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Search results for: ct
The Conjugated Triangle Method CTM of the detection of inconsistent bids in the construction industry
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Mesenchymal Phenotype of CTC-Enriched Blood Fraction and Lymph Node Metastasis Formation Potential
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Shaping the SPL Spectra of the Acoustic Noise Emitted by Inverter-Fed Indu- ction Motors
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono nowe podejście do zmniejszania wpływu właściwości mechanicznych maszyny na emitowany przez nią hałas akustyczny. Dokonano identyfikacji mechanicznych rezonansów maszyny wykorzystując modulację RPWM z losowym wyborem częstotliwości nośnej oraz modulację sigma delta, dla której otrzymano relatywnie płaskie widmo prądu. Skonstruowano na tej podstawie funkcję gęstości prawdopodobieństwa wyboru częstotliwości...
Chemometric Method of Spectra Analysis Leading to Isolation of Lysozyme and CtDNA Spectra Affected by Osmolytes
PublicationW niniejszej pracy zaprezentowana została chemometryczna metoda analizy danych widmowych, prowadząca do wyizolowania widm FTIR biomakrocząsteczek (lizozymu z białka jaja kurzego i ctDNA) zaburzonych przez wybrane osmolity (TMAO, betainę) w roztworach wodnych. Została ona oparta na metodzie widm różnicowych, wykorzystywanej pierwotnie do określania struktury rozpuszczalnika wokół cząsteczek substancji rozpuszczonej. Cykliczne wykorzystanie...
An unusual case of CTEPH treated by BPA in a patient with a single lung after cancer surgery
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Mapping Mechanostable Pulling Geometries of a Therapeutic Anticalin/CTLA-4 Protein Complex
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Trust Dynamics Analysis of CTR Scheme Subversion under Virtual Anonymity and Trust-Unaware Partner Selection
PublicationWe propose a framework to study Markovian trust value dynamics in a centralized Computational Trust and Reputation (CTR) scheme under trust-unaware partner selection using a mean-value approximation. Analytically founded answers are sought to questions like: Can dishonest agents subvert the CTR scheme (i.e., acquire higher trust values than honest agents)? Is indirect reciprocity incentivized? Is there a qualitative impact of a...
Designate of CTOD for WM and HAZ, report no: WOiO/II/122/2014
PublicationTypical (normative) testing of materials and/or welded joints do not answer on all questions about material or welded joint properties. In ship building and off-shore sectors, many strucures requires materials and joint with higher than typical fatigue resistance. Imact tests, which are carried out during welding technology qualification, gives answer about ductility, CTOD tests results about material or welded joint ability to...
PublicationIn elements of steel structures working at low temperatures, there is a risk of appearance of brittle fracture. This risk is reduced through the use of certified materials having guaranteed strength at a given temperature. A method which is most frequently used to determine brittle fracture toughness is the Charpy impact test, preformed for a given temperature. For offshore structures intended to work in the arctic climat e, the...
Designate CTOD of Weld Metal of butt weld, No WOiO/II/108/2013
PublicationTypical (normative) testing of materials and/or welded joints do not answer on all questions about material or welded joint properties. In ship building and off-shore sectors, many strucures requires materials and joint with higher than typical fatigue resistance. Imact tests, which are carried out during welding technology qualification, gives answer about ductility, CTOD tests results about material or welded joint ability...
Stromal-Epithelial Cross-Talk in the Intestinal Stem Cell Niche is Mediated by a Regulatory Network that Involves TGF-Beta and CTGF
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Interaction of HLA-DRB1 Alleles with CTLA-4 in the Predisposition to Graves' Disease: The Impact of DRB1*07
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Designate CTOD Heat Affected Zone of butt weld, Report No: WOiO/II/76/2013
PublicationTypical (normative) testing of materials and/or welded joints do not answer on all questions about material or welded joint properties. In ship building and off-shore sectors, many strucures requires materials and joint with higher than typical fatigue resistance. Imact tests, which are carried out during welding technology qualification, gives answer about ductility, CTOD tests results about material or welded joint ability...
PublicationThere are special cases in the marine industry, where additional material tests, such as the fracture toughness test, must be performed. Additional fracture toughness tests, such as CTOD (Crack Tip Opening Displacement), are typically performed on three-point bend specimens. The dimension that defines all the specimen dimensions is the thickness of the material to be tested. It is recommended by classification societies (e.g. DNVGL)...
