Search results for: LOW NOISE ROAD SURFACE
Electrical and noise responses of graphene back-gated field-effect transistors enhanced by UV light for organic vapors sensing
Open Research DataBack-gated field-effect transistors with graphene channels (GFETs) were investigated toward organic vapors sensing. Two methods were used for sensing experiments including DC characteristics measurements and fluctuation-enhanced sensing by low-frequency noise studies. The data set consists of raw and modified data on GFET responses to acetonitrile,...
Electrical and noise responses of the ink-printed WS2-based gas sensor for sensing mixtures of NO2 and NH3 under UV light (275 nm)
Open Research DataThe data set consists of results collected for the resistive gas sensor composed of 2D flakes of tungsten disulfide (WS2) printed on the ceramic substrate: 1) time-resolved DC resistance measurements and 2) low-frequency noise measurements realized in the dark and under UV light assistance (275 nm) for selected gas atmospheres (NO2 and NH3 as target...
Paweł Burdziakowski dr inż.
PeoplePaweł Burdziakowski, PhD, is a professional in low-altitude aerial photogrammetry and remote sensing, marine and aerial navigation. He is also a licensed flight instructor and software developer. His main areas of interest are digital photogrammetry, navigation of unmanned platforms and unmanned systems, including aerial, surface, underwater. He conducts research in algorithms and methods to improve the quality of spatial measurements...
Accidents, victims and risk levels on regional roads in pomorskie voivodeship, 2017-2019 - Medium to High and high road sections
Open Research DataData contain road sections with the highest number of accidents and victims on regional roads (voivodeship roads) in pomorskie voivodeship in 2017-2019. Measures used to assess the level of risk is: minimum 4 accidents or 4 seriously injured or fatalities per one kilometer (5 classes: low, low to medium, medium, medium to high, high):
Probability distribution of flicker noise in AuNPdecorated graphene–Si Schottky barrier diode
PublicationWe present results of the probability distribution analysis of flicker noise generated in Au nanoparticle (AuNP) decorated graphene–Si Schottky barrier diodes with and without yellow light illumination (592 nm), close to the localized surface plasmon resonance in the AuNPs (586 nm). The AuNPs occupy imperfections in the single-layer graphene and reduce the flicker noise intensity generated in the graphene layer. The estimated probability...
Road texture influence on tire rolling resistance
PublicationTire rolling resistance is one of the most important resistive forces acting on road vehicles. It depends on tire and surface characteristics as well as vehicle operating parameters. This paper deals with the influence of road surface texture on rolling resistance of passenger car tires. Results of road measurements performed on variety of road surfaces are presented.
Effects of UV light irradiation on fluctuation enhanced gas sensing by carbon nanotube networks
PublicationThe exceptionally large active surface-to-volume ratio of carbon nanotubes makes it an appealing candidate for gas sensing applications. Here, we studied the DC and low-frequency noise characteristics of a randomly oriented network of carbon nanotubes under NO2 gas atmosphere at two different wavelengths of the UV light-emitting diodes. The UV irradiation allowed to sense lower concentrations of NO2 (at least 1 ppm) compared to...
Adaptive traffic optimization using Variable Speed Limits; Adaptacyjna optymalizacja ruchu drogowego przy pomocy zmiennych ograniczeń prędkości
PublicationVariable speed limits (VSL) is an intelligent transportation system (ITS) solution for traffic management. The speed limits can be changed dynamically in order to adapt to traffic, weather, or road surface conditions. This paper presents an approach for such an adaptive traffic control where the primary goal is to ensure traffic safety and efficiency of the traffic control system (fast response to dynamically changing traffic,...
Evaluation of Pavement Temperatures in Poland During Winter Conditions
PublicationThe paper presents the analysis of pavement temperatures from meteorological stations located at the Polish national roads during the impact of low winter temperatures. Presented issue is particularly important in view of the problem of low-temperature cracks that occur in the asphalt pavement under the influence of low temperatures. For each location of meteorological station there were analysed measurements of the temperature...
Electrical and noise responses of Graphene-Silicon Schottky diodes decorated with Au nanoparticles for light-enhanced sensing of organic gases
Open Research DataGraphene-Silicon Schottky junctions decorated with Au nanoparticles were used for light-enhanced detection of organic tetrahydrofuran and chloroform. Au nanoparticles exhibited localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) in the range of yellow light; thus yellow LED (wavelength of 592 nm) was utilized to induce the plasmonic effect, that increased the...
