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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: damages
Detection of damages in a rivetted plate
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results of damage detection in a riveted aluminium plate. The detection method has been based on Lamb wave propagation. The plate has been analysed numerically and experimentally. Numerical calculations have been carried out by the use of the time-domain spectral finite element method, while for the experimental analysis laser scanning Doppler vibrometry (LSDV) has been utilised. The panel has been excited...
Digital survey of damages on the façade of a historical building
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Wave Propagation Modelling in Composite Plates with Damages
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono model i wyniki analizy propagacji fali spręzystej w płycie kompozytowej z uszkodzeniami.
Diagnosis of damages in family buildings using neural networks
PublikacjaThe article concerns a problem of damages in family buildings, which result from traffic-induced vibrations. These vibrations arise from various causes and their size is influenced by many factors. The most important is the type of a road, type and weight of vehicles that run on the road, type and condition of the road surface, the distance from the house to the source of vibrations and many others which should be taken into account....
Acoustic Emission Monitoring of Structural Elements of a Ship for Detection of Fatigue and Corrosion Damages
PublikacjaUszkodzenia korozyjne i pęknięcia zmęczeniowe są głównymi przyczynami defektów strukturalnych we wszystkich środkach transportu takich jak statki, cysterny drogowe i kolejowe. Oba typy degradacji tzn. degradacja materiału i konstrukcji są przedmiotem badań przeprowadzanych w projekcie badawczym VII Programu Ramowego Unii Europejskiej o nazwie ''Monitorowanie efektywnych kosztów korozji i zmęczenia w środkach transportu'' (akronim...
PublikacjaThe article discusses damages of essential tribological associations in crankshaft and piston systems of large power two-stroke engines used as main engines, which take place during transport tasks performed by those ships. Difficulties are named which make preventing those damages impossible, despite the fact that the technical state of engines of this type is identified with the aid of complex diagnostic systems making use of...
The use of Acoustic Emission to identification damages bearings the main and crank engines about the automatic ignition
PublikacjaThe article describes the laboratory tests, which make the first stage of the study concerning the use of the AE method to determine the technical state of the slide bearings in engines with self-ignition. The aim of the present tests was to compare the recorded signals in relation to the technical state of the material of the bearing bush and to check the possibility of using the AE method in determining the transition moment...
Identification of damages in the inlet air duct of a diesel engine based on exhaust gas temperature measurements
PublikacjaThe temperature of the exhaust gas of a diesel piston engine, measured in the characteristic control sections of its thermo-flow system, can be a valuable source of diagnostic information about the technical condition of the elements limiting the working spaces thus separated, including the turbocharging system, but also its fuel supply system and replacement of the medium. In standard marine engine measurement systems equipped...
A few words on the modification of the ruling in the part concerning compensatory damages/ "Kilka słów o modyfikacji orzeczenia w części dotyczącej kompensacji szkody"
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PublikacjaThe article discusses damages of essential tribological associations in crankshaft and piston systems of large power two-stroke engines used as main engines, which take place during transport tasks performed by those ships. Difficulties are named which make preventing those damages impossible, despite the fact that the technical state of engines of this type is identified with the aid of complex diagnostic systems making use of...
Degradation of the Concrete Railway Track Bed Located in the Vicinity of the Loading Wharf
PublikacjaThe following article describes the damages of the concrete railway track bed at the place of unloading petroleum products located in the immediate vicinity of the cargo berth. The concrete of the track bed has been a subject to degradation as a result of many years of exploitation resulting, inter alia, in its cyclical flooding of petroleum products during the unloading and loading of rail tankers. Repairs carried out in the previous...
Uszkodzenia wielowarstwowych posadzek betonowych
PublikacjaPosadzki wielowarstwowe to często projektowane elementy wewnętrznego wykończenia budowli. Mają bardzo duży wpływ na kształtowanie architektoniczne wnętrz oraz zapewnienie właściwych warunków użytkowania. W artykule przedstawiono przyczyny wystąpienia uszkodzeń posadzki w postaci rys i spękań. Górna trudno ścieralna warstwa posadzki grubości ok. 20 mm została wykonana metodą „mokre na suche”.
