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Search results for: ac motor voltage

Search results for: ac motor voltage

  • Analiza i badania transformatora hybrydowego z przekształtnikiem AC/DC/AC współdziałającym z przełącznikiem zaczepów


    - Year 2023

    Rozprawa dotyczy badań nad układem transformatora hybrydowego, który oprócz możliwości regulacji ciągłej napięcia za pomocą przekształtnika energoelektronicznego, posiada układ regulacji skokowej w postaci przełącznika zaczepów. Badane urządzenie przeznaczone jest do stabilizacji napięcia w dystrybucyjnej sieci niskiego napięcia. Dzięki skoordynowanej pracy układów (ciągłego i skokowego) uzyskana zostaje tzw. Wielostrefowa Regulacja...

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  • Quasi-resonant DC-link voltage inverter with enhanced zero-voltage switching control

    A new topology modification of the parallel quasi-resonant circuit for a dc-link voltage inverter enables regulation of the zero voltage dc-link subperiods and the dc-link voltage gradient settings. The proposed circuit is based on four MOSFET switches with free-wheeling diodes for controlled quasi-resonant recharging between L-C tank in order to assure inverter zero voltage switching (ZVS) conditions. Design optimization of the...

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  • Voltage Dependence of Supercapacitor Capacitance

    • A. Szewczyk
    • J. Sikula
    • V. Sedlakova
    • J. Majzner
    • P. Sedlak
    • T. Kuparowitz

    - Metrology and Measurement Systems - Year 2016

    Electronic Double-Layer Capacitors (EDLC), called Supercapacitors (SC), are electronic devices that are capable to store a relatively high amount of energy in a small volume comparing to other types of capacitors. They are composed of an activated carbon layer and electrolyte solution. The charge is stored on electrodes, forming the Helmholtz layer, and in electrolyte. The capacitance of supercapacitor is voltage- dependent. We...

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  • Voltage profiles improvement in a power network with PV energy sources – results of a voltage regulator implementation

    • A. Szultka
    • S. Szultka
    • S. Czapp
    • R. Karolak
    • M. Andrzejewski
    • J. Kapitaniak
    • M. Kulling
    • J. Bonk

    - ENERGIES - Year 2022

    The constant increase in the number of photovoltaic (PV) energy sources in distribution networks is the cause of serious voltage problems. The networks built at least a dozen years ago are not provided for the installation of a large number of micro-sources. It happens that the previously properly functioning power networks are not able to provide to consumers power with the required parameters, after installing many PV sources....

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  • The conducted immunity test of an AC adaptor in accordance with EMC standards

    The dataset presents a result of measurements that are a part of immunity tests to conducted disturbances, induced by radio-frequency fields. The immunity tests were carried out on the mains cable of the ac adaptor PHILIPS DC power supply SBC 6654. Tests of immunity of electronic systems to conducted disturbances in the frequency range from 150 kHz...

  • On power stream in motor or drive system


    In a motor or in a drive system the quantity of power increases in the direction opposite to the direction of power flow. Energy losses and energy efficiency of a motor or a drive system must be presented as functions of physical quantities independent of losses. Such quantities are speed and load. But the picture of power stream in a motor or in a drive system is presented in the literature in the form of traditional Sankey...

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  • Determination of the Theoretical and Actual Working Volume of a Hydraulic Motor—Part II (The Method Based on the Characteristics of Effective Absorbency of the Motor)


    - ENERGIES - Year 2021

    : In this article, the second method of determination of the theoretical and actual working volume of a hydraulic motor is described. The proposed new method is based on the characteristics of effective absorbency of the motor. The effective absorbency has been defined as the ratio of flow rate in a motor to the rotational speed of the motor’s shaft. It has been shown that the effective absorbency is a nonlinear function of the...

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  • Diagnostics of induction motor bearings - possibility of measurements


    - Year 2011

    In induction motors damage in the elements of electromagnetic system, for example in the wiring of stator, rotor or in the magnetic circuit can appear as well as damage of mechanical parts (bearings, rotor, shaft). Bearing diagnostics is so important in supervision of motor condition, because extensive research shows that the bearings arethe elements most susceptible to damage. This paper presents the research which the author...

