considered differences between rural and urban areas. We used expert knowledge to compare rural and urban areas in a case study evaluating the relative importance of ecosystem services (ES) in policy development. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and focus group discussions were used to rank 17 ES, representing...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • The surface of a fragment of the structure of an integrated circuit in the semi-contact mode.

    Dane Badawcze

    The surface of a fragment of the structure of an integrated circuit. Topographic measurements in the semi-contact mode. NTEGRA Prima (NT-MDT) device. NSG 01 probe.

  • An Empirical Propagation Model for Corridors in Office Buildings

    This paper presents an empirical propagation path loss model for corridors in office buildings. The proposed model estimates changeable character of radio signal attenuation, based on a special approach as a combination of the simple free-space model with the author’s model. The measurement stand and measurement scenario are described. The propagation path loss research have been made in corridor for different frequencies in range...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • Exploring DAD and ADD Methods for Dealing with Urban Heat Island Effect


    The Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect in the context of climate change and temperature fluctuations is an increasing challenge for contemporary cities. Numerous activities focus on mitigation and adaptation to the UHI effect using both appropriately selected design strategies and technological solutions. However, not all of these technologies support the postulates of ecological and low-carbon cities. Their design, implementation,...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • Polityka personalna w przedsiębiorstwie przyszłości

    W artykule przedstawiono wpływ strategii personalnej na zarządzanie przedsiębiorstwem przyszłości. Zanalizowano następujące rodzaje strategii personalnych: rekrutacji, awansowania, szkolenia, oceniania, wynagradzania i motywowania.

  • Non-causal final impulse response filters for the maximum return from capital markets


    W artykule rozważa się strategię operacji na rynkach kapitałowych, która polega na kupowaniu lub sprzedawaniu instrumentu finansowego, kiedy sygnał wyjściowy nie-przyczynowego filtru o skończonej odpowiedzi impulsowej osiąga odpowiednio minimum lub maksimum. Celem artykułu jest wyznaczenie "najlepszego" nie-przyczynowego filtru o skończonej odpowiedzi impulsowej (FIR), który zapewnia maksymalną stopę zwrotu z rynku przy użyciu...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • Patryk Jasik dr inż.

  • System bezpieczeństwa narodowego RP.


    - Rok 2009

    System bezpieczeństwa narodowego RP1. struktura systemu2.strategia bezpieczeństwa narodowego RP3. zarządzanie kryzysowe- podstawa prawna działania- struktura organizacyjna i kompetencje- realizowana strategia działania4. podsumowanie

  • Błażej Prusak dr hab.

    Błażej Prusak jest kierownikiem Katedry Finansów na Wydziale Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej oraz redaktorem naczelnym czasopisma Research on Enterprise in Modern Economy - theory and practice (REME)/Przedsiębiorstwo we współczesnej gospodarce - teoria i praktyka, a także członkiem komitetów redakcyjnych takich czasopism jak: Intellectual Economics; Przestrzeń. Ekonomia. Społeczeństwo; Akademia Zarządzania. Jest autorem...

  • Laser Beam as a Precision Tool to Increase Fatigue Resistance in an Eyelet of Undercarriage Drag Strut

    The article contains the results of tests on a laser-processed eyelet of undercarriage drag strut to increase its fatigue strength. Laser processing concentrated on both sides around the hole of eye for connecting the undercarriage drag strut caused that the material in this area withstood more than twice the number of load cycles established for this material. In order to determine the reasons for the increase in fatigue strength,...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • Ball on disk test AL(rf.)-Al2O3-r25

    Dane Badawcze

    Hard particle reinforced Al6061 alloy testing. Laser remelting and kinetic injection of particulate material. Ball on disc tribological test. Ball material: Al2O3. Ball diameter: 5 mm. Sliding path radius: 25 mm. Disk material: Al6061 not treated (reference).

  • Ball on disk test AL(rf.)-Al2O3-r15

    Dane Badawcze

    Hard particle reinforced Al6061 alloy testing. Laser remelting and kinetic injection of particulate material. Ball on disc tribological test. Ball material: Al2O3. Ball diameter: 5 mm. Sliding path radius: 15 mm. Disk material: Al6061 not treated (reference).

  • Powodzie miejskie – planowanie zagospodarowania przestrzennego

    Strategia przeciwdziałaniom powstawaniu powodzi miejskich. Działania niezbędne na etapie planowania zagospodarowania przestrzennego. Aktualne zasady planowania, miejsce wód opadowych. Braki w istniejącej dokumentacji. Strategia postepowania.

  • Strategia Rozwoju Gmin 2022/23

    Kursy Online
    • J. Sołtys
    • J. Bach-Głowińska

  • On the Possibility of Increasing Ship Energy Efficiency Through Improved Propulsion Control System


    - Rok 2023

    This paper summarizes the analyses conducted to assess the impact of the ship's propulsion control system on energy efficiency in calm, manoeuvre, and sea wave conditions, where the goal of the investigation is to develop new strategies for controlling the ship's motion while considering the interactions between the hull, engine, and propeller.

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Rhodotorulic Acid and its Derivatives: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications

    Siderophores are low molecular weight compounds produced by microorganisms to scavenge iron in iron-deficient environments. Rhodotorulic acid, a natural hydroxamate siderophore, plays a vital role in iron acquisition for fungi and bacteria. As the simplest natural hydroxamate siderophore, it exhibits a high affinity for ferric ions, enabling it to form stable complexes that facilitate iron uptake and transport within microorganisms....

