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Search results for: inteligent

  • Inteligentny transformator dystrybucyjny SN/nn dla sieci Smart Grid o aktywnym udziale prosumentów


    - Year 2012

    Wraz z rozwojem sieci dystrybucyjnych i ich stopniowym przekształcaniem w inteligentne sieci typu Smart Grid będzie rosłoznaczenie i udział sterowanych układów przekształtnikowych mocy stosowanych jako interfejsy pomiędzy źródłami energii a sieciąoraz pomiędzy siecią a odbiorcami. W artykule rozwinięto koncepcję wymiany konwencjonalnych transformatorów dystrybucyjnych50 Hz na inteligentne transformatory dystrybucyjne. Zaproponowano...

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  • High-efficiency hybrid PV-TEG system with intelligent control to harvest maximum energy under various non-static operating conditions


    - Year 2021

  • Inteligentne wspomaganie podejmowania decyzji z wykorzystaniem metod sztucznej inteligencji w środowisku obliczeniowym typu grid


    - Year 2012

    Podejmowanie decyzji jest uważane za jedno z najbardziej krytycznych działań w organizacji. W celu wsparcia tego złożonego procesu dla osób odpowiedzialnych różne niezależne, samodzielne systemy wspomagania decyzji zostały opracowane głównie w ostatnich dwóch dekadach. Patrząc w sposób komplementarny na te systemy, wiążemy je z rolą i funkcją, którą musi spełniać z punktu widzenia użytkownika. W rozdziale opisano systemy wspomagania...

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  • Archives of civil engineering. Intelligent graphic modeler integrating FE analisys of transient heat transfer with early computer-aided design of energy-efficient buildings


    W pracy zaprezentowano nowatorski Modeler Rozmyty, w którym zaimplementowano unikalną koncepcję rozpoznawania. Modeler Rozmyty dokonuje ekstrakcji danych geometrycznych poprzez rozpoznanie i identyfikację niedokładnych i niejednorodnych rysunków, złożonych z prostych obiektów graficznych.

  • Kształtowanie programu projektów ITS - studium przypadku

    Inteligentne systemy transportowe ang. intelligent transportation systems (ITS) to nie jednorazowe wdrożenia, ale program projektów którym należy zarządzać. Istnieją metodologie dotyczące zarządzania wieloma projektami. Nie odpowiadają one w pełni potrzebom zarządzania programem projektów ITS. Rodzi się zatem pytanie, jak dokładać nowe projekty i działania o charakterze operacyjnym do programu inteligentnych systemów transportowych?...

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  • Rozumienie cechą inteligentnego przedsiębiotstwa

    W artykule podniesiono istotę pojęcia ‘rozumienie’ w aspekcie inteligentnego przedsiębiorstwa. Przeprowadzone badania teoretyczne i empiryczne pozwoliły na wyłonienie rozumienia wewnętrznego i zewnętrznego. Rozumienie wewnętrzne w inteligentnym przedsiębiorstwie dotyczy sfer: pracowników oraz całego przedsię-biorstwa. Natomiast rozumienie zewnętrzne skierowane jest na otoczenie i potrze-bę dostosowania przedsiębiorstwa.

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  • Multimedia industrial and medical applications supported by machine learning


    - Year 2023

    This article outlines a keynote paper presented at the Intelligent DecisionTechnologies conference providing a part of the KES Multi-theme Conference “Smart Digital Futures” organized in Rome on June 14–16, 2023. It briefly discusses projects related to traffic control using developed intelligent traffic signs and diagnosing the health of wind turbine mechanisms and multimodal biometric authentication for banking branches to provide...

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  • Wyróżniki modelu biznesu przedsiębiorstwa inteligentnego


    - Year 2016

    Burzliwa zmiana środowiska biznesowego wpływa na ludzi tak, że generują oczekiwania na wyroby i usługi zaspokajające ich dotychczasowe i nowe potrzeby w coraz większym stopniu. W ten sposób przed menedżerami powstają wciąż nowe, bardziej skomplikowane i wysublimowane wymagania. W takich uwarunkowaniach prowadzenia biznesu sukces osiąga to przedsiębiorstwo, które jest inteligentne. W takiej perspektywie celem badań było wyłonienie...

  • Concept of the agent system for the information technology evaluation


    In this paper the concept of the agent system for the information technology evaluation has been presented. This article includes the concept description and shows abilities of using software tools which can be applicable to implementation and verification of proposed solution. The article is the part of common researches over creation solutions for information technology evaluation which range over using expert's evaluation and...

