Search results for: TRIMETHYL PHOSPHITE
The reactions of dialkyl phosphites and phosphine oxides with iodosylbenzene
PublicationThe reaction of iodosylbenzene with >P(O)H type of acids (dialkyl phosphites, secondary phosphine oxides) was studied. The acids of >P(O)H type add to iodosylbenzene to yield intermediate 6 which in the aprotic solvents yields oxidation products, it means >P(O)OH acids and/or anhydride of >P(O)OP(O)< type. On the other hand if the reaction is performed in alcohol as a solvent in the presence of sodium alcoholate >P(O)OR ester is...
Thermophysical study of the binary mixtures of triethyl phosphate with N-methylformamide, N,N-dimethylformamide and N,N-dimethylacetamide – Experimental and theoretical approach
PublicationDensities at (293.15, 298.15, 303.15 and 308.15) K, and viscosities and ultrasonic velocities at 298.15 K of binary liquid mixtures of triethyl phosphate with N-methylformamide, N,N-dimethylformamide and N,N-dimethylacetamide have been measured over the entire range of composition at p = 0.1 MPa. From the experimental data, values of excess molar volume, excess isentropic compressibility, viscosity deviation and excess Gibbs energy...
Separate synthesis and evaluation of glucitol bis-phosphate and mannitol bis-phosphate, as competitive inhibitors of fructose bis-phosphate aldolases
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A new and convenient method for the preparation of functionalized phosphorothioates
PublicationA new and efficient method for the synthesis of alkyl and aryl phosphorothioates in high yields via the reaction of (5,5-dimethyl-2-thioxo-1,3,2-dioxaphosphorin-2-yl)disulfanyl derivatives with trimethyl phosphite was developed.
Trimethyl Lock Based Tools for Drug Delivery and Cell Imaging – Synthesis and Properties
PublicationTrimethyl lock (TML) systems have become increasingly important in medicinal and bioorganic chemistry, particularly for their roles in the targeted delivery of therapeutic agents and as integral components in fluorogenic probes for cellular imaging. The simplicity and efficiency of their synthesis have established TML systems as versatile platforms for the controlled release of active molecules under particular physiological conditions....
Derivatization of acidic herbicides with selected tetraalkyl ammonium and trimethyl sulfonium hydroxides for their GC analysis.
PublicationPrzedstawiono badania na temat oznaczania herbicydów z grupy fenoksykwasów (MCPP, MCPA, 2,4-D, 2,4,5-T) i fenoli (Dinoterb, Dinoseb, Pentachlorofenol) z wykorzystaniem chromatografii gazowej po uprzedniej derywatyzacji. Proces derywatyzacji przeprowadzano w dozowniku chromatografu gazowego za pomocą TMPH, TMSH i TMAH. Zbadano wpływ temperatury dozownika chromatografu, środowisko reakcji (rozpuszczalnik) i nadmiar odczynnika na...
Partial Molar Volumes of Tetrabutylammonium Perchlorate and Tetraphenylborate in N,N-dimethyl-acetamide, Triethylphosphate and Dimethyl Sulfoxide
PublicationThe densities of tetrabutylammonium perchlorate and tetrabutylammonium tetraphenylborate solutions in N,N-dimethylacetamide, acetonitrile, triethylphosphate, and dimethyl sulphoxide have been measured over the whole electrolyte concentration range at 20, 25, and 30°C. From these densities apparent molar volumes and partial molar volumes of the salts at infinite dilution have been evaluated and used to determine the respective...
Modification of titanium phosphate precipitated from titanylsulfate
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Glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase with an oligoHis insert
PublicationGlucosamine-6-phosphate (GlcN-6-P) synthase known also as L-Glutamine: D-fructose-6-phosphate aminotransferase (EC, catalyzes the first committed step in the amino sugar biosynthetic pathway in prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms. The final product of this pathway is an activated precursor of numerous macromolecules containing amino sugars, including chitin and mannproteins in fungi, peptydoglican and lipopolysaccharides...
Long range molecular dynamics study of interactions of the eukaryotic glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase with fructose-6-phosphate and UDP-GlcNAc
PublicationGlucosamine-6-phosphate synthase (EC is responsible for catalysis of the first and practically irreversible step in hexosamine metabolism. The final product of this pathway, uridine 5 diphospho Nacetyl- d-glucosamine (UDP-GlcNAc), is an essential substrate for assembly of bacterial and fungal cell walls. Moreover, the enzyme is involved in phenomenon of hexosamine induced insulin resistance in type II diabetes, which...
