wszystkich: 271
Katalog Publikacji
Rok 2013
Pseudopotentials via Moutard Transformations and Differential Geometry
Quantum corrections to 4 model solutions and applications to Heisenberg chain dynamics
PublikacjaThe Heisenberg spin chain is considered in φ^4 model approximation. Quantum corrections to classical solutions of the one-dimensional φ^4 model within the correspondent physics are valuated with account of rest d − 1 dimensions of a d-dimensional theory. A quantization of the model is considered in terms of space- time functional integral. The generalized zeta-function formalism is used to renormalize and evaluate the functional...
Quantum corrections to phi^4 model solutions and applications to Heisenberg chain dynamics
PublikacjaThe Heisenberg spin chain is considered in φ^4 model approximation. Quantum corrections to classical solutions of the one-dimensional φ^4 model within the correspondent physics are evaluated with account of rest d−1 dimensions of a d-dimensional theory. A quantization of the model is considered in terms of spacetime functional integral. The generalized zeta-function formalism is used to renormalize and evaluate the functional integral...
Reducing the number of periodic points in the smooth homotopy class of a self-map of a simply-connected manifold with periodic sequence of Lefschetz numbers
PublikacjaLet f be a smooth self-map of an m-dimensional (m >3) closed connected and simply-connected manifold such that the sequence of the Lefschetz num- bers of its iterations is periodic. For a fixed natural r we wish to minimize, in the smooth homotopy class, the number of periodic points with periods less than or equal to r. The resulting number is given by a topological invariant J[f] which is defned in combinatorial terms and is...
Relationship between heart rate variability, blood pressure and arterial wall properties during air and oxygen breathing in healthy subjects
PublikacjaPrevious studies reported that normobaric hyperoxia influences heart rate, arterial pressure, cardiac output and systemic vascular resistance, but the mechanisms underlying these changes are still not fully understood. Several factors are considered including degeneration of endothelium-derived nitric oxide by reactive oxygen species, the impact of oxygen-free radicals on tissues and alterations of autonomic nervous system function....
The consideration to the dynamic systems parameter identification
PublikacjaIn this paper, a concept for continuous-time dynamic systems parameter identification using modulating function approach is presented. It refers to linear as well as selected non-linear systems. It shows the possibility of direct application without converting differential equation. In particular cases direct application can decrease the amount of computation in non-linear system identification, which generally requires Fourier...
The Efficiency of Polish Stock Market: Ordinal Patterns Approach
PublikacjaZunino et al. analyzed the problem of discrimination of developed and emergent markets by the use of ordinal patterns methods: number of forbidden patterns and ordinal pattern probability distribution as a basis for entropy and statistical measure of complexity. In this paper we apply the same methodology for the analysis of Polish stock market (index WIG). The results indicate that Polish market belongs neither to developed, nor...
Thermal ablation modeling via bioheat equation
PublikacjaWe consider Pennes’ bioheat equation and discuss an implicit numerical scheme which has better stability properties than other approaches. Our discussion concerns Carthesian geometry problems, however it carries over to spherical geometry models and more complicated shapes.
Rok 2012
Combinatorial scheme of finding minimal number of periodic points for smooth self-maps of simply connected manifolds
PublikacjaLet M be a closed smooth connected and simply connected manifold of dimension m at least 3, and let r be a fixed natural number. The topological invariant D^m_r [f], defined by the authors in [Forum Math. 21 (2009), 491-509], is equal to the minimal number of r-periodic points in the smooth homotopy class of f, a given self-map of M. In this paper, we present a general combinatorial scheme of computing D^m_r [f] for arbitrary dimension...
Entropy measures of heart rate variability for short ECG datasets in patients with congestive heart failure
PublikacjaWe investigated the usefulness of entropy measures calculated for short ECG series in distinguishing healthy subjects from patients with congestive heart failure (CHF). Four entropy measures were tested: Approximate Entropy (ApEn), Sample Entropy (SampEn), Fuzzy Entropy (FuzzyEn) and Permutation Entropy (PE), each computed for ECG series of 1000, 500, 250 and 100 RR intervals. We found that with a reduction of the data set length...