  • Dual-Purpose Converters for DC or AC Grid as Energy Transition Solution: Perspectives and Challenges

    • O. Husev
    • D. Vinnikov
    • S. Kouro
    • F. Blaabjerg
    • C. Roncero-Clemente

    - IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine - Year 2024

    We present a novel concept of a dual-purpose power converter for dc or ac grids. These universal dc–dc/ac power electronic interfaces are suitable for application in the dc or single-phase or three-phase ac grids using the same terminals. The idea is to utilize the same semiconductors and passive components in the dc–ac and in the dc–dc configurations with minimal additional components and to maximize their effectiveness in any...

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  • Multiscalar Model Based Control Systems for AC Machines


    - Year 2011

    Contents of the Chapter: Nonlinear transformations and feedback linearization. Models of the squirrel cage induction machine: Vector model of the squirrel cage induction machine. Multiscalar models of the squirrel cage induction machine.Feedback linearization of multiscalar models of the induction motor.Models of the double fed induction machine: Vector model of the double fed induction machine. Multiscalar model of the...

  • The influence of pressure drop on the working volume of a hydraulic motor

    Reliability and maintenance analysis of hydraulic positive machines basicly focused on the processes of their wear and failure. But in order to correctly assess the mechanical and volumetric efficiency of a hydraulic motor, both at the stage of development research or at the stage of control tests during its exploitation, the working volume of this motor must be correctly determined. Therefore this paper proposes a new method of...

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  • FEA analysis of the multicell piezoelectric motor

    The presented paper concerns a design, modeling and chosen tests of the prototype multicell piezoelectric motor (MPM). The principle of operation based on three independent traveling wave actuators is presented. The main materials and technologies used in the fabrication process are described. The structure of the motor is modeled using static and modal FEM analysis. The process of traveling wave generation in the MPM structure...

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  • Determination of the theoretical and actual working volume of a hydraulic motor


    - ENERGIES - Year 2020

    A new methodology of determination of the theoretical and actual working volume of a hydraulic motor based on the characteristics of the delivered flow rate into hydraulic motor vs. the rotational speed at a constant pressure drop in the working chambers is described in this paper. A new method of describing the delivered flow rate into a motor per one shaft revolution as a nonlinear function of the pressure drop in the motor working...

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  • Przetwornica rezonansowa LLC AC-DC w układzie półmostka

    W artykule przedstawiono rezultaty prac nad rezonansową przetwornicą AC/DC typu LLC w układzie półmostka o mocy 100W. Układ sterowania przetwornicy został opracowany w oparciu o dedykowany sterownik UCC25600 (Texas Instrumens). W pracy przedstawiono koncepcję przetwornicy oraz porównano właściwości opracowanej przetwornicy z komercyjnie dostępnym układem typu Flyback.

  • Protection System Design of Induction Motor for Industries


    - Year 2022

    The fundamental and durable structures of induction motor, as well as their low manufacturing cost, make them popular components in a wide range of current applications. Providing a safety net for employees is a must-have for businesses. This project’s motivation for improvement is to provide industrial motors, lift motors, pumps, and so on with safety. An induction motor’s primary goal is to protect it from problems, such as...

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  • Protection System Design of Induction Motor for Industries


    - Modelling and Simulation in Engineering - Year 2022

    The fundamental and durable structures of induction motor, as well as their low manufacturing cost, make them popular components in a wide range of current applications. Providing a safety net for employees is a must-have for businesses. This project’s motivation for improvement is to provide industrial motors, lift motors, pumps, and so on with safety. An induction motor’s primary goal is to protect it from problems, such as...

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  • Conducted EMI Propagation Paths in DC-AC Hard Switching Converter

    In order to limit the electromagnetic interference (EMI) in power electronics devices, knowledge about the phenomena connected with EMI generation and propagation is necessary. This papers describes the propagation paths in the 3 phase voltage source inverter using wide-band simulation and laboratory test with the signal processing method Wiener filtering, where the transfer functions between voltage across switches and the perturbation...

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  • Superconductivity and itinerant ferromagnetism of Y9Co7 probed by ac susceptibility



    The ac magnetic susceptibility of a single crystal sample of the compound Y9Co7 has been measured in applied dc fields ranging from 0–6.7 kOe by utilizing a tunnel diode resonator circuit. In agreement with previous measurements on this material, a superconducting transition has been observed to occur at TSC ≈ 2.5 K. A broad maximum has been observed in the zero field susceptibility measurements from 2.5 K < T < 8 K and its behavior...