Soil and highbush blueberry responses to fertilization with urea phosphate
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Amorphous Form of Carvedilol Phosphate—The Case of Divergent Properties
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Glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase - the multi-facets enzyme
PublicationAmidotransferaza L-glutamina: D-frukozo-6-fosforan, nazywana zwyczajowo syntazą glukozamino-6-fosforanu, jako jedyny enzym należący do grupy amidotransferaz, nie wykazuje aktywności amoniakozależnej. Enzym ten, katalizujący pierwszy wyjątkowy etap w szlaku metabolicznym prowadzącym do ostatecznego wytworzenia 5´difosfourydyno-N-acetylo-D-glukozaminy (UDG-GlcNAc) stanowi ważny punkt kontroli metabolicznej biosyntezy makromolekuł...
Deposition of phosphate coatings on titanium within scaffold structure
PublicationPurpose: Existing knowledge about the appearance, thickness, and chemical composition of phosphate coatings on titanium inside porous structures is insufficient. Such knowledge is important for the design and fabrication of porous implants. Methods: Metallic scaffolds were fabricated by selective laser melting of 316L stainless steel powder. Phosphate coatings were deposited on Ti sensors placed either outside the scaffolds or...
Phosphate and Thiophosphate Biphenyl Analogs as Steroid Sulfatase Inhibitors
PublicationIn the present work, we report convenient methods for the synthesis and biological evaluation of phosphate and thiophosphate biphenyl derivatives exhibiting steroid sulfatase (STS) activity. The described synthesis is based on straightforward preparation of biphenyl-4-ol and 40-hydroxybiphenyl- 4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester modified with various phosphate or thiophosphate moieties. The inhibitory effects of these compounds were...
Dimethyl ether (DME) as potential environmental friendly fuel
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10-Methyl- and 9,10-dimethyl acridinium methyl sulfate
PublicationThe title compounds, C(14)H(12)N(+).CH(3)O(4)S(-), (I), and C(15)H(14)N(+).CH(3)O(4)S(-), (II), respectively, crystallize with the planar 10-methylacridinium or 9,10-dimethylacridinium cations arranged in layers, parallel to the twofold axis in (I) and perpendicular to the 2(1) axis in (II). Adjacent cations in both compounds are packed in a 'head-to-tail' manner. The methyl sulfate anion only exhibits planar symmetry in (II)....
Dimethyl ether (DME) as potential environmental friendly fuel
PublicationIn recent years, there has been a growing interest in replacing petroleum fuels with so-called second generation environmental friendly fuels. Compared to traditional petroleum fuels dimethyl ether (DME) could be used as a clean high-efficiency compression ignition fuel with reduced particulate matter (PM), sulfur oxides (SOx), hydrocarbons (HC), carbon monoxide (CO) as well as combustion noise. Compared to some of the other leading...
Influence of Urea and Dimethyl Sulfoxide on K-Peptide Fibrillation
PublicationProtein fibrillation leads to formation of amyloids—linear aggregates that are hallmarks of many serious diseases, including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. In this work, we investigate the fibrillation of a short peptide (K-peptide) from the amyloidogenic core of hen egg white lysozyme in the presence of dimethyl sulfoxide or urea. During the studies, a variety of spectroscopic methods were used: fluorescence spectroscopy...
A Review on Deactivation and Regeneration of Catalysts for Dimethyl Ether Synthesis
Publicationhe deactivation of catalysts and their regeneration are two very important challenges that need to be addressed for many industrial processes. The most quoted reasons for the deterioration of dimethyl ether synthesis (DME) concern the sintering and the hydrothermal leaching of copper particles, their migration to acid sites, the partial formation of copper and zinc hydroxycarbonates, the formation of carbon deposits, and surface...
Hydrophobic derivatives of 2-amino-2-deoxy-D-glucitol-6-phosphate: a newtype of D-glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase inhibitors with antifungal action.
PublicationDokonano syntezy szeregu N-acylowych i estrowych pochodnych 2-amino-2-deok-sy-glucitolo-6-fosforanu (ADGP) i zbadano ich aktywność przeciwgrzybową oraz wobec enzymów zaangażowanych we wczesne etapy biosyntezy chityny w komórkach grzybów. Wszystkie badane pochodne okazały się słabszymi inhibitorami enzymu syntezy GlcN-6-P aniżeli ADGP, ale niektóre z nich wykazywały znacznie wyższą aktywność przeciwgrzybową niż związek macierzysty....
Spectroscopic properties of Yb3+/Er3+-doped antimony-phosphate glasses
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Hydrothermal, microwave and mechanochemical modification of amorphous zirconium phosphate structure
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Modification of Tin Phosphate Nanoporous Structure under Hydrothermal Conditions
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Analysis of TL and OSL kinetics in lithium magnesium phosphate crystals
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Inhibitors of glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase as potential antifungal drugs.
