Search results for: SIMULATION-DRIVEN MODELING - Bridge of Knowledge




  • Numerical Modeling of Hydrosystems 2024/2025

    e-Learning Courses

    Kurs do przedmiotu NUMERICAL MODELING OF HYDROSYSTEMS Specjalność: Environmental Engineering (WILiŚ), II stopnia, stacjonarne dr hab. inż. Michał Szydłowski, prof. PG

  • Numerical Modeling of Hydrosystems 2023/2024

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Szymkiewicz
    • A. Gumuła-Kawęcka
    • M. Szydłowski

    Kurs do przedmiotu NUMERICAL MODELING OF HYDROSYSTEMS Specjalność: Environmental Engineering (WILiŚ), II stopnia, stacjonarne dr hab. inż. Michał Szydłowski, prof. PG

  • Rapid design optimization of compact couplers using response features and adjoint sensitivities


    A technique for rapid EM-driven design optimization of compact microwave couplers is presented. Our approach exploits response features and adjoint sensitivities and allows for low-cost design closure both in terms of performance enhancement and structure miniaturization. It is demonstrated using a compact rat-race coupler working at 1 GHz and compared to adjoint-based gradient optimization.

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  • Modelowanie liczby i wielkości uszkodzeń drogowych barier ochronnych na odcinkach dróg


    - Year 2024

    W ramach rozprawy doktorskiej podjęto problem funkcjonowania barier ochronnych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem częstości występowania oraz wielkości uszkodzeń barier na odcinkach dróg krajowych w Polsce. Rozpoznanie tematyki funkcjonowania barier ochronnych przy drogach, oraz identyfikacja nierozwiązanych problemów, pozwoliły na sformułowanie głównego celu pracy i celów szczegółowych. Cele te obejmują opracowanie i wdrożenie do...

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  • Reliability Modeling for SPMD and DAC Applications in MERPSYS


    - Year 2016

    In this chapter we shall see a method for modeling of reliability of application execution in the MERPSYS system, and the results of reliability simulation of the same SPMD and DAC application which we have previously presented in this book. Unlike energy usage modeling and modeling of execution efficiency we could not compare the reliability model and simulation results to real experiment just because the experiment would last too...

  • Theoretical and Actual Feed Per Tooth During Wood Sawing on an Optimizing Cross-Cut Saw


    - Year 2020

    The work presents the geometries of circular saw teeth, whose task is to divide the cross-cut of the cutting layer. For efficient machining on a cross-cut saw with high feed speed values (about 1 ms−1) maximal theoretical feeds per tooth are determined. These values were compared with the actual values determined during transverse cutting of pine wood on a special test stands in industrial conditions. In the experiment the rotational...

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  • Innovative system for energy collection and management integrated within a photovoltaic module

    • W. Grzesiak
    • P. Maćków
    • T. Maj
    • A. Polak
    • E. Klugmann-Radziemska
    • S. Zawora
    • K. Drabczyk
    • S. Gułkowski
    • P. Grzesiak

    - SOLAR ENERGY - Year 2016

    The dynamic development of battery technology and design based on the flow of lithium ions, mainly driven by the needs of the automotive industry, leads to the conclusion that these batteries are becoming a more viable alternative to traditional lead-acid batteries. Their use is driven by the ability to quickly charge and discharge, a higher durability, maintenance-free operation, much smaller dimensions and lighter weight. The...

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  • Day-ahead Solar Power Forecasting Using LightGBM and Self-Attention Based Encoder-Decoder Networks


    - IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy - Year 2024

    The burgeoning trend of integrating renewable energy harvesters into the grid introduces critical issues for its reliability and stability. These issues arise from the stochastic and intermittent nature of renewable energy sources. Data-driven forecasting tools are indispensable in mitigating these challenges with their rugged performance. However, tools relying solely on data-driven methods often underperform when an adequate...

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  • Modeling of Cardiac Component of Subarachnoid Space Changes in Apnoea Resulting as a Function of Blood Pressure and Blood Flow Parameters - Two Mechanizm of Regulation


    - Year 2017

    Experiments were performed in a group of 19 healthy, non-smoking volunteers. The experiment consisted of three apnoeas, sequentially: 30 s apnoea, 60 s apnoea and maximal, that could be done, apnoea. The breath-hold was separated for 5 minutes rest. The following parameters were measured and obtained for further analysis: blood parameters, artery diameter of the internal carotid artery, end-tidal CO2 in expired air, the cardiac...

