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Almost homoclinic solutions for the second order Hamiltonian systems
PublicationW niniejszej pracy badam istnienie rozwiązań prawie homoklinicznych (almost homoclinic) dla układu Hamiltona rzędu drugiego (układu Newtona): ü(t) + V_{u}(t,u) = f(t), gdzie t є R, u є R^{n}, V(t,u) = -K(t,u) + W(t,u), K,W: R x R^{n} → R są klasy C^{1}, K spełnia warunek ''pinching'', W_{u}(t,u)=o(|u|), gdy |u| → 0 jednostajnie względem t, f: R → R^{n} jest funkcją ciągłą, niezerową i odpowiednio małą w L^{2}(R,R^{n}). Przy tych...
A note on an approximative scheme of finding almost homoclinic solutions for Newtonian systems
PublicationIn this work we will be concerned with the existence of an almost homoclinic solution for a perturbed Newtonian system in a finite dimensional space. It is assumed that a potential is C^1 smooth and its gradient is bounded with respect to a time variable. Moreover, a forcing term is continuous, bounded and squere integrable. We will show that the appproximative scheme due to J. Janczewska for a time periodic potential extends to...
An approximative scheme of finding almost homoclinic solutions for a class of Newtonian systems
PublicationW niniejszej pracy badamy istnienie rozwiązań prawie homoklinicznych (ang. almost homoclinic solutions) dla pewnej klasy układów Newtona. Rozwiązanie prawie homokliniczne otrzymujemy jako granicę ciągu rozwiązań okresowych dla pewnego ciągu równań różniczkowych.
Two almost homoclinic solutions for second-order perturbed Hamiltonian systems
PublicationW niniejszym artykule badamy problem istnienia rozwiązań prawie homoklinicznych (rozwiązań znikających w nieskończonościach) dla układów Hamiltonowskich drugiego rzędu (układów Newtonowskich) z zaburzeniem. Nasz wynik jest uogólnieniem twierdzenia Rabinowitza-Tanaki o istnieniu rozwiązania homoklinicznego dla układów bez zaburzenia [Math. Z. 206 (1991) 473-499]. O zaburzeniu zakładamy, że jest dostatecznie małe w przestrzeni funkcji...
Almost homoclinic solutions for a certain class of mixed type functional differential equations
PublicationW pracy opisano pewną metodę aproksymacyjną szukania rozwiązań prawie homoklinicznych dla równań różniczkowo funkcyjnych z opóźnionym i przyśpieszonym argumentem. Podano również przykłady zastosowań tej metody.
Approximative sequences and almost homoclinic solutions for a class of second order perturbed Hamiltonian systems
PublicationIn this work we will consider a class of second order perturbed Hamiltonian systems with a superquadratic growth condition on a time periodic potential and a small aperiodic forcing term. To get an almost homoclinic solution we approximate the original system by time periodic ones with larger and larger time periods. These approximative systems admit periodic solutions, and an almost homoclinic solution for the original system...
Homoclinic orbits for an almost periodically forced singular Newtonian system in R^3
Publication. This work uses a variational approach to establish the existence of at least two homoclinic solutions for a family of singular Newtonian systems in R^3 which are subjected to almost periodic forcing in time variable
On the Existence of Homoclinic Type Solutions of a Class of Inhomogenous Second Order Hamiltonian Systems
PublicationWe show the existence of homoclinic type solutions of a class of inhomogenous second order Hamiltonian systems, where a C1-smooth potential satisfies a relaxed superquadratic growth condition, its gradient is bounded in the time variable, and a forcing term is sufficiently small in the space of square integrable functions. The idea of our proof is to approximate the original system by time-periodic ones, with larger and larger...
On the existence of homoclinic type solutions of inhomogenous Lagrangian systems
PublicationWe study the existence of homoclinic type solutions for a class of inhomogenous Lagrangian systems with a potential satisfying the Ambrosetti-Rabinowitz superquadratic growth condition and a square integrable forcing term. A homoclinic type solution is obtained as a limit of periodic solutions of an approximative sequence of second order differential equations.
