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wyświetlamy 1000 najlepszych wyników Pomoc
Tackling Air Pollution in Cities with Modelling and Simulation: Remote Group Model Building as an Educational Tool Supporting System Dynamics Modelling
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Basic Hand Gestures Classification Based on Surface Electromyography
PublikacjaThis paper presents an innovative classification system for hand gestures using 2-channel surface electromyography analysis. The system developed uses the Support Vector Machine classifier, for which the kernel function and parameter optimisation are conducted additionally by the Cuckoo Search swarm algorithm. The system developed is compared with standard Support Vector Machine classifiers with various kernel functions. The average...
Speed sensorless asynchronous motor drive with inverter output lc filter
PublikacjaIn this paper a speed sensorless ac drive with inverter and output LC filter is proposed. A nonlinear, decoupled field oriented control algorithm with a flux and speed close-loop observer is used. In spite of using LC filter on the inverter output, the sensorless system works precisely. That result are obtained as a result of the appropriate estimation and control system use. The theory, simulation, and experimental results are...
Induction motor bearings diagnostic indicators based on MCSA and normalized triple covariance
PublikacjaInduction motors are one of the most widely used electrical machines. Statistics of bearing failures of induction motors indicate, that they constitute more than 40% of induction motor damage. Therefore, bearing diagnosis is so important for trouble-free work of induction motors. The most common methods of bearing diagnosis are based on vibration signal analysis. The main disadvantage of those methods is the need for physical access...
<title>Modular version of SIMCON, FPGA based, DSP integrated, LLRF control system for TESLA FEL part I: SIMCON 3.0 motherboard</title>
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Evaluating the mobile robot positions using accelerometer data
PublikacjaThis paper analyzes the problem of determining the position of a robot using an accelerometer, which is an essential part of inertial measurement units (IMU). The information gained from such a gauge, however, requires double integration of sensor data. To assure an expected effect, a mathematical model of a low-cost accelerometer of the MEMS type is derived. Moreover, in order to improve the performance of positioning based on...
Cooperative control in production and logistics
PublikacjaClassical applications of control engineering and information and communication technology (ICT) in production and logistics are often done in a rigid, centralized and hierarchical way. These inflexible approaches are typically not able to cope with the complexities of the manufacturing environment, such as the instabilities, uncertainties and abrupt changes caused by internal and external disturbances, or a large number and variety...
Energy Loss Coefficients ki in a Displacement Pump and Hydraulic Motor used in Hydrostatic Drives
PublikacjaThe article aims at defining and analysing the energy loss coefficients in design solutions of rotating displacement machines, with a piston machine as an example. The energy losses observed in these machines include mechanical loss, volumetric loss, and pressure loss. The scale and relations between these losses in different machines depend on machine design and manufacturing quality, and on operating parameters. The operating...
Cytokine TGFβ Gene Polymorphism in Asthma: TGF-Related SNP Analysis Enhances the Prediction of Disease Diagnosis (A Case-Control Study With Multivariable Data-Mining Model Development)
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Adaptive Optimal Discrete-Time Output-Feedback Using an Internal Model Principle and Adaptive Dynamic Programming
PublikacjaIn order to address the output feedback issue for linear discrete-time systems, this work suggests a brand-new adaptive dynamic programming (ADP) technique based on the internal model principle (IMP). The proposed method, termed as IMP-ADP, does not require complete state feedback, merely the measurement of input and output data. More specifically, based on the IMP, the output control problem can first be converted into a stabilization...
Synergic Effect of Selected Ingredients and Calcium Chloride on the Technological, Molecular and Microbial Usefulness of Eggshells and Their Impact on Sensory Properties in a Food Model System
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Experimental Analysis of a Laboratory-Scale Diesel Engine Exhaust Heat-Driven Absorption Refrigeration System as a Model for Naval Surface Ship Applications
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Robust asymptotic super twisting sliding mode observer for non-linear uncertain biochemical systems
PublikacjaThe problem of state estimation (reconstruction of the state vector) for a given class of biochemical systems under uncertain system dynamics has been addressed in this paper. In detail, the bioreactor at a water resource recovery facility represents the considered biochemical systems. The biochemical processes taking place in the bioreactor have been modelled using an activated sludge model. Based on this model, an appropriate...
