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AGAR a Microbial Colony Dataset for Deep Learning Detection
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Endoscopy images classification with kernel based learning algorithms.
PublicationPrzedstawiono zastosowanie algorytmów opartych na wektorach wspierających zbudowanych na dwóch różnych funkcjach straty do klasyfikacji obrazów endoskopowych przełyku. Szczegółowo omówiono sposób ekstrakcji cech obrazów oraz algorytm klasyfikacji. Klasyfikator został zastosowany do problemu rozpoznawania zdjęć guzów złośliwych i łagodnych.
E-learning w małych i średnich przedsiębiorstwach
PublicationW rozdziale przedstawiono podstawowych zagadnienia e-learningu w małych i średnich przedsiębiorstwach oraz przykłady realizowanych projektów.
E-learning course "International comparative studies on SMEs"
PublicationProjekt Leonardo da Vinci "International comparative studies and course development on SMEs" został zainspirowany poprzednim projektem LdV "A European Diploma in SME Management". Bazując na poprzednich doświadczeniach projektowych zaproponowano opracowanie struktur dla opisania narodowych systemów małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw (ang. SME Small Media Enterprises) przy wykorzystaniu dostępnych krajowych danych. Udowodniono, że...
Transfer learning in imagined speech EEG-based BCIs
PublicationThe Brain–Computer Interfaces (BCI) based on electroencephalograms (EEG) are systems which aim is to provide a communication channel to any person with a computer, initially it was proposed to aid people with disabilities, but actually wider applications have been proposed. These devices allow to send messages or to control devices using the brain signals. There are different neuro-paradigms which evoke brain signals of interest...
Scent emitting multimodal computer interface for learning enhancement
PublicationKomputerowy interfejs aromatyczny stanowi ważne uzupełnienie procesu stymulacji polisensorycznej. Stymulacja ta odgrywa kluczową rolę w terapii i kształceniu dzieci z zaburzeniami rozwoju (np. w przypadku autyzmu czy ADHD). Opracowany interfejs może stać się elementem wyposażenia tzw. sal doświadczania świata, ale może być także stosowany niezależnie stanowiąc znaczące wzbogacenie komputerowych programów edukacyjnych. Dzięki możliwości...
Classifying Emotions in Film Music - A Deep Learning Approach
PublicationThe paper presents an application for automatically classifying emotions in film music. A model of emotions is proposed, which is also associated with colors. The model created has nine emotional states, to which colors are assigned according to the color theory in film. Subjective tests are carried out to check the correctness of the assumptions behind the adopted emotion model. For that purpose, a statistical analysis of the...
Musical Instrument Identification Using Deep Learning Approach
PublicationThe work aims to propose a novel approach for automatically identifying all instruments present in an audio excerpt using sets of individual convolutional neural networks (CNNs) per tested instrument. The paper starts with a review of tasks related to musical instrument identification. It focuses on tasks performed, input type, algorithms employed, and metrics used. The paper starts with the background presentation, i.e., metadata...
Krzysztof Jan Kaliński prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleKrzysztof J. Kaliński completed his MSc study at Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT) Faculty of Production Engineering (1980, result – get a first). He obtained PhD at GUT Faculty of Machine Building (1988, result – get a first), DSc at GUT Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (ME) (2002, result – get a first), and professor’s title – w 2013 r. In 2015 r. he became full professor, and since 2019 - professor.His research area includes:...
Learning from mistakes within organizations: An adaptive network-oriented model for a double bias perspective for safety and security through cyberspace
PublicationAlthough making mistakes is a crucial part of learning, it is still often being avoided in companies as it is considered as a shameful incident. This goes hand in hand with a mindset of a boss who dominantly believes that mistakes usually have negative consequences and therefore avoids them by only accepting simple tasks. Thus, there is no mechanism to learn from mistakes. Employees working for and being influenced by such a boss...