Pounding mitigation of a short-span cable-stayed bridge using a new hybrid passive control system
PublikacjaThis paper investigates the effectiveness of a new hybrid passive control system on the seismic response of an existing steel cable-stayed bridge considering the pounding effect. The proposed hybrid passive control system comprises a seismic isolator and a metallic damper. The bridge is located in a high seismic zone and has suffered several damages including the earthquake-induced pounding damage during the 1988 earthquake....
Degradation of implantable materials – in vivo and in vitro research
PublikacjaThe article concerns the biological and electrochemical degradation of metallic implants in vivo and in vitro studies. The in vivo research dealt with degradation of plates used to join bones, as well as endoprostheses. The most common damages were: metalosis, breaking in the microstructure changes, breaking in area of holes, as well as plastic deformation throughout the length of an implant. The material used for the research...
Evaluation of pounding effects between reinforced concrete frames subjected to far-field earthquakes in terms of damage index
PublikacjaIn this paper, three different damage indexes were used to detect nonlinear damages in two adjacent Reinforced Concrete (RC) structures considering pounding effects. 2-, 4- and 8-story benchmark RC Moment Resisting Frames (MRFs) were selected for this purpose with 60%, 75%, and 100% of minimum separation distance and also without any in-between separation gap. These structures were analyzed using the incremental dynamic analysis...
PublikacjaThe quality of the developed design documentation and the maintenance of the technological regime during construction works have a decisive impact on the subsequent safety of the structure, as well as the safety of use of the building. The paper describes the defects and damages of an open, rectangular reinforced concrete tank for hot process water, which failed during a short period of operation. The article also presents the...
PublikacjaIn this paper, based on a deep overview and literature study, the different formulas proposed for damage indices (DIs) applied to reinforced concrete structures under monotonic or cyclic loading are classified and presented. The DIs are applied to quantify the damages to structures, ranging from zero to one. Normally, they are applied to make a decision for repairing or demolition of the structures in the post-earthquake phases. Keywords:...
Naprawa przegubów Estakady Kwiatkowskiego w Gdyni = Hinges repair og the E. Kwiatkowskiego trestle bridge in Gdynia
PublikacjaE. Kwiatkowskiego trestle bridge is one of the main parts of road infrastructure that connects sea transport (container terminal BTC) national roads A1,1,7. Every limitation of motor traffic causes many problems for Gdynia inhabitants and moreover economical loss in transport economy. In recent two years there were expertise and repair project of hinges carried out. Paper presents genesis and reasons of hinges damages, theoretical...
Assessment of technical condition and repair of steel structure elements on the example of fire damage in a warehouse building
PublikacjaThe paper analyses a case study on the structural assessment of warehouse building partially damaged by fire caused by external source (fire of lorries close to the building). The authors focus on the site investigations and laboratory test results prior to assessing actual condition of the structural elements. Both strengthening concept and repair procedure of a steel column are addressed here. A short literature survey in the...
Numerical FDM modelling of wave propagation in concrete structure
PublikacjaThe article presents application of finite difference method to damage detection and its size evaluation in concrete structure by elastic wave propagation method. The simulations of wave propagation in concrete structure were performed for six different damage scenarios. Damages were modelled as areas with changed material properties. Investigation focused on the influence of damage size on the energy of wave reflection. Presented...
Operational causes of fatigue failures within the passages of gas turbine engines
PublikacjaThe short profile of a fatigue wear process of gas turbine engine's constructional elements has been introduced in the article. The primary causes of a fatigue cracks formation within the mechanical system as well as within the passages of the engine have been showed. Especial attention was devoted to the low-cycle fatigue, what is associated with unsteady thermal-flow processes being worked out in the passages.The selected damages...
Causes of damage and methods of repairing floor made on polystyrene concrete
PublikacjaThe paper describes damages, tests and repair of the floor made on existing ceiling and expanded polystyrene concrete underlay. The floor was built on a reinforced concrete ceiling with an area of about 1050 m2. Significant damage in the form of cracks, detachments and unevenness was found in the floor. In order to determine the causes of damage, in situ tests and laboratory tests were carried out. It was found that the damage...