Integrate-and-fire models with an almost periodic input function
PublicationWe investigate leaky integrate-and-fire models (LIF models for short) driven by Stepanov and μ-almost periodic functions. Special attention is paid to the properties of the firing map and its displacement, which give information about the spiking behavior of the considered system. We provide conditions under which such maps are well-defined and are uniformly continuous. We show that the LIF models with Stepanov almost periodic...
Firing map of an almost periodic input function
PublicationIn mathematical biology and the theory of electric networks the firing map of an integrate-and-fire system is a notion of importance. In order to prove useful properties of this map authors of previous papers assumed that the stimulus function f of the system ẋ = f(t,x) is continuous and usually periodic in the time variable. In this work we show that the required properties of the firing map for the simplified model ẋ = f(t) still...
Homoclinic and Heteroclinic Orbits for a Class of Singular Planar Newtonian Systems
PublicationThe study of existence and multiplicity of solutions of differential equations possessing a variational nature is a problem of great meaning since most of them derives from mechanics and physics. In particular, this relates to Hamiltonian systems including Newtonian ones. During the past thirty years there has been a great deal of progress in the use of variational methods to find periodic, homoclinic and heteroclinic solutions...
Homoclinic orbits for a class of singular second order Hamiltonian systems in ℝ3
PublicationWe consider a conservative second order Hamiltonian system \ddot{q}+ ∇V(q)=0 in R3 with a potential V having a global maximum at the origin and a line l ∩ {0} = ∅ as a set of singular points. Under a certain compactness condition on V at infinity and a strong force condition at singular points we study, by the use of variational methods and geometrical arguments, the existence of homoclinic solutions of the system.
Short-term momentum (almost) everywhere
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Smart Email - Almost an Agent Platform
PublicationNetwork organizations suffer today of information overload and strain that rise their operational costs. One of the reasons of that is the dominance of email messaging as the princi-pal means of document exchange between their workers. Proac-tive documents can rationalize these costs and augment email systems with a process view based on collaboration patterns.
Homoclinic solutions for nonautonomous second order Hamiltonian
PublicationW pracy dowodzi się istnienia rozwiązań homoklinicznych dla pewnych typów równań różniczkowych zwyczajnych drugiego rzędu typu hamiltonowskiego.
Firing map for periodically and almost-periodically driven integrate-and-fire models: a dynamical systems approach
PublicationWe consider the Leaky Integrate-and-Fire and Perfect Integrator models of neuron’s dynamics with the input function being periodic and almost-periodic (in the sense of Stepanov). In particular we analyze properties and dynamics of the so-called firing map, which iterations give timings of consecutive spikes of a neuron. In case of a periodic input function we provide a detailed description of the sequence of interspike-intervals,...
Is the p-chloroaniline anion bound almost entirely by correlation?
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Ramsey numbers for triangles versus almost-complete graphs.
PublicationPokazano, że w każdym krawędziowym pokolorowaniu dwoma kolorami grafu pełnego o 38 wierzchołkach występuje trójkąt w pierwszym kolorze lub podgraf izomorficzny z K_10 - e w drugim kolorze. Stąd otrzymujemy górne oszacowanie R(K_3, K_10 - e) <= 38. Przedstawiamy także pokolorowanie krawędziowe grafu K_36, którego istnienie dowodzi, że R(K_3, K_10 - e) >= 37.
Homoclinic solutions for a class of the second order Hamiltonian systems
PublicationW niniejszej pracy badamy istnienie orbit homoklinicznych dlaukładu Hamiltonowskiego drugiego rzędu: q^{..} + V_{q}(t,q) = f(t), gdzie V z iloczynu kartezjańskiego R x R^{n} do R jest postaciV(t,q) = -K(t,q) + W(t,q). Zakładamy, ze V jest T-okresowe ze względuna zmienną t, K spełnia tzw. ''pinching'' warunek, W jest superliniowew nieskończoności, a norma f w L^{2} jest wystarczająco mała.Orbitę homokliniczną takiego układu znajdujemy...
