Search results for: OMY PODCIENIOWE - Bridge of Knowledge


Search results for: OMY PODCIENIOWE

Search results for: OMY PODCIENIOWE

  • Porous structures in aspects of transpirating cooling of oxycombustion chamber walls


    A wet oxycombustion chamber, which must be effectively cooled due to high temperature evolved during the oxy-combustion process, by using the phenomena of Reynolds thermal transpiration and Navier slip velocity. Closures needed to execute mass flow rate in a microchannel, which should be treated as a single porous structure in the walls of the combustion chamber, have been obtained by applying a local 3D approach. The Navier-Stokes...

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  • Kłamliwe, udane i błędne metafory sztucznej inteligencji chatbotów


    - Roczniki Kulturoznawcze - Year 2024

    W czasach, gdy tzw. sztuczna inteligencja staje się integralną częścią dużych modeli języ-kowych, osobistych asystentów czy np. tzw. inteligentnego domu, coraz ważniejsze staje się po-znanie czynników postaw wobec niej i jej narzędzi. Obserwowany świt nowych możliwości identyfikowanych ze sztuczną inteligencją skłania do lepszego poznania metafor, którymi jest opisywana. Metafory stanowią bowiem nie tylko klucz do wyjaśniania nieznanego,...

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  • Non-wage factors for choosing the first job

    Open Research Data
    open access

    The creation of an effective remuneration system depends on a number of factors. However, some components are relatively versatile and commonly used. Therefore, employees report fairly standard expectations, which are then verified by employers. Mutual expectations are also the subject of many analyzes and scientific studies.

  • Susceptibility to Degradation in Soil of Branched Polyesterurethane Blends with Polylactide and Starch

    • J. Brzeska
    • G. Jasik
    • W. Sikorska
    • B. Mendrek
    • J. Karczewski
    • M. Kowalczuk
    • M. Rutkowska

    - Polymers - Year 2022

    A very important method of reducing the amount of polymer waste in the environment is the introduction to the market of polymers susceptible to degradation under the influence of environmental factors. This paper presents the results of testing the susceptibility to degradation in soil of branched polyesterurethane (PUR) based on poly([R,S]-3-hydroxybutyrate) (R,S-PHB), modified with poly([D,L]-lactide) (PLA) and starch (St). Weight...

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  • Joanna Czerska dr inż.

    I am a woman whose mission and passion is the development of people and organizations. My motto is: "There is no such fantasy that human will and reason cannot transform into reality." William Shakespeare In my life I am guided by the values ​​of respect, teamwork and a positive attitude. They define me and decide what kind of person I am. My adventure with Lean began when I was writing my diploma thesis during my studies at WZiE...

  • Katarzyna Merkel dr hab.


    Over the past 15 years, my work has mainly been related to the study of liquid crystal compounds with a diverse structure (discotic, dendrimeric, banana, bimedogenic, uniaxial and biaxial nematics and smectics) as well as polymeric materials (biopolymers, nano-composites) and biological materials. My work concerned mainly the issues of organization, observation of orientation effects, studying the dynamics of molecular processes...

  • Przemysł, zanieczyszczenie i klimat


    - Year 2021

    W wielu doniesieniach literaturowych można znaleźć informacji o stale rosnącej średniej temperaturze na ziemi. Wiele gałęzi przemysłu bezpośrednio wpływa na klimat. Niektóre z nich, takie jak przemysł węglowy, paliwowy czy energetyczny, uznawane są za szczególnie problematyczne. Większość ludzi nie zdaje sobie jednak sprawy jak bardzo pozostałe gałęzie przemysłu mogą wpływać na zanieczyszczenie środowiska. Niektóre z nich pośrednio,...

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  • Badania doświadczenia użytkownika (User Experience) w projektowaniu interakcji użytkownik-system

    Artykuł omawia coraz częściej używany termin "doświadczenie użytkownika" (ang. User Experience - UX) oraz je-go znaczenie dla emocjonalnych aspektów satysfakcji użytkownika produktów informatycznych i usług on-line. Dokona-no przeglądu czterech głównych podejść badawczych stosowanych obecnie w odniesieniu do tematyki UX: projektowa-nie interakcji, e-marketing, pomiary psychofizjologiczne i współprojektowanie usług. Przedyskutowano...

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  • Factors influencing the selection of the ideal employer

    Open Research Data
    open access

    This dataset contains the results of research that were carried out by the Wrocław University of Science and Technology in March and April 2016, using an anonymous "on-line" questionnaire. 1,320 people took part in the study entitled "My ideal employer" - students and doctoral students of all faculties of the university (including those fields of study...