Oznaczanie tlenu – od metody Winklera do czujników enzymatycznych (Determination of oxygen – from Winkler Method to enzymatic sensor)
PublicationMonitoring of dioxygen levels is of utmost importance from the view-point of life processes, medical diagnostics, nutrition and chemical industries. In all these measurements both low and high levels of this element are important. The common methods for the determination of dioxygen are the Winkler method, Clark electrode and pulsoxymeters. A new, already strong field of research can be now recognized – the development of miniaturized...
Low frequency noise measurements in advanced silocon devices.**2003, 136 s.116 rys. bibliogr. 29 poz. maszyn. Pomiary małoczęstotliwościowych szumów zaawansowanych elementów krzemowych. Rozprawa doktorska /15.04.2003./ Inst. Natl. P. Grenoble Promotorzy: prof. dr hab. inż. L. Spiralski, dr CNRS G. Ghibaudo.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono automatyczny system do pomiarów małoczęstotliwoscio-wych szumów struktur elementów półprzewodnikowych. System umożliwia automa-tyczne wyznaczanie charakterystyk stałoprądowych badanego elementu, pomiarszumów i wyznaczanie gęstości widmowej mocy w zadanym zakresie polaryzacji.Przytoczono wyniki przeprowadzonych testów systemu. Ważną składową pracy wy-niki pomiarów szumów tranzystorów MOS i bipolarnych...
Electrical and noise responses of the ink-printed MoS2-based gas sensor for sensing of NO2, NH3 and C3H6O under UV light (275 nm)
Open Research DataThis data set consists of DC data, low-frequency noise spectra data and UV-vis spectroscopy data collected for ink-printed MoS2-based resistive sensors (2D MoS2 overlapping flakes creating a continuous layer on the ceramic substrate). The sensors were investigated toward three target gases - nitrogen dioxide (1-10 ppm), ammonia (2-12 ppm) and acetone...
UV light-activated gas mixture sensing by ink-printed WS2 layer
PublicationWe fabricated a sensing layer from ink-printed WS2 flakes and utilized it for UV-activated gas sensing. The optical imaging of the structure made by repeated printing revealed the continuous layer comprising sub-µm flakes, confirmed independently by small-area AFM images (1×1 µm2). The activity of the sensing surface was investigated locally via AFM scanning of the surface with a polarized probing tip. The results indicated that...
Electrical and noise responses of carbon nanotube networks enhanced by UV light for nitrogen dioxide sensing
Open Research DataNetworks consisting of randomly oriented carbon nanotubes (CNN) were investigated toward nitrogen dioxide detection by means of electrical and low-frequency noise measurements. UV-activation of CNN layers improved gas sensitivity and reduced the limit of detection, especially by employing 275 nm-LED. This data set includes DC resistance measurements...
Analysis of noise properties of the optocoupler device
PublicationIn the paper the localization of a source of Random Telegraph Signal noise (RTS noise) in optocoupler devices type CNY 17 were defined. The equivalent noise circuit in low frequency noise for these type optocouplers was proposed.
Accidents, victims and risk levels on regional roads in pomorskie voivodeship, 2017-2019 - Child accidents
Open Research DataData contain risk classification on regional roads (voivodeship roads) in pomorskie voivodeship in 2017-2019, risk group: children - drivers, passengers and . vulnerable road user.. Measures used to assess the level of risk are (5 classes low, low to medium, medium, medium to high, high):
Accidents, victims and risk levels on regional roads in pomorskie voivodeship, 2017-2019 - Elderly people accidents
Open Research DataData contain risk classification on regional roads (voivodeship roads) in pomorskie voivodeship in 2017-2019, risk group: elderly people (65+) - drivers, passengers and . vulnerable road user. Measures used to assess the level of risk are (5 classes low, low to medium, medium, medium to high, high):
Accidents, victims and risk levels on regional roads in pomorskie voivodeship, 2017-2019 - Run off road accidents
Open Research DataData contain risk classification on regional roads (voivodeship roads) in pomorskie voivodeship in 2017-2019, type of accidents: Run off road. Measures used to assess the level of risk are (5 classes low, low to medium, medium, medium to high, high):
PublicationA developed method and measurement setup for measurement of noise generated in a supercapacitor is presented. The requirements for noise data recording are considered and correlated with working modes of supercapacitors. An example of results of low-frequency noise measurements in commercially available supercapacitors are presented. The ability of flicker noise measurements suggests that they can be used to assess quality of tested supercapacitors.
