Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: gcxgc-tofms
Botanical and geographical origin characterization of polish honeys by headspace SPME-GCxGC-TOFMS
PublikacjaVolatile organic compounds (VOCs) composition of Polish honeys obtained from various geographical regions was studied. Headspace solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME) using Divinylbenzene/Carboxen/Polydimethylsiloxane-coated fibers was used in combination with comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography-time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC× GC-TOFMS) because of the complexity of the samples. Acacia, linden, rapeseed, buckwheat...
Determination of Terpene Profile in Cape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana L.) with Use of HS-SPME/GCxGC-TOFMS Method
PublikacjaFresh fruits and products made of them, especially fruit juice, provide the basic energetic substances (simple and complex sugars) and are a source of health beneficial vitamins, macro and microelements, antioxidants and compounds which are classified together with essential oils (for example terpenes), which positively affect human s health. The terpenes profile of cape gooseberry was determined by headspace solid--phase microextraction...
Complementary use of GCxGC–TOF–MS and statistics for differentiation of variety in biosolid samples
PublikacjaFormation of biosolid cakes, which are one of the main wastes generated in wastewater treatment plants, is connected with emission of many hazardous chemical compounds, including odoriferous ones. To optimize particular processes of biosolid cake processing, it is necessary to assess chemical composition of the gas mixtures containing the compounds released from the cakes. The paper proposes application of two-dimensional gas chromatography...
Determination of Pesticide Residues in Honey using the GC×GC-TOFMS Technique
PublikacjaIn this study, a QuEChERS method and gas chromatography coupled with time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GCxGC-TOFMS) was developed for rapid extraction and simultaneous determination of 12 pesticide residues in honey. The GCxGC-TOFMS method was validated according to the SANCO guidance in terms of linearity, selectivity, reproducibility and recovery. Regarding the results, recovery rates ranged between 70-120% with relative standard...
Transactions on Maritime Science-ToMS
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Key-Marker Volatile Compounds in Aromatic Rice (Oryza sativa) Grains: An HS-SPME Extraction Method Combined with GC×GC-TOFMS
PublikacjaThe aroma of rice essentially contributes to the quality of rice grains. For some varieties, their aroma properties really drive consumer preferences. In this paper, using a dynamic headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) system coupled to a two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC×GC) using a time-of-flight mass spectrometric detector (TOFMS) and multivariate analysis, the volatile compounds of aromatic and non-aromatic...
Chemical, Aroma and Pro-Health Characteristics of Kaffir Lime Juice—The Approach Using Optimized HS-SPME-GC-TOFMS, MP-OES, 3D-FL and Physiochemical Analysis
PublikacjaThe study aimed to provide the chemical, aroma and prohealth characteristics of the kaffir lime juice. A procedure using solid-phase microextraction with gas chromatography (SPME-GC-TOFMS) was optimized and validated for the determination of terpenes of kaffir lime. Main physicochemical parameters: pH, vitamin C, citric acid and °Brix were evaluated. Micro- and macro elements were determined using microwave plasma optic emission...
Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography for determination of the terpenes profile of blue honeysuckle berries
PublikacjaTerpenes are the main group of secondary metabolites, which play essential role in human. The establishment of the terpenes profile of berries of different blue honeysuckle cultivars was achieved by headspace solid-phase microextraction coupled with comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with time-of-flight mass spectrometry (HS-SPME/GCGC-TOFMS). The berries were found to contain 44 terpenes identified by GCGC-TOFMS....
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań przeprowadzonych na obszarach sąsiadujących ze składowiskiem odpadów komunalnych w Gdańsku-Szadółkach. Do oceny uciążliwości zapachowej powietrza atmosferycznego wykorzystano technikę olfaktometrii terenowej. Narzędziami, których wykorzystanie umożliwia badanie właściwości zapachowych odorantów występujących w powietrzu atmosferycznym in-situ są olfaktometry terenowe, których zastosowanie umożliwia...
Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography and three-dimensional fluorometry for detection of volatile and bioactive substances in some berries
PublikacjaThe volatilefractionsofCapegooseberryandblueberryweredeterminedbyheadspacesolid-phase microextractioncoupledwithcomprehensivetwo-dimensionalgaschromatographywithtime-of-flight mass spectrometry(HS-SPME/GCGC-TOFMS).Thehighestamountofalcohol(51.8%),ester(32.8%)and carboxylicacid(6.9%)wasinblueberryincomparisonwithgooseberryandoppositelyketones(14.7%), aldehydes(9.9%)andterpenes(8%)werefoundingooseberry.Thebioactivecompoundsandantioxidant capacities...