Dynamics near nonhyperbolic fixed points or nontransverse homoclinic points
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Approximate solution for Euler equations of stratified water via numerical solution of coupled KdV system
PublicationWe consider Euler equations with stratified background state that is valid for internal water waves. The solution of the initial-boundary problem for Boussinesq approximation in the waveguide mode is presented in terms of the stream function. The orthogonal eigenfunctions describe a vertical shape of the internal wave modes and satisfy a Sturm-Liouville problem. The horizontal profile is defined by a coupled KdV system which is...
Quantum corrections to quasi-periodic solution of Sine-Gordon model and periodic solution of phi^4 model
PublicationAnalytical form of quantum corrections to quasi-periodic solution of Sine-Gordon model and periodic solution of phi^4 model is obtained through zeta function regularisation with account of all rest variables of a d-dimensional theory. Qualitative dependence of quantum corrections on parameters of the classical systems is also evaluated for a much broader class of potentials u(x) = b^2 f(bx) + C with b and C as arbitrary real constants
Almost homoclinics for nonautonomous second order Hamiltonian systems by a variational approach
PublicationW artykule badamy problem istnienia rozwiązań prawie homoklinicznych dla nieautonomicznych układów Hamiltona w R^n z potencjałem V(t,x) postaci -1/2(L(t)x,x)+W(t,x) oraz zaburzeniem f(t) (ang. forcing term) z L^2. Zakładamy, że L jest funkcją ciągłą z prostej w zbiór macierzy kwadratowych nxn taką, że macierze L(t) są symetryczne i dodatnio określone jednostajnie względem zmiennej t. Potencjał W(t,x) jest klasy C^1 i nadkwadratowy...
Homoclinic orbits for a class of singular second order Hamiltonian systems in R3
PublicationW niniejszym artykule rozważamy autonomiczny układ Hamiltonowski w 3-wymiarowej przestrzeni euklidesowej, z potencjałem osiągającym maksimum globalne właściwe równe zero w początku układu współrzędnych i mającym za zbiór punktów osobliwych prostą, która nie przechodzi przez początek układu. Przy założeniu, że potencjał spełnia pewien warunek zwartości w nieskończoności i warunek Gordona w otoczeniu prostej punktów osobliwych, stosując...
Preparation and characterisation of solution-cast Nafion membrane
PublicationNafion is a commercial name for a perfluorosulfonic polymer, which has been developed in 1962 by Dupont de Nemours. This polymer consists of a polytetrafluoroethylene backbone and regular spaced long perfluorovinyl ether pendant side chains terminated by a sulfonate ionic group. These sulfonate groups are responsible for cation-exchange properties of Nafion. Thanks to the ion-exchange properties, water permeability, good chemical,...
Homoclinic solutions for a class of autonomous second order Hamiltonian systems with a superquadratic potential
PublicationW niniejszej pracy udowodniliśmy istnienie nietrywialnego rozwiązania homoklinicznego dla autonomicznych układów Hamiltona drugiego rzędu z nadkwadratowym potencjałem. Orbitę homokliniczną otrzymaliśmy jako słabą granicę ciągu punktów prawie krytycznych, stosując zasadę minimaks do odpowiedniego funkcjonału akcji oraz prosty argument typu ''concentration-compactness''.
Computer-assisted pronunciation training—Speech synthesis is almost all you need
PublicationThe research community has long studied computer-assisted pronunciation training (CAPT) methods in non-native speech. Researchers focused on studying various model architectures, such as Bayesian networks and deep learning methods, as well as on the analysis of different representations of the speech signal. Despite significant progress in recent years, existing CAPT methods are not able to detect pronunciation errors with high...
On delay differential equations with almost periodic boundary conditions started from different points
PublicationDyskutowany jest problem istnienia ekstremalnych rozwiązań dla równań różniczkowych typu opóźnionego przy odpowiednich warunkach brzegowych. Sformułowano odpowiednie twierdzenia porównawcze. W pracy zawarte są również wyniki dotyczące takich równań przy większej ilości argumentów opóźnionych.
