Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: SOFT-STOREY FAILURE - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: SOFT-STOREY FAILURE

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: SOFT-STOREY FAILURE



    ISSN: 0886-022X , eISSN: 1525-6049



    ISSN: 1432-7643 , eISSN: 1433-7479



    ISSN: 1539-445X , eISSN: 1539-4468

  • Numerical simulation of laminate composite specimens failure


    - Rok 2014

    This work presents some numerical results concerning simulation of failure of laminate composite specimens. In the article two tests to determine ultimate strength in an orthotropic layer, are considered: tension (TT1) and compression (TC1) test. The outcome is compared with experimental data provided by [9,10].

  • Soft skills among academics: Five theoretically informed lessons for current times


    RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The aim of this article is to provide a comprehensive examination of the role of soft skills among academics in the context of the evolving higher-education landscape. THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: We use a scoping review of existing literature to discuss the importance of soft skills in academia. Through critical analysis and synthesis, we identify patterns and gaps in current knowledge and develop five...

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  • Logical Interface for Soft Handover – an effective scheme of handovers in Proxy Mobile IPv6


    - Rok 2015

    Multimedia services are currently commonly available on mobile devices. Due to networks' convergence and migration to all-IP networks, mobility management at network layer is required. Moreover, nowadays it is popular to equip mobile devices with more than one wireless interface. Thus, soft handovers can be implemented, which means that an existing connection is removed after a new one is established. Usage of the Logical Interfaces...

  • Analisys of the failure of fixator used in bone surgery


    The Gamma nail (fixator) made of stainless steel, which has broken in the body, was subjected to examination. The fixator was removed from the patient femur. The fracture occurred in the area of the nail hole after two months' stay in the organism. The research included chemical composition, hardness of the Gamma nail material and the observation and analysis of the type of fracture. The research showed the fatigue failure of the...

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  • [Soft Skills] Intellectual Property Protection

    Kursy Online
    • J. Pawłowska-Bajerska
    • A. Klej

    {mlang pl} Soft Skills Zajęcia obowiązkowe dla doktorantów I roku Prowadzący:  Justyna Pawłowska, PhD, Rzecznik Patentowy PG Liczba godzin: 5 {mlang} {mlang en} Soft Skills Obligatory course for 1st -year PhD students Academic teacher: Justyna Pawłowska, PhD, Rzecznik Patentowy PG Total hours of training: 5 teaching hours {mlang}

  • Failure Analysis of footbridge made of composite materials

    Finite element method analysis of a pedestrian footbridge made of sandwich material is presented. The internal structure of the material is modelled as a structural shell assuming the Equivalent Single Layer approach (ESL). Two FEM commercial codes are employed. The response of the structure is studied in order to determine the load level that activates Hashin and Tsai-Wu failure criteria. Some practical aspects of designing footbridges...

  • Experimental study on ultrasonic monitoring of splitting failure in reinforced concrete

    This paper investigates inspection of reinforced concrete elements sensitive to the splitting failure. The behaviour of a reinforced concrete specimen subjected to a tensile stress is considered. The damage detection procedure is based on the ultrasonic wave propagation technique. The piezoelectric transducers are located on both ends of the specimen and the measurements are taken periodically during the incrementally increased...

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  • [Soft Skills] Writing grant application

    Kursy Online
    • S. Sarniak
    • R. Downar-Zapolska
    • A. Klej

    {mlang pl} Dyscyplina: soft skills Zajęcia obowiązkowe dla doktorantów II roku,  Prowadzący:  mgr Renata Downar-Zapolska Liczba godzin: 5 Forma zajęć:  {mlang} {mlang en} Discipline: soft skills Obligatory course for 2nd-year PhD students Academic teacher: mgr Renata Downar-Zapolska Total hours of training: 5 teaching hours Course type:  {mlang}

  • [Soft Skills] Basic didactic methods

    Kursy Online
    • A. Klej
    • A. Męczkowska-Christiansen

    {mlang pl} Dyscyplina: soft skills Zajęcia obowiązkowe dla doktorantów I roku,  Prowadzący:  dr hab. Astrid Męczkowska-Christiansen Liczba godzin: 15 Forma zajęć:  {mlang} {mlang en} Discipline: soft skills Obligatory course for 1st-year PhD students Academic teacher: dr hab. Astrid Męczkowska-Christiansen Total hours of training: 15 teaching hours Course type:  {mlang}

