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Search results for: materiały włókiennicze
Analysis of non-linear elastic material properties of PVC-coated Panama fabric.
PublicationW pracy omówiono proces identyfikacji parametrów materiałowych dla wybranej tkaniny technicznej typu Panama. Zaproponowano metodę identyfikacji nieliniowo sprężystych właściwości tkaniny Panama. Określono zakres stosowalności nieliniowo sprężystych parametrów, w oparciu o doraźną wytrzymałości tkaniny na rozciąganie (UTS), która poddana redukcji określa tzw. wytrzymałość długoterminową (LTS). Opisano doświadczenia niezbędne do...
Chemically modified glass fiber as a matrix-free reference material for volatile compounds
PublicationW pracy opisano sposób wytwarzania nowego typu bezmatrycowych materiałów odniesienia lotnych związków organicznych. Do otrzymywania lotnych analitów wykorzystano technikę termicznego rozkładu związków powierzchniowych. Jako nośnik zastosowano modyfikowane chemicznie włókna szklane. Związkiem oznaczanym był chlorek metylu.
A Deformation Sweep Testing Procedure to Evaluate Damage in Cold Recycled Material Mixtures
PublicationThis chapter describes a new testing procedure to assess damage in cold recycled material mixtures. Specifically, stiffness modulus tests were performed at increasing deformation levels, with the objective of creating a gradual increase in damage. The succession of tests with increasing deformation was interspersed with tests at small deformation, with the objective of evaluating the damage gradually inflicted on the specimen....
Viscoplastic properties of coated textile material ''Panama'' and its usage for hanging roofs.
PublicationPodano sposób identyfikacji parametrów materiałowych lepkoplastycznego prawa Bodnera-Partoma i prawa Chaboche´a. Przedstawiono model sieci gęstej pozwalający na zastosowanie wyników prób jednoosiowego rozciągania do rzeczywistej tkaniny. Pokazano zastosowanie wyników w analizie statycznej i dynamicznej przekrycia wiszącego typu hypar poddanego wstępnemu naprężaniu. Przeanalizowano zmianę geometrii i częstości drgań własnych.
Identification and validation of material parameters for isotropic damage model in viscoplastic flow conditions
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono trzy różne sposóby identyfikacji parametrów materiałowych dla izotropowego modelu zniszczenia w warunkach płynięcia lepkoplastycznego. W celu ustalenia który sposób daje najlepsze rezultaty przeprowadzono każdą z identyfikacji dla wybranego materiału, a następnie dokonano ich oceny porównując wyniki symulacji numerycznych z wynikami eksperymentów. W pracy pokazano również praktyczne zastosowanie modelu - przykład...
Strain-dependent behaviour of cold recycled material mixtures in cyclic compression tests
PublicationThe purpose of the study is to evaluate strain-dependent behaviour of Cold Recycled Material (CRM) mixtures using three frameworks typically applied for Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA): linear viscoelastic (LVE) limits; non-linearity directions; changes in rheological model parameters. To this aim, the complex modulus of three CRM mixtures with different bitumen-to-cement ratio (0.2, 0.6 and 1.8) was measured in cyclic compression mode,...
Application of Galvanostatic Non-Linear Impedance Spectroscopy to the Analysis of Metallic Material Degradation
PublicationThis study presents a novel application of Non-Linear Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (NLEIS) in galvanostatic mode for the rapid, non-destructive assessment of metal degradation. By using galvanostatic mode instead of traditional potentiostatic methods, polarization-related challenges are mitigated, enabling more accurate and reliable analysis. The technique allows for the determination of corrosion rates (corrosion current)...
MHD Casson flow across a stretched surface in a porous material: a numerical study
PublicationIn this study, we examine the nature of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Casson flow of fluid across a stretched surface in a porous material. It studies how the behaviour of Casson fluids is affected by a number of variables, including thermal radiation, chemical processes, Joule heating, and viscosity dissipation. The Keller box strategy, based on the finite difference method (FDM), is used to tackle the complex numerical problem. Graphical...
Resource productivity and environmental degradation in EU-27 countries: context of material footprint
PublicationThis study explores the relationship between the resource productivity and environmental degradation in European Union-27 countries. This study tests this relationship in context of high, moderate, and low material footprint sub-samples; these samples are formed utilizing the expectation–maximization machine learning algorithm. Using the panel data set of EU-27 countries from 2000 to 2020, linear and non-linear autoregressive distributed...