The existence and multiplicity of heteroclinic and homoclinic orbits for a class of singular Hamiltonian systems in R^2
PublicationW niniejszej pracy badamy autonomiczne układy Hamiltona na płaszczyźnie z potencjałem, który ma punkt osobliwy x, globalne minimum równe zero osiągane w punktach a i b różnych od x oraz spełnia warunek typu Gordona w otoczeniu punktu osobliwego. Wykorzystując metody wariacyjne i pojęcie rotacji krzywej wykazaliśmy, że istnieją co najmniej dwa rozwiązania, które omijają punkt osobliwy i łączą {a,b} z {a,b}.
Hydration of Oxometallate Ions in Aqueous Solution
PublicationThe strength of hydrogen bonding to and structure of hydrated oxometallate ions in aqueous solution have been studied by double difference infrared (DDIR) spectroscopy and large-angle X-ray scattering (LAXS), respectively. Anions are hydrated by accepting hydrogen bonds from the hydrating water molecules. The oxygen atom of the permanganate and perrhenate ions form weaker and longer hydrogen bonds to water than the hydrogen bonds...
Surprising Radiolytic Stability of 8‑Thiomethyladenine in an Aqueous Solution
Publication8-Thiomethyladenine (ASCH3), a potentially radiosensitizing modified nucleobase, has been synthesized in a reaction between 8-thioadenine and methyl iodide. Despite favorable dissociative electron attachment (DEA) characteristics, the radiolysis of an aqueous solution of ASCH3 with a dose of X-ray amounting to as much as 300 Gy leads to no effects. Nevertheless, crossed electron-molecule beam experiments in the gas phase on ASCH3...
Study of excitation energy transport and degradation in aqueous solution of FMN
PublicationStudy of excitation energy transport and degradation in aqueous solution of FMN
PublicationThe properties of doped barium cerate barium zirconate solid solution are presented in presented work. It was found that doping of solid solution of barium cerate and zirconate by rare-earth elements have an influence on microstructure and electrical properties of the samples.
Electrical Propterties of Solution Mixtures for Bath Supervision in Ambient Assisted Living
PublicationImpedance properties of bath solution are compared. Any ingredient such as soap, shampoo or bathing salt changes bath-solution’s electrical properties eg. impedance. We have measured and analysed influence of typical bathing ingredients on electrical properties of the solution. We investigate impedance changes over frequency range from 100Hz tu 100kHz as it is most applicable for person detection. Electrical properties of bath...
Advanced oxidation treatment of Pentoxifylline in aqueous solution
PublicationThe degradation of pentoxifylline (PTX) using H2O2, UV, H2O2/UV, Fenton and photo- Fenton processes has been examined in aqueous solution. The influence of various amount of oxidation agent on H2O2, H2O2/UV, Fenton and photo-Fenton reactions were investigated. Initial PTX concentration in Fenton and photo-Fenton was considerated. The addition of inorganic ions (Cl-, NO3-, SO42- and CO32-) on the degradation efficiency of PTX were...
DWDM Network Laboratory Solution for Telecommunication Education Engineering
PublicationDevelopment of network architectures in the field of optical telecommunications technologies is an indicator of changes in telecommunication education engineering. Conducting didactic classes requires hardware infrastructure and research in terms of teaching needs. In the paper we present DWDM network laboratory solution for telecommunication education engineering on the basis of the ADVA Optical Networking equipment. We have to...
Balance error generated by numerical diffusion in the solution of Muskingum equation
PublicationIn the paper the conservative properties of the lumped hydrological models with variable parameters are discussed. It is shown that in the case of the non-linear Muskingum equation the mass balance is not satisfied. The study indicates that the mass balance errors are caused by the improper form of equation and by the numerical diffusion which is generated in the solution. It has been shown that the classical way of derivation...
Choosing the Right Cybersecurity Solution: A Review of Selection and Evaluation Criteria
PublicationInformation technologies evolve continuously reaching pioneering areas that bring in new cybersecurity challenges. Security engineering needs to keep pace with the advancing cyberthreats by providing innovative solutions. At the same time, the foundations that include security and risk assessment methodologies should remain stable. Experts are offered with an extensive portfolio of solutions and an informed choice of a particular...
