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Katalog Publikacji
Rok 2021
Molecular Characterisation of Uterine Endometrial Proteins during Early Stages of Pregnancy in Pigs by MALDI TOF/TOF
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Molecular Diffusion Simulation on ARUZ – Massively-parallel FPGA-based Machine
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Molecular Dynamics to Predict Cryo-EM: Capturing Transitions and Short-Lived Conformational States of Biomolecules
PublikacjaSingle-particle cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) has revolutionized the field of the structural biology, providing an access to the atomic resolution structures of large biomolecular complexes in their near-native environment. Today’s cryo-EM maps can frequently reach the atomic-level resolution, while often containing a range of resolutions, with conformationally variable regions obtained at 6 Å or worse. Low resolution...
Molecular insights into receptor binding energetics and neutralization of SARS-CoV-2 variants
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Molecular level interpretation of excess infrared spectroscopy
PublikacjaInfrared (IR) spectroscopy is an invaluable tool in studying intermolecular interactions in solvent mixtures. The deviation of the IR spectrum of a mixture from the spectra of its pure components is a sensitive measure of the non-ideality of solutions and the modulation of intermolecular interactions introduced by mutual influence of the components. Excess IR spectroscopy, based on the established notion of excess thermodynamic...
Molecular mechanism of proton-coupled ligand translocation by the bacterial efflux pump EmrE
PublikacjaThe current surge in bacterial multi-drug resistance (MDR) is one of the largest challenges to public health, threatening to render ineffective many therapies we rely on for treatment of serious infections. Understanding different factors that contribute to MDR is hence crucial from the global “one health” perspective. In this contribution, we focus on the prototypical broad-selectivity proton-coupled antiporter EmrE, one of the...
Molecular Mechanisms Associated with ROS-Dependent Angiogenesis in Lower Extremity Artery Disease
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Molecular Response in Intestinal and Immune Tissues to in Ovo Administration of Inulin and the Combination of Inulin and Lactobacillus lactis Subsp. cremoris
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Molecular Simulations Using Boltzmann’s Thermally Activated Diffusion - Implementation on ARUZ – Massively-parallel FPGA-based Machine
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Molecular targets for antifungals in amino acid and protein biosynthetic pathways
PublikacjaFungi cause death of over 1.5 million people every year, while cutaneous mycoses are among the most common infections in the world. Mycoses vary greatly in severity, there are long-term skin (ringworm), nail or hair infections (tinea capitis), recurrent like vaginal candidiasis or severe, life-threatening systemic, multiorgan infections. In the last few years, increasing importance is attached to the health and economic problems...
Molecular Umbrella as A Nanocarrier for Antifungals
PublikacjaA molecular umbrella composed of two O‐sulfated cholic acid residues was applied for the construction of conjugates with cispentacin, containing a “trimethyl lock” (TML) or o‐dithiobenzylcarbamoyl moiety as a cleavable linker. Three out of five conjugates demonstrated antifungal in vitro activity against C. albicans and C. glabrata but not against C. krusei, with MIC90 values in the 0.22–0.99 mM range and were not hemolytic. Antifungal...
Molecularly targeted nanoparticles: an emerging tool for evaluation of expression of the receptor for advanced glycation end products in a murine model of peripheral artery disease
PublikacjaAbstract Background: Molecular imaging with molecularly targeted probes is a powerful tool for studying the spatio-temporal interactions between complex biological processes. The pivotal role of the receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) in numerous pathological processes, aroused the demand for RAGE targeted imaging in various diseases. In the study, we evaluated the use of a diagnostic imaging agent for RAGE quantification...
Molybdenum-uranium-vanadium geochemistry in the lower Paleozoic Alum Shale of Scandinavia: Implications for vanadium exploration
PublikacjaThis paper investigates the hyper-enrichments of molybdenum (Mo), uranium (U), and vanadium (V) in the lower Paleozoic, Alum Shale of Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Estonia. Molybdenum and U are mainly associated with organic matter and the highest contents are found in the Furongian part of the Alum Shale. This Furongian hyper-enrichment of Mo and U commenced with the Steptoean Positive Carbon Isotope Excursion (SPICE) event. The...