Monitoring of single-side lap grinding with electroplated tools
PublicationThe results presented in the paper show that utilising microphones as audible sound sensors is a suitable approach for monitoring a single-side lap grinding process due to the low levels of noise generated by the drives of a machine tool. The results confirm that sound signal analysis is a feasible and relatively simple method to monitor a lap grinding process with the use of an audible sound sensor. Proposed method can be used...
Generation-recombination and 1/f noise in carbon nanotube networks
PublicationThe low-frequency noise is of special interest for carbon nanotubes devices, which are building blocks for a variety of sensors, including radio frequency and terahertz detectors. We studied noise in as-fabricated and aged carbon nanotube networks (CNNs) field-effect transistors. Contrary to the majority of previous publications, as-fabricated devices demonstrated the superposition of generation-recombination (GR) and 1/f noise...
Study of vibrational surface topography measurement errors of LPBF Inconel 718 alloy after shot peening process
PublicationA study of surface topography can provide valuable information on the product. Since the material finishing relies on the measured topography, the manufacturing process can be controlled by studying the roughness. The Laser Power Bed Fusion (LPBF) materials belong to the commonly used surfaces in the industry. Measuring this type of material with a contactless method can be found in many practical implementations. The white light interference...
Identification of Optocoupler Devices with RTS Noise
PublicationThe results of noise measurements in low frequency range for CNY 17 type optocouplers are presented. The research were carried out on devices with different values of Current Transfer Ratio (CTR). The methods for identification of Random Telegraph Signal (RTS) in noise signal of optocouplers were proposed. It was found that the Noise Scattering Pattern method (NSP method) enables to identify RTS noise as non-Gaussian component...
System for monitoring road slippery based on CCTV cameras and convolutional neural networks
PublicationThe slipperiness of the surface is essential for road safety. The growing number of CCTV cameras opens the possibility of using them to automatically detect the slippery surface and inform road users about it. This paper presents a system of developed intelligent road signs, including a detector based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and the transferlearning method employed to the processing of images acquired with video...
Noise spectral density computation based on finite element model of piezoceramic sensor
PublicationThe high sensitivity with wide bandwidth is required for sensor applications in non-destructive testing (NDT). The sensitivity of piezoceramic sensors demands to minimize their noise especially thermal noise, polarisation noise and low frequency 1/f noise,which are the main sources of voltage or current fluctuation in this sort of sensors. For simplicity, only the piezoceramic part of sensor was under study. the theoretical and...
Evaluation and application of data from road weather stations for winter maintenance management
PublicationThe paper presents the analysis of road weather data from meteorological stations located at the Polish national roads of Pomerania District during the impact of winter conditions. Presented issue is particularly important from the point of view the problem of winter maintenance and especially for prediction and assurance of quality of asphalt pavement surface ie. resistance to low temperature cracking or risk of glazed frost....
Selected Problems of Transport in Port Towns – Tri-City as an Example
PublicationPort towns are strategic places from the point of view of transport systems. They form integration junctions for various transport branches , apart from the traditional - road and railway ones , also for water( sea) transport which is active there. Moreover, air transport comes also into consideration , whose efficient functioning must be connected with good accessibility, that concerns sea transport as well. Efficient and...
Flicker Noise in Resistive Gas Sensors—Measurement Setups and Applications for Enhanced Gas Sensing
PublicationWe discuss the implementation challenges of gas sensing systems based on low-frequency noise measurements on chemoresistive sensors. Resistance fluctuations in various gas sensing materials, in a frequency range typically up to a few kHz, can enhance gas sensing by considering its intensity and the slope of power spectral density. The issues of low-frequency noise measurements in resistive gas sensors, specifically in two-dimensional...
Field investigation of low-temperature cracking and stiffness moduli on selected roads with conventional and high modulus asphalt concrete
PublicationHigh Modulus Asphalt Concrete (HMAC) was introduced in Poland as a one of the solutions to the problem of rutting, type of deterioration common in the 1990s. After first encouraging trials in 2002 HMAC was widely used for heavily loaded national roads and motorways. However some concerns were raised about low-temperature cracking of HMAC. This was the main reason of the studies presented in this article were started. The article...
Impact of adverse winter weather on traffic flow
PublicationThe paper aims to analyse the impact of adverse weather in winter on traffic flow using data from a dual carriageway section of an express road located in Gdansk. For the purposes of the analysis, traffic and meteorological data were collected for a period of 15 months in 2014-2015 and aggregated to 5 minutes intervals. The impact of winter weather conditions on traffic flow was assessed by comparing aggregated traffic stream parameters...