Entropy Measures of heart rate variability for short ECG datasets in patients with congestive heart failure
PublikacjaWe investigated the usefulness of entropy measures calculated for short ECG series in distinguishing healthy subjects from patients with congestive heart failure (CHF). Four entropy measures were tested: Approximate Entropy (ApEn), Sample Entropy (SampEn), Fuzzy Entropy (Fuzzy En) and Permutation Entropy (PE), each computed for ECG series of 1000, 500, 250 and 100 RR intervals. We found that with a reduction of the data set length...
Estimation of the minimal number of periodic points for smooth self-maps of odd dimensional real projective spaces
PublikacjaLet f be a smooth self-map of a closed connected manifold of dimension m⩾3. The authors introduced in [G. Graff, J. Jezierski, Minimizing the number of periodic points for smooth maps. Non-simply connected case, Topology Appl. 158 (3) (2011) 276-290] the topological invariant NJD_r[f], where r is a fixed natural number, which is equal to the minimal number of r-periodic points in the smooth homotopy class of f. In this paper smooth...
Existence of positive solutions to third order differential equations with advanced arguments and nonlocal boundary conditions
PublikacjaPraca dotyczy warunków dostatecznych na istnienie dodatnich rozwiązań dla równań różniczkowych z wyprzedzonymi argumentami i warunkami brzegowymi zawierającymi całki Stieltjesa.
Firing map for periodically and almost-periodically driven integrate-and-fire models: a dynamical systems approach
PublikacjaWe consider the Leaky Integrate-and-Fire and Perfect Integrator models of neuron’s dynamics with the input function being periodic and almost-periodic (in the sense of Stepanov). In particular we analyze properties and dynamics of the so-called firing map, which iterations give timings of consecutive spikes of a neuron. In case of a periodic input function we provide a detailed description of the sequence of interspike-intervals,...
Generation of the vorticity mode by sound in a vibrationally relaxing gas
PublikacjaW badaniu została przedstawiona procedura wyprowadzenia nowego równania dla modu wirowego generowanego przez ultradźwięki w gazach z pobudzonymi stopniami swobody. Pokazano, że w pewnych warunkach kierunek linii prądu dla modu wirowego jest przeciwny w porównaniu do płynów ze standardowym tłumieniem. Teoria została zilustrowana na przykładzie generowania modu wirowego przez okresową wiązkę akustyczną ze słabą dyfrakcją poprzeczną.
Lefschetz periodic point free self-maps of compact manifolds
PublikacjaLet f be a self-map of a compact connected manifold M. We characterize Lefschetz periodic point free continuous self-maps of M for several classes of manifolds and generalize the results of Guirao and Llibre [J.L.G. Guirao, J. Llibre, On the Lefschetz periodic point free continuous self-maps on connected compact manifolds, Topology Appl. 158 (16) (2011) 2165-2169].
Lefschetz periodic point free self-maps of compact manifolds
PublikacjaLet f be a self-map of a compact connected manifold M. We characterize Lefschetz periodic point free continuous self-maps of M for several classes of manifolds and generalize the results of Guirao and Llibre [J.L.G. Guirao, J. Llibre, On the Lefschetz periodic point free continuous self-maps on connected compact manifolds,
Minimization of the number of periodic points for smooth self-maps of simply-connected manifolds with periodic sequence of Lefschetz numbers
PublikacjaLet f be a smooth self-map of m-dimensional, m ≥ 4, smooth closed connected and simply-connected manifold, r a fixed natural number. For the class of maps with periodic sequence of Lefschetz numbers of iterations the authors introduced in [Graff G., Kaczkowska A., Reducing the number of periodic points in smooth homotopy class of self-maps of simply-connected manifolds with periodic sequence of Lefschetz numbers, Ann. Polon. Math....