Steady-State Vibration Level Measurement of the Five-Phase Induction Machine during Third Harmonic Injection or Open-Phase Faults
PublicationMultiphase electric machines are increasingly used in various industries and for electromobility. Complex systems have been developed for the control and powering of multiphase machines, which require verification. The quality of control and the power supply of electric machines is usually evaluated by analyzing various electrical parameters. On the other hand, taking into account the fact that a motor is an electrical-mechanical...
Anita Maria Dąbrowicz-Tlałka dr
PeopleAnita Dąbrowicz-Tlałka graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at the University of Gdańsk with an outstanding grade, having written her thesis in the field of geometric topology. She concurrently obtained a diploma in Postgraduate Studies in the Basics of Computer Science at the University of Gdańsk. In 2001 she received a Ph.D. degree in mathematical studies at the Poznań University of Technology after defending...
The effect of full-cell impregnation of pine wood (Pinus Sylvestris L.) on the fine dust content during sawing on a frame sawing machine
PublicationIn this paper the results of the analysis of the effect of the impregnation treatment of pine wood on the granularity of sawdust from the sawing process on the frame sawing machine PRW 15M are presented. Granulometric analyses of chips from impregnated and unimpregnated pine wood implies that the impregnation of pine wood does not affect the size and structure of the sawdust produced. A major ≈ 95% share of the formed chips is...
Technological vs. Non-Technological Mindsets: Learning From Mistakes, and Organizational Change Adaptability to Remote Work
PublicationThe permanent implementation of the change in working methods, e.g., working in the virtual space, is problematic for some employees and, as a result, for management leaders. To explore this issue deeper, this study assumes that mindset type: technological vs. non-technological, may influence the organizational adaptability to change. Moreover, the key interest of this research is how non-technological mindsets...
Selection of form factors of machine carrying systems in reliance on the process duty
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Features of Machine Cyclogram Optimization with the Account of Interaction of Mechanism Links with Stops
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Determination of the rigidity and deformation energy of the technological machine load-carrying systems
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Molecular Diffusion Simulation on ARUZ – Massively-parallel FPGA-based Machine
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Control system based on the modified multiscalar model for the double fed machine
PublicationPrzedstawiono układ sterowania maszyną asynchroniczą dwustronnie zasilaną wykorzystujący zmodyfikowany model multisaklarny. Wprowadzone nielinowe sprzężenia pozwalają na podział systemu na dwa niezależne podukłady. Pododuje to brak zauważalnych sprzężeń przy regulacji mocy czynnej i biernej regulowanej przez kontrolery PI. W układzie wyeliminowano konieczność stosowania kaskadowego połączenia regulatorów. Przedstawiono wyniki symulacji.
Simulation of influence of the air gap asymmetryon voltage waveforms of a synchronous machine
PublicationResults of simulation of a synchronous generator with the air gap asymmetry characterised by eccentricity are presented in the paper. The Lagrange's energy method has been used in derivation of the model equations. Analysis of influence of the air gap asymmetry on characteristics of self and mutual inductances of windings, as well as analysis of induced voltage waveforms as a function of the air gap asymmetry have been performed....
Testing motional accuracy of a manufacturing machine - a task imposed on modern maintenance
PublicationArtykuł dotyczy zagadnień utrzymania ruchu maszyn w powiązaniu z problemami parametryzacji zautomatyzowanych napędów. Przedstawiono krótki przegląd i kierunki rozwoju wspomagania komputerowego w ramach zakładowych systemów utrzymania ruchu. Zwrócono uwagę na pomijanie w popularnie publikowanych graficznych modelach systemów informatycznych CIM, ich podsystemów dedykowanych dla wspomagania utrzymania ruchu maszyn, podczas gdy takie...
