total: 2504
- Publications 1893 available results
- Journals 92 available results
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- e-Learning Courses 96 available results
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Bilateral power supply of the traction network as a first stage of Smart Grid technology implementation in electric traction
PublicationSince 2001, trolleybus system in Gdynia has been involved in many activities related to the reduction of power consumption, both in terms of implementation and research and development. In PKT, in cooperation with SESTO company, started applications of Smart Grid technologies in supply network: the bilateral supply. The paper presents results of this this novel investment.
Variations in the near-surface atmospheric electric field at high latitudes and ionospheric potential during geomagnetic perturbations
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Effect of substorms in the Earth’s nightside sector on variations in the surface atmospheric electric field at polar and equatorial latitudes
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EGATEC: A new high-resolution engineering model of the global atmospheric electric circuit—Currents in the lower atmosphere
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Sweeping of hydrophobic amines under inhomogeneous electric field and low surfactant concentration in micellar electrokinetic chromatography
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Electric properties of an Au-CuPc-Au sandwich system: Direct current and low signal admittance studies
PublicationPraca przedstawia wyniki pomiarów stałoprądowych i niskosygnałowej admitancji układu złoto/ftalocyjanina miedzi/złoto. Obserwowana asymetria charakterystyk stałoprądowych sugeruje, że prąd elektryczny płynący przez układ jest prądem ograniczonym elektrodowo i wydajność wstrzykiwania dziur jest uwarunkowana kolejnością nanoszenia warstw. W przypadku wstrzykiwania dziur przez bardziej regularną międzypowierzchnię (tj. gdy ftalocyjanina...
Urban Knowledge Conversatory
Journals -
Urban flash flood hazard identification and assessment applying geospatial techniques and hydrodynamic modeling; Erbil city case study, Kurdistan Region of Iraq
PublicationThis dissertation aims to investigate the factors behind flash flooding in Erbil's central district, located in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, and develop a methodology for assessing flood hazards in the city, despite limited data accessibility. In this thesis, each factor was investigated, including analyzing extreme precipitation events in the last two decades, including their spatial and temporal distribution of rainfall, intensity,...
Architektura współczesnego muzeum i jej znaczenie dla tożsamości krajobrazu miasta = The Architecture of Contemporary Museum and its Significance for the Identity of the Urban Landscape
PublicationArtykuł dotyczy architektury współczesnych muzeów, które pod koniec XX w. przeszły znaczący rozwój jako instytucje publiczne. Oprócz specyficznych wymagań technicznych, funkcjonalnych, estetycznych i kulturowych, ich charakterystyczną cechą jest wzrastające zapotrzebowanie na przestrzeń dodatkową służącą edukacji, odpoczynkowi, rozrywce i strefie komercyjnej (handlu i usług). Atrakcyjna przestrzeń publiczna zapewnia dostęp do wszystkich...
Global Approaches to Reduce Light Pollution from Media Architecture and Non-Static, Self-Luminous LED Displays for Mixed-Use Urban Developments
PublicationUrban environments have become significantly brighter and more illuminated, and cities now consider media architecture and non-static, self-luminous LED displays an essential element of their strategy to attract residents, visitors, and tourists in the hours after dark. Unfortunately, most often, they are not designed with care, consideration, and awareness, nor do they support the visual wellbeing and circadian rhythms of humans....
'22 Teoria i Projektowanie Urbanistyczne 2 / Urban Design Theory and Studio
e-Learning CoursesArchitektura s.4 rok 2021/2022 TEORIA URBANISTYKI I PROJEKTOWANIE URBANISTYCZNE 2Kształtowanie kompleksowego środowiska zamieszkiwania Kurs przeznaczony jest dla studentów 4 semestru studiów inżynierskich na kierunku Architektura, realizowanych w roku akademickim 2021 / 2022 Zajęcia odbywają się w poniedziałki (projektowanie)oraz we wtorki (wykłady) zgodnie z planem i zapisami do poszczególnych grup realizowanymi przez...