Monotone iterative method to second order differential equations with deviating arguments involving Stieltjes integral boundary conditions
PublikacjaWe use a monotone iterative method for second order differential equations with deviating arguments and boundary conditions involving Stieltjes integrals. We establish sufficient conditions which guarantee that such problems have extremal solutions in the corresponding region bounded by lower and upper solutions. We also discuss the situation when problems have coupled quasi-solutions. We illustrate our results by three examples.
Proper gradient otopies
PublikacjaWe prove that the inclusion of the space of proper gradient local maps into the space of proper local maps induces a bijection between the sets of the respective otopy classes of these maps.
Quantum corections to SG equation solutions and applications
Publikacja -
The homotopy type of the space of gradient vector fields on the two-dimensional disc
PublikacjaWe prove that the inclusion of the space of gradient vector fields into the space of all vector fields on D^2 non-vanishing in S^1 is a homotopy equivalence
Vortex flow caused by periodic and aperiodic sound in a relaxing maxwell fluid
PublikacjaThis paper concerns the description of vortex flow generated by periodic and aperiodic sound in relaxing Maxwell fluid. The analysis is based on governing equation of vorticity mode, which is a result of decomposition of the hydrodynamic equations for fluid flow with relaxation and thermal conductivity into acoustical and non-acoustical parts. The equation governing vorticity mode uses only instantaneous, not averaged over sound...
Rok 2011
A solution of non-linear differential problem with application to selected geotechnical problems
PublikacjaA certain non-linear differential equation containing a power of unknown function being the solution is considered with application to selected geotechnical problems. The equation can be derived to a linear differential equation by a proper substitution and properties of the operations G and S.
Boundary vlue problems for difference equations with causal operators
PublikacjaPraca dotyczy problemów brzegowych dla równań różnicowych.Podano warunki dostateczne na istnienie ekstremalnych rozwiązań stosując metodę iteracji monotonicznych.
Directed electromagnetic pulse dynamics: projecting operators method
PublikacjaIn this article, we consider a one-dimensional model of electromagnetic pulse propagation in isotropic media, takinginto account a nonlinearity of the third order. We introduce a method for Maxwell's equation transformation on thebasis of a complete set of projecting operators. The operators correspond to wave dispersion branches including thedirection of propagation. As the simplest result of applying the method, we derive a system...
Graphs with equal domination and 2-distance domination numbers
PublikacjaW publikacji scharakteryzowane są wszystkie te drzewa i grafy jednocykliczne, w których liczba dominowania oraz liczba 2-dominowania na odległość są sobie równe.
Koncepcja implementacji rozmytego modelu wspomagania zarządzania wybranymi usługami internetowymi
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono koncepcję implementacji zdefiniowanego modelu do prognozowania sprzedaży kredytów hipotecznych w Internecie. Prezentowane są zagadnienia dotyczące technicznych aspektów procesu implementacji oraz korzyści, jakie może to przynieść poszczególnym uczestniko rynku.
Multimode systems of nonlinear equations: derivation, integrability, and numerical solutions
PublikacjaWe consider the propagation of electromagnetic pulses in isotropic media taking a third-order nonlinearityinto account. We develop a method for transforming Maxwell's equations based on a complete set ofprojection operators corresponding to wave-dispersion branches (in a waveguide or in matter) with thepropagation direction taken into account. The most important result of applying the method is a systemof equations describing the...
On neutral differential equations and the monotone iterative method
PublikacjaThe application of the monotone iterative method to neutral differential equations with deviating arguments is considered in this paper. We formulate existence results giving sufficient conditions which guarantee that such problems have solutions. This approach is new and to the Authors' knowledge, this is the first paper when the monotone iterative method is applied to neutral first-order differential equations with deviating...
Positive solutions for second order impulsive differential equations involving Stieltjes integral conditions
PublikacjaIn this paper we investigate integral boundary value problems for fourth order differentialequations with deviating arguments.Wediscuss our problem both for advanced or delayedarguments. We establish sufficient conditions under which such problems have positivesolutions. To obtain the existence of multiple (at least three) positive solutions, we use afixed point theorem due to Avery and Peterson. An example is also included to...
