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wyświetlamy 1000 najlepszych wyników Pomoc
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: HIGH-SPEED DRIVES
The wear of PVD coated elements in oscillation motion at high temperature
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Ridging, strength, and stability in high-resolution sea ice models
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TiO2 Nanoparticles with High Photocatalytic Activity Under Visible Light
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Study of the High-Pressure Superconducting State in H3Se at 300 GPa
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Superstable magnetic nanoreactors with high efficiency for Suzuki-coupling reactions
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Treatment of high blood pressure in acute stroke – The SCAST Study
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Towards a Unified Requirements Model for Distributed High Performance Computing
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Gradient reversed-phase high-performance chromatography of ionogenic analytes
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pH gradient high-performance liquid chromatography: theory and applications
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The Issues of Reactive Power Compensation in High-voltage Transmission Lines
PublikacjaThis paper discusses the selection of compensation shunt reactors for a double-circuit 400 kV transmission line using the example of the newly built Elk Bis – Alytus transmission line. The analysis takes into account various conditions of the power system. The published results relate to voltage levels in steady states and during switching processes and short circuits.
High Growth Aspirations of Nascent Entrepreneurs: Why Do They Fall?
PublikacjaIntention-based research become more and more popular in various domains, including entrepreneurship. Achieving growth by a business must be planned or at least consciously accepted by the business owner. That is why it is vital to take growth intentions into account when trying to predict growth of business. Personal attitude of an entrepreneur towards growth is important from the very beginning of business operations or even...
High accuracy hydroacoustic system to study codend model parameters
PublikacjaWażnym zadaniem projektantów narzędzi połowowych jest stworzenie efektywnych narzędzi połowowych działających selektywnie poprzez optymalizacje ich geometrii. Hydroakustyczny system pomiaru geometrii modeli worków dorszowych opisany w artykule został zaprojektowany dla opracowania konstrukcji worka dorszowego na potrzeby rybołówstwa na Morzu Bałtyckim.System składa się z 10 par przetworników ultradźwiękowych, mikroprocesorowego...
Analysis of pressure ratio in the intake in dependence on high-voltage behaviours
PublikacjaPower control in spark ignition engines by regulating the intake air is performed. The control unit needs information about the air pressure conditions which then enters the combustion chamber. The information about the intake air pressure is an important quantity for optimal control of combustion mixtures. The paper describes some types of sensors that are used to measure the air intake temperature. Air pressure in the intake...
High temperature corrosion of evaporator tubes with thermal sprayed coatings
PublikacjaDegradation examinations of outer surface of low-emission steam boiler evaporator tubes are presented in the paper. Metallographic evaluation of scale morphology, its micro sites chemical composition analysis and distribution of elements on cross sections have been performed. Water-wall tubes were exposed in steam boiler for up to two years period. Common tubes made of 16Mo3 steel suffered sulphide and molten salts corrosions....
Formation of High Corrosion Resistant Nanotubular Layers on TitaniumAlloy Ti13Nb13Zr
PublikacjaThis paper presents results of oxidation tests and corrosion investigations of titanium alloy Ti13Nb13Zr performed at different conditions. The oxide layers have been formed by electrochemical method in 2M H3PO4 + 0.3% HF solution for 30 min. and 1 h at 20 V constantvoltage. The corrosion tests have been made by potentiodynamic method in Ringer`s solution at pH ranged between 3 and 7. It has been shown that the nano-oxide films,...
Detection of high frequency current components by residual current devices
PublikacjaThe negative impact of current harmonics on the main components of residual current devices is presented. A solution for the improvement of the operation of residual current devices is proposed.
High temperature corrosion and corrosion protection of porous Ni22Cr alloys
PublikacjaIn this work corrosion kinetics of the porous IN625 alloy is studied in the temperature range of 700 °C – 800 °C in air and humidified hydrogen for up to 1000 hours. Moreover, an effective and simple method of reducing corrosion rates of porous alloys by the infiltration of the rare earths elements is shown. Modification by the yttrium containing precursor reduces the corrosion rate by a factor of 50 in air at 700 °C so that the...
High load capacity spur gears with conchoidal path of contact
PublikacjaThe present study is devoted to investigation of spur gears with a conchoidal path of contact and a convex-convex contact between teeth. The load capacity and energy efficiency were evaluated using both theoretical and experimental approaches. The theoretical analysis showed that the conchoidal gear pairs are 5–21% stronger in terms of contact stress and have similar energy efficiency as compared to the involute gear pairs of the...