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  • Model and laboratory simulation of a induction motor for diagnostic purposes


    Statistics say that bearings are this part of induction motors which is most susceptible to damage. The equipment employed for bearing diagnostics usually makes use of vibrations as the criterion for technical condition of the bearings. A faulty bearing results in additional motor vibrations. They are reflected in the harmonic content of stator currents. In certain operating conditions the current signal is the sole source of information...

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  • Concept of Wireless Low-Voltage DC Socket for the Residential House Application


    - IEEE Access - Year 2024

    The proposed research is devoted to the comprehensive theoretical and experimental study of the concept of the wireless low power dc socket for residential applications. The main goal of this work is to provide safe dc source for residential customers at power level which is enough in order to supply all typical appliances without power factor correctors. Such types of devices can be already connected to the dc grid and decoupled...

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  • The Influence of Water and Mineral Oil on Pressure Losses in Hydraulic Motor


    In this paper, pressure losses in hydraulic motor supplied with water and mineral oil (two liquids that have significantly different viscosity and lubricating properties) are described and compared. The experimental tests were conducted using a hydraulic satellite motor that is dedicated to working with different liquids, including water. The methodology of measuring the pressure drop in internal channels of this motor is also...

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  • The influence of water and mineral oil on volumetric losses in a hydraulic motor


    In this paper volumetric losses in hydraulic motor supplied with water and mineral oil (two liquids having significantly different viscosity and lubricating properties) are described and comparison. The experimental tests were conducted using an innovative hydraulic satellite motor, that is dedicated to work with different liquid, including water. The sources of leaks in this motor are characterized and described also. On this...

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  • Ac and dc conductivities in v2o5-p2o5 glasses containing alkaline ions

    We investigated the ac and dc conductivity in 50V2O5-(50 − x)P2O5-xA2O (A = Li, Na, K) glasses as a function of temperature. The measurements were carried out in the frequency range from 10−4 to 107 Hz. For all compositions, the dc conductivity decreased with the increasing alkali ion content. The decrease in conductivity was more pronounced for larger alkali ions. The ac conductivity exhibited a universal dynamic response: σac...

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  • Hybrid piezoelectric motor based on electroactive lubrication principle

    A novel conception of hybrid piezoelectric motor is presented in this paper. Proposed conception required synchronised work of quasi-static and resonant piezoelectric actuators that results in a rotary movement. The motor's working principle is explained and the main characteristics are described. Studied topology is compared to the existing piezoelectric motors with regards to its field of applications. The assembling process...

  • Model of the double-rotor induction motor in terms of electromagnetic differential


    The paper presents a concept, a construction, a circuit model and experimental results of the double-rotor induction motor. This type of a motor is to be implemented in the concept of the electromagnetic differential. At the same time it should fulfill the function of differential mechanism and the vehicle drive. One of the motor shafts is coupled to the direction changing mechanical transmission. The windings of the external rotor...

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  • Methods of Determining Pressure Drop in Internal Channels of a Hydraulic Motor


    In this paper, new methods for determining the pressure drop in internal channels of a hydraulic motor are proposed and described. Mathematical models of pressure losses in internal channels have also been described. Experimental tests of the satellite motor were carried out according to one of the proposed methods. The tests were carried out for two liquids, i.e., water and mineral oil. Experimental studies have shown that at...

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  • Supercapacitors - charge redistribution and restoring voltage


    - Year 2014

    The charge in supercapacitor is stored on electrodes and in electrolyte. The charges on electrodes create the Helmholtz double layer which is formed immediately with time constant of the order of seconds, while the charge storage in electrolyte is going on with time constant of the order of hundreds seconds. When the charged supercapacitor is shorted for few seconds, the charge from electrodes is discharged while the charge in...

  • Modern Arrangement for Reduction of Voltage Perturbations


    - Year 2007

    The contents of this chapter encompass general problems and the most important issues of power-supply-quality improvement in AC systems. In the context of the above, consideration is given to evaluation of bilateral interactions of receivers with an electrical power-distribution system and methods of their reduction. Also are discussed the basis of operation of the most important compensation-filtration devices and their applications...

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  • Five-phase squirrel-cage motor. Construction and drive properties

    This paper presents the simulation and experimental results of a five-phase squirrel-cage induction motor. The new machine has been designed to operate in a drive system with third harmonic rotor flux injection in order to improve the motor torque utilization. The motor structure, the mathematical model as well as the laboratory prototype have been described. The motor speed-torque characteristics and transients are elaborated...

