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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: temperature
A comparative study on geopolymers synthesized by different classes of fly ash after exposure to elevated temperatures
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Effect of long term service at elevated temperatures on mechanical properties of Manaurite XM reformer tubes
PublikacjaMicrostructure transformations occur in the Manaurite XM cast steel tubes during long-term operation in the reformer furnace were revealed and described. The rela tionship between mechanical properties, an increase of internal diameter of the tube and microstructure degradation is discussed. Static tensile test was performed on two types of samples with different shapes. It has been shown differences in the results of tests...
Chapter 15 : Methods of determination of correct operation area for hydraulic component in low ambient temperatures
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań eksperymentalnych zespołów hydraulicznych: silników satelitowych, silników orbitalnych, pomp i silników zębatych, rozdzielaczy suwakowych w tym proporcjonalnych, pomp tłoczkowych, siłowników w warunkach szoku termicznego w celu określenia obszarów parametrów prawidłowego i nieprawidłowego rozruchu nie tylko tych badanych zespołów. Została stworzona baza danych z wartościami współczynników...
The effect of long-term service at elevated temperatures on structure and mechanical properties of Cr-Mo-V steel
PublikacjaPurpose: of this paper is to reveal the microstructural changes in 13HMF steel exposed to long-term service at elevated temperatures. The degradation of bainite structure was determined and carbides morphology has been examined. The influence of carbides evolution was discussed in dependence of creep rupture strength and mechanical properties of the steel.
Mechanical Properties of Brass under Impact and Perforation Tests for a Wide Range of Temperatures: Experimental and Numerical Approach
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Changes in enzymatic activity of fish and slaughter animals meat after high pressure treatment at subzero temperatures
PublikacjaThe aim of this study was to determine changes in the activity of proteolytic enzymes and transglutaminase of fish and mammal meat after pressurization at subzero temperatures. The activity was measured at the optimal pHs determined for enzymes from particular types of tested meat. It was found that increasing the pressure in the range of 60–193 MPa, did not change significantly the activity of acidic proteases of cod flesh, while...
Assessment of Thermal Stresses in Asphalt Mixtures at Low Temperatures Using the Tensile Creep Test and the Bending Beam Creep Test
PublikacjaThermal stresses are leading factors that influence low-temperature cracking behavior of asphalt pavements. During winter, when the temperature drops to significantly low values, tensile thermal stresses develop as a result of pavement contraction. Creep test methods can be suitable for the assessment of low-temperature properties of asphalt mixtures. To evaluate the influence of creep test methods on the obtained low-temperature...
Investigations into Particulate Emissions from Euro 5 Passenger Cars with DISI Engines Tested at Multiple Ambient Temperatures
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The use of accumulation elements with lumped parameters to model the operation of heat exchange installations under randomly changing temperatures
PublikacjaAt the design stage of heat exchange installation used for gas conversion it is required to test the stability of the installation operation for the expected variable heat loads. For this purpose, a numerical model of the installation can be used. The paper presents an original concept of modelling the operation of heat exchange installations for randomly changing temperatures. Accumulation elements with lumped parameters were...
Effect of Amino Acids and Sodium Chloride on d-Sorbitol in Aqueous Solutions at Different Temperatures: Volumetric and Acoustic Approach
PublikacjaApparent molar volumes and apparent molar compressibilities for d-sorbitol in (0.05, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3) mol·kg−1 aqueous solutions of l-alanine, l-cysteine and l-histidine and NaCl have been determined from measurements of solution density at T = (288.15, 298.15, 308.15 and 318.15) K and sound velocity at T = 298.15 K, as a function of the concentration of the sugar alcohol. The data were used to obtain the limiting apparent molar...
Experimental study of flow boiling pressure drop and heat transfer of R1233zd(E) at moderate and high saturation temperatures
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results of experimental study of flow boiling of R1233zd(E) in minichannel at moderate and high saturation temperatures. The heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop were measured for flow boiling in a stainless steel tube with 2 mm inside diameter and a length of 300 mm. Experiment has been conducted for saturation temperatures ranging from 83 to 145 °C which corresponds to values of reduced pressures...