  • [Soft Skills] Commercialization of scientific outcomes

    Kursy Online
    • A. Krawczyk-Kłos
    • D. Kuźniewski

    {mlang pl} Soft Skills Zajęcia obowiązkowe dla doktorantów  II roku Prowadzący:  Agnieszka Krawczyk-Kłos, Damian Kuźniewski Liczba godzin: 5 {mlang} {mlang en} Soft Skills Obligatory course for  2nd-year PhD students Academic teacher: Agnieszka Krawczyk-Kłos, Damian Kuźniewski Total hours of training: 5 teaching hours {mlang}

  • [Soft Skills] Writing grant application

    Kursy Online
    • R. Downar-Zapolska
    • J. Baum

    {mlang pl} Dyscyplina: soft skills Zajęcia obowiązkowe dla doktorantów II roku,  Prowadzący:  mgr Renata Downar-Zapolska Liczba godzin: 5 Forma zajęć: online Data:15.06.2023 {mlang} {mlang en} Discipline: soft skills Obligatory course for 2nd-year PhD students Academic teacher: mgr Renata Downar-Zapolska Total hours of training: 5 teaching hours Course type: online Date: 15.06.2023 {mlang}

  • Some developments in constitutive modelling of soft clays, Keynote lecture

    • S. Wheeler
    • M. Cudny
    • H. Neher
    • C. Wiltafsky

    - Rok 2003

    Przedstawiono przegląd najczęściej stosowanych modeli konstytutywnych dla naturalnych gruntów słabonośnych, takich jak: gliny, namuły lub torfy. Skupiono się przede wszystkim na takich elementach charakterystyki mechanicznej gruntów słabonośnych jak: anizotropia, zjawisko pełzania i relaksacji oraz destrukturyzacja. Artykuł jest podsumowaniem 4-letniego projektu badawczego finansowanego w ramach 5 ramowego projektu Unii Europejskiej:...

  • Failure analysis of the exhaust valve face in diesel marine engine


    - Advances in Materials Science - Rok 2010

    The exhaust valve from marine diesel engine which was damaged after 2000 hours of service was investigated. In order to prolong the service time the valve face was cladded with cobalt base alloy using laser technique. After failure microstructural and chemical analyses reviled that cladding process was conducted improperly. The chemical composition of the clad layer was far from the designed one and what more completely inhomogeneous....

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  • Fundamental Schemes to Determine Disjoint Paths for Multiple Failure Scenarios

    • T. Gomes
    • L. Jorge
    • R. Girão-Silva
    • J. Yallouz
    • P. Babarczi
    • J. Rak

    - Rok 2020

    Disjoint path routing approaches can be used to cope with multiple failure scenarios. This can be achieved using a set of k (k> 2) link- (or node-) disjoint path pairs (in single-cost and multi-cost networks). Alternatively, if Shared Risk Link Groups (SRLGs) information is available, the calculation of an SRLG-disjoint path pair (or of a set of such paths) can protect a connection against the joint failure of the set of links...

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  • [Soft Skills] Commercialization of scientific outcomes

    Kursy Online
    • A. Krawczyk-Kłos
    • D. Kuźniewski
    • A. Klej

    {mlang pl} Soft Skills Zajęcia obowiązkowe dla doktorantów  II roku Prowadzący:  Agnieszka Krawczyk-Kłos, Damian Kuźniewski Liczba godzin: 5 {mlang} {mlang en} Soft Skills Obligatory course for  2nd-year PhD students Academic teacher: Agnieszka Krawczyk-Kłos, Damian Kuźniewski Total hours of training: 5 teaching hours {mlang}

  • Biomechanical causes for failure of the Physiomesh/Securestrap system


    - Scientific Reports - Rok 2023

    This study investigates the mechanical behavior of the Physiomesh/Securestrap system, a hernia repair system used for IPOM procedures associated with high failure rates. The study involved conducting mechanical experiments and numerical simulations to investigate the mechanical behavior of the Physiomesh/Securestrap system under pressure load. Uniaxial tension tests were conducted to determine the elasticity modulus of the Physiomesh...