Accurate modeling of quasi-resonant inverter fed IM drive
PublikacjaIn this paper wide-band modeling methodology of a parallel quasi-resonant dc link inverter (PQRDCLI) fed induction machine (IM) is presented. The modeling objective is early-design stage prediction of conductive electromagnetic interference (EMI) emissions of the considered converter fed IM drive system. Operation principles of the selected topology of PQRDCLI feeding IM drive are given. Modeling of the converter drive system is...
Metoda diagnostyki łożysk na podstawie analizy przebiegów prądu i napięcia zasilającego silnik indukcyjny.
PublikacjaW niniejszej monografii przedstawiono oryginalne podejście i realizację diagnostyki łożysk silników indukcyjnych przy użyciu metody opartej na pomiarach i analizie iloczynu wartości chwilowych prądu i napięcia zasilającego maszyny. Uzyskane wyniki badań eksperymentalnych na obiektach rzeczywistych okazały się zbieżne z wynikami badań symulacyjnych i potwierdziły, że powstanie uszkodzeń łożysk w silniku skutkuje pojawieniem się...
Sterowanie systemu elektroenergetycznego zasilanego układem kombinowanym silnik spalinowy - turbina gazowa = Control of electric power system suplied with combined diesel engine and gas turbine
PublikacjaPoddano badaniom symulacyjnym układ sterowania automatyc znego elektroenergetycznego systemu wydzielonego, zasilanego prądnicami napędzanymi przez wysokoprężny silnik spalinowy oraz turbinę gazową. Przebieg procesów symulacyjnych zależy głównie od nastawień regulatora częstotliwości systemu elektroenergetycznego. Od ustawień regulatora silnika tłokowego zależy mniej niż w przypadku turbiny gazowej. Nie odgrywa istotnej roli sposób...
<title>Software layer for SIMCON ver. 2.1. FPGA based LLRF control system for TESLA FEL part II: application layer, networking, examples</title>
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Data-driven models for fault detection using kernel pca:a water distribution system case study
PublikacjaKernel Principal Component Analysis (KPCA), an example of machine learning, can be considered a non-linear extension of the PCA method. While various applications of KPCA are known, this paper explores the possibility to use it for building a data-driven model of a non-linear system-the water distribution system of the Chojnice town (Poland). This model is utilised for fault detection with the emphasis on water leakage detection....
A robust sliding mode observer for non-linear uncertain biochemical systems
PublikacjaA problem of state estimation for a certain class of non-linear uncertain systems has been addressed in this paper. In particular, a sliding mode observer has been derived to produce robust and stable estimates of the state variables. The stability and robustness of the proposed sliding mode observer have been investigated under parametric and unstructured uncertainty in the system dynamics. In order to ensure an unambiguous non-linear...
Speed Sensorless AC Drive with Inverter LC Filter and Fault Detection Using Load Torque Signal
PublikacjaThe industrial development in recent years has seen a major increase in the use of induction motors, whereby the cost has to be as low as possible and the lifetime as long as possible. To follow up this desire, investigations in this area have become very intense. For that reason, this paper presents a solution for driving an induction motor and simultaneous fault detection with no need for additional sensors. In order to achieve...
The Design Development of the Sliding Table Saw Towards Improving Its Dynamic Properties
PublikacjaCutting wood with circular saws is a popular machining operation in the woodworking and furniture industries. In the latter sliding table saws (panel saws) are commonly used for cutting of medium density fiberboards (MDF), high density fiberboards (HDF), laminate veneer lumber (LVL), plywood and chipboards of different structures. The most demanded requirements for machine tools are accuracy and precision, which mainly depend on...
Task Assignments in Logistics by Adaptive Multi-Criterion Evolutionary Algorithm with Elitist Selection
PublikacjaAn evolutionary algorithm with elitist selection has been developed for finding Pareto-optimal task assignments in logistics. A multi-criterion optimization problem has been formulated for finding a set of Pareto- optimal solutions. Three criteria have been applied for evaluation of task assignment: the workload of a bottleneck machine, the cost of machines, and the numerical performance of system. The machine constraints have...