Reducing average and peak temperatures of VLSI CMOS circuits by means of evolutionary algorithm applied to high level synthesis.
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono adaptacyjny algorytm ewolucyjny zastosowany do syntezy wysokiego poziomu układów cyfrowych CMOS w celu zredukowania pobieranej przez nie mocy. Prowadzi to do redukcji szczytowej i średniej temperatury układu scalonego. Dzięki temu uzyskuje się wzrost niezawodności projektowanych układów scalonych.
Glass transition temperatures of polyurethane-urea elastomers based on N, N′-ethylenethiourea and N, N′-ethyleneurea as chain extenders
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Stabilitě des coques lasto-viscoplastiques en grandes rotations soumises aux charges dynamiques et temperatures variables.
PublikacjaPrzeanalizowano stabilność powłoki walcowej poddanej obciążeniu równomiernie rozłożonemu. Przeanalizowano wpływ temperatury na wielkość obciążenia krytycznego. W obliczeniach metodą elementów skończonych zastosowano lepkoplastyczne związki konstytutywne.
Effect of constant and fluctuating temperatures during frozen storage on quality of marinated fillets from Atlantic and Baltic herrings (Clupea harengus)
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Analytical method of determining dynamic properties of thermocouples used in measurements of quick – changing temperatures of exhaust gases in marine diesel engines
PublikacjaThe article presents selected issues of mathematical modeling of heat exchange between the thermocouple and the exhaust gas flowing them, in unsteady conditions. On the way of energy balancing consideration of thermodynamic processes developed differential equations describing the dynamic properties for three versions of the design sheathed thermocouples: with weld isolated from the sheath, with weld welded the sheath and with...
Wpływ podwyższonych temperatur na napawane warstwy na bazie kobaltu = The elevated temperatures influence on the cobalt base cladding layer
Publikacjaw pracy przeanalizowano wpływ temperatur utleniania (850, 950 i 110 stopni C) na mikrostrukturę i twardośc napawanych plazmowo warstw zykonanych z proszku na bazie kobaltu zdodatkiem 28,8% chromu, 4,9% wolframu, 2,2% niklu, 2,09% żelaza, 1,2% krzemu i 1,2% węgla. W wyniku utleniania na powierzchni napoiny powstaje warstwa tlenku chromu stanowiaca dobrą ochronę w niższych temperaturach, jednak w temperaturach wyższych ulega ona...
Analyse du comportement des coques elastoviscoplastiques en grandes rotations soumisses aux charges dynamiques et temperatures variables.
PublikacjaPrzeanalizowano wpływ temperatury na zachowanie się panelu cylindrycznego. Obliczenia przeprowadzono w zakresie dużych przemieszczeń i obrotów z uwzględnieniem wpływu temperatury na lepkoplastyczne zależności konstytutywne (model Chaboche´a).
Electron Density from Balmer Series Hydrogen Lines and Ionization Temperatures in Inductively Coupled Argon Plasma Supplied by Aerosol and Volatile Species
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Low temperature cracking equipment: Termal Stress Restrained Specimen Test (TSRST); Uniaxial Tensile Strength Test (UTST); Tensile Creep Test (TCT); Relaxation Test (RT);
Aparatura Badawcza -
Dynamic Behavior of Aluminum Alloy Aw 5005 Undergoing Interfacial Friction and Specimen Configuration in Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar System at High Strain Rates and Temperatures
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Research of hydraulic axial piston pump at low ambient temperatures
Dane BadawczePresented data include the results of measurements of oil temperature at the inlet and outlet of the hydraulic pump (theoretical displacement is equal to 16 cm3/rev) , temperature of the heated pump and oil pressure at the inlet and outlet of the pump.
The XRD diffraction patterns of LSCNT sintered at various temperatures
Dane BadawczeThe dataset includes XRD diffraction patterns of La0.27Sr0.54Ce0.09Ni0.1Ti0.9O3-s sintered at various temperatures under air atmosphere for 12 h. Samples were produced using aqueous soft chemistry methods (Pechini).