Comprehensive two dimensional gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry as tool for characterization of the main pollutants present in atmospheric air in Gdansk
PublikacjaNowadays, the technique that is commonly used to identify and quantify the chemical compounds in gas sample is gas chromatography. The separation resolution in gas chromatography can be improved by applying the modulation technique. In this paper present is the most important information regarding the pollutants present in atmospheric air. The areas in which the tests were carried out are one of the largest industrial zones in...
Ocena autentyczności destylatów rolniczych i wybranych napojów spirytusowych produkowanych ze zbóż z wykorzystaniem ultraszybkiej- oraz dwuwymiarowej chromatografii gazowej
PublikacjaOcena autentyczności destylatów rolniczych i wybranych napojów spirytusowych produkowanych ze zbóż z wykorzystaniem ultraszybkiej- oraz dwuwymiarowej chromatografii gazowej. Wiele napojów spirytusowych, takich jak wódki czy whisky, jest obecnie produkowana z wybranych surowców, a informacje te umieszczane są na etykietach produktów. W związku z dużą różnorodnością alkoholi są one często fałszowane przez produkowanie ich z innych...
Kompletna dwuwymiarowa chromatografia gazowa - nowoczesne narzędzie analityczne
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono informacje o:- zasadzie działania wielowymiarowego chromatografu gazowego;- opisie procesu rozdzielania dla techniki GCxGC;- budowie modulatorów jako niezbędnego elementu zestawu do GCxGC.
Kompletna dwuwymiarowa chromatografia gazowa-nowoczesne narzędzie analityczne. Cz II. Aparatura.
PublikacjaTechniki chromatograficzne od lat cieszą się bardzo dużym zainteresowaniem ze względu na szeroki zakres praktycznego zastosowania.Kompletna dwuwymiarowa chromatografia gazowa staje się obecnie skutecznym i wszechstronnym narzędziem analitycznym ze względu na swoje niewątpliwe zalety w analizie próbek o bardzo złożonym składzie. W pracy omówiono podstawy techniki kompletnej wielowymiarowej chromatografii gazowej (GCxGC), detektory,...
Identyfikacja substancji zapachowych w powietrzu atmosferycznym w pobliżu zakładów przemysłowych zlokalizowanych na obszarze Aglomeracji Trójmiejskiej
PublikacjaWykorzystano technikę dwuwymiarowej chromatografii gazowej (GCxGC) do identyfikacji zapachowych związków chemicznych w próbkach analitów z powietrza atmosferycznego pobranych z obszarów przyległych do zakładu produkcji nawozów fosforowych, rafinerii i składowiska odpadów komunalnych, zlokalizowanych na terenie Aglomeracji Trójmiejskiej. Zastosowany tok postepowania analitycznego zapewnił możliwość wykrycia i identyfikacji związków...
Blue-berried honeysuckle a promising cancer preventing fruit; Polish genotypes as a source of bioactive phytochemicals
PublikacjaFrom the ancient times, plants containing health-oriented compounds in their matrices are used in the treatment of different complaints and diseases. One of these groups are plant secondary metabolites (PSM), especially phenolic compounds, terpenes and terpenoids. A large number of PSM exhibit cytotoxicity against a variety of tumor cells, as well as cancer preventive and anticancer efficacy in preclinical animal models. For this...
Authenticity Assessment of the "Onisiówka" Nalewka Liqueurs Using Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography and Sensory Evaluation
PublikacjaThe “Onisiówka” nalewka liqueur is a regional Polish alcoholic beverage, which is inscribed on the list of regional and traditional products of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in Poland. It is produced from multiflower honey, black elderberry flower syrup, and spirit. Due to fact that the “Onisiówka” nalewka liqueur has never been investigated, these studies are the foundation for further work on this regional...
Measurements of ultrasonic bulk and guided wave propagation in additively manufactured cubes and plates obtained by ultrasonic pulse velocity analyzer and scanning laser vibrometry
Dane BadawczeThe DataSet contains the results of measurements of ultrasonic wave propagation in additively manufactured samples made of polylactic acid (PLA). Three types of raster angles in two consecutive layers were assumed: 0°/90° (#1), 45°/-45° (#2) and 90°/90° (#3) with respect to the x-axis. For each printing variants a cubic sample (#C1-3) with dimensions...