Ti-Fe2O3/In2O3 as photoactive material: The role of the substrate in photoelectrochemical water oxidation
PublicationThe layers of Ti-Fe2O3/In2O3 were prepared on the different substrates using hydrothermal method: Ti/TiO2 nanotubes, Ti foil, FTO and FTO/TiO2. Materials were characterized using scanning electron microscopy, XRD, Raman, UV-Vis, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and tested as photoanodes for water oxidation under illumination. The formation of heterojunction on the TiO2 nanotubes increases photocurrent of water oxidation at...
Polymeric porous membranes as solid support and protective material in microextraction processes: A review
PublicationPolymeric porous membranes have proven to be a versatile and efficient material for microextraction processes. In analytical practice, they are used both as a solid support and as a protective medium for improved sample preparation in various analytical applications. Polymeric porous membranes offer unique advantages in microextraction due to their large surface area and controllable pore size, eliminating interfering effects from...
Selection of Electrode Material for Inconel 617/P92 Steel SMAW Dissimilar Welds
PublicationThe present work aimed to investigate the microstructure and mechanical properties of the dissimilar shielded metal arc welded (SMAW) joint of Alloy 617 and P92 steel for advanced ultrasupercritical boilers. The SMAW joint was produced using three different types of electrodes, namely, ENiCrFe-3, ENiCrMo-3, and ENiCrCoMo-1. During microstructural observation of the welded joints, no possible cracking was detected in the weldments....
Informational analysis of the grinding process of granular material using a multi-ribbon blender
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Thermodynamic properties of Ga-In-Li alloys - a potential material for liquid metal batteries
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Selection of Parental Material to Maximize Heterosis Using SNP and SilicoDarT Markers in Maize
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A theoretical probe into the effects of material and operational variables on water purification with zeolite membranes
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Material Balance for Stepwise Extraction of Freshwater Algae Biomass with Heavy Metal Sequestration
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Evaluation of La0.3Sr0.7Ti1−xCoxO3 as a potential cathode material for solid oxide fuel cells
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Chitosan-based films with cannabis oil as a base material for wound dressing application
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Thallium indium germanium sulphide (TlInGe2S6) as efficient material for nonlinear optical application
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Assesment of (Mn,Co)3O4powders for possible coating material for SOFC/SOEC interconnects
PublicationIn this work (Mn,Co)3O4 spinel powders with different Mn:Co ratio (1:1 and 1:2) and from different commercial suppliers are evaluated for possible powder for production of interconnect coatings. Sinterability of the powders is evaluated on pressed pellets sintered in oxidizing and in reducing/oxidizing atmospheres. For selected powder, coatings are then prepared by the electrophoretic deposition method on Crofer 22 APU stainless...
Certified Reference Material - as a necessary tool for the quality control and quality assurance of measurements
PublicationReference materials are necessary to control and ensure the quality of the measurements. The demand for analytical information on the composition of different material objects makes it necessary to produce an even wider range of materials.
Electrochemical activity of composite material poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) modified by silver hexacyanoferrate
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono sposób slektrochemicznj syntezy materiału składającego się z polimeru przewodzącego poli(3,4-etylenodioksytiofen) (pEDOT) i nieorganicznej sieci typu redox heksacyjanożelazianu srebra (Aghcf). Materiał otrzymano na drodze dwuetapowej. Etap pierwszy polega na galwanostatycznej redukcji srebra na elektrodzie z węgla szklistego. Etap drugi to roztwarzanie srebra z jednoczesną polimeryzacją monomeru. Otrzymany...
The application of a photopolymer material for the manufacture of machine elements using rapid prototyping techniques
PublicationThe paper discusses the application of polymer resin for 3D printing. The first section focuses on rapid prototyping technique and properties of the photopolymer, used as input material in the manufacture of machine components. Second part of the article was devoted to exemplary 3-D-printed elements for incorporation in machines. The article also contains detailed description of problems encountered in implementation of the selected...
PublicationThe article discusses issues related with storage of granular materials in silos made of corrugated sheets and reinforced with vertical ribs. Advantages and disadvantages of these structures are named, and typical technological solutions used by largest silo producers are presented. Moreover, basic assumptions of Eurocode 3 are discussed in the context of determining the buckling load capacity of a ribbed jacket. Alternative methods...
Selenium enrichment in broccoli sprouts as an initial step in the preparation of Certified Reference Material
PublicationSelenium is considered one of the essential elements in animals and humans. The main source of selenium intake for humans is the diet. Selenium deficiency has one of the most concerning issues worldwide. Broccoli sprouts are five-to-six-day old broccoli plants,...