The chapter analyses the K-Means algorithm in its parallel setting. We provide detailed description of the algorithm as well as the way we paralellize the computations. We identified complexity of the particular steps of the algorithm that allows us to build the algorithm model in MERPSYS system. The simulations with the MERPSYS have been performed for different size of the data as well as for different number of the processors used for the computations. The results we got using the model have been compared to the results obtained from real computational environment.
PublikacjaThe chapter analyses the K-Means algorithm in its parallel setting. We provide detailed description of the algorithm as well as the way we paralellize the computations. We identified complexity of the particular steps of the algorithm that allows us to build the algorithm model in MERPSYS system. The simulations with the MERPSYS have been performed for different size of the data as well as for different number of the processors used...
Model i system rozmyty zarządzania zespołami projektowymi realizującymi przedsięwzięcia informatyczne oraz ocena procesów wytwarzania systemów opartych na wiedzy
PublikacjaW pracy omawia się konstrukcję samonastrajającego modelu rozmytego zarządzania przedsięwzięciami informatycznymi, stosowanego do wspomagania wytwarzania systemów opartych na wiedzy. Proponowany model służy w szczególności do zarządzania zmianami finansowania i czasu realizacji projektów. Opiera się on na eksperymentalnej regułowej wiedzy, pochodzącej z realizacji zarządzania przedsięwzięciami informatycznymi, na teorii systemów...
<title>Modular version of SIMCON, FPGA based, DSP integrated, LLRF control system for TESLA FEL part II: measurement of SIMCON 3.0 DSP daughterboard</title>
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Wpływ błędów parametrów modelu maszyny indukcyjnej na działanie rozszerzonego obserwatora prędkości
PublikacjaW artykule opisano metodę odtwarzania prędkości wirnika maszyny indukcyjnej przy wykorzystaniu rozszerzonego obserwatora prędkości. Zbadano wpływ błędów parametrów modelu maszyny indukcyjnej na właściwości dynamiczne obserwatora poprzez porównanie macierzy stanu obserwatora obarczonego oraz nieobarczonego błędami parametrów. Zbadany został także wpływ błędów parametrów na jakość odtwarzania zmiennych maszyny w stanie ustalonym.
Mobile wireless measurement system for potatoes storage management
PublikacjaThe paper discusses the idea and the design of a remote control system for a storage management of agricultural products which temperature may rise in a result of biological processes during the storage. Exemplary potatoes storehouse is discussed as an application of the automation system. Because of existing buildings and infrastructure in the farm, wireless data transfer system has been proposed for both sensors to data acquisition...
Kernel PCA in Application to Leakage Detection in Drinking Water Distribution System
PublikacjaMonitoring plays an important role in advanced control of complex dynamic systems. Precise information about system's behaviour, including faults detection, enables efficient control. Proposed method- Kernel Principal Component Analysis (KPCA), a representative of machine learning, skilfully takes full advantage of the well known PCA method and extends its application to nonlinear case. The paper explains the general idea of KPCA...
The reduction of vibrations in circular sawing machines
PublikacjaThe presented in this paper the main objectives of the research were to explore vibrations signals of the main spindle system, the machine tool body and a circular saw to extract informative features for assessment of the designs of the panel saw Fx3 and its follower Fx550.Even though the main spindle of the new table sliding saw Fx550 has its rotational speeds larger about 20% in comparison to the Fx3, peak values of the vibrational...
A Review of Reduction Methods of Impact of Common-Mode Voltage on Electric Drives.
PublikacjaIn this survey paper, typical solutions that focus on the reduction in negative effects resulting from the common-mode voltage influence in AC motor drive applications are re-examined. The critical effectiveness evaluation of the considered methods is based on experimental results of tests performed in a laboratory setup with an induction machine fed by an inverter. The capacity of a common-mode voltage level reduction and voltage...