PublikacjaThe article presents selected results of the analysis of the comprehensive monitoring of the historical building of the “Sala BHP” in Gdansk. The necessity of monitoring was caused by scratches on its structural and finishing elements that occurred in the previous period. A preliminarily assumed factor that could cause the expansion of existing damages and the possible formation of new ones was the planned implementation of...
The Novel Findings About the Hussite’s Warfares in the Gdansk/Danzig Surrounding in the Late Summer of 1433
PublikacjaOne of the most spectacular episodes during the Hussite Wars was the Czech raid through the lands of the Teutonic Order up to the Baltic Sea in 1433. Although historians and then-witnesses focused on the sacked Cistercian Abbey in Oliva and soldiers filling the bottles with seawater, the scale of damages in the main harbour of Prussia and its surroundings has not been the subject of research yet. Furthermore, most scholars treatthe...
Diagnosis of bearing damage in induction motors by instantaneous power analysis
PublikacjaResearch of the machine with simulated bearing damages has been carried out, where variable load torque, simulating bearing damage, was introduced. The results show that components which can be used for bearings diagnosis appear in the spectrum of the product of current and supply voltage instantaneous values. These components are easier to identify than the components of current spectrum, which have been used so far in diagnostic...
The semi-Markov model of the process of appearance of sea-going ship propupsion system ability and inability states in application to determining the reliablity of these systems
PublikacjaThe article presents possible application of the theory of semi-Markov processes in creating the eight-state model of the process of appearance of the propulsion systems ability and inability states on sea-going vessels performing transportation tasks in a relatively long operating time t (t → ∞). The model has been proved to be able to be successfully used for determining the reliability of the abovementioned systems. The probability...
RMS-based damage detection in reinforced concrete beams: numerical simulations
PublikacjaImage-based damage detection methods using guided waves are well known and widely applied approaches in structural diagnostics. They are usually utilized in detection of surface damages or defects of plate-like structures. The article presents results of the study of applicability of imaging wave-based methods in detection in miniscule internal damage in the form of debonding. The investigations were carried out on numerical models...
Exhaust gas temperature measurements in diagnostic examination of naval gas turbine engines. Part II. Unsteady processes
PublikacjaThe second part of the article presents the results of operating diagnostic tests of a two- and three-shaft engine with a separate power turbine during the start-up and acceleration of the rotor units. Attention was paid to key importance of the correctness of operation of the automatic engine load control system, the input for which, among other signals, is the rate of increase of the exhaust gas flow temperature. The article...
Seismic Pounding Between Bridge Segments: A State-of-the-Art Review
PublikacjaEarthquake-induced structural pounding in bridge structures has been observed in several previous seismic events. Collisions occur at the expansion joints provided between adjacent decks or between the deck and abutment. Pounding between the structural elements may lead to severe damages and even to the unseating of the bridge in certain cases. Several investigations have been performed to study pounding in bridges under uniform...
Verification of Formulas for Periods of Adjacent Buildings Used to Assess Minimum Separation Gap Preventing Structural Pounding during Earthquakes
PublikacjaInsufficient separation distance between adjacent buildings may lead to serious damages during earthquakes due to structural pounding. The best way to prevent collisions is to provide sufficiently large separation distance between the structures. In this paper, the periods of two closely-spaced linear and nonlinear buildings have been investigated so as to accurately assess the minimum in-between separation gap. A new equation...
PublikacjaIn the time of high urbanization, the need to build closely-spaced structures forces the designers to take into account earthquake-induced collisions between adjacent buildings and their effects on the response of structures. Past and recent investigations confirmed that interactions between adjacent buildings during earthquakes may cause serious damages to the structural elements and may even lead to total collapse of the structure....
"Shadow" method application within endoscopic examinations of marine engines
PublikacjaThe paper deals with diagnostic issues concerning endoscopic examinations of the working spaces within marine diesel and gas turbine engines. In the beginning, the endoscopy apparatus being on the laboratory equipment of the Department of Ship Power Plants of Gdansk University of Technology in Poland has been characterized. The endoscopy considerations have been focused on theoretical bases of a digital image processing and especially...