Effect of the Cooling Time in Annealing at 350°C on the Phase Transformation Temperatures of a Ni<sub>5</sub><sub>5</sub>Ti<sub>4</sub><sub>5</sub> wt. Alloy
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X-ray diffraction of ZnIn2S4 layers on TiO2NT and FTO annealed at different temperatures
Dane BadawczeData show XRD results for ZnIn2S4 layers deposited using hydrothermal method on FTO glass and TiO2 nanotubes. The layers were annealed in air atmosphere at 300, 400 and 500 oC.
Pore size distribution of PC-X (porous carbon materials obtained at various temperatures)
Dane BadawczeThese data contain pore size distribution of PC-700 (porous carbon materials obtained at 700°C), PC-800 (porous carbon materials obtained at 800°C) and PC-900 (porous carbon materials obtained at 900°C) analyzed by the nitrogen adsorption/desorption technique.
SEM images of cross sections of porous Sr0.86Ti0.65Fe0.35O3 oxygen electrodes sintered at different temperatures
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains cross sectional images of the porous Sr0.86Ti0.65Fe0.35O3 oxygen electrodes symmetric cells samples interface. Here are presented images of electrodes sintered at 950 °C, 1000 °C and 1050 °C. Images were obtained using a FEI Quanta FEG 250 Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) with an accelerating voltage of 10 kV in a high vacuum...
Series resistance (at 800 °C - 500 °C) of the Sr0.86Ti0.65Fe0.35O3 porous oxygen electrodes sintered at different temperatures
Dane BadawczeIn this dataset are presented results of the ohmic contribution of differently sintered Sr0.86Ti0.65Fe0.35O3 porous oxygen electrodes in symetrical cell. Applied sintering temperatures were 900 °C, 950 °C, 1000 °C and 1050 °C. The measurement temperature range was between 800 °C and 500 °C in stationary air. Results converted to electrode surfaces area.
Series resistance (at 800 °C - 500 °C) of the SrTi0.65Fe0.35O3 porous oxygen electrodes sintered at different temperatures
Dane BadawczeIn this dataset are presented results of the ohmic contribution of differently sintered Sr0Ti0.65Fe0.35O3 porous oxygen electrodes in symetrical cell. Applied sintering temperatures were 900 °C, 950 °C and 1000 °C. The measurement temperature range was between 800 °C and 500 °C with synthetic ari flow (21% O2, 40 ml min-1). Results converted to electrode...
Series resistance (at 800 °C - 500 °C) of the SrTi0.50Fe0.50O3 porous oxygen electrodes sintered at different temperatures
Dane BadawczeIn this dataset are presented results of the ohmic contribution of differently sintered Sr0Ti0.50Fe0.50O3 porous oxygen electrodes in symetrical cell. Applied sintering temperatures were 900 °C, 950 °C and 1000 °C. The measurement temperature range was between 800 °C and 500 °C with synthetic ari flow (21% O2, 40 ml min-1). Results converted to electrode...
Series resistance (at 800 °C - 500 °C) of the SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3 porous oxygen electrodes sintered at different temperatures
Dane BadawczeIn this dataset are presented results of the ohmic contribution of differently sintered Sr0Ti0.30Fe0.70O3 porous oxygen electrodes in symetrical cell. Applied sintering temperatures were 900 °C, 950 °C and 1000 °C. The measurement temperature range was between 800 °C and 500 °C with synthetic ari flow (21% O2, 40 ml min-1). Results converted to electrode...
Chemical diffusion coefficient of oxygen (D*) of the SrxTi0.30Fe0.70O3 (x=0.90, 0.95 and 1.00) at different temperatures
Dane BadawczeIn this dataset are presented D* values designated based on the electrical conductivity relaxation (ECR) mesurement of the SrxTi0.30Fe0.70O3 (x=0.90, 0.95, 1.00) materials. The applied temperatures were 800 °C, 750 °C, 700 °C, 650 °C, and 600 °C. Studies were performed in a small tube furnace (internal diameter ~20 mm) with 64 cm3 gas volume. During...