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  • On the durability of the hydraulic satellite motor working mechanism in overload condition


    - Advances in Materials Science - Year 2016

    The paper presents the newest construction of the hydraulic satellite pump/motor. In this study, the fracture of the hydraulic satellite motor working mechanism is investigated. Factors influencing the durability of satellite working mechanism have been described. The durability of the hydraulic satellite motor working mechanism at a load, corresponding to a pressure of 15 MPa supplied with refined rapeseed oil is very low. Analyses...

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  • High Frequency Harmonics Emission of Modern Power Electronic AC-DC Converters


    - Year 2013

    Modern AC/DC converters with bidirectional power flow employing PWM boost topology generate harmonic distortions of input current in relatively high frequency range tightly related to modulation carrier frequency. These frequencies and its multiples in typical applications are usually located in frequency range from single up to several of kHz. Increased harmonic emission in this frequency range can easily and harmfully influence...

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  • Journal of Motor Behavior


    ISSN: 0022-2895 , eISSN: 1940-1027



    ISSN: 0899-0220 , eISSN: 1369-1651

  • Design of the LLC Filter for AC Grid-Based Converter


    This paper emphasizes reducing harmonic distortion in the electrical current delivered by photovoltaic (PV) inverters to the power grid. It highlights the issue of significant harmonic components present in the output voltage of inverters, which is attributed to pulse width modulation (PWM) switching techniques. This necessitates the deployment of LCL filters as a strategic approach to limit current harmonics effectively. Additionally,...

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  • Knowledge representation of motor activity of patients with Parkinson’s disease

    An approach to the knowledge representation extraction from biomedical signals analysis concerning motor activity of Parkinson disease patients is proposed in this paper. This is done utilizing accelerometers attached to their body as well as exploiting video image of their hand movements. Experiments are carried out employing artificial neural networks and support vector machine to the recognition of characteristic motor activity...

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  • CM Voltage Compensators for Power Electronic Interfaces

    • R. Smoleński
    • J. Bojarski
    • P. Leżyński
    • A. Kempski
    • J. Łuszcz

    - IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Magazine - Year 2015

    The experimental results presented in the paper have shown that the application of the PEIs might cause EMC related problems, especially in the case of the application of a group of connected converters. The most convenient way to reduce EMI currents and prevent aggregation of EMI currents introduced by a group of converters is through passive compensation of voltage interference sources inside of the single converters. In the...

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  • Induction motor control application in high-speed train electric drive


    - Year 2013

    The chapter presents an application of induction motor mechanical speed and load torque observers in high-speed train drives. The observers are applied for a 1.2-MW electric drive with an induction motor. The goal of using such observers is to utilize computed variables for diagnostic purposes of speed sensors and torque transmission system. The concept of diagnostic system is presented in this paper, and proper criteria are proposed....

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  • Design and modeling of the piezoelectric motor based on three resonance actuators


    - Year 2015

    This paper describes a piezoelectric motor which combines advantages from two existing piezoelectric motors topologies. The research work presents the design, simulations and measurements of the piezoelectric motor with three rotation-mode actuators. The aim of the project was to obtain the high speed piezoelectric motor. Other advantages of this conception are blocking torque, short response times, the ability to work in a hostile...

  • Influence of operating pressure on the durability of a satellite hydraulic motor supplied by rapeseed oil


    This article describes the results of a durability test of a hydraulic satellite motor supplied by rapeseed oil. The tests were carried out on a test stand in a power recuperation system. The tests of the motor were carried out at a constant shaft speed for three fixed pressure drops in the motor. This made it possible to demonstrate the influence of the motor operating pressure on the durability of the satellite mechanism. The...

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  • Control strategies and comparison of the Dynamic Voltage Restorer


    - Year 2008

    This paper focuses on a selection problems of mitigation of the voltage disturbance by of the Dynamic Voltage Restorers (DVR’s). In short form presented and discussed are the basis of different control strategies of the DVR. The main emphasis is placed on application of modern power electronic devices. Authors of this paper in particular occupy oneself with analysis of the power rating of the typically DVR topologies. These problems...