Structural Adaptive, Self-Separating Material for Removing Ibuprofen from Waters and Sewage
Publication-cyclodextrin nanosponge (CDM) was used for the adsorption of ibuprofen (IBU) from water and sewage. The obtained material was characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET), Barrett– Joyner–Halenda (BJH), Harkins and Jura t-Plot, zeta potential, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and elementary analysis (EA)....
Diamondized carbon nanoarchitectures as electrocatalytic material for sulfate-based oxidizing species electrogeneration
PublicationThe introduction of nanotechnology seems to be an imperative factor to intensify the synergic effects of electrocatalytic materials to produce strong oxidant species or to increase the active sites on their surfaces as well as to enhance the conversion yield in a fuel cell, high-added value products, electrolytic treatment for environmental protection or the detection limit in electroanalysis. Recently, a new type of 3D-diamond...
The Effect of Increasing the Amount of Indium Alloying Material on the Efficiency of Sacrificial Aluminium Anodes
PublicationAl-Zn-In alloys having 4.2% zinc content and various indium content in the range of 0.02–0.2% were tested with respect to the most important electrochemical properties of sacrificial anodes in a cathodic protection, i.e., the current capacity and potential of the operating anode. The distribution of In and Zn in the tested alloys was mapped by means of the EDX technique, which demonstrated that these elements dissolve well in the...
Local material symmetry group for first- and second-order strain gradient fluids
PublicationUsing an unified approach based on the local material symmetry group introduced for general first- and second-order strain gradient elastic media, we analyze the constitutive equations of strain gradient fluids. For the strain gradient medium there exists a strain energy density dependent on first- and higher-order gradients of placement vector, whereas for fluids a strain energy depends on a current mass density and its gradients....
FE-studies on shear localization in an anisotropic micro-polar hypoplastic granular material
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki numerycznej wpływu anizotropii w materiałach granulowanych na powstawanie lokalizacji odkształceń. Obliczenia wykonano dla ściskania dwuosiowego stosując metodę elementów skończonych na bazie mikropolarnego prawa hipoplastycznego.
Periodic stick-slip deformation of granular material under quasi-static conditions
PublicationArtykuł omawia wyniki porównawcze między doświadczeniami z użyciem metody korelacji obrazów cyfrowych (DIC) a symulacjami z użyciem metody elementów dyskretnych (DEM) dla problemu przesuwającej się sztywnej ścianki w piasku. W doświadczeniach zaobserwowano w piasku deformację typu slip-stick, która nie została odtworzona w obliczeniach DEM..
Determination of thiocyanate as a biomarker of tobacco smoke constituents in selected biological materials of human origin
Publicationn order to protect human health, it is necessary to biomonitor toxic substances originating from tobacco smoke in biological materials sampled from persons with different exposures to tobacco smoke constituents. Thiocyanate anion is a biomarker of exposure to tobacco smoke components which is characterized by a relatively long half‐life in the human body, i.e. 6 days. In this work, we present the results of thiocyanate determinations...
Wykonanie czujnika LPR oraz dobór materiałów konstrukcyjnych w instalacji wody morskiej
PublicationWykonano analizę pracy systemu monitorowania korozji, dokonano wymiany czujnika. Zamontowano nowy czujnik z opcją pomiaru kuponowego w celu doboru materiałów konstrukcyjnych do instalacji wody morskiej.
Innowacyjne Rozwiązania w Zakresie Substancji i Materiałów Stosowane w Systemach OZE
PublicationArtykuł poświęcony jest zagadnieniu wykorzystania kompozytów nowoczesnych materiałów w układach chłodniczych i klimatyzacyjnych. W artykule poruszono temat wpływu właściwości powierzchni wymiany ciepła na pracę urządzeń chłodniczo-klimatyzacyjnych oraz na koszty ich eksploatacji. Dodatkowo w treści przedstawiono przegląd proponowanych konstrukcji wymienników ciepła mających potencjalne zastosowanie w systemach OZE.
Recycling of raw materials, silicon wafers and complete solar cells from photovoltaic modules
PublicationPhotovoltaic modules (PVs) are an attractive way of generating electricity in reliable and maintenance-free systems with the use of solar energy. The average lifetime of photovoltaic modules is 25 to 30 years. To offset the negative impact of photovoltaic modules on the environment, it is necessary to introduce a long-term strategy that includes a complete lifecycle of all system components from the production phase through installation...
Development of potential candidate reference materials for drugs in bottom sediment, cod and herring tissues
PublicationRegular use of a reference material and participation in a proficiency testing program can improve the reliability of analytical data. This paper presents the preparation of candidate reference materials for the drugs metoprolol, propranolol, carbamazepine, naproxen, and acenocoumarol in freshwater bottom sediment and cod and herring tissues. These reference materials are not available commercially. Drugs (between 7 ng/g and 32...