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  • Examining Ownership Equity as a Psychological Factor on Tourism Business Failure Forecasting


    This paper examines ownership equity as a predictor of future business failure within the tourism and hospitality sectors. The main goals of this study were to examine which ratios are the most important for a tourism business failure forecasting model and how significant is the “total percentage of equity ownership by company directors” ratio compared with other ratios associated with the probability of bankruptcy. A stepwise...

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  • Effect of Soft Handover on the Capacity of WCMDA/FDD Interfece Using MRC RAKE Receiver in Uplink

    In the paper the mechanism of soft and hard hanover in UMTS is presented. Simulation tests for different services having various performance requirements and transmission rates have beeen made. Simulation results showing effect of soft handover in comparison with hard handover on the capacity of WCMDA/FDD radio interfaceare described, when the RAKE receiver with Maximal Ratio Combining has been implemented in RNC.

  • [Soft Skills] Academic writing Group 3

    Kursy Online
    • A. Lis
    • A. Klej

    {mlang pl} Dyscyplina: Soft Skills Zajęcia obowiązkowe dla doktorantów I roku Prowadzący:  CJO PG Liczba godzin: 30   {mlang} {mlang en} Discipline: Soft Skills Obligatory course for 1st-year PhD students Academic teacher: CJO PG Total hours of training: 30 teaching hours {mlang}      

  • [Soft Skills] Academic writing Group 1

    Kursy Online
    • M. Strach-Drabina

    {mlang pl} Dyscyplina: Soft Skills Zajęcia obowiązkowe dla doktorantów I roku Prowadzący:  CJO PG Liczba godzin: 30   {mlang} {mlang en} Discipline: Soft Skills Obligatory course for 1st-year PhD students Academic teacher: CJO PG Total hours of training: 30 teaching hours {mlang}      

  • 4-Point beam tensile test on a soft adhesive

    • M. Budzik
    • J. Jumel
    • M. Shanahan

    - MATERIALS & DESIGN - Rok 2013

    An adhesive butt joint with a soft bondline has been studied. A series of experiments was conducted on test pieces constituted of aluminium adherends bonded with a low modulus epoxy adhesive, ScotchWeld™ 2216. The joint was subjected to four point bending, in tension/compression loading, under constant deflection rate, with the bondline being parallel to the applied load. The objective was to examine and evaluate crack nucleation...

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  • Soft-core processors as SoC prototyping solution for cryptographic application


    Artykuł przedstawia metodę wykorzystania procesora soft-core w zastosowaniach kryptografii. Przedstawione są problemy oraz zagadnienia, które udowadniają potrzebę wprowadzania silnych zabezpieczeń na niskim poziomie systemu sprzętowo-programowego. Istniejące zagrożenia stanowią wyzwanie dla projektantów bezpiecznych systemów, a sprzętowa realizacja obsługi algorytmu kryptograficznego AES jest dobrym przykładem rozwiązania tych...

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  • In-plane shear nonlinearity in failure behavior of angle-ply laminated shells


    The paper concerns the progressive failure analysis of laminates with the in-plane shear nonlinearity accounted for.The nonlinear shear response of the layer is described by the constitutive relation treating the stresses as a function of strains. Thus it can be easily incorporated into the displacement-based FEM codes. The brittle failure mechanisms of the fibers and the matrix of the layer are recognized with the use of the Hashin...

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  • Novel “soft” biodegradable nanoparticles prepared from aliphatic based monomers as a potential drug delivery system

    • A. Jäger
    • D. Gromadzki
    • E. Jäger
    • F. Giacomelli
    • A. Kozlowska
    • L. Kobera
    • J. Brus
    • B. Říhová
    • M. El
    • K. Ulbrich
    • P. Štĕpánek

    - SOFT MATTER - Rok 2012

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  • Soft-mode enhanced type-I superconductivity in LiPd2Ge


    - PHYSICAL REVIEW B - Rok 2020

    The synthesis, crystal structure, and physical properties (magnetization, resistivity, heat capacity) in combination with theoretical calculations of the electronic structure and phonon properties are reported for intermetallic compounds LiPd2X (X = Si, Ge, and Sn). LeBail refinement of powder x-ray diffraction data confirms that all compounds belong to the Heusler family (space group Fm-3m, No. 225). The lattice parameter increases...