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  • MERPSYS: An environment for simulation of parallel application execution on large scale HPC systems

    In this paper we present a new environment called MERPSYS that allows simulation of parallel application execution time on cluster-based systems. The environment offers a modeling application using the Java language extended with methods representing message passing type communication routines. It also offers a graphical interface for building a system model that incorporates various hardware components such as CPUs, GPUs, interconnects...

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  • A Parallax Shift Effect Correction Based on Cloud Height for Geostationary Satellites and Radar Observations


    The effect of cloud parallax shift occurs in satellite imaging, particularly for high angles of satellite observations. This study demonstrates new methods of parallax effect correction for clouds observed by geostationary satellites. The analytical method that could be found in literature, namely the Vicente et al./Koenig method, is presented at the beginning. It approximates a cloud position using an ellipsoid with semi-axes...

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  • Train the trainer course


    - Year 2018

    This chapter presents the concept, evaluation and evaluation results for the train the trainer. This concept of train the trainers is prepared within Workpackage 5 of EU-funded project: MASTER BSR (Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership Programme). Due to the nature of adult learning the content is designed for the use of participatory methods (involved, active). This method uses various techniques of active learning e.g. group work,...

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  • On Decision-Making Strategies for Improved-Reliability Size Reduction of Microwave Passives: Intermittent Correction of Equality Constraints and Adaptive Handling of Inequality Constraints


    Design optimization of passive microwave components is an intricate process, especially if the primary objective is a reduction of the physical size of the structure. The latter has become an important design consideration for a growing number of modern applications (mobile communications, wearable/implantable devices, internet of things), where miniaturization is imperative due to a limited space allocated for the electronic circuitry....

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  • On Improved-Reliability Design Optimization of High-Frequency Structures Using Local Search Algorithms

    The role of numerical optimization has been continuously growing in the design of high-frequency structures, including microwave and antenna components. At the same time, accurate evaluation of electrical characteristics necessitates full-wave electromagnetic (EM) analysis, which is CPU intensive, especially for complex systems. As rigorous optimization routines involve repetitive EM simulations, the associated cost may be significant....

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  • Three-dimensional conceptual model for service-oriented simulation


    - Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A - Year 2009

    n this letter, we propose a novel three-dimensional conceptual model for an emerging service-oriented simulation paradigm. The model can be used as a guideline or an analytic means to find the potential and possible future directions of the current simulation frameworks. In particular, the model inspects the crossover between the disciplines of modeling and simulation, service-orientation, and software/systems engineering. Finally,...

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  • Numerical Modeling of Hydrosystems 2022/2023 (summer)

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Szymkiewicz
    • M. Szydłowski
    • A. M. Mustafa

    Kurs do przedmiotu NUMERICAL MODELING OF HYDROSYSTEMS Specjalność: Environmental Engineering (WILiŚ), II stopnia, stacjonarne dr hab. inż. Michał Szydłowski, prof. PG

  • Numerical Modeling of Hydrosystems 2022/2023 (winter)

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Szymkiewicz
    • M. Szydłowski
    • A. M. Mustafa

    Kurs do przedmiotu NUMERICAL MODELING OF HYDROSYSTEMS Specjalność: Environmental Engineering (WILiŚ), II stopnia, stacjonarne dr hab. inż. Michał Szydłowski, prof. PG

  • Mikropompa elektrohydrodynamiczna na ciecz dielektryczną zasilana napięciem stałym


    - Year 2011

    W niniejszym artykule zaprezentowano projekt i działanie miniaturowej pompy elektrohydrodynamicznej (EHD) zasilanej napięciem stałym przeznaczonej do chłodzenia elementów elektronicznych. Zmierzono natężenie przepływu cieczy oraz ciśnienie wytwarzane przez pracującą mikropompę. Maksymalne natężenie przepływu, 0,5 ml/min, uzyskano dla napięcia 12 kV. Zmierzone ciśnienie wyniosło 500 Pa przy przyłożonym napięciu 6 kV. Maksymalny...

