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Search results for: THERMAL ANALYSIS
Journals -
15th Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis
EventsRegistration for the workshops with Sponsors, which will take place during the free time on Tuesday, September 10, 2024, from 2:30 PM, will be conducted by signing up on a list at the registration desk. We kindly inform you that posters should be prepared in size B1 (707 x 1000 mm). Templates:pptx, pdf Please submit your presentations...
Characterisation of asbestos-containing wastes by thermal analysis
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Thermal analysis of bis(tetraethylammonium) tetrachloroferrate(II)
PublicationBadano dekompozycję termiczną związków bis(tetraethylammonium) tetrachloroferrate(II). Stosowano następujące metody badawcze: TG-FTIR, TG-MS i DTA. Pomiary przeprowadzono w atmosferze obojętnej w zakresie temperatur od 293 K do 1073 K. Stałe produkty dekompozycji identyfikowano metodą spektroskopii w podczerwieni, spektroskopii Mössbauera oraz metodą dyfrakcji promieniowania rentgenowskiego. Przedyskutowano wpływ stopnia utlenienia...
Thermal Analysis of Aliphatic Polyester Blends with Natural Antioxidants
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Thermal Analysis Of Hybrid Microchannel-Microjet Heat Exchanger
PublicationThe paper presents the numerical investigation of a microjet- microchannel cooling module. In which microjets of water are impinging into the microchannels and forming a liquid film on the impingement surface. Applied technology takes benefits from two very attractive heat removal techniques. When laminar jets are impinging on the surface have a very high kinetic energy at the stagnation point, also in microchannels boundary layer...
Thermal analysis and static strength of polyurethanes obtained from glycolysates
PublicationPrzeprowadzono analizę termiczną i zbadano właściwości wytrzymałościowe poliuretanów otrzymanych z glikolizatów o różnej budowie chemicznej. Glikolizaty pozyskiwano w procesie recyklingu surowcowego odpadów poliuretanowych o niskiej gęstości. Środkiem glikolizującym był propano-1,3-diol. Poliuretany z glikolizatów syntezowano metodą prepolimerową z MDI i BDO jako przedłużacza łańcuchów. Nie stosowano katalizatorów.
Thermal analysis and luminescence of phospho-tellurite glass doped with NdF3
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PublicationThe paper presents the numerical investigation of a microjet- microchannel cooling module. In which microjets of water are impinging into the microchannels and forming a liquid film on the impingement surface. Applied technology takes benefits from two very attractive heat removal techniques. When lminar jets are impinging on the surface have a very high kinetic energy at the stagnation point, also in microchannels boundary layer...
PublicationAccurate control of cooling parameters is required in ever wider range of technical applications. It is known that reducing the flow hydraulic diameter to an increase in the economy of cooling and improves its quality (Mikielewicz and Muszyński 2009). Present study describes research results related to the design and construction of the test stand for hybrid microjet- microchannel cooling modules study, which may be applied in...
Dynamic mechanical thermal analysis of polyamide 6/thermoplastic polyurethane blends
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Phase Equilibria in the Bi-In-Sn-Zn System. Thermal Analysis vs. Calculations
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Thermal analysis and experimental verification of permanent magnet synchronous motor by combining lumped-parameter thermal networks with analytical method
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Thermal analysis of copper(II) complexes of general formula [Et4N]2[CuBrnCl4-n]
PublicationBadano dekompozycję termiczną związków składających sie z anionów: [CuBrnCl4-n]2- (n=0-4) i kationów tetrametyloamoniowych. Stosowano następujące metody badawcze: TG-FTIR, TG-MS, DTA i DTG. Pomiary przeprowadzono w atmosferze argonu i powietrza w zakresie temperatur od 293 K do 1073 K. Produkty dekompozycji identyfikowano metoda spektroskopii w podczerwieni (IR i FIR) oraz metodą dyfrakcji promieniowania rentgenowskiego.
Thermal analysis of manganese(II) complexes of general formula(Et4N)2[MnBrnCl4−n]
PublicationBadano termiczną dekompozycję związków zawierających aniony [MnBrnCl4−n]2− (n = 0-4) i kation tetraetylammonium. Wykorzystywano metody DSC i TG. Badania prowadzono w atmosferze argonu w temperaturze 173-500K (DSC)i 300-1073K (TG). Produkty dekompozycji określono za pomocą MS, FTIR, Far-FTIR i dyfraktometrii rentgenowskiej.
