Search results for: PUBLIC EXPENDITURE FOR CULTURE - Bridge of Knowledge




  • Magdalena Szuflita-Żurawska

    Head of the Scientific and Technical Information Services at the Gdansk University of Technology Library and the Leader of the Open Science Competence Center. She is also a Plenipotentiary of the Rector of the Gdańsk University of Technology for open science.  She is a PhD Candidate. Her main areas of research and interests include research productivity, motivation, management of HEs, Open Access, Open Research Data, information...

  • Public relations w społeczeństwie


    - Year 2020

    W artykule stawiam tezę – powtarzając za „„Standardami profesjonalnych public relations”- o konieczności wysuwania na plan pierwszy - we wszelkich działaniach w obszarze public relations - ich zgodności z wartościami i normami etycznymi, ponieważ wszelkie działania public relations są nie tylko realizowane w przestrzeni społecznej, ale mają istotny wpływ na kształt, kondycję społeczeństwa, również na budowę demokracji i społeczeństwa...

  • Standardy Profesjonalnego Public Relations

    • J. Barlik
    • E. Hope
    • J. Olędzki
    • K. Wojcik

    - Year 2020

    " Standardy przedstawiają wartości i pryncypia uzasadniające konieczność dokonywania odpowiednich wyborów. Public relations ma godzić interesy zleceniodawców, przedstawicieli mediów i różnych grup społeczeństwa, a przy tym pozostawać w zgodzie z normami etycznymi i odwoływać się do takich wartości jak szacunek, godność, rzetelność, uczciwość, prawda, wiarygodność, niezależność, lojalność i zaufanie. Opracowanie "Standardów profesjonalnego...

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  • Appunti di corporate governance


    - Year 2021

    Il libro pone la proprietà al centro di tutte le scelte rilevanti che l’impresa compie: in particolare affronta il «problema» del governo il tema della corporate governance dalla prospettiva della proprietà e in un’accezione più ampia e articolata rispetto agli studi di matrice anglosassone. In questo contesto, si analizza il tema delle relazioni tra proprietà, governo corporate governance e strategia corporate delle imprese, con...

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  • The Role of Catholicism in Shaping a Culture of Sustainable Consumption


    - Religions - Year 2021

    The paper presents the potential of religions, in particular Christianity, in shaping a culture of sustainable consumption (a culture of moderation). It focuses on the contribution of the Catholic tradition, which is, to some extent, complemented by statements representing other Christian denominations. Based on an analysis of relevant sources, it identifies risks arising from the prevalence of a consumer culture, which results...

  • Knowledge sharing and knowledge hiding in light of the mistakes acceptance component of learning culture- knowledge culture and human capital implications


    - The Learning Organization - Year 2022

    Purpose: This study examines the micromechanisms of how knowledge culture fosters human capital development. Method: An empirical model was developed using the structural equation modeling method (SEM) based on a sample of 321 Polish knowledge workers employed in different industries. Findings: This study provides direct empirical evidence that tacit knowledge sharing supports human capital, whereas tacit knowledge hiding does...

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  • The Conditions of Measuring Local Government Units Expenditure Efficiency

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  • Universal and contextualized public services: Digital public service innovation framework



    In view of the rising social and economic inequalities, public service delivery should be both universal, i.e. independent of the recipients' social or economic status, and contextualized, i.e. able to compensate for different local needs and conditions. Reconciling both properties requires various forms of innovations, chief among them innovations in digital public services. Building upon the four-stage model underpinning the...

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  • Etyczność działań w public relations - między amoralizmem a kazuistyką


    Artykuł jest refleksją filozoficzną dotyczącą problemów moralnych public relations i dziennikarstwa. Autorka stawia w nim tezę, że dziennikarze i specjaliści public relations – wykonując profesje, których fundamentem jest informacja, komunikacja i zaufanie społeczne - współcześnie bardzo wiele swoich działań wyłączają ze sfery tych, które mogłyby być oceniane z punktu widzenia moralności. Uznają też, że ocenie etycznej można...