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  • Progressive failure analysis of laminates in the framework of 6-field nonlinear shell theory


    The paper presents the model of progressive failure analysis of laminates incorporated into the 6-field non-linear shell theory with non-symmetrical strain measures of Cosserat type. Such a theory is specially recommended in the analysis of shells with intersections due to its specific kinematics including the so-called drilling rotation. As a consequence of asymmetry of strain measures, modified laminates failure criteria must...

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  • Elastic and inelastic multi-storey buildings under earthquake excitation with the effect of pounding


    - Journal of Applied Sciences - Rok 2009

    W artykule przeprowadzono analizę różnic w liniowym i nieliniowym zachowaniu się budynków wielokondygnacyjnych podczas trzęsień ziemi z uwzględnieniem efektu zderzeń pomiędzy nimi. Analizę numeryczną przeprowadzono dla różnych wartości ekstremalnych przyspieszeń gruntu. Wyniki pokazują, iż zaimplementowanie nieliniowego modelu zachowania się budowli jest bardzo istotne w celu uzyskania dokładnej odpowiedzi konstrukcji.

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  • Fabrication of polyurethane and polyurethane based composite fibers by the electrospinning technique for soft tissue engineering of cardiovascular system

    Electrospinning is the unique technique, which provides forming of polymeric scaffolds for soft tissue engineering, which include tissue scaffolds for soft tissues of cardiovascular system. Such artificial soft tissues of cardiovascular system may possess mechanical properties comparable to native vascular tissues. Electrospinning technique gives the opportu nity to form fibres with nm- to μm-scale in diameter. The arrangement...

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  • Statistical evaluation of physical and index properties of Vistula Marshlands deltaic soft soils

    This paper provides statistical evaluation of physical and index parameters of the Vistula Marshlands deltaic soft soils using three datasets. Soft soils from the Vistula Marshlands are grouped into the four categories: (1) silty/sandy loams, (2) organic clays, (3) organic silts and (4) peats. Variability of basic and derivative physical properties as well as Atterberg's limits and plasticity index is studied. It is found that...

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  • Excavation induced cast iron pipeline failure – a numerical study

    Numerical study on impact of an unsecured excavation on an underground pipeline. Analysis focused on investigation of pipeline displacement generated by soil movement caused by excavation and heavy traffic. Numerical calculations and soil parameter sensitivity analysis based on Finite Element Method. Some comparisons of results with real-life failure cases.

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  • [Soft Skills] Academic writing gr. 4

    Kursy Online
    • A. Klej
    • I. Mokwa-Tarnowska

    {mlang pl} Dyscyplina: soft skills Zajęcia obowiązkowe dla doktorantów I roku, fakultatywne dla doktorantów II roku Prowadzący:   dr Iwona Mokwa-Tarnowska Liczba godzin: 30 Forma zajęć:  {mlang} {mlang en} Discipline: soft skills Obligatory course for 1st-year PhD students, facultative for 2nd-year PhD students Academic teacher: dr Iwona Mokwa - Tarnowska Total hours of training: 30 teaching hours Course type:  {mlang}

  • [Soft Skills] Academic writing gr. 3

    Kursy Online
    • A. Klej
    • I. Mokwa-Tarnowska

    {mlang pl} Dyscyplina: soft skills Zajęcia obowiązkowe dla doktorantów I roku, fakultatywne dla doktorantów II roku Prowadzący:   dr Iwona Mokwa-Tarnowska Liczba godzin: 30 Forma zajęć:  {mlang} {mlang en} Discipline: soft skills Obligatory course for 1st-year PhD students, facultative for 2nd-year PhD students Academic teacher: dr Iwona Mokwa - Tarnowska Total hours of training: 30 teaching hours Course type:  {mlang}

  • A new prototype of piezoelectric bending resonant transducer for analysis of soft tissues properties


    This paper is devoted to a new piezoelectric bending resonant transducer prototype dedicated to the characterization of the mechanical properties of soft tissue. A general description of the actuator’s structure is presented including the basic principles of the measurement. The chosen geometry of the prototype is discussed and compared with the existing version. Constitutive equations are presented for the active and passive layer...