  • Hybrid Approach to Networked Control System


    - Year 2013

    Effcient control of Networked Control System (NCS) is a challenge, as the control methods need to deal with non-deterministic variable delays and data loss. This paper presents a novel hybrid approach to NCS where Model Predictive Control (MPC) is applied as a main controller and implicit switching MPC is used for data transmission control in event-driven shared communication medium, leading to complex control system with active...

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  • Computer modeling and design of materials 2022/2023

    e-Learning Courses
    • S. Winczewski

    Computer modeling and design of materials, kierunek: Nanotechnologia, specjalność: Mathematics for new materials design, II stopień, semestr 3

  • Simple SIR models with Markovian control

    We consider a random dynamical system, where the deterministic dynamics are driven by a finite-state space Markov chain. We provide a comprehensive introduction to the required mathematical apparatus and then turn to a special focus on the susceptible-infected-recovered epidemiological model with random steering. Through simulations we visualize the behaviour of the system and the effect of the high-frequency limit of the driving...

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  • Capacitively coupled ECG measurements - a CMRR circuit improvement

    A typical galvanic-connected electrocardiogram (ECG) measurement system utilizes two signal’s electrodes and a third one in driven-right-leg (DRL) circuit for improving a common-mode rejection ratio(CMRR) of the acquisition system. In capacitive-coupled ECG similar techniques are used, however it is expected, that the utilized DRL subsystem is formed using a capacitive coupling approach, too. An improvement of the acquisition system...

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  • Innovative Gathering and Energy Management System Integrated within PV Module


    - Year 2015

    The dynamic development of battery technology and design based on the flow of lithium ions, mainly driven by the needs of the automotive industry leads to the Conclusion That they are becoming a more viable alternative to traditional lead-acid batteries. Their use is driven by the ability it quickly charge and discharge times higher durability, maintenance-free operation and much smaller dimensions as well as weight. The emergence...

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  • Asking Data in a Controlled Way with Ask Data Anything NQL

    • A. Seganti
    • P. Kapłański
    • J. Campo
    • K. Cieśliński
    • J. Koziołkiewicz
    • P. Zarzycki

    - Year 2016

    While to collect data, it is necessary to store it, to understand its structure it is necessary to do data-mining. Business Intelligence (BI) enables us to make intelligent, data-driven decisions by the mean of a set of tools that allows the creation of a potentially unlimited number of machine-generated, data-driven reports, which are calculated by a machine as a response to queries specified by humans. Natural Query Languages...

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  • Blanka Tundys dr hab.


    Blanka Tundys is an Associate Professor at University of Szczecin, Poland. Her research interests span green supply chain, sustainable supply chain, close loop chain, eco-innovation, city logistics, logistics, transport systems, city economics, strategy in logistics, transportation, performance measurement in logistics and supply chain, efficiency in logistics, circular economy, smart city, risk management in the supply chain,...



    The article presents the development of author’s concept of a diesel/hydraulic propulsion system for inland watercraft. Due to specific nature of vessel navigation on rivers, classical propulsion systems with shaft lines can be effectively replaced by systems with hydraulic power transmission. A solution is also presented of a hybrid design with extra electric port having the form of a pumping system driven from a battery of accumulators....

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  • Modeling Parallel Applications in the MERPSYS Environment


    - Year 2016

    The chapter presents how to model parallel computational applications for which simulation of execution in a large-scale parallel or distributed environment is performed within the MERPSYS environment. Specifically, it is shown what approaches can be adopted to model key paradigms often used for parallel applications: master-slave, geometric parallelism (single program multiple data), pipelined and divide-and-conquer applications....

  • A Perspective on Fast-SPICE Simulation Technology


    - Year 2009

    This chapter presents an introduction to the area of accelerated transistor-level (‘fast-SPICE’) simulation for automated verification and characterization of integrated circuits (ICs) from technologist’s perspective. It starts with outlining goals, expectations and typical usage models for fast-SPICE simulators, stressing how they differ from regular SPICE tools. It continues with presenting and classifying core technologies typically...

  • Optimization-Based Robustness Enhancement of Compact Microwave Component Designs with Response Feature Regression Surrogates

    The ability to evaluate the effects of fabrication tolerances and other types of uncertainties is a critical part of microwave design process. Improving the immunity of the device to parameter deviations is equally important, especially when the performance specifications are stringent and can barely be met even assuming a perfect manufacturing process. In the case of modern miniaturized microwave components of complex topologies,...