Hydrogen degradation of high-strength weldable steels in sea-water
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono ocenę podatności stali o wysokiej wytrzymałości oraz ich złączy spawanych na kruchość wodorową. Wykonano próby powolnego rozciągania na stalach gatunku 17HMBVA i 14HNMBCu oraz ich złączach spawanych, w środowisku wody morskiej, przy polaryzacji katodowej. Wykonano badania elektrochemiczne przenikania wodoru przez membrany pobrane z rożnych obszarów złączy spawanych.
Advanced vanadium modified steels for high pressure hydrogen reactors
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono nową generację stali chromowo-molibdenowych zmodyfikowanych wanadem, przeznaczonych do budowy wodorowych reaktorów i porównano ze stalami konwencjonalnymi. Opisano mikrostrukturę, właściwości i zastosowanie stali. Podkreślono wpływ mikrostruktury nowych stali na przebieg degradacji środowiskowej.
The high-energy critical minimum in elastic electron scattering by argon.
PublikacjaZostało zbadane położenie wysokoenergetycznego minimum krytycznego w rozpraszaniu elektronów na argonie. W celu przeprowadzenia dyskusji zachowania się czynnego przekroju różniczkowego w okolicy minimum krytycznego przeprowadzono analizę położenia minimum zarówno dla energii, jak i kątów.
Hydrogen degradation of high-strength weldable steels in sea-water.
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono ocenę degradacji wodorowej dwóch gatunków stali spawalnych o wysokiej wytrzymałości 17HMBVA i 14HNMBCu. Badania wykonano na materiałach rodzimych i złączach spawanych stali w oparciu o próbę rozciągania z małą prędkością. Próby wykonano w powietrzu oraz środowisku wody morskiej przy polaryzacji katodowej. Dodatkowo wykonano elektrochemiczne badania przenikania wodoru i wyznaczono zależności stężenia wodoru...
Nonlinear rate dependent model of high damping rubber bearing.
PublikacjaCelem artykułu jest analiza nieliniowego modelu łożyska wykonanego z wysokotłumiącej gumy, który symuluje pracę urządzenia pod zadanym obciążeniem. Parametry modelu dobrane są na podstawie wyników badań eksperymentalnych. Wyniki pracy pokazują, iż analizowany model umożliwia symulację zachowania się łożyska w szerokim zakresie odkształceń
Provisional model technique in the FDTD analysis of high-q resonators.
PublikacjaW artykule zaproponowano nową metodą wyznaczania wartości współczynnika dobroci oraz częstotliwości rezonansowych rezonatorów dużej dobroci na podstawie odpowiedzi układów w dziedzinie czasu. Przebiegi czasowe, będące rezultatem symulacji pełnofalowej układów, modelowane są dwukrotnie. Pierwszy model, tzw. model prowizoryczny, wykorzystywany jest do przedłużenia oryginalnego ciągu czasowego w celu zapobieżenia zniekształceniu wspomnianego...
High accuracy and octave error immune pitch detection algorithms.
PublikacjaW publikacji przedstawiona została metoda poprawiająca dokładność estymacji częstotliwości podstawowej dźwięków naturalnych i syntetycznych. Opracowany algorytm wykorzystuje sztczną sieć neuronową. Dodatkowo przedstawiony został algorytm zoptymalizowany pod kątem błędów oktawowych, operujący w dziedzinie częstotliwości. Przedstawiona metoda jest bardzo skuteczna zarówno dla sygnałów harmonicznych o znaczącej energii poszczególnych...
The influence of parameters of input probe on the error of high impedance measurement
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono sondę do pomiaru wysokich impedancji w zakresie 1kohm<|Zx|<100Gohm przeznaczoną do dołączenia do analizatorów typu gain-phase. Przeanalizowano wpływ parametrów sondy (pojemności pasożytnicze, toleranca rezystorów określających wzmocnienie wzmacniacza) na dokładność wyznaczenia modułu i argumentu zespolonego stosunku sygnałów wydzielonych w sondzie. Zamieszczono wyniki symulacji i pomiarów, pozwalające na...
Hydrogen delayed cracking of high-strength 14hnmbcu steel in seawater
PublikacjaOceniano podatność na niszczenie wodorowe stali o wysokiej wytrzymałości i jej połączeń spawanych przy stałym obciążeniu w wodzie morskiej. Badania przeprowadzono na próbkach okrągłych z karbem w środowisku wody morskiej przy potencjale korozyjnym oraz przy polaryzacji katodowej. Badano stal gatunku 14HNMBCu o minimalnej granicy plastyczności 690 MPa oraz jej połączenia spawane automatycznie łukiem krytym i ręcznie łukowo elektrodą...
