Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: CATEGORISATION - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: CATEGORISATION

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: CATEGORISATION

  • Categorization of Cloud Workload Types with Clustering

    The paper presents a new classification schema of IaaS cloud workloads types, based on the functional characteristics. We show the results of an experiment of automatic categorization performed with different benchmarks that represent particular workload types. Monitoring of resource utilization allowed us to construct workload models that can be processed with machine learning algorithms. The direct connection between the functional...

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  • Categorization of Wikipedia articles with spectral clustering

    Abstract. The article reports application of clustering algorithms for creating hierarchical groups withinWikipedia articles.We evaluate three spectral clustering algorithms based on datasets constructed with usage ofWikipedia categories. Selected algorithm has been implemented in the system that categorize Wikipedia search results in the fly.

  • Text classifiers for automatic articles categorization


    The article concerns the problem of automatic classification of textual content. We present selected methods for generation of documents representation and we evaluate them in classification tasks. The experiments have been performed on Wikipedia articles classified automatically to their categories made by Wikipedia editors.

  • Parallel Computations of Text Similarities for Categorization Task


    - Rok 2013

    In this chapter we describe the approach to parallel implementation of similarities in high dimensional spaces. The similarities computation have been used for textual data categorization. A test datasets we create from Wikipedia articles that with their hyper references formed a graph used in our experiments. The similarities based on Euclidean distance and Cosine measure have been used to process the data using k-means algorithm....

  • Text Categorization Improvement via User Interaction


    - Rok 2018

    In this paper, we propose an approach to improvement of text categorization using interaction with the user. The quality of categorization has been defined in terms of a distribution of objects related to the classes and projected on the self-organizing maps. For the experiments, we use the articles and categories from the subset of Simple Wikipedia. We test three different approaches for text representation. As a baseline we use...

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    - Przestrzeń i Forma - Rok 2023

    Urban planning and urban design involve complex processes that require detailed information about the visual information of a place at various scales. Different graphic tools, such as game engines, are evolving to use urban representation fields. The concept of "level of detail" (LOD) has been used to categorize the level of detail in AEC applications such as BIM and GML for urban representation models. However, there is a need...

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  • Text categorization with semantic commonsense knowledge: First results


    - Rok 2008

    Do przetwarzania tekstów typowo wykorzystuje się reprezentacjeBOW. Podejście takie nie daje jednak dobrych rezultatów w sytuacjigdy podobne dokumenty nie współdzielą ze sobą słów.W artykule zaprezentowano podejście do konstrukcji funkcjijądra dla klasyfikatorów SVM opartego na zewnętrznej bazie wiedzyo pojęciach językowych.

  • Knowledge management implementation in small and micro KIBS : A categorization


    - Knowledge and Process Management - Rok 2023

    he main goal of the paper is to provide a statistical categorization of small and micro knowledge-intensive business service (KIBS) companies, based on their knowledge management (KM) attitude. Since knowledge is the main production factor and output of these companies, it is essential to achieve a better understanding of how they manage this resource. A questionnaire-based survey was conducted on a sample of Polish small and micro...

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  • The categorization of the tourist services quality perception determinants in hierarchical conception


    - Rok 2011

    W niniejszym rozdziale zaprezentowano kategoryzację determinant percepcji jakości usług turystycznych. Omówione zostały główne grupy oraz determinanty elementarne z wykorzystaniem ujęcia modeli hierarchicznych.

  • Categorization of emotions in dog behavior based on the deep neural network

    The aim of this article is to present a neural system based on stock architecture for recognizing emotional behavior in dogs. Our considerations are inspired by the original work of Franzoni et al. on recognizing dog emotions. An appropriate set of photographic data has been compiled taking into account five classes of emotional behavior in dogs of one breed, including joy, anger, licking, yawning, and sleeping. Focusing on a particular...

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  • The potential of computational methods for the categorization of architectural objects on the example of media architecture


    The paper presents an example of the categorization of architectural objects and assessment of the characteristics of urban space, based on the analysis of specific features of architectural objects and urban landscape. The conducted analysis refers to media architecture and is presented in the complex context of the development of media solutions. The field of influence of IT on architecture is also stressed, both on the architect’s...

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  • A prediction of the fault-induced instability of circuit under test as a new approach in categorisation of faults.


    - Rok 2004

    W artykule przedstawiono nowy sposób kategoryzacji uszkodzeń w analogowych układach elektronicznych. Zaproponowano kryterium oparte na predykcji niestabilności indukowanej przez uszkodzenie w testowanym układzie. Przyjeto, że granicą pomiędzy uszkodzeniem miękkim i katastroficznym jest najmniejsza odchyłka parametru elementu, która sprowadza układ testowany do granicy stabilności. Wzrost wartości odchyłki poza wyznaczony margines...

  • Spectral Clustering Wikipedia Keyword-Based search Results

    The paper summarizes our research in the area of unsupervised categorization of Wikipedia articles. As a practical result of our research, we present an application of spectral clustering algorithm used for grouping Wikipedia search results. The main contribution of the paper is a representation method for Wikipedia articles that has been based on combination of words and links and used for categoriation of search results in this...