Positive solutions of one-dimensional p-Laplacian boundary value problems for fourth-order differential equations with deviating arguments
PublikacjaPraca dotyczy istnienia dodatnich rozwiązań dla równań różniczkowych rzędu czwartego z warunkami brzegowymi z odchylonymi argumentami. Stosując twierdzenie o punkcie stałym dla stożków podano warunki dostateczne na istnienia takich rozwiązań.
Positive solutions to boundary value problems for impulsive second-order differential equations
PublikacjaIn this paper, we discuss four-point boundary value problems for impulsive second-order differential equations. We apply the Krasnoselskii's fixed point theorem to obtain sufficient conditions under which the impulsive second-order differential equations have positive solutions. An example is added to illustrate theoretical results.
Positive solutions to third-order impulsive Sturm-Liouville boundary value problems with deviated arguments and one-dimensional p-Laplacian
PublikacjaBadane są równania różniczkowe z impulsami trzeciego rzędu z odchylonymi argumentami przy zadanych warunkach brzegowych typu Sturma-Liouvilla. Podano warunki dostateczne na istnienie dodatnich rozwiązań takich problemów stosując twierdzienie o punkcie stałym dla stożków.
The comparison of Internet Mortgage Market in Selected EU Countries
PublikacjaThe paper presents the description of Internet mortgage market in selected European Union countries. It starts with brief introduction to the concept of creating a fuzzy model representing Polish Internet Mortgage Market. Then, for better understanding of the complexities of this kind of market functioning the comparison is made between mortgage markets in Poland, Estonia, Germany and The United Kingdom (UK): The UK as the European...
The role and concept of sub-models in the smart fuzzy model of the internet mortgage market
PublikacjaThe paper introduces some challenges of the fast growing mortgage market in Poland. One of these challenges is the need for a model development that could be used for various predictions related to this market. At the current stage of the model evelopment process our main goal is to propose and introduce sub-models the role of which would be to describe three different economic environments: stable, fast growing, and recession....
Zastosowanie rachunku operatorów z wieloma pochodnymi do wyznaczania odpowiedzi układów dynamicznych
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono rachunek operatorów z wieloma pochodnymi i zaprezentowano przykłady takich rachunków. Pokazano sposób wyznaczania odpowiedzi pewnych typów równań, a w szczególności pewnych układów dynamicznych dyskretnych i ciągłych o parametrach rozłożonych.
Rok 2010
Boundary value problems for dynamic equations with advanced arguments on time scales
PublikacjaPraca dotyczy równań i nierówności dynamicznych z wyprzedzonym argumentami. Przedmiotem badań były problemy istnienia rozwiązań równań dynamicznych. Sformułowano warunki dostatczne na istnienie jedynego rozwiązania w odpowiednim obszarze ograniczonym przez górne i dolne rozwiązanie.
Boundary value problems for first-order dynamic equations
PublikacjaPraca dotyczy zagadnień związanych z istnieniem rozwiązań (ekstremalnych i jednego) dla problemów brzegowych dla równań dynamicznych pierwszego rzędu z opóźnionymi argumentami. Dyskutowane są również odpowiednie nierówności dynamiczne związane z zagadnieniami brzegowymi. Liczne przykłady ilustrują otrzymane wyniki.
Boundary value problems with advanced arguments involving upper and lower solutions in reverse order
PublikacjaPraca dotyczy problemów brzegowych dla równań różniczkowo-całkowych pierwszego rzędu z argumentami wyprzedzonymi. Podano wystarczające warunki, dla których problemy dotyczące takich równań mają rozwiązania minimalne i maksymalne w odpowiadającym obszarze ograniczonym przez rozwiązania górne i dolne. W celu uzyskania wyników zastosowano nową metodę opartą na twierdzeniu Heikkila-Lakshmikantham'a. Wyniki zilustrowano na przykładzie.
Conceptual fuzzy model of the polish internet mortgage market
PublikacjaThe aim of this paper is to present the conceptual structure of basic fuzzy model representing Polish Internet mortgage market. The paper starts with introduction describing the market complexities and challenges, and description of previously created rule based model. Then the steps of the process of proposed model fuzzyfication are presented. Final part of the paper consists of conclusions and directions for future research.