Evaluation of susceptibility of high-strength steels to hydrogen delayed cracking
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wyniki badań podatności na opóźnine pękanie wodorowe stali o wysokiej wytrzymałości w oparciu o próbę stałego obciążenia. Badano stal do pracy w podwyższonych temperaturach 26H2MF oraz stal do ulepszania cieplnego 34HNM w środowisku przepracowanego oleju silnikowego. Badano również stal 14HNMBCu i jej złącza spawane w środowisku wody morskiej przy polaryzacji katodowej.
Design of High-Performance Scattering Metasurfaces through Optimization-Based Explicit RCS Reduction
PublikacjaThe recent advances in the development of coding metasurfaces created new opportunities in realization of radar cross section (RCS) reduction. Metasurfaces, composed of optimized geometries of meta-atoms arranged as periodic lattices, are devised to obtain desired electromagnetic (EM) scattering characteristics. Despite potential benefits, their rigorous design methodologies are still lacking, especially in the context of controlling...
High temperature linear impedance of 35P2O5-30Fe2O3-35Nb2O5
Dane BadawczeThe high temperature electrical properties of phosphate-iron glasses containing niobium were investigated. Glass samples of the composition of 35P2O5-30Fe2O3-35Nb2O5 (in %mol) were prepared by the conventional melt quenching technique. Appropriate amounts of reagents ((NH4)2HPO4 (≥99.9%, POCH), Fe2O3 (≥99.9%, POCH), Nb2O5 (≥99.9%, PLUKA AG) and TiO2...
Improvement of Attention, Executive Functions, and Processing Speed in Elderly Women as a Result of Involvement in the Nordic Walking Training Program and Vitamin D Supplementation
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Validation of odor concentration from mechanical-biological treatment piles using static chamber and wind tunnel with different wind speed values
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Validation study on a new semi-empirical method for the prediction of added resistance in waves of arbitrary heading in analyzing ship speed trial results
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Validation study on a new semi-empirical method for the prediction of added resistance in waves of arbitrary heading in analyzing ship speed trial results
PublikacjaThis paper describes an open and extensive validation study carried out by the Specialist Committee on Ships in Operation at Sea (SOS) of the International Towing Tank Conference (ITTC) on the newly developed SHOPERA-NTUA-NTU-MARIC (SNNM) wave-added resistance prediction method. The SNNM method aims at a simple, fast and transparent determination of the added resistance in regular waves of arbitrary encounter directions, even when...
Investigation of low-temperature cracking in newly constructed high-modulus asphalt concrete base course of a motorway pavement
PublikacjaThe paper presents the issue of low-temperature transverse cracks which have developed in newly constructed base courses made of high-modulus asphalt concrete mix (HMAC). Numerous transverse cracks developed in the analysed HMAC base during the winter season before the pavement was actually completed, both at the transverse joint locations and in the areas between them. This had not happened so far on such a scale during road construction...
Polymer journal bearings behaviour research under limited lubrication and cooling conditions conducted on high torque test rig
PublikacjaPolymer journal bearings are frequently used as a water-lubricated bearings of small marine units’ propeller shafts . Choice of these bearings is based on their simple construction and relatively low purchase and maintenance costs. Although properly designed and installed water lubricated bearings may well last for over a decade, rapid wear or failure of these bearings can be observed...
High resolution X-ray diffractometry and reflectometry of semiconductor nano- and micro- structures based on X-ray refractive optics
PublikacjaIn this thesis proposed, discussed and studied novel synchrotron X-ray diffractometry and reflectometry methods based on a refractive optics. The experimental results obtained from the ID06 beamline at ESRF, Grenoble, France are presented and analyzed in this work to demonstrate a high angular and space resolution in addition to the opportunity to manage in situ and on operando experiments with the help of proposed X-ray optical...
Functionalized Polyolefins Produced by Post-Metallocenes; High Added Value Materials, but Can They Be Produced Efficiently?
PublikacjaRandomly functionalized polyolefins produced by catalysis have received increasing attention owing to their welldefined molecular structures, uniform distribution, and variety in types of functionalities. Herein, we investigate the scalability of the production of hydroxyl-functionalized propylene copolymers via a high temperature solution polymerization process using aluminum trialkyls as passivating agents. Initially, we evaluated...
Nitrogen removal in vertical flow constructed wetlands: influence of bed depth and high nitrogen loadings
PublikacjaThe aim of the study was to evaluate the nitrogen removal and its effects on the plant’s growth and leaves morphology. using two subsurface vertical flow (VF bed), with different depths (0.24 m2 × 0.70 m; 0.24 m2 × 0.35 m) and nitrogen load increments. The VF bed were planted with Vetiveria zizanioides, filled with light expanded clay aggregates (Leca®NR 10/20) and fed in parallel mode with synthetic wastewater. High ammonium nitrogen...