Photophysics of Untethered ZnTPP-Fullerene Complexes in Solution
PublicationThe spectroscopy and dynamic behavior of the self-assembled, Soret-excited zinc tetraphenylporphyrin (ZnTPP) plus fullerene (C60) model system in solution has been examined using steady state fluorescence quenching, nanosecond time-correlated single photon counting, picosecond fluorescence upconversion, and picosecond transient absorption methods. Evidence of ground state complexation is presented. Steady-state quenching of the...
Open standards-based communication system for distributed intelligent surveillance solution
PublicationThe paper presents an open standards-based communication system being a part of a distributed surveillance solution. The paradigm of “intelligent” surveillance approach is introduced, and employed video processing is discussed briefly. Requirements analysis toward the design of communication subsystem architecture is presented. Special attention is paid to the multimedia streaming functionality of presented solution, which is based...
Numerical solution of threshold problems in epidemics and population dynamics
PublicationA new algorithm is proposed for the numerical solution of threshold problems in epidemics and population dynamics. These problems are modeled by the delay-differential equations, where the delay function is unknown and has to be determined from the threshold conditions. The new algorithm is based on embedded pair of continuous Runge–Kutta method of order p = 4 and discrete Runge–Kutta method of order q = 3 which is used for the...
Application of short-time GNSS solution geodynamical studies
PublicationThe paper presents the results of research related to the application of GNSS solutions in short observational periods in geodynamical investigations. Authors used the 3-hour solution appointed from hour-long interval of about 30 chosen stations on mountainous terrains from over 100 which were worked out. The main aim was to check the correctness of such solutions by the comparison with the daily ones. Some outliers in East component...
Using Moodle as a Solution to Interdisciplinary E-collaboration Issues
PublicationRapid technological development in recent years has contributed to numerous changes in many areas of life, including education and communication. Establishing interdisciplinary collaboration brings many benefits, however, it is often associated with numerous problems and inconveniences, as well as the need of constant improvement, lifelong learning, professional development (CPD) and finding an effective way of information transferring....
A solution of non-linear differential problem with application to selected geotechnical problems
PublicationA certain non-linear differential equation containing a power of unknown function being the solution is considered with application to selected geotechnical problems. The equation can be derived to a linear differential equation by a proper substitution and properties of the operations G and S.
PublicationThe paper concerns the numerical solution of one-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) advection-diffusion equations. For the numerical solution of the 1D advection-diffusion equation a method, originally proposed for solution of the 1D pure advection equation, has been developed. A modified equation analysis carried out for the proposed method allowed increasing of the resulting solution accuracy and consequently, to reduce...
On analytical solution of stationary two dimensional boundary problem of natural convection
PublicationApproximate analytical solution of two dimensional problem for sta- tionary Navier-Stokes, continuity and Fourier-Kirchho equations describ- ing free convective heat transfer from isothermal surface of half innite vertical plate is presented. The problem formulation is based on the typ- ical for natural convection assumptions: the uid noncompressibility and Boussinesq approximation. We also assume that orthogonal to the plate component...
Secondary emission influenced fluorescence decay of a homogeneous fluorophore solution
PublicationAn analytical expression is found allowing the calculation of the secondary emission influenced fluorescence decay of a homogeneous fluorophore solution. Before starting the calculation one has to know the shape of the primary fluorescence decay of the fluorophore and the value of the parameter kappa denoting the ratio of the secondary to primary steady-state fluorescence intensities. The method elaborated by Budo and Ketskemety...
Solution of coupled integral equations for quantum scattering in the presence of complex potentials
PublicationIn this paper, we present a method to compute solutions of coupled integral equations for quantum scattering problems in the presence of a complex potential. We show how the elastic and absorption cross sections can be obtained from the numerical solution of these equations in the asymptotic region at large radial distances.
Solution of the dike-break problem using finite volume method and splitting technique
PublicationIn the paper the finite volume method (FVM) is presented for the solution of two-dimensional shallow water equations. These equations are frequently used to simulate the dam-break and dike-break induced flows. The applied numerical algorithm of FVM is based on the wave-propagation algorithm which ensures a stable solution and simultaneously minimizes the numerical errors. The dimensional decomposition according to the coordinate...