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  • Relating Information Culture to Information Policies and Management Strategies


    - Year 2021

    Business and information managers have struggled to meet several challenges in aligning information strategies and business cultures. The consequences of a misalignment or misfit of strategy and culture are well known in business literature, and better guidance on how to better align strategy and culture is needed. This means expanding the puzzle to align business and information cultures, align business and information strategies,...

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  • Public Spaces - Coexistence and Participation


    The paper is an attempt to answer two questions: (1) how to develop positive social relations and citizenship among residents of cities in Poland and (2) howsuitable shaping of public space affects the activation and integration of local residents.The specificity of the post-war process of urbanization in Poland - a country traditionally agricultural - was its political dimension (forced 'nationalisation' of agriculture and industrialization...

  • Company Culture, Knowledge Sharing and Organizational Performance. The Employee’s Perspective


    - Year 2017

    Knowledge sharing, as a basic prerequisite for knowledge creation, is a dynamic social process characterized by profound human interactions. The process of knowledge sharing can be supported by organizational culture which is a set of values and norms giving identity to each enterprise. As a valuable element of intellectual capital, organizational culture contributes to achieving strategic business goals. The purpose of this article...

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  • Microalgal strains from the Culture Collection of Baltic Algae (CCBA)

    Open Research Data
    open access

    The dataset contains information on the cyanobacterial and microalgal strains maintained at the Culture Collection of Baltic Algae (CCBA) at the Institute of Oceanography UG. The collection maintains cyanobacterial and algal strains isolated from the Baltic Sea and additionally several strains collected from a wide range of habitats. The culture collection...

  • Knowledge management driven leadership, culture and innovation success – an integrative model


    - Year 2015

    Purpose – This article examines the relation between knowledge management (KM) driven leadership, culture and innovation success of knowledge-intensive small and medium sized companies. By building on the previously reported research on leadership, culture, innovation, and knowledge management, we synergistically integrated KM-driven leadership and innovation success while exploring the meditational role of culture in that. Design/methodology/approach...

  • Building culture written into the landscape – how to read spatial tradition


    - Year 2016

    The article presents a discussion on the experimenting with material leading to practical so-lutions in building structure in the context of the tradition of the place. It sketches out the practical aspects of creation of space while working with different local materials during the intensive workshops within the Structures in Building Culture IP programme. This kind of unique possibility to practice raw materials gives also the...

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  • Public relations w działalności szkoły


    - Year 2005

    Treść rozdziału X książki, przygotowanej pod redakcją Ewy Hope, "Public relations instytucji użyteczności publicznej" obejmuje zagadnienia związane z potrzebami współczesnej szkoły w zakresie przekazu informacji i komunikowania się z zewnętrznym otoczeniem szkoły - środowiskiem społecznym. Praktyka życia codziennego szkoły, placówki oświatowej pokazuje jak celowym zbiegiem kierowniczym jest stosowanie działań public relations....

  • Development of globalization in culture on the example of Europe


    - Year 2021

    This article attempts to reflect on the consequences of cultural globalization i.e. the opporturnities and threats that exist it brings with it for existing local cultures. As we know, The processes of globalization contribute to the emergence of any, often contradictory phenomena in the field of culture which influence the existing local cultural systems in various ways. It is assumed that the most important consequence of cultural...

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  • Relationships between Trust and Collaborative Culture in The Context of Tacit Knowledge Sharing

    The literature review presents a lot of theoretical and empirical evidence that Trust affects Collaborative Culture. The opposite also proves to be true: Collaborative Culture influences Trust. The main hypothesis presented in this paper says that both these factors are strongly correlated and modify each other. This study examines the mutual relationship of the said variables in the context of Tacit Knowledge Sharing based on...

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  • Public relations w służbie demokracji


    - Year 2008

    Artykuł pokazuje, jak realizowanie zasad demokracji jest warunkowane stosowaniem narzędzi public relations. Wolność wypowiedzi, możliwość współdecydowania o przyszłości społeczeństwa, udział w wyborach to działania charakterystyczne dla krajów demokratycznych, a urzeczywistnianie ich jest możliwe dzięki i poprzez profesjonalne PR. Historia demokracji pokazuje również, że prowadzenie działań PR jest możliwe tylko w ustroju...