Research on a permanent magnet assisted synchronous reluctance machine with hybrid excitation
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Tests on lateral resistance in railway track during operation of tamping machine
PublicationArtykuł prezentuje koncepcję prowadzenia badań oporów poprzecznych w trakcie procesu regulacji geometrycznej toru kolejowego za pomocą podbijarki. Jest to zatem kontynuacja badań nad zastosowaniem podbijarki torowej w diagnostyce toru bezstykowego; wcześniej zajmowano się kwestią określania sił podłużnych w szynach. Przedstawiono sposób wyznaczania oporów poprzecznych polegający na ciągłej rejestracji przemieszczenia oraz siły...
The use of tamping machine for diagnosising the longitudinal forces in rails of CWR track
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono przebieg prowadzonych od kilkunastu lat w Politechnice Gdańskiej badań nad wyznaczaniem sił podłużnych w szynach toru bezstykowego. Opisano skonstruowaną aparaturę pomiarową. Badania eksperymentalne polegały na podnoszeniu, a następnie poprzecznym nasuwaniu rusztu torowego za pomocą podbijarki. Rejestrowano przy tym wartości przemieszczeń toru oraz odkształcenia siłowników hydraulicznych. W rezultacie ostatnich...
Experimental examination and modification of chip suction system in circular sawing machine
PublicationThe article presents the results of experimental examination of the wood chip suction system in the existing sliding table saw before and after its modifi cation. The studies focused on the extraction hood of the mentioned system. The methodical experimental research of the pressure distribution inside the hood during wood chip removal for the selected rotational speed of saw blades of 3500 and 6000 min-1 with a diameter of 300...
How does the Relationship Between the Mistakes Acceptance Component of Learning Culture and Tacit Knowledge-Sharing Drive Organizational Agility? Risk as a Moderator
PublicationChanges in the business context create the need to adjust organizational knowledge to new contexts to enable the organizational agile responses to secure competitiveness. Tacit knowledge is strongly contextual. This study is based on the assumption that business context determines tacit knowledge creation and acquisition, and thanks to this, the tacit knowledge-sharing processes support agility. Therefore, this study aims to expose...
Qualitative evaluation of distributed clinical systems supporting research teams working on large-scale data
PublicationInthispaper,fivecontemporaryscalablesystemstosupportmedicalresearchteams are presented. Their functionalities extend from heterogeneous unstructured data acquisition through large-scale data storing, to on-the-fly analyzing by using robust methods. Such kinds of systems can be useful in the development of new medical procedures and recommendation rules for decision support systems. A short description of each of them is provided....
FPGA and optical-network-based LLRF distributed control system for TESLA-XFEL linear accelerator
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Modeling, run-time optimization and execution of distributed workflow applications in the JEE-based BeesyCluster environment
PublicationArtykuł prezentuje kompletne rozwiązanie do modelowania naukowych i biznesowych scenariuszy. statycznego i dynamicznego wyboru usług z uwzględnieniem parametrów jakościowych oraz wykonanie scenariuszy w rzeczywistym środowisku. Scenariusz jest modelowany jako acykliczny graf skierowany, w którym węzły reprezentują zadania zaś krawędzie zależności pomiędzy zadaniami. Warstwa pośrednia BeesyCluster jest wykorzystana do umożliwienia...
Employing Subjective Tests and Deep Learning for Discovering the Relationship between Personality Types and Preferred Music Genres
PublicationThe purpose of this research is two-fold: (a) to explore the relationship between the listeners’ personality trait, i.e., extraverts and introverts and their preferred music genres, and (b) to predict the personality trait of potential listeners on the basis of a musical excerpt by employing several classification algorithms. We assume that this may help match songs according to the listener’s personality in social music networks....
Variable Data Structures and Customized Deep Learning Surrogates for Computationally Efficient and Reliable Characterization of Buried Objects
PublicationIn this study, in order to characterize the buried object via deep-learning-based surrogate modeling approach, 3-D full-wave electromagnetic simulations of a GPR model has been used. The task is to predict simultaneously and independent of each characteristic parameters of a buried object of several radii at different positions (depth and lateral position) in various dispersive subsurface media. This study has analyzed variable...
