wszystkich: 329
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: CELLULAR STRUCTURE
Design of a Cellular Dual-Band Sticker Antenna for Thickness-Independent 3D-Printed Substrates
PublikacjaAdditive manufacturing technology provides high flexibility in designing custom enclosures for prototype devices such as nodes of distributed sensor networks. Although integration of components is desired from the perspective of sensor mobility, it might negatively affect the performance of radio-connectivity due to couplings between the antenna and system peripherals, as well as other unaccounted effects of the 3D printed enclosure....
Application of advanced spectroscopic methods in the assessment of the leachability degree of hazardous elements from the matrix of cellular concretea
PublikacjaDue to its structure, autoclaved cellular concrete exhibits good insulating properties with relatively high compressive strength values. It is increasingly used in construction because of its economic attractiveness. Autoclaved cellular concrete is mainly used in interior structure layers, and therefore its potential exposure to heavy metal leaching from the matrix may be related to the presence of a high pH medium from other materials...
Selected symmetrically substituted carbazoles: Investigation of anticancer activity and mechanisms of action at the cellular and molecular levels
PublikacjaDNA topoisomerases play a critical role as essential enzymes in controlling alterations in the topology of DNA. They achieve this by orchestrating the coordinated process of breaking and rejoining DNA strands, which is crucial for maintaining the proper structure of DNA during regular cellular development. The search for and development of new potential anticancer drugs is a challenging yet immensely important area of research...
From Bioink to Tissue: Exploring Chitosan-Agarose Composite in the Context of Printability and Cellular Behaviour
PublikacjaThis study presents an innovative method for producing thermosensitive bioink from chitosan hydrogels saturated with carbon dioxide and agarose. It focuses on a detailed characterisation of their physicochemical properties and potential applications in biomedicine and tissue engineering. The ORO test approved the rapid regeneration of the three-dimensional structure of chitosan–agarose composites in a unidirectional bench press...
Mission impossible for cellular internalization: When porphyrin alliance with UiO-66-NH2 MOF gives the cell lines a ride
PublikacjaIs it possible to accelerate cell internalization by hybridization of nanomaterials? Herein we support the realization of using metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) with the assistance of rigid porphyrin structure (H2TMP) aimed at drug loading, drug release, relative cell viability, and targeted in vitro drug delivery. There are several MOFs, i.e., UiO-66-NH2 (125 ± 12.5 nm), UiO-66-NH2 @H2TMP (160 ± 14 nm), UiO-66-NH2 @H2TMP@DOX, and...
On the decomposition of stochastic cellular automata
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Coastal cellular distress system
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono koncepcję systemu bezpieczeństwa w morskiej strefie A1, opartego o istniejące sieci komórkowe GSM. System ten został opracowany dla potrzeb małych jednostek pływających (nieinstytucjonalnych), które mają ograniczony dostęp do zasobów systemu GMDSS. Zostały przeprowadzone również badania symulacyjne efektywności lokalizowania terminala ruchomego w warunkach morskich. Otrzymane rezultaty w wybranych warunkach spełniają...
Evaluation and cellular responses of modulators of TRF1/TRF2 protein’s function as potential anticancer drugs interfering with telomeric shelterin’s function
PublikacjaA number of proteins that interact with telomeres have been identified in human cells, indicating the high plasticity of human nucleoprotein complex organization. The most important complex is the "shelterin" complex, which consists of six proteins: TRF1, TRF2, TIN2, POT1, TPP1. The TRF1 and TRF2 directly bind to telomeric double-stranded DNA and the TIN2 protein. The TIN2 protein also binds to the TPP1 protein, stabilizing the...
Cellular and molecular basis of thyroid autoimmunity
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Cellular Response to Unfolded Proteins in Depression
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Application of a cellular automaton to simulations of granular flow in silos
PublikacjaA cellular automaton based on a gas model of hydrodynamics was used to calculate the kinematics of non-cohesive granular materials during confined flow in a mass flow and funnel flow model silo. In the model, collisions of particles were taken into account during granular flow. In addition, a simplified automaton was used wherein granular flow was assumed as an upward propagation of holes through a lattice composed of cells representing...
Analysis of elementary cellular automata using the theory of conflict
PublikacjaThe paper contains decomposition of elementary cellular automata (ECA in short) to subsystems that are defined according to a new theory called theory of conflict (ToC in short). The decomposition is a completely new approach to analysis of ECA and complex systems in general.
Cellular Interactions in the Intestinal Stem Cell Niche
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A Statistical Approach to the Identification of Diploid Cellular Automata
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Applying artificial intelligence for cellular networks optimization
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Non invasive optical cellular imaging in humans.
PublikacjaOne of the most appealing and still unsolved problems in biological and medical imaging is the possibility of noninvasive visualization of tissue in vivo with an accuracy of microscopic examination. A major difficulty to solve in biomedical imaging is a degradation of image quality caused by the presence of optical inhomogeneity of tissue. Is there any chance to develop a microscopic method that allows non-invasive observation...
Planning cellular machining systems for lean production.