  • Deep learning in the fog

    In the era of a ubiquitous Internet of Things and fast artificial intelligence advance, especially thanks to deep learning networks and hardware acceleration, we face rapid growth of highly decentralized and intelligent solutions that offer functionality of data processing closer to the end user. Internet of Things usually produces a huge amount of data that to be effectively analyzed, especially with neural networks, demands high...

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  • Experience-Based Cognition for Driving Behavioral Fingerprint Extraction



    ABSTRACT With the rapid progress of information technologies, cars have been made increasingly intelligent. This allows cars to act as cognitive agents, i.e., to acquire knowledge and understanding of the driving habits and behavioral characteristics of drivers (i.e., driving behavioral fingerprint) through experience. Such knowledge can be then reused to facilitate the interaction between a car and its driver, and to develop better and...

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  • Building collective intelligence through experience: a survey on the use of the KREM model


    This article presents a survey on the use of KREM, a generic knowledge-based framework for building collective intelligence through experience. After a discussion on the disadvantages of the traditional architecture used to deploy intelligent systems, the KREM architecture (Knowledge, Rules, Experience, Meta-Knowledge) is presented. The novelty of the proposal comes from the inclusion of the capitalisation of experience and the...

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  • Big Data and the Internet of Things in Edge Computing for Smart City


    - Year 2019

    Requests expressing collective human expectations and outcomes from city service tasks can be partially satisfied by processing Big Data provided to a city cloud via the Internet of Things. To improve the efficiency of the city clouds an edge computing has been introduced regarding Big Data mining. This intelligent and efficient distributed system can be developed for citizens that are supposed to be informed and educated by the...

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  • Optymalizacja zasobów chmury obliczeniowej z wykorzystaniem inteligentnych agentów w zdalnym nauczaniu


    - Year 2023

    Rozprawa dotyczy optymalizacji zasobów chmury obliczeniowej, w której zastosowano inteligentne agenty w zdalnym nauczaniu. Zagadnienie jest istotne w edukacji, gdzie wykorzystuje się nowoczesne technologie, takie jak Internet Rzeczy, rozszerzoną i wirtualną rzeczywistość oraz deep learning w środowisku chmury obliczeniowej. Zagadnienie jest istotne również w sytuacji, gdy pandemia wymusza stosowanie zdalnego nauczania na dużą skalę...

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  • Introduction to the special issue on machine learning in acoustics

    • Z. Michalopoulou
    • P. Gerstoft
    • B. Kostek
    • M. A. Roch

    - Journal of the Acoustical Society of America - Year 2021

    When we started our Call for Papers for a Special Issue on “Machine Learning in Acoustics” in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, our ambition was to invite papers in which machine learning was applied to all acoustics areas. They were listed, but not limited to, as follows: • Music and synthesis analysis • Music sentiment analysis • Music perception • Intelligent music recognition • Musical source separation • Singing...

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  • Student model representation for pedagogical virtual mentors

    The paper concerns technological aspects of virtual mentors construction, especially concentrating on the student model representation. The article distinguishes several types of information that is gathered by the pedagogical agents and other educational platforms, including student knowledge model, student progress tracking, interaction process patterns and learner preferences. A set of technologies used for the student model...

  • Computational Approaches to Modeling Artificial Emotion – An Overview of the Proposed Solutions

    Cybernetic approach to modeling artificial emotion through the use of different theories of psychology is considered in this paper, presenting a review of twelve proposed solutions: ActAffAct, FLAME, EMA, ParleE, FearNot!, FAtiMA, WASABI, Cathexis, KARO, MAMID, FCM, and xEmotion. The main motivation for this study is founded on the hypothesis that emotions can play a definite utility role of scheduling variables in the construction...

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  • Towards the 4th industrial revolution: networks, virtuality, experience based collective computational intelligence, and deep learning


    - Year 2016

    Quo vadis, Intelligent Enterprise? Where are you going? The authors of this paper aim at providing some answers to this fascinating question addressing emerging challenges related to the concept of semantically enhanced knowledge-based cyber-physical systems – the fourth industrial revolution named Industry 4.0.