"Shadow" method application within endoscopic examinations of marine engines
PublikacjaThe paper deals with diagnostic issues concerning endoscopic examinations of the working spaces within marine diesel and gas turbine engines. In the beginning, the endoscopy apparatus being on the laboratory equipment of the Department of Ship Power Plants of Gdansk University of Technology in Poland has been characterized. The endoscopy considerations have been focused on theoretical bases of a digital image processing and especially...
Functionalization of graphene oxide coatings with phosphorus atoms and their corrosion resistance in sodium chloride environment
PublikacjaIn this work, we compared corrosion resistance of graphene oxide, and phosphorus functionalized reduced graphene oxide coatings obtained as a result of electrophoretic deposition on the copper substrate. Doping graphene oxide with phosphorus atoms was performed by a hydrothermal method in the presence of different amounts of phosphoric acid. Structural studies confirmed the insertion of phosphorus atoms into the graphene oxide...
Surface texture of pine wood beams after planing in industrial conditions
PublikacjaMeasuring the surface features of wooden components after planing is connected with the rising demands regarding to the quality of the painted window frames. In the paper the complex surface texture analysis especially identifying of surface damages using non-contact 3D measurement techniques for precise area measurement were presented.This enabled the study of irregular surface features with sufficient fidelity and resolution....
PublikacjaThe conducted research investigations aimed to carry out an identification of the constructional materials fatigue state of the ship propulsions’ rotational mechanical units for diagnostic purposes. The fatigue cracks of the elements transmitting mechanical energy streams from the propulsion engines to the ship propellers or to the generators of the ship’s electric power station stand for a primary reason for the secondary, usually...
Experimental study on steel columns subjected to impact load under earthquake conditions
PublikacjaEarthquakes affecting urbanized regions cause exceptional loads to load bearing structural elements such as columns. Such a boost in the load conditions can lead to severe damages which, in a worst case scenario, can lead to a total collapse of a building. This boost is caused by the horizontal ground movement generating a rise in the internal forces due to considerable large displacement between the top and bottom support of columns....
Predicting the seismic collapse capacity of adjacent SMRFs retrofitted with fluid viscous dampers in pounding condition
PublikacjaSevere damages of adjacent structures due to structural pounding during earthquakes have emphasized the need to use some seismic retrofit strategy to enhance the structural performance. The purpose of this paper is to study the influence of using linear and nonlinear Fluid Viscous Dampers (FVDs) on the seismic collapse capacities of adjacent structures prone to pounding and proposing modification factors to modify the median...
Detection of debonding in adhesive joints using Lamb wave propagation
PublikacjaAdhesively bonded joints are widely used in many branches of industry. Mechanical degradation of this type of connections does not have significant symptoms that can be noticed during visual assessment, so non-destructive testing becomes a very important issue. The paper deals with experimental investigations of adhesively bonded steel plates with different defects. Five samples (an intact one and four with damages in the form...
Przyczyny uszkodzeń i sposób naprawy posadzki ze styrobetonu
PublikacjaW artykule opisano uszkodzenia, badania i sposób naprawy posadzki wykonanej na istniejącym stropie żelbetowym o powierzchni ok. 1050 m2 i podłożu ze styrobetonu. W posadzce stwierdzono znaczne uszkodzenia w postaci zarysowań, odspojeń i nierówności. W celu określenia ich przyczyn wykonano badania in situ oraz badania laboratoryjne. Stwierdzono, że przyczyną powstania uszkodzeń są błędy wykonawcze. Wykonano próbną naprawę uszkodzeń...
Trwałość spawanych instalacji wodnych wykonanych z nierdzewnych stali austenitycznych
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono dwa przypadki przedwczesnych uszkodzeń spawanych instalacji wodnych wykonanych ze stali odpornych na korozję. W celu ustalenia przyczyn uszkodzenia instalacji przeprowadzono badania metalograficzne, makro - i mikroskopowe oraz mikroanalizę składu chemicznego EDS na próbkach pobranych z reprezentatywnych miejsc. Wykazano, że głównymi przyczynami awarii rurociągów wody pitnej były niezgodności spawalnicze,...
