Search results for: image processing, real-time processing, hough transform, straight lines detection
Overhead wires detection by FPGA real-time image processing
PublicationThe paper presents design and hardware implementation of real-time image filtering for overhead wires detection divided on image processing and results presentation blocks. The image processing block was separated from the whole implementation, and its delay and hardware complexity was analysed. Also the maximum frequency of image processing of the proposed implementation was estimated.
PublicationThe article proposes an efficient line detection method using a 2D convolution filter. The proposed method was compared with the Hough transform, the most popular method of straight lines detection. The developed method is suitable for local detection of straight lines with a slope from -45˚ to 45˚. Also, it can be used for curve detection which shape is approximated with the short straight sections. The new method is characterized...
Multi-core processing system for real-time image processing in embedded computer vision applications
PublicationW artykule opisano architekturę wielordzeniowego programowalnego systemu do przetwarzania obrazów w czasie rzeczywistym. Dane obrazu są przetwarzane równocześnie przez wszystkie procesory. System umożliwia niskopoziomowe przetwarzanie obrazów,np. odejmowanie tła, wykrywanie obiektów ruchomych, transformacje geometryczne, indeksowanie wykrytych obiektów, ocena ich kształtu oraz podstawowa analiza trajektorii ruchu. Ang:This paper...
CMOS implementation of an analogue median filter for image processing in real time
PublicationAn analogue median filter, realised in a 0.35 μm CMOS technology, is presented in this paper. The key advantages of the filter are: high speed of image processing (50 frames per second), low-power operation (below 1.25 mW under 3.3 V supply) and relatively high accuracy of signal processing. The presented filter is a part of an integrated circuit for image processing (a vision chip), containing: a photo-sensor matrix, a set of...
Parallel implementation of background subtraction algorithms for real-time video processing on a supercomputer platform
PublicationResults of evaluation of the background subtraction algorithms implemented on a supercomputer platform in a parallel manner are presented in the paper. The aim of the work is to chose an algorithm, a number of threads and a task scheduling method, that together provide satisfactory accuracy and efficiency of a real-time processing of high resolution camera images, maintaining the cost of resources usage at a reasonable level. Two...
A nine-input 1.25 mW, 34 ns CMOS analog median filter for image processing in real time
PublicationIn this paper an analog voltage-mode median filter, which operates on a 3 × 3 kernel is presented. The filter is implemented in a 0.35 μm CMOS technology. The proposed solution is based on voltage comparators and a bubble sort configuration. As a result, a fast (34 ns) time response with low power consumption (1.25 mW for 3.3 V) is achieved. The key advantage of the configuration is relatively high accuracy of signal processing,...
Prediction of Processor Utilization for Real-Time Multimedia Stream Processing Tasks
PublicationUtilization of MPUs in a computing cluster node for multimedia stream processing is considered. Non-linear increase of processor utilization is described and a related class of algorithms for multimedia real-time processing tasks is defined. For such conditions, experiments measuring the processor utilization and output data loss were proposed and their results presented. A new formula for prediction of utilization was proposed...
Real-Time Multimedia Stream data Processing in a Supercomputer Environment
PublicationRozdział opisuje doświadczenia uzyskane przez autorów podczas pracy w projekcie MAYDAY EURO 2012. Przedstawiono główny cel projektu - stworzenie systemu umożliwiającego rozwijanie i równolegle wykonywanie usług multimedialnych w środowisku klastra obliczeniowego dużej mocy. opisano tematykę przetwarzania dużej liczby strumieni multimedialnych na komputerach dużej mocy. Następnie zaprezentowano możliwości platformy KASKADA: tworzenie...
Task Allocation and Scalability Evaluation for Real-Time Multimedia Processing in a Cluster Envirinment
PublicationAn allocation algorithm for stream processing tasks is proposed (Modified best Fit Descendent, MBFD). A comparison with another solution (BFD) is provided. Tests of the algorithms in an HPC environment are descrobed and the results are presented. A proper scalability metric is proposed and used for the evaluation of the allocation algorithm.
Journal of Real-Time Image Processing
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The Hough transform in the classification process of inland ships
PublicationThis article presents an analysis of the possibilities of using image processing methods for feature extraction that allows kNN classification based on a ship’s image delivered from an on-water video surveillance system. The subject of the analysis is the Hough transform which enables the detection of straight lines in an image. The recognized straight lines and the information about them serve as features in the classification...
Sprzętowa implementacja transformacji Hougha w czasie rzeczywistym
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono implementację sprzętową w FPGA algorytmu do wykrywania kształtów aproksymowanych zbiorem linii prostych podczas przetwarzania obrazu cyfrowego w czasie rzeczywistym. W opracowanej strukturze sprzętowej podniesiono efektywność przetwarzania poprzez zastosowanie przetwarzania przepływowego, lookup table, wykorzystanie wyłącznie arytmetyki liczb całkowitych oraz rozproszenie pamięci głosowania. Eksperymentalnie...
Implementacja w FPGA algorytmu detekcji krawędzi obrazu w czasie rzeczywistym
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono projekt architektury oraz implementację układową toru przetwarzania wstępnego obrazu z modułem detekcji krawędzi. Układ został zaimplementowany w FPGA Intel Cyclone. Zrealizowany moduł wykorzystuje pięć wybranych algorytmów wykrywania krawędzi, w tym Robertsa, Sobela i Prewitt.
Image Processing in Robotics (2021/2022)
e-Learning CoursesFor ISD M.Sc. (II degr.) 2 sem. Participants are to learn image processing algorithms related to transformation, filtration, feature detection (image descriptors), image processing algorithms in robotic industrial systems.
Jaroslaw Spychala dr
PeopleOprócz bardzo dobrego wykształcenia osoba posiada również wieloletnie doświadczenie zawodowe, które jest poświadczeniem tego, że potrafi wykorzystać swoją wiedzę teoretyczną w praktycznych działaniach. Doświadczenie zawodowe jest bardzo bogate i rozbudowane. Ze względu na nabyte całkiem nowe umiejętności zwiększa się atrakcyjność doświadczonego pracownika. Są to między innymi kreatywne myślenie, zorientowanie na cel, odporność...
Algorytmy przetwarzania widm Ramana w procesie detekcji substancji chemicznych
PublicationRozprawa przedstawia szczegółowo algorytmy, jakie są stosowane podczas przetwarzania widm Ramana, rejestrowanych przenośnym spektrometrem o skończonej rozdzielczości. Pracę podzielono na osiem rozdziałów. W pierwszym określono cel i tezy pracy. Rozdział drugi opisuje podstawowe pojęcia dotyczące zjawiska Ramana oraz zasady budowy urządzeń do pomiarów widm Ramana. W rozdziale trzecim scharakteryzowano błędy występujące podczas pomiarów...
Image Processing in Robotics
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Image Processing in Robotics
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Image Processing in Robotics
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Image Processing in Robotics LEC
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Image Processing in Robotics LAB
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Image Processing Techniques for Distributed Grid Applications
PublicationParallel approaches to 2D and 3D convolution processing of series of images have been presented. A distributed, practically oriented, 2D spatial convolution scheme has been elaborated and extended into the temporal domain. Complexity of the scheme has been determined and analysed with respect to coefficients in convolution kernels. Possibilities of parallelisation of the convolution operations have been analysed and the results...
PublicationComputer-assisted endoscopy is a rapidly developing eld of study. Many image anal- ysis algorithms exist, achieving very high rates of eciency at processing single endoscopic images. However, most of them were never tested in processing real-life endoscopic videos. In the article such tests of 16 endoscopy image analysis algorithms are presented and dis- cussed. Tests were performed on two real-life endoscopic videos of a human...
Piotr Szczuko dr hab. inż.
PeoplePiotr Szczuko received his M.Sc. degree in 2002. His thesis was dedicated to examination of correlation phenomena between perception of sound and vision for surround sound and digital image. He finished Ph.D. studies in 2007 and one year later completed a dissertation "Application of Fuzzy Rules in Computer Character Animation" that received award of Prime Minister of Poland. His interests include: processing of audio and video, computer...
An Analog Sub-Miliwatt CMOS Image Sensor With Pixel-Level Convolution Processing
PublicationA new approach to an analog ultra-low power medium-resolution vision chip design is presented. The prototype chip performs low-level image processing algorithms in real time. Only a photo-diode, MOS switches and two capacitors are used to create an analog processing element (APE) that is able to realize any convolution algorithm based on a full 3x3 kernel. The proof-of-concept circuit is implemented in 0.35 µm CMOS technology,...
Impact of Shifting Time-Window Post-Processing on the Quality of Face Detection Algorithms
PublicationWe consider binary classification algorithms, which operate on single frames from video sequences. Such a class of algorithms is named OFA (One Frame Analyzed). Two such algorithms for facial detection are compared in terms of their susceptibility to the FSA (Frame Sequence Analysis) method. It introduces a shifting time-window improvement, which includes the temporal context of frames in a post-processing step that improves the...
Characteristics of an image sensor with early-vision processing fabricated in standard 0.35 µm CMOS technology
PublicationThe article presents measurement results of prototype integrated circuits for acquisition and processing of images in real time. In order to verify a new concept of circuit solutions of analogue image processors, experimental integrated circuits were fabricated. The integrated circuits, designed in a standard 0.35 µm CMOS technology, contain the image sensor and analogue processors that perform low-level convolution-based image...
an intelligent image processing sensor - the algorithm and the hardware implementation
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono algorytm przeznaczony do rozpoznawania obiektów ruchomych w obrazie do celu analizy ruchu pojazdów. Algorytm został zrealizowany w układzie FPGA.Ang.: This paper describes the idea and theimplementation of the robust algorithm dedicated toextraction of moving vehicles from real-time cameraimages for the evaluation of traffic parameters, suchas the number of vehicles, their direction of movementand their...
Analogue CMOS ASICs in Image Processing Systems
PublicationIn this paper a survey of analog application specific integrated circuits (ASICs) for low-level image processing, called vision chips, is presented. Due to the specific requirements, the vision chips are designed using different architectures best suited to their functions. The main types of the vision chip architectures and their properties are presented and characterized on selected examples of prototype integrated circuits (ICs)...
Real-Time Bleeding Detection in Gastrointestinal Tract Endoscopic Examinations Video
PublicationThe article presents a novel approach to medical video data analysis and recognition of bleedings. Emphasis has been put on adapting pre-existing algorithms dedicated to the detection of bleedings for real-time usage in a medical doctor’s office during an endoscopic examination. A real-time system for analyzing endoscopic videos has been designed according to the most significant requirements of medical doctors. The main goal of...
A Solution to Image Processing with Parallel MPI I/O and Distributed NVRAM Cache
PublicationThe paper presents a new approach to parallel image processing using byte addressable, non-volatile memory (NVRAM). We show that our custom built MPI I/O implementation of selected functions that use a distributed cache that incorporates NVRAMs located in cluster nodes can be used for efficient processing of large images. We demonstrate performance benefits of such a solution compared to a traditional implementation without NVRAM...
Zdzisław Kowalczuk prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleZdzislaw Kowalczuk received his M.Sc. degree in 1978 and Ph.D. degree in 1986, both in Automatic Control from Technical University of Gdańsk (TUG), Gdańsk, Poland. In 1993 he received his D.Sc. degree (Dr Habilitus) in Automatic Control from Silesian Technical University, Gliwice, Poland, and the title of Professor from the President of Poland in 2003. Since 1978 he has been with Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics...
Assessment of image processing methods for the determination of propagation of squat-type defects in rails
PublicationWe demonstrate the idea of squat-type defect measurement in the rail and the concept of tracking of the defect development using the techniques of image acquisition and image processing as well as the methods of metric spaces. We introduce the concepts of a set diameter δ(A) and the metric ρ1, which come from the properties of plane figures, to compare and to observe the development of the defects. We characterize the feasibility...
Vehicle Detection with Self-Training for Adaptative Video Processing Embedded Platform
PublicationTraffic monitoring from closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras on embedded systems is the subject of the performed experiments. Solving this problem encounters difficulties related to the hardware limitations, and possible camera placement in various positions which affects the system performance. To satisfy the hardware requirements, vehicle detection is performed using a lightweight Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), named...
Indect input to image processing
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The influence of different time durations of thermal processing on berries quality
PublicationBioactive compounds (polyphenols, flavonoids, flavanols, tannins, anthocyanins and ascorbic acid) and the level of antioxidant activity by ABTS, DPPH, FRAP and CUPRAC of water, acetone and hexane extracts of Chilean 'Murtilla' (Ugni molinae Turcz) and 'Myrteola' berries (Myrtaceae, Myrteola nummularia (Poiret) Berg.), Chilean and Polish blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum), Chilean raspberries (Rubus idaeus), and Polish black chokeberry...
A New Approach of Solidification Analysis in Modular Latent Thermal Energy Storage Unit Based on Image Processing
PublicationThe solidification process of RT18HC in a cylindrical shell and tube storage unit has been studied using a new methodology based on image processing. The main idea of the algorithm is to label the region of solidification and use statistical functions to calculate the dimensions of the solidification front over time. Said analysis includes two methods. The first method is to measure the solid fraction changes during solidification....
Deterioration of masonry structure investigated by a thermal camera with a qualitative assessment of thermal image processing
PublicationThermal imaging is contemporary remote sensing measurement technique, which provides an image of the temperature distribution in the measured object. The method is widely used, due to its mobility as well as the non-destructive character of the measurement. Infrared thermography is especially relevant in the inspection of insulation, what is more, it is a suitable device for detecting thermal bridges and structural changes, which...
Specific detection of Alternaria alternata by PCR and real-time PCR
PublicationFungi of Alternaria genus are cosmopolitan organisms, which spores can be found in the air, soil, water, clothing and food. They commonly occur as saprotrophs on the plant remains, contributing to the decomposition of organic matter. Additionally, they are components of the normal human and animal skin flora. Alternaria spp. are also known human allergens, causing hay fever and allergic reactions that can lead to the development...
Detection and Mitigation of GPS Spoofing Based on Antenna Array Processing
PublicationIn this article authors present an application of spatial processing methods for GPS spoofing detection and mitigation. In the first part of this article, a spoofing detection method, based on phase delay measurements, is proposed. Accuracy and precision of phase delay estimation is assessed for various qualities of received signal. Spoofing detection thresholds are determined. Efficiency of this method is evaluated in terms of...
Thermal Image Processing for Respiratory Estimation from Cubical Data with Expandable Depth
PublicationAs healthcare costs continue to rise, finding affordable and non-invasive ways to monitor vital signs is increasingly important. One of the key metrics for assessing overall health and identifying potential issues early on is respiratory rate (RR). Most of the existing methods require multiple steps that consist of image and signal processing. This might be difficult to deploy on edge devices that often do not have specialized...
Seafloor characterisation using multibeam sonar echo signal processing and image analysis
PublicationThe authors propose the approach to multibeam seafloor characterisation which relies on the combined, concurrent use of two different techniques of multibeam sonar data processing. The first one is based on constructing the grey-level sonar images of seabed using the echoes received in the consecutive beams. Then, the parameters describing the local region of sonar image, namely, the local standard deviation of a grey level, and...
An image processing approach for fatigue crack identification in cellulose acetate replicas
PublicationThe cellulose acetate replication technique is an important method for studying material fatigue. However, extracting accurate information from pictures of cellulose replicas poses challenges because of distortions and numerous artifacts. This paper presents an image processing procedure for effective fatigue crack identification in plastic replicas. The approach employs thresholding, adaptive Gaussian thresholding, and Otsu binarization...
Image Processing On Line
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Coordination in serial-parallel image processing
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Detection and segmentation of moving vehicles and trains using Gaussian mixtures, shadow detection and morphological processing
PublicationSolution presented in this paper combines background modelling, shadow detection and morphological and temporal processing into one system responsible for detection and segmentation of moving objects recorded with a static camera. Vehicles and trains are detected based on their pixellevel difference from the continually updated background model utilizing a Gaussian mixture calculated separately for every pixel. The shadow detection...
seafloor characterisation combined approach using multibeam sonar echo signal processing and image analysis
PublicationThe authors propose the approach to seafloor characterisation which relies on the combined, concurrent use of two different techniques: (i) multibeam sonar image analysis and (ii) multibeam seabed echoes processing. The first technique is based on constructing the grey-level sonar images of the seabed extracted from the echoes received in the consecutive soundings. Then, the set of parameters describing the local region of sonar...
The method of multispectral image processing of phytoplankton processing for environmental control of water pollution
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Endoscopic image processing and analysis of pistons' service failures of marine diesel engines
PublicationThe paper deals with diagnostic issues concerning endoscopic examinations of working spaces within marine diesel engines. In the beginning, endoscopy apparatus being on laboratory equipment of the Department of Ship Power Plants of Gdansk University of Technology has been characterized. The endoscopy considerations have been focused on theoretical bases of a digital image processing and especially - on the "Shadow" measurement...
Segmentation for embryonated Egg Images Detection using the K-Means Algorithm in Image Processing