  • Trust and distrust in electoral technologies: what can we learn from the failure of electronic voting in the Netherlands (2006/07)


    - Rok 2024

    This paper focuses on the complex dynamics of trust and distrust in digital government technologies by approaching the cancellation of machine voting in the Netherlands (2006-07). This case describes how a previously trusted system can collapse, how paradoxical the relationship between trust and distrust is, and how it interacts with adopting and managing electoral technologies. The analysis stresses how, although...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • Managing change through team building in the context of organizing Erasmus+ mobility projects at the Gdańsk Tech Library

    The article discusses managing change through team building in the context of organizing Erasmus+ mobility projects in the Gdańsk University of Technology Library as the main strategy which contributed to the projects’ success. The authors describe the projects realized in the years 2017-2019 within the scope of the Erasmus+ programme. The organizers decided to take a responsible and active approach towards managing change and...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • Are you a Strategic Thinker? WINTER 24

    Kursy Online
    • M. McPhillips

    The course explores strategic management choices along with the role of innovation in creating sustainable competitive advantage. It introduces frameworks and tools of strategic management (e.g. how to analyze organizations in their industry context and how to design and execute a coherent strategy). Concepts such as value creation, product diversification, clustering and open innovation will be explored to understand how entrepreneurs...

  • An Empirical Model for the Polarisation Characteristics of Indoor Off-Body Channels


    - Rok 2017

    This paper presents an analysis of the polarisation characteristics for the channel in dynamic off-body communications, and an empirical channel model, based on measurements performed at 2.45 GHz in an office environment. Body presence and propagation conditions have a strong influence on signal depolarisation. The model assumes three components for the total path loss: mean path loss, represented by a log-distance function with...

  • Sources and composition of chemical pollution in Maritime Antarctica (King George Island), part 1: Sediment and water analysis for PAH sources evaluation in the vicinity of Arctowski station


    - CHEMOSPHERE - Rok 2022

    The paper presents a study regarding the identification of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in fresh waters and surface sediments on the western shore of Admiralty Bay over four sampling seasons from 2017 to 2018. The results were compared to literature data from 2016 to provide a more comprehensive image of the environmental fate of PAHs over the years. The highest value of Σ PAHs was 82.9 ng/L and 445 ng/g dw in water...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • Ball on disk test AT4_11-Al2O3-r25

    Dane Badawcze

    Hard particle reinforced Al6061 alloy testing. Laser remelting and kinetic injection of particulate material. Ball on disc tribological test. Ball material: Al2O3. Ball diameter: 5 mm. Sliding path radius: 25 mm. Disk material: Al6061 TiN powder injected (AT4_11).

  • Ball on disk test AT3_21-Al2O3-r25

    Dane Badawcze

    Hard particle reinforced Al6061 alloy testing. Laser remelting and kinetic injection of particulate material. Ball on disc tribological test. Ball material: Al2O3. Ball diameter: 5 mm. Sliding path radius: 25 mm. Disk material: Al6061 TiN powder injected (AT3_21).

  • Ball on disk test AW4_1-Al2O3-r15

    Dane Badawcze

    Hard particle reinforced Al6061 alloy testing. Laser remelting and kinetic injection of particulate material. Ball on disc tribological test. Ball material: Al2O3. Ball diameter: 5 mm. Sliding path radius: 15 mm. Disk material: Al6061 WC powder injected (AW4_1).

  • Ball on disk test AT4_4-Al2O3-r15

    Dane Badawcze

    Hard particle reinforced Al6061 alloy testing. Laser remelting and kinetic injection of particulate material. Ball on disc tribological test. Ball material: Al2O3. Ball diameter: 5 mm. Sliding path radius: 15 mm. Disk material: Al6061 TiN powder injected (AT4_4).

  • Ball on disk test AW4_11-Al2O3-r25

    Dane Badawcze

    Hard particle reinforced Al6061 alloy testing. Laser remelting and kinetic injection of particulate material. Ball on disc tribological test. Ball material: Al2O3. Ball diameter: 5 mm. Sliding path radius: 25 mm. Disk material: Al6061 WC powder injected (AW4_11).

  • Ball on disk test AT4_1-Al2O3-r15

    Dane Badawcze

    Hard particle reinforced Al6061 alloy testing. Laser remelting and kinetic injection of particulate material. Ball on disc tribological test. Ball material: Al2O3. Ball diameter: 5 mm. Sliding path radius: 15 mm. Disk material: Al6061 TiN powder injected (AT4_1).

  • Ball on disk test AT4_41-Al2O3-r25

    Dane Badawcze

    Hard particle reinforced Al6061 alloy testing. Laser remelting and kinetic injection of particulate material. Ball on disc tribological test. Ball material: Al2O3. Ball diameter: 5 mm. Sliding path radius: 25 mm. Disk material: Al6061 TiN powder injected (AT4_41).

  • Ball on disk test AT3_2-Al2O3-r15

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    Hard particle reinforced Al6061 alloy testing. Laser remelting and kinetic injection of particulate material. Ball on disc tribological test. Ball material: Al2O3. Ball diameter: 5 mm. Sliding path radius: 15 mm. Disk material: Al6061 TiN powder injected (AT3_2).