  • The culture of excellence and its dimensions in higher education


    - The TQM Journal - Year 2024

    Purpose To recognize the existing state of knowledge on a culture of excellence (CoE) in higher education institutions (HEIs) and to define the CoE in HEI and the dimensions that make up that culture. A subsidiary goal is to propose a qualitative tool to measure CoE maturity. Design/methodology/approach The study was based on the qualitative method, the preferred reporting system of systematic reviews and meta-analysis (PRISMA)....

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  • Identification of Public Service Logic (PSL) and Public Service Motivation (PSM) elements in Open Government Data (OGD) initiatives

    • F. Ishengoma
    • S. Deo
    • R. Gouvêa
    • G. C. Wiedenhöft
    • R. Matheus
    • C. H. Alexopoulos
    • N. Rizun
    • S. Saxena

    - Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries - Year 2024

    While previous research on Open Government Data (OGD) has primarily focused on reuse and adoption, this study aims to explore the implications of the Public Service Logic (PSL) and Public Service Motivation (PSM) dimensions in the context of OGD initiatives. This study is contextualized in Tanzania wherein the OGD initiatives are at an evolving stage. For the present study, the perspectives of the 15 public officials involved in...

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  • Public relations - czy to się sprawdzi?


    - Year 2004

    Książka jest analizą najczęstrzych problemów związanych z prowadzeniem działań public relations, ilustrowaną rysunkami Zbigniewa Jujki. Książka zawiera też słownki PR.

  • Looking for New Ideas of Public Space – Public Space Projects in Gdansk Reinforced by Art Activities


    - Year 2012

    Revitalization of public open spaces is a complex enterprise in Poland in terms of the art, cultural andinformation aspects of this process. Simultaneously the public space should play an important role whenbuilding the quality of revitalization programs and the quality of city development. The new art and culturalactivities are the revitalization tools, which are also the good examples of bottom up ideas helping to start aprocess...

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  • Public relations w organizacji - Nowy

    e-Learning Courses
    • E. Hope

  • Digital Public Service Innovation: Framework Proposal


    - Year 2016

    This paper proposes the Digital Public Service Innovation Framework that extends the "standard" provision of digital public services according to the emerging, enhanced, transactional and connected stages underpinning the United Nations Global e-Government Survey, with seven example "innovations" in digital public service delivery -- transparent, participatory, anticipatory, personalized, co-created, context-aware and context-smart....

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  • Knowledge Sharing and Organizational Culture Dimensions: Does Job Satisfaction Matter?


    The aim of this study is to examine how job satisfaction influences the relationship between company performance, knowledge sharing, and organizational culture, perceived through the prism of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions, controlled by company size and staff position. A survey of 910 Polish employees (mainly knowledge workers) with different roles and experiences across different industries was conducted. The data were analyzed...

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  • Promocja biblioteki i public relations


    - Year 2019

    W artykule omówiono problematykę promocji, kreowania wizerunku i public relations bibliotek. W opracowaniu przedstawiono organizowanie działalności promocyjnej na przykładzie pracy zespołu ds. promocji Biblioteki Politechniki Gdańskiej.

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  • Energy expenditure for massage therapists during performing selected classical massage techniques

    • M. Więcek
    • J. Szymura
    • M. Maciejczyk
    • Z. Szyguła
    • J. Cempla
    • M. Borkowski
    • M. Wiecek

    - International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health - Year 2018

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  • Measurement of expenditure efficiency of Polish cities with county rights in the context of quality of life


    - Year 2020

    The article is devoted to the measurement of efficiency of overall expenditures. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the efficiency of use of budget resources by local government units in the context of fostering quality of life. The subject of the study is 65 Polish cities with county rights (county status). Calculations were carried out using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). The results of analysis confirm the two research...