  • Jan Daciuk dr hab. inż.

    Jan Daciuk received his M.Sc. from the Faculty of Electronics of Gdansk University of Technology in 1986, and his Ph.D. from the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics of Gdańsk University of Technology in 1999. He has been working at the Faculty from 1988. His research interests include finite state methods in natural language processing and computational linguistics including speech processing. Dr. Daciuk...

  • Towards more inclusive qualitative research: the practice of interviewing neurominorities

    Management scholars increasingly focus their efforts on the development of neurodivergent human capital and the promotion of inclusive employment and decent work. However, it may be argued that existing research still suffers from the lack of a comprehensive appreciation of what neurominorities may find difficult in the research process or how they interpret what the researchers are doing. In the light of only fragmented advice...

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  • Challenges of branding and marketing of clusters

    Clusters have proved to be powerful engine s of economic development in the European Union. Clusters and their stakehol ders can derive many benefits fr om a strong cluster brand. However, they face numerous branding and marketing challenges. Specifics of clusters, such as multiple stakeholders, make it difficult to forge a strong brand identity. This paper addresses the need to develop a cluster specific approach to branding and...

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  • The most important elements of the social package that guide students of Wrocław University of Science and Technology when choosing their first job

    Open Research Data
    open access

    This dataset contains the results of research that were carried out by the Wrocław University of Science and Technology in March and April 2016, using an anonymous "on-line" questionnaire. 1,320 people took part in the study entitled "My ideal employer" - students and doctoral students of all faculties of the university (including those fields of study...

  • Kazi Amirul Hossain


    I am a PhD graduate from Gdańsk University of Technology and currently a postdoctoral researcher at IRB Barcelona (Prof. Modesto Orozco lab). My academic focus is on computational biophysics, particularly Molecular Dynamics (MD) and statistical mechanics. I also have expertise in molecular modeling techniques like Molecular Docking, Homology Modeling, and QSAR. I hold an M.S. (Pharm) from NIPER, Kolkata, where I was awarded the...

  • Arsalan Muhammad Soomar Doctoral Student


    Hi, I'm Arsalan Muhammad Soomar, an Electrical Engineer. I received my Master's and Bachelor's Degree in the field of Electrical Engineering from Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan.  Currently enrolled as a Doctoral student at the Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland. Also worked in Yellowlite. INC, Ohio  as a Solar Design Engineer.   HEADLINE Currently Enrolled as a Doctoral...

  • Artur Piekarczuk dr hab. inż. prof. ITB


    My professional activity includes issues related to the examination and evaluation of construction products and the preparation of academic, technical and expert opinions on building construction structures as well as scientific articles in the field of buildings. My interests were focused on the use of modern methods of numerical analysis in research and expert works. I am currently the Manager of the Durability Testing Laboratory...

  • Regulation of LPS assembly via controlled proteolysis and sensing of LPS stress in Escherichia coli


    - Year 2022

    Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is a complex glycolipid, essential for the bacterial viability and along with phospholipids, it constitutes the major amphiphilic component of outer membrane (OM) in most of the Gram-negative bacteria, including Escherichia coli. LPS molecules confer an effective permeability barrier to the OM and play a crucial role in bacteria-environment and -host interactions. The synthesis and accumulation of this...

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  • Molecular transformation of dissolved organic matter in manganese ore-mediated constructed wetlands for fresh leachate treatment

    • M. H. Rahaman
    • T. Yang
    • Z. Zhang
    • W. Liu
    • Z. Chen
    • J. Mąkinia
    • J. Zhai


    The organic matter (OM) and nitrogen in Fresh leachate (FL) from waste compression sites pose environmental and health risks. Even though the constructed wetland (CW) can efficiently remove these pollutants, the molecular-level transformations of dissolved OM (DOM) in FL remain uncertain. This study reports the molecular dynamics of DOM and nitrogen removal during FL treatment in CWs. Two lab-scale vertical-flow CW systems were...

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  • PbGa2GeS6 crystal as a novel nonlinear optical material: Band structure aspects

    • A. Fedorchuk
    • O. Parasyuk
    • O. Cherniushok
    • B. Andriyevsky
    • G. Myronchuk
    • O. Khyzhun
    • G. Lakshminarayana
    • J. Jedryka
    • I. Kityk
    • A. ElNaggar... and 2 others

    - Journal of Alloys and Compounds - Year 2018

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  • Michał Wróbel dr inż.