PublikacjaRozważano zagadnienie projektowania struktur systemów obróbki o zdeterminowanych możliwościach technologicznych, odpowiadających wymaganiom oszczędnej produkcji. Przedstawiono model matematyczny wyznaczania struktur systemów grupowego wytwarzania, wykorzystujący zasady formalizmu relacji i grafów rozmytych. Zawarto wyniki badań symulacyjnych efektywności procesów wytwarzania określonego spektrum przedmiotowego, przebiegających...
Application of a cellular automata model to granular flow
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wyniki modelowania przepływów granulowanych przy zastosowaniu automatu komórkowego. Obliczenia wykonano dla silosów ze wstawkami i ścianką szczelną. Przyjęto różne schematy propagacji ziaren.
Application of an improved cellular automaton for granular flow.
PublikacjaW artykule omówiono wyniki numeryczne z zastosowaniem ulepszonego aparatu komórkowego do przepływów silosowych materiałów granulowanych. W modelu uwzgledniono zderzenia cząstek i dysypację energii. Wyniki porównano z wynikami badań modelowych.
An intelligent cellular automaton scheme for modelling forest fires
PublikacjaForest fires have devastating consequences for the environment, the economy and human lives. Understanding their dynamics is therefore crucial for planning the resources allocated to combat them effectively. In a world where the incidence of such phenomena is increasing every year, the demand for efficient and accurate computational models is becoming increasingly necessary. In this study, we perform a revision of an initial proposal...
Comprehensive Investigation of Stoichiometry–Structure–Performance Relationships in Flexible Polyurethane Foams
PublikacjaPolyurethane (PU) foams are versatile materials with a broad application range. Their performance is driven by the stoichiometry of polymerization reaction, which has been investigated in several works. However, the analysis was often limited only to selected properties and compared samples differing in apparent density, significantly influencing their performance. In the bigger picture, there is still a lack of comprehensive studies...
Cellular network quality evaluation at a university campus on the eve of 5G
PublikacjaThanks to the availability of mobile devices and the spread of broadband access around the world, the number of network users continues to grow. This has raised user awareness when it comes to the quality of content they consume. Many service providers and operators focus on monitoring QoN (Quality of Network) and QoS (Quality of Service) parameters, particularly those influenced by bandwidth and latency. However, for most end-users,...
Cellular neural network application to moire pattern filtering
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Cellular uptake of biotransformed graphene oxide into lung cells
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The Density Classification Problem in the Context of Continuous Cellular Automata
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Accuracy analysis of a mobile station location in the cellular networks
PublikacjaJakość usług lokalizacyjnych oferowanych w sieciach komórkowych zależy od efektywności estymacji położenia terminala ruchomego. Dokładność obecnie stosowanych metod lokalizacyjnych jest niewystarczająca, szczególnie w odniesieniu do wywołań w niebezpieczeństwie. Modyfikacja istniejących algorytmów może istotnie wpłynąć na zwiększenie dokładności lokalizowania terminala ruchomego przy jednocześnie niewielkich nakładach finansowych....
Planning and simulation studies of cellular-type manufacturing processes
PublikacjaZaproponowano metodę i algorytmy projektowania struktur organizacyjnych systemów wytwarzania typu gniazdowego, z wykorzystaniem zdefiniowanych modeli zapisu wiedzy technologicznej i zasad grupowej obróbki przedmiotów. Wyznaczono wskaźniki efektywności procesu grupowego przebiegającego w systemach gniazdowych z rozmieszczeniem komórkowym oraz funkcjonalnym stanowisk wg przyjętych formuł analitycznych. Zawarto wyniki zrealizowanych...
Analysis of non-linear properties of cardiomyocyte cellular membranes.
PublikacjaNieliniowe właściwości błon komórkowych kardiomiocytów są dotychczas słabo poznane. W pracy zamodelowano błonę komórkową przy pomocy modelu Beelera-Reutera w modyfikacji Drouharda-Roberge. Przeprowadzono symulacje z użyciem pobudzenia napięciowego o częstotliwości 1 lub 100 kHz i wartości skutecznej 1 lub 10 mV. Prądy płynące przez błonę rozpatrywano jako odpowiedź. Stwierdzono odpowiedź na częstotliwości podstawowej oraz jej drugiej...
Deep Learning-Based Cellular Nuclei Segmentation Using Transformer Model
PublikacjaAccurate segmentation of cellular nuclei is imperative for various biological and medical applications, such as cancer diagnosis and drug discovery. Histopathology, a discipline employing microscopic examination of bodily tissues, serves as a cornerstone for cancer diagnosis. Nonetheless, the conventional histopathological diagnosis process is frequently marred by time constraints and potential inaccuracies. Consequently, there...
Regulation of Cellular Redox Homeostasis by (–)-Epicatechin and Cocoa Extracts—A Pilot Study
PublikacjaCocoa polyphenols play an important role in protection against diseases in which oxidative stress is implicated as a causal or contributing factor. The main aim of this study was to elucidate the influence of different cocoa extracts and main cocoa bioactive compound (–)-epicatechin on cell growth and support of antioxidant cellular barrier in colon adenocarcinoma cell line model (HT29). Results show that the tested cocoa bioactivity...