Thermal analysis of manganese(II) complexes of general formula (Bu4N)2[MnBrnCl4−n]
PublicationBadano termiczną dekompozycję związków zawierających aniony tetrahalogenomanganese(II), [MnBrnCl4−n]2−(n = 0-4) i kationy tetrabutylammonium. Stosowane metody to: DSC, TG-FTIR, TG-MS i DTA. Pomiary prowadzono w argonie i powietrzu w zakresie temperatur 173-450K (DSC) i 300-1073K (TG). Stałe produkty dekompozycji identyfikowano metodami spektroskopii FT-FIR i dyfraktometrii rentgenowskiej.
Laser melting synthesis of Mg and Si3N4-doped soda-lime glass: structure and thermal analysis
PublicationThree series of soda-lime glasses doped with varying contents of Mg, Si3N4, or a combination of both were synthesizedusing laser melting in less than 3 min. The addition of these dopants resulted in notable changes in the structural and ther-mal properties of the glass. Both IR and Raman spectra indicated that the silicate network primarily consisted of Q3 units,with significant amounts of Q2 and Q4 units present in most samples....
Microscopic and Spectroscopic Imaging and Thermal Analysis of Acrylates, Silicones and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients in Adhesive Transdermal Patches
PublicationDermal or transdermal patches are increasingly becoming a noteworthy alternative ascarriers for active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), which makes their detailed physicochemical evaluation essential for pharmaceutical development. This paper demonstrates mid-infrared (FTIR) and Raman spectroscopy with complementary microscopic methods (SEM, optical and confocal Raman microscopy) and differential scanning calorimetry...
Microscopic and Spectroscopic Imaging and Thermal Analysis of Acrylates, Silicones and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients in Adhesive Transdermal Patches
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Thermal analysis of macro-encapsulated phase change material coupled with domestic gas heater for building heating
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Enhancement of PUR/PIR foam thermal stability after addition of Zostera marina biomass component investigated via thermal analysis and isoconversional kinetics
PublicationIn the present work, a thorough thermogravimetric (TG) analysis of bio-based polyurethane–polyisocyanurate (PUR–PIR) foams in both nitrogen and oxygen atmosphere is performed. A sustainable element of the foam is a biopolyol obtained via acid-catalyzed liquefaction of Zostera marina and Enteromorpha Algae biomass. Based on isoconversional analysis and apparent activation energies, several conclusions are obtained. In contradiction...
On the use of black tea waste as a functional filler for manufacturing self-stabilizing polyethylene composites: In-depth thermal analysis
PublicationThermal and oxidative stabilization are critical aspects in the processing and exploitation of polyolefins. Black tea contains many natural antioxidants, the largest group of compounds in its composition. When used as a filler for composite manufacturing, the thermo-oxidation process of polyethylene can be slowed down. Black tea waste (BTW) generated during the process of packing tea into sachets was introduced into a bio-based...
Novel Cast Polyurethanes Obtained by Using Reactive Phosphorus-Containing Polyol: Synthesis, Thermal Analysis and Combustion Behaviors
PublicationPhosphorus-containing polyol applications in polyurethane synthesis can prevent volatilization of flame retardants and their migration on the surface of a material. In this work, novel cast polyurethanes were prepared by a one-step method with the use of different amounts of phosphorus-containing polyol, 4,4′–diphenylmethane diisocyanate and 1,4-butanediol. The chemical structure, thermal, physicochemical and mechanical properties...
Thermal analysis of Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) Casson fluid with suspended Iron (II, III) oxide-aluminum oxide-titanium dioxide ternary-hybrid nanostructures
PublicationThis study is carried out to enhance and analyze the thermal performance of non-Newtonian Casson fluid by immersing Ternary hybrid nanoparticles Fe3O4-Al2O3-TiO2 uniformly. To model the behaviour of such complex phenomena mathematically, a system of complex transport differential equations is developed by utilizing a non-Fourier heat transfer model for energy transport. The non-dimensional system of transport equations involving...
Effects of Surface Energy and Surface Residual Stresses on Vibro-Thermal Analysis of Chiral, Zigzag, and Armchair Types of SWCNTs Using Refined Beam Theory
PublicationIn this article, vibration characteristics of three different types of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (SWCNTs) such as armchair, chiral, and zigzag carbon nanotubes have been investigated considering the effects of surface energy and surface residual stresses. The nanotubes are embedded in the elastic substrate of the Winkler type and are also exposed to low and high-temperature environments. A new refined beam theory namely, one-variable...