PublicationPrzedstawiono stan obecny i perspektywy zastosowania inhibitorów enzymu syntazy GlcN-6-P jako leków skutecznych w leczeniu grzybic układowych. Używając metod modelowania molekularnego zaprojektowano struktury inhibitorów enzymu należących do dwóch grup strukturalnych: analogów glutaminy oraz analogów stanu przejściowego reakcji katalizowanej przez enzym. Opracowano metody syntezy pochodnych zoptymalizowanych inhibitorów, wykazujących...
Functional domains of Candida albicans glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase.
PublicationSkonstruowano oddzielnie dwie domeny syntazy GlcN-6-P z Candida albicans jako białka fuzyjne, tj. domenę glutaminazową oraz domenę izomerazową, zawierające sekwencje poliHis, odpowiednio na C- i N-końcu. Zoptymalizowano warunki nadekspresji domen w komórkach Escherichia coli. Oba białka oczyszczono do homogenności przy zastosowaniu chromatografii metalopowinowactwa oraz zbadano ich podstawowe właściwości. Wyznaczono parametry kinetyczne...
Allosteric control of Candida albicans glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase.
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań spektrofluorymetrycznych syntazy GlcN-6-P z Candida albicans oraz enzymu zmutowanego, w którym reszty Trp388 i 690 zostały zamienione na drodze ukierunkowanej mutagenezy na reszty Phe. Metodą spektrofluorymetryczną badano wpływ ligandów: Fru-6-P (substrat), Gln (substrat), UDP-GlcNAc (inhibitor), Glc-6-P (aktywator), DON (analog glutaminy) w odpowiednio dobranych stężeniach. Obecność większości efektorów...
Construction of glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase with an internal hexahistydyl fragment
PublicationL-Glutamine: D-fructose-6-phosphate aminotransferase (EC, known also as glucosamine-6-phosphate (GlcN-6-P) syntase, catalyzes the first committed step in the amino sugar biosynthetic pathway in prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms. The enzyme carries out a complex reaction involving ammonia transfer and sugar phosphate isomerization. GlcN-6-P syntase is an important point of metabolic control of amino sugar biosynthesis...
Desensitization of glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase to inhibition by UDP-GlcNAc
PublicationGlucosamine-6-phosphate (GlcN-6-P) synthase, known also as L-Glutamine: D-fructose-6-phosphate amidotransferase, catalyzes the first committed step in the pathway leading to the ultimate formation of UDP-GlcNAc. The final product of this pathway is an activated precursor of numerous macromolecules containing amino sugars, including chitin and mannproteins in fungi, peptidoglycan and lipopolysaccharides in bacteria, and glycoproteins...
Steroid Sulfatase Inhibitors Based on Phosphate and Thiophosphate Flavone Analogs
PublicationA series of phosphate and thiophosphate flavone derivatives were synthesized and biologically evaluated in vitro for inhibition of steroid sulfatase (STS) activity. The described synthesis includes the straightforward preparation of 7-hydroxy-2-phenyl-4H-chromen-4-one 3a, 2-(4-fluorophenyl)-7-hydroxy-4H-chromen-4-one 3b, 7-hydroxy-2-(4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)-4H-chromen-4-one 3c, 7-hydroxy-2-(p-tolyl)-4H-chromen-4-one 3d modified...
Transition Metal Oxides influence on phosphate and borate glasses structure
PublicationBorate and phosphate glasses possess many potential luminescence and optical applications. With their low melting point, they are one of the most often studied amorphous materials. In recent years these glasses, doped with transition metal oxides (TMO), gained much attention due to their tunable structural and thermal properties. Review of systems containing TMOs was presented. Additionally synthesis of binary MnO-P2O5 and MnO-B2O3...
Impedance Studies of Phosphate-iron Glasses Containing Niobium and Titanium
PublicationThe ac and dc conductivity in phosphate-iron-niobate glasses with addition of titanium oxide was investigated as a function of temperature and frequency with the use of impedance spectroscopy. The topography and microstructure of glasses were investigated by the means of X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and confocal microscopy methods. The obtained results show that all samples are amorphous but they...
Modified Manganese Phosphate Conversion Coating on Low-Carbon Steel
PublicationConversion coatings are one of the primary types of galvanic coatings used to protect steel structures against corrosion. They are created through chemical reactions between the metal surface and the environment of the phosphating. This paper investigates the impact that the addition of new metal cations to the phosphating reaction environment has on the quality of the final coating. So far, standard phosphate coatings have contained...
PublicationTytułowy związek otrzymano w reakcji soli potasowej kwasu O,O-neopentylidenomonoselenofosforowego z jodkiem metylu. Analiza krystalograficzna tego estru wykazała, że grupa selenometylowa zajmuje pozycję aksjalną względem sześcioczłonowego pierścienia dioksafosforinanu.
