Search results for: hard polyamide blocks
The Green Approach to the Synthesis of Bio-Based Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomers with Partially Bio-Based Hard Blocks
PublicationBio-based polymeric materials and green routes for their preparation are current issues of many research works. In this work, we used the diisocyanate mixture based on partially bio-based diisocyanate origin and typical petrochemical diisocyanate for the preparation of novel bio-based thermoplastic polyurethane elastomers (bio-TPUs). We studied the influence of the diisocyanate mixture composition on the chemical structure, thermal,...
The effect of polyamide PA12 and polyester PBT blocks' lengths on the structure and propertries of multiblock terpoly(amide-block-ester-block-amide) (TPAEA)
PublicationThe ternary multiblock system terpoly(amide-b-ester-b-amide) (TPAEA) of the chemical structure: poly[(oligoamide-6.36)-block-(tetramethylene terephthalate)-block-laurolactam)] -(PA6.36-b-PBT-b-PA12)n- has been obtained (Table 1). In this system the third component (PBT block here), characterized with the proper molecular weight, is dissolved in hard phase of PA12 blocks and partially dissolved in soft phase of PA6.36. The effects...
Structure versus hydrolytic and thermal stability of bio-based thermoplastic polyurethane elastomers composed of hard and soft building blocks with high content of green carbon
PublicationNowadays, sustainability plays a key role in the design and synthesis of new materials. One of the methods for the preparation of green materials is incorporation into their structure the monomers with a high content of green carbon. Therefore, the aim of this work was to investigate the influence of the type and molecular mass of two bio-based polyester polyols and bio-glycol on the properties of aliphatic partially bio-based...
Preparation and some properties of multiblock copoly(amide-b-amide)s
PublicationThe paper concerns the polymers built of oligoamide hard blocks and oligoamide soft blocks (KPAA, formula I). Oligo(laurolactam) (PA12) was used as hard block and the product of reaction of dimerized fatty acid and hexamethylene diamine (PA6,36) was used as a soft one. Effects of molar ratio of these blocks on the following properties of KPAA have been investigated: limiting viscosity number ([2]), degrees of swelling in water...
The influence of chemical composition of amide block on the thermal properties and structure of terpoly(ester-b-ether-b-amide) elastomers
PublicationMultiblock terpolymers-(PBT-b-PTMO-b-PA12,10)(n)- constituting the polymer systems, in which one of the three blocks (PBT) does not dissolve in PA12,10 block (hard phase) and, depending on its molecular weight is slightly soluble in PTMO block (soft phase), have been obtained. The DSC method was applied to investigate the thermal properties of these polymers and it was found that PBT block acts as an element that produces stiffness...
A Pilot Study on Machining Difficult-to-Cut Materials with the Use of Tools Fabricated by SLS Technology
PublicationThe growing use of contemporary materials in various industrial sectors, such as aerospace, automotive, as well as the oil and gas industry, requires appropriate machining methods and tools. Currently, apart from the necessity to obtain high-dimensional and shape accuracy, the efficiency and economic aspects of the selected manufacturing process are equally important, especially when difficult-to-cut materials, such as hard and...
Magnetic nanocomposites for biomedical applications
PublicationTissue engineering and regenerative medicine have solved numerous problems related to the repair and regeneration of damaged organs and tissues arising from aging, illnesses, and injuries. Nanotechnology has further aided tissue regeneration science and has provided outstanding opportunities to help disease diagnosis as well as treat damaged tissues. Based on the most recent findings, magnetic nanostructures (MNSs), in particular,...
Continuum models for pantographic blocks with second gradient energies which are incomplete
PublicationWe postulate a deformation energy for describing the mechanical behavior of so called pantographic blocks, that is bodies constituted by stacking of layers of pantographic sheets. We remark that the pantographic effect is limited in the plane of pantographic sheets and therefore only the second derivatives of transverse displacements along the pantographic fibers appear in the chosen deformation energy. We use this novel energy...
Graphs hard-to-process for greedy algorithm MIN
PublicationWe compare results of selected algorithms that approximate the independence number in terms of the quality of constructed solutions. Furthermore, we establish smallest hard- to-process graphs for the greedy algorithm MIN.
A New Approach to Chemical Recycling of Polyamide 6.6 and Synthesis of Polyurethanes with Recovered Intermediates
PublicationA new efficient method for the chemical decomposition of polyamide 6.6 by the glycolysis and amino-glycolysis processes was proposed. The glycolysis was conducted using the mass excess of ethylene glycol (EG) as a decomposing agent in the presence of a catalyst. Also, a mixture of EG and triethylenetetramine was used as another decomposing agent in the amino- glycolysis process. The described process of decomposition did not...
Saturation ESR spectroscopy of PA12 polyamide
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Effects of Noncontact Shoulder Tool Velocities on Friction Stir Joining of Polyamide 6 (PA6)
PublicationIn this study, the effects of the traverse and rotational velocities of the noncontact shoulder tool on the heat generation and heated flux during the friction stir joining of high-density polyamide 6 (PA6) polymer were investigated. The computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method was employed to simulate the thermomechanical phenomena during the friction stir joining (FSJ) process of PA6. A developed model was used to consider the...
Morphology and local chain structure of polyamide 6 modified in the solid state with a semi-aromatic nylon salt
PublicationStructural and conformational differences between the polyamide 6 (PA6) homopolymer and two copolymers of PA6 modified in the solid state with 20 and 30 wt% of the semi-aromatic nylon salt of 1,5-diamino-2-methylpentane (Dytek A) and isophthalic acid (IPA) in the feed were investigated. Room temperature wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD) analysis together with 13C{1H} cross-polarization/magic-angle spinning solid-state (CP/MAS)...
Morphology and mechanical properties of polyamide/clay nanocomposites toughened with NBR/NBR-g-GMA: A comparative study
PublicationThis work highlights the importance of nanoclay dispersion state in the nanocomposites containing polyamide 6 (PA6), nanoclay and elastomers as well as clay localization at the interface of thermoplastic/elastomer. Morphology and mechanical properties of a series of nanocomposites containing acrylonitrile butadiene rubber (NBR), glycidyl methacrylate-grafted NBR (NBR-g-GMA), and combined NBR/NBR-g-GMA were compared and discussed...
Thermal properties of polyamide 6/polyurethane blends
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Thermal decomposition kinetics of dynamically vulcanized polyamide 6-acrylonitrile butadiene rubber-halloysite nanotube nanocomposites
PublicationThermally stable thermoplastic elastomer nanocomposites based on polyamide 6 (PA6), acrylonitrile butadiene rubber (NBR), and halloysite nanotubes (HNTs) were dynamically vulcanized, and their nonisothermal decomposition kinetics were examined. The Friedman, Kissinger–Akahira–Sunose (KAS), Ozawa–Wall–Flynn (FWO), and modified Coats–Redfern (m‐CR) isoconversional models were used to obtain information about the kinetics of the thermal...
Phutball is PSPACE-hard
PublicationW pracy dowodzimy, że gra ''Phutball'' (Philosopher's Football) jest PSPACE-trudna.
The morphology and mechanical properties of recyclated polyethylene/polyamide laminate
PublicationZbadano wpływ kompatybilizatorów na morfologię i właściwości mechaniczne mieszanin PE/PA. Okreslono właściwości recyklatu uzyskanego z odpadów barierowej folii wielowarstwowej zawierającej 80% PE i 20% PA. Po dodaniu kompatybilizatorów układ stał się bardziej jednorodny, zmniejszeniu uległy domeny PA oraz poprawiły się właściwości mechaniczne.
Optimization of transformation of measurements of ship hull blocks
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia analizę wyników pomiarów wykonanych na blokach kadłuba statku, aby ocenić ich przydatność montażową podczas ostatniej fazy montażu w suchym doku lub na pochylni. Analiza realizowana jest w dwóch krokach. Najpierw sprawdza się, czy bloki zostały wykonane z zachowaniem wymaganych tolerancji, a następnie czy istnieje możliwość połączenia ze sobą dwóch sąsiednich bloków. Ponieważ każdy blok jest mierzony w innym...
Journal of Hard Tissue Biology
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Power Electronics Building Blocks for implementing Smart MV/LV Distribution Transformers for Smart Grid
PublicationWith an observed increase in the involvement of active consumers in activities aimed at improving energy efficiency and increasing interest in producing energy from renewable sources, there is a need for the development of new technologies enabling the distribution network operators to offer new services and functionalities. Smart MV/LV distribution transformers are characterized by a compact three-stage design, including an...
Investigation on Swelling of Agar-Based Antibacterial Hydrogels for Hard-To-Heal Wound Dressings
PublicationDespite a wide range of available wound treatments, hard-to-heal wounds still pose a challenge. Hydrogels are often used as dressings for these wounds, because they sustain moisture in the wound environment, supporting the natural healing process. However, it is still not fully understood how physicochemical properties of hydrogel matrix affect the drug release process. Thus, detailed swelling kinetics examination coupled with...
Electron-beam irradiation in TEM of hard-segment homopolymers and polyurethanes with different hard-segment content.
PublicationZbadano odporność na niszczenie radiacyjne w transmisyjnym mikroskopie elektronowym homopolimeru segmentów sztywnych i poliuretanów z różną zawartością segmentów sztywnych. Dokonano rejestracji morfologii tych polimerów w TEM w trakcie obserwacji w jasnym polu oraz selektywnej dyfrakcji elektronowej. Analizowano tkże te polimery w mikroskopie polaryzacyjnym przed i po obserwacjach w TEM. Potwierdzono doniesienia literatutowe o...
On-surface self-assembly of tetratopic molecular building blocks
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Technology of welding hard wearing plates
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Tribology of stochastic phenomena on the hard tissue.
PublicationPraca przedstawia model matematyczny zjawisk tribologicznych podczas hodowli tkanek twardych, w tym chrząstek stawowych. Uwzględnia się chropowatości powierzchni hodowanych chrząstek. Problem tribologiczny uzewnętrzniony został koniecznością sterowania wartościami sił tarcia jakie powstają w cienkiej warstewce przyściennej opływanej tkanki cieczą biologiczną w trakcie hodowli. Taki model matematyczny nie był do tej pory rozpatrywany.
Tools for finishing processes on hard materials
PublicationPrzedstawiono narzędzia i wyniki obróbki materiałów w stanie twardym. Analizowano proces docierania elementów ceramicznych mikroziarnami diamentowymi, nagniatanie stali w stanie twardym (60 HRC) kulkami z Si3N4 i przecinanie ściernicowe stali ŁH15 (62 HRC).
An optimised placement of the hard quality sensors for a robust monitoring of the chlorine concentration in drinking water distribution systems
PublicationThe problem of an optimised placement of the hard quality sensors in drinking water distribution systemsunder several water demand scenarios for a robust monitoring of the chlorine concentration is formulatedin this paper. The optimality is understood as achieving a desired trade off between the sensors and theirmaintenance costs and the accuracy of estimation of the chlorine concentration. The contribution of thiswork is a comprehensive...
Assessment of Utilizing Hard-to-Recycle Plastic Waste from the Packaging Sector in Architectural Design—Case Study for Experimental Building Material
PublicationThe environmental impact of plastic waste has become a significant concern worldwide, prompting innovative approaches to address sustainability challenges, particularly within architectural design. This research paper delves into assessing the environmental impact and sustainability implications of using hard-to-recycle plastic packaging waste in architectural design practices. This study aims to evaluate the feasibility, challenges,...
Dynamic mechanical thermal analysis of polyamide 6/thermoplastic polyurethane blends
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Properties of polyamide 6 and thermoplastic polyurethane blends containing modified montmorillonites
PublicationAnalizie poddano nowy rodzaj mieszanin polimerowych poliamidu 6 z termoplastycznymi elastomerami poliuretanowymi. Mieszaniny wzmocniono poprzez dodatek organicznie modyfikowanych montmorylonitów (Cloisite). Uzyskane układy przebadano metodami termicznymi, dyfrakcyjnymi oraz scharakteryzowano podstawowe właściwości mechaniczne.
Optimised Allocation of Hard Quality Sensors for Robust Monitoring of Quality in Drinking Water Distribution Systems
PublicationA problem of optimised placement of the hard quality sensors in Drinking Water Distribution Systems for robust quality monitoring is formulated. Two numerical algorithms to solve the problem are derived. The optimality is meant as achieving a desired trade off between the sensor capital and maintenance costs and resulting robust estimation accuracy of the monitoring algorithm. The robust estimation algorithm recently developed...
Composite Materials Based on Polymer-Derived SiCN Ceramic and Disordered Hard Carbons as Anodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries
PublicationNew composite materials based on polymer-derived SiCN ceramics and hard carbons were studied in view of its application as anodes for lithium-ion batteries. Two kinds of composites were prepared by pyrolysis of the preceramic polysilazane (HTT1800, Clariant) at 1000 °C in Ar atmosphere mixed with hard carbons derived from potato starch (HC_PS) or with a hard carbon precursor, namely potato starch (PS), denoted as HTT/HC_PS and...
Evaluation of dampness-induced strength reduction of calcium silicate blocks
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The smallest hard-to-color graph for algorithm DSATUR
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The smallest hard-to-color graph for the SL algorithm
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A method for the tribological testing of thin, hard coatings
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Hard lessons learned: delivering usability in IT projects
PublicationEffective project management requires the development of a realistic plan which aims to ensure the success of the project and ultimately deliver a high quality product to customers. However, experience shows that the majority of software vendors managing projects suffer from numerous problems to provide usability in IT solutions and complete a project in a given time with success. In this paper we discuss, analyze and synthesize...
Modelling charge transfer processes in C2+ -tetrahydrofuran collision for ion-induced radiation damage in DNA building blocks
PublicationInvestigations of collision-induced processes involving carbon ions and molecules of biological interest in particular DNA building blocks, are crucial to model the effect of radiation on cells in order to improve medical treatments for cancer therapy. Using carbon ions appears to be one of the most efficient ways to increase biological effectiveness to damage cancerous cells by irradiating deep-seated tumors. Therefore, interest...
Numerical simulations of the influence of injection moulding parameters on mechanical properties of the polyamide composite
PublicationZaprezentowano wyniki symulacji numerycznej wpływu parametrów technologicznych procesu wtryskiwania na wybrane właściwości mechaniczne kompozytu poliamidowego. Symulacje przeprowadzono z wykorzystaniem programu Cadmould-3d.
Optimised Robust Placement of Hard Quality Sensors for Robust Monitoring of Quality in Drinking Water Distribution Systems
PublicationA problem of optimised robust placement of the hard quality sensors in Drinking Water Distribution Systems under several water demand scenarios for robust quality monitoring is formulated. Numerical algorithms to solve the problem are derived. The optimality is meant as achieving at the same time a desired trade off between the sensor capital and maintenance costs and resulting robust estimation accuracy of the monitoring algorithm...
Hard carbon derived from rice husk as low cost negative electrodes in Na-ion batteries
PublicationHere, we report the synthesis of hard carbon materials (RH) made from natural rice husk through a single pyrolysis process and their application as an anode in sodium-ion batteries. The studies show that the electrochemical properties of RHs are affected by the treatment temperatures, which determine the materials morphology, in particular, their degree of graphitization and extent of continuous channels (nanovoids). The latter...
Surface‐Confined Self‐Assembly of Asymmetric Tetratopic Molecular Building Blocks
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Easy and hard instances of arc ranking in directed graphs
PublicationArtykuł dotyczy uporządkowanego kolorowania łuków grafów skierowanych. Problem polega na takim przyporządkowaniu liczb łukom digrafu, aby każda skierowana ścieżka łącząca dwa łuki o tej samej liczbie (kolorze) zawierała łuk o kolorze wyższym. Praca podaje liniowy optymalny algorytm dla pewnego szczególnego przypadku, oraz zawiera dowód, iż problem ten jest obliczeniowo trudny dla 3-dzielnych acyklicznych digrafów i stałej liczby...
Hard anodization of copper in potassium carbonate aqueous solution
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Study of thermal property changes of biopol/polyamide 11 blends during biodegradation in compost
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Study of thermal property changes of biopol/polyamide 11 blends during biodegradation in compost.
PublicationPrzeprowadzone badania dotyczą zmian struktury krystalicznej podczas biodegradacji mieszanin polimerowych z udziałem PHBV, gdzie zależność między strukturą a podatnością na biodegradację związane są nie tylko ze stopniem krystaliczności PHBV ale także z budową faz składników mieszaniny. Wyniki pozwalają stwierdzić, że mieszaniny PA11/PHBV zawierające 60% kopoliestru PHBV(otrzymane przy użyciu wytłaczarki dwuślimakowej) charakteryzują...
Effect of Variation of Hard Segment Content and Graphene-Based Nanofiller Concentration on Morphological, Thermal, and Mechanical Properties of Polyurethane Nanocomposites
PublicationThis study describes the development of a new class of high-performance polyurethane elastomer nanocomposites containing reduced graphene oxide (RGO) or graphene nanoplatelets (GNP). Two types of polyurethane elastomers with different contents of hard segments (HS) were used as a polymer matrix. The developed nanocomposites were characterized by thermal analysis (DSC, TG), dynamic mechanical testing (DMA), hardness testing, mechanical...
Thermodynamic and electromagnetic properties of hard-core charged bosons on a lattice
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Effect of the various fats on the structural characteristics of the hard dough biscuit