Control of mass concentration of reagents by sound in a gas with nonequilibrium chemical reactions
PublikacjaThe weakly nonlinear dynamics of a chemically reacting gas is studied. Nonlinear interaction of acoustic and nonacoustic types of motion are considered. We decompose the base equations using the relationships of the gas-dynamic perturbations specific for every type of motion. The governing equation for the mass fraction of a reagent influenced by dominating sound is derived and discussed. The conclusions concern the equilibrium...
Directed pulse dynamics
PublikacjaIntroducing a projection method into a one-dimensional model of a pulse propagation in isotropic media, we derive and investigate a system of equation describing dynamics ultrashort pulses of opposite directions ofpropagation and ones with interaction of directed pulses with different polarization.
Efficiency of acoustic heating produced in the thermoviscous flow of a fluid with relaxation
PublikacjaInstantaneous acoustic heating of a fluid with thermodynamic relaxation is the subject of investigation. Among others, viscoelastic biological media described by the Maxwell model of the viscous stress tensor, belong to this type of fluid. The governing equation of acoustic heating is derived by means of the special linear combination of conservation equations in differential form, allowing the reduction of all acoustic terms in...
First-order advanced difference equations
PublikacjaBadano istnienie rozwiązań równań różnicowych rzędu pierwszego z wyprzedzonymi argumentami. Podano warunki na istnienie jedynego rozwiązania. Przedmiotem badań były też nierówności różnicowe związane z w/w równaniami różnicowymi. Otrzymane wyniki zilustrowano na przykładzie.
First-order functional difference equations with nonlinear boundary value problems
PublikacjaDyskutowano problem brzegowy dla równań różnicowych z opóźnionym argumentem. Nierówności różnicowe związane z w/w problem też były przedmiotem badań. Stosując metodę iteracji monotonicznych, sformułowano warunki dostateczne na istnienie ekstremalnych rozwiązań problemów brzegowych z opóźnionymi argumentami. Podano dwa przykłady ilustrujące otrzymane wyniki.
Four-point boundary-value problems for differential-algebraic systems
PublikacjaBadane są czteropunktowe problemy brzegowe dla układów równań różniczkowo-algebraicznych. Stosując metodę iteracji monotonicznych, podano warunki dostateczne na istnienie rozwiązań (jednego lub ekstremalnych) takich problemów. Podano przykład ilustrujacy otrzymane wyniki teoretyczne.
Model of the Internet mortgage market optimization
PublikacjaThe Internet mortgages are currently a fast growing market, allowing selling mortgages cheaper andfaster than in the traditional methods such as in bank departments.Given the specificity of selling mortgages in the Internet, banks try to sell more mortgages by spendingmore money on advertising and paying higher commission to the brokers selling their products. It is important tooptimise the amounts of money in both sectors (the...
Multiple solutions for a class of boundary-value problems with deviating arguments and integral boundary conditions
PublikacjaPraca dotyczy istnienia dodatnich rozwiązań dla równań różniczkowych rzędu drugiego z całkowymi warunkami brzegowymi i z odchylonymi argumentami typu wyprzedzonego. Korzystając z tw. Avery-Petersona dla stożków, podano warunki dostateczne na istnienie trzech dodatnich rozwiazań w/w problemów. Podano przykład pokazujący iż przyjęte załozenia są spełnione.
Multiple solutions of boundary-value problems for fourth-order differential equations with deviating arguments
PublikacjaPraca dotyczy równań różniczkowych rzędu czwartego z warunkami brzegowymi i odchylonymi argumentami. Podano wystarczające warunki, dla których problemy dotyczące takich równań mają dodatnie rozwiązania. W pracy rozważa się przypadki kiedy argumenty odchylone są typu opóźnionego lub wyprzedzonego. W celu zapewnienia istnienia przynajmniej trzech dodatnich rozwiązań wykorzystano twierdzenie Avery-Petersona.