Endoscopic image processing and analysis of pistons' service failures of marine diesel engines
PublikacjaThe paper deals with diagnostic issues concerning endoscopic examinations of working spaces within marine diesel engines. In the beginning, endoscopy apparatus being on laboratory equipment of the Department of Ship Power Plants of Gdansk University of Technology has been characterized. The endoscopy considerations have been focused on theoretical bases of a digital image processing and especially - on the "Shadow" measurement...
Debonding Detection in Reinforced Concrete Beams with the Use of Guided Wave Propagation
PublikacjaOne of the most frequent damage of the reinforced concrete structures is debonding between steel bar and concrete cover. In the case of debonding occurrence not only the strength of the structure decreases, but also it is more vulnerable to corrosion damages. For this reason fast and effective methods of debonding detection in an early stage of its development need a significant boost. The paper presents analytical and experimental...
Comparative review of piezoelectric biomaterials approach for bone tissue engineering
PublikacjaBone as a minerals’ reservoir and rigid tissue of the body generating red and white blood cells supports various organs. Although the self-regeneration property of bone, it cannot regenerate spontaneously in severe damages and still remains as a challenging issue. Tissue engineering offers several techniques for regenerating damaged bones, where various biomaterials are examined to fabricate scaffolds for bone repair. Piezoelectric...
Selektywne chłodzenie mózgu noworodka po Niedotlenieniu okołoporodowym. Część 1. Medyczne fakty oraz przegląd dostępnych rozwiązań systemów selektywnego chłodzenia mózgu
PublikacjaMózg ludzki jest organem delikatnym, dlatego tak ważne jest zadbanie o to, aby już w momencie przyjścia na świat noworodek miał zapewnioną, w razie konieczności możliwość minimalizacji uszkodzeń neurologicznych, spowodowanych niedotlenieniem okołoporodowym. Niedotlenienie to w dramatyczny sposób zaburza homeostazę mózgu, który jako organ najbardziej energochłonny potrzebuje najwięcej tlenu. Zapoczątkowane brakiem tlenu procesy...
Radar technique in application of interlayer identification connections
PublikacjaOne of important issues in pavement construction is to ensure that layers applied directly one on top of the other make up a continuous whole and form an integral construction complex. An appropriate interlayer connection plays here significant role ensuring proper transmission of distortions generated by wheels of vehicles to lower layers and preventing water penetration between the layers. In case of damaged pavements where lack...
Non-linear strain rate analysis of earthquake-induced pounding between steel buildings
PublikacjaPast and recent earthquakes have shown that ground motions may cause severe structural damage to civil engineering structures. Earthquake-induced pounding between adjacent buildings has been identified as one of the reasons which intensifies damages. The aim of this paper is to show the results of the detailed nonlinear FEM analysis of earthquake-induced pounding between two steel buildings. The elastic – perfectly plastic material...
Use of Neural Networks in Diagnostics of Rolling-Element Bearing of the Induction Motor
PublikacjaBearing defect is statistically the most frequent cause of an induction motor fault. The research described in the paper utilized the phenomenon of the current change in the induction motor with bearing defect. Methods based on the analysis of the supplying current are particularly useful when it is impossible to install diagnostic devices directly on the motor. The presented method of rolling-element bearing diagnostics used indirect...
PublikacjaObjects of cultural heritage are an extremely important element in the proper functioning of the social life. They provide information on our ancestors' actions, as well as shape our culture and social awareness. It is important for the historical objects to provide those information accurately, that is without any unnecessary human intervention over the years of the monument's existence. However, it is not always possible due...
Experimental study on the effectiveness of polymer damper in damage reduction of temporary steel grandstand
PublikacjaA large number of accidents, involving collapses of temporary grandstands during different types of events, were observed in the past. If the synchronized movement of people is tuned with the natural frequency of the affected part of the structure, resonance might occur. It may lead to severe damages of grandstands, their collapse or panic among the spectators. The aim of the paper is to assess, through preliminary experimental...