    Michał Wróbel, Assistant Professor of Gdańsk University of Technology, computer scientist, a specialist in software engineering. I graduated from the Faculty of Electronics Technical University of Gdansk in 2002 with a degree in Computer Science, with specialization in Software Engineering and Databases. Until 2006 I worked as system administrator in several companies, including CI TASK. Since 2006 I have been working at the Faculty...

  • Estetyka domu jak element warunkujący poczucie przynależności w procesie zamieszkiwania


    - Year 2016

    Dom jest formą schronienia, która stanowi przedmiot w złożonym procesie zamieszkiwania. Jednym z aspektów decydujących o doświadczaniu poczucia utożsamiania w tym procesie jest estetyka tego domu. Dbałość o jej spójność z oczekiwaniami przyszłych mieszkańców i wpasowanie w zastane otoczenie wydają się oczywistym zadaniem architekta. Jednak w przypadku istniejących osiedli mieszkaniowych wielorodzinnych, zwanych potocznie blokowiskami,...

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  • CERVIX UTERI, Exocervix - Female, 56 - Cell image [420073000841111]

    Open Research Data

    This is the histopathological image of CERVIX UTERI cell sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.

  • Genetic and biochemical characterization of yeasts isolated from Antarctic soil samples

    • A. Białkowska
    • K. Szulczewska
    • J. Krysiak
    • T. Florczak
    • E. Gromek
    • H. Kassassir
    • J. Kur
    • M. Turkiewicz

    - POLAR BIOLOGY - Year 2017

    The Polish Arctowski Station is situated in the maritime Antarctic on the western shore ot' Admiralty Bay and encompasses terrestrial habitats which are not perma-nently covered by ice, in contrast to morę than 90% of the island's surface area. Over the past several decades, stud-ies exploring the soils of those habitats have revealed a considerable diversity of bacteria, filamentous fungi, and, to a lesser extent, yeasts; however,...

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  • Optymalizacja postaci konstrukcyjnej dynamometru-uchwytu próbek badanych wwarunkach mikrooscylacji. W: [CD-ROM] III Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna SYMULACJA 2002. Wdzydze Kiszewskie, 16 - 18 październik 2002. Tarnowskie Góry: MESco**2002 [16 s. 19 rys. bibliogr. 9 poz.]


    - Year 2002

    W ramach badań tribologicznych prowadzonych w Katedrze Konstrukcji i Eksplo-atacji Maszyn Politechniki Gdańskiej zaprojektowano i skonstruowano stanowi-sko z głowicą SOOG do wyznaczenia odporności materiałów ślizgowych na zuży-cie w warunkach mikroprze-mieszczeń w płaszczyźnie ślizgania. Specyfika sta-nu obciążenia próbek z badanych materiałów, wymagała zastosowania wielu ory-ginalnych rozwiązań konstrukcyjnych. Do głównych...

  • Kamil Andrzej Rybacki mgr inż.


    Born on 23 October 1993 in Gdańsk. In 2017, I have received the M.Sc. Degree at the Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland. My main fields of interest include computer simulations of molecular systems, parallel computing in application to computational physics methods and development of various simulation software. Currently, my research is focused on the development of hybrid Molecular...

  • Synthesis, structural, electronic and linear electro-optical features of new quaternary Ag2Ga2SiS6 compound

    • M. Piasecki
    • G. Myronchuk
    • O. Parasyuk
    • O. Khyzhun
    • A. Fedorchuk
    • V. Pavlyuk
    • V. Kozer
    • V. Sachanyuk
    • A. El-Naggar
    • A. Albassam... and 2 others

    - Journal of Solid State Chemistry - Year 2017

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  • Technological solutions to landfill management: Towards recovery of biomethane and carbon neutrality



    Inadequate landfill management poses risks to the environment and human health, necessitating action. Poorly designed and operated landfills release harmful gases, contaminate water, and deplete resources. Aligning landfill management with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) reveals its crucial role in achieving various targets. Urgent transformation of landfill practices is necessary to address challenges like climate change,...

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  • Ahmer Bin Hafeez


    I have experience in Microbiology & Computational Biology, particularly bioinformatics, homology modeling, phylogenetics, structural biology, and drug discovery. Currently, my interest lies in translatable omics studies and drug discovery against novel protein targets involved in cancer and infectious diseases and Host-Pathogen PPIs. My aim involves the use of computational methods for the identification of novel targets and to...

  • Marek Czachor prof. dr hab.