Winter severity and snowiness and their multiannual variability in the Karkonosze Mountains and Jizera Mountains
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A Climatic water balance variability during the growing season in Poland in the context of modern climate change
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Edra Urban & Partner
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Acidity trace pollutants of urban rain and roof runoff from selected roof coverings
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono dane dotyczące chemizmu opadów atmosferycznych i wód spływnych pobranych na terenie dużej aglomeracji miejskiej. Oznaczane były: pH, aniony - chlorki, azotany i siarczany oraz metale ciężkie - cynk, ołów, miedź, kadm. Próbki były pobierane na terenie Trójmiasta i w Dąbrówce Tczewskiej koło Gdańska z budynków pokrytych nowymi i starymi pokryciami. Badania prowadzono od kwietnia do czerwca 2006.
Level and significance of European Union means in the budgets of non-urban poviats of Pomeranian voivodeship
PublicationJednym z warunków prowadzenia działań mających na celu rozwój obszaru jest posiadanie środków finansowych pozwalających realizować zadania, które ten rozwój determinują. Środki te pochodzić mogą z różnych źródeł. Jednym z tych źródeł jest wsparcie pochodzące z budżetu Unii Europejskiej przyznawane w określonych ramach czasowych zwanych okresem programowania. Polska już po raz drugi korzystać może z pomocy udzielanej w tej formie....
Large shopping centres in Poznań as a source of rainwater recovery and irrigation of urban green areas
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Sustainable Urban Development: Spatial Analyses as Novel Tools for Planning a Universally Designed City
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The spatial distribution of urban community gardens and their associated socio-economic status in Tehran, Iran
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An assessment of wastewater pollution, treatment efficiency and management in a semi-arid urban area of Pakistan
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Quality of road and roof runoff waters from an urban region with Gdańsk (Poland) as an example
PublicationWody spływne (z arterii komunikacyjnych, dachów budynków) są ważnym medium wprowadzającym zanieczyszczenia z powietrza do gleby i wód powierzchniowych i podziemnych, które mogą następnie stanowić źródło wody pitnej. Przedstawione w pracy dane dotyczące zawartości kationów i anionów, metali ciężkich i pestycydów oznaczonych w próbkach wód spływnych stanowią istotne źródło informacji co do stanu zanieczyszczenia środowiska na terenie...
Retrieving Urban Energy from Retail = Handel jako forma odzyskiwania energii miasta
PublicationW artykule zawarto przykłady przemian z wiodącym udziałem funkcji handlowej, które przyczyniły się do poprawy jakości przestrzeni miejskiej.
Supercomputing Grid-Based Services for Hearing Protection and Acoustical Urban Planning, Research and Education
PublicationSpecific computational environments, so-called domain grids, are developed within the PLGrid Plus project in order to prepare specialized IT solutions, i.e., dedicated software implementations and hardware (infrastructure adaptation), suited for particular research group demands. One of the PLGrid Plus domain grids, presented in this paper, is Acoustics. The article describes in detail two kinds of the acoustic domain services....
The structure of the data flow in integrated urban traffic management systems – the case of TRISTAR system
PublicationThe purpose of the article is to offer some insight into the data flow architecture in the Tri-City’s integrated traffic management system called TRISTAR. To that end selected elements of TRISTAR are identified and described as well as the structure for collecting and exchanging data within different sub-systems. Finally, the article highlights how the TRISTAR system can be extended by adding new elements and modules.
GIS estimated potential of rooftop PVs in urban areas - case study Wrocław (Poland)
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Water Footprint Index (WFTP) for Poznań as a Tool for Assessing Water Management in Urban Areas
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Quality assessment criteria in the process of collective communication of passengers in selected urban transport organizations
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Determination of volatile organohalogen compounds in urban precipitation in Tricity area (Gdańsk, Gdynia, Sopot).
PublicationPróbki opadów atmosferycznych pobierano w 4 punktach na terenie Gdańska i Sopotu, od listopada 2000 do maja 2001. Oznaczano chloro- i bromopochodne metanu, etanu i etenu. Lotne związki chlorowcoorganiczne oznaczane były metodą bezpośredniego nastrzyku próbki wody do kolumny kapilarnej z wykorzystaniem detektora wychwytu elektronów na etapie detekcji (DAI-GC-ECD). Najczęściej oznaczanymi związkami na wszystkich stacjach pobierania...
Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in bulk precipitation andrunoff waters in an urban region (Poland)
PublicationOznaczono 16 wielopierścieniowych węglowodorów aromatycznych w próbkach opadów atmosferycznych (10 stacji zbierania próbek) i wód spływnych (5 stacji) zbieranych na terenie Trójmiasta. Podjęto próbę ustalenia korelacji pomiędzy stężeniem analitów z grupy WWA i intensywnym ruchem pojazdów mechanicznych oraz sposobem ogrzewania mieszkań w okolicach punktu zbierania próbek.
Urban city lights. Light pollution as one of the effects of incorrectly designed external illumination. How can a successful lighting masterplan diminish its impact?
PublicationIn the modern world, artificial lighting brings many tangible benefits such as the ability to extend working hours and so increase production, recreational use of the city after dark, or the possibility to travel regardless of the time of day. However, this flexibility comes at a price and negatively impacts on the environment. One such negative phenomenon is Light Pollution ‐ a term used to describe excessive nighttime artificial...
Space and spatial practices in times of confinement. Evidence from three European countries: Austria, France and Poland
PublicationIn the first half of 2020, millions of people were subjected to drastic restrictions aimed at limiting the spread of the Covid-19 disease. Austria, France and Poland have implemented a lockdown to varying degrees and for varying lengths of time. This is an unprecedented situation in Europe: until now, even in times of war, curfew measures have never been applied 24 h a day. The research presented in this article was carried out...
Analysis of the possibility of increasing thermal-electric energy conversion ratio in CHP units based on micro gas turbine
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to analyze the possibility of increasing thermal energy to electricity conversion efficiency in combined heat and power (CHP) units based on micro gas turbine during low heat demand periods. At the beginning sustainable development postulates under power engineering are explained. Next micro CHP as part of distributed generation idea is presented. The main part of the article is based on results of thermodynamic...
Macroscopic biaxiality and electric-field–induced rotation of the minor director in the nematic phase of a bent-core liquid crystal
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Relationship of ground-level aerosol concentration and atmospheric electric field at three observation sites in the Arctic, Antarctic and Europe
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Stark effect of atomic helium second triplet series in electric fields up to 1600 kV cm−1
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On the Nonlinea Distortions of Sound and its Coupling with Other Modes in a Gasesous Plasma with Finite Electric Conductivity in a Magnetic Field
PublicationNonlinear phenomena of the planar and quasi-planar magnetoacoustic waves are considered. We focus on deriving of equations which govern nonlinear excitation of the non-wave motions by the intense sound in initially static gaseous plasma. The plasma is treated as an ideal gas with finite electrical conductivity permeated by a magnetic field orthogonal to the trajectories of gas particles. This introduces dispersion of a flow. Magnetoacoustic...
High-electric-field quantum yield roll-off in efficient europium chelates-based light-emitting diodes
PublicationSkonstruowano dwuwarstwowe organiczne diody EL, w których warstwa transportująca dziury była domieszkowana organicznymi kompleksami europu. Maksymalna kwantowa wydajność świecenia takich diod osiągała w polu elektrycznym 1MV/cm wartość 5% foton/elektron. Wysokopolowy spadek kwantowej wydajności świecenia zinterpretowano na gruncie modelu Onsagera dysocjacji stanów emitujących.
Size selection of main engines for ship diesel-electric power systems using random models : chapter 17
PublicationPodano oryginalną mtodę projektowania okrętowych układów napędowych diesel elektrycznych, szczgólnie na jednostkach tzw. technologicznych. Zaprezentowano możliwości określania zapotrzebowania na enrgię mechaczną i elektryczną oraz sposób syntezy tych obciążeń, tworzących obciążenia silników napędowych. Opis omawianych obciążeń oparto o modele probabilistyczne.