Metody usuwania zakłóceń podczas pomiarów polowych widm Ramana
PublicationW pracy zostały scharakteryzowane źródła zakłóceń występujące podczas pomiarów widm Ramana w warunkach polowych. Zaprezentowano wpływ czasu integracji na jakość rejestrowanych widm w przypadkach, gdy szumy własne spektrometru mają składową typu 1/f, dominującą w zakresie małych częstotliwości. Przedstawiono także wyniki uzyskane podczas pomiarów z detekcją synchroniczną, stosowaną w przenośnych spektrometrach Ramana, w pomiarach...
Examining the Impact of Distance Between VSL Road Signs on Vehicle Speed Variance
PublicationVariable speed limit (VSL) is an intelligent transportation system (ITS) solution for traffic management. The speed limits can be changed dynamically to adapt to traffic conditions such as visibility and traffic volume, curvature, and grip coefficient of the road surface. The VSL traffic sign location problem and attempts to solve it using computer simulation are presented in this paper. Experiments on a selected road segment,...
Pedestrian protection, speed enforcement and road network structure the key action for implementing Poland's Vision Zero
PublicationSince 1991 Poland's road safety has been systematically improving with a 60% reduction in road deaths. Despite the progress Poland continues to be one of the European Union' worst performing countries. The country's main road safety problems remain unchanged: dangerous behaviour of road users, underdeveloped system of road safety management and low quality of road infrastructure. This is why subsequent road safety programmes (implemented...
Analiza stanu nawierzchni i klas pojazdów na podstawie parametrów ekstrahowanych z sygnału fonicznego
PublicationCelem badań jest poszukiwanie parametrów wektora cech ekstrahowanego z sygnału fonicznego w kontekście automatycznego rozpoznawania stanu nawierzchni jezdni oraz typu pojazdów. W pierwszej kolejności przedstawiono wpływ warunków pogodowych na charakterystykę widmową sygnału fonicznego rejestrowanego przy przejeżdżających pojazdach. Następnie, dokonano parametryzacji sygnału fonicznego oraz przeprowadzano analizę korelacyjną w celu...
Noise and Electro-Ultrasonic Spectroscopy of Conducting PolymerThick Films
PublicationThick conducting films based on conducting polymer are characterized by DC conductivity and noise in temperature range 10 to 300 K. Conducting polymers could be used e.g. for the top electrode (cathode) in the solid tantalum or niobium capacitors. On the conducting polymer layer the top layer of carbon/graphite and/or silver polymer based pastes is applied in the capacitor technology. Our samples structure consists of conducting...
Electrical and noise responses of carbon nanotube networks enhanced by UV light for detection of organic gases (ethanol, acetone)
Open Research DataCarbon nanotube networks of different optical transparencies were investigated via resistance and 1/f noise measurements for detection of ethanol and acetone. The sensor resistive and noise responses were collected for dark and UV-assisted conditions, revealing the improvement in sensor sensitivity and limit of detection after applying UV light (275...
Measurements of flicker noise in supercapacitor cells
PublicationFlicker noise (1/f-like noise) is often used to assess the quality of various materials and devices. This phenomenon has been observed in different electrochemical devices or reactions (e.g., smart windows, pitting corrosion events). In our exploratory studies we consider how to measure and utilize 1/f noise for the quality assessment of supercapacitors. This task requires special attention because of enormous capacitance of the...
Active Suppression of Nonstationary Narrowband Acoustic Disturbances
PublicationIn this chapter, a new approach to active narrowband noise control is presented. Narrowband acoustic noise may be generated, among others, by rotating parts of electro-mechanical devices, such as motors, turbines, compressors, or fans. Active noise control involves the generation of “antinoise”, i.e., the generation of a sound that has the same amplitude, but the opposite phase, as the unwanted noise, which causes them to interfere...
The noise macromodel of an optocoupler including 1/(f^alfa) noise source
PublicationThe course of design of an optocoupler's PSpice macromodel including noise sources is described. The PSpice macromodel is proposed for the low frequency range. The PSpice model of a MOSFET transistor was applied as the noise source type 1/(f^alfa) in an optocoupler PSpice macromodel. In the enhanced macromodel the value of an exponent α can be changed in the range of 0.8 - 1.25.