Thermal and dynamic mechanical analysis of cross-linked poly(esterurethanes)
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań termograwimetrycznych oraz termomechanicznych usieciowanch za pomocą styrenu i metakrylanu metylu poli(estrouretanów). Uzyskane wyniki pozwoliły stwierdzić, że stabilność termiczna poli(estrouretanów) jest wystarczająca do wielu zastosowań technicznych. Przeprowadzone analizy wykazały również, iż polimery sieciowane styrenem wykazują separację fazową.
Performance Analysis of A Photovoltaic-Thermal Integrated System
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono analizę energetyczną i egzergetyczną układu zintegrowanego PV/T. Straty egzergii występują zawsze w układach, w których procesy zachodzą ze zmianą temperatury i są proporcjonalne do wzrostu entropii systemu. Analiza egzergetyczna pozwala zlokalizować miejsce, wielkość i źródło termodynamicznej nieefektywności i ta informacja, trudna do pozyskania w inny sposób (np. przez analizę energetyczną) jest przydatna...
Mechanical and thermal analysis of injection molded poly(methyl methacrylate) modified with 9,10-dihydro-9-oxa-10-phosphaphenanthrene-10-oxide (DOPO) fire retarder
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Thermal imaging in automatic rodent’s social behaviour analysis
PublicationLaboratory rodent social behaviour analysis is an extremely important task for biological, medical and pharmacological researches. In this work thermal images features that facilitate analysis are presented. Methods to distinguish objects on the basis of thermal distribution are tested. Actions of grooming or biting one rodent by another - important social behaviour incidents - are clearly visible...
Static Model of Steam/Water Cycle for Thermal and Economic Analysis
PublicationThe thermodynamic efficiency of typical conventional and nuclear power plants is insufficient. A large amount of the generated heat is removed to the environment and regarded as a waste. A solution which is commonly used to increase the efficiency and profitability of the existing and planned power plants refers to cogeneration of heat and power. To prepare sophisticated thermodynamic and economic analyses, a precise static model...
A numerical analysis of the thermal effects in the jet impingement stagnation zone
PublicationMost of the flows occurring in the engineering systems are turbulent and their accurate numerical analysis is still challenging, especially when combined with the heat transfer. One of the methods of heat transfer enhancement is utilization of the turbulent impinging jets, which were recently applied also in the heat exchangers. Their positive impact on the heat transfer performance was proven, but many questions related to its...
Computer-aided analysis of thermal convection near electric devices
PublicationObciążalność długotrwała urządzeń elektrycznych zależy od intensywności oddawania ciepła przez te urządzenia do otoczenia. Dla zwiększenia obciążalności długotrwałej urządzeń stosuje się konwekcję wymuszoną np. z wykorzystaniem wentylatorów. Wszechstronne obserwacje i analiza procesów konwekcji naturalnej wskazują, że jej intensyfikację można uzyskać dzięki umieszczaniu w pobliżu urządzenia oddającego ciepło elementów tworzących...
Analysis of the posibbility of detect determination using cold excitation in thermal tomography
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An analysis of solar energy conversion systems based on photon and thermal processes
PublicationSolar spectral irradiance covers a fairly broad wavelength range. Solar radiation is part of the electromagnetic spectrum which is described by the concept of wave-particle duality. The corpuscular theory of electromagnetic radiation states that energy is transmitted by photons. Photons carry specific amounts of energy which can be used to convert solar energy into other types of energy, in particular electricity. The internal...
Analysis of the parameters of respiration patterns extracted from thermal image sequences
PublicationRemote estimation of vital signs is an important and active area of research. The goal of this work was to analyze the feasibility of estimating respiration parameters from video sequences of faces recorded using a mobile thermal camera. Different estimators were analyzed and experimentally verified. It was demonstrated that the respiration rate, periodicity of respiration, and presence and length of apnea periods could be reliably...
An Approach to the Detection of Bank Robbery Acts Employing Thermal Image Analysis
PublicationA novel approach to the detection of selected security-related events in bank monitoring systems is presented. Thermal camera images are used for the detection of people in difficult lighting conditions. Next, the algorithm analyses movement of objects detected in thermal or standard monitoring cameras using a method evolved from the motion history images algorithm. At the same time, thermal images are analyzed in order to detect...
Design analysis of ORC micro-turbines making use of thermal energy of oceans
PublicationThe article presents the results of the analysis of energy conversion cycles making use of thermal energy of oceans. The objects of analysis were two cases of closed Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) power plants, which were: the cycle in which the vapour of the working medium was produced by warm oceanic water in the circum-equatorial zone, and the so-called “arctic” cycle in which this vapour was produced by non-frozen water in the circumpolar...