Monitoring of Caged Bluefin Tuna Reactions to Ship and Offshore Wind Farm Operational Noises
PublikacjaUnderwater noise has been identified as a relevant pollution affecting marine ecosystems in different ways. Despite the numerous studies performed over the last few decades regarding the adverse effect of underwater noise on marine life, a lack of knowledge and methodological procedures still exists, and results are often tentative or qualitative. A monitoring methodology for the behavioral response of bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus)...
Monitoring Regenerative Heat Exchanger in Steam Power Plant by Making Use of the Recurrent Neural Network
PublikacjaArtificial Intelligence algorithms are being increasingly used in industrial applications. Their important function is to support operation of diagnostic systems. This paper pesents a new approach to the monitoring of a regenerative heat exchanger in a steam power plant, which is based on a specific use of the Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). The proposed approach was tested using real data. This approach can be easily adapted to...
Monitoring the curing process of epoxy adhesive using ultrasound and Lamb wave dispersion curves
PublikacjaMonitoring the stiffness of adhesives is a crucial issue when considering the durability andstrength of adhesive joints. While there are many studies conducted on specimens madeonly from adhesive, the problem of curing of an adhesive film in real joints is moderatelyconsidered. This paper presents the monitoring of stiffening of epoxy adhesive using ultra-sound. Ultrasonic pulse velocity method was firstly applied for monitoring...
Monitoring the Uniformity of Fish Feeding Based on Image Feature Analysis
PublikacjaThe main purpose of the conducted research is the development and experimental verification of the methods for detection of fish feeding as well as checking its uniformity in the recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) using machine vision. A particular emphasis has been set on the methods useful for rainbow trout farming. Obtained results, based on the analysis of individual video...
Monitoring Trends of Land Use and Land Cover Changes in Rajang River Basin
PublikacjaIn this study, the spatiotemporal changes in land use and land cover (LULC) were evaluated from 1992 to 2015 for the Rajang River Basin (RRB) located in the Sarawak State of Malaysia. The changes in water bodies cropped lands, and forests were assessed based on the available remotely sensed satellite data. Supervised classification with the Maximum-Likelihood-Algorithm technique was adopted for monitoring the LULC changes using...
Monitoring Vegetation Changes Using Satellite Imaging – NDVI and RVI4S1 Indicators
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Mono- and bimetallic (Pt/Cu) titanium(IV) oxide core–shell photocatalysts with UV/Vis light activity and magnetic separability
PublikacjaTitanium(IV) oxide is one of the most widely investigated photocatalysts. However, separation of nano-sized particulate titania might result in profitless technologies for commercial applications. Additionally, bare titania is almost inactive under the Vis range of solar spectrum due to its wide bandgap. Therefore, the present study aims to prepare novel coreinterlayer- shell TiO2 magnetic photocatalysts modified with metal nanoparticles...
Monocyte/Lymphocyte Ratio and MCHC as Predictors of Collateral Carotid Artery Disease—Preliminary Report
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Monocyte-to-Lymphocyte Ratio as a Predictor of Worse Long-Term Survival after Off-Pump Surgical Revascularization-Initial Report
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PublikacjaAfter a preliminary study of the currently employed methods in vitality monitoring of the tissue flaps (TRAM, DIEP, SIEA), a usefulness of optical techniques is discussed. It seems that one of the most promising in monitoring tissue flaps blood flow is a near infrared spectrometry (NIRS). However, a special design of a measurement sensor has to be developed. First, basing on the literature study an optical “window” is characterized....
Monument / Las Szpęgawski
PublikacjaWspółczesne monumenty często projektowane są tak, aby angażować uwagę odwiedzających miejsce pamięci nie tylko pod względem wizualnym. Zapraszają one do wejścia w swoją przestrzeń, nawet do dotknięcia powierzchni, a tym samym tworzą bliższe i bogatsze więzi ze zwiedzającymi. Tekst przedstawia Monument Pamięci w Lesie Szpęgawskim autorstwa Katarzyny Ephraim jako współczesne miejsce pamięci.
More than just a beer—the potential applications of by-products from beer manufacturing in polymer technology
PublikacjaBeer is the most popular alcoholic beverage in the world, and its popularity is continuously growing. Currently, global beer production is estimated at around 2 billion hectoliters. Nevertheless, the increasing production capacity implicates the rising issue of generated by-products—brewers’ spent grain, spent hops, spent yeast, and wastewater. They are generated in massive amounts, so having in mind the current pro-ecological...