Noise sources in Raman spectroscopy of biological objects
PublicationWe present an overview of noise sources deteriorating the quality of the recorded biological Raman spectra and the ability to determine the specimen composition. The acquired Raman spectra exhibit intense additive noise components or drifts because of low intensity of the scattered light. Therefore we have to apply expensive or bulky measurement setups to limit their inherent noise or to apply additional signal processing to reduce...
Hardened Steel Surface Waviness Created by Rolling Burnishing Process
PublicationThe surface of the finishing machined parts is defined mainly by roughness parameters. Growing demands on the part, especially mating sliding or rolling, require the specification of additional parameters, such as waviness parameters, particularly when there is significant resistance to seizing or noise reduction. This paper presents surface waviness characteristics of hardened burnished steel.
Acoustic Detector of Road Vehicles Based on Sound Intensity
PublicationA method of detecting and counting road vehicles using an acoustic sensor placed by the road is presented. The sensor measures sound intensity in two directions: parallel and perpendicular to the road. The sound intensity analysis performs acoustic event detection. A normalized position of the sound source is tracked and used to determine if the detected event is related to a moving vehicle and to establish the direction of movement....
Fluctuation-Enhanced Sensing of Organic Vapors by Ink-Printed MoS2 Devices under UV Irradiation
PublicationThis work presents the results of fluctuationenhanced sensing (FES) of selected organic gases by MoS2 sensor fabricated via a simple ink printing method. We demonstrate that low-frequency noise measured under UV irradiation (275 nm) is more sensitive to different gases than measured in the dark. The noise at 1 Hz under UV light increased 3.3, 3.5, 1.6, and 2.9 times for chloroform, tetrahydrofuran, acetonitrile, and acetone ambiances, respectively....
Vision Zero in Poland
PublicationPoland’s experience of road safety work is relatively short. In the early 1990s road deaths soared to a staggering 8000 a year. A diagnosis found that Poland’s lack of systemic road safety action was to blame for those figures. In response, the state set up road safety bodies and commissioned road safety programs. In 2005, Poland followed the example of Sweden and adopted Vision Zero as a far-reaching concept of changes in road...
Comparison of low-temperature cracks intensity on pavements with high modulus asphalt concrete and conventional asphalt concrete bases
PublicationHigh modulus asphalt concrete (HMAC) base courses provide very good resistance to rutting and fatigue but they can increase the risk of low-temperature cracking as compared with conventional asphalt concrete (AC). The article presents the comparison of these two road materials in terms of low-temperature cracking. The statistical method based on the ordered logistic regression model was used. The analysis was based on results of...
Metody usuwania zakłóceń podczas pomiarów polowych widm Ramana
PublicationW pracy zostały scharakteryzowane źródła zakłóceń występujące podczas pomiarów widm Ramana w warunkach polowych oraz sposoby redukcji ich wpływu na jakość rejestrowanych widm. Zaprezentowano wpływ czasu integracji na jakość rejestrowanych widm w przypadkach, gdy szumy własne spektrometru mają składową typu 1/f, dominującą w zakresie małych częstotliwości. Przedstawiono także wyniki uzyskane podczas pomiarów z detekcją synchroniczną,...
APPLICATION OF THE HIGH FREQUENCY LINEARIZATION OF THE EAR IN PATIENTS WITH TINNITUS . Metoda linearyzacji narządu słuchu u osób cierpiących z szumami usznymi
PublicationThis paper summarises the problem of tinnitus, hypotheses on its causes and the treatment methods. Moreover, a hypothesis on tinnitus origins is explained, based on the mechanisms of the analog-to-digital conversion and quantization. In addition, this paper describes methods of determining the acoustic intensity and spectra of low- level ultrasonic signals, as well as impedance characteristics of an ultrasound transducer. Furthermore,...
PublicationThe main goal of modern machining operations is to achieve increasingly better performance. High Speed Machining and/or High Performance Cutting, despite a lot of advantages, have also some drawbacks, for example, a possibility of losing stability and development of self-excited chatter vibration. This paper presents an approach of vibration surveillance during high speed milling with a use of active optimal control. Non-stationary...
Examining Impact of Speed Recommendation Algorithm Operating in Autonomous Road Signs on Minimum Distance between Vehicles
PublicationAn approach to a new kind of recommendation system design that suggests safe speed on the road is presented. Real data obtained on roads were used for the simulations. As part of a project related to autonomous road sign development, a number of measurements were carried out on both local roads and expressways. A speed recommendation model was created based on gathered traffic data employing the traffic simulator. Depending on...