The influence of intermolecular correlations on the infrared spectrum of liquid dimethyl sulfoxide
PublicationDimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is routinely applied as an excellent, water-miscible solvent and chemical reagent. Some of the most important data concerning its liquid structure were obtained using infrared (IR) spectroscopy. However, the actual extent of intermolecular correlations that connect the isolated monomer spectrum to the IR response of the bulk liquid is poorly studied thus far. Using ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulations,...
PublicationCentralny atom fosforu ma konfigurację piramidalną. Wiązania P-P w tytułowym związku wykazują charakter wiązania pojedynczego.
Nd3+/Yb3+Doped Phosphate and Antimony Glasses for Optical Fibre Source
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Effects of some antibiotics on glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase in sheep liver
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Renal Regulation of Calcium-Phosphate Metabolism in Single- and Twin Pregnant Goats
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Mixed conductivity in tungstenite-phosphate glasses containing alkali metal ions
PublicationThe conductivity of glasses in the 50WO3-(50-x)P2O5-xA2O (A = Na, K, Cs) system has been investigated as a function of composition. It is shown that in tungstenite-phosphate glasses containing different alkali metal ions the conductivity decreases with an increase in the alkali metal ion content. A decrease in conductivity is larger for heavier ions and reaches more than seven orders of magnitude in the case of glass containing...
Niobate in silicate and phosphate glasses: Effect of glass basicity on crucible dissolution
PublicationUsing niobium crucibles for melting phosphate and silicate glasses of various modifier oxide contents, and therefore varying optical basicity (Λ), was found to result in varying dissolution rates of niobate during melting. Because of their high electronic polarizability, even small concentrations of niobates are detectable in the Raman spectra of glasses. Even less than 1 mol% Nb2O5 can be identified, as independently confirmed...
Aggregation properties of some zirconium phosphate loaded with dirhenium(III) complexes
PublicationOne of the important areas of modern science is the selection of the right forms of drug delivery. Layered inorganic nanoparticles, such as zirconium phosphate, have proven themselves well in this area. The study of the properties of these systems and methods of their preparation makes it possible to determine a rational technology of their manufacture, storage conditions as well as suggest a possible mechanism of therapeutic action....
Influence of the structure of vanadate-phosphate glasses containing alkali ions on their polaronic properties
PublicationBadano wpływ struktury szkieł wanadanowo-fosforanowych zawierających jony metali alkalicznych na ich właściwości polaronowe metodą NMR.
Increase in circulating sphingosine-1-phosphate and decrease in ceramide levels in psoriatic patients
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Visible emission in Sm3+and Tb3+doped phosphate glass excited by UV radiation
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The crystal and solution studies of glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase from Candida albicans
PublicationOkreślono strukturę krystaliczną domeny izomerazowej syntazy glukozamino-6-fosforanu z Candida albicans w stanie natywnym, oraz w kompleksie z inhibitorem allosterycznym UDP-GlcNAc, fruktozo-6-P, glukozo-6-P oraz analogiem stanu przejściowego reakcji enzymatycznej - 2-amino-2-deoksy-D-mannitolo-6-P (ADMP). Na podstawie wyników badań metodą niskokątowego rozpraszania promieni X (SAXS) wydedukowano przypuszczalną strukturę kompletnej...
Characterization of Mesorhizobium huakuii lipid A containing bothD-galacturonic acid and phosphate residues.
PublicationLipid A jest mieszaniną co najmniej 6 związków, różniących się stopniem fosforylacji i strukturą kwasów tłuszczowych przyłączonych do szkieletu polisacharydowego. Szkielet cukrowy zawiera beta(1'->6)połączone dwie cząsteczki 2,3-diamino-2,3-dideoksyglucosy (DAG)oraz aglikon kwas alfa-D-galaktouronowy.
N-acylpeptides with glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase inhibitors - synthesisand antifungal activity
PublicationOpracowano syntezę kilku peptydów (di i tripeptydów) zawierających inhibitory syntazy glukozamino-6-fosforanu oraz przeprowadzono je w N-acylopochodne (acetylowe, heksanoilowe, dekanoilowe) oraz zbadano ich aktywność przeciwgrzybową w stosunku do szczepów Candida albicans z opornością wielolekową. Stwierdzono, że N-acylopeptydy wykazują aktywność przeciwgrzybową oraz określono wartości MIC.
Facilitated diffusion of glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase inhibitors enhances their antifungal activity
PublicationKwas N-3(4-metoksyfumaroilo)-L-2,3-diaminopropanowy (FMDP) i 2-amino-2-deo-ksy-D-glucitolo-6-fosforan (ADGP) są silnymi inhibitorami syntazy glukoza-mino-6-fosforanu, istotnego enzymu grzybowego, jednak ich aktywność przeciwgrzybowa jest słaba, ze względu na powolną penetrację tych związków przez błonę cytoplazmatyczną. W tej pracy badaliśmy możliwość poprawy działania przeciwgrzybowego ADGP i FMDP poprzez zwiększenie ich własności...