Morpho-chemical characterization and source apportionment of potentially toxic metal(oid)s from school dust of second largest populous city of Pakistan
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Morphology Regulation Mechanism and Enhancement of Photocatalytic Performance of BiOX (X = Cl, Br, I) via Mannitol-Assisted Synthesis
PublikacjaBiOX (X = Cl, Br, I) photocatalysts with dominant (110) facets were synthesized via a mannitol-assisted solvothermal method. This is the first report on the exposed (110) facets-, size-, and defects-controlled synthesis of BiOX achieved by solvothermal synthesis with mannitol. This polyol alcohol acted simultaneously as a solvent, capping agent, and/or soft template. The mannitol concentration on the new photocatalysts morphology...
Morphology, Thermo-Mechanical Properties and Biodegradibility of PCL/PLA Blends Reactively Compatibilized by Different Organic Peroxides
PublikacjaReactive blending is a promising approach for the sustainable development of bio-based polymer blends and composites, which currently is gaining more and more attention. In this paper, biodegradable blends based on poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) and poly(lactic acid) (PLA) were prepared via reactive blending performed in an internal mixer. The PCL and PLA content varied in a ratio of 70/30 and 55/45. Reactive modification of PCL/PLA...
Morphology–Ionic Conductivity Relationship in Polymer–Titania Hybrid Electrolytes for Lithium-Ion Batteries
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Mother’s Milk Microbiome Shaping Fecal and Skin Microbiota in Infants with Food Allergy and Atopic Dermatitis: A Pilot Analysis
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Możliwości i ryzyka związane z automatyzacją weryfikacji pracy studentów na przykładzie przedmiotu Metrologia
PublikacjaPrzedmiot Metrologia jest wykładany na Wydziale Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej na trzecim semestrze studiów na trzech kierunkach: Elektronika i Telekomunikacja, Inżynieria Biomedyczna oraz Automatyka, Cybernetyka i Robotyka. W trakcie zajęć laboratoryjnych studenci wykonują sześć ćwiczeń, z których dwa są całkowicie oceniane przez program weryfikujący...
Możliwości i zasady stosowania hybrydowych urządzeń energochłonnych na przykładzie urządzenia SafeEnd
PublikacjaOd kilku lat na świecie stosowane są urządzenia energochłonne spełniające rolę poduszki zderzeniowej oraz terminala energochłonnego. Urządzenia te stosowane są do osłony zakończeń barier drogowych oraz osłony obiektów znaj-dujących się w strefie bezpieczeństwa drogi. Przykładem takiego urządzenia jest urządzenie energochłonne U-15a SafeEnd (SE) stosowane od niedawna w Polsce, jednakże niektórzy zarządcy dróg zgłaszają obawy do...
Możliwości zamiany elektrycznych przepływomierzy powietrza stosowanych w silnikach spalinowych samochodów
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono podstawowe typy przepływomierzy powietrza, stosowane w silnikach spalinowych samochodów: z klapąspiętrzającą, HLM, HFM, Vortex i MAP. Przedstawiono wyniki badania tych przepływomierzy na specjalnie przygotowanym stanowisku pomiarowym. Przeanalizowano możliwość ich zamiany i zweryfikowano taką możliwość w praktyce.
MRAS-Based Switching Linear Feedback Strategy for Sensorless Speed Control of Induction Motor Drives
PublikacjaThis paper presents a newly designed switching linear feedback structure of sliding mode control (SLF-SMC) plugged with an model reference adaptive system (MRAS) based sensorless fieldoriented control (SFOC) for induction motor (IM). Indeed, the performance of the MRAS depends mainly on the operating point and the parametric variation of the IM. Hence, the sliding mode control (SMC) could be considered a good control alternative...
MRI-Derived Subcutaneous and Visceral Adipose Tissue Reference Values for Children Aged 6 to Under 18 Years
PublikacjaThe assessment of body composition in pediatric population is essential for proper nutritional support during hospitalization. However, currently available methods have limitations. This study aims to propose a novel approach for nutrition status assessment and introduce magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-derived subcutaneous and visceral fat normative reference values. A total of 262 healthy subjects aged from 6 to 18 years underwent...