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  • Public relations - refleksje prawie filozoficzne


    - Year 2005

    Artykuł podejmuje próbę całościowej analizy zjawiska tak bardzo rozpowszechnionego w ostatnich latach w Polsce, nazywanego potocznie czarnym public relations. W artykule przedstawiono nie tylko różne znaczenia tego pojęcia, sytuacje, w których ten rodzaj działalności jest najczęściej stosowany, ale też stosowane na świecie nazwy dla tego rodzaju działań.Artykuł podejmuje próbę całościowej analizy zjawiska tak bardzo rozpowszechnionego...

  • Travel Time of Public Transport Vehicles Estimation

    Effective prediction of speed is central to advanced traveler information and transportation management systems. The speed of public transport vehicles is affected by many external factors including traffic volume, organization and infrastructure. The literature presents methods for estimating travel time on sections of a transport network and vehicle arrival at stops, often making use of the AVL (automatic vehicle location). The...

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  • Assessing the Risk in Urban Public Transport for Epidemiologic Factors

    Pandemics have presented new challenges for public transport organisers and operators. New diseases (e.g., influenza H1N1, severe acute respiratory syndrome—SARS, as well as, more recently, SARS-CoV-2) increase the need for new protection measures to prevent epidemic outbreaks in public transport infrastructure. The authors’ goal is to present a set of actions in the area of public transport that are adjusted to different levels...

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    - Year 2015

    The quality of voice messages in speech reinforcement and public address systems is often poor. The sound engineering projects of such systems take care of sound intensity and possible reverberation phenomena in public space without, however, considering the influence of acoustic interference related to the number and distribution of loudspeakers. This paper presents the results of measurements and numerical simulations of the...

  • Public relations jako funkcja zarządzania.


    - Year 2004

    Artykuł w książce.Artykuł pokazuje ważną rolę działań public relations w każdym przedsiębiorstwie/organizacji, sytuując te działania w sferze zarządzania. artykułm pokazuje strategiczną funkcję działań PR, jako prac związanych z kreowaniem - komunikowaniem dobrej reputacji, opinii.

  • The Impact of Organizational Culture on Bicycle Commuting Frequency: The Research Based on Example of Three IT companies


    - Year 2015

    This chapter describes a study on work-related factors affecting employees’ decision on bicycle commuting. Employees’ transport choices are related to organizational culture. This chapter refers to E. Schein’s definition of organizational culture model. The study was made in order to determine the impact of specific levels of organizational culture on the transport behavior of employees. It is based on a survey performed in three...

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  • The managerial role in organizational culture as perceived by management students

    This paper aims at illustrating the multidimensional role of the manager and its mutual influence on organizational culture from amanagement students’ perspective. The main part of the text was based on own qualitative research – interviews, a questionnaire, and a narrative collage – which was conducted over a 10 year period among management students. Ninety-seven students from the Jagiellonian University and the Gdańsk University...

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  • Distinctive facades of commercial buildings and the quality of public space,


    Mutual relations between the retail center and public spaces of the city are varied. They depend on the type and size of the commercial structure. Other ones are for multifunctional shopping centers and other for high streets. In megastores and shopping malls the essential for their functioning is their interior and entrance, which is sometimes the only place of interpenetration of the commercial structure with the surrounding...

  • Trust, Collaborative Culture and Tacit Knowledge Sharing in Project Management–a Relationship Model


    The aim of this research is to study the relationship between Trust, Collaborative Culture, and Tacit Knowledge Sharing in Project Management as a source of Team Creativity in the context of delivering value through knowledge. For this purpose authors conducted a study of 514 Polish professionals with different functions and experience in managing projects in construction industry. The data collected during the study has been analysed...

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  • Wioleta Kucharska dr hab. inż.

    Wioleta Kucharska  (Associate Professor at the Faculty of Management and Economics of the Gdansk University of Technology, Fahrenheit Universities Union, Poland), published so far with Wiley, Springer, Taylor & Francis, Emerald, Sage, Elsevier, and Routledge. She is scientifically involved in tacit knowledge and the company culture of knowledge, learning, and collaboration (KLC approach) topics. Recently, she discovered the...