  • Gość Inność, Wystawa sztuki współczesnej, Galeria MD_S, Wrocław 2019


    - Year 2019

    Grudzień. Zimno, szaro, mokro, wszyscy biegają, żeby wyrobić się na święta; żeby kupić prezenty, odwiedzić rodzinę do której średnio chce Ci się jechać, żeby usiąść przy stole, odpowiadać na sztywne pytania w sztywnych koszulach, zapychając usta karpiem. Zapraszamy w gościnę do galerii MD_S 20 grudnia, gdzie o 18:00 będzie biła ciepłem i przytulnością, bo gościnność nie ocenia tak jak my nie oceniamy, każdy z nas jest gościem...

  • Rok, I urodziny Galerii UL, wydarzenie artystyczne, wystawa zbiorowa kolekcji


    - Year 2019

    11 Listopada 2018 roku odbyła się „ZONA” — pierwsze przedsięwzięcie organizowane w ULu, nazywanym jeszcze wtedy galerią, mimo iż przedsiębrane działania od początku wykraczają ambicjami poza to zawężone pole. 11 Listopada 2018 roku byliśmy również świadkami obchodów stulecia odzyskania przez Polskę niepodległości; również my proponowaliśmy fetę z tej okazji, opartą o inne formy świętowania, niż te, do których ustawicznie przyzwyczajała...

  • Thallium indium germanium sulphide (TlInGe2S6) as efficient material for nonlinear optical application

    • O. Khyzhun
    • V. Babizhetskyy
    • I. Kityk
    • G. Myronchuk
    • J. Jędryka
    • G. Lakshminarayana
    • V. Levytskyy
    • O. Tsisar
    • L. Piskach
    • O. Parasyuk... and 3 others

    - Journal of Alloys and Compounds - Year 2018

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  • Hydrochar-nanoparticle integration for arsenic removal from wastewater: Challenges, possible solutions, and future horizon



    Arsenic (As) contamination poses a significant threat to human health, ecosystems, and agriculture, with levels ranging from 12 to 75% attributed to mine waste and stream sediments. This naturally element is abundant in Earth's crust and gets released into the environment through mining and rock processing, causing ≈363 million people to depend on As-contaminated groundwater. To combat this issue, introducing a sustainable hydrochar...

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  • Justyna Signerska-Rynkowska dr inż.

    I am currently an assistant professor (adjunct) at Gdansk University of Technology (Department of Differential Equations and Mathematics Applications). My scientific interests include dynamical systems theory, chaos theory and their applications to modeling of biological phenomena, especially to neurosciences. In June 2013 I completed PhD in Mathematics at the Institute of Mathematics of Polish Academy of Sciences (IMPAN) (thesis...

  • A study of nighttime vehicle detection algorithms

    Open Research Data
    version 1.0 open access

    This dataset is from my master's thesis "A study of nighttime vehicle detection algorithms". It contains both raw data and preprocessed dataset ready to use. In the pictures below you can see how images were annotated.

  • Imaging of biological samples: the ant Lasius Niger

    Open Research Data

    The world of arthropods continues to amaze researchers today. An example may be a relatively new report by a group of scientists on structures found in ant shells [1] Although calcareous anatomical structures have evolved in various groups of animals, little has been known so far about the occurrence of this type of form in insects. The authors of the...

  • Joanna Kabrońska dr inż. arch.

    PhD with honours: Forma architektoniczna jako droga realizacji idei biblioteki przyszłości (Form of Architectural Solutions as a Means of Implementing the idea of Libraries of the Future), 1994 IV International Biennale of Architecture in Cracow Prize winner, 1991 DAAD post-doctoral scholarship, Berlin, 2002 Author of publications on architecture, art and memory, including the monograph Architektura jako forma pamięci. Rola architektury...

  • Krzysztof Olszewski dr


  • Jutro miasta. VI Kongres Urbanistyki Polskiej: Prezentacje – Debaty – Wydarzenia.


    - Year 2019

    Towarzystwo Urbanistów Polskich, jedno z najstarszych stowarzyszeń urbanistów w Europie, aktywnie działa od 1923 roku jako rzecznik interesu społecznego oraz profesjonalnego w projektowaniu, planowaniu, zagospodarowaniu i użytkowaniu przestrzeni polskich miast, miasteczek i obszarów wiejskich. Od 2003 roku Towarzystwo organizuje co trzy lata Kongresy Urbanistyki Polskiej, które stanowią platformę dyskusji o najważniejszych wyzwaniach,...

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  • Javed Ather Siddiqui DR.



  • Marcin Dziedziński magister

  • Marcin Kujawa dr hab. inż.

    I have graduated from the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Gdańsk University of Technology ( in 1999. I received my M.Sc. degree in civil engineering structures with specialization in bridge structures. Next,  in 2007, I received my doctoral degree in technical sciences under the supervision of professor Czesław Szymczak (Scopus Author ID: 6603993146) at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Gdańsk University of Technology....