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  • Large deformation modelling of CPT probing in soft soil—pore water pressure analysis


    This paper presents the results of finite element modelling with Updated Lagrangian formulation of the Cone Penetration Test in soft soil deposit located in Jazowa, Poland. The numerical calculations are carried out for homogenous, normally consolidated, organic soil layer. The Modified Cam Clay constitutive model for soft soil and Coulomb model for interface are used. The study compares the registered pore water pressure distributions...

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  • Failure model of main elements of the ship engine crankshaft-piston assembly


    The paper presents a failure model of main elements of the crankshaft-piston assembly, based on failures ofcrankshaft-piston assembly and timing gear system of the Sulzer RD engines, retrieved from the equipment reliabilitydata of selected ships.

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  • Throughput-Coverage Characteristics for Soft and Partial Frequency Reuse in the LTE Downlink


    - Rok 2013

    The paper presents results of simulation and evaluation of throughput-coverage characteristics for the OFDMA-based LTE network with Soft Frequency Reuse or Partial Frequency Reuse. Firstly, simulation results of throughput characteristics for a single user connection are presented, which allow the evaluation of the stability and availability of bit rate achieved in different areas of a cell. Secondly, the capacity characteristics...

  • Examination of selected failure criteria with asymmetric shear stresses in the collapse analysis of laminated shells

    The paper is concerned with failure analysis of composite shells performed with the usage of the nonlinear 6‐parameter shell theory with drilling rotation degree of freedom. This special theory embodies naturally unlim-ited translations and rotations and is suitable for analysis of irregular shells for instance with various, partic-ularly orthogonal, intersections. The presence of the drilling rotation is inherently accompanied...

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  • [Soft Skills] Academic writing Group 3 (2024)

    Kursy Online
    • A. Jachowicz

    {mlang pl} Dyscyplina: Soft Skills Zajęcia obowiązkowe dla doktorantów I roku Prowadzący:  CJO PG Liczba godzin: 30   {mlang} {mlang en} Discipline: Soft Skills Obligatory course for 1st-year PhD students Academic teacher: CJO PG Total hours of training: 30 teaching hours {mlang}  

  • [Soft Skills] Academic writing Group 2024/1

    Kursy Online
    • M. Strach-Drabina

    {mlang pl} Dyscyplina: Soft Skills Zajęcia obowiązkowe dla doktorantów I roku Prowadzący:  CJO PG Liczba godzin: 30   {mlang} {mlang en} Discipline: Soft Skills Obligatory course for 1st-year PhD students Academic teacher: CJO PG Total hours of training: 30 teaching hours {mlang}  

  • Soft-decision schemes for radar estimation of elevation at low grazing angles

    In modern radars, the problem of estimating elevation angle at low grazing angles is typically solved using superresolution techniques. These techniques often require one to provide an estimate of the number of waveforms impinging the array, which one can accomplish using model selection techniques. In this paper, we investigate the performance of an alternative approach, based on the Bayesian-like model averaging. The Bayesian...

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  • [Soft Skills] Academic writing Group 5 (2022)

    Kursy Online
    • A. Klej
    • A. Jachowicz

    {mlang pl} Dyscyplina: Soft Skills Zajęcia obowiązkowe dla doktorantów I roku Prowadzący:  CJO PG Liczba godzin: 30   {mlang} {mlang en} Discipline: Soft Skills Obligatory course for 1st-year PhD students Academic teacher: CJO PG Total hours of training: 30 teaching hours {mlang}      

  • [Soft Skills] Academic writing Group 2024/2

    Kursy Online
    • M. Strach-Drabina

    {mlang pl} Dyscyplina: Soft Skills Zajęcia obowiązkowe dla doktorantów I roku Prowadzący:  CJO PG Liczba godzin: 30   {mlang} {mlang en} Discipline: Soft Skills Obligatory course for 1st-year PhD students Academic teacher: CJO PG Total hours of training: 30 teaching hours {mlang}      

  • Failure analysis and modernization of high-pressure hydraulic press for drilling tubes testing


    - Engineering Failure Analysis - Rok 2020

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Circulation-Heart Failure


    ISSN: 1941-3289 , eISSN: 1941-3297

  • ESC Heart Failure


    ISSN: 2055-5822

  • JACC-Heart Failure


    ISSN: 2213-1779 , eISSN: 2213-1787

  • Heart Failure Clinics


    ISSN: 1551-7136