An interval estimator for chlorine monitoring in drinking water distribution systems under uncertain system dynamics, inputs and chlorine concentration measurement errors
PublikacjaThe design of an interval observer for estimation of unmeasured state variables with application to drinking water distribution systems is described. In particular, the design process of such an observer is considered for estimation of the water quality described by the concentration of free chlorine. The interval observer is derived to produce the robust interval bounds on the estimated water quality state variables. The stability...
Differentiating patients with obstructive sleep apnea from healthy controls based on heart rate-blood pressure coupling quantified by entropy-based indices
PublikacjaWe introduce an entropy-based classification method for pairs of sequences (ECPS) for quantifying mutual dependencies in heart rate and beat-to-beat blood pressure recordings. The purpose of the method is to build a classifier for data in which each item consists of two intertwined data series taken for each subject. The method is based on ordinal patterns and uses entropy-like indices. Machine learning is used to select a subset...
Multiprocessor implementation of Parallel Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm for Optimized Allocation of Chlorination Stations in Drinking Water Distribution System - a new water quality model approach
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Potential of Polish R&D industry in the context of prototyping, design, development and control of a dedicated national satellite SAR system for marine ecosystem monitoring. Technical paper - preliminary study
Publikacjapace technology is currently one of the most important elements in the advance of information societies and knowledge-based economies all over the world. The European Space Agency (ESA) is in the focal point of European space activities, while the European Union provides strong financial support for the development of space technologies and applications in its flagship programs. In a domestic scope, the Polish Space Agency (POLSA)...
Diagnosis of bearing damage in induction motors by instantaneous power analysis
PublikacjaResearch of the machine with simulated bearing damages has been carried out, where variable load torque, simulating bearing damage, was introduced. The results show that components which can be used for bearings diagnosis appear in the spectrum of the product of current and supply voltage instantaneous values. These components are easier to identify than the components of current spectrum, which have been used so far in diagnostic...
A Comprehensive Analysis of Deep Neural-Based Cerebral Microbleeds Detection System
PublikacjaMachine learning-based systems are gaining interest in the field of medicine, mostly in medical imaging and diagnosis. In this paper, we address the problem of automatic cerebral microbleeds (CMB) detection in magnetic resonance images. It is challenging due to difficulty in distinguishing a true CMB from its mimics, however, if successfully solved it would streamline the radiologists work. To deal with this complex three-dimensional...
Fuzzy Gaussian Decision Tree
PublikacjaThe Decision Tree algorithm is one of the first machine learning algorithms developed. It is used both as a standalone model and as an ensemble of many cooperating trees like Random Forest, AdaBoost, Gradient Boosted Trees, or XGBoost. In this work, a new version of the Decision Tree was developed for classifying real-world signals using Gaussian distribution functions and a fuzzy decision process. The research was carried out...
Sawing Processes as a Way of Determining Fracture Toughness and Shear Yield Stresses of Wood
PublikacjaA new computational model, based on fracture mechanics, was used to determine cutting forces. Unlike traditional computing methods, which depend on many coefficients reflecting the machining of solid wood, the new model uses two main parameters: fracture toughness and shear yield stresses. The aim of this study was to apply this new method to determine these parameters for the tooth cutting edge principal positions and longitudinal...
PublikacjaSurface quality of holes plays an important role in machine manufacturing industry especially in the production of car engines and hydraulic cylinders. Investigations of honing process were carried out by 6 years on horizontal CNC Sunnen’s honing machine HTH 4000S, on vertical conventional honing machine WMW’s SZS 200 and on CNC milling machine of Haas VF 3SS with equipment of Honingtec for honing. Measurements of cylindricity...
Research on Tool Temperature Dependence on Lapping Grains Size
PublikacjaCommonly used as a finishing operation, lapping has been used for achieving ultra-high finishes and close tolerances between mating pieces. Its carried out by applying loose abrasive grains between work and lap surfaces, and causing a relative motion between them resulting in a finish of multi-directional lay. The grains activity (sliding and rolling) in the working gap causes not only the material removal but also the temperature...