  • Schronienie – poszukiwanie formuły dla domu wpisanego w relacje środowiskowe


    - Year 2018

    Konieczność schronienia i potrzeba zamieszkiwania wymagają przestrzeni, które współcześnie zazwyczaj zabezpieczają obiekty architektoniczne. Jednak często zauważamy niedobory wartości w przestrzeni zamieszkiwania. Pomysłem zaradczym w tej sytuacji jest powrót do punktu wyjścia. Do zapewnienia schronienia. Jeśli będzie ono wpisane w relacje środowiskowe i ukształtowane w zgodzie z potrzebą zachowania ciągłości kulturowej, ma szansę...

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  • Dostępność zakładów karnych i aresztów śledczych z uwzględnieniem potrzeb osób z dysfunkcją wzroku


    - Year 2014

    Projektowanie zakładów karnych i aresztów śledczych do potrzeb osób z dysfunkcją wzroku powinno podlegać takim samym uwarunkowaniom, jak projektowanie obiektów zamieszkania zbiorowego. Niestety przepisy Rozporządzenia Ministra Infrastruktury w sprawie warunków technicznych jakim powinny odpowiadać budynki i ich usytuowanie wyłączają zakłady karne z konieczności ich dostosowania do potrzeb osób z niepełnosprawnością. Stoi to w...

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  • Synergistic effects of a swirl generator and MXene/ water nanofluids used in a heat exchanger pipe of a negative CO2 emission gas power plant

    focus on optimizing heat exchangers contributes to improved temperature control mechanisms, ensuring the sustainable operation of innovative power plants working towards negative CO2 emissions. In the realm of oxy-combustion within Negative CO2 Emission Power Plants (nCO2PP), the temperature of combustion products surpasses 3000 (K). Addressing this challenge, the imperative arises to reduce these elevated temperatures to a manageable...

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  • Double-stage ORC system based on various temperature waste heat sources of the negative CO2 power plant


    Analysed is the modification of the thermodynamic cycle with the negative CO2 power plant concept by its combination with the organic Rankine cycle. The analysed power plant operates on a gas produced from the gasification of sewage sludge. The negative emission term comes from the aggregated CO2 balance resulting from the capture of the CO2, while the sewage sludge is one of the inevitable environmental sources of CO2 to be avoided....

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  • Understanding the kinetics and atmospheric degradation mechanism of chlorotrifluoroethylene (CF2=CFCl) initiated by OH radicals

    • S. S. Balsini
    • A. Shiroudi
    • F. Hatamjafari
    • E. Zahedi
    • K. Pourshamsian
    • A. R. Oliaey


    The atmospheric degradation of chlorotrifluoroethylene (CTFE) by OH˙ was investigated using density functional theory (DFT). The potential energy surfaces were also defined in terms of single-point energies derived from the linked cluster CCSD(T) theory. With an energy barrier of −2.62 to −0.99 kcal mol−1 using the M06-2x method, the negative temperature dependence was determined. The OH˙ attack on Cα and Cβ atoms (labeled pathways...

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  • Dziwaczne i osobliwe. Zjawiska wokół książki Marka Fishera

    In my review, I discuss the Polish translation of Mark Fisher’s The weird and the eerie, published by Słowo/obraz terytoria. Originally released in December 2016, Fisher’s collection of thirteen essays explores cul-tural texts by figures like Howard P. Lovecraft, David Lynch and Joy Division. Fisher employs a theoretical framework heavily influenced by post-Lacanian, post-Derridean and Deleuzean concepts. The translation, of...

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  • Tomasz Krolikowski dr hab. inż.


    In 1996, I have graduated from the Faculty of Marine Science of Szczecin University and obtained a master's degree - ocean engineering engineer " - Control and Ocean Engineering Measurements". In 1994 I was hired as an assistant trainee at the Institute of Computer Science Technical University of Szczecin, and after graduating in 1996, I was employed as academic and teaching at the Institute of Computer Science in the Department...

  • What should we know when choosing feather, blood, egg or preen oil as biological samples for contaminants detection? A non-lethal approach to bird sampling for PCBs, OCPs, PBDEs and PFASs

    Birds are considered as good bio-monitors and they can provide highly valuable data about the level of contamination in their habitat. During the design of biomonitoring studies one of the first issues after choosing species is the choice of biological material. Non-lethally collected samples have recently been gaining greater attention as they offer several ethical and practical advantages. However, not all sample matrices are...

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