Analysis of volatile fraction of hybrid fruit pulp using Proton Transfer Reaction - Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometry
PublikacjaFruits and vegetables are important ingredients in human diet. Because of this, it is very important to know their exact composition and to control their quality. Based on the aroma of food products, it is possible to pre-evaluate their quality and freshness. The aim of this work was to characterize the volatile fraction of the hybrid fruit ‘sweetie’ using the modern analytical device PTR-TOFMS. Hybrid fruit samples are human-made...
Application of gas chromatography to the analysis of spirit-based alcoholic beverages
PublikacjaSpirit-based beverages are alcoholic drinks, which production processes are dependent on the type and origin of raw materials. The composition of this complex matrix is difficult to analyze and scientists commonly choose a gas chromatography techniques for this reason. With a wide selection of extraction methods and detectors it is possible to provide qualitative and quantitative analysis for many chemical compounds with a various...
Complementary Use of Multi-dimensional Gas Chromatography and Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometry for Identification of Rapeseed Oil Quality Indicators
PublikacjaThe change of concentration of various volatiles generated during frying may be an indicator of oil quality. Chemical compounds such as aldehydes, ketones, alcohols and carboxyl acids are the products of oxidation during thermal degradation of edible oils. Shown in this work is a complementary use of GC×GC-TOFMS and PTR-MS for the detection and determination of quality indicators of rapeseed oil. The former technique was used for...
3-Monochloropropane-1,2-diol in Infant Foods and Human Breast Milk: Determination by GC-MS
Publikacja3-Monochloropropane-1,2-diol is one of the food borne contaminants called chloropropanols. Over the last decade plenty of analytical methods was developed in order to determine 3-monochloropropane-1,2-diol in its free and bound form in various foodstuffs with the use of GC-FID, GC-ECD, LC-TOFMS and finally GC-MS, which is now widely used in laboratories. The aim of this research was the determination of 3-monochloropropane--1,2-diol...
Evaluation of Health Hazard Due to Emission of Volatile Organic Compounds from Various Processing Units of Wastewater Treatment Plant
PublikacjaThe paper describes an attempt at health risk assessment and odour concentration determination in the most important units of a wastewater treatment plant. The cancer risk (CR) and hazard index (HI) parameters in selected measurement locations were calculated based on the results of chromatographic analyses (GCxGC-TOF-MS) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) guidelines. No exceedance of the CR and HI acceptable...
Studies on origin of Polish honeys by two-dimensional gas chromatography Ocena pochodzenia surowcowego polskich miodów przy użyciu dwuwymiarowej chromatografii gazowej
PublikacjaPolish acacia, linden, rapessed and buckwheat-derived honeys and a honydew were analysed for presence of hydrocarbons, alcs., ketones and esters by 2-dimensional gas chromatog. to establish the markers for the honey origin. PrOH was found characteristic for acacia honey, Me(CH2)11OH for linden honey, Me(CH2)6CHOMe for honeydew and Me(CH2)8COOEt for the rapeseed honey. Wykorzystano technikę dwuwymiarowej chromatografii gazowej sprzężonej...
Zastosowanie technik dwuwymiarowych w analizie frakcji lotnej i oznaczaniu związków bioaktywynych owoców jagody kamczackiej
PublikacjaDotychczasowe doniesienia literaturowe wskazują, że owoce strefy borealnej, do których należy popularna w Polsce aronia, są źródłem cennych składników odżywczych i prozdrowotnych. Podobnie jagoda kamczacka, należąca do tej grupy owoców, może stanowić źródło substancji istotnych dla ludzkiej diety. Jednakże aktualny stan wiedzy o składzie chemicznym owoców jagody kamczackiej ogranicza się głównie do informacji dotyczących całkowitej...