Coupled Urban Areas Inundation Model with Interaction Between Storm Water System and Surface Flow - Case Study of Sea Level Impact on Seaside Areas Flooding
PublikacjaInundations are becoming more frequent than ever. What is connected with increasing area of impervious surface in cities. This makes predicting urban flooding and its scale especially important. At the seaside we observe additional conditions such as sea level that makes accurate numerical modelling of issue even harder. With complex approach to the matter which is simultaneous calculation of storm water conduit flow and overland...
Wpływ automatycznej kalibracji wizyjnego systemu pozycjonowania na dokładność lokalizacji elementu roboczego
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono strukturę i działanie automatycznego wizyjnego systemu pozycjonowania (PVS), który został zainstalowany na maszynie waterjet (WJ). Ponadto przeprowadzono analizę wpływu kalibracji na działanie PVS. Podstawę systemu stanowią dwie kamery internetowe zamontowane na przemysłowej maszynie WJ. W połączeniu z algorytmem identyfikacji, system przeznaczony jest do pozycjonowania WJ z dużą dokładnością. W tym celu...
Polyarmonic model of synchronous generator for analysis of autonomous power generation systems
PublikacjaAbstract: This paper presents the polyharmonic modelling of synchronous generator (SG) in machine variables. The simple geometry and windings physical layout has been used for inductance calculations of a salient-pole SG. The main advantage of this model is the ease of describing an autonomous power generation system (APGS) in terms of its topology and thus providing effective analysis at the static and dynamic states, both for...
A subdomain model for armature reaction field and open‐circuit field prediction in consequent pole permanent magnet machines
PublikacjaIn this paper, the machine quantity, such as electromagnetic torque, self and mutual inductances, and electromotive force, is analytically calculated for non-overlapping winding consequent pole slotted machine for open-circuit field and armature reaction. The sub-domain approach of (2-D) analytical model is developed using Maxwell's equations and divide the problem into slots, slot-openings, airgap and magnets region, the magnet...
PublikacjaThe paper presents the effect of phase shifters as FACTS devices on the possibility of improving the angle stability. Presented results obtained by the dynamic simulation performed on the mathematical model of the three machine system cooperating with the 400 kV network. The generative blocks models include turbine models with their controllers and models of synchronous generators with their excitation systems and voltage regulation....
Comparison of state feedback and PID control of pressurizer water level in nuclear power plant
PublikacjaThe pressurizer water level control system in nuclear power plant with pressurized water reactor (PWR) is responsible for coolant mass balance. The main control goal is to stabilize the water level at a reference value and to suppress the effect of time-varying disturbances (e.g. coolant leakage in primary circuit pipeline system). In the process of PWR power plant operation incorrect water level may disturb pressure control or...
Multimedia interface using head movements tracking
PublikacjaThe presented solution supports innovative ways of manipulating computer multimedia content, such as: static images, videos and music clips and others that can be browsed subsequently. The system requires a standard web camera that captures images of the user face. The core of the system is formed by a head movement analyzing algorithm that finds a user face and tracks head movements in real time. Head movements are tracked with...
Modernization of the control system to reduce a risk of severe accidents during non-pressurized ammonia storage Modernizacja układu sterowania w celu redukcji ryzyka poważnych awarii bezciśnieniowego przechowywania amoniaku
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Wybrane aspekty modelowania uderzenia pojazdem dźwigara wiaduktu
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono różne zagadnienia związane z uderzeniem pojazdu w dźwigar wiaduktu. Omówiono wybór modelu obliczeniowego, na podstawie porównania wyników dla modelu dźwigara zespolonego, modelu dźwigara stalowego oraz modelu wiaduktu. Następnie opisano model dźwigara zespolonego zastosowany w analizie MES oraz metodę wyznaczania współczynników tłumienia Rayleigha. Symulację numeryczną uderzenia dźwigara wiaduktu przez koparkę...
Reducing common mode voltage and bearing currents in quasi - resonant DC - link inverter
PublikacjaIn the paper, a concept of separation of an inverter-fed induction motor drive from its mains supply by two transistor switches inserted in the dc-link circuit is reexamined based on the proposed parallel quasi-resonant dc-link inverter (PQRDCLI). The objective of the paper is to show an advantage of the proposed topology in limiting high frequency common mode voltage and bearing currents. In the laboratory setup, an induction...