The XRD diffraction patterns of reduced LSCNT prepared using two methods and two sintering temperatures
Dane BadawczeThe dataset includes XRD diffraction patterns of La0.27Sr0.54Ce0.09Ni0.1Ti0.9O3-s produced using two methods, namely organic (citrate assisted) and Pechini sintered at 1000 or 1200oC under air atmosphere and reduced at 900 for 12 h in wet H2.
Vibration signals collected for concrete beams with GFRP reinforcement subjected to elevated temperatures (120C-240C)
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains the time domain signals obtained during dynamic tests of concrete beams reinforced with GFRP bars. The vibration were induced with the use of modal hammer, while the signals were collected by the accelerometers attached at the beam surface. The signals were captured before and after subjecting the concrete beams to elevated temperatures.
Area specific resistance (at 800 °C - 500 °C) of the Sr0.86Ti0.65Fe0.35O3 porous oxygen electrodes sintered at different temperatures
Dane BadawczeIn this dataset are presented results of the polarization resistance of differently sintered Sr0.86Ti0.65Fe0.35O3 porous oxygen electrodes in symetrical cell. Applied sintering temperatures were 900 °C, 950 °C, 1000 °C and 1050 °C. The measurement temperature range was between 800 °C and 500 °C in stationary air. Results converted to electrode surfaces...
Area specific resistance (at 800 °C - 500 °C) of the SrTi0.50Fe0.50O3 porous oxygen electrodes sintered at different temperatures
Dane BadawczeIn this dataset are presented results of the polarization resistance of differently sintered SrTi0.50Fe0.50O3 porous oxygen electrodes in symetrical cell. Applied sintering temperatures were 900 °C, 950 °C and 1000 °C. The measurement temperature range was between 800 °C and 500 °C with synthetic air flow (21% O2, 40 ml min-1). Results converted to...
Area specific resistance (at 800 °C - 500 °C) of the SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3 porous oxygen electrodes sintered at different temperatures
Dane BadawczeIn this dataset are presented results of the polarization resistance of differently sintered SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3 porous oxygen electrodes in symetrical cell. Applied sintering temperatures were 900 °C, 950 °C and 1000 °C. The measurement temperature range was between 800 °C and 500 °C with synthetic air flow (21% O2, 40 ml min-1). Results converted to...
Area specific resistance (at 800 °C - 500 °C) of the SrTi0.65Fe0.35O3 porous oxygen electrodes sintered at different temperatures
Dane BadawczeIn this dataset are presented results of the polarization resistance of differently sintered SrTi0.65Fe0.35O3 porous oxygen electrodes in symetrical cell. Applied sintering temperatures were 900 °C, 950 °C and 1000 °C. The measurement temperature range was between 800 °C and 500 °C with synthetic air flow (21% O2, 40 ml min-1). Results converted to...
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM ) images of PC-X (porous carbon materials obtained at various temperatures)
Dane BadawczeThese data contain SEM (scanning electron microscopy) images of PC-700 (porous carbon materials obtained at 700°C), PC-800 (porous carbon materials obtained at 800°C) and PC-900 (porous carbon materials obtained at 900°C).
X-ray Diffraction (XRD) patterns of PC-X (porous carbon materials obtained at various temperatures)
Dane BadawczeThese data contain X-ray diffraction patterns (XRD) of PC-700 (porous carbon materials obtained at 700°C), PC-800 (porous carbon materials obtained at 800°C) and PC-900 (porous carbon materials obtained at 900°C).
Chemical oxygen surface exchange coefficient (k*) of the SrxTi0.30Fe0.70O3 (x=0.90, 0.95 and 1.00) at different temperatures
Dane BadawczeIn this dataset are presented k* values designated based on the analysis of the electrical conductivity relaxation (ECR) mesurement of the SrxTi0.30Fe0.70O3 (x=0.90, 0.95, 1.00) materials. The applied temperatures were 800 °C, 750 °C, 700 °C, 650 °C, and 600 °C. Studies were performed in a small tube furnace (internal diameter ~20 mm) with 64 cm3 gas...