  • Cross-domain applications of multimodal human-computer interfaces


    - Year 2015

    Developed multimodal interfaces for education applications and for disabled people are presented, including interactive electronic whiteboard based on video image analysis, application for controlling computers with mouth gestures and audio interface for speech stretching for hearing impaired and stuttering people and intelligent pen allowing for diagnosing and ameliorating developmental dyslexia. The eye-gaze tracking system named...

  • Constructing autonomous agents using the cognitive-emotional architecture of the mind


    The article discusses an important issue regarding the humanoid aspects of modern science related to the autonomy of systems and robotization. Particular attention is paid to the basic aspects of cognitive architecture. After a short introduction, the Intelligent Decision Making System, developed at the ETI Faculty of the Gdańsk University of Technology, is described.

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  • Energy roadmaps for the city of Gdańsk


    The paper presents energy roadmaps for Gdansk in three time perspectives: short-term (the year 2012), medium-term (2020) and long-term (2050). The paper is a result of the research carried out under the PATH-TO-RES project, supported by European Commission programme SAVE Altener Intelligent Energy Europe.

  • Making digital TV smarter: capturing and resusing experience in digital TV



    Zaproponowano inteligentny system wspomagania funkcjonowania telewizji cyfrowej opraty na decyzyjnym DNA oraz formalizacji wiedzy w postaci zbioru doswiadczen.

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  • Bass Enhancement Settings in Portable Devices Based on Music Genre Recognition

    The paper presents a novel approach to the Virtual Bass Synthesis (VBS) applied to mobile devices, called Smart VBS (SVBS). The proposed algorithm uses an intelligent, rule-based setting of bass synthesis parameters adjusted to the particular music genre. Harmonic generation is based on a nonlinear device (NLD) method with the intelligent controlling system adapting to the recognized music genre. To automatically classify music...

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  • A Survey of Vehicular Network Systems for Road Traffic Management


    In this survey, we analyze the proposals of vehicular communication systems in the context of road traffic management. Starting with the definition of communications between vehicles (V2V), vehicles-to-infrastructure (V2I) and vehicles-to-everything (V2X), we first focus on the requirements and current standards for the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), including the maximum communication delay, the communication range and the...

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  • Globalny system monitoringu ładunków kontenerowych

    w artykule przedstawiony został opis globalnego systemu monitoringu ładunków kontenerowych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem roli odgrywanej przez inteligentny moduł kontenerowy w samoorganizującej się sieci monitorującej.

  • Global monitoring system of cargo containers = Globalny system monitoringu ładunków kontenerowych

    W artykule przedstawiony został opis globalnego systemu monitoringu ładunków kontenerowych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem roli odgrywanej przez Inteligentny Moduł Kontenerowy w samoorganizującej się sieci monitorującej.

  • Experience-based Intelligence Augmentation with Decisional DNA: Upcoming direction


    - Year 2022

    Intelligence amplification systems and technologies have gained significant interest from academia and industry during the past few decades. One of the main reasons behind this trend is the fact that most experts agree that truly intelligent artificial system is yet to be developed. The question increasing often asked is this: Is full replication of human intelligence desirable key aim in intelligence related technology and research?...

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  • Metodyczne aspekty projektowania systemów zarządzania zmianą. Procesy planistyczno-sterujące produkcją w zarządzaniu operacyjnym


    - Year 2016

    Niniejsza monografia dotyczy problematyki zaawansowanych systemów produkcyjnych, a w szczególności zagadnień zarządzania zmianą w obszarze procesów planistyczno-sterujących. Przez zaawansowane systemy produkcyjne w niniejszej monografii rozumiane są elastyczne systemy produkcyjne FMS (Flexible Manufacturing System) oraz dalsze systemy wynikające z ich doskonalenia i rozwoju (warunkowanego przede wszysztkim technologiami informacyjnymi...

  • Emotions Embodied in the SVC of an Autonomous Driver System


    A concept of embodied intelligence (EI) is considered. None of such implementations can be fully identified with artificial intelligence. Projects that dare to approach AI and EI should be based on both the AI concepts (symbolic and sub-symbolic), in solving real problems of perception and decision-making. Therefore, the EI, in this paper, is understood as a methodology that uses all available resources and algorithms from the...

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  • Pipeline geometry defects in high resolution pig's data


    - Year 2007

    Most of the pipelines have been inspected at least once using intelligent pigging. The problem of specific software for interactive presentation, analysis and comparison of features revealed during the consecutive geometry surveys is emphasized. Capabilities of a simultaneous measurement of internal geometry and metal loss features in a single run are illustrated. Advantages of application of statistical characteristics of both...