Multi-Aspect Quality Assessment Of Mobile Image Classifiers For Companion Applications In The Publishing Sector
PublikacjaThe paper presents the problem of quality assessment of image classifiers used in mobile phones for complimentary companion applications. The advantages of using this kind of applications have been described and a Narrator on Demand (NoD) functionality has been described as one of the examples, where the application plays an audio file related to a book page that is physically in front of the phone's camera. For such a NoD application,...
Multiaxial fatigue behaviour of maraging steel produced by selective laser melting
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Multicast Traffic Throughput Maximization through Joint Dynamic Modulation and Coding Schemes Assignment, and Transmission Power Control in Wireless Sensor Networks
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Multicoil dynamic wireless power transfer topology with shared primary side compensation system
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Multicriteria Decision Analysis and Grouping of Analytical Procedures for Phthalates Determination in Disposable Baby Diapers
PublikacjaThis study presents the application of one of the tools from the multicriteria decision analysis set (MCDA), the Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). Selected green analytical chemistry metrics were used to rank analytical procedures for the phthalate determination in disposable baby diapers. Nine analytical procedures were assessed in order to find one that has the lowest environmental impact...
Multi-criteria Optimization of the Abrasive Waterjet Cutting Process for the High-Strength and Wear-Resistant Steel Hardox®500
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Multidirectional Effects of Tormentil Extract on Hemostasis in Experimental Diabetes
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Multifaceted Analyses of Four Different Prototype Lightweight Photovoltaic Modules of Novel Structure
PublikacjaDynamic growth of photovoltaic capacity in Poland encourages many entities to invest in photovoltaic systems. However, in the case of buildings with low roof-bearing capacity it can be problematic or even impossible to mount conventional PV modules due to their relatively high weight. Hence, the use of lightweight PV modules is a potential solution. In this paper four different prototype silicon lightweight modules of novel structure...
Multimateriałowe oraz wielokolorowe drukowanie wysokiej jakości części z żywic utwardzanych światłem UV w technologii PolyJet
PublikacjaMożliwość budowania multimateriałowych oraz wielokolorowych elementów stanowi ważny trend w rozwoju technologii żywicznych druku 3D. W niniejszym opracowaniu skupiono się na charakterystyce podstawowej metody przetwarzającej ciekłe fotopolimery – technologii PolyJet. Omówiono zasadę jej działania oraz najważniejsze aspekty procesu dotyczące m.in. parametrów drukarki, stosowanych struktur podporowych oraz rodzaju uzyskiwanej powierzchni...
Multi-objective optimization of the cavitation generation unit structure of an advanced rotational hydrodynamic cavitation reactor
PublikacjaHydrodynamic cavitation (HC) has been widely considered a promising technique for industrial-scale process intensifications. The effectiveness of HC is determined by the performance of hydrodynamic cavitation reactors (HCRs). The advanced rotational HCRs (ARHCRs) proposed recently have shown superior performance in various applications, while the research on the structural optimization is still absent. The present study, for the...
Multi-objective Tabu-based Differential Evolution for Teleportation of Smart Virtual Machines in Private Computing Clouds
PublikacjaWe propose a multi-objective approach for using differential evolution algorithm with tabu search algorithm as an additional mutation for live migration (teleportation) of virtual machines. This issue is crucial in private computing clouds. Teleportation of virtual machines is supposed to be planned to determine Pareto-optimal solutions for several criteria such as workload of the bottleneck host, communication capacity of the...
Multiple Response Optimization of Abrasive Water Jet Cutting Process using Response Surface Methodology (RSM)
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Multiple-Criteria-Based Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Design Problem
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Multi-Technique Investigation of Grave Robes from 17th and 18th Century Crypts Using Combined Spectroscopic, Spectrometric Techniques, and New-Generation Sequencing
PublikacjaThe textile fragments of the funeral clothes found in the 17th and 18th century crypts were subjected to spectroscopic, spectrometric, and microbial investigation. The next-generation sequencing enabled DNA identification of microorganisms at the genus and in five cases to the species level. The soft hydrofluoric acid extraction method was optimized to isolate different classes of dyes from samples that had direct contact with...