Oznaczanie neurotoksyny, β-N-metylamino-L-alaniny (BMAA), w materiale biologicznym
Publicationβ-N-metylamino-L-alaniny (BMAA) jest naturalnie występującym niebiałkowym aminokwasem. W strukturze związku występuje grupa karboksylowa o pKa1 2,1 , pierwszorzędowa grupa aminowa o pKa2 6,5 i drugorzędowa grupa aminowa o pKa3 9,8. Przy fizjologicznych wartościach pH (7,4), w obecności CO2/HCo3-, BMAA tworzy węglanowe addukty (BMAA-α - NCO2 i BMAA-β-NCO2) o działaniu agonistycznym względem receptorów glumatinianu. Efektem jest...
Estimation of fracture toughness and shear yield stress of orthotropic materials in cutting with rotating tools
PublicationThe cutting force is an energetic effect of splitting material, and might be considered from a point of view of modern fracture mechanics. Forecasting of the shear plane angle in cutting broaden possibilities for modelling of the cutting process even for thin uncut chips. Such mathematical model has been developed here for description of the orthotropic materials’ cutting on the base of fracture theory, and includes work of separation...
Modeling of wood frame structures with different insulation materials under damaging dynamic loading
PublicationWood frame buildings are very popular in regions that are exposed to different dynamic excitations, such as damaging earthquakes. Their seismic resistance is really important in order to prevent structural damages and human losses. This paper presents the results of advanced numerical investigation carried out using the FEM. Based on the models of wall panels, the numerical model of real structure of the wood frame building has...
Manufacturing Parameters, Materials, and Welds Properties of Butt Friction Stir Welded Joints–Overview
PublicationThe modern and eco-friendly friction stir welding (FSW) method allows the combination of even such materials that are considered to be non-weldable. The development of FSW technology in recent years has allowed a rapid increase in the understanding of the mechanism of this process and made it possible to perform the first welding trials of modern polymeric and composite materials, the joining of which was previously a challenge....
Phase separation in poly(butylene terephthalate)-based materials prepared by solid-state modification
PublicationThe morphology of a series of poly(butylene terephthalate) (PBT)/fatty acid dimer diol (FADD)-based copolyesters prepared by solid-state modi fi cation (SSM) was studied. It was shown that in copolyesters containing less than 10 wt% FADD two different phases, i.e. a PBT crystalline phase and a PBT-rich amorphous phase, are present. The FADD residues were more or less homogeneously distributed throughout the interlamellar regions....
Exploration of optical fibres as a carrier for new benzene and toluene matrix-free reference materials
PublicationTo meet high expectations concerning precision and accuracy of reference materials, preparation of matrixfree reference materials using thermal decomposition-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (TD-GC-MS) was proposed in this study. In the paper, the results obtained in preparation of the new reference materials for benzene and toluene are presented, based on the thermal decomposition technique of compounds chemically bound to...
Use of Materials Based on Polymeric Silica as Bone-Targeted Drug Delivery Systems for Metronidazole
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Shear-Jamming in Two-Dimensional Granular Materials with Power-Law Grain-Size Distribution
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Enhancing the Effectiveness of the Diamond Metal Bond Instrument when Grinding High-Strength Materials
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Problemy doświadczalnego doboru materiałów na łożyska ślizgowe aparatów kierowniczych turbin wodnych.
PublicationW pracy omówiono wybrane problemy doboru materiałów na łożyska ślizgowe aparatów kierowniczych turbin wodnych. Problemy przedstawiono na przykładzie wyników badań doświadczalnych oraz ich analizy przeprowadzonych dla wybranego bezsmarowego materiału łożyskowego.
Kierunki rozwoju materiałów kompozytowych na wypełnienia stałe jako alternatywy amalgamatów stomatologicznych
PublicationOmówiono nowe wypełnienia w formie materiałów kompozytowych z nanowypełnieniami. Dokonano analizy właściwości tych materiałów w porównaniu z klasycznymi amalgamatami.
Effect of cathode materials on the performance of single chamber solid oxide fuel cell and module
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań nad jednokomorowym ogniwem paliwowym. Badane były ogniwa przygotowane z różnymi rodzajami materiałow katodowych oraz określana była wydajność ogniwa. Zbudowano i zbadano moduł ogniwa paliwowego jednokomorowego.
Visualization and quantification of lab vibratory compacting process for aggregate base materials using accelerometer