A Comparative Analysis of Thermoelectric Modules for the Purpose of Ensuring Thermal Comfort in Protective Clothing
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Automatic analysis of the aggressive behavior of laboratory animals using thermal video processing
PublicationThe bite detection is very important but difficult element of the social interaction analysis. Standard observation methods like human observer or a camcorder of visible light frequencies fail in this case. However, it is possible to discern cooler spots on the rodent's body that appear after body contact with another individual, and vanish after short time. These spots are assumed to be a saliva trace left on fur after bite. In...
Super-resolved Thermal Imagery for High-accuracy Facial Areas Detection and Analysis
PublicationIn this study, we evaluate various Convolutional Neural Networks based Super-Resolution (SR) models to improve facial areas detection in thermal images. In particular, we analyze the influence of selected spatiotemporal properties of thermal image sequences on detection accuracy. For this purpose, a thermal face database was acquired for 40 volunteers. Contrary to most of existing thermal databases of faces, we publish our dataset...
Analysis of the Heating Process of Hydraulic Motors during Start-Up in Thermal Shock Conditions
PublicationConditions that prevail during harsh winters and hot summers pose a serious challenge for machine designers building devices suitable for operation in extreme weather. It is essential for the designers and the users to define the principles and conditions for the safe operation of machines and devices with hydraulic drive in low ambient temperatures. Bearing in mind the above, the author tested the hydraulic motors in thermal shock...
Overall Thermal Transfer Analysis of Glazing Facade Design for Passive Building Energy Efficiency
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Multivariate analysis of seasonal variation in the composition and thermal properties of butterfat with an emphasis on authenticity assessment
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Analysis of thermal and structural properties of germanate glasses co-doped with Yb3+/Tb3+ ions
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Cyclic analysis of thermal impedance of a passive layer of aluminium in a neutral borate buffer solution
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań warstwy pasywnej tworzącej się na stopie 1050 A w warunkach zmieniającej się temperatury. Zmiany realizowano w sposób cykliczny zwiększając a następnie zmniejszając temperaturę. W czasie zmian temperatury prowadzono badania metodę dynamicznej elektrochemicznej spektroskopii impedancyjnej. Stwierdzono największe zmiany parametrów elektrycznego schematu zastępczego w czasie pierwszego cyklu zmian....
Application of Tensile Creep Test and Viscoelastic Method to the Analysis of Thermal Stresses at Low Temperatures
PublicationThe paper presents the viscoelastic method of thermal stresses calculation with utilization of results from tensile creep test (TCT) at a temperature range from −20 to +20 °C (in the case of asphalt concrete with styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS) polymer-modified bitumen from −30 to +20 °C). Two types of neat road bitumen 35/50 and 50/70 and polymer SBS-modified bitumen 45/80–55 were tested for tensile creep properties at low temperatures....
Analysis of transient thermal processes for improved visualization of breast cancer using IR imaging.
PublicationPrzedstawiono analizę możliwości i ograniczeń metod termograficznych w diagnostyce nowotworów piersi. Przeanalizowane termiczne modele numeryczne piersi z nowotworem pokazują, iż zastosowanie nowej metody aktywnej termografii dynamicznej z termicznym wymuszeniem zewnętrznym, może znacząco poprawić skuteczność wykrywania nowotworów piersi we wczesnym stadium ich rozwoju . Pokazano również wyniki badania klinicznego pacjentki...
Thermal stability analysis of poly(lactic acid)-carbon black-nanodiamond composite
Open Research DataThis dataset contains thermal stability tests carried out on new 3D printing-dedicated composites with poly-lactic acid (PLA), carbon black (CB) and nanodiamond fillers. Two types of nanodiamonds were studied: detonation nanodiamonds (DND) and boron-doped carbon nanowalls (BCNW). The investigated techniques include: thermogravimetric analysis (TGA)...
Nonlocal elasticity analysis of moderately thick porous functionally graded plates in a hygro-thermal environment
PublicationThis work performs a novel quasi three-dimensional (3D) bending analysis for a moderately thick functionally graded material (FGM) made of nanoceramics and metal powders, in presence of porosities due to some incorrect manufacturing processes. Such porosities can appear within the plate in two forms, namely, even and uneven distributions. The modeled system assumes a polymer matrix where both shear and transverse factors coexist....
Thermal Images Analysis Methods using Deep Learning Techniques for the Needs of Remote Medical Diagnostics
PublicationRemote medical diagnostic solutions have recently gained more importance due to global demographic shifts and play a key role in evaluation of health status during epidemic. Contactless estimation of vital signs with image processing techniques is especially important since it allows for obtaining health status without the use of additional sensors. Thermography enables us to reveal additional details, imperceptible in images acquired...