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  • Expedited constrained multi-objective aerodynamic shape optimization by means of physics-based surrogates



    In the paper, computationally efficient constrained multi-objective design optimization of transonic airfoil profiles is considered. Our methodology focuses on fixed-lift design aimed at finding the best possible trade-offs between the two objectives: minimization of the drag coefficient and maximization of the pitching moment. The algorithm presented here exploits the surrogate-based optimization principle, variable-fidelity computational...

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  • Human System Interaction in Review: Advancing the Artificial Intelligence Transformation

    • D. De Silva
    • R. Nawaratne
    • J. Rumiński
    • A. Malinowski
    • M. Manic

    - Year 2022

    The industrial advancement of human society has been fundamentally driven by diverse ‘systems’ that facilitate ‘human interaction’ within physical, digital, virtual, social and artificial environments, and upon the hyper-connected layers of system-system interactions across these environments. The research and practice of Human System Interaction (HSI) has undergone exponential development due to the enhanced capabilities, increased...

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  • Systematic Management of Simulation State for Multi-Branch Simulations in Simulink


    - Year 2013

    Systematic simulation is a technique related and motivated by the formal analysis of hybrid dynamic systems. It combines the exhaustive and conservative nature of traditional model checking with numerical simulation for providing efficient algorithms to manage simulations. Multi-branch simulation is the concept advancing simulation efficiency by reducing the number of state transitions. This paper introduces an approach to implement...

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  • Simulation Game 2024

    e-Learning Courses
    • G. Zieliński

  • Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling


    ISSN: 1549-9596 , eISSN: 1549-960X

  • Theoretical analysis of a new approach to order determination for a modified Prony method in swath mapping application


    - HYDROACOUSTICS - Year 2017

    This article presents a new approach to determine the model order (number of principal components) in the modified Prony method applied to swath acoustic mapping. Determination of the number of principal components is a crucial step in the modified Prony method. In the proposed approach the model order is chosen based on the underlying physical model of the underwater acoustic environment, and utilised signal processing operations....

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  • Technology brands in the digitally-based and network economy. Setting the background


    - Year 2023

    This chapter defines and draws a general picture on Digital Technologies and Technology Brands’ meaning in the current economy. It contextualises the role and channels of digital technology’s impact on their shaping technology brands in network economy. It briefly explains why digital, innovative technologies constitute a perfect background and environment for technology brands of global scope. It discusses the place of technology...

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  • From U2TP Models to Executable Tests with TTCN-3

    • J. Zander
    • Z. R. Dai
    • I. Schieferdecker
    • G. Din

    - Year 2005

    The approach towards system engineering according to Model-Driven Architectures (MDA) with code generation derived from model implies also an increased need for research on automation of the test generation process. This paper presents an approach to derive executable tests from UML 2.0 Testing Profile diagrams automatically. In particular, an approach to derive executable tests within the Testing and Test Control Notation (TTCN-3)...

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  • Modeling energy consumption of parallel applications

    The paper presents modeling and simulation of energy consumption of two types of parallel applications: geometric Single Program Multiple Data (SPMD) and divide-and-conquer (DAC). Simulation is performed in a new MERPSYS environment. Model of an application uses the Java language with extension representing message exchange between processes working in parallel. Simulation is performed by running threads representing distinct process...

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  • Accurate modeling of quasi-resonant inverter fed IM drive


    In this paper wide-band modeling methodology of a parallel quasi-resonant dc link inverter (PQRDCLI) fed induction machine (IM) is presented. The modeling objective is early-design stage prediction of conductive electromagnetic interference (EMI) emissions of the considered converter fed IM drive system. Operation principles of the selected topology of PQRDCLI feeding IM drive are given. Modeling of the converter drive system is...

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  • Unlocking the electrochemical performance of glassy carbon electrodes by surface engineered, sustainable chitosan membranes



    Chitosan coatings, derived from crustacean shell waste, possess inherent biocompatibility and biodegradability, rendering them suitable for various biomedical and environmental applications, including electrochemical biosensing. Its amine and hydroxyl functional groups offer abundant sites for chemical modifications to boost the charge transfer kinetics and provide excellent adhesion, enabling the construction of robust electrode-coating...

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  • The Role of Electrostatics in Enzymes: Do Biomolecular Force Fields Reflect Protein Electric Fields?


    - Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling - Year 2020

    Preorganization of large, directionally oriented, electric fields inside protein active sites has been proposed as a crucial contributor to catalytic mechanism in many enzymes, and it may be efficiently investigated at the atomistic level with molecular dynamics simulations. Here, we evaluate the ability of the AMOEBA polarizable force field, as well as the additive Amber ff14SB and Charmm C36m models, to describe the electric...

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  • Modeling in Machine Design

    e-Learning Courses
    • K. Mazur
    • R. Gawarkiewicz
    • M. Wasilczuk
    • G. Rotta

    The course is meant to show the students how to build calculation models in machine design

  • Modeling the labor market

    e-Learning Courses
    • D. Nikulin

  • Mathematical Modeling and Optimization

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Kniat

    Celem przedmiotu jest zastosowanie modelowania matematycznego do rozwiązywania zagadnień fizycznych. W szczególności przedmiot obejmuje metody numeryczne oraz doskonalenie umiejętności tworzenia algorytmów / programów komputerowych, jak również korzystania z gotowych narzędzi do symulacji, stosowanych w okrętownictwie.

  • Tool Wear Prediction in Single-Sided Lapping Process


    - Machines - Year 2020

    Single-sided lapping is one of the most effective planarization technologies. The process has relatively complex kinematics and it is determined by a number of inputs parameters. It has been noted that prediction of the tool wear during the process is critical for product quality control. To determine the profile wear of the lapping plate, a computer model which simulates abrasive grains trajectories was developed in MATLAB. Moreover,...

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  • Ultra-Compact Quintuple-Band Terahertz Metamaterial Biosensor for Enhanced Blood Cancer Diagnostics

    • M. N. Hamza
    • M. T. Islam
    • S. Lavadiya
    • I. u. Din
    • B. Sanches
    • S. Kozieł
    • S. I. Naqvi
    • A. Farmani
    • M. S. Islam

    - PLOS ONE - Year 2025

    Cancer and its diverse variations pose one of the most significant threats to human health and well-being. One of the most aggressive forms is blood cancer, originating from bone marrow cells and disrupting the production of normal blood cells. The incidence of blood cancer is steadily increasing, driven by both genetic and environmental factors. Therefore, early detection is crucial as it enhances treatment outcomes and improves...

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  • Automotive Validation Functions for On-line Test Evaluation of Hybrid Real-time Systems


    - Year 2006

    The aim of this paper is to present the means of black-box on-line test evaluation for hybrid real-time systems. The described procedures can be used for the model-based testing process so as to improve its effectiveness. In particular, intelligent automotive validation functions are considered, which are divided into different types depending on the nature of the evaluated issue. All provided definitions are specified on the meta-model...

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  • The decay of quantum correlations between quantum dot spin qubits and the characteristics of its magnetic-field dependence


    - EPL-EUROPHYS LETT - Year 2014

    We address the question of the role of quantum correlations beyond entanglement in the context of quantum magnetometry. We study the evolution of the rescaled variant of the geometric quantum discord of two electron-spin qubits interacting with an environment of nuclear spins via the hyperfine interaction. We have found that quantum correlations display a strong magnetic-field sensitivity which can be utilized for decoherence-driven...

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  • Impact of Macroeconomic Shocks on Financial Performance and Risk Management: A Case Study of LPP SA During the COVID-19 Pandemic and the Ukraine War


    - Risks - Year 2024

    This study analyses the impact of two major macroeconomic shocks—the COVID-19 pandemic and the Ukraine war—on the financial stability of LPP SA, a leading apparel company in Poland and Central and Eastern Europe. This research uses the coefficient of variation to assess changes in financial volatility and evaluates the effectiveness of LPP SA’s risk management strategies. The findings reveal that, while the COVID-19 pandemic had...

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  • Power Consumption Optimization in 5G/6G mmWave Networks with User Multi-Connectivity


    - Year 2024

    In the fifth generation (5G) and the upcoming sixth generation (6G) millimeter wave (mmWave) networks, the recent emerging ultra-reliable low-latency (URLLC) applications such as telemedicine and self-driven vehicles require strict availability and reliability requirements. Using user multi-connectivity (i.e., connecting each user to multiple base stations (BSs) simultaneously) has emerged as an efficient solution for providing...

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