Nitrogen (N2) adsorption/desorption isotherms of PC-X (porous carbon materials obtained at various temperatures)
Dane BadawczeThese data contain nitrogen (N2) adsorption/desorption isotherms of PC-700 (porous carbon obtained at 700 °C), PC-800 (porous carbon obtained at 800°C), PC-900 (porous carbon materials obtained at 900°C). Data showed typical type-I isotherms, indicating the presence of micropores in their structures. PC-900, compared with PC-700 and PC-800, showed a...
Raman spectra of PCMCA-X (potassium citrate derived porous carbon materials obtained at various temperatures of carbonization)
Dane BadawczeThese data contain Raman spectra of PCMCA-700 (potassium citrate derived porous carbon materials obtained at 700°C ), PCMCA-800 (potassium citrate derived porous carbon materials obtained at 800°C ), PCMCA-900 (potassium citrate derived porous carbon materials obtained at 900°C ). The D peak at 1340 cm−1 and the G peak at 1592 cm−1 can be seen in all...
CO2 adsorption isotherms on PCMCA-X (potassium citrate derived porous carbon materials obtained at various temperatures of carbonization)
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains static CO2 adsorption isotherms on PCMCA-700 (potassium citrate derived porous carbon material obtained at 700 °C), PCMCA-800 (potassium citrate derived porous carbon material obtained at 800 °C), PCMCA -900 (potassium citrate derived porous carbon material obtained at 900 °C) adsorbents.
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy spectra measured at 700 °C on porous SrTi0.65Fe0.35O3-d oxygen electrodes sintered at different temperatures
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains results electrochemica impedance spectroscopy (EIS) of symmetrical cells with porous SrTi0.65Fe0.35O3-d oxygen electrodes sintered at different temperaturs (800 °C, 900 °C and 1000 °C). EIS spectra were measured at 700 °C with synthetic air flow (21% O2, 40 ml min-1). Results converted to electrode surfaces area and dived by two...
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy spectra measured at 700 °C on porous SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d oxygen electrodes sintered at different temperatures
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains results electrochemica impedance spectroscopy (EIS) of symmetrical cells with porous SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d oxygen electrodes sintered at different temperaturs (800 °C, 900 °C and 1000 °C). EIS spectra were measured at 700 °C with synthetic air flow (21% O2, 40 ml min-1). Results converted to electrode surfaces area and dived by two...
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy spectra measured at 700 °C on porous SrTi0.50Fe0.50O3-d oxygen electrodes sintered at different temperatures
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains results electrochemica impedance spectroscopy (EIS) of symmetrical cells with porous SrTi0.50Fe0.50O3-d oxygen electrodes sintered at different temperaturs (800 °C, 900 °C and 1000 °C). EIS spectra were measured at 700 °C with synthetic air flow (21% O2, 40 ml min-1). Results converted to electrode surfaces area and dived by two...
Linear impedance of 50(2Bi2O3-V2O5)-50SrB4O7 glass heat treated two times measured with impedance spectroscopy method at low temperatures
Dane BadawczeThe linear electrcial properties of 50(2Bi2O3-V2O5)-50SrB4O7 glass heat treated two times was measured by impedance spectroscopy method.
CO2 uptake capacities of PCMCA-900 (potassium citrate-derived porous carbon prepared at 900 °C) adsorbent at various temperatures
Dane BadawczeThese data contain CO2 uptake capacities of PCMCA-900 (potassium citrate-derived porous carbon prepared at 900 °C) adsorbent at various temperatures. Adsorption experiments were carried out at temperatures 0 °C, 25 °C, and 50 °C at 1 bar.
Distribution of Relaxation Times analysis results of impedance measured at 700 °C on porous SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d oxygen electrodes sintered at different temperatures
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains results of Distribution of Relaxation Times analysis (DRT) of impedance of symmetrical cells with porous SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d oxygen electrodes sintered at different temperatures (800 °C, 900 °C and 1000 °C). Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy were measured at 700 °C (syntetic air). The DRTTools Matlab GUI, available from prof....