Post‐Second World War Reconstruction of Polish Cities: The Interplay Between Politics and Paradigms
PublicationBy the end of the Second World War, many of the Polish cities—and especially their historic centres—were in ruins. This was caused by both bombings and sieges conducted by the Nazis and Soviets. The particular group of cities is associated with former German lands—now called the “Recovered Territories”—which were incorporated into the borders of Poland as compensation for its Eastern Borderlands lost to the Soviet Union. These...
Modelling and analysis of a synchronous generator in more electric aircraft power system using Synopsys/Saber simulator = Modelowanie i analiza generatora synchronicznego w systemie elektroenergetycznym nowoczesnego samolotu. Zastosowanie symulatora Synopsys/Saber
PublicationStreszczenie angielskie: A model for studying synchronous machine (SM) dynamic behaviour in more electric aircraft (MEA) power system is developed and implemented in the Synopys/Saber simulation environment. The modelling language MAST has been used to elaborate the SM model. The elaborated model exhibit a network with the same number of external terminals/ports as the real SM, and represents its behaviour in terms of the electrical...
Magdalena Urban
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Uptake, accumulation, and translocation of Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd, Ni, and Cr by P. australis seedlings in an urban dredged sediment mesocosm: impact of seedling origin and initial trace metal content
PublicationThe study presents results from 6 months of phytoremediation of sediments dredged from three urban retention tanks carried out in a mesocosm setup with the use of P. australis. Two kinds of P. australis seedlings were considered: seedlings originating from natural (uncontaminated - Suncont) and anthropogenically changed environments (contaminated – Scont); this distinction was reflected in the baseline concentrations of trace metals...
Reflective practice as a basis for building a sustainable public space: the case of Kartuzy
PublicationRecent decades have been characterized by dynamic changes in the urban design process in post-transition countries such as Poland. Numerous activities have focused on upgrading the urban environment. The transformation that drives change also requires some new skills, which are described in the theory of reflective practice: observation, experience, and reflection. The goal of this paper is to build a descriptive scheme of the...
Regulated and Unregulated Exhaust Emissions from CNG Fueled Vehicles in Light of Euro 6 Regulations and the New WLTP/GTR 15 Test Procedure
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A Comparison of Carbon Dioxide Exhaust Emissions and Fuel Consumption for Vehicles Tested over the NEDC, FTP-75 and WLTC Chassis Dynamometer Test Cycles
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A Comparison of Ammonia Emission Factors from Light-Duty Vehicles Operating on Gasoline, Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) and Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)
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Aquaponics Based Artificial Biosphere Included in Architecture: From Mitigation of Negative Impacts to Positive Added Values of Urban Spatial Structures on Local, Regional and Global Scale
PublicationTechnologies may appear faster than spatial planning can afford it. Alt hough applying new technologies solve particular problems, it may also create new ones. Many negative consequences of implementing new technologies are visible a fter years or decades – they accumulate until the need of solving them. According to The Hannover Principles (McDonough & Braungart 2013) one should, by example not think about...
Hazards of a flooding event in the city of Gdansk and possible forms of preventing the phenomenon – case study
PublicationThe main objective is to examine the urban flood hazard in the city of Gdansk and to determine the possibilities of preventing this phenomenon. Hydrological and hydraulic modeling was used for the case study analysis of urban flood in Strzyża basin, applying the HEC-HMS and HEC-RAS systems. The result of modeling with the assumption of torrential rainfall with a duration of t = 1 h (from 35 to 58 mm) is the probability of pluvial...
Urban Design
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Evaluation of pollutant loading in the runoff waters from a major urban highway (Gdansk Beltway, Poland)
PublicationW artykule opisano wyniki badań dotyczących zawartości wybranych kationów i anionów w próbkach opadu otwartego, wód spływnych z ulic, wód spływnych z koron drzew oraz wody powierzchniowej, pobranych na terenie bedącym w zasiegu oddziaływania drogi szybkiego ruchu (Obwodnicy Trójmiejskiej). Wyniki zostały poddane analizie statystycznej. Zbadano korelacje pomiedzy zawartościami wybranych analitów w badanych próbkach wód a natężeniem...