PublikacjaCocoa polyphenols play an important role in protection against diseases in which oxidative stress is implicated as a causal or contributing factor. The main aim of this study was to elucidate the influence of different cocoa extracts and main cocoa bioactive compound (–)-epicatechin on cell growth and support of antioxidant cellular barrier in colon adenocarcinoma cell line model (HT29). Results show that the tested cocoa bioactivity...
Comparison of Redox Properties of Flavonoid Aglycones and Corresponding Glycosides and Their Mixtures in the Cellular Model
PublikacjaFlavonoids are polyphenolic compounds commonly found in plants. As dietary components, they have been shown to exhibit numerous pro-health properties that are believed to be associated with their antioxidant effects. In this study, the antioxidant activity of four flavonoid compounds was determined by cellular antioxidant activity assay using HT29 cells as a model of the alimentary tract. The strongest impact on cellular redox...
Mesoporous silica nanoflakes – Biocompatibility, cellular uptake and drug transport
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Two-dimensional rotation-symmetric number-conserving cellular automata
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Efficient methods for radio location service in cellular communication networks
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono dwie oryginalne metody lokalizowania terminala ruchomego w sieciach komórkowych trzeciej generacji. Metody te podczas estymacji położenia terminala nie wymagają znajomości różnicy czasów w synchronizacji poszczególnych stacji bazowych, przez co są tanie w implementacji. Przedstawiono wyniki badań symulacyjnych zaproponowanych metod.
Cellular Nuclei Differentiation Evaluated by Automated Analysis of CLSM Images
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An evolutionary approach to the identification of Cellular Automata based on partial observations
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Design framework and simulation investigation of cellular parts manufacturing applications
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono koncepcję projektowania przebiegów grupowego wytwarzania asortymentu przedmiotów w systemach typu przepływowego, z wykorzystaniem algorytmu analizy podobieństwa ciągów znakowych, reprezentujących marszruty procesów, i jego oceny wg kryterium odległości Levenshteina, zgodnie z paradygmatem oszczędnej produkcji. Efektywność proponowanej metodyki weryfikowano symulacyjnie wg określonych scenariuszy, opisujących wariantowe...
Simulations of flow patterns in silos with a cellular automaton - part 2
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono wyniki symulacji przepływów silosowych przy zastosowaniu zaawansowanego aparatu komórkowego, w którym uwzględniono kolizje cząstek i dysypację energii. Obliczenia wykonano dla przepływu masowego i kominowego.
Estimation of transmission quality in cellular systems based on indicators measured by the radio module
PublikacjaThe article presents a measurement stand for testing transmission quality in cellular systems such as LTE, NB-IoT, UMTS and GSM. The results of BLER and throughput measurements for various propagation conditions as well as results of quality indicators appropriate for mentioned technologies measured by commercial radio module are presented. Those measurements were utilized to analyze the possibility of estimating the transmission...
Regulated Assembly of LPS, Its Structural Alterations and Cellular Response to LPS Defects
PublikacjaDistinguishing feature of the outer membrane (OM) of Gram-negative bacteria is its asymmetry due to the presence of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in the outer leaflet of the OM and phospholipids in the inner leaflet. Recent studies have revealed the existence of regulatory controls that ensure a balanced biosynthesis of LPS and phospholipids, both of which are essential for bacterial viability. LPS provides the essential permeability...
Study on the Effect of Rotating Magnetic Field on Cellular Response of Mammalian Cells
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Cellular senescence induced by DNA damage and its role in carcinogenesis and chemotherapy
PublikacjaUszkodzenia DNA indukują w komórce różne procesy, w tym starzenie komórkowe, co może uruchamiać proces karcinogenezy jak i być związane z odpowiedzią na leki przecinowotworowe. Biologiczna rola starzenia komórkowego nie jest jednak jasna. Zasugerowano, że proces starzenia komórkowego może hamować proces karcinogenezy poprzez indukcję nieodwracalnego zahamowania wzrostu przez czynniki genotoksyczne. Indukcja starzenia komórkowego...
Correction of Huntington’s Disease Phenotype by Genistein-Induced Autophagy in the Cellular Model
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Vitamin C enhances substantially formation of 5-hydroxymethyluracil in cellular DNA
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Identification of Cellular Automata Based on Incomplete Observations With Bounded Time Gaps
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A statistical approach to the identification of diploid cellular automata based on incomplete observations
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Genes of cellular components of morphogenesis in porcine oocytes before and after IVM
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A systematic review on cellular responses of Escherichia coli to nonthermal electromagnetic irradiation
PublikacjaInvestigation of Escherichia coli under electromagnetic fields is of significance in human studies owing to its short doubling time and human‐like DNA mechanisms. The present review aims to systematically evaluate the literature to conclude causality between 0 and 300 GHz electromagnetic fields and biological effects in E. coli. To that end, the OHAT methodology and risk of bias tool were employed. Exponentially growing cells exposed...
Cellular localization and putative role of aquaporin-2 Ser-261 in the bovine kidney