Becoming a Learning Organization Through Dynamic Business Process Management
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Cognitive and Psychological Reverberations of Remote Learning on Students at the University of Saida
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Agent-Based Population Learning Algorithm for RBF Network Tuning
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Deep learning-based waste detection in natural and urban environments
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The detection of Alternaria solani infection on tomatoes using ensemble learning
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Scheduling Repetitive Construction Processes Using the Learning-Forgetting Theory
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Generation of microbial colonies dataset with deep learning style transfer
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Meta-Design and the Triple Learning Organization in Architectural Design Process
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Building the Learning Environment for Sustainable Development: a Co-creation approach
PublicationEducation for sustainable development supports the improvement of knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviors related to global challenges such as climate change, global warming and environmental degradation, among others. It is increasingly taking place through projects based on information and communication technologies. The effectiveness of the actions taken depends not only on the quality of the project activities or the...
DentalSegmentator: robust deep learning-based CBCT image segmentation
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Didaktische simulationsmodelle fur E-learning in der IK-ausbildung.
PublicationPrzedstawiono dydaktyczne modele symulacyjne wykorzystywane w zdalnym kształceniu z zakresu informatyki i technik komunikacyjnych. Pokazano na przykładach zbudowanych symulatorów, w jaki sposób zrealizować lub dostosować modele symulacyjne do zdalnego nauczania. Opisano doświadczenia autorów w wykorzystaniu modeli symulacyjnych w zdalnym nauczaniu.
Beyond Traditional Learning: The LLM Revolution in BPM Education at University
PublicationLarge Language Models (LLMs) significantly impact higher education, requiring changes in educational processes, especially in Business Process Management (BPM) practical exercises. The research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of LLMs in BPM education to determine if LLMs can supplement educators. The study involved 33 master’s degree students. Students’ works were manually evaluated and compared to LLM-generated responses. Results...
Digital competence learning in secondary adult education in Finland and Poland
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Employing a biofeedback method based on hemispheric synchronization in effective learning
PublicationIn this paper an approach to build a brain computer-based hemispheric synchronization system is presented. The concept utilizes the wireless EEG signal registration and acquisition as well as advanced pre-processing methods. The influence of various filtration techniques of EOG artifacts on brain state recognition is examined. The emphasis is put on brain state recognition using band pass filtration for separation of individual...
Project and problem-based learning (PPBL): wprowadzenie
EventsZapraszamy na warsztaty, na których zrozumiesz założenia metody pracą projektu w oparciu o rozwiązywanie realnego problemu, poznasz etapy pracy zespołu metodą projektu oraz rolę nauczyciela i studentów w PPBL.
Thermodynamic Cycle Concepts for High-Efficiency Power Plants. Part B: Prosumer and Distributed Power Industry
PublicationAn analysis was carried out for different thermodynamic cycles of power plants with air turbines. A new modification of a gas turbine cycle with the combustion chamber at the turbine outlet has been described in the paper. A special air by-pass system of the combustor was applied, and in this way, the efficiency of the turbine cycle was increased by a few points. The proposed cycle equipped with an effective heat exchanger could...
Sensorless Multiscalar Control of Five-Phase Induction Machine with Inverter Output Filter
PublicationThe paper presents a complete solution for speed sensorless control system for five-phase induction motor with voltage inverter, LC filter and nonlinear control of combined fundamental and third harmonic flux distribution. The control principle, also known as multiscalar control, nonlinear control or natural variables control, is based on a use of properly selected scalar variables in control feedback to linearize controlled system....
Improving operating efficiency of a gas turboset via cooperation with an absorption refrigerating machine
PublicationThe analysis of increase of ambient air temperature entering the compressor on reduction in power output from the turbine and increase fuel use was conduced. For medium size gas turbine operates in winter and summer conditions elementary power and economical values was calculated. Conditions of the determination of turbine inlet air cooling solution (using thermal storage for reduce equipment size) are presented
<title>Management system of ELHEP cluster machine for FEL photonics design</title>