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  • Intelligent information services 23/24

    Kursy Online
    • J. Szymański

    Information retrieval Text categorization Natural language processing

  • Wikipedia Articles Representation with Matrix'u


    - Rok 2013

    In the article we evaluate different text representation methods used for a task of Wikipedia articles categorization. We present the Matrix’u application used for creating computational datasets ofWikipedia articles. The representations have been evaluated with SVM classifiers used for reconstruction human made categories.

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  • Path-based methods on categorical structures for conceptual representation of wikipedia articles

    Machine learning algorithms applied to text categorization mostly employ the Bag of Words (BoW) representation to describe the content of the documents. This method has been successfully used in many applications, but it is known to have several limitations. One way of improving text representation is usage of Wikipedia as the lexical knowledge base – an approach that has already shown promising results in many research studies....

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  • Parametrization and Correlation Analysis Applied to Music Mood Classification .

    The paper presents a study on music mood categorization. First, a review of music mood models is presented. Then, the preparation of a set of music excerpts to be used in the experiments and music parametrization is described. Next, some listening tasks performed to obtain mood descriptors are introduced. Finally,the correlation between mood descriptors and features extracted from parameters is discussed. The paper concludes with...

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  • System of specific grants for local government units in Poland


    - Rok 2009

    The article analyses the system of specific grants in local governments in Poland. First, main revenue sources of local self-governments are presented. Their presentation is based upon the consideration of one of the basic important principles in democratic states today, i.e. decentralization. The text then, in more details, describes specific grants with respect to the European Charter of Local Self-Government. Subsequently, the...

  • Self–Organizing Map representation for clustering Wikipedia search results


    - Rok 2011

    The article presents an approach to automated organization of textual data. The experiments have been performed on selected sub-set of Wikipedia. The Vector Space Model representation based on terms has been used to build groups of similar articles extracted from Kohonen Self-Organizing Maps with DBSCAN clustering. To warrant efficiency of the data processing, we performed linear dimensionality reduction of raw data using Principal...

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  • Self-Organizing Map representation for clustering Wikipedia search results

    The article presents an approach to automated organization of textual data. The experiments have been performed on selected sub-set of Wikipedia. The Vector Space Model representation based on terms has been used to build groups of similar articles extracted from Kohonen Self-Organizing Maps with DBSCAN clustering. To warrant efficiency of the data processing, we performed linear dimensionality reduction of raw data using Principal...

  • The concept of aida applied to online interactive advertisement: an youtube case study


    - Rok 2012

    This paper presents an approach of application of the AIDA framework to interactive advertisements presented on social media channels. The first section introduces the definitions of social media and its categorization. It is given an overview of the online video service YouTube.com. The second section describes social media marketing. The third section presents a theoretical introduction of traditional and interactive advertisement....

  • Developments in Green Chromatography


    Green analytical chemistry is a widely recognized concept that has led to the development of new analytical methods with reduced environmental impact and minimized analyst occupational exposure. Achievements include the development of microextraction, ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE), and microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) techniques. Research towards greener separation processes focuses on the elimination of toxic solvents...

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  • Evaluation of Path Based Methods for Conceptual Representation of the Text


    Typical text clustering methods use the bag of words (BoW) representation to describe content of documents. However, this method is known to have several limitations. Employing Wikipedia as the lexical knowledge base has shown an improvement of the text representation for data-mining purposes. Promising extensions of that trend employ hierarchical organization of Wikipedia category system. In this paper we propose three path-based...

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  • Classification of objects in the LIDAR point clouds using Deep Neural Networks based on the PointNet model


    This work attempts to meet the challenges associated with the classification of LIDAR point clouds by means of deep learning. In addition to achieving high accuracy, the designed system should allow the classification of point clouds covering an area of several dozen square kilometers within a reasonable time interval. Therefore, it must be characterized by fast processing and efficient use of memory. Thus, the most popular approaches...

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  • Paradygmat jakościowy w analizie interakcji międzykulturowych – interpretacja na bazie wybranych teorii psychologicznych


    - Przedsiębiorczość i Zarządzanie - Rok 2016

    Intercultural interactions in a multicultural work environment are a peculiar type of social interactions. The results of prior research on the effects of interactions in such environment are inconclusive. The majority of the previous studies have emphasized problems, applied a quantitative methodology and interpreted the results with regard to social identity and categorization theory, information-processing theory and intergroup contact...

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  • The problem of infections associated with implants – an overview

    Implant-associated infections are serious and relatively common complication that leads to implant loss. The purpose of this paper is to gather knowledge about this issue. A literature review of the epidemiology, risk factors and pathogenesis of infections related to implants was carried out. This position collects data on commonly used implants and infections associated with them from various fields of medicine and contains classifications...

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  • Improving css-KNN Classification Performance by Shifts in Training Data


    - Rok 2015

    This paper presents a new approach to improve the performance of a css-k-NN classifier for categorization of text documents. The css-k-NN classifier (i.e., a threshold-based variation of a standard k-NN classifier we proposed in [1]) is a lazy-learning instance-based classifier. It does not have parameters associated with features and/or classes of objects, that would be optimized during off-line learning. In this paper we propose...