  • The Mediation Function of Job Satisfaction's between Organizational Culture Dimensions and Knowledge Sharing


    - Year 2018

    It is commonly acknowledged that organizational culture is a valuable element of intellectual capital and as a hidden source of competitive advantage can considerably affect the achieving of strategic business goals. The axiological dimension of organizational culture is mostly identified with a set of shared assumptions and values, while work practices mainly define its behavioral dimension. Both these dimensions influence, among...

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  • Solar-wind system for lightning of public areas


    - Year 2011

    Solar-wind system was developed for illumination of public large areas. The energy of this system becomes from renewable sources. Furthermore, they are relatively inexpensive, and the production of pollutants or greenhouse gases are reduced.

  • How to achieve sustainability?-Employee's point of view on company's culture and CSR practice

    The people are the company. This study aims to examine the structure of relationships between company culture, performance, corporate social responsibility (CSR), and reputation, as seen from the employee's perspective, to determine which company culture factors most influence CSR practice and, as a result, sustain a company's development and improve its performance. To accomplish this goal, we conducted a survey among employees...

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    Purpose: (To present the results of the statistical validation of just culture maturity questionnaire (JCMQ), used to recognize the maturity level of JC among nurses in the hospital in Poland. Methodology: (The case study and 5-stage research with the use of a 5-point Likert scale questionnaire with 28 statements, distributed among nurses. The results were statistically processed with Statistica 13.1 software. Findings: We confirmed...

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  • Etyka w zawodzie specjalistów public relations


    - Year 2013

    Książka traktuje o zasadach,wartościach, normach, dylematach etycznych w zawodzie specjalisty PR, analizuje również rolę instytucji i dokumentów, które mogą pomóc w wyborach, podejmowanych decyzjach w pracy public relations.

  • Cyanobacterial and Algal Strains in the Culture Collection of Baltic Algae (CCBA)


    - Year 2022

    The dataset titled Microalgal strains from “Culture Collection of Baltic Algae (CCBA)” is a representation of cyanobacterial and microalgal cultures isolated from the Baltic Sea. It is a unique catalogue of strains of the dominant and rare species found in the Baltic phytoplankton and microphytobenthos assemblages. The main purpose of the collection is to extend the knowledge on the Baltic microbial communities by providing...

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  • Public relations uczelni: kreowanie tożsamości wizualnej


    - Year 2003

    Praca jest analizą podstawowych, najczęściej popełnianych błędów, w procesie kreowania tożsamości wizualnej przez uczelnie polskie. Praca jednocześnie podkreśla rangę umiejętnie wykreowanej i stosowanej tożsamości wizualnej jako jednego z elementów public relations.

  • Inclusive onboarding process and the specific organizational culture – a theoretical outline of the problem

    Purpose: The aim of this article is to indicate to what extent an organization hiring new employees is able to prepare an individualized, inclusive onboarding process for a diverse workforce; to what extent is it necessary, and to what extent is it possible, so that each new employee efficiently find themselves in the new workplace, but also has the feeling that the organization wants to use their potential and talents. Design/methodology/approach:...

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  • Role of public space in designing complex urban structures

    The aim of this article is to present the main assumptions about design studios as held in the Faculty of Architecture at Gdańsk University of Technology (FA-GUT), Gdańsk, Poland, adapted to the development of key competencies in the urban planning of complex urban structures. One of these competencies is the design of public spaces. The main goal of the studios was to deliver knowledge of the role of public spaces in the design...

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  • Karta Przejrzystości Mediów - Public Relations a dziennikarstwo.

    Artykuł zawiera analizę nowo powstałego zbioru zasad regulujących pracę dziennikarz - Charter on Media Transparency, wskazującego na najczęściej występujące naruszenia norm moralnych w tym zawodzie i ich przyczyny, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem relacji: dziennikarz - specjalista public relations.

  • Module of priorities for public transport vehicles in the TRISTAR system


    One of the most important elements of the intelligent traffic control systems is the ability to control movement in such a way as to privilege the selected users movement, in particular public transport vehicles. Implemented at the Tri-City the TRISTAR system will also have a module for prioritizing public transport vehicles. The article presents a characteristics of the priority action system: the way of communication with the...