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  • Edukacyjne narzędzie do badania zjawisk zachodzących podczas konwersji AC/CA

    W pracy przedstawiono software'owe narzędzie umożliwiające analizę jakości karty dźwiękowej zainstalowanej komputerze PC opracowane na potrzeby laboratorium przetwarzania sygnałów. Oprogramowanie to w bardzo prostym, powszechnym systemie, jakim jest komputer PC z kartą dźwiękową, pozwala na zapoznanie się z wieloma typowymi problemami praktycznymi spotykanymi przy konwersji analogowo-cyfrowej (AC) i cyfrowo-analogowej (CA).

  • Design and Experiments of a Piezoelectric Motor Using Three Rotating Mode Actuators

    This paper represents a numerical and experimental investigation of the multicell piezoelectric motor. The proposed design consists of three individual cells that are integrated into the stator, double rotor, and a preload system combined into a symmetrical structure of the motor. Each of the cells is characterized by a traveling wave and rotating mode motor. A finite element numerical analysis is carried out to obtain optimal...

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  • Analytical Modelling of the Multicell Piezoelectric Motor Based on Three Resonance Actuators


    - Year 2014

    This paper presents analytical model of the multicell piezoelectric motor. The results, obtained in the field of piezoelectric motors, have pointed out that these motors have potentially high possibilities in the future of special applications. The studied multicell piezoelectric motor have a stator using three rotating mode actuators. A theoretical analysis of operating principle of the rotating mode motor has been described....

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  • Static Series and Shunt-series PE Voltage-quality Controllers


    - Year 2007

    As presented in the Chap. 7 static shunt power electronics (PE) voltage-quality controllers protect the utility electrical system from the unfavorable impact of customer loads. Shunt controllers, as shown in Chap. 6, are recommended mainly for mitigation of the causes of disturbances, and not their effects in distanced nodes of a power-electronics system. In the case when reduction of disturbances effects is required, which leads...

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  • The Impact of Micro-Sources on Voltage Distortions in a Power Grid


    The increase in the number of photovoltaic (PV) systems integrated with low voltage (LV) grids has led to a great need to analyse the impact of these systems on the quality of electricity and the reliability of its supply. This paper presents and compares the energy quality requirements imposed by various countries on photovoltaic plants. Then, based on real object tests and simulation in DIgSILENT PowerFactory, the impact has...

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  • Investigation method and mathematical model of pressure losses in hydraulic rotary motor


    Tis paper presents a way of determining the coefcient k of the pressure losses Δp (fow drag) in internal ducts 8 Mp of SWSB-63 hydraulic motor. Te coefcient is determined at a fow rate equal to the theoretical capacity Q of the Pt pump feeding the motor , the losses are related to the nominal pressure p in the hydraulic system. Te investigations n followed a model of energy performance of hydraulic rotary motor, proposed by...

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  • Use of Neural Networks in Diagnostics of Rolling-Element Bearing of the Induction Motor

    Bearing defect is statistically the most frequent cause of an induction motor fault. The research described in the paper utilized the phenomenon of the current change in the induction motor with bearing defect. Methods based on the analysis of the supplying current are particularly useful when it is impossible to install diagnostic devices directly on the motor. The presented method of rolling-element bearing diagnostics used indirect...

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  • Voltage control in a power system with renewable sources of energy


    - Year 2019

    Intensive development of distributed generation in power systems, caused by the European Union energy policy, gives possibility for improving safety in power delivery as well as optimizing the costs of the systems functioning. In this context, distributed generation can be used for voltage control in power systems – it can be performed by the control of reactive power of each source of energy or a group of energy sources. This...

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  • Fractional-order Systems and Synchronous Generator Voltage Regulator


    - Acta Energetica - Year 2015

    Modern regulators of synchronous generators, including voltage regulators, are digital systems, in their vast majority with standard structures contained in the IEEE standard. These are systems described with stationary differential equations of integral order. Differential equations of fractional order are not employed in regulators for synchronous generator control. This paper presents an analysis of the possibilities of using...

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  • New concept and analysis of the multicell piezoelectric motor


    - Year 2018

    This work presents the design, modeling and tests of the prototype multicell piezoelectric motor (MPM). A new concept of the electromechanical structure of the considered prototype is based on three rotating-mode actuators. The electromechanical structure of each actuator has been considered as an independent one - referred to as a ”single cell” (single actuator). Combined three resonant actuators generate three traveling waves...

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