Wyznaczanie szlaku metabolicznego wybranych terpenów w owocach cytrusowych z wykorzystaniem techniki PTR-TOFMS
ProjektyProjekt realizowany w Katedra Chemii Analitycznej zgodnie z porozumieniem UMO-2018/31/N/NZ9/03255 z dnia 2019-07-26
Zaufanie i wiarygodność w komunikacji rynkowej jako podstawa budowania kapitału przedsiębiorstwa
PublikacjaCelem artykułu jest próba syntezy poglądów przedstawicieli nauki na temat znaczenia zaufania i wiarygodności w komunikacji rynkowej w procesie budowania kapitału przedsiębiorstwa. Przeprowadzona analiza literatury przedmiotu oraz wyników badań wtórnych dotyczących badanego zagadnienia wykazała, że zaufanie stanowi podstawę tworzenia wiarygodności firmy, co w efekcie przekłada się na budowanie kapitału przedsiębiorstwa. Celem poznawczym...
A new method for real-time monitoring of volatiles in frying fumes using proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry with time-of-flight analyse
PublikacjaTo safeguard the consumers’ well-being, it is necessary to develop novel methods for determination of carcinogens in food, including volatiles generated during frying. The currently used procedures for analysis of volatile fraction of vegetable oils are not based on real-time measurements and thus do not enable the determination of carcinogenic compounds in frying fumes; instead, only the headspace or liquid fraction is sampled....
Physicochemical and Volatile Compounds Analysis of Fruit Wines Fermented with Saccharomyces cerevisiae: FTIR and Microscopy Study with Focus on Anti-Inflammatory Potential
PublikacjaThe growing trend in fruit wine production reflects consumers’ interest in novel, diverse drinking experiences and the increasing demand for healthier beverage options. Fruit wines made from kiwi, pomegranates, and persimmons fermented using S. bayanus Lalvin strain EC1118 demonstrate the versatility of winemaking techniques. Kiwifruit, persimmon, and pomegranate wines were analyzed using HPLC and GC-TOFMS analyses to determine...
Evaluation Methodology for Ship’s Planned Maintenance System Database
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Shipowner’s Impact on Planned Maintenance System Database Quality Grades Resemblance Equalization
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EDD – Economic Benefit Analysis of Extending Dry Docking Interval
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Cruise Vessels Air Pollution Inventory for the Port of Kotor
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Review of Autonomous and Remotely Controlled Ships in Maritime Sector
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Simplified Method of Modelling Behaviour of Ship in Waves with Partially Flooded Compartments
PublikacjaThis paper contains a description of a numerical model for calculating behaviour of ships in waves. There are many models available, but the one described here can be characterised with a set of parameters that have a decisive impact on the final values of roll motion amplitude and frequency. In this paper, it is shown how a fitting of a standard-shape hull characterised by certain readily available parameters affects...
Human serum interactions with phenolic and aroma substances of Kaffir(Citrus hystrix) and Key lime (Citrus aurantifolia) juices
PublikacjaTo understand the therapeutic application of polyphenols extracted from Kaffir (PolKaf) and Key (PolKey) limesdifferent analytical methods were applied. Based on quantitative analysis by two dimensional gas chromato-graphy (GC×GC) and time of flight mass spectrometry (TOFMS) it can be observed that the biggest differencesin the contents of selected terpenes of Kaffir and Key limes occur in chemical compounds such as limonene, citraland...
Optimization of carbamazepine photodegradation on defective TiO2-based magnetic photocatalyst
PublikacjaIn this work, carbamazepine (CBZ) degradation over defective Fe3O4@SiO2/d-TiO2/Pt photocatalyst was studied. Within the titania structure, Ti vacancies and Pt nanoparticles were introduced to enhance the photocatalyst’s light absorption and influence charge carriers’ mobility. For the carbamazepine degradation, process parameters, e.g., temperature, flux intensity, photocatalyst loading, aeration, pH, and addition of H2O2, were optimized...
Application of Electronic Nose Based on Fast GC for Authenticity Assessment of Polish Homemade Liqueurs Called Nalewka
PublikacjaThe possibility of application of electronic nose based on fast GC for differentiation of three types of cherry liqueurs, namely Polish homemade liqueurs called nalewka, commercially available liqueurs labeled as nalewka, and commercial liqueurs, was investigated. This device was equipped with two parallel connected columns with different stationary phases coupled to two ultrasensitive flame ionization detectors (μ-FIDs). Four...
Komplementarne wykorzystanie GCxGC-MS i PTR-MS do monitorowania emisji lotnych związków organicznych podczas drukowania 3D w czasie rzeczywistym
ProjektyProjekt realizowany w Katedra Chemii Analitycznej zgodnie z porozumieniem UMO-2018/31/N/ST4/00809 z dnia 2019-07-26