  • Module of priorities for public transport vehicles in the TRISTAR system


    One of the most important elements of the intelligent traffic control systems is the ability to control movement in such a way as to privilege the selected users movement, in particular public transport vehicles. Implemented at the Tri-City the TRISTAR system will also have a module for prioritizing public transport vehicles. The article presents a characteristics of the priority action system: the way of communication with the...

  • Ścieżki energetyczne dla Gdańska.


    W referacie zaprezentowano ścieżki energetyczne dla Gdańska w trzech horyzontach czasowych: krótkoterminowym (2012), średnioterminowym (2020) i długoterminowym (2050). Ścieżka energetyczna to propozycja przedsięwzięć dotyczących systemu energetycznego na danym obszarze. Referat jest rezultatem badań prowadzonych w ramach projektu PATHways TO Renewable and Efficient energy Systems (PATH-TO-RES), wspieranego przez program Komisji...

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    - Year 2021

    Nowadays a new area of interest is gaining importance - it is home biomedical examination. Intelligent home can be supported by set of devices for habitants observation. It can be particularly useful for elders or person with some health risks but living alone. One of critical locations within the house is bathroom. One of utilities in the bathroom is a bathtub which is sometimes preferred over shower. There are reports of problems...

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  • Power electronic systems as a crucial part of Smart Grid infrastructure - a survey


    - Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences-Technical Sciences - Year 2012

    This article gives a tutorial overview of the most important issues related to the use of power electronic systems in power engineering, with respect to the urgent need for modernization of existing grids in the direction of intelligent networks. The main problems and conditions bound up with the construction of Smart Grids and the location, as well as functioning in them of the most important power electronic systems are presented...

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  • Concept description vectors and the 20 question game


    - Year 2005

    Knowledge of properties that are applicable to a given object is a necessary prerequisite to formulate intelligent question. Concept description vectors provide simplest representation of this knowledge, storing for each object information about the values of its properties. Experiments with automatic creation of concept description vectors from various sources, including ontologies, dictionaries, encyclopedias and unstructured...

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  • Harmony Search to Self-Configuration of Fault-Tolerant Grids for Big Data

    In this paper, harmony search algorithms have been proposed to self-configuration of fault-tolerant grids for big data processing. Some tasks related to big data processing have been considered. Moreover, two criteria have been applied to evaluate quality of grids. The first criterion is a probability that all tasks meet their deadlines and the second one is grid reliability. Furthermore, some intelligent agents based on harmony...

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    - Year 2015

    The dissertation focuses on the augmentation of proactive document - agents with built-in intelligence to recognize execution context provided by devices visited during a business process, and to reach collaboration agreement despite conflicting requirements. The proposed solution, based on intelligent bargaining using neural networks to improve simple multi-issue negotiation between the document and thedevice, requires practically...

  • Analysis of economical lighting of highways in the environment of SMOL language

    The paper puts forward and implements a method of designing and creating a modelling simulation environment for eztensive and complete analysis of economical lighting on highways. From a general design viewpoint, the proposed solution explores the concept of a network description language (SMOL), which has been designed to describe the necessary network functions, mechanisms, and devices; for the purpose of their computer simulation...

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  • Report of the ISMIS 2011 Contest : Music Information Retrieval


    - Year 2011

    This report presents an overview of the data mining contestorganized in conjunction with the 19th International Symposiumon Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS 2011), in days betweenJan 10 and Mar 21, 2011, on TunedIT competition platform. The contestconsisted of two independent tasks, both related to music information retrieval:recognition of music genres and recognition of instruments, for agiven music sample represented...

  • Ontology Oriented Approach to Service Selection and Invocation in Complex Context Analysis


    - Year 2013

    Context-aware applications running in the intelligent space are taken into account and their execution in the service oriented environment is considered. It has been presented where and how SOA services can be utilized during their execution: to analyze current context of the application and to support execution of strictly determined actions suitable for that context. The proposed mechanism of context-aware service selection and...

  • Częściowa automatyzacja podstawowych badań lekarskich


    - Year 2013

    Przedstawiono architekture podsystemu wspomagajacego inteligentna przestrzen medyczna UbiDoDO (ang. Ubiquitous Domestic Doctor’s Office). Jego zadaniem jest zapewnienie ciagłego monitoringu danych biomedycznych pacjenta w domowych warunkach oraz umozliwienie natychmiastowej reakcji na objawiajace sie dolegliwosci. Istnienie tez mozliwosc przeprowadzenia wstepnego wywiadu z pacjentem.