Comparative analysis of thermodynamic cycles of selected nuclear ship power plants with high-temperature helium-cooled nuclear reactor
PublikacjaThis paper presents a comparative analysis of thermodynamic cycles of two ship power plant systems with a high-temperature helium- cooled nuclear reactor. The first of them is a gas system with recuperator , in which classical gas chamber is substituted for a HTGR reactor (High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor) . The second of the considered cycles is a combined gas-steam system where working medium flux from gas turbine outlet...
Efficient parallel implementation of crowd simulation using a hybrid CPU+GPU high performance computing system
PublikacjaIn the paper we present a modern efficient parallel OpenMP+CUDA implementation of crowd simulation for hybrid CPU+GPU systems and demonstrate its higher performance over CPU-only and GPU-only implementations for several problem sizes including 10 000, 50 000, 100 000, 500 000 and 1 000 000 agents. We show how performance varies for various tile sizes and what CPU–GPU load balancing settings shall be preferred for various domain...
On the Application of Magnetoacoustic Emission for a Nondestructive Assessment of the Post Welding Heat Treatment of High Chromium Steel Weld Seams
PublikacjaThe paper analyses the possibility of post weld heat treatment (PWHT) quality assessment with the help of magnetoacoustic emission (MAE) signal measurements. Two welded superheater tubes, made of high chromium VM12 steel, were analysed—as welded and heat treated one. The analysed sample in the as welded state exhibited significantly higher hardness, accompanied by a big difference in the MAE signal intensity (of order of about...
Metallurgical characterization and high-temperature tensile failure of Inconel 617 alloy welded by GTAW and SMAW—a comparative study
PublikacjaTwo types of the weld joint of Inconel 617 alloy were produced using gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) and shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) processes with ERNiCrCoMo-1 filler metal and ENiCrCoMo-1 electrode, respectively. The weld metal showed the segregation of the principle alloying elements like Mo and Cr along the inter-dendritic spaces, triggering the formation of secondary phases. The microstructure characterization of the...
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Novel Complementary Multiple Concentric Split Ring Resonator for Reliable Characterization of Dielectric Substrates with High Sensitivity
PublikacjaAccurate characterization of dielectric substrates with high sensitivity remains an important challenge in a variety of industrial applications. This paper proposes an innovative strategy to address this challenge by developing and optimizing a unique Complementary Multiple Concentric Split Ring Resonator (CMC-SRR). The major goal is to propose a sensor design with increased sensitivity and reliability for dielectric characterization....
Thermodynamic Cycle Concepts for High-Efficiency Power Plants. Part B: Prosumer and Distributed Power Industry
PublikacjaAn analysis was carried out for different thermodynamic cycles of power plants with air turbines. A new modification of a gas turbine cycle with the combustion chamber at the turbine outlet has been described in the paper. A special air by-pass system of the combustor was applied, and in this way, the efficiency of the turbine cycle was increased by a few points. The proposed cycle equipped with an effective heat exchanger could...
A novel approach to enhance high optically active L-lactate production from food waste by landfill leachate
PublikacjaThe recycling of food waste (FW) through anaerobic fermentation into lactic acid (LA), with two isomers L-LA and D-LA, aligns with the principles of a bio-based circular economy. However, FW fermentation is often limited by competing pathways, acidification inhibition, and trace metals deficiency. This study investigates the introduction of landfill leachate, containing buffering agents (ammonia) and trace metals, into FW fermentation....
Impressions about people with intellectual disability of Polish high school students who participated in a workshop led by self-advocates
PublikacjaThe research question is whether participation in a two-session workshop led by self-advocates with mild intellectual disability, supported by professional staff, affects high school students’ impression of people with intellectual disability, measured by a self-report questionnaire based on a semantic differential. The study was paper-pencil questionnaire-based and anonymous, conducted in Warsaw, Poland. Three measurements...
Support Materials of Organic and Inorganic Origin as Platforms for Horseradish Peroxidase Immobilization: Comparison Study for High Stability and Activity Recovery
PublikacjaIn the presented study, a variety of hybrid and single nanomaterials of various origins were tested as novel platforms for horseradish peroxidase immobilization. A thorough characterization was performed to establish the suitability of the support materials for immobilization, as well as the activity and stability retention of the biocatalysts, which were analyzed and discussed. The physicochemical characterization of the obtained...
Grey wolf optimizer integrated within boosting algorithm: Application in mechanical properties prediction of ultra high-performance concrete including carbon nanotubes
PublikacjaNowadays, the construction industry has increasingly recognized the superior performance characteristics of ultra high-performance concrete (UHPC). Known for its exceptional durability and high tensile strength, UHPC material is revolutionizing structure standards subjected to extreme environmental conditions and heavy loads. This paper explores the enhancement of UHPC with nano- and micromaterials, employing advanced machine-learning...