  • Commonly Accessible Web Service Platform - Wiki-WS


    - Rok 2012

    Web Service technology on the basis had to supply complete and reliable system components. Nowadays this technology is commonly used by companies providing results of their work to end users and hiding implementation details. This paper presents a SOA-enabled platform - Wiki-WS - that empowers users to deploy, modify, discover and invoke web services. Moreover it discusses concepts and functionalities of this open source management...

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  • Sustainable Investing. Socio-Economic Impacts of Exchange-Traded Funds


    - Rok 2023

    Sustainable Investing: Socio-Economic Impacts of Exchange-Traded Funds examines the social and economic effects of sustainable investing ETFs and their impacts on the global financial system. The book presents the key issues with regard to sustainable investing, discussing exchange-traded funds mechanisms and categories in comparison to competing investment funds. The book outlines the theoretical determinants of ETF markets development...

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  • Przegląd systemów ładowania elektrycznych osobowych pojazdów i koncepcja dwukierunkowej ładowarki pokładowej

    Aktualnie trwa intensywny rozwój pojazdów elektrycznych (EV) i hybrydowych typu plug-in (PHEV) z pokładowymi bateriami akumulatorów. Badania w tej dziedzinie skupiają się na maksymalizowaniu sprawności oraz minimalizowaniu masy i objętości systemów ładowania baterii. W artykule przedstawiono podział systemów ładowania osobowych pojazdów typu EV/PHEV. Opisano systemy ładowania przewodowego z podziałem na ładowarki pokładowe i zewnętrzne, systemy...

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    - Transformations in Business & Economics - Rok 2021

    The article concentrates on the relationship between the size of a farm and its efficiency in relation to wheat production in the European Union (EU). The issue is not new, however fundamental from the point of view of the agricultural policy, as the appropriate shape of the agrarian structure affects the economic rationality in agriculture and significantly improves the productivity. We analysed data for the period between 2004...

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  • Language of Movement for Building Assessment: A Review of the Evaluation Methods of the Human Movement in the Built Space


    - Rok 2024

    The purpose of this article is to provide a framework for the categorization of methods and techniques of human movement evaluation, measurement, and assessment in the built space. The reviewed

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  • Comparative Analysis of Text Representation Methods Using Classification


    In our work, we review and empirically evaluate five different raw methods of text representation that allow automatic processing of Wikipedia articles. The main contribution of the article—evaluation of approaches to text representation for machine learning tasks—indicates that the text representation is fundamental for achieving good categorization results. The analysis of the representation methods creates a baseline that cannot...

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  • Embodying Intelligence in Autonomous and Robotic Systems with the Use of Cognitive Psychology and Motivation Theories


    The article discusses, on a certain level of abstraction and generalization, a coherent anthropological approach to the issue of controlling autonomous robots or agents. A contemporary idea can be based on appropriate modeling of the human mind using the available psychological knowledge. One of the main reasons for developing such projects is the lack of available and effective top-down approaches resulting from the known research...

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  • Embodying Intelligence in Autonomous Systems with the Use of Cognitive Psychology and Motivation Theories


    The article discusses, on a certain level of abstraction and generalization, a coherent anthropological approach to the issue of controlling autonomous robots or agents. A contemporary idea can be based on appropriate modeling of the human mind using the available psychological knowledge. One of the main reasons for developing such projects is the lack of available and effective top-down approaches resulting from the known research...

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  • Some aspects of the constitutive modelling of natural fine grained soils


    - Rok 2013

    The monograph deals with selected problems of the constitutive modelling of natural fine grained soils commonly known as clays. The main idea is not to propose a unified model which is capable of describing all known features of mechanical behaviour of fine grained soils. Instead, separate models are proposed describing the mechanical behaviour of heavily overconsolidated, lightly overconsolidated and normally consolidated clays....

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  • Empirical Analysis of Forest Penalizing Attribute and Its Enhanced Variations for Android Malware Detection

    • A. G. Akintola
    • A. O. Balogun
    • L. F. Capretz
    • H. A. Mojeed
    • S. Basri
    • S. A. Salihu
    • F. E. Usman-Hamza
    • P. O. Sadiku
    • G. B. Balogun
    • Z. O. Alanamu

    - Applied Sciences-Basel - Rok 2022

    As a result of the rapid advancement of mobile and internet technology, a plethora of new mobile security risks has recently emerged. Many techniques have been developed to address the risks associated with Android malware. The most extensively used method for identifying Android malware is signature-based detection. The drawback of this method, however, is that it is unable to detect unknown malware. As a consequence of this problem,...

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  • Knowledge management strategies in KIBS companies: A preliminary analysis


    - Rok 2017

    Purpose – The aim of this paper is to perform a preliminary analysis concerning the detection and examination of two possible opposite approaches to KM planning which will be referred to as deliberate and emergent KM strategies. The goal is to enhance our understanding of the variety of features KM strategies possess and, accordingly, to formulate categorisations that are in line with such characteristics. Design/methodology/approach...

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