<b><i>CTLA4</i></b> and <b><i>CD28</i></b> Gene Polymorphisms with Respect to Affective Symptom Domain in Schizophrenia
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Fabrication of wormhole-like YSZ and Ni-YSZ by the novel soft-hard template CTAB/NaCl-assisted route. Suppressing Ni coalescence in SOFC
PublicationA novel one-pot synthesis route leading to the formation of a wormhole-like structure was developed for the successful fabrication of porous YSZ and Ni-YSZ systems. This method involved co-precipitation in the presence of the micelle-forming agents CTAB/Pluronic P123 and crystallising NaCl. The obtained skeletons were mechanically stable and presented almost 50% uniform, open porosity without using any additional pore-formers....
CTOD designation for WM and HAZ in butt joint made from S460 ML steel, Expertise No. WOiO/II/82/2015
PublicationTypical (normative) testing of materials and/or welded joints do not answer on all questions about material or welded joint properties. In ship building and off-shore sectors, many strucures requires materials and joint with higher than typical fatigue resistance. Imact tests, which are carried out during welding technology qualification, gives answer about ductility, CTOD tests results about material or welded joint ability to...
Assessment of Clinical Usefulness of Resting Electrocardiogram (PH-ECG Score) in Monitoring the Efficacy of Balloon Pulmonary Angioplasty (BPA) in Patients with Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension (CTEPH)
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Effectiveness of Soluble CTLA-4-Fc in the Inhibition of Bone Marrow T-Cell Activation in Context of Indoleamine 2.3-Dioxygenase (IDO) and CD4+Foxp3+ Treg Induction
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Wpływ parametrów geometrycznych próbki stalowej na uzyskaną wartość wskaźnika krytycznego rozwarcia wierzchołka szczeliny CTOD w badaniach odporności na pękanie
PublicationW pracy podjęto problem określania ciągliwości materiału metodami mechaniki pękania, jako jednego z częściej wymaganych kryteriów dla konstrukcji okrętowych i oceanotechnicznych. Na podstawie rozważań i modeli numerycznych, studiowano problem wpływu parametrów geometrycznych próbki na wynik znormalizowanej próby określania krytycznego rozwarcia wierzchołka szczeliny - CTOD. W pierwszej części pracy dokonano przeglądu metod...
Differential Response of MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells to In Vitro Inhibition with CTLA-4 and PD-1 through Cancer-Immune Cells Modified Interactions
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Plasmon and structure resonances in the scattering of light by a periodic chain of silver nanocylinders
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Grating Resonances on Periodic Arrays of Sub-wavelength Wires and Strips: From Discoveries to Photonic Device Applications
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New aspects of the use of Optical Theorem in the analysis of microcavity lasers
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Low-threshold lasing eigenmodes of an infinite periodic chain of quantum wires
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Optical theorem helps understand thresholds of lasing in open semiconductor microcavities
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Grating resonances on periodic arrays of sub-wavelength wires and strips: Historical narrative and possible applications
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Optical Theorem Helps Understand Thresholds of Lasing in Microcavities With Active Regions
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Technika łączności przy użyciu platform stratosferycznych. W: [CD-ROM] IXSympozjum Wojskowej Techniki Morskiej. Osiągnięcia i Perspektywiczne Zamie- rzenia w Dziedzinie Wojskowej Techniki Morskiej. Gdynia, 22-23.X.2003. Gdy- nia: Ośr. Bad.-Rozw. CTM**2003 [8 s.], 2 rys. bibliogr. 4 poz.
PublicationPrzedstawiono koncepcję realizacji łączności radiowej przy użyciu tzw. plat-form stratosferycznych HASP, wyniesionych techniką balonową na wysokość 21tysięcy km. Projekt ten przewiduje zawieszenie takich platform nad dużymiobszarami pozbawionymi infrastruktury telekomunikacyjnej, np. nad wybranymiakwenami morskimi, generującymi duże zapotrzebowanie na usługi telekomunika-cyjne, z szybką transmisją danych włącznie. Poruszono...
Bis(ć-di-tert-butylphosphido)bis[(triethylphospine)palladium(I)](Pd-Pd). A-cta Crist. Sec. E [online]**2003 vol. 59 [dostęp 31 May 2003] s. 376-377, 1 rys. 1 tab. bibliogr. 13 poz. Dost. w Intern.ć-di-tert-butylphosphido)bis[(triethylphospine)palladium(I)](Pd-Pd).
PublicationBis.... powstaje w reakcji di-tert-butylfosfino-fosfanylideno-ĺ4-fosforanu zchlorkiem di-trietylofosfinopalladu(II) w obecności naftalidku sodu. Krystalizuje w grupie przestrzennej P1.
A decade of Poland`s integrated Road Safety Programme - economic develop-ment vs. road unsafety. W: [CD-ROM]. Conference proceedings. SORIC´02. 2nd Safety on Road Internationaload International Conference. Kingdom of Bah- rain, 21-23 October 2002. Bahrain: CTRS Univ. Bahrain**2002 [8 s. 5 rys. bibliogr. 5 poz. 10 lat Krajowego Programu Bezpieczeństwa Ruchu Drogowego w Polsce - rozwój ekonomiczny a niebezpieczeństwo ruchu.
PublicationReferat zawiera analizę doświadczeń z dziesięciu lat pracy oraz wdrożeń Kra-jowego Programu Bezpieczeństwa Ruchu Drogowego GAMBIT. Przedstawia również analizę przyczyn gwałtownego spadku liczby- śmiertelnych ofiar wypadków dro-gowych w Polsce w roku 2001.
Quantitative fluorescent determination of DNA – Ochratoxin a interactions supported by nitrogen-vacancy rich nanodiamonds
PublicationOchratoxin A (OTA) is a hazardous contaminant of a large variety of plant and animal originated food. Herein, we report an interaction of OTA with calf thymus DNA (ct DNA) on the nanodiamond surface. We employed multispectroscopic techniques to elucidate the binding mechanism of OTA with ct DNA. The fluorescence and UV–Vis spectroscopy results show that OTA binds to ds ct DNA and forms complexes. We obtained the binding constants...
Comparison of image pre-processing methods in liver segmentation task
PublicationAutomatic liver segmentation of Computed Tomography (CT) images is becoming increasingly important. Although there are many publications in this field there is little explanation why certain pre-processing methods were utilised. This paper presents a comparison of the commonly used approach of Hounsfield Units (HU) windowing, histogram equalisation, and a combination of these methods to try to ascertain what are the differences...
Analysis of the relationship between cutting forces and local structural properties of Scots pine wood aided by computed tomography
PublicationX-ray computed tomography (CT) is utilised in some sawmills today, primarily for enhancing value yield and for process automation, which includes log sorting and sawing optimisation. Nevertheless, there is a scarcity of recent research utilising CT to assess the local cutting process. As a preliminary study, this paper addresses this gap by using CT to investigate the connections between local cutting force and local wood properties...
Performance of a new commercial high-definition 3D patient specific quality assurance system for CyberKnife robotic radiotherapy and radiosurgery
PublicationConventional two dimensional and low-definition measurement techniques for dosimetric verification of radiotherapy treatment deliveries are no longer adequate in the era of hypofractionation and extremely high dose gradients. New quality assurance (QA) tools with 3D capability and high definition are urgently needed. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance of one of the first such commercial systems as applied...
Monitoring the fracture process of concrete during splitting using integrated ultrasonic coda wave interferometry, digital image correlation and X-ray micro-computed tomography
PublicationThe paper deals with the continuous-time monitoring of mechanical degradation in concrete cubes under splitting. A series of experiments performed with integrated coda wave interferometry (CWI) and digital image correlation (DIC), supported with X-ray micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) is reported. DIC and micro-CT techniques were used to characterize the fracture process in detail. CWI method was proved to be effective in the...
Enhancing Renal Tumor Detection: Leveraging Artificial Neural Networks in Computed Tomography Analysis
PublicationRenal cell carcinoma is one of the most common cancers in Europe, with a total incidence rate of 18.4 cases per 100 000 population. There is currently significant overdiagnosis (11% to 30.9%) at times of planned surgery based on radiological studies. The purpose of this study was to create an artificial neural network (ANN) solution based on computed tomography (CT) images as an additional tool to improve the differentiation of...
3D DEM simulations of fracture in reinforced concrete beams
PublicationArtykuł dotyczy zachowania się belki żelbetowej bez zbrojenia pionowego przy trzypunktowym zginaniu. Belka uległa zniszczeniu wskutek ścinania z powodu obecności nadmiernego zbrojenia podłużnego. Eksperymenty przeprowadzono w skali laboratoryjnej z wykorzystaniem systemu mikro-CT, a następnie odtworzono je w analizach numerycznych stosując metodą elementów dyskretnych 3D (DEM). Zastosowano 4-fazowy model betonu z mezostrukturą,...
Bio and slide bearings, their lubrication by non-Newtonian oils and applications in non-conventional systems
PublicationProject MTK-CT-2005-2008-517226Praca opisuje główne kierunki badawcze projektu europejskiego ToK, którego autor jest koordynatorem z ramienia Politechniki Gdańskiej.
Adaptive Hounsfield Scale Windowing in Computed Tomography Liver Segmentation
PublicationIn computed tomography (CT) imaging, the Hounsfield Unit (HU) scale quantifies radiodensity, but its nonlinear nature across organs and lesions complicates machine learning analysis. This paper introduces an automated method for adaptive HU scale windowing in deep learning-based CT liver segmentation. We propose a new neural network layer that optimizes HU scale window parameters during training. Experiments on the Liver Tumor...
Computed tomography indicators of cerebral microperfusion improve long term after carotid stenting in symptomatic patients
PublicationOBJECTIVES: We tested the hypothesis that computed tomography (CT) perfusion markers of cerebral microcirculation would improve 36 months after internal carotid artery stenting for symptomatic carotid stenosis while results obtained 6-8 weeks after the stenting procedure would yield a predictive value. METHODS: We recruited consecutive eligible patients with >70% symptomatic carotid stenosis with a complete circle of Willis and...
Insight into the microstructural and durability characteristics of 3D printed concrete: Cast versus printed specimens
PublicationThis study presents the comparison of microstructural and durability characteristics of 3D printed concrete (3DPC) depending on its production method (printing or casting). Printed samples with different numbers of layers, as well as a cast specimen with an identical mix composition, were produced and compared, with their microstructural pore and solid characteristics quantitatively and qualitatively investigated. For this purpose,...
Dobór cech elementu skończonego do wyznaczania naprężeń w tkance kostnej
PublicationBadania dotyczące obliczeń metodą elementów skończonych dla tkanki kostnej często wykorzystują metodologię budowy maszyn, gdzie używa się materiałów konstrukcyjnych o jednolitych właściwościach. Rzadko uwzględniają zróżnicowanie modułu Younga w obszarze elementów skończonych, gdzie informacje o rozkładzie sztywności tkanki pochodzą z obrazów tomograficznych. Celem pracy jest opracowanie metody modelowania tkanki kostnej uwzględniającej...
Three-dimensional modeling and automatic analysis of the human nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses using the computational fluid dynamics method
PublicationPurpose The goal of this study was to develop a complete workflow allowing for conducting computational fluid dynam- ics (CFD) simulation of airflow through the upper airways based on computed tomography (CT) and cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) studies of individual adult patients. Methods This study is based on CT images of 16 patients. Image processing and model generation of the human nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses...
Poprawa jakości obrazów parametrycznych w termografii dynamicznej w medycynie
PublicationObrazy parametryczne, uzyskiwane na drodze syntezy z badań dynamicznych CT, MRI i innych modalności, są coraz bardziej popularne w diagnostyce medycznej. Artykół prezentuje w jaki sposób można poprawić jakość otrzymywanych obrazów parametrycznych w aktywnej termografii dynamicznej (ADT).
ColorNephroNet: Kidney tumor malignancy prediction using medical image colorization
PublicationRenal tumor malignancy classification is one of the crucial tasks in urology, being a primary factor included in the decision of whether to perform kidney removal surgery (nephrectomy) or not. Currently, tumor malignancy prediction is determined by the radiological diagnosis based on computed tomography (CT) images. However, it is estimated that up to 16% of nephrectomies could have been avoided because the tumor that had been...
Tribologia biołożysk i inteligentnych bioreaktorów problemem grantu europejskiego = Tribology of biobearings and intelligent bioreactors as the main problem of euro-project
PublicationPraca przedstawia kluczowe problemy związane z organizacją współpracy z uczelniami niemieckimi i badaniami naukowym przeprowadzanymi w zakresie biomechaniki i biotribologii w ramach grantu europejskiego MTK-CT-2004/2008-517226, którego koordynatorem na Wydziale Oceanotechniki i Okrętownictwa Politechnice Gdańskiej jest prof. Krzysztof Wierzcholski
An Assessment of RASSCF and TDDFT Energies and Gradients on an Organic Donor−Acceptor Dye Assisted by Resonance Raman Spectroscopy
PublicationThe excitation energies and gradients in the ground and the first excited state of a novel donor−(π- bridge)−acceptor 4-methoxy-1,3-thiazole-based chromophore were investigated by means of MS-RASPT2/RASSCF and TDDFT in solution. Within both methods, the excitation energies strongly depend on the employed equilibrium structures, whose differences can be rationalized in terms of bond length alternation indexes. It is shown that functionals with...
Shear fracture of longitudinally reinforced concrete beams under bending using Digital Image Correlation and FE simulations with concrete micro-structure based on X-ray micro-computed tomography images
PublicationThe paper presents experimental and numerical investigations of the shear fracture in rectangular concrete beams longitudinally reinforced with steel or basalt bar under quasi-static three point bending. Shear fracture process zone formation and development on the surface of beams was investigated by Digital Image Correlation (DIC) whereas thorough analyses of 3D material micro-structure, air voids, width and curvature of shear...
Numerical analysis of the ostiomeatal complex aeration using the CFD method
PublicationWe aimed to analyse ostiomeatal complex (OMC) aeration using the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method of simulation based on human craniofacial computed tomography (CT) scans. The analysis was based on CT images of 2 patients: one with normal nose anatomy and one with nasal septal deviation (NSD). The Reynolds-Average Simulation approach and turbulence model based on linear eddy viscosity supplemented with the two-equation...