  • Adversarial attack algorithm for traffic sign recognition



    Deep learning suffers from the threat of adversarial attacks, and its defense methods have become a research hotspot. In all applications of deep learning, intelligent driving is an important and promising one, facing serious threat of adversarial attack in the meanwhile. To address the adversarial attack, this paper takes the traffic sign recognition as a typical object, for it is the core function of intelligent driving. Considering...

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  • A Study in Experimental Methods of Human-Computer Communication for Patients After Severe Brain Injuries


    - Year 2016

    Experimental research in the domain of multimedia technology applied to medical practice is discussed, employing a prototype of integrated multimodal system to assist diagnosis and polysensory stimulation of patients after severe brain injury. The system being developed includes among others: eye gaze tracker, and EEG monitoring of non-communicating patients after severe brain injuries. The proposed solutions are used for collecting...

  • Smart MV/LV distribution transformer for Smart Grid with active prosumer participation


    - Year 2012

    Wraz z rozwojem sieci dystrybucyjnych i ich stopniowym przekształcaniem w inteligentne sieci typu Smart Grid będzie rosłoznaczenie i udział sterowanych układów przekształtnikowych mocy stosowanych jako interfejsy pomiędzy źródłami energii a sieciąoraz pomiędzy siecią a odbiorcami. W artykule rozwinięto koncepcję wymiany konwencjonalnych transformatorów dystrybucyjnych50 Hz na inteligentne transformatory dystrybucyjne. Zaproponowano...

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  • Sieciowy monitor obiektu wspierający pracę eksperta


    Publikacja zawiera opis zbudowanego systemu służącego do monitorowania parametrów obiektów biurowych lub przemysłowych. System wyposażony został w inteligentne algorytmy wnioskowania i przewidywania sytuacji awaryjnych oparte na bazach wiedzy. Zaprojektowana i zbudowana aplikacja została wyposażona w bezprzewodowe moduły służące do transmisji w odpornym na zakłócenia standardzie ZigBee.

  • Virtual Engineering Object / Virtual Engineering Process: A specialized form of Cyber Physical System for Industrie 4.0


    - Procedia Computer Science - Year 2015

    This paper reviews the theories, parallels and variances between Virtual Engineering Object (VEO) / Virtual Engineering Process (VEP) and Cyber Physical System (CPS). VEO and VEP is an experience based knowledge representation of engineering objects and processes respectively. Cyber–physical systems (CPSs) are the next generation of engineered systems in which computing, communication, and control technologies are tightly integrated....

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  • Automotive Validation Functions for On-line Test Evaluation of Hybrid Real-time Systems


    - Year 2006

    The aim of this paper is to present the means of black-box on-line test evaluation for hybrid real-time systems. The described procedures can be used for the model-based testing process so as to improve its effectiveness. In particular, intelligent automotive validation functions are considered, which are divided into different types depending on the nature of the evaluated issue. All provided definitions are specified on the meta-model...

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  • Support Vector Machine Applied to Road Traffic Event Classification


    - MATEC Web of Conferences - Year 2018

    The aim of this paper is to present results of road traffic event signal recognition. First, several types of systems for road traffic monitoring, including Intelligent Transport System (ITS) are shortly described. Then, assumptions of creating a database of vehicle signals recorded in different weather and road conditions are outlined. Registered signals were edited as single vehicle pass by. Using the Matlab-based application...

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  • New Materiality-towards ‘Media Environments

    Article presents media solutions providing new materiality of architectural spaces. Media solutions in architecture evolve in new forms. Articlepresentsboth the developmentof new technological solutionsas well as new ways of application of media solutions in relation toarchitectural form. The aim of the article is to show technical aspects of new materiality - intelligent materials, allowing transmission of changeable visual content...

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  • Feature-based generation of machining process plans for optimised parts manufacture

    Przedstawiono aktualne zagadnienia związane z integracją systemów CAD/CAM/CAPP. Opracowano model informacyjny danych dla systemu CAPP w postaci zapisu macierzowego. Zawarto algorytm tworzenia rozwiązań wariantowych i wyboru optymalnego procesu technologicznego obróbki. Proponowany algorytm działania zweryfikowano na